TC Minutes 03-26-2024AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES A TUESDAY MARCH 26, 2024 ,avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM C O L O R A D O 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL The meeting was hosted in a hybrid format, in -person at Avon Town Hall and virtually via Zoom.us. Mayor Amy Phillips called the March 26, 2024, Council regular meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. A roll call was taken, and Councilors present in person were Chico Thuon, Rich Carroll, Lindsay Hardy, Ruth Stanley, Mayor Pro Tern Tamra Underwood, and Mayor Amy Phillips. Councilor RJ Andrade joined the meeting in person at 5:08 p.m. They were joined by Town Manager Eric Heil, Deputy Town Manager Patty McKenny, General Government Manager Ineke de Jong, Town Attorney Nina P. Williams, Town Clerk Miguel Jauregui Casanueva, Avon Rec Director Michael Labagh, Finance Director Paul Redmond, Community Development Director Matt Pielsticker, Planning Manager Jenna Skinner Long Range Housing Planner Patti Liermann, Marketing and Communication Manager Elizabeth Wood, CASE Manager Danita Dempsey, and Avon Police Chief Greg Daly. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Video Start Time: 00:00:51 Mayor Phillips initiated the meeting with the Agenda approval process. Without further discussion, Mayor Pro Tern Underwood motioned to approve the Agenda, as presented. Councilor Hardy seconded the motion. It was approved with a 6-0 vote of those present. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS Video Start Time: 00:01:28 Mayor Phillips asked if there were any conflicts of interest related to the Agenda, and none were disclosed. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Video Start Time: 00:01:45 Mayor Phillips explained that public comment can be made by participating in the meeting in person, via zoom's video/audio, via telephone, or via email. She added that the public comment section is intended for items not listed in the Agenda, and participation by members of the public is limited to 3 minutes. She asked if there was any public comment from those present in the room or virtually and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. Town Clerk Miguel Jauregui Casanueva took the podium to advise Councilors that there was a typo in the numbering of 'Resolution 24-08: Adopting a Flag Policy' as approved on March 12, 2024, and that the corrected resolution number will be amended to "Resolution 24-13: Adopting a Flag Policy". 5. BUSINESS ITEMS 5.1.Health & Recreation Committee Member Interviews (Recreation Director Michael Labagh) Video Start Time: 00:03:00 Avon Rec Director Michael Labagh introduced the topic of interviewing applicants to join the Health and Rec Committee and provided Council with a recommendation on the process to appoint all seven applicants as members of the Health and Recreation Committee so that combined the Health AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY MARCH 26, 2024 HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO and Recreation Committee overall better represents diversity, equity, and inclusion. Mayor Phillips suggested that applicants be given a 2- or 3-year term so they could syncopate the composition of the Committee and ensure not all members retire simultaneously. This proposal received unanimous support from her fellow Councilors. Council interviewed the following applicants: (i) Kevin Hyatt, (ii) NancyTashman, (iii) Patricia Nolan, (iv) Sonia Martinez, and (v) Courtney Walters Rawson. Not available for an interview were (vi) Lisa Post and (vii) Kathy Ryan. After the interview process, each Councilor marked their selected candidates on a voting card, including their preferred term, as follows: • Councilor Thuon: Kevin Hyatt (3-year), Nancy Tashman (3-year), Patricial Nolan (3-year), Lisa Post (2-year), Courtney Walters Rawson (2-year), Kathy Ryan (2-year), and Sonia Martinez (2-year). • Councilor Carroll: Kevin Hyatt (3-year), Nancy Tashman (3-year), Patricial Nolan (3-year), Lisa Post (2-year), Courtney Walters Rawson (2-year), Kathy Ryan (2-year), and Sonia Martinez (2-year). • Councilor Andrade: Kevin Hyatt (3-year), Nancy Tashman (3-year), Patricial Nolan (2-year), Lisa Post (2-year), Courtney Walters Rawson (2-year), Kathy Ryan (3-year), and Sonia Martinez (2-year). • Councilor Hardy: Kevin Hyatt (3-year), Nancy Tashman (3-year), Patricia] Nolan (3-year), Lisa Post (2-year), Courtney Walters Rawson (2-year), Kathy Ryan (2-year), and Sonia Martinez (2-year). • Councilor Stanley: Kevin Hyatt (3-year), Nancy Tashman (3-year), Patricial Nolan (3-year), Lisa Post (2-year), Courtney Walters Rawson (2-year), Kathy Ryan (2-year), and Sonia Martinez (2-year). • Mayor Pro Tern Underwood: Kevin Hyatt (3-year), Nancy Tashman (3-year), Patricial Nolan (3-year), Lisa Post (2-year), Courtney Walters Rawson (2-year), Kathy Ryan (2-year), and Sonia Martinez (2-year). • Mayor Phillips: Kevin Hyatt (3-year), Nancy Tashman (3-year), Patricial Nolan (2-year), Lisa Post (3-year), Courtney Walters Rawson (2-year), Kathy Ryan (2-year), and Sonia Martinez (2-year). Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. After brief deliberations, Councilor Carroll motioned to appoint Kevin Hyatt, Nancy Tashman, and Patricia Nolan to a three-year term, and Lisa Post, Courtney Walters Rawson, Kathy Ryan and Sonia Martinez to a two-year term, respectively, on the Town of Avon Health and Recreation Committee. Councilor Stanley seconded the motion. It was approved with a 6-0 vote of those present, with Councilor Thuon away for a moment from the dais at the time of the voting. 5.2.Downtown Development Authority Candidate Interviews and Appointment to the DDA Board (Town Manager Eric Heil and Town Clerk Miguel Jauregui Casanueva Video Start Time: 00:32:34 Town Clerk Miguel Jauregui Casanueva introduced the topic of selecting a new candidate to fill the z AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES A TUESDAY MARCH 26, 2024 ,avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO vacant seat at the Avon DDA Board of Directors. Councilors interviewed returning applicant Gregg Cooper virtually via Zoom and were also advised Jim Telling was unintentionally not made aware of the need to make himself available for an interview at this time. After brief deliberations and by show of hands, Councilors Thuon, Carroll, Andrade, Stanley, Mayor Pro Tern Underwood, and Mayor Phillips voted in favor of appointing Gregg Cooper to the Board of Directors of the Avon DDA, with Councilor Hardy voting in favor of Jim Telling. Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. After brief deliberations, Councilor Stanley motioned to appoint Gregg Cooper as Director of the Avon DDA Board for a period to end on June 30, 2025. Councilor Carroll seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously with a 7-0 vote. 5.3.PUBLIC HEARING: Second Reading of Ordinance 24-04 Slopeside Rezoning Application (REZ23001) (Planning Manager Jena Skinner) Video Start Time: 00:44:00 Planning Manager Jena Skinner delivered a presentation related to the Second Reading of Ordinance 24-04 relative to the Slopeside Rezoning Application (REZ23001). Mayor Phillips opened the floor to the public hearing and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. After brief deliberations, Councilor Thuon motioned to approve the second reading of Ordinance 24-04. Councilor Hardy seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously with a 7-0 vote. 5.4.Resolution 24-10: Adopting Town of Avon Employee Housing Plan Supplement (Long Range Housing Planner Patti Liermann) Video Start Time: 00:49:23 Long Range Housing Planner Patti Liermann delivered a presentation related to Resolution 24-10: Adopting Town of Avon Employee Housing Plan Supplement. Town Manager Eric Heil joined her in speaking of the importance of making housing available to ensure sustainability of Town services through focusing on availability of housing for employees of the Town. Councilor Thuon asked if rent support programs for employees were available and was advised that Staff recommend investing in a permanent inventory for housing over rent support programs. Councilor Andrade expressed concern that this program might put local business owners and the public trying to secure housing at a disadvantage when competing with the Town of Avon in purchasing housing stock in Avon. Councilor Hardy used rental costs at the Piedmont Apartments to exemplify the high cost of housing rentals in Avon and emphasized that affordable rentals have a waiting list of approximately 5 years to access it in certain cases. Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and Marianne Milloy, resident of the Seasons at Avon, took the podium in person to state that her concern is that her 4 grandchildren who are local to the area do not know how they will have access to housing in the area due to high cost. She then spoke of modern mobile homes, tiny homes, and prefabricated homes as potential solutions for the housing crisis, stating they are the future. Kathy Ryan, resident of Avon, took the podium in person to ask if this benefit will be expanded to 3 AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY MARCH 26, 2024 Avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO Council Members, such as Councilor Hardy. She was advised that Council will not provide answers to questions during public comment. She closed her remark stating that she purchased her home when it was still affordable but now housing has become hard to obtain. No other public comment was made in person nor virtually. Councilors asked staff to focus on unintended consequences that could arise from the program, including the program's potential impact on the housing market. After deliberations, Town Manager Eric Heil suggested that Councilors continue the discussion of this Resolution 24-10 to the May 14, 2024, Regular Council Meeting so that staff can prepare an updated report addressing Council concerns on this topic. This suggestion received unanimous support from Council in favor of postponing the discussion to that date. 5.5.First Reading of Ordinance 24-05 Amending Section 15.08.140 of the Avon Municipal Code Regarding issuance of Grading Permits (Community Development Director Matt Pielsticker) Video Start Time: 02:00:15 Community Development Director Matt Pielsticker introduced the topic of the First Reading of Ordinance 24-05 Amending Section 15.08.140 of the Avon Municipal Code Regarding issuance of Grading Permits. Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood noted that this is the second unintentional removal of code language from the code and noted that preventing old law from falling away is essential and Staff must be more cautious around it. After deliberations, Councilor Thuon motioned to approve the First Reading of Ordinance 24-05. Mayor Pro Tem Underwood seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously with a 7-0 vote. 5.6. First Reading of Ordinance 24-06 Sales Tax Exemption on Hygiene Products (Chief Financial Officer Paul Redmond) Video Start Time: 02:03:15 Chief Financial Officer Paul Redmond introduced the First Reading of Ordinance 24-06 Sales Tax Exemption on Hygiene Products. Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. Without further deliberations, Councilor Carroll motioned to approve the First Reading of Ordinance 24-06. Councilor Stanley seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously with a 7-0 vote. 5.7. Work session: Use Tax Ballot Proposal for 2024 Election (Town Manager Eric Heil and Chief Financial Officer Paul Redmond) Video Start Time: 02:06:15 Town Manager Eric Heil introduced the topic of a Construction Use Tax as an issue to be added to the ballot in the 2024 election. Councilor Stanley spoke in favor of the initiative and hoped that the Town would do a better job of communicating with the public. Councilor Andrade asked Staff to research voter fatigue and consider waiting two years before putting back on the ballot. Councilor Hardy agreed that it was not properly communicated in last year's election and expressed concern 4 AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES A TUESDAY MARCH 26, 2024 Avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM C O L O R A O O over voter fatigue. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood stated a communication strategy should be carefully planned and the Town should pursue it and move forward. Mayor Phillips also supported moving forward with the initiative and added that the main difference this year will be highlighting that the funding from this tax will be dedicated to community housing. With the support of Council, Town Manager Eric Heil added that there is funding set aside in the current budget for community outreach and a campaign to educate the public on the initiative of the Construction Use Tax, and Staff plan to solicit community input over the summer, ahead of any consideration to include the issue in the 2024 ballot. Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. As this was a work session, staff received feedback and no motion was requested. 5.8.Work session: 2024 Draft Community Survey Policy Questions (Marketing & Communication Manager Elizabeth Wood) Video Start Time: 02:15:48 Marketing & Communication Manager Elizabeth Wood delivered a presentation related to the 2024 Draft Community Survey Policy Questions as part of the work session and received feedback on each survey question from Councilors. Ms. Wood also received Council feedback on additional questions and answers to be added to the Community Survey, along with a reorganization of questions. Mayor Phillips asked that the Community Survey also include questions related to managed parking in public parking spaces and the impact of parking availability at the library and the Rec building. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood asked that it also include a separate and additional question around managed parking in private parking lots. Councilors Carroll, Andrade, and Stanley suggested parking questions not be added at this time and be surveyed later. Councilor Thuon spoke in favor of parking questions in the Survey. Town Manager Eric Heil suggested that based on the divided positions among Councilors over having parking questions in the Survey, that the Community Survey acknowledge and include a mention that there will be a separate future survey on parking, to take place after summer, before the ski season begins. He added that the parking survey will likely gather more in-depth data on parking issues in Avon. This proposal received the unanimous support of Council. Councilors Stanley and Andrade asked that bicycle and a -bike questions also be included. Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. As this was a work session, staff received feedback and no motion was requested. 5.9.Resolution 24-12 Authorizing Grant Application for National Endowment of the Arts: Our Town Grant Funding Opportunity (CASE Manager Danita Dempsey) Video Start Time: 03:01:37 CASE Manager Danita Dempsey introduced the topic of Resolution 24-12 Authorizing Grant Application for National Endowment of the Arts: Our Town Grant Funding Opportunity. She added context related to the grant match program and strategic use of the non-profit partner Vail Valley Art Guild for this project. Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. Without further deliberations, Councilor Stanley motioned to approve Resolution 24-12. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood seconded the motion. It was 5 AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY MARCH 26, 2024 Avon HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO approved unanimously with a 7-0 vote. 6. CONSENT AGENDA Video Start Time: 03:05:32 Mayor Phillips introduced the approval of the Consent Agenda to include the following: 6.1 Notice of Award Trails Improvements Project (Public Works Director Eva Wilson) 6.2 Notice of Award Basin 4 Project (Public Works Director Eva Wilson) 6.3 Resolution 24-11 Approving the updated Community Development Fee Schedule (Community Development Director Matt Pielsticker) — with an amendment to include the Town Attorney's hourly fee of $27S per hour. 6.4 Approval of March 12, 2024 Regular Council Meeting Minutes (Town Clerk Miguel Jauregui Casanueva) Mayor Phillips opened the floor to public comment and no public comment was made in person nor virtually. Without further deliberations, Mayor Pro Tern Underwood presented a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with an amendment to Resolution 24-11 to indicate that the Town Attorney hourly rate is $27S. Councilor Thuon seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously with a 7-0 vote. 7. WRITTEN REPORTS 7.1. March 11th Planning and Zoning Commission Abstract (Planner II Max Morgan) 7.2.Monthly Financials (Senior Accountant Dean Stockdale) ** Indicates topic will be discussed at future agenda's 8. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES Video Start Time: 03:07:09 Councilor Thuon asked for his fellow Councilors to consider this an open dialogue and stated he observed that in Edwards city limits, Eagle County added flashing beacons to every cross walk, and he would like Avon to do the same at every cross walk within Avon town limits. He asked Police Chief Greg Daly to join the podium and advise if Avon would be better perceived as a safe pedestrian space if flashing beacons were added to all crosswalks. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood stated she received an email from a member of the community on March 6, 2024, asking Public Works Director Eva Wilson to update the member of the community and Mayor Pro Tern Underwood on the status of adding more flashing beacons in Avon. Mayor Pro Tern Underwood explained that new flashing beacons will be installed in Town through CDOT grants. She was joined at the podium by Public Works Director Eva Wilson who provided detailed information on 8 flashing pedestrian beacons which will soon be added in Avon, along with mobile pedestrian beacons being used through grants. Ms. Wilson highlighted that the cost of a pair of permanent flashing beacons is approximately $30,000. Town Manager Eric Heil added he hopes that the installation of these beacons will be completed by labor day weekend. Councilor Thuon also asked Wilson for an update related to the project related to the exit out AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES A TUESDAY MARCH 26, 2024 &von HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL AND VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM C O L O R A D O of Wildridge. He was advised there will be an update at the next council meeting. Councilor Stanley asked Town Manager Heil for an update related to parking this summer at Nottingham Park, and he advised there will not be an impact to parking this summer and managed parking will remain unchanged from winter to summer. She added that High Five media is celebrating its 40th Anniversary and there is a youth video summer camp they will be hosting this summer. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business before Council, Mayor Phillips moved to adjourn the regular meeting. The time was 8:23 p.m. These minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk' s office, and the video of the meeting, which is available at www.hiqhflvemedio.org. r APPROVED: Mayor Amy Phillips Tamra Underwood Ruth Stanley Lindsay Hardy RJ Andrade Rich Carroll Chico Thuon 7 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: — , /�/� z Miguel Jauregui r e , Town Clerk