TC Resolution 23-14 Authorizing the Grant Application for a Grant from the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF) More Housing Now & Land Use Initiative the Completion of the EC Regional Housing Action PlanA Avon C O I. O R A 0 0 RESOLUTION 23-14 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GRANT APPLICATION FOR A GRANT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF LOCAL AFFAIRS (DOLA) ENERGY AND MINERAL IMPACT ASSISTANCE FUND (EIAF) MORE HOSING NOW AND LAND USE INITIATIVE THE COMPLETION OF THE EAGLE COUNTY REGIONAL HOUSING ACTION PLAN WHEREAS, the Town of Avon is a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, and therefore an eligible applicant for a grant awarded by the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF); and WHEREAS, the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) supports efforts by local governments to adopt land use and other strategies to increase opportunity for affordable housing development, and a significant barrier to redevelopment is the cost to upgrade and upsize or otherwise provide needed infrastructure to incentivize affordable housing development; and DOLA offers this initiative to helps address the significant demand for local government infrastructure to support affordable housing development; and WHEREAS, the More Housing Now & Land Use Initiative offers a robust program that offers funding opportunities for the development and adoption of land use strategies to make it easier to develop affordable housing, such as: land use strategy adoption; regional housing needs assessments; shared housing analysis and agreements ("fair share agreements"); fiscal health and greenhouse gas reduction land use strategy analysis; and similar work necessary to inform impactful strategy selection and adoption; technology and process improvements that effectively streamline development review processes for affordable housing projects; preliminary planning and analysis (public/nonprofit) technical assistance projects in rural communities (defined as a county with a population of less than 50,000 or a municipality with a population of less than 25,000) WHEREAS, the Town of Avon, Eagle County and six municipalities in the Eagle River basin in Eagle County ("Eagle County Housing Partners") desire to collaborate on a regional housing plan to update the housing needs assessment (last done in 2018) and establish a Land Use Strategy and Action Plan, as the region is experiencing a severe affordable housing shortage; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council supports a Grant Application submittal for the More Housing Now & Land Use Initiative, for state funding offered by DOLA's EIAF Tier I Level in the amount of $200,000 with a 10% match for planning projects split between Avon, Vail and Eagle County ($8K each for total of $24K), and supports the Eagle County Housing Partners' effort to draft the Eagle County Regional Housing Action Plan; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council finds that the Eagle County Regional Housing Action Plan will promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Avon community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. The above recitals are hereby incorporated as findings by the Town Council. Section 2. The Town Council of the Town of Avon supports the Eagle County Regional Housing Action Plan and will authorize the expenditure of funds necessary to meet the terms and obligations of any grant awarded pursuant to a Grant Agreement with DOLA. Resolution No. 23-14 July 25, 2023 Page 1 of 2 Section 4: If a grant is awarded, the Town Council of the Town of Avon hereby authorizes the (Designated Official) to sign a Grant Agreement with the Department of Local Affairs for the Energy and Mineral Impact Assistance Funds. ADOPTED ULY 15, 2023 BY THE AVON TOWN COUNCIL By: 1. 4, "L _ Attest: Amy Aillips, Mayor Miguel Jaure,(qAasanueva, T '1_Q�N O... WrEA L . �4RAQ0� Resolution No. 23-14 July 25, 2023 Page 2 of 2