03.04.24 IGA Eagle River Fire Protection District Avon Vehicle and Equipment Service Agreement Annual Renewal DocuSign Envelope ID:79B6F9FE-A1 C3-4F78-A6F0-44ABB35B4E15 n AVOn COLOR ADO AVON VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT SERVICE AGREEMENT ANNUAL RENEWAL This Avon Vehicle and Equipment Service Agreement Annual Renewal ("Annual Renewal") is by and between [Eagle River Fire Protection District] and the Town of Avon ("Avon"). 1. Term: The existing Vehicle and Equipment Service Agreement ("Service Agreement"), dated December 2023, is hereby renewed and extended until December 31, 2024, and the Service Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, except as amended and updated in this Annual Renewal. 2. Adjusted Hourly Rates: In accordance with Paragraph 4 of the Service Agreement, the service rates and fuel rate are adjusted as follows, effective on January 1, 2024: Light Duty Vehicle and Equipment = $116 per hour Heavy Duty Vehicles and Equipment = $127 per hour Fuel Rate = cost plus $0.151gallon l DocuSigned by: Ea le River Fire Protection Distric ` �� w��Sow t g ] er-a.�an2�naG�a �