PZC Packet 042224AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA „klfl MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2024 D114 PUBLIC MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM Avo I I PUBLIC MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL (CHAIRPERSON) 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4. PUBLIC BEARINGS 4.1. SRU24001 WALKIN' THE DOG BUSINESS OPERATION -To BE IMMEDIATELY CONTINUED TO MAY 13, 2024 -MAX MORGAN, PLANNER 11 4.2. TMP24003 DIVAS TRAILERS CONSTRUCTION STAGING - MAX MORGAN, PLANNER II 4.3. MNR23003 I AEC24003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT FENCE IN WILDRIDGE - MAX MORGAN, PLANNER II 4.4. REZ24001 EAST AVON REZONING - JENA SKINNER, AICP, PLANNING MANAGER 5. JOINT WORK SESSION WITH AVON DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY/ SUN ROAD AND EAST AVON SUBAREA MASTER PLANS - MATT PIELSTICKER, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 6. CONSENT AGENDA 6.1. MARCH 25, 2024, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 6.2. RECORD OF DECISION - MJR24001 EAGLEBEND POCKET PARK - MAX MORGAN PLANNER / MICHAEL LABAGH RECREATION DIRECTOR 7. FUTURE MEETINGS 7.1. MAY 13, 2024 (MONDAY - WITH PZC TRAINING) 7.2. MAY 27, 2024 - NO MEETING- MEMORIAL DAY 7.3. JUNE 10, 2024 8. STAFF UPDATES 8.1. PZC APPOINTMENTS 8.2. EAGLEBEND POCKET PARK- TIC 9. ADJOURN MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED ATAVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, ONLINE AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL MATT PIELSTICKER AT 970-748-4413 OR EMAIL MATT@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Max Morgan, Planner II A RE: MEMO - Walkin' the Dog Special Review Use Permit Application Avon DATE: April 19, 2024 C 0 H A MEMORANDUM: The Town received an application for a special review use permit for Walkin'the Dog, a dog kennel facility located at 281 Metcalf Road, in the Light Industrial & Commercial zoning district. The purpose of this specific special review use application is to permit business operations for Walkin' the Dog, as special review use applications are required for animal services and similar businesses in the Light Industrial & Commercial zoning district. The business has operated without a valid special review use permit for more than fifteen years, following the lapse of the previous special review use permit approved by the Town's Planning and Zoning Commission ("PZC") in 2006. The current application was determined complete by Staff, noticed in the Vail Daily, and mailed notice was provided to properties within 300' of 281 Metcalf Road in a timely manner. The application was then included on the agenda for the April 22, 2024 PZC meeting. Following these steps, the applicant contacted the Town and clarified with Staff that part of the proposed business operations includes the adjoining property to the south of 281 Metcalf. This detail was not included in the original application materials, and the application that was publicly noticed was determined to be an inaccurate representation of the applicant's actual proposed business operations. Subsequently, the application was removed the April 22, 2024 PZC agenda in order for: • The applicant to update application materials to accurately reflect the proposed business operations, including all properties and locations where business operations might occur; • The applicant to provide materials that show permission to apply for business operations on all properties where business operations are proposed; • The applicant to provide materials required for new mailed notice, including a list names and mailing addresses of owners of any property within 300' of parcels included in the application, as well as a stamped envelope for each property owner, to the Town; • Staff to re -draft and submit the required published notice that accurately reflects the business operations proposed by the applicant, in the Vail Daily; • Staff to redraft the required mailed notice that accurately reflects the business operations proposed in the application, including the location(s) of the proposed business; and • Staff to fill, seal, and send the required mailed notice to property owners of any property within 300' of parcels included in the application. Once the applicant and Staff have completed the necessary steps, the application will return to the Planning and Zoning Commission agenda for a scheduled public hearing. Thank you, Max [970.748.40141 [mmorgangavon.org] TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Max Morgan, Planner II RE: PUBLIC HEARING: Avon TMP24003 — Divas Trailer Staging at Rodeo Grounds COLORADO DATE: April 22, 2024 STAFF REPORT OVERVIEW: This staff report contains the review for a Temporary Use Permit ("TMP") application, necessary to permit construction staging for an on -going roundabout improvement project, led by the Colorado Department of Transportation ("CDOT"). SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Divas Trailers, LLC is requesting a second Temporary Use Permit for the storage of two construction trailers, a port-o john, 4-yd dumpster, traffic control equipment staging, trucks trailers, and a 5th wheel camper at the East Beaver Creek Boulevard Rodeo Grounds, also known as the South Rodeo lot. The staging site currently exists as proposed in this application, as staff approved a thirty (30) day temp use application on March 21, 2024 after the Town's Public Works Director notified the Community Development Department about the intention of construction staging, after attending a pre - construction meeting for the project. Thirty (30) days in a calendar year is the maximum allowable time allowed for proposed uses, through a temporary use permit approved by Staff however, the Planning and Zoning Commission ("PZC") can approve uses for more than thirty (30) days. The applicant has not indicated the requested time period for the permit however the lease agreement between the Village (at Avon) and Divas Trailers to access the South Rodeo lot extends through October 2024, and Staff has received informal communication that the roundabout improvement project is expected to see completion before December 2024. Figure 2 - Vicinity Map 970-748-4014 mmorgangavon.org Page 1 of 5 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The project site is located in the Village (at Avon) ("VAA") Planned Unit Development ("PUD"), Planning Area A. The South Rodeo lot is a parking lot, directly south of the Salvation Army facility on East Beaver Creek Boulevard. The ground surface is gravel and there are no other improvements in the area. Lots in Planning Area A have been previously used for rodeo parking, skier parking and circus parking. PROCESS: The subject property is located in the Village (at Avon) PUD and is subject to the VAA PUD Guide. The VAA PUD Guide states that Temporary Uses shall be allowed in accordance with the procedural requirements of the Avon Development Code. Additionally, the VAA Design Review Board ("DRB") must approve all uses. The VAA DRB took action (ATT A — DRB Approval to approve the use, with conditions to comply with any other conditions of a Temporary Use Permit and to include green screen around the entire site. The Avon Development Code states that Temporary Use permits lasting over thirty (30) days require a public hearing and decision from the Planning and Zoning Commission ("PZC"). PZC can approve Temporary Use applications for up to three (3) years, subject to renewal with a subsequent public hearing. Appeals go to the Avon Town Council. " , STAFF A" � PZC PZC � ," ANALYSIS & PUBLIC HEARING Record of Decision REPORT April 22� PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: The Application was publicly notified in the Vail Daily on April 11, 2024, and notices were mailed to all adjacent property owners within 300' (ATT B — Mailed Notice). No public comments have been received. REVIEW CRITERIA: Undesignated uses and activities are classified as requiring a Temporary Use Permit when the activity is not related to a building permit on the subject lot. The following review criteria serve as the basis for a decision on the application: TEMPORARY USES, REVIEW CRITERIA (1) The temporary use or structure shall not cause unreasonable negative impacts to properties, residents, business or public uses in the vicinity, which cannot be mitigated through the imposition of conditions on such temporary use or structure. Such negative impacts to consider include, but are not limited to: visual, noise, vibration, trash, hours of operation, traffic congestion, parking, safety, soil and vegetation disturbance, natural resource impacts and reasonable expectations of enjoyment of property based upon zone district designations and community planning documents, Staff Response: Visual and noise concerns, particularly with the South Rodeo lot, should be mitigated by requiring full screening of site fencing and adherence to the Town's construction hour policy. No construction activities that produce noise are permitted outside the hours of 7am — 7pm Monday -Saturday, and 9am — 6pm Sundays and holidays. (2) Facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, water, gas, electricity, police and fire TMP24003 - Divas Trailers, LLC - South Rodeo Lot Construction Storage April 22, 2024 Page 2 of 5 protection, roads and transportation, as applicable) will be available to serve the proposed temporary use or structure while maintaining adequate levels of service for existing development,Only be used between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Staff Response: The sites are accessible and served by all applicable services. (3) The temporary use shall comply with all applicable general and specific regulations of this Section, other Town ordinances, and state and federal law unless otherwise expressly stated, Staff Response: All regulations must be adhered to, and some notable regulations are cited in the recommended conditions of approval for clarity. (4) The applicant has demonstrated that he or she possesses the requisite skills and experience to ensure that the particular activity will be conducted in a safe and orderly manner, Staff Response: The site is currently in compliance with its 30-day Temporary Use Permit. (5) The temporary use or structure is not of a nature that will become impractical to cease or remove over time Staff Response: There are no concerns with these uses becoming impractical to cease or remove. (6) Adequate plans or sureties are proposed to guarantee restoration of the property after the temporary use or structure ceases; Staff Response: Staff recommends a condition of permit requiring property restoration to pre- existing condition or better. (7) All temporary signs associated with the temporary use or structure shall be properly permitted pursuant to Chapter 15.28, Sign Code, and removed when the activity ends or permit expires, whichever occurs first, Staff Response: The Avon Development Code exempts construction signs. There are two signs located at the entrance to the North Rodeo site, which would need to be removed when the use stops. (8) The temporary use or structure shall not violate any applicable conditions of approval that apply to a principal use on the site; Staff Response: Not applicable (9) The temporary use regulations of this Section do not exempt the applicant or operator from any other required permits, such as food service or building permits; Staff Response: Not applicable (10) The temporary use or structure, including any associated parking and traffic circulation, shall not disturb sensitive or protected resources, including required buffers, one -hundred -year floodplains TMP24003 - Divas Trailers, LLC - South Rodeo Lot Construction Storage April 22, 2024 Page 3 of 5 and required landscaping, and the applicant shall agree to restore all disturbed areas of the site to the condition that existed prior to the temporary use or structure; Staff Response: Any site disturbance will be mitigated by the Applicant. (11) Tents and other temporary structures shall be located so as not to interfere with the normal operations of any permanent use located on the property, shall be anchored and meet the requirements of the Building Official, including fire rating, Staff Response: Not applicable (12) Off-street parking shall be adequate to accommodate the proposed temporary use or an acceptable parking plan shall be approved with the temporary use or structure; Staff Response: Parking on Post Boulevard is not permissible. Therefore, the South Rodeo lot will be used for off -site construction (13) The temporary use will not result in excessive demands for police, ambulance, fire or other essential public services which may negatively impact the capacity of existing public services to meet existing public service demands or the applicant agrees to mitigate the increased demands for public services, Staff Response: There are no increased demands on public services with this proposal. (14) The size, nature or location of the temporary use or structure is not reasonably likely to cause a clear and present danger of injury to persons and property, Staff Response: No clear and present danger is presented with the two staging areas. Tract A has been safely used for construction staging activities previously without incident. The South Rodeo lot will be fenced and secure. (15)Another temporary use permit application has not been received prior in time or has already been approved for the same time and place requested by the applicant or so close in time and place to that required by the applicant that the issuance of both permits would cause undue traffic congestion; Staff Response: Not applicable (16) The location of the temporary use or structure will not substantially interfere with any construction or maintenance work scheduled to take place upon Town streets, and Staff Response: East Beaver Creek Boulevard was recently redesigned, and road construction has ceased. Motorists accessing the staging site would need to obey road closures or any other typical traffic control. (17) The temporary use or structure shall be for a duration which is appropriate considering the location, use, planned development and activities in the vicinity and impact on nearby properties; however, in no event shall a temporary use be granted for more than three (3) years. TMP24003 - Divas Trailers, LLC - South Rodeo Lot Construction Storage April 22, 2024 Page 4 of 5 Staff Response: Little to no impact is expected for adjacent properties if the recommended conditions of approval are adhered to. RECOMMENDED FINDINGS: TMP24003: 1. The application qualifies as a Temporary Use Permit subject to review according to §7.16.120 of the Development Code; 2. With the exception of clarity of the requested time period for the permit, the application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow PZC to determine that the application is complete; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 5. There is no extra demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity by this application. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS: 1. The approval is valid until December 1, 2024; 2. Fencing and green mesh screening will be installed at the entirety of the South Rodeo lot site; 3. Limitations on construction activities that produce audible noise at the property lines are limited to the hours of 9am-6pm on Sundays and holidays, and 7am-7pm on other days; 4. Dust will be mitigated; and 5. No hazardous materials will be stored on the property. 6. The access point onto East Beaver Creek Blvd. from this site and the area of actual roadway shall be maintained by the applicants. Any damage to this roadway caused by this temporary activity shall be the responsibility of the applicants. RECOMMENDED MOTION: 1 move to approve #TMP24003, a Temporary Use Permit for construction staging activities, together with he findings of fact and conditions recommended by Staff." OPTIONAL ACTIONS: 1. Continue to future public hearing date. 2. Deny based on cited non-conformance with Review Criteria. Thank you, Max ATTACHMENT A: VAA DRB Approval ATTACHMENT B: Copy of Mailed Notice ATTACHMENT C: Application Materials TMP24003 - Divas Trailers, LLC - South Rodeo Lot Construction Storage April 22, 2024 Page 5 of 5 V 11".., G E 11 �'��������h� '' „r,,r�e!+"� ���"°,i���� `V Date: March 21, 2024 Front The Village (at Avon) Master Design Review Associatioll PO Box 9429, Avon, C'olorado 8 1620 TO: Divas Traders IAX Attn: Sheryl Moore 2342 S. BroadwaY,, (iraiicl hinction. Colorado M507 R E Administrative F)esign Re\Jew for 1'einporary Use to be located oat Lot 1, the Village (at Awn) Avon, Colorado, 0.33-acre site known as the Rodeo Bus Turnaround, (the "Premises") Your Design Review Applicalioti f*or: The lemlmrtiriifse ofthe Preniiscwfin- Two () 50fiet by 12fte,l (50 X 12') (1, oustractioll 7hiders, ]�`our Yiircl N CI ) Dunilister, One (/,) Portahlc^ hfilei (Port-a-1,0(l)"), (Inel Inirkingfiw- Three t3,) llehieles, luis been Adininistratively approved with Comlitiotis, by The Village (at Awn) MASTER DESIGN REVIEW ASSOCIATION, a Colorado Nonprofit Association, with the following conditions: The approval is based on the fi.fllmving dOCUIFICIIIS: 1, See Fxhibit A attached hereto wid inc(.wporated herein by this reference which depicts fliv, Preinises. With the loHowitig Conditions: I . Premises shall have a perimeter fence to delineate the Premises. parcel shall be within the Village (at Avon) and be a similar acreage. Landlord may provide written Notice at any tirne with 30 days' notice Of such relocation. The Premises depicted in Exhibit A, in the event of a relocation, shall be automatically amended to depict the new location of the Premises. 2�. Payment of the $200.00 Aliplication l"ce. Regards, The Village (at Avon) Master. Design Review Association Eric Applegate, President cc: File, Achninistralor, Board, TCH I 1 ATTACHMENT B NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING To Whom it May Concern You are hereby notified as property owner or an adjacent property owner within 300' of the subject property, pursuant to provisions of §7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code, that Public Hearings will be held, and public comment considered, at the Avon Planning Commission: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION April 22, 2024 — 5:30pm HEARING*: PLACE OF HEARING: Avon Town Hall, 100 Mikaela Way, Avon, CO 81620 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 1 Filing 1 Village at Avon APPLICANT: Traer Creek Holdings No 1, LLC c/o Sheryl Moore — Divas Trailers, LLC CASE NUMBER: TemporaryUse Permit — TMP24003 SUMMARY/DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION: Divas Trailers has signed a lease agreement with Village at Avon to store construction trailers and a 5th wheel at the Rodeo Grounds site. A Temporary Use Permit is required for all construction storage sites. Construction storage is expected to continue until November 2024. A Temporary Use Permit application for a use lasting longer than thirty (30) days requires a public hearing with the Planning & Zoning Commission PZC . Please Note: Hearings start after 5:30 pm. Please contact Max Morgan, mmorgan(a)avon.org, to verify dates and anticipated start times. *The PZC may take action at the schedulec public hearing and or continue the public hearings to a later date and time. COMMENTS DEADLINE: If you wish to be heard on this matter you may appear personally or by designated agent at a public hearing OR you may file a written statement by noor 1-day prior to the Public Hearing Dates. Written comments for Planning & Zoning Commission may be addressed to Community Development C/o Max Morgan, mmorgan@avon.org PUBLIC REVIEW: The application materials may be reviewed at www.avon.org/planning under "Current Applications." For further information and to confirm public hearing dates, please call 970.748.4014. ATTACHMENT C DIVAS TRAILERS, LLC PO BOX 4336 GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81502 March 16, 2024 Temporary Use Permit / Project Narrative 332 E Beaver Creek Blvd Rodeo Grounds Project #: STM M240-178 Hwy 6 & Post Blvd Roundabout Summary of Request: Divas Trailers, LLC (Applicant) requests a temporary use permit for 2 - construction trailers and traffic control equipment staging and storage on 332 E Beaver Creek Blvd North Rodeo Grounds. Property Description: The North Rodeo lot is a parking lot, directly east of the Salvation Army facility on E Beaver Creek Blvd. The site has been previously used for rodeo parking, skier parking, and circus parking. The site slopes down, north to south, from the interstate to E Beaver Creek Blvd. The ground surface is gravel and there is to be no improvements to the area. Proposed Use: Move 2-12x50 Construction trailers on site and possibly a 51" wheel camper. Storage of traffic control equipment. The site will be accessed thru the bus station loading area on Chappell Dr off of E Beaver Creek Blvd. ATTACHMENT C (h) Review Criteria. The following review criteria are the basis for a decision on an application for a temporary use permit. (1) 1 The temporary use or structure shall not cause unreasonable negative impacts to properties, residents, business or public uses in the vicinity, which cannot be mitigated through the imposition of conditions on such temporary use or structure. Such negative impacts to consider include, but are not limited to: visual, noise, vibration, trash, hours of operation, traffic congestion, parking, safety, soil and vegetation disturbance, natural resource impacts and reasonable expectations of enjoyment of property based upon zone district designations and community planning documents; 2 - Construction trailers and possible 5th wheel camper will be on site. The hours of operation will be from lam - 7p , Mon - Sat, and gam - 6pm Sundays and holidays for construction access and 24/7 for the occupants (management team of KSK, LLB) of the 5t" wheel camper. (2) 2 Facilities and services (including sewage and waste disposal, water, gas, electricity, police and fire protection, roads and transportation, as applicable) will be available to serve the proposed temporary use or structure while maintaining adequate levels of service for existing development; The site will have a porta potty and 4yd du pster to provide sanitary needs. (3) 3 The temporary use shall comply with all applicable general and specific regulations of this Section, other Town ordinances, and state and federal law unless otherwise expressly stated; All regulations will adhered to. 4 The applicant has demonstrated that he or she possesses the requisite skills and experience to ensure that the particular activity will be conducted in a safe and orderly Divas Trailers, LLC will comply with any all regulations mandated by the Town of Avon. 10, (5) ATTACHMENT C 5 The temporary use or structure is not of a nature that will become impractical to cease or remove over time; VA W 6 Adequate plans or sureties are proposed to guarantee restoration of the property after the temporary use or structure ceases; Divas Tailers has agreed to leave the property in as good a shape if not better with the lay down of possible soil compaction material, 7 All temporary signs associated with the temporary use or structure shall be properly permitted pursuant to Chapter 'I ":a.28, Sign Code, and removed when the activity ends or permit expires, whichever occurs first; W (7) U 8 The temporary use or structure shall not violate any applicable conditions of approval that apply to a principal use on the site; W BE 9 The temporary use regulations of this Section do not exempt the applicant or operator from any other required permits, such as food service or building permits; r (1 0) 10 The temporary use or structure, including any associated parking and traffic circulation, shall not disturb sensitive or protected resources, including required buffers, one -hundred - year floodplains and required landscaping, and the applicant shall agree to restore all disturbed areas of the site to the condition that existed prior to the temporary use or structure; n/a ATTACHMENT C 11 Tents and other temporary structures shall be located so as not to interfere with the normal operations of any permanent use located on the property, shall be anchored and meet the requirements of the Building Official, including fire rating; (1 2) 12 Off-street parking shall be adequate to accommodate the proposed temporary use or an acceptable parking plan shall be approved with the temporary use or structure; There should be no off site parking, (1 3) 13 The temporary use will not result in excessive demands for police, ambulance, fire or other essential public services which may negatively impact the capacity of existing public services to meet existing public service demands or the applicant agrees to mitigate the increased demands for public services; There should be no additional services required, 14 The size, nature or location of the temporary use or structure is not reasonably likely to cause a clear and present danger of injury to persons and property; There is no clear and present danger with the use of this property, (1 4) (1 5) 15 Another temporary use permit application has not been received prior in time or has already been approved for the same time and place requested by the applicant or so close in time and place to that required by the applicant that the issuance of both permits would cause undue traffic congestion; The location of the temporary use or structure will not substantially interfere with any construction or maintenance work scheduled to take place upon Town streets; and (1 6) (1 7) The temporary use or structure shall be for a duration which is appropriate considering the location, use, planned development and activities in the vicinity and impact on nearby ATTACHMENT C properties; however, in no event shall a temporary use be granted for more than three (3) yea rs. ATTACHMENT C Avon Community [Deparrim:lr� 100 Mikad a Way PO Box 975 Avc')n, (7cilrjradci� 8160 YVWI'V"iIVDn.Q�g ruaum- I'm RIA-11 41,11, -16, Iii I IL, 1, Me Pernlit 12NI 1,11AILELL, LI-C, LJQIIII",w-(Aulharized Representafive nartie) to act as rnylour representative in any rnansier regarding this applicafion,A to answer, qu(ntions and to represent melus at any meeting and pkjblic hearing(s) which may be hold on this applicallon. IIWEundeistaad Mat Vie Town will send all correspondence to the autho&ed representative- It wN be the representative's responsibi#y to keep the owner(s) adequaleiy informed as to Me status of theapplicaltoo . . . ........ . . . ....... gnalure �+,',ALJ? 4t: F4�r'< H01 i'll 'I (\II(I:;S V40, 1, LLC -1w1ii6 application seeks approval to use an r o p e r'l'y' . ..... 0 w n ri"r N'a" 'n-a-(p r -in- t—e d' approximate 0,33-acre site, known as i�tie Rodeo ID 0 1Y )X 942t) Bus Turnaround to be Used o0y for Two (2) 50 feet AVON, r r8002() . .. ........ ..... . ...... by 12 feet (50'x 12) ConstruCtion Traders, Four Yard ttrtrr (4 CY) Dumpster, One (1) Portable Toilet (Port -a - DIVAS U Potty), and parking for Diree (3) Veliicles- 9'101-�'11'70 Phone Nurnbiv' ATTACHMENT C FXHTRTT A Depiction of Premises — the general location of the Premises is depicted in the below image and surrounded in orange. The Premises consist of a roughly —0.33 acre portion of the south rodeo lot, which is known as the Rodeo Bus Turnaround. The Premises is located within Lot 1, Filing 1 within the Village (at Avon). 862140.2 11 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Max Morgan, Planner II' RE: AEC24003 and MNR23003 - PUBLIC HEARING Av o n DATE: April 22, 2024 (; 0 o C, R A N 0 APPLICATION TYPE: Alternative Equivalent Compliance and Minor Development Review PUBLIC HEARING: Required LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract C Wildridge Subdivision ADDRESS: 2120 Saddle Ridge Loop ZONING: Planned Unit Development (PUD) STAFF REPORT OVERVIEW: This staff report details two applications for consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission ("PZC"): a Minor Development Plan Review ("MNR") for site modifications including landscaping and fence installation, and an Alternative Equivalent Compliance ("AEC") because the proposed fence does not meet current design standards. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District ("ERWSD") has initiated a series of improvement projects to their existing infrastructure at four unique sites in Wildridge. Included in these improvements are plans enhance the exterior of a site called "BPS 2," pictured below. Figure 1 - BPS 2 from Wildridge Road The Minor Development Plan Review application is specific to overall site modifications, including landscaping (tree removal), and replacement of the existing chain link fence (ATT B — Fence Specs and Plans). All fences in Wildridge require approval from PZC. [970.748.4014] [mmorgan@avon.org] The Alternative Equivalent Compliance application is specific to the proposed, metal, 6' fence: • The proposed fence height exceeds what is permissible in the Avon Municipal Code • The proposed fence includes fence materials not generally permissible in the Wildridge PUD based on the Avon Municipal Code PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The site is part of Tract C in the Wildridge Planned Unit Development ("PUD"). Tract C is one of two tracts in Wildridge platted as Park. The property is owned by the Town of Avon, and includes the Wildridge Pocket Park, a public basketball court, a residential duplex (2120 Saddle Ridge Loop), and BPS 2. The property is characterized by a steep topography and BPS 2 represents the property's lowest point. BPS 2 is noted for its vault -like design built into the hillside, and is visible and accessed from Wildridge Road. The park, basketball court, and residences are accessed from Saddle Ridge Loop. Figure 2 - Site Map AEC24003 and MNR23003 ERWSD Fence Page 2 of 8 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ERWSD has proposed removal of the existing chain link fence, and installation of a 6' metallic, decorative fence at the top of BPS 2. The purpose of the fence is to delineate the edge of the top of the site, and restrict access to the BPS 2 site (two access hatches are on top of BPS 2). The proposed project includes removal of natural vegetation, including trees (ATT A— Map and Photos of BPS 2 Fence Trees for Removao. No trees meet the definition of significant (§7.28.050 —Landscaping). WO.C. N.,n, novaruxww kdoffiamwli hilloko aA` WA7,46f, roc US Post Z�,"� N 16 9M V­ w ki, Hnpbl Swndwd licighm, 18g. ViC*M 2 " Nm, 13 rackot OpUns rYPICIAi. cl NOTIM PUM dp-th on 3c= bei& -d Wmi loa&, biA og chin. R7JOY".11P )b, MWI f0f Z) Mirdrail roqaavd for DayAble ffings and 4,," rriwl r 3) Avafl-Win I' Wrwp= mWor Mwti boMm, on gM.e rnmt heighis. Figure 3 - Proposed Fence Figure 4 - Chain Link Fence and Several of the Trees Proposed for Removal AEC24003 and MNR23003 ERWSD Fence Page 3 of 8 " SS GATE 8 y P� dr�. � I J h i nx Figure 5 - Proposed Fence Location in RED (9) and Access Hatches (10) at BP52 PROCESS: MNRs do not typically require review by the PZC however, all fences in Wildridge require approval from the Avon Planning and Zoning Commission, and Staff usually presents the application to PZC if an AEC application is additionally included. Alternative Equivalent Compliance applications require a public hearing and final decision by PZC. STAFF PZC �°�, PZC ANALYSIS & ' PUBLIC HEARING *'` RECORD OF REPORT April 22 DECISION AEC24003 and MNR23003 ERWSD Fence Page 4 of 8 PUBLIC NOTICE: Notice of the public hearing was published in the April 11, 2024 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec 7.16.020(d) of the ADC. Mailed notice is not required for this application. There have been no public comments received. OPTIONS: PZC has the following options with the application: • Approval as drafted • Approval with changes, including a requirement for landscaping at the site • Continue public hearing to a specific date • Denial, with findings §7.16.120 ALTERNATIVE EQUIVALENT COMPLIANCE: Alternative equivalent compliance is a procedure that allows development to meet the intent of the design -related provisions of the code through an alternative design. It is not a general waiver or weakening of regulations; rather, this application procedure permits a site -specific plan that is equal to or better than the strict application of a design standard specified in the Development Code. This procedure is not intended as a substitute for a variance or administrative modification or a vehicle for relief from standards in this Chapter. Alternative compliance shall apply only to the specific site for which it is requested and does not establish a precedent for assured approval of other requests. ALTERNATIVE EQUIVALENT COMPLIANCE, REVIEW CRITERIA: §7.16.120(d): (1) The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; Staff Response: §7.28.080(b) — Fence Design Standards states that "fences should complement the property and landscape rather than contain the property." The AMC does not identify the intent of the prescribed material and height limitations however, it reasons that the intent of only allowing split rail fences 4' or shorter is to preserve the mountain aesthetic and maintain corridors for animals to travel unencumbered in the neighborhood. The proposed fence preserves the mountain aesthetic and likely benefits animals traveling in Wildridge, as it would prevent deer and other ungulates from accidentally falling off the steep edge that the fence delineates, without restricting access to the areas on the other side of the fence. (2) The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; Staff Response: The proposed alternative helps to provide "an exceptional system of parks, trails, and recreation programs... Goal H.1" Users of the pocket park and basketball court, as well as drivers on Wildridge Road, will be safer if the proposed fence is applied rather than a 4' split rail fence. The proposed fence will restrict unauthorized access to BPS 2 better than a 4' split rail fence can. Additionally, sports equipment, AEC24003 and MNR23003 ERWSD Fence Page 5 of 8 including balls, are less likely to roll off the edge of BPS 2 and into Wildridge Road, if the proposed fence is constructed. (3) The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and Staff Response: The site is safer for community members with the proposed fence, rather than what is currently permissible by code. (4) The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title Staff Response: The proposed fence does not impose greater impacts on adjacent properties compared to a fence currently allowed by code. Views, travel corridors for people, and natural systems like wind and sun are not impacted by this fence. REVIEW CRITERIA: §7.16.080(g): (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The proposed fence provides greater safety for drivers, users of the park, and individuals legally accessing BPS 2 which "promote(s) the health, safety, and welfare of the Avon community— (§7.04.030(p))" (2) The design conforms with the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents; Staff Response: The proposed alternative helps to provide "an exceptional system of parks, trails, and recreation programs... Goal H.1" BPS 2 or ERWSD infrastructure projects are not specifically identified in any Town plans. (3) Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The project is consistent with the Wildridge PUD. (4) Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; Staff Response: With the exception of the fence height and material, the project is compliant with applicable development and design standards in the Avon Municipal Code. (5) That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to AEC24003 and MNR23003 ERWSD Fence Page 6 of 8 roads, water, wastewater, fire protection; and emergency medical services; and Staff Response: The development can be served by city services. (6) That development design conforms with the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole. Staff Response: The fence is out of character for the Wildridge neighborhood with respect to the mountain aesthetic however, it conforms to the Town's character of our parks being safe and amenities including fences, appearing structurally sound and positively impactful. AEC24003 — RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approve Case #AEC24003, an Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for 6' metal fence at BPS2 in Wildridge." Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to 7.16.120, Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The proposed alternative- a taller, more restrictive, durable fence, achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard by improving compatibility between the functional improvements of a utility site and the park and transit corridor that surround it; 4. The proposed alternative results in benefits, particularly safety, to the community that are equivalent to or better than the compliance with the subject standard; 5. The proposed height and material of the fence does not impose greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Avon Municipal Code ("AMC"). The fence benefits the local community by providing a clear designation of park space compared to the utility site. MNR23003 — RECOMMENDED MOTION: "I move to approve Case #MNR23003, a Minor Development Review application for site modifications at BPS 2 located at 2120 Saddle Ridge Loop, together with the findings as recommended by staff." Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to 7.16.080(f), Development Plan; 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code, with alternative design approved by AEC application; 3. The application is complete; 4. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 5. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 6. The demand for public services is unaffected; and 7. The site improvements relate to the character of the surrounding community and other similar improvements in the Wildridge PUD AEC24003 and MNR23003 ERWSD Fence Page 7 of 8 ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Deny the application: If the features of the fence, including size or design, are disagreeable to PZC, staff suggests denying the application after considering public comments. Continue the Public Hearing: If PZC feels that more information is needed, staff suggests continuing the applications to a meeting held at a later date. ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A — Map and Photos of BPS 2 Fence Trees for Removal ATTACHMENT B — Fence Specs and Plans ATTACHMENT C — Application Materials AEC24003 and MNR23003 ERWSD Fence Page 8 of 8 ATTACHMENT A (ID 4� A,4.4- ef t Map of Trees Proposed.for Removal ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT B 41 RE;;5- SUBMITTAL REVIEW FORM SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTAL NO.: 39-323119-1 Date Received: 11/21/2023 PROJECT TITLE: Wildridge BPS, Tank and PRV Improvements Client Project Number: 22.20.004 AE2S Project Number: 14204-2020-006 Velocity Project Number: 2308 Contractor: Velocity Constructors, Inc. Owner: Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority No. of Copies Spec Section Description 1 3231 19 Metal Fences and Gates Review Disclaimer: Shop DrawingReview Engineer's review of drawings and data submitted by Contractor covers only general conformity to the NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN Construction Contract Documents and compatibility 0' MAKE CORRECTIONS NOTED with the design concept as a functioning whole as REVISE AND RESUBMIT indicated by the Construction Contract REJECTED Documents. Engineer's review does not indicate a FOR INFORMATION ONLY thorough review of all dimensions, quantities, and details of the material, equipment, devices, or items shown. Engineer's review shall not relieve civil Joey Lane 12/7/2023 Contractor of responsibility for errors, omissions, or 7I sc PLINE RENEWER DATE deviations in the drawing and data, nor alter the Contractor's responsibility for compliance with the Construction Contract Documents. General Comments: 1. Maintain manufactures recommendations of a 36" Min footing depth on all straight segments. Use 48" minimum bury depth on corner and gate posts. ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION INCLUDED ❑ SUPPLEMENTAL SUBMITTAL REQUIRED Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC 325 Lake Dillon Drive, Ste 207 Dillon, CO 80435 T: 970.406.2697 Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT B G�i�uuuuuuum����i Mr�� �I��lii �Mprrru uw ������u���uuu i Submittal 2107 W. College Avenue Englewood, CO 80110 To: Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC (AES) 325 Lake Dillon Drive Dillon, CO 80435 Attn: Alec Bry, PE Submittal#: 39-323119-01 Submittal Date: 11/21/2023 Project: Wildridge BPS, Tank, and PRV Improvements- Multiple Sites Wildridge Road, Avon, CO 84035 Velocity Job # 2308 Prepared By: Dan Harrington Item Description Action Required Date Required 1 Sub. No. 39-323119-01 Description: Metal Fences and Gates (BPS 2) Subcontractor/Vendor: CE Fence Company Contact: Austin Rabinoff Ph. 720-409-7464 for Approval 12/5/2023XXX Certification Statement: Velocity Constructors hereby represents that we have reviewed, checked and approved for compliance with the Contract Documents and have identified each known deviation and/or variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents Nouon ISNOO—, Q N Q � N Z O N 0 S1N3W3n021dW1 Add (3NV)4NVl `Sd8 3JORIO-1IM U o a 3 z p a O ®o w> oa o ao ao r F 0000000 P�000 woo N O �a6�V W a N wa zo �o=m :3 U 0 U) U)LU z �� 0LU (n 0 a 1 ', o4� a w zow �......� z M 0 w U i 0 o Z 0 �/ '� rn N Ooow �O i„ / -� OO LLO0 ��� .� �� 0Oa< O i y �o O N w w v`;,' V� 0 Q 0—_ryr ------ � ATTACHMENT B Varies With Height Standard Heights IZ4"O 18ga Picket 24"Min. Footing Depth I %z" 315/16" TYPICAL JI: O I.. NOTES: 1.) Post size depends on fence height and wind loads. ' See MONTAGE PLUS" specifications for post sizing chart. 2.) Third rail required for Double Ring,c. 3.) Available in 3" air space and/or Flush Bol most heights. MONTAGEPLUS RAIL — I // " E-COAT COATING SYSTEM Base Material Uniform Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) Zinc Phosphate Coating Epoxy Primer Acrylic Topcoat — RAKING DIRECTIONAL ARROW Welded panel can be raked 30" over 8' with arrow pointing grade. PROFUSION "WELDIN No exposed welds, Good Neighbor pr< appearance on botl Bracket Options :Vl VIV IliVG lL UJ 1<ti1L Specially formed high strength architectural shape. LINE ROULF.VARD UNIVERSAL ROULEVARD FLAT MOUNT BRACKET BRACKET BRACKET BX114 BX112/117 BX111 COMMERCIAL STRENGTH WELDED STEEL PANEL Values shown are nominal and not to be used for installation purposes. See product specification PRE -ASSEMBLED for installation requirements. IRMISc Title: MONTAGE PLUS MAJESTIC 3-RAIL 1 1555 N. Mingo DR: CI SH . lof 1 SCALE: DO NOT SCALE II!111!II AMERI S TAR® Tulsa, 74116 1-888-333-3422 CK: ME Date 6/28/10 REV: e www.ameristarfence.com PADLOCKABLE 2" (Latch Clearance) TTACHMf4T B FORK LATCH 1 �• r qO .. Varies with Height Standard Heights 6' 2" Notn. Min. Footing depth 48°" Minimum footing depth for corner and gate posts 3' %6' TYP U 2" (Hinge Clearance) NOTES: Single gate Arrangement 1.) Post size depends on fence height, weight and wind loads. See MONTAGE PLUS"` specifiations for post sizing chart. 2.) See Arneristar gate table for standard out to outs. Custom gate openings available for special out to out/leaf widths. 3.) Additional styles of gate hardware are available on request. This could change the Latch & Hinge Clearance. 4.) Third rail required for Double Rings. COMMERCIAL STRENGTH WELDED STEEL GATES 1%2" AdONTAGF. PLUS -Rail (Scc Cross- Section on Panel Drawing) Post size varies with Height (See A40NT_4GE PLUS i-" Post -Siang chat) Q Gate Upright 1 -/4" x 14 ga. X" 0 x 18ga. Picket Weld on Box Hinge Values shown are nominal and not to be used for installation purposes. See product specification for installation requirements. MONTAGE PLUS MAJESTIC 3-RAIL SGL GATE 1 1555 N. Mingo DR: CI SH . lof 1 SCALE: DO NOT SCALE II!111!II AMERI S TAR® Tulsa, 74116 1-888-333-�422 CK: ME Date 6/28/10 REV: e www.ameristarfence.com ATTACHMENT C Submission to deviate from the approved subject standard fence design in the Wildridge Subdivision. 7.16.120(d) Review Criteria. The review authority shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: 1. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or LAevel Lmient st ind rd to the same or better degree than the subject standard; The design of the 6' wrought iron fence is superior in construction then the subject standard (4' high wood split rail fence). 2. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the voiri ("-'oirm� i� er l eiri:>liv IVl irn to the same or better degree than the subject standard; I am not sure how the subject standard (4' wood split rail fence) or the proposed alternative (wrought iron fence)can meet the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and the proposed wrought iron fence benefits the community by protecting the community, namely the occupants of the nearby park that is located on top of the Water Pump Station. The proposed fence is designed to keep the community from falling off the pump house structure and from fall off the wing walls that are holding back the earth. 4. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. Correct, the proposed alternative does not create any greater impact on adjacent properties. sN3w3AodWiGda¥)4NVI`g39QINa1M _� 'diS NO3 • \ � - � .e Cl) / 0 s G= ] m - \�` e :°- a - - 0 U SiUMAONdW1 AMd 4NV)4NVI `Sd9 3941N4-1IM N Nouon JISNOO - C r �;. .'• •�2 z 5 a N O� "• o o :� _ - o- - a J' N a - 0.0 N N -_ - m u c �-• b coo • O o = W _ z z a 3 0 0 000 0 0000000 w 1710 z 5 a 0 w It z w N y a m o �o Z U \\ \ \ - \ O U F U w \ wLU N it W CD a C, I �I VI 0 O Y) Z F O N w a 1 1 I I I �w w^ Om0 W m aM , / 1 >o w w ZUoo Qf 00 k' �oco V NO J O Z W / oa¢ 1 \ ' U H Z W S U Q H H Q U H z cw G U Q S1N3W3AONdWl A2ld (INV)iNVi `Sd8 900k]O1IM NolimjisNoo O 5 s N Ji N •:J �� �Q. O 0.2 fD N iZ a wD� • Q � UJ i �i u � tea_: gyp• of d° r j . ✓��5 w ° � � � � oHE] o a� - I z iL K D 0 LL - N Vl a Y C1 M D I I I W cD I I � II ICI ICI 0 --_. _. _. -I —__ _. _. _. _. -'I U S1N3W3AONdWl A2ld (INV)iNVi `Sd8 900k]O1IM = _ N NolimjisNoo O - r N w 0'2 fD N Q•Z �� • O o G m O z 7. _ �'••.. p'Et F g w 0 0 El - /4 r Q Q {. I I o- - - - - - - - - - --. _ ---- -- I ii I z LU I I 3 N V III III o- �. ------------------ — >; z a a3s F C1 L y eus 00 d' U 2 U i 2 z 1 � o w, U S1N3W3AONdW1 Md ONV NNVi `Sd8 3001EMIM N0113AHISNoO a a pIzo Wa Ir Law! h a�x ca LL OD E B 8 ❑ '431x �3! Q ❑ v n N _ �F --s o- S �e a L n V O o O oy u a o U S-LN3W3AOHdWl Md ONV `)iNVi `Sd8 9EXIMOIIM m N NouonaisNoo ..e.. O ro s�=rr` N 4Js `gyp ,� - o wm cc wo 4 toU N Q o=k �Y ®, O'FO . . w z�>6 NI I � IN I I I o,a a as z 0 J w W W 0 I '�I z Y p J z Q W IL 411 1, I fll f I �I will f I�JJJ9JJ�J�� � DJJJ I I o o o NolimjisNoo CD co CL irr to Lu Lu iL Liq U S1N3W3AOHdWl Md (INV `)dNVi `Sd8 9EXIMMIM m r NouonaisNoo ..e.. - O Cfl r� �a r`c�{ � "co d cc s�irr N k G - w m _ � O WNGFa W 14, _ 'T -- o _- - r2 KM ST U NOLLdIM�,^,3a SIUMACHMI Abd 4NV `)4NVI `Sd9 30131MMIM - NouOA`IANa0 °^ Y rq ED N ,�a ���•# iS31�r �aJ C+i o LC rF1 �'7 r°iF o a Y" CD LU "d" r" CL • t i ,d is �.:. _ 4 w OIs "- 3" w � wzw f w a z p r � 1 a a Il z a F LL �e J SLUM o dm GdQNV ` I` l3 3E)alUaIIM NOL»ANOO z ; (( / rq / _ \ p % \� \ \�- _ qq U S1NBWBAONdWI ANd ONV `NN dl `Sd8 3JORlO-1IM o r NouonM1SN 00 sibs CDs � W _ lb04 V •JQ •• •••2� fn J• Q N •i w - a • J •x w CO � -_ 66. • F� w X,,I 1 A l � IN RE 4�r�'Ir"h�� J \�'kr", /y \\\\\ \ 0 z u � j / \ SLUM o dm GdQNV ` I` G 3E)alUaIIM , ,> NOL»ANOO :; _o / Co. / ` } ` ! \q ,)a © _- ®t \ :0 - - « � / \ ) \ ; : § \ , : LLq S1NBWBAONdWI ANd ONV `NN dl `Sd8 3JORlO-1IM NouonM1SN00,,-, •i J � Q FFFJJJ • J COD ,m OHO b/y •0��5 W a � - � w 9 M O r N o� Y co S1NBWBAONdWI ANd ONV `NN dl `Sd8 3JORlO-1IM o Re NouonMISNORLinj - = Q r LU V••JQ .•2� fn J• Q •i w • J •x w w o 4 CO a 0 § � j / \ SLUM o dm GdQNV ` I` g3013a m , ,> LC) NOL»ANOO q r ;� = ' _ _ - - _ - = ar 2> Z m 2 ; \\ y:�_\\\\K71 &:( at r A (#> \-\/ a, « zm \ \ \ \�- \ ` e . z = a a//) )/~% y \ C \ \ � �^. Lj \� (L LU M w 2 w \\ w ; \- i \ f� � . . .. .... . � / - U S1NBWBAONdWI ANd ONV `NN dl `Sd8 3JORlO-1IM o r NouonM1SN 00 sibs Q CD Au V ' JQ ••.2� 3 U) J• Q M w CO � H. w � w a U' U LNOLJ LiLl°0 o C_- b } F-0 C_- ,sn © N a EEL] IF } , - ------------------------------------------0 _ z Lu N i3n38 isnsls O wV T IF �m a I o 0 ' as 2 0 1 �F tiP a� T-aPS P, _� 0 o z w s Ab° N—soi LLq S1NBWBAONdWI ANd ONV `NMdl `Sd8 3JORlO-1IM NouonM1SN00,,-, J Q M w •x w ~ � •.yob � �O � �� N O CD n rc co LLq S1NBWBAONdWI ANd ONV `NMdl `Sd8 3JORlO-1IM NouonM1SN00 - ••c� - U;�JQ�� = J Q M �` N • N d.,bb 1 — U M O CD 4/5/24, 10:58 AM Account: R023341 Account ATTACHMENT C Location Owner Information Assessment History Situs Address 002120 SADDLE RIDGE Owner Name TOWN OF AVON Actual (2023) $661,950 LP Owner Address PO BOX 975 Assessed $184,680 Tax Area SC001 -AVON (TOWN) - SC001 AVON, CO 81620-0975 Exempt ($184,680) Parcel Number 1943-354-03-006 Total Taxable $0 Legal Summary Subdivision: Tax Area: SC001 Mill Levy: 56.1670 WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION TRACT C Type Actual Assessed Acres SQFT Units BK-0288 PG-0120 BK-0288 PG-0124 Improvements $121,810 $33,980 0.000 2368.000 0.000 BK-0303 PG-0466 Land $540,140 $150,700 0.620 0.000 0.000 BK-0330 PG-0078 BK-0507 PG-0095 QCD 05-17-89 BK-0526 PG-0677 WD 12-31-89 BK-0686 PG-0379 WD 01-17-96 Transfers Images Photo Sketch GIs No Transfer Documents https://property.eaglecounty.uslassessor/taxweblaccount.jsp?accountNum=R023341 1 /1 ATTACHMENT C +«Mikaela Way aI +r Box Colorado . : AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Me permits �'a ;' (Authorized Representative name) to act as my/our representative in any manner regarding this application, to answer questions and to represent metus at any meeting and public hearing(s) which may be held on this application. YWE understand that the Town will send all correspondence to the authorized representative. It will be the representative's responsibility to keep the owners) adequately informed as to the status of the application. . Signature 9 n Property Owner Name (printed } Address ATTACHMENT C we 0 rOLORAon Avon Community Development Department One Lake Street PO Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 www.avon.org AGREEMENT TO PAY (Read and Sign by Person Responsible for Payment) 1. 1 understand that charges for staff time spent processing this application will be based on the Council -approved fee schedule. 2, Further, I understand that my initial deposit is a retainer and not a fee. This deposit will set up an account which shall be charged at the above hourly rate for all staff processing time. Further, I understand that should the final costs be more than the deposit, I will be billed monthly for the additional charges. If the final costs are less, the unused portion of the deposit will be returned to me at the conclusion of the process or final inspection of the completed project, whichever occurs later (the necessary staff time will vary according to the complexity of the application and the project.) Also, understand that staff processing time may include, but is not limited to: a) Reviewing plans I submittal packages b) Routing plans to and communicating with inter -office departments and outside agencies c) Researching documents relative to site history d) Site visits e) Consulting with applicant and/or other interested parties either in person or by phone f) Preparing environmental documents g) Drafting of staff reports and resolutions h) Preparing pertinent maps, graphs and exhibits i) Attending meetings/public hearings before the Planning Commission and Council j) Plan checking subdivision, parcel and final maps and subdivision improvement plans 3. 1 also understand that receipt of all discretionary approvals does not constitute an entitlement to begin work. Non - discretionary approvals may be required from the Building and Engineering Divisions, Fire District, Sanitary District, County Health Department, Water Districts and other agencies. Refer to the Fee Schedule for other fees to be assessed prior to the issuance of project permits. These fees may include, but are not limited to: a) Building Permit fees b) Right -of Way Permit fees c) Park Dedication fees d) School Dedication fees e) Fire District, Sanitary District, Water District, etc. fees 4. 1 assume full responsibility for all costs (as listed above in section 2.), incurred by the Town in processing this application. I understand and agree that if payment for these costs is not received by the Town within 30 days of the billing date, processing will be terminated until all past due amounts have been fully paid. r SIGNATURE ��. �. __._. DATE t Print Name z_� r TO: Planning & Zoning Commission FROM: Jena Skinner, AICP, Planning Manager Re: REZ24001 Rezoning (Public Hearing) East Avon Preserve From Public Facilities To Community Housing Medium Density DATE: April 15, 2024 /F%, Avon SUMMARY: This report presents to the Planning and Zoning Commission ("PZC") an application for the rezoning of an existing parcel of land owned by the Town of Avon ("Avon") known as the East Avon Preserve ("Property"). This application changes the existing zoning for the Property from Public Facilities ("PF') to Community Housing Medium Density ("CHMD') and Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage ("OLD'). Council provided direction that Community Housing is the top priority and directed Staff to prepare and submit a rezoning application for the Property in the fall of 2023. A work session prior to this application was initially heard by Council in October of 2023. At this heating Town Council ("Council") directed Staff to prepare and present new Community Housing zone districts and modifications to the Comprehensive Plan, prior to seeking an application for a rezoning on this property. Ordinance 24-01 (Community Housing Zone Districts) was approved January 23, 2024, and Ordinance 24-02 (Comprehensive Plan Amendments) was approved February 13, 2024. Both Ordinances support and reinforce planning and zoning (or rezoning) several Town -owned parcels for Community Housing, including the East Avon Preserve. The New Community Housing zone district be applied to this application is as follows: Community Housing Medium Density [Section 7.20.075(d)] (d) Community Housing Medium Density. The CHMD district is established to accommodate small single-family, duplex and townhome development as either single neighborhoods of similar units or in a neighborhood with a mix of unit types. The CHMD district should be located along a local road. Table 7.20-6 Community Housing Medium Density Dwelling Max. Max. Min. Max. Lot Min. Front Min. Side Min. Rear Max. Type Density Units Per Landscape Coverage Setback Setback Setback Building (units/ Building Area) (%) (feet) (feet) (feet) Height acre) (feet) Du / Multi- 10 du/ N/a 10% 80 10 7.5 10 35 family / TH acre This subject "Site" is limited to 6.5 acres of Community Housing development on a 37.4 acre parcel and located adjacent to the Village at Avon Tract J with 1-70 to the south. See image, next page. BACKGROUND: The East Avon Preserve Parcel ("East Avon Preserve") in its entirety is 85.99 acres. The Town acquired the East Avon Preserve in 2013 from the United States Government as part of the Multi -Party Land Exchange agreement involving several parcels and parties. The East Avon Preserve may contain an area up to 6.5 acres for what was known at the time as "affordable" housing with the balance of the East Avon Preserve, 79.49 acres, to be used for vehicular and trail access to reach private development to the east, as well as the development of (general) public trails. 970-748-4023 jskinnergavon.org The Town of Avon and the County of Eagle entered into an Intergovernmental Agreement in 2013, (which referred to the East Avon Preserve Parcel as the "Village Parcel"), which states in part that after the boundaries of the reserved area for "affordable housing" and community facilities, and when the road and trails alignments are determined, the Town of Avon is committed to granting a conservation easement to a land trust mutually acceptable to the Town and Eagle County. Not knowing what exactly would be built at this location, the zoning that was applied was Public Facilities ("PF") for what was a potential developable area. After procuring a slope analysis for the site in 2022, Staff has identified a superior development area, with substantially improved accessibility to Wagon Trail Road (see proposed zoning image, next page). Location of Property: East Avon Preserve PROCESS: Rezonings can only be initiated by property owners and the Avon Town Council ("Council'). With direction to proceed with a rezoning application Staff will provide the necessary public notification before hearings with the PZC. PZC will then review the rezoning application and provide a recommendation to Council. Council then approves rezonings by adoption of an ordinance. ... TOWN COUNCIL �'����'�,, STAFF �' � =M� PZC "".� '°�� TOWN COUNCIL ANALYSIS & INITIATION > ,. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE & TBD REPORT RECOMMENDATION PUBLIC HEARING 4/22/24��' TBD-------- 11/- ..... ....... ... ......... ... .. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION: The Application was publicly notified in the Vail Daily on April 12, 2024. No public comments have been received. REZ24001 A Rezoning Application: EAP Community Housing April 10, 2024 Page 2 of 6 DISCUSSION: The Town continually strives to increase the numbers of Community Housing units within Avon. Properties owned by Avon which are physically suitable for the development of Community Housing have the financial advantage that Avon does not have to include the cost of land into the overall cost of developing housing. 6 acres in this location implementing a mix of duplexes, townhomes, or multifamily units likely has a fair market value in the millions. The property is sizeable; however, it contains considerable slopes, which makes high -density housing development difficult on this location. Application of the CHMD zone district is appropriate for this reason, with goals including the implementation of a mix of less sizeable residential forms, assisting in increasing "missing middle" inventory in Avon. The property is located near the Planning Area J (mixed- use/neighborhood commercial) area of the Villag (at Avon) PUD, and P3, a property the Town will be developing for park purposes. Future development of Area J will compatibly support the residential development of the East Avon Preserve. Proposed Zoning e f Village (Ot Avon) PUD j C� A // '1 4µw , y cif J1 IAd IAQ � ///�� LD ned . .e.... C� .�"�.'�."_..."'"�. AhG.- ,+'� The planning and development of the East Avon Preserve is not as critically time sensitive as the recent Slopeside project, as water service is a current outlier for development at this location. A water storage tank to serve properties in this vicinity will be a necessary first step prior to the onset of the residential construction. Changing the zoning to CHMD is an advantage in 2024, as this places the Town of Avon in a position to seek funding for infrastructure improvements that will support future housing at this location. COMMUNITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT STEPS: The development of Community Housing involves several steps, which are described as follows: (1) Identification of land suitable for a Community Housing Project. REZ24001 A Rezoning Application: EAP Community Housing April 10, 2024 Page 3 of 6 (2) Zoning (or Rezoning) (3) Determination of Ownership and Initial Partners (i.e. public or private). (4) Determining whether to proceed as public development project or post Request for Proposal for private developers. (5) Apply for Grant Funding for design, infrastructure and/or construction. (6) Conceptual Design of Housing Project to determine density, layout and feasibility. (7) Determination of specific housing type and goals (rent versus own, unit size, target AMI levels) (8) Establishing development team (architect, owners representative, contract — if a public project, or selecting developer if private project). (9) Securing financing and finalizing development agreements and deed restrictions. (10) Overseeing or administering construction of project. (11) Construction completion and sale or leasing per Avon Community Housing Policies or per terms with private developer. Steps 1 through 2 are necessary before the Town can meaningfully engage with potential housing partners or apply for grant funding. For this reason, it is essential to proceed with the first two steps, creating strategic opportunities to continue with the remaining tasks based on partner support and grant funding availability. Updating the Avon Municipal Code by adding Community Housing zone districts and updating the Comp Plan to support rezonings related to Community Housing was an essential foundational action. NEXT STEPS: Actual development of a Community Housing project will involve several steps after rezoning. Staff estimates this process will take at least 1-2 years to get to the Construction Phase after securing water service and related infrastructre. Several steps will include further review of project design and type of housing development by Council and the Avon Planning and Zoning Commission, in the interim. REVIEW CRITERIA: Council must consider a set of review criteria when reviewing rezonings. The review criteria is governed by Avon Municipal Code ("AMC') §7.16.050, Rezonings. Staff has provided responses to each review criteria within the attached Application. FINDINGS: §7.16.050, Rezonings. (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code has been established within the application; (2) This application is consistent with the Avon Comprehensive Plan as this parcel is slated for Community Housing- recognized as an important use within the Plan; (3) The physical suitability of the land for the proposed development or subdivision is sufficient for the purposes of this rezoning, and will be further evaluated in subsequent entitlement applications; (4) Compatibility with surrounding land uses is reasonable, as this area is comprised of a mix of residential and neighborhood commercial uses; REZ24001 A Rezoning Application: EAP Community Housing April 10, 2024 Page 4 of 6 (5) The proposed rezoning is justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of the Avon area as Community Housing is an established need; (6) There are adequate facilities that will be available to serve development for the type and scope suggested by the proposed zone compared to the existing zoning, which the Town will ensure not to affect the existing level of services available currently; (7) The rezoning is consistent with the stated purpose of the proposed zoning district: Community Housing; (8) The rezoning will not result in adverse impacts upon the natural environment, including air, water, noise, stormwater management, wildlife and vegetation, and any impacts will be substantially mitigated through future development applications; (9) The rezoning will not result in significant adverse impacts upon other property in the vicinity of the subject tract; (10) As this rezoning is not within an existing PUD, consistency with a relevant PUD Master Plan is not applicable; and (11) Adequate mitigation maybe required for future development applications as the rezoning will result in greater intensity of land use or increased demands on public facilities and infrastructure; however, during future phases of entitlement. And, Conformance with General Review Criteria in AMC §7.16.010(f)(1), General Criteria, which provides criteria that are applicable to all development applications: (1) Review Criteria. The reviewing authority shall be Director when the Director has the authority to administratively approve a development application. The reviewing authority shall be the PZC and/or Town Council for all development applications which are subject to public hearing. The reviewing authority shall review development applications for compliance with all relevant standards and criteria as set forth in the specific procedures for the particular application in this Development Code, as well as the following general criteria which shall apply to all development applications: (i) The development application is complete; (ii) The development application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; (iii) The development application complies with the goals and policies of the recently updated Avon Comprehensive Plan; and (iv) The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity will be mitigated by future development applications. RECOMMENDATION: I recommend approval of the rezoning of the East Avon Preserve. REZ24001 A Rezoning Application: EAP Community Housing April 10, 2024 Page 5 of 6 PROPOSED MOTION: "I move to recommend approval of the Rezoning of the East Avon Preserve to Community Housing Medium Density and Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage, based on the findings for §7.16.050 Rezonings and §7.16.010(0(1) General Criteria, as presented and outlined in the Staff report and application. " Thank you, Jena ATTACHMENT A: REZ23001 East Avon Rezoning Application REZ24001 A Rezoning Application: EAP Community Housing April 10, 2024 Page 6 of 6 /11%,%,1 1. EAST AVON PRESERVE COMMUNITY HOUSING PROJECT 4von APPLICATION TYPE: REZONING FILE NUMBER: REZ24001 LOCATION: Adjacent to the Village (at Avon) PA J; Section: S Township: 5 Range: 81 LOT 1 Parcel No. 210308300007 https:Hproperty.eaglecounty.us/assessor/taxweb/account.isp?accountNum=R065214 APPLICANT/OWNER: Town of Avon REPRESENTATIVE: Jena Skinner, AICP SECTION 1:APPLICATION INFORMATION APPLICATION SUMMARY: In Avon's goal to increase the number of dedicated workforce housing units along with a secondary goal of diversifying its housing portfolio of unit types, the Town is currently seeking to rezone a parcel of land owned by the Town, to create a unique, Community Housing development. This development necessitates the zone district of Community Housing Medium Density ("CHMD") to accomplish these goals, which is suitable for this location: the East Avon Preserve. The location of the subject parcel is adjacent to a future mixed -use neighborhood commercial development, recognized as Area J of the Village (at Avon). The site's walkability to future neighboring commercial businesses, , park, and open spaces, is convenient. Additionally, this location is near an existing transit/bus route, making this site a unique project for our workforce. This subject "Site" is limited to 6.5 acres of Community Housing development on a 37.4 acre parcel and located adjacent to the Village at Avon Tract J with 1-70 to the south. The remaining, undeveloped area is required to be placed into a conservation easement, which will occur when the precise development area is determined at a future date. In the interim, Staff is suggesting that the remaining parcel be rezoned to Open Space, Landscaping, and Drainage or ("OLD"). Subject Property 970-748-4023 jskinnergavon.org BACKGROUND: The subject parcels (Lots 1 and 2 - known collectively as the "East Avon Preserve," total 85.99 acres (see image below). The Town acquired the East Avon Preserve in 2013 from the United States government as part of the Multi -Party Land Exchange agreement involving several parcels and parties. The East Avon Preserve may contain an area of up to 6.5 acres for what was known at the time as "affordable" housing, with the balance of the East Avon Preserve, 79.49 acres, captured in a future conservation easement slated for vehicular and trail access to reach private development to the east, as well as the development of public trails. It was in 2013 when the Town acquired the Property through a deal involving Eagle County (which originally referred to the East Avon Parcel as the "Village Parcel"), which requires in part that after the boundaries of the reserved area for "affordable housing" and community facilities, and when the road and trails alignments are determined, the Town of Avon is committed to granting a conservation easement to a land trust mutually acceptable to the Town and Eagle County. Not knowing what design would work for this location, the zoning applied was Public Facilities ("PF") for the potential developable area. The Swift Gulch facility parcel was also zoned Public Facilities to reserve this area for Town purposes, including government employee housing and other uses. Recently, Avon rezoned the Slopeside parcel (neighboring parcel to Swift Gulch) to the more appropriate Community Housing High Density-1. Housing discussions and interactions have significantly increased due to the pandemic's outfall. This was due to the unforeseen migration of people relocating to the mountains and an extreme demand increase. The outfall: housing prices rose sharply, and, in response, mortgage rates dramatically increased due to this inflation. Towns all over the nation are currently experiencing a workforce housing crisis. They are still dealing with the employment trends that have also been affected as an additional outcome of the pandemic. Workers quit their jobs in record numbers in 2021 and 2022 as ample job opportunities and higher pay lured them elsewhere. The good news is that the "quits rate" has steadily declined since peaking last year, and in April 2023, this rate fell to its pre -pandemic average in 2019.I..1.. However, with housing scarce or extremely expensive to buy or rent currently- even with jobs available, positions remain difficult to fill without the ability to offer housing, especially for those not making 100%+AMI wages. Towns like Vail have various accommodations available for workers. Unfortunately, Avon does not yet have a portfolio as extensive as Vail's. Thinking ahead to diversify housing projects is a step in the best direction, and contemplating creating housing for employees. �1], U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics JOLTS report, May 2023 SECTION 2: REVIEW CRITERIA: The Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council must consider a set of review criteria when reviewing rezonings. The review criteria is governed by Avon Municipal Code ("AMC") §7.16.050, Rezonings. (1) Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code; Applicant Response: This rezoning is a small step to help increase Avon's Community Housing efforts, and may be considered an essential piece in supporting the Town's economic sustainability and the health, safety, and general welfare of the Avon Community. This rezoning will require a site specific development review to be examined and processed as a next step and once designed, having a property with the appropriate zoning to site a Community Housing project, will improve the Town of Avon's chances in receiving vital grant funding for this type of Community Housing project. Preparing to create new housing projects with having available land at the ready without finished concept plans is becoming as essential as having full design plans ready moving forward. As mentioned as a "next step", the Town will engage in obtaining a consultant to investigate preliminary engineering designs for this project. During this process, the Town will ensure that all underlying code requirements for the requested zone district will be met, as this assessment proceeds. East Avon Preserve Rezoning Application April 12, 2024 Page 2 of 7 (2) Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Applicant Response: On the first page of the Avon Community Housing Plan it quotes the recently updated Avon Comprehensive Plan where, 'Avon's vision is to provide a high quality of life, today and in the future, for a diverse population, and to promote their ability to live, work, visit, and recreate in the community. " It goes on to state, 'The Potential community benefits of increasing Community Housing efforts include: • More housing choices, • Increased economic stability and a more active year-round economy for local residents and businesses; • Greater ability to retain individuals and families throughout life and career phases, strengthening the sense of community, opportunity, and quality of life, • Increase Community Housing supply for job recruitment purposes, • Create Community Housing in closer proximity to job centers with pedestrian connections and availability of transit, in alignment with the Climate Action Plan goals. " Goal 1 of this same plan is to, 'Achieve a diverse range of housing densities, styles, and types, including rental and for sale, to serve all segments of the population. " This rezoning offers the Town a parcel of land that is set up and ready to invest in, for projects like the one that would be an asset at this location. Most likely, housing at this location would be in alignment with income targets of 120-140% of AMI or greater, given the potential infrastructure improvements needed. Having this parcel rezoned with a Community Housing zone district, allows the Town to find and apply for housing grants to help offset these significant costs. In Section E. Housing, two other policies reflect the goals of the Town for this project: Policy E.1.6: Actively plan for Community Housing developments on Town -owned lands, and, Policy E.1.7: Encourage Community Housing development on non -Town -owned lands as primary developments, or as a significant component within developments, whenever practicable. Town Council recently added a new section of the Comp Plan ('District 12), specific to the East Avon Parcel. Within this section it states that, 'The East Avon District will be a Community Housing neighborhood connected to Wagon Trail Road and a multi -use path. The district enjoys extensive views and ample south - facing orientation for passive -solar -designed buildings. The district is also highly visible from 1-70 and across the Eagle River Valley. The architectural design of Community Housing on this site should be elevated to demonstrate a strong example of Avon's residential design standards and goals." Further, 'The East Avon District will be connected to and integrated with a trail system on the adjacent District 8 trail system. Development may include a variety of Community Housing types for local workers. " sr, District 12 U 1 ^1 �l w OE ER RL V The Future Land Use Plan establishes preferred development patterns by designating land use categories for specific geographical locations. While land use designations depicted on the land use map do not supersede the Town's zoning districts and regulations, they display general land use categories as a visual guide for the community based on the goals, objectives, and policies presented within this document. Currently, the Comprehensive Plan is being amended to have the site designated as Community Housing, as shown in the image, right. East Avon Preserve Rezoning Application April 12, 2024 Page 3 of 7 Updating land use regulations with new development tools is also supported by the Avon Comprehensive Plan Policy C.1.1, which recommends to: Regularly update and enhance the Avon land use regulations and District Master Plans for innovative design approaches and positive development outcomes. The Comprehensive Plan is approaching a complete update (potentially 2025); however, the approved update with Ordinance 24-02 centered on Community Housing works in harmony with this proposed zone change. Landu,sAe� Designations NO Mixed Use Im Civiaypubllc Regional Commercial r ., 3 Neighborhood Cornmerclal Light. Industrial Commercial OMN Open Space EM Park Residential - High Density 4 ...,..,.0 Residential • Medlum Density Residential - bow Density MINIM Residential - Community Housing Recently, the Town adopted the addition of five (5) new Community Housing zone districts within the Avon Municipal Code to ensure this regulatory element is up to date concerning density maximums and definitive design "minimums. " If these zone districts are not quite "enough" to capture desired design alternatives, the Development Bonus process is available to help with projects on a case -by -case basis. The Community Housing Plan supports this action by encouraging "...incentives and regulations to create a policy environment that is favorable for local housing." Effectively, having several Community Housing tools available to assist with potential projects, including design flexibility, ensures that targeted areas for Community Housing align with the Town's housing goals, which is the first step in thinking ahead, adequately planning housing policies, and obtaining funding. To encourage new development and redevelopment, Avon has to have various appropriate tools to support projects that are best for the community and help attract project partners. In this case, preparing town -owned lands to receive housing projects, as advocated by the Comprehensive and Avon Community Housing plans, while being open to expanding on what kinds of housing programs are needed to support these efforts, is the first step in responding to the housing crisis. (3) Physical suitability of the land for the proposed development or subdivision; Applicant Response: Although this property has significant grade changes the property is suitable for development where slopes are identified less 40% (see images next page and Exhibit A). A scenic property, l- 70 noise will be a factor when considering the overall site layout and structure orientation. Staff anticipates that in working with both the terrain and other factors like noise and visual impacts, a very considerate development overall will be the result that creates a very desirable neighborhood for workers. Infrastructure including roads and utilities, will need to be installed for this property. Initial design preliminaries have been evaluated, as Staff knows that the existing Wagon Trail Road will need to be extended through and or adjacent to the preserve as the Village (at Avon) plans to use this road to serve portions of the VAA to the north and east of the subject property, this road may also one day connect to the proposed State Land Board development in Eagle Vail. Currently, water and sewer is available in Wagon Trail Road, and generally, Wagon Trail Road is suffcieint for the main access road leading to this development area. The most significant piece of the development puzzle is the needed water storage tank for this area. The Town is in discussions with the Village (at Avon) regarding this aspect of the project. This site does not contain any significant wildlife habitat; however, it is used by mule deer as general summer and winter range, as well as a general migration corridor stretching from Gypsum to Dowd Junction. East Avon Preserve Rezoning Application April 12, 2024 Page 4 of 7 Image: Looking East from Wagon Trail Road 2023 Image: Looking West from Wagon Trail Road 2023 (4) Compatibility with surrounding land uses; Applicant Response: The rezoning of this property to Community Housing Medium Density is appropriate given that this property is within walking distance to future mixed -use neighborhood residential uses and commercial offerings like restaurants, transit, healthcare, and other services slated for Village (at Avon) Area J. The (future) P3 recreation area is also within walking distance. Further, using the medium density housing types will result in a more thoughtful design that may integrate into the topography better than using large structures that require more significant grading Development on this site will not have an adverse effect- or any impact, to neighboring properties as there are no directly adjacent developments to this location given the expectations of the slope analysis (there is a small buffer between this property and neighboring Area J). Development on this site will not impede views from any other existing developments, nor detract from the viability of the surrounding land uses. (5) Whether the proposed rezoning is justified by changed or changing conditions in the character of the area proposed to be rezoned; East Avon Preserve Rezoning Application April 12, 2024 Page 5 of 7 Applicant Response: This rezoning is being sought directly in response changed conditions or housing crisis Avon is experiencing and as mentioned earlier within this report. Namely, responding to the need to invest in a diverse number of housing projects needed to support Avon's economy, and in offering options for Community Housing unlike any project within the Town of Avon currently. (6) Whether there are adequate facilities available to serve development for the type and scope suggested by the proposed zone compared to the existing zoning, while maintaining adequate levels of service to existing development; Applicant Response: This site is in excellent proximity to all necessary infrastructure without jeopardizing any existing development, including the availability of water and sewer. The Town will seek these services from the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District as a next step in the entitlement process. (7) Whether the rezoning is consistent with the stated purpose of the proposed zoning district; Applicant Response: The purpose of the Community Housing Medium Density (CHHD) is to accommodate a workforce neighborhood development in a cost effective configuration, with a construction type and density that permits a number of residential units with a maximum of three (3) stories of residential on sloped lands. The recent Comprehensive Plan Amendment purposefully did not add suggested zone districts to the Future Land Use Map so that individual projects would apply which Community Housing zone would best suit a particular site, given its location and compatibility with neighboring developments. While it is imperative to maximize density when designing a project for genuinely affordable housing units, it is also necessary to find balance in developing a project that is not only within walking distance of amenities, services, and transit but that a project should not overwhelm a parcel or result in significant site disturbance - especially a parcel like the East Avon Preserve, which is a highly -visual site as you approach Avon. (8) That, compared to the existing zoning, the rezoning is not likely to result in adverse impacts upon the natural environment, including air, water, noise, stormwater management, wildlife and vegetation, or such impacts will be substantially mitigated; Applicant Response: As mentioned previously, this site deserves a very thoughtful approach in its design to create a project respectful to the property's slopes and drainage, and its high visibility. This will be accomplished by designing in accordance with the topography. As mentioned in the finding for property suitability, there are no significant impacts anticipated to vegetation, wildlife, or to the natural environment, if we use the slopes to our advantage. In regard to air quality, best practices will be used at all times for dust control, as is required by the State of Colorado. Where noise is concerned, this area has existing vehicle noise due to 1-70. Largely generated during working hours, situating a residential development on this site should not be an issue after typical working hours, as travel dissipates on 1-70 - especially if landscaping acts as a buffer between the residences and the interstate. (9) That, compared to the existing zoning, the rezoning is not likely to result in significant adverse impacts upon other property in the vicinity of the subject tract; Applicant Response: Development of this site in the future will change the "feel" of the area in having a residential development on a parcel that has been largely vacant for decades; however, that argument could be made for any long-standing vacant parcel. In this case, it will not have any adverse impacts to the neighboring properties, and the Village (at Avon) has approvals for development on three sides of this parcel. Public transit is already accommodated near this location, and this site is highly walkable to neighboring restaurants, parks, and other amenities. (10)For rezoning within an existing PUD, consistency with the relevant PUD Master Plan as reflected in the approval of the applicable PUD; and Applicant Response: Not applicable. East Avon Preserve Rezoning Application April 12, 2024 Page 6 of 7 (11)Adequate mitigation is required for rezoning applications which result in greater intensity of land use or increased demands on public facilities and infrastructure. Applicant Response: The Town will thoughtfully and thoroughly design a project that is properly mitigated in changing its current use to residential. This will include any infrastructure modifications or expansions. As previously mentioned, having existing water and sewer and public transit in proximity to this location within a developed roadway is helpful. GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA: Conformance with General Review Criteria in AMC §7.16.010(f)(1), General Criteria, which provides criteria that are applicable to all development applications: (1) Review Criteria. The reviewing authority shall be Director when the Director has the authority to administratively approve a development application. The reviewing authority shall be the PZC and/or Town Council for all development applications which are subject to public hearing. The reviewing authority shall review development applications for compliance with all relevant standards and criteria as set forth in the specific procedures for the particular application in this Development Code, as well as the following general criteria which shall apply to all development applications: (i) The development application is complete; (ii) The development application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; (iii) The development application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and (iv) The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the development application. Applicant Response: This rezoning application is complete. Applicant believes sufficient information exists to allow Council to review this application with the review criteria. Further, the recently approved code text amendment application directly reflects the amendment to the Avon Comprehensive Plan, that now recognizes this area specifically whereas previously, no guidance for this area existed (in the Comp Plan). This rezoning application will not impact demands for public services or infrastructure because it is not a true development application; instead, it is simply a rezoning for a Town -owned property slated for the future planning surrounding a potential Community Housing project. CONCLUSION: If the Town is successful in achieving this rezoning, the following development generalized "next steps" or actions will occur: • Pursuing development/infrastructure and housing grants for this project; • Obtaining consultants to produce geotechnical reports; • Producing an RFP for potential design services; • Pursuing potential community development partners; • Creating a concept plan to be examined by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Town Council. This rezoning is an excellent first step in setting up the Town to pursue funding and in implementing a 100%, deed restricted Community Housing project for Avon. Doing entitlement work in 2024 even before having any design plans, positions the Town to more effectively plan for growth and in looking at the economic viability moving forward. Importantly, in increasing our housing portfolio and in recognizing our essential workforce needs, Avon becomes an even greater community. EXHIBIT A— East Avon Parcel Mapping Exhibit East Avon Preserve Rezoning Application April 12, 2024 Page 7 of 7 z 0 7Q O V) z W z C� J Q V) V) W U U Q J Q H z W H O d V I w5i TO: Avon Downtown Development Authority and Avon Planning and Zoning Commission A FROM: Eric Heil, Town Manager avon RE: Redevelopment Plans, April 22, 2024 Work Session DATE: April 12, 2024 C 0 i., 0 R a iD o SUMMARY: This report provides my thoughts on creating redevelopment plans and the role of the Avon Downtown Development Authority and Avon Planning and Zoning Commission. There are several steps in the creation of a redevelopment plan document, then several steps in any actual redevelopment. I very much appreciate that the nature of redevelopment in downtown core areas is wildly multi -faceted and complex, which can make a planning process seem confusing and chaotic at the outset. In this report I attempt to break down the different steps and considerations so that we may focus our efforts in a methodical manner with the end result that everyone is confident that we have given appropriate consideration all the different aspects of a redevelopment plan and have created redevelopment plan documents that appropriate describe the vision and implementation strategy of the Avon community. ROLE OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLANS: The primary purpose of the redevelopment plans is to serve as a guiding document for planning and investment by the Town of Avon AND serve as a guiding document for any future investors in redevelopment. I foresee redevelopment being primary private sector driven with partnership and collaboration by the Town of Avon. As such, the details of any actual redevelopment will depend upon the proposals and investment interest from the private sector. I expect the redevelopment plans will identify any areas for Town action, such as potential rezoning that is in alignment with the goals of the redevelopment plan. The redevelopment plans do not need to be overly prescriptive because actual development will most certainly have different details and specific circumstances to what is viable for a private investor. As an example, the West Town Center Plan was extremely prescriptive in defining building forms along the proposed main street area in West Town Center. Actual development has only partially followed the building form designs that were described. The redevelopment plans, like the West Town Center Plan, are not legally binding documents, rather they are planning documents that provide guidance for zoning actions, review of potential redevelopment projects, and potential investment by the Town of Avon in redevelopment projects as a public private partnership. This means that any actual development proposals will involve more steps and review by both Avon DDA and Avon PZC. The redevelopment plans will have three main components, described as follows: Description of the "Preferred Redevelopment", which includes street layout and functionality, preferred uses (e.g. mixed -use with ground level commercial and upper floor residential), and preferred design. 2. Description of Financial Support, including Avon URA and Avon DDA tax increment financing and potential grants for streets, parks and Community Housing. 3. Outline of Implementation Strategies, including general ideas on sequencing of redevelopment and importance of mitigating any displacement of Avon businesses. At this point, we are only focused on the first component to get everyone's input on the street layout and functionality and the preferred uses. The alternation analysis by DTJ is helpful to demonstrate sample 970.748.4004 eric9avon.org modelling of what could potentially fit in terms of commercial square footage, residential development and required parking to serve such redevelopment scenarios. The new redevelopment plans are updates, revisions and further implementation guidance from existing plans that date back to 2006-2008. Existing plans include the West Town Center Investment Plan and the East Town Center District Redevelopment Plan. The West Town Center Investment Plan did not include any details on the Sun Road area. The East Town Center District Redevelopment Plan has a lot of detail which includes many concepts that can carry -forward to a new plan, some concepts that need to be updated, and some concepts that are no longer relevant or appropriate. Any community planning effort should start with understanding of existing plans and what is important to revise, update or modify for current conditions. HIGH LEVEL PLAN PRINCIPLES: There are several high level principles that I suggest are appropriate and essential for the best redevelopment plan, described as follows: 1. Street Layout and Functionality. Redevelopment should result in an improved street layout that serves not only the redevelopment areas but also improves connections to adjacent areas. Redevelopment of the Sun Road area presents an opportunity to vacate Sun Road and re -allocate that right-of-way area to other public use amenities, like pedestrian corridors, plazas, pocket parks, and landscaping. The existing East Avon Town Center District plan already includes the concept of a Main Street between Round -About 4 and the Town owned Tract A area (i.e. the plaza square). Council has long supported the concept of a "Main Street", which was an idea for the Main Street Pedestrian Mall in the West Town Center Investment Plan. I support the vision of a straight Main Street connection between Round -About 4 and the Chapel Square connection into the Village (at Avon). The functionality of this Main Street can include "complete streets" which includes bike lanes, generous sized sidewalks to allow side -walk level dining, attractive landscaping, seating, art displays, etc. which would collectively contribute to "place making". 2. Community Housing: Avon's commercial core is a good place to add more year-round residential housing because it is the most functional to support a non -auto dependent lifestyle. The commercial core is walkable, currently served by transit, and will have increased transit service with the growth of the Eagle Valley Transportation Authority. Adding year-round residential use (i.e. Community Housing) is recognized as benefit and goal in the Avon Downtown Development Authority and is recognized as a goal in our Comprehensive Plan, Avon Community Housing Plan, and the Eagle County Climate Action Plan adopted by Town of Avon. 3. Elevated Design: Redevelopment of these areas presents an opportunity to implement a higher level of design to create an attractive and vibrant "urban village". The East Avon Town Center District plan includes several design principles which can be updated and further refined in our new redevelopment plans. 4. Mitigation of Business Displacement. I suggest that it is important that any plans we adopt include an expectation for at least the same level of commercial use as exists today. There is not intent to reduce or displace existing Avon businesses in these redevelopment areas. Also, with the potential addition of 700 to 1,000 residential units in these redevelopment areas, there will be a natural demand and synergy for commercial uses to serve this increased residential community. Mitigation strategies will include general ideas about sequencing of redevelopment to minimize Page 2 of 3 business closures or disruptions. Please note that this discussion is appropriate as a next step after determining preferred uses. 5. No Net Loss or Gain of Town owned property and right -of ways: I suggest that an appropriate starting point for a plan document is that the Town's goal and intent is that the Town would neither gain nor reduce the area of Town owned property or right-of-way as part of redevelopment. This means that existing Town areas may be reconfigured into a new rights -of -way, plazas, pocket park spaces, etc. AVON DDA AND AVON PZC REQUESTED FEEDBACK: Staff is requesting feedback and input on the "Preferred Redevelopment" scenario at this work session, i.e. the first of the three main components. The review process will include review of a complete draft of the redevelopment plans which will also include financial support and implementation strategies in addition to background information on the plan area and process. Feedback from Avon DDA and Avon PZC on the preferred redevelopment scenario will help Staff and DTJ to focus the most efficient on preparing a draft of the redevelopment plans for review by Avon DDA and Avon PZC. Thank you, Eric Page 3 of 3 TO: Avon Downtown Development Authority Avon Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Matt Pielsticker, Community Development Director RE: Sun Road and East Town Center Subarea Master Plans Avon DATE: April 19, 2024 C O` O R A D SUMMARY: A joint work session with the Avon Downtown Development Authority ("Avon DDA") will be conducted on Tuesday evening to review planning work conducted to -date, and a potential path forward. The Town contracted with DTJ Design, a planning and architectural firm, to assist with the creation of subarea plans for the Sun Road and East Avon areas of Town. The Sun Road area has never been evaluated for redevelopment potential; however, it is recognized as grossly underdeveloped based on 1-2 story development and surface parking on predominantly Town Center zoned lots. East Town Center currently has a plan in place, some of which will be carded forward and refined through this planning process. Sun Road and East Town Center Sub -areas At the outset of this planning effort the Avon DDA identified as the primary stakeholder group to work on the plans. The Avon DDA met on February 5, 2024 and April 1, 2024 to review initial planning concepts for each subarea and to conduct a brief visioning exercise. Since the Avon DDA will ultimately hold a public hearing and formulate recommendations to Avon PZC through the public process, it was determined thatjoint work sessions would be beneficial for direct communications and overall understanding of the project. Therefore, April 22, 2024 will be the firstjoint meeting scheduled between DDA and PZC. A project overview and presentation ("Attachment A") (970) 748-4413 mattgavon.org REDEVELOPMENT SUBAREA PLAN: Creating subarea or "district" plans is a common approach for long- range planning a defined geographic area that contains multiple properties. The development and adoption of a subarea plan follows the same process as the Town's overarching .jgy ij !A..8y it , lr 1pirelhensiive IPllir. Adoption of a new subarea plan(s) by Council will become part of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, by definition. The plans become a guiding document, outlining a vision for potential redevelopment scenarios. Subarea plans communicate a vision to our policy makers (PZC and Council), as well as staff members, investors, and the general public. Typical components of subarea plans include: preferred land uses, building form and orientation, street layouts/cross sections, design considerations, and parcel adjustments. Implementation strategies will become parts of the redevelopment plans — buildout can take many years to complete and phased redevelopment can present unique challenges. One benefit of adopting (subarea) master plans is that they are often a prerequisite for development -related grant applications. They can become part of supporting documentation for financing plans and a communication tool to lenders. It is anticipated that the Avon DDA would explore funding support for elements of redevelopment projects within the boundaries of the DDA -both subareas are completely within the DDA plan area. Avon PZC would also be directly included in all redevelopment plans through the typical development review process. The Sun Road and East Town Center subareas account for39 of the DDA's 294 acres, or 13% of the land area. Highlighted in pink are the two subareas. EXISTING PLANNING DOCUMENTS: I recommend that the Avon DDA and PZC become familiar with the Town's long-range planning documents adopted previously by the Avon Town Council. They are located II...IIIf::JFU:::: under `Long -Range Documents' heading. Attached is a summary of plans with geographic or ...................... Page 2 of 4 conceptual overlap with the Sun Road and East Town Center District plans, provided by Planner II Max Morgan - ("Attachment B"). DDA PLAN: The 2023 Town of Avon Downtown Development Authority.! 1l !g acknowledges the potential for redevelopment in the subarea properties, including a substantial increase in Community Housing inventory. Financial contributions are contemplated for "the development of high -density, mixed -use urban Downtown Area." The DDA Plan goes on to describe that investment will be necessary "for parking structures and street realignment associated with the redevelopment of East Avon and the Sun Road Sub Area Districts." PROJECT GOALS: Based upon previous planning efforts, and to further define project goals at the outset, Staff has developed a set of goals to lead this project. The following goals will be highlighted at your meeting, and refined as needed: Primary Goals: 1. Maximize the amount of Community Housing in both redevelopment sub -areas with a strong goal that a minimum of 50% of residential development in these sub -areas are Community Housing. 2. Describe and depict a road realignment for East Town Center that creates a "main street boulevard" between Roundabout 4 and the Chapel Place road access to Village (at Avon) Planning Area A, which includes bike lanes, on -street parking, general pedestrian sidewalks that support street level restaurants and retail, convenient transit stops, attractive landscaping and opportunities for public art, and which best serves the future traffic demands generated by redevelopment of East Avon Town Center and by full build -out of the Village (at Avon) Planning Areas A, 8, C, D, E, and F. 3. Determine the capacity, location and optimum traffic access for the Avon branch of the United States Post Office, which may include one centralized facility or potential branch facilities. 4. Recognize the potential impacts of redevelopment on existing businesses, including but not limited to displacement, disruption and relocation of business operations, and identify strategies to minimize negative impacts to existing Avon businesses who may be effected by redevelopment. Secondary Goals: 5. Analyze existing zoning and identify any changes or improvements to existing zoning to facilitate redevelopment. 6. Explore concepts to develop public parking structures to serve customers of commercial uses within the sub -areas to reduce the parking burden of future commercial uses and to provide more convenient parking opportunities for commercial patrons. 7. Identify options for financial support and partnerships to incentivize redevelopment, including but not limited to the Avon DDA. 8. Develop clear graphics and metrics that articulate the vision for both subareas. 9. Emphasize safe pedestrian access to and through subareas. 10. Emphasize the integration of efficient and convenient transit to serve the subareas. Page 3 of 4 11. Articulate best urban design principles which incorporate ground level activation with convenient and comfortable residential development above. 12. Integrate attractive public plaza or pocket park spaces which enhance the attractiveness and livability of the sub -area where possible. 13. Encourage a mix of interesting secondary streets, alleys and pedestrian areas to compliment the main street boulevard for the East Town Center sub -area. SCHEDULE: The following schedule was drafted in order to visualize a path toward plan adoption. The schedule is subject to change, and offered for discussion at the first PZC/DDA joint meeting: Plan Development FEBRUARY 5 DDA introduction and Visioning April 1 DDA Alternatives Analysis APRIL 22 DDA + PZC Joint Work Session MAY 6 DDA Work Session (Preferred Concept Plan) MAY 13 DDA + PZC Joint Work Session #2 MAY 14 Town Council Update Public Hearings and Plan Approval Process JUNE 3 DDA Public Hearing (Recommendations) JUNE 10 PZC Public Hearing (Recommendations) JULY 9 Town Council Public Hearing (1st Reading) JULY 23 Town Council Public Hearing (2nd Reading) REQUESTED DIRECTION: Please review previous planning documents referenced in this report and arrive to the meeting prepared to contribute to the conversation. No action is necessary on April 22nd. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A — PowerPoint Presentation for April 22, 2024 meeting Attachment B — Long Range Planning Document Synopsis Thank you, Matt Page 4 of 4 LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! 91911, (ID � 91911, 151- . Es 0- 2,; a -Bg 0. ul 6 ea Lu g E 15' o o - i: E E 2 Lei fill di jq Eol 01-0 E 10 10 ME 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! 2! LW I 2_1 gpt a. air of ai d ins VO no 0 to 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! 0 0 > a) z z ..0 111 a) 0 0 0 0w..a0 0 23 0 JJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO 0 Lf) 0 0 LO 0 0 0 (Y) 0 Lf) 0 Pl- 0 cli (Y) E -"'u; CY) q) I ... ................ fy 2! LW 2! M a) 0) C: M CO a) MC7C: a) CO M M z 0 Lf) 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 X R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO Lf) 0 0 0 0 Lf) (Y) 4c 0 0 0 (1r) 0 Lf) 0 Pl- 0 C14 (Y) 0) !> U) E > a) E q) CT , E U) < -q) in n- E, a) .......... E fy . m . ..... > fy U 2! LW 2! a) a) a) m cn cn cn cn 0- m m a) m C: 2 15 m > 0 EL 0 JI W a) 0 ....:.. 0 0 0 2 cq 0"" 4.1 (C) X 0 0 cq Ce) 0 0 0 U) .......... 3 0 0 " Q U') 0 0 0 Lf) ci 0 q- 0 Cq Cq 0 0 0 Ce) 0 Lf) 0 Pl- 0 cli q) q) U) U) E U) ±:f C.— 0 q) 0 U) ol m Q W q) q) ....... ....... E-' oll) c: . ..... U) E fy 0 0 E3 c a) fy U 2! 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! LW 2! (1) a) a) a) a) U) U) U) U) U) m m m m m 0 Lf) I 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 00 C14 0 Cq 0 0 0 X R R 00 OD 0 OD 0 0 0 Lf) (3) 00 Pl- (Y) 0 (Y) 0 0 0 (3) cq 00 OD Cq cq" 0 (n a) C.- 0 0 CY, a U) ....... >, ....... CK A 2! LW 2! (1) a) a) a) a) U) U) U) U) U) m m m m m 0 0 0 0 00 0 Lr) 0) Lf) 0 0 ce) 00 0 0 N 0 0 0) 0 0 00 0 0 X R 00 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 ci Cq 0 00 q) 0 0) 0 0 0 (3) IT cq 00 OD C%4 I 0 (Y) ±:f U) E U) a) a) E 0 q) C.— 0 0 CY, L- 0 wwwww CO < 2 (D q) E 2 ....... ....... R to R L- C: CK 5 2! LW I 2_1 LW 2! LW 2! ATTACHMENT B - LONG RANGE PLANNING DOCUMENT SYNOPSIS Introduction A community's adopted plans, including its Comprehensive Plan and subsequent plan family, capture and codify vision, goals, policies, objectives, and strategies related to an area or topic. In turn, these plans provide direction for decision -makers, investors, and the general public, and support cohesion within public and private development projects and initiatives. Included in this report is a summary of the Town's plans that appear relevant to the subarea planning for Sun Road and East Town Center District for which the Town is currently pursuing in collaboration with DTJ. The purpose of this report is to provide a record of recent plans, and show examples of goals, objectives, strategies and planning principles that could fuel dialogue for current planning efforts in the two subareas. East Town Center District Plan (2007 In the mid-2000s, the Town of Avon anticipated significant growth, including redevelopment in and around the Town Center. To guide public and private redevelopment projects in the East Town Center District, the Town contracted with Design Workshop to author the East Town Center District Plan. The East Town Center subarea identified in the plan is almost identical to the subarea for which the Town is currently planning. The plan, adopted in 2007, serves as: A decision -making tool for elected and appointed officials A visioning tool for landowners and developers A guide for future capital improvement projects Figure .1 Map firom East Mown center District Plan Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 1 of 10 The East Town Center District Plan sought to address: • Land uses, • Massing and form, • Architectural characteristics, • Streetscapes, • Transportation, parking, and circulation, and • The continuation of Main Street. un Figure 2 - Conceptual Layout.frorn East Town Venter District Plan Planning principles included in any plan help communicate the vision and build expectations of future changes in a planned area. Many of the principles in the East Town Center District Plan still represent Avon's values and help meet goals identified in the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Those planning principles include: • Utilizing green -building practices and considering environmental impacts of development • Supporting a balance of land uses, including commercial, residential, and lodging • Ensuring that pedestrians have safe and convenient access throughout the District • Maintaining access for vehicles while dispersing circulation patterns and creating pedestrian - focused streets • Providing on -street parking Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 2 of 10 • Ensuring that architectural character complements other areas of Town, including anticipated development projects • Ensuring that buildings are scaled appropriately and frame open space effectively • Maximizing pedestrian spaces, solar exposure, and views • Emphasizing the public benefit in redevelopment projects The plan segmented the district into four Areas: 1. Primarily residential 2. Destination retail with grocery store 3. Entertainment 4. Mixed Use (Main Street, retail, entertainment and residential) y r 11 r (rye/ R y � r % Area �k , I' L %�� ,% , �� / /�� �G' y del/ &, g w i / /OF /�/ � ily U�Y 1 Cira'4 Figure .3 - Proposed .Segmentation of East Town center District firorn East Town center District Plan Many of the goals and strategies identified through the development of the plan have relevance as the Town considers how Sun Road and the East Town Center can redevelop. Whether it is consideration for environmentalism, the segmentation of the district, or the emphasis on the relationship between building scale and the pedestrian experience, the East Town Center District Plan serves as a valuable brain- storming tool for considerations for future of the area. Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 3 of 10 Key observations and elements from the East Town Center District Plan that remain relevant and worthy of keeping in tact for the current planning effort include: - Mix of land uses Continuation of Main Street concept from Roundabout 4 travelling east.. - Increased Residential Development - Parking regulations and zoning standards may be limiting redevelopment opportunties - Entertainment opportunities throughout the area - Vertically mixed -use redevelopment with housing above retail, restaurant, and entertainment - Maintaining two points of vehicular access on both sides of the district, connecting Avon Road and the Village at Avon. - Decentralized parking garages to replace large single use or shared surface parking areas. - Achieving environmentally conscious design and building construction techniques There are some policy directives in the East Town Center District Plan that have less relevance today, or worth further discussion include: - Beaver Creek Boulevard moving north of Christie Lodge and turning into frontage road.. - Detailed viewshed protection zones - Minimizing off street parking prominence - LEED Neighborhood certification is not relevant, however, the principles (e.g. walkable streets, diversity of housing) remain relevant. - Detailed land use for different areas of East Town Center may not be necessary West Town Center Investment Plan (2007) Figure 4 - Map o% Town Areas.from Blest Mown center Investment Plan Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 4 of 10 The West Town Center Investment Plan was designed to encourage and facilitate revitalization in the area between Nottingham Park and East Town Center. Drafted and adopted in collaboration with Design Workshop in 2007 almost simultaneous to the East Town Center District Plan, the plan expresses goals similar to the current Sun Road and East Town Center vision for redevelopment. The West Town Center Investment Plan sought to provide benefits for the area including: • Functionally and aesthetically complementary development, and enhanced, visual character for the Town Center • More predictability, direction, and ease for developers and the Town in the design review process for redevelopment projects • Increased confidence in investors • More predictability for the Town's budgeting and financing mechanisms While details went largely unrealized given development constraints during the Great Recession in 2008, planning concepts from the West Town Center Investment Plan are worth consideration for the Sun Road and East Town Center subarea plans including: • A new Main Street • Street realignment to improve circulation and enhance development feasibility of vacant parcels • Linkage for pedestrian, bike, and auto circulation throughout the Town • A parking structure • Public plazas and gathering spaces • Entertainment opportunities and extended retail hours (night life!) • Enhanced signage, streetscapes, landscaping and wayfinding • Ground -level architectural detailing to enhance the pedestrian experience • Siting of buildings to maximize sun exposure, protect views, and break up building bulk The plan also identifies that redevelopment in the West Town Center was likely to invigorate redevelopment in neighboring districts, including East Town Center. Provided that the West Town Center Investment Plan was never fully actualized, Avon's East Town Center is a potential site for many of these ideas and concepts to take shape moving forward. Avon Urban Renewal Authority - Town Center West Area — Urban Renewal Plan Concurrent to the West Town Center Investment Plan, the Town's Urban Renewal Authority (URA) drafted and adopted its Urban Renewal Plan. The purpose of the plan was to reduce, eliminate, and prevent the spread of blight with the Urban Renewal Area, and to stimulate growth and investment within the Area boundaries. Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 5 of 10 Figure 5 - Map firom Urban Renewal Authority Plan This document, while less visionary than the previously detailed plans for East and West Town Center Districts, inventoried planning principles for the area that reinforce the intended direction for development in the Town Center: • Create a new "main Street" in the existing pedestrian mall right-of-way. • Realign West Benchmark Road to improve circulation in the area and enhance the development feasibility of vacant parcels. • Link pedestrian, bicycle, and automobile circulation to and through Avon's Towns Center, Nottingham Park, the Confluence site, and the Eagle River. • Develop a multi -modal transit center. • Develop a parking structure associated with the expansion of Avon's Recreation Center. • Develop a mix of uses that provides a strong residential and lodging bed base supported by community and guest commercial uses. • Create inviting storefronts with retail, restaurant, and entertainment uses on ground levels and offices, lodging, and residential uses above. • Establish public plazas and other gathering spaces for community interaction and social events. • Provide entertainment opportunities for residents and guests to enliven the area and promoted and extended retail hours. • Use signage, streetscape design, landscaping, points of interest, and other wayfinding elements to help orient visitors to important destinations within the district and larger Town Center. • Use architectural detailing on ground level/first floor to enhance the pedestrian environment that includes a human scale, display windows, appropriate lighting, and other pedestrian amenities. • Site buildings of various sizes along the street edge to maximize sun exposure, protect views, and break up building bulk. Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 6 of 10 Develop a new transit center and private/public structured parking facilities that provide easy access to and through the district. Concepts such as an enhanced Main Street, road realignment, transportation linkage, entertainment, and building mass are all represented in the plan. Additionally, the plan suggests improvements that have since taken shape including improved connectivity to the Eagle River Trail system, an outdoor ice rink, a skate park (currently in development), and construction of a new Town Hall at its current location. The plan appears more of an internal, guiding document rather than one for public consumption however the sections on Land Use Objectives, Project Implementation including Relocation Assistance, and Project Financing are possible elements that should be incorporated into the new East Town Center Plan. Avon Multimodal Transportation and Parking Plan (2017) The Avon Multimodal Transportation and Parking Plan, prepared by LCS Transportation Consultants, Inc., followed successful completion of a transportation and parking study. The study was intended to provide a long-term framework for circulation system improvements, as well as policies that can be implemented to meet overall Town and community goals. The study focused on: • A review of existing circulation and mobility conditions, and the demographics and activity patterns that create these condition • A detailed evaluation of parking demand and supply in the Town Center, as a basis for parking supply and management strategies • A review of emerging technologies such, as autonomous vehicles, and their long-term potential impact on the study area • Transit system enhancements • Bicycle and pedestrian system enhancements The plan led to improvements including a bike -share program, the Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) to enhance safety at Avon Road's crosswalks, pedestrian improvements under the 1-70 overpass, and marked crosswalks on West Beaver Creek Boulevard at Sun Road. The East Town Center however, is identified in the plan as an "Existing Key Gap in the (Transit) Network)". The report states that "While sidewalks are present along roadways such as Benchmark Place, clear pedestrian routes are not readily obvious to visitors, which is a potential disincentive to walking within the area" and that the "'suburban' street pattern east of Avon Road results in the potential for confusing travel routes. While it is not an unattractive area for cycling and walking, the adjacent land uses and street pattern also do not encourage active transportation." The report also evaluates the Town's Code requirements for parking and suggests that Code rates potentially exceed parking needs even during peak hours, with Chapel Square's commercial center Building B used as a specific example. The plan recommends specific transit system enhancements including: • Extension of the Main Street Mall eastward across Avon Road into the East Town Center District • Sidewalk enhancements on Benchmark Road • Construction of a mall, public plaza on the southeast corner of Benchmark Road and Chapel Place Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 7 of 10 • Reconfiguration of land use in Tract A o The plan recommends "direct, street front, small-scale retail along the west side of Benchmark Road." The Avon Multimodal Transportation and Parking Plan also recommends strategies that enhance ridership for public transit, including: • Constructing new bus shelters • Adjusting bus schedules • Eliminating and adding stops at specific locations • Expanding services boundaries And strategies for parking improvements including: • Providing areas for overnight bus parking • Encouraging shared parking agreements • Expanding On -street Parking Along Benchmark Road Interestingly, the plan states that a neither a parking structure nor a paid parking program are recommended provided the conditions at the time the plan was adopted. The plan concludes with encouragement for the Town to avoid becoming "The Day Skier Parking Facility for Beaver Creek." Blue Zones Walkability Report (2015) In 2015, the Town invited Dan Burden, the Director of Blue Zones, LLC, to conduct a Walkability Workshop to help identify how to improve economic vitality, social connections, and equity by addressing obstacles to walkability. The workshop included a stakeholder summit and walk -audit to assess factors represented in walkability in Avon including: Destinations & Connectivity Slow Streets- roads narrower than typically prescribed, in order reduce vehicle speeds Safety, Comfort, Sense of Welcome The resulting report describes several short-term, mid -to -long-term, and general recommendations including: Short -Term Recommendations • Enhance Wayfinding • Remove Yellow Centerlines in Roads • Transform West Beaver Creek Boulevard • Enhance Street Crossings • Enhance Connections to Eagle River Trail • Complete the Pedestrian Mall • Add More Bicycle Parking • Identify Opportunities for Protected Bike Lanes of Cycle Tracks • Implement Bike Share or a Bicycle Library Mid -to -Long -Term Recommendations • Right -Size Avon Road Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 8 of 10 • Address Complex Intersections • Increase On -Street Parking • Create a Parking Management Plan • Honor and Turn Towards the River • Buildings Should Front the Street, Trails, and Pedestrian Mall • Address the Vacant Railroad Tracks • Address Bus Pullouts Figure 6 - Image excerpt.from Blue Zones Walkability Report Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 9 of 10 Figure 7 Rendering of Recommended Option fior Blest Beaver Creek Boulevard in the Blue .tones Walkability Report While a handful of recommendations have seen fruition (Bike Share program, Parking Management Plan, etc.), many of these concepts and projects continue to have applicability to future development in the town. The Town, including community members and stakeholders, are tasked to determine whether Sun Road or East Town Center are the appropriate locations to exact these recommendations, or if these recommendations need refinement or adaptation in 2024. The "people -first approach" for Avon, promoted in the Blue Zones Walkability Report, should resonate with individuals and groups involved in planning for the Town. Overall, the recommendations and messaging with the Town's plan family highlight the need for an improved street network, buildings and massing that enhance the pedestrian experience, and an emphasis on livability. Looking ahead, the Town can use its new subarea plans to gain traction on long -sought projects and improvements, grow interest from investors, and galvanize a vision for the town that is equitable, resilient and inspiring. Long Range Planning Synopsis February 2, 2024 Page 10 of 10 AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2024 MEETING AT 5:30PM Avon 1.00 �VII IIIII� BEGINS A Y oIIN COUIINCIIIIII. CIII°°III : IIIII'3III':III'6 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL (CHAIRPERSON) MEETING COMMENCED AT 5:05PM. A ROLLCALL WAS TAKEN, AND PLANNING COMMISSIONERS BRAD CHRISTIANSON, KEVIN HYATT, BILL GLANER, OLIVIA COOK AND ANTHONY SEKINGER WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT WERE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER, AICP, PLANNING MANAGER JENA SKINNER, AICP, PLANNER II MAX MORGAN, RECREATION DIRECTOR MICHAEL LABAGH, DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, EMILY BLOCK, AND CO -APPLICANT JESSE GREGG, REPRESENTING ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES. COMMISSIONER TOM SCHAEFER WAS NOT IN ATTENDANCE. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: COMMISSIONER GLANER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. COMMISSIONER CHRISTIANSON SECONDED THE MOTION, AND THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS THERE WERE NO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4.1. FILE #MJR24001 I MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW - EAGLEBEND POCKET PARK IMPROVEMENTS (PLANNER II, MAX MORGAN) ACTION: COMMISSIONER GLANER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE APPLICATION WITH THE CONDITION INCLUDED IN THE STAFF REPORT. COMMISSIONER COOK SECONDED THE MOTION, AND THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 5. CONSENT AGENDA 5.1. MARCH 12, 2024, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES ACTION: COMMISSIONER CHRISTIANSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. COMMISSIONER HYATT SECONDED THE MOTION, AND THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0. 6. FUTURE MEETINGS 6.1. APRIL 8, 2024 (MONDAY - WITH PZC TRAINING) 6.2. APRIL 22, 2024 (MONDAY 7. STAFF UPDATES 7.1. NET ZERO EXPO -APRIL 8 8. ADJOURN ACTION: COMMISSIONER SEKINGER ADJOURNED THE MEETING AT 6:16PM. THESE MEETING MINUTES ARE ONLY A SUMMARY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING. THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE COMPREHENSIVE OR TO INCLUDE EACH STATEMENT, PERSON SPEAKING OR TO PORTRAY WITH COMPLETE ACCURACY. THE MOST ACCURATE RECORDS OF THE MEETING ARE THE AUDIO RECORDING OF THE MEETING, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE BY SUBMITTING A PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST. APPROVED: X CHAIRPERSON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: March 25, 2024 TYPE OF APPLICATIONS: Major Development Plan Review (MJR) PROPERTY LOCATION: 5415 Eaglebend Dr - Eaglebend Pocket Park FILE NUMBER: MJR24001 APPLICANT: Town of Avon This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.010(F)(1) PZC DECISION ON #MJR24001: Approval With Condition FINDINGS: MJR24001: The development plan for Eaglebend Pocket Park improvements is in compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in Section 7.04.030, Purposes; Reserved; The design and proposed modifications for the park conform with the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents; 4. The proposal is consistent with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; The proposed project is compliant with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; That the park can continue to be adequately served by city services, including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection and emergency medical services; and The design of the park conforms with the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole GENERAL CRITERIA FINDINGS: 1. The development application for the park improvements is complete; 2. The development application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The development application for the park improvements complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 4. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the development application. PZC Record of Decision: MJR24001 CONDITIONS: 1. License agreement between the Town and developers of McGrady Acres Subdivision for the encroachment and maintenance of the retaining walls and fencing required THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: PZC Chairperson PZC Record of Decision: MJR24001 DATE: