TC Agenda 07-25-2023_______________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG MEETING NOTICES ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, AVON ELEMENTARY AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL TOWN CLERK MIGUEL JAUREGUI CASANUEVA AT 970-748-4001 OR EMAIL MJAUREGUI@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, July 25, 2023 MEETING BEGINS AT 5:15 PM Hybrid meeting; in-person at Avon Town Hall or virtually through Zoom AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM (See Agenda on page 3) AVON TOWN COUNCIL PUBLIC MEETING BEGINS AT 5:15 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4. PUBLIC COMMENT – COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes. The speaker may be given one (1) additional minute subject to Council approval. 5. BUSINESS ITEMS 5.1. Planning and Zoning Commission Vacancy (Planning Director Matt Pielsticker) 5.2. Resolution 23-11: Housing Guidelines (Senior Planner Jena Skinner) 5.3. Presentation: Wildridge FireWise Accreditation (Hugh Fairfield-Smith, Fire Management Officer for Eagle Valley Wildland) 5.4. First Reading of Ordinance 23-04: Construction Materials Use Tax (Finance Director Scott Wright and Town Manager Eric Heil) 5.5. Resolution 23-15: Approving a Use Tax Agency Fund (Incoming Finance Director Paul Redmond) 5.6. Work Session: Recreation Department update on Status, Activities and Future Planning Work (Recreation Director Michael Labagh) 5.7. Resolution 23-13, Grant Application with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) Energy Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF) for the Main Street LIVE: Livability Investments for Vibrant Economies Program (Eric Heil, Town Manager) 5.8. Resolution 23-14, Grant Application with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) Energy Impact Assistance Fund (EIAF) for the More Housing Now & Land Use Initiative Program (Eric Heil, Town Manager) 5.9. Notice of Award – Task Order 2-2023-02 Public Works Complex Design – Vehicle Storage Facility (Public Works Director Eva Wilson) 5.10. Findings of Fact and Record of Decision Lot 3/Stonebridge Hotel Project (Senior Planner Jena Skinner) 6. WRITTEN REPORTS 6.1. Monthly Financials (Senior Accountant Dean Stockdale) 6.2. Quarterly RETT Report (Accountant I Carly Fackler) 6.3. Quarterly Update to the 2023 Department Goals (Town Manager Eric Heil) 6.4. Quarterly Mi Casa Avon Update (Senior Planner Jena Skinner) 6.5. Draft June 15 Culture, Arts & Special Events Committee Meeting Minutes (Special Events Coordinator Chelsea Van Winkle) 6.6. Planning & Zoning Commission July 5th Abstract (Planner 1+ Max Morgan) 6.7. Planning & Zoning Commission July 18th Abstract (Planner 1+ Max Morgan) _______________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG MEETING NOTICES ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, AVON ELEMENTARY AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL TOWN CLERK MIGUEL JAUREGUI CASANUEVA AT 970-748-4001 OR EMAIL MJAUREGUI@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. 6.8. Draft July 18 Health & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes (Aquatics Superintendent Kacy Carmichael) 6.9. Grant Agreement with State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund and Town of Avon for the Eaglebend Pocket Park Transformation Project, Contract Number 23010, for a grant in an amount not to exceed $375,000 ** Indicates topic will be discussed at future agenda’s 7. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES 8. ADJOURN Public Comments: Council agendas shall include a general item labeled “Public Comment” near the beginning of all Council meetings. Members of the public who wish to provide comments to Council greater than three minutes are encouraged to schedule time in advance on the agenda and to provide written comments and other appropriate materials to the Council in advance of the Council meeting. The Mayor shall permit public comments for any action item or work session item and may permit public comment for any other agenda item, and may limit such public comment to three minutes per individual, which limitation may be waived or increased by a majority of the quorum present. Article VI. Public Comments, Avon Town Council Simplified Rules of Order, Adopted by Resolution No. 17-05. AVON LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2023 MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM Hybrid meeting; in-person at Avon Town Hall or virtually through Zoom 1.CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2.APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3.DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4.PUBLIC COMMENT – COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA [AN INITIAL THREE (3) MINUTE LIMIT ALLOWED TO EACH PERSON WISHING TO SPEAK . SPEAKER MAY REQUEST MORE TIME AT THE END OF THE THREE (3) MINUTES, WHICH MAY BE APPROVED BY A MAJORITY OF THE COUNCIL .] 5.PUBLIC HEARING FOR A NEW BEER AND WINE LIQUOR LICENSE 5.1. APPLICANT NAME: MAVERIK, INC D/B/A MAVERIK, INC #689 LOCATION: 240 WAGON TRAIL ROAD TYPE: BEER AND WINE (CITY) MANAGER: JAMINA PLETT 6.PUBLIC HEARING FOR AN ADDITION OF OPTIONAL PREMISES TO EXISTING H/R LIQUOR LICENSE 6.1. APPLICANT NAME: SKY AND CLOUD, LLC D/B/A EIN PROSIT FINE BEER AND SAUSAGES LOCATION: 82 E. BEAVER CREEK BLVD. SUITE M107 TYPE: ADDITION OF OPTIONAL PREMISE TO EXISTING HOTEL AND RESTAURANT LICENSE MANAGER: BRIAN NOLAN 7.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM JUNE 13, 2023 LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING (DEPUTY TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES) 8.WRITTEN REPORT 8.1. REPORT ON RECENT ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS (DEPUTY TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES) 9.ADJOURNMENT