PZC Packet 032524AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA /������'�, TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2024/� PUBLIC MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM Avon IKAA WAY® COUNCIL CHAMBERS CO LO RADO PUBLIC MEETING BEGINS AT 5:30 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL (CHAIRPERSON) 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4. PUBLIC BEARINGS 4.1. MJR24001 EAGLEBEND POCKET PARK - MAX MORGAN PLANNER / MICHAEL LABAGH RECREATION DIRECTOR 5. CONSENT AGENDA 5.1. MARCH 12, 2024, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 6. FUTURE MEETINGS 6.1. APRIL 8, 2024 (MONDAY - WITH PZC TRAINING) 6.2. APRIL 22, 2024 (MONDAY) 7. STAFF UPDATES 7.1. NET ZERO EXPO-APRIL 8 8. ADJOURN MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, ONLINE AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL MATT PIELSTICKER AT 970-748-4413 OR EMAIL MATT@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Max Morgan, MURP, Town Planner RE: MJR24001 - PUBLIC HEARING DATE: March 25, 2024 PROJECT TYPE: PUBLIC HEARING: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS: ZONING: PROPERTY SIZE: STAFF REPORT OVERVIEW: Major Development Plan Review Required Lot 1 and Tract 0-2 McGrady Acres Subdivision 5415 Eaglebend Drive Planned Unit Development ("PUD") 19,166.4 SQ FT 11141, r' '',tt Av kn This staff report details one application for improvements at the existing, Town -owned Eaglebend Pocket Park ("park"). SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Major Development Plan review ("MJR") applications are required for "all new building construction 600 square feet or greater (§7.16.180(C)(1))." All Major Development Plan review applications submitted to or by the Town initiate a public hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission (" PZC"). PZC is asked to review the application and determine if the application is approved, approved with conditions, denied, or if more information is needed to make a determination. The plans for this application do not include a single structure greater than 600 square feet however, the scale of the proposed project suggests an MJR application is appropriate. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Figure 1 - Map of Site and Surrounding Area The Town, in collaboration with Zehren and Associates ("Zehren"), a local architecture, planning, land use and landscaping design firm, has designed updates to the existing park to including: • Four (4) play areas, designed for specific age groups and activities Trash and recycling receptacles 970-748-4014 mmorgan@avon.org Page 1 of 8 • One (1) bike rack • An entry plaza • Three (3) picnic tables • An open-air, shelter structure • Benches • A drinking fountain • Three (3) parking spaces on the opposite side of the cul-de-sac • Three (3) sides of fencing • Additional lighting (LED, solar -powered bollards) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The property is located on the eastern end of the Eaglebend Drive cul-de-sac, in the McGrady Acres subdivision. The property was dedicated to the Town in 1991 and the park saw its original construction around 2002. Tract 0-2 was conveyed to the Town in 2022 as part of the resubdivision of Lots 5 and 6 of McGrady Acres. In its current state, the park has a picnic table, bench, swing set, dog waste bag dispenser, and play structure. The park also houses substantial underground utilities for water, electricity, and sewer on the western portion. Figure 2 - View of Pork Looking North The park is bounded by Eaglebend Drive to the south, a single-family home to the west, the dormant Union Pacific railroad tracks and surrounding right of way to the north, and the currently under -construction McGrady Acres subdivision development to the east. McGrady Acres has rebranded as "The Kestral" as of early 2024. The park in its current state offers views of the Beaver Creek ski resort to the south, and the Village at Avon, including the Traer Creek building and Piedmont Apartments to the north. Residential communities impede some visibility to the west and east of the park however, the park generally offers unencumbered views of the natural environment. Pocket parks, including the Eaglebend Pocket Park, are typically designed to serve residents of the surrounding neighborhood. Pocket parks are usually smaller in scale when compared to other public parks. Similarly, pocket parks are often less -connected to public transportation lines, and offer fewer place -making opportunities for large groups, like what can be observed in the larger Harry A. Nottingham Park. In short - pocket parks are intended to serve as a local amenity rather than a regional destination. 970-748-4014 mmorgan@avon.org Page 2 of 8 Demographic data for community members that live near Eaglebe ran , `i 101; hi ,n Figure 3 - Existing Play Structure nd Pocket Park suggest that park access imperative to promote healthy lifestyles nd choices to recreate. According to the 020 American Community Survey, 66.4% f the residents in the surrounding eighborhood rent their homes, 80% are )w-income, 68% are Latino, and 27% of ie total population is under twelve (12) ears of age. These statistics are all igher than Town -wide averages. 12.4% f residents who live near Eaglebend locket Park lack access to a vehicle, ihich inhibits them from easily recreating i other popular locations like the White river National Forest, or Harry A. lottingham Park, over one mile away. The pocket part is within walking distance to the Eaglebend Apartments complex, which has 240 affordable workforce housing units with young families. An adjacent McGrady Acres / Kestral development of twenty-four (24) townhomes, which includes one deed restricted workforce housing unit, has provided an additional 6,098 square feet to the'/4 of an acre pocket park creating space for the additional improvements. Additionally, the expanded park is intended to benefit children attending an anticipated day-care facility nearby, that is slated for development in the future. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & COMMENTS: Notice of the public hearing was published in the Vail Daily on March 14, 2024 in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code (ADC). Mailed notice is not required for this application. No comments were received concerning this application. The Town conducted a public engagement meeting at the Eaglebend Apartments on January 31 st, to present the park design to community members and garner feedback. Meeting participants expressed that the Town should look to address park access. Specifically, some attendees indicated existing conflicts between motorized and non -motorized users on Eaglebend Drive. The owner / resident of f i f I �k the property on the opposite side of park, Figure 4 - Existing Swing Set and Contiguous Residential Property next to the proposed parking area, gave support for the park improvements and did not express concerns over the design. 970-748-4014 mmorgan@avon.org Page 3 of 8 Additionally, the Town met with the owner / resident of the single-family home contiguous to the park to discuss the updated park design. The individual communicated to Town staff that he endorses the split rail fence (as opposed to other fence types) proposed as the boundary between the park and his property, is hopeful that tree removal can be performed to address aspen trees interfering with his driveway, and was "50/50" of the parking spaces but hopeful that it will reduce illegal parking on the cul-de-sac. The individual asked staff to reconsider the design that included a grill, and the grill feature was subsequently removed from the design. PLANNING ANALYSIS: GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA - § 7.16.020(f)(1) 1. The development application is complete; Staff Comments: Staff has determined that this application is complete. 2. The development application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; Staff Comments: Staff has determined that this application provides sufficient information to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria. 3. The development application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and Staff Comments: This application presents compliance with several goals and policies relevant to the Town's Comprehensive Plan (2017) including: Policy A.1.1: Encourage redevelopment and revitalization of outdated, rundown, or otherwise neglected areas. Policy B.1.1: Include sufficient land for public uses such as schools, recreation, community facilities, and government services. Policy C.3.4: Encourage development of civic and recreational amenities that benefit all neighborhoods. Goal H.1: Provide an exceptional system of parks, trails, and recreational programs to serve the year-round needs of area residents and visitors. 4. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the development application. 970-748-4014 mmorgan@avon.org Page 4 of 8 Staff Comments: While not the primary function of the development application, this proposed project seeks to enhance access to public transit with the inclusion of a Path Connection to the bus stop on Post Boulevard. This connection should reduce undesirable pedestrian activity across the railroad tracks- the existing, informal route that individuals and families in the �° "'�` area currently use. Staff feels that °'�"� a, by enhancing pedestrian Polk Enplaza 1�Parvres� connections, this project mitigates Racv(�� °" demand for similar, additional w infrastructure. A-AoMO Parking MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA - § 7.16.080(g) 1. Evidence of Substantial Compliance with the purpose of the Avon Development Code ("ADC") Staff Comments: • Allowed Use: The use is not changing, and a park is allowed at this site. • Easements: The site contains a 40' utility easement on the western side of the park. The plans show minimal development in the easement, in order to reduce risk of displacement or removal of park features. • Grading / Drainage: The Town's Engineering Department has continuously advised on the plans for this project relative to grading and drainage. Zehren and Town Engineers have tracked grading across the site, and applied appropriate amenities, including hand railings, where required. Engineers also seek to maintain culverts and critical drainage points. Figure 6 - Pedestrian Access Easement at McCrady Acres Specifically, the existing bioswale on the north portion of the cul-de-sac has been preserved in the plans, and existing curb and gutter will remain. Ladd AHemi atei Con*10 OW* � k p.�/( Slop Doypoomy Figure 5 - Sidewalk, Parking, and Path Connection to Past Blvd Bust Stop ,„ , ,, Y � f011 I P K c ,,, N l rtA 4 um 970-748-4014 mmorgan@avon.org Page 5 of 8 • Mobility and Connectivity: Provisions have been made to encourage the use of bicycle and pedestrian travel. The pedestrian connection as well as bicycle racks enhance non -motorized connectivity. McGrady Acres has provided an easement through the neighboring site to the east in order to connect the park to an existing bus stop on Post Boulevard. A 4' sidewalk is also included in the plans, as a means to connect the parking area with the park. • Parking: No parking is required however, three (3) parking spaces, including one ADA parking stall, and a loading area are included in the plans. • Landscaping: The project features native, mulched landscaping in thoughtful locations (Blue Spruce in areas with shade, low-water plantings in sun -lit areas, perennials on the park perimeter and surrounding play areas), and minimal turf grass. The Active Play Area includes sod but is not considered landscaping however, even when included in the irrigation plan, the Active Play Area does not contribute to non -compliant water use at this site. Fences: The park features a combination of wooden split rail fencing and metal fencing. The split rail fencing applies to areas around the existing residential property on the western side of the park, and along a portion of the northern side of the park. The metal fencing applies to areas along the McGrady Acres residential development boundary, and is appropriate and in compliance with the Avon Municipal Code. Staff initially expressed concern that the metal fence was too "climb- able" and asked that the fence be revised to feature vertical slats rather than horizontal. The proposed fence has'/4" gaps that do not provide the "climb -ability" that initially concerned staff. • Lighting: The lighting plan and outdoor wall light included in the lighting plan are appropriate for this project and in compliance with Design Standards for exterior lighting (§ 7.28.090(c)(6)). Bulbs are not exposed, and lighting is ensconced to project towards the ground. The bollards presented include 3000K LED solar -powered lights, which automatically adjust to the time of day. Colors and Materials: Zehren presented colors and materials that complement and blend with the predominant colors and values of the surrounding natural environment. Pavers and some seating are stone, playground equipment largely features natural color tones and materials, with the exception of Large Play Structure with Slides and Swings, and the picnic shelter is made of cedar wood. Metal is present on benches, drinking fountains, light bollards, waste receptacles, and the siding for the porta-potty enclosure. • Not applicable to this application are design standards for Access Drive Requirements, Building Height, Density, Setbacks, Lot Coverage, and Snow Storage 2. Reserved 3. Design Conformity with the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Comments: The project complies with Avon Comprehensive Plan (2017), and advances several aforementioned policies and goals (Policy A.1.1, Policy B.1.1, Policy C.3.4, and Goal H.1). The site is located in the Riverfront District (District 2 of the Comprehensive Plan), which states, "The Riverfront District has significant residential, lodging, commercial, and service uses. The area is mostly developed, except near the Westin hotel. The District provides access to Beaver Creek Village, U.S. 970-748-4014 mmorgan@avon.org Page 6 of 8 Highway 6, the Eagle River, and the Eagle Valley Trail. Planning and development of this District must incorporate these key assets. Visibility from U.S. Highway 6, protection and enhancement of the riparian environment along the Eagle River, and appropriate public access along the river should be taken into consideration with all development." The Avon Comprehensive Plan's District 2 Planning Principles include: • Add sidewalks and landscaping along roads • Minimize the loss of trees and impact to the riparian area while achieving urban design goals. • Examine the potential to develop pedestrian and bicycle connections between Stonebridge Drive and the Village at Avon District 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable. Staff Comments: The proposed plans are in general conformance and harmony with the surrounding residential neighborhood uses. 6. Capacity for city services, including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection and emergency medical services. Staff Comments: The proposed project does not exacerbate the capacity of city services. The water needed to maintain this park does not require expansion of services. 7. Conformity with the character of the surrounding community. Staff Comments: The proposed project is an excellent representation a neighborhood amenity designed to serve the surrounding community. The park is designed to be family -friendly, safe, and natural in its look and feel. OPTIONS: PZC has the following options: • Approve as outlined below; • Approve with modified findings and conditions; • Continue application to future meeting pending additional details or studies; or • Deny application after formulating justifiable findings. RECOMMENDED FINDINGS: The following section includes the applicable commentary and analysis for a Major Development Plan Review application. Review Criteria was considered for this development applications and findings are as follows: 1. The development application for the park improvements is complete; 2. The development application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The development application for the park improvements complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 970-748-4014 mmorgan@avon.org Page 7 of 8 ATTACHMENT A�� Av q n t, tir C)f1W n0 4. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the development application. § 7.16.080(g), Development Plan shall be considered as the basis for a decision on development plan applications: 1. The development plan for Eaglebend Pocket Park improvements is in compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in Section 7.04.030, Purposes; 2. Reserved; 3. The design and proposed modifications for the park conform with the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents; 4. The proposal is consistent with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; 5. The proposed project is compliant with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; 6. That the park can continue to be adequately served by city services, including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection and emergency medical services; and 7. The design of the park conforms with the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole RECOMMENDED MOTION: `7 move to Approve Case #MJR24001, an application for Major Development Plan Review for Eaglebend Pocket Park based on the findings and condition as outlined in Staffs report." Conditions: 1. License agreement between the Town and developers of McGrady Acres Subdivision for the encroachment and maintenance of the retaining walls and fencing required Thank you, Max ATTACHMENTS: ATTACHMENT A: Application Materials 970-748-4014 mmorgan@avon.org Page 8 of 8 F- z w z 0 0 z LLJ rv/ m m z N z 0 ZI co u I Le I F- z cW A� qo -s,- P!-1-1 -29, Mq M, M N IN A HA. 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WILLIAMS) PUBLIC MEETING: 6:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL ACTION: THE REGULAR MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 6:06 PM BY CHAIRPERSON SEKINGER. A ROLL CALL WAS TAKEN, AND PLANNING COMMISSIONERS BRAD CHRISTIANSON, OLIVIA COOK, BILL GLANER, AND ANTHONY SEKINGER WERE PRESENT. ALSO PRESENT WERE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER, AICP, PLANNING MANAGER JENA SKINNER, AICP, TOWN ATTORNEY NINA WILLIAMS, AND TOWN MANAGER ERIC HEIL. COMMISSIONERS TOM SCHAEFER AND KEVIN HYATT WERE NOT IN ATTENDANCE. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: COMMISSIONER CHRISTIANSON MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA. COMMISSIONER COOK SECONDED THE MOTION, AND THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS NONE 4. PUBLIC BEARINGS 4.1. NONE 5. CONSENT AGENDA ACTION: COMMISSIONER GLANER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. COMMISSIONER CHRISTIANSON SECONDED THE MOTION, AND THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY, 4-0. 5.1. FEBRUARY 6, 2024, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 5.2. RECORD OF DECISION TMP24001 5.3. RECORD OF DECISION REZ23001 6. FUTURE MEETINGS 6.1. MARCH 25, 2024 (MONDAY) 6.2. APRIL 8, 2024 (MONDAY) 7. STAFF UPDATES 7.1. CPA23001 COMP PLAN AMENDMENT 7.2. EAGLEBEND POCKET PARK UPDATE 7.3. AVON SKATE PLAZA UPDATE 7.4. PZC BOARD - POSITIONS (REMINDER) 8. ADJOURN ACTION: THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 6:1$PM THESE MEETING MINUTES ARE ONLY SUMMARY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING. THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE COMPREHENSIVE OR TO INCLUDE EACH STATEMENT, PERSON SPEAKING OR TO PORTRAY WITH COMPLETE ACCURACY. THE MOST ACCURATE RECORDS OF THE MEETING ARE THE AUDIO RECORDING OF THE MEETING, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE BY SUBMITTING PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST. APPROVED: 0 CHAIRPERSON