PZC Agenda 060512Agenda Posted on June 1, 2012 at the following public places within the Town of Avon:  Avon Municipal Building, main lobby  Avon Recreation Center, side entrance board  Alpine Bank, main lobby  Avon Public Library, public notice board  On the Internet at http://www.avon.org / Please call (970) 748.4030 for directions Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda for June 5, 2012 Avon Town Council Chambers Meetings are open to the public Avon Municipal Building / One Lake Street I. Call to Order (5:00pm) II. Roll Call III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda a. May 15, 2012 Meeting Minutes b. Major Design & Development Plan: Lot 115, Block 1, Wildridge (2090 Beaver Creek Point) c. Minor Design & Development Plan: Lot 78, Block 4, Wildridge (5691B E. Wildridge Road) VI. Minor Design & Development Plan Northside Coffee and Kitchen Property Location: Lot 4, Buck Creek PUD / 14 Nottingham Road Applicant: Dominic Mauriello, MPG / Owner: Millmore, LLC Description: Installation of a parking area for 7 additional parking spaces. Other improvements include extension of a retaining wall to the north side of the property, moving of the existing trash enclosure for the Northside Coffee and Kitchen, removal of existing landscaping and installation of new landscaping. VII. Preliminary PUD Application – PUBLIC HEAERING Property Location: Mixed-Use Development known as The Village (at Avon) Applicant/Owner: Harvey Robertson / Traer Creek, LLC Description: The Applicant is proposing a Preliminary PUD Application in order to implement certain provisions of the Settlement Term Sheet – made and entered on October 7, 2011 by and between the Town, Traer Creek LLC, Traer Creek-RP,LLC, Traer Creek Plaza LLC, EMD Limited Liability, Traer Creek-HD, LLC, Traer Creek-WMT, LLC, BNP Paribas and Traer Creek Metropolitan District. The Application proposes several amendments to the approved zoning control documents, including but not limited to the following: extension of Vested Property Rights, Modifications to the location of the dedicated School Sites, modifications to development standards and allowed uses, administrative subdivisions, changes to the DRB Powers, and clarifying exemptions to Town Code requirements. VIII. Other Business IX. Adjourn