PZC Packet 041922_______________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, ONLINE AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL MATT PIELSTICKER AT 970-748-4413 OR EMAIL MATT@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. 1 AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 2022 - MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM 100 MIKAELA WAY – AVON TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS – AVON TOWN HALL 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEM 4. O’NEAL SPUR POCKET PARK; SADDLERIDGE APARTMENTS; ANNEX; MOUNTAIN STAR WATER TANK MINOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN – PUBLIC HEARING – FOUR (4) NEW SIRENS TO COMPLETE NORTHERN HILLSIDE EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER AND CHIEF GREG DALY) 5. 3087 WILDRIDGE ROAD / MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN –PUBLIC HEARING – TWO SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES (SENIOR PLANNER JENA SKINNER AND ARCHITECT BOBBY LADD) 6. CONSENT AGENDA 6.1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM APRIL 5, 2022 PZC MEETING 6.2. APPROVAL OF RECORD OF DECISION FOR CHAPEL SQUARE SIGN VARIANCE/MINOR SIGN PLAN 7. STAFF UPDATES 7.1. SHORT TERM RENTALS UPDATE FROM TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 7.2. FRONTGATE DEVELOPMENT 8. STAFF APPROVALS 8.1. 5651 WILDRIDGE RD. LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS (MNR22010) 9. ADJOURN 970.748.4413 matt@avon.org Page 1 of 5 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Matt Pielsticker, AICP, Planning Director RE: MNR22009 Minor Development Plan Public Hearing Emergency Notification System for Northern Hillside Communities DATE: April 19, 2022 STAFF REPORT OVERVIEW: This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: Minor Development Plan for four (4) new sirens to complete the emergency notification system for the Northern Hillside Communities. The Avon Development Code does not contain standards for siren structures; therefore, antenna and satellite dish standards are reviewed herein. SUMMMARY OF REQUEST: The Avon Town Council initiated this request after reviewing siren locations and information at a March 22, 2022 work session. This application builds upon an existing siren system located at the top of the Wildridge Subdivision. To provide even and effective audible warning in the event of a wildfire, this proposal expands the system to encompass the entire Wildridge Subdivision (two additional sirens), Wildwood (one siren), and Mountain Star (one siren). The goal of the project is to provide a uniform, effective audible warning system for the northern hillside areas of Avon in the event of a wildfire. This type of system is intended to compliment other notification tactics already used emergency situations including reverse 911, EC Alert/Everbridge, IPAWS, radio, social media, temporary signage, and door-to-door evacuation protocols. Each siren will be mounted on the top of a 35’ (or 45’ for Mountain Star) treated wood utility pole, installed by Holy Cross Electric. The entire system will be battery powered, including the retrofit of the existing siren at the top of Wildridge. Battery power will ensure functionality in the event power is shut down during a Wildfire. System Overview Tract J Wildridge 5700 Wildridge Road East 14V Siren Existing/Converted to Battery System O’Neal Spur Park Old Trail & June Creek 7V Siren Proposed Saddleridge Apts 2120 Saddleridge Loop 7V Siren Proposed Avon Annex 1091 W Wildwood Road 7V Siren Proposed Mountain Star 1875 Paintbrush 14V Siren Proposed PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS: O’Neal Spur is a community park parcel located at the intersection of Old Trail, June Creek, and O’Neal Spur roads. The park contains an upper bench and lower bench. The upper street level includes parking, playground, restrooms, pavilion, open space and landscaping. The lower level includes a dog park and trailhead for West Avon Preserve trail system. The siren would be located near the pavilion structure. Saddleridge Apartments is the site of the former fire house and includes a small pocket park and two apartments. The siren would be located on the west half of the parcel and is dependent on utility locations. Avon Annex/Wildwood is a public works site located above the Wildwood neighborhood. The site contains a storage building and driveway. The siren would be located near the southwest corner of the building. 970.748.4413 matt@avon.org Page 2 of 5 Mountain Star location is at the top of the subdivision on a narrow, steep parcel owned by Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. The property is heavily forested with Aspen trees and the siren would be located near the water tank at the top of the property. Green=Existing Red=Proposed PROCESS: PZC will conduct a public hearing and make a recommendation to the Avon Town Council for final action. PUBLIC NOTICE & COMMENTS: Notice of the public hearing was published in the April 8, 2022 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code (ADC). Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Public Hearing signs were posted on the properties the week of April 4th for heightened public awareness. The Avon Heartbeat NEWSLETTER featured a bilingual article that highlighted the April 19 public hearing date before PZC. Lastly, the Community Development Main Page and Planning pages both contain information on the Norther Hillside Emergency Notification system. BACKGROUND: The initial concept for a siren in the Wildridge subdivision came after the May 2019 wildfire evacuation drill. During that drill, Avon police officers selected one neighborhood within which to knock on doors to notify occupants of the pending evacuation drill. The experience from that exercise was that several occupants did not receive the test phone alert and were not aware of the evacuation drill. Research included the review of other local systems already in place, including Bachelor Gulch’s siren. Upon working with Sentry Siren company and reviewing available public property in Wildridge, it was determined that 970.748.4413 matt@avon.org Page 3 of 5 for maximum coverage Tract J would provide the most effective system. The siren on Tract J (5700 Wildridge Road East) was tested last spring with some mixed results. Specifically, it was audible outdoors for most, and less effective for those indoors. Some properties located lower down (i.e. Draw Spur Road) in the subdivision could not hear the device given topographic constraints. Since last spring Town staff has researched other newer technology devices to add to and supplement the existing siren and provide uniform coverage across all norther hillside neighborhoods. Staff recently tested a High-Powered Speaker Array (“HPSA”) device that Sentry Siren has prototyped in lieu of a traditional siren system. One benefit to HPSA is lower cost and ability to introduce spoken audible word messaging. However, more units would be required with an HPSA system, and their effectiveness is decreased compared to the traditional siren system. EXISTING SIREN & COVERAGE: The coverage map provided by the manufacturer in 2019 estimated a consistent spread (see map below) across the Wildridge subdivision: Computer Generated Coverage for Existing siren Existing Siren / Tract J DESIGN STANDARDS: As mentioned in the introduction, sirens do not fit squarely into any development review standards. Therefore, we are presenting antennas and satellite dish standards for reference, as well as screen standards which apply to the same. Antennas: AMC 7.28.060(2) states “All antennas shall be located so that they are screened from view from any public right-of-way or neighboring property. Screening may be accomplished by or through the use of landscaping materials, existing structures, sub-grade placements or other means that both screen the antennas and appear natural to the site.” Satellite Dishes: AMC 7.28.060 (3) states “Satellite dishes shall be screened from neighboring properties. Screening must be accomplished through the placement of the satellite dish on the building. A separately built fence may not be used. If this standard cannot be met in a manner that achieves an operable satellite dish on the property, then the Town will work with the property owner to select the least visually intrusive placement where the satellite dish is operable.” p g g g g 970.748.4413 matt@avon.org Page 4 of 5 Alternate Screening: AMC 7.28.060(4) states “equipment that is not screened in full compliance with the screening standards of this Section shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 7.16.080, Development plan. Alternate screening methods may include, but shall not be limited to, increased setbacks, increased landscaping, grouping the equipment on specific portions of a site, architectural features and painting.” Staff Response: In lieu of traditional screening measures, which would render a siren system ineffective, the equipment would 1) be grouped close to existing structures on the properties (i.e. pavilion, apartment building, annex building, water tank) 2) utilize wood poles similar to those on nearby overhead powerlines, and 3) painted earth tone colors to diminish prominence. Further, the Development Plan criteria are offered below as permitted by the alternative screening standards. MINOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA / AMC Section 7.16.080(f) 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The application generally complies with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Staff finds the application supported by several Purpose statements, including: • (b) Implement the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable planning documents of the Town. • (h)Minimize the risk of damage and injury to people, structures and public infrastructure created by wild fire, avalanche, unstable slopes, rock fall, mudslides, flood danger and other natural hazards; . Emergency preparedness is becoming increasingly important, and minimizing potential damage to structures by providing emergency-only notifications is important in the context of our mountain communities. The installation of sirens is supplemented by other measures in process including alternative evacuation route planning and controlled burns. 2. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The Goals and Policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan support preserving the natural environment and mitigating risks. For example, Goal G.2.: Identify and mitigate potential environmental hazards to promote the public health, safety, and welfare. 3. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The Wildridge and Wildwood sirens would be located on parcels that are free of “non- developable” areas that would otherwise disallow such improvements. The Mountain Star location is on land zoned Public Facility (PF), and accordingly allowed by right. 4. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this Staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 970.748.4413 matt@avon.org Page 5 of 5 5. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: Not directly applicable. The system would be controlled remotely by local emergency service providers in the event of a warning scenario or disaster. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the application with the following findings: Findings: 1. The improvements are deemed new “development” and qualify for processing as a Minor Development Plan pursuant to AMC Section 7.16.1080; 2. The application is complete; 3. Sufficient information is provided to determine that the application compliance with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application supports Avon Comprehensive Plan Goal G.2.by identifying and mitigating potential environmental hazards to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of the northern hillside communities; 5. Sirens are considered municipal facilities and therefore permitted on the subject properties; 6. The Development Code does not contain standards for siren structures, and therefore antenna and satellite dish standards were considered in the context with this application as they are similar improvements; 7. Screening standards apply to antennas and dishes according to AMC 7.28.060(b), and alternate screening is achieved by including natural colored wood utility poles and powder coated earth tone colors, and grouping near existing buildings or facilities; and 8. Installation of emergency awareness equipment promotes awareness of wildfire and other significant events, which promotes the public health, safety, and welfare of the community. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “I move to recommend Town Council approval of Case #MNR22009, an emergency notification system for the northern hillside communities, together with the findings as recommended by Staff.” ATTACHMENTS: A. Siren Coverage Study B. Siren Brochures Thank you, Matt Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Version 6 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Version 6.1 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Version 6.2 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Version 6.3 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Version 6.4 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Version 6.5 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Existing Siren 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Mountain Star 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - O’Neal Spur Park 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Pocket Park 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. Sentry Siren Coverage Study for Avon, CO - Public Works / Wildwood 719-275-8691 www.SentrySiren.com •Siren coverages are approximate and assume perfect conditions. •Actual coverages may vary based on local terrain, conditions, foliage, structures and other unknown conditions. •Sentry Siren makes no guarantee that coverage shown will mimic actual, real-world, coverage. •Coverage area is based on computer generated data and FEMA Guidelines covering atmospheric attenuation. •Data subject to license and use / reproduction is restricted. 14641 Hwy. 115 Penrose, CO 81240 719-372-6012 mail@sentrysiren.com Premium Outdoor Warning Systems Model 7V8-B DC: The 7V8-B DC is Sentry's mid-sized DC battery primary siren system. Perfect for mid-sized communities and businesses, the 7V8-B provides impressive power and and full UPS reliability, even if AC line power fails during an emergency. Key features: -Rated at 121dB(C) at 100ft.* -4,000ft. estimated coverage radius / effective range* -8HP, continuous-duty DC motor; 72VDC; requires 120VAC service for battery charging -Minimum 30 minutes run time from batteries -Omni-directional (non-rotating) warning siren -True 360 degree full dB sound output -100% maintenance free -Electro-mechanically generated sound -5 year factory warranty -Powder coated steel construction. Stainless steel available on request. -Easily replaces aging existing sirens *Based on Sentry Siren field tests Since 1905, Sentry Siren, Inc. has proudly set the standard for hand-made warning sirens in the United States and around the world. Call us today and let our team go to work on your siren system! Proudly manufactured in the U.S.A. www.SentrySiren.com "We are so pleased with our selection of Sentry Siren, Inc. as our warning siren system supplier. The performance of our Sentry sirens is impressive; they are very reliable and very loud. And the customer service they provide is second to none. We would highly recommend Sentry to anyone looking to invest in their community with a warning siren system." -Roger Swint Fire Chief City of Morrow Fire Dept. Morrow, GA 14641 Hwy. 115 Penrose, CO 81240 719-372-6012 mail@sentrysiren.com Premium Outdoor Warning Systems Model 14V-B DC: Following its introduction in 2016, the 14V-B quickly became Sentry's best-selling DC battery primary system. Perfect for large muncipalities and noisy industrial environments, the 14V produces a thundering 127dB(C) with full UPS reliability, even if AC power fails during an emergency. Key features: -Rated at 127dB(C) at 100ft.* -5,400ft. estimated coverage radius / effective range* -14HP, continuous-duty DC motor; 72VDC; requires 120VAC service for battery charging -Minimum 30 minutes run time from batteries -Omni-directional (non-rotating) warning siren -True 360 degree full dB sound output -100% maintenance free -Electro-mechanically generated sound -5 year factory warranty -Powder coated steel construction. Stainless steel available on request. -Easily replaces aging existing sirens *Based on Sentry Siren field tests Since 1905, Sentry Siren, Inc. has proudly set the standard for hand-made warning sirens in the United States and around the world. Call us today and let our team go to work on your siren system! Proudly manufactured in the U.S.A. www.SentrySiren.com "We are so pleased with our selection of Sentry Siren, Inc. as our warning siren system supplier. The performance of our Sentry sirens is impressive; they are very reliable and very loud. And the customer service they provide is second to none. We would highly recommend Sentry to anyone looking to invest in their community with a warning siren system." -Roger Swint Fire Chief City of Morrow Fire Dept. Morrow, GA 970-748-4023 jskinner@avon.org Page 1 of 7 TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Jena Skinner, AICP, Senior Planner RE: MJR22001 Major Development Plan 3087 & 3091 Wildridge Road DATE: April 19, 2022 Related Approvals: Minor PUD Amendment PUD16003 Approved 2016; Minor Subdivision Plat SUB21006 Approved 2021 STAFF REPORT OVERVIEW: This staff report contains one application for 2-new residences in the Wildridge neighborhood, for consideration by the PZC: More precisely, this Major Development Plan is for two (2) single-family homes being designed concurrently (jointly referred to as the “Properties”), addressed as 3087 and 3091 Wildridge Road. Prior to this application, the owner was successful in modifying the zoning to allow for 2-single family homes. Typical lots in this area contain duplexes. This minor subdivision approval (SUB21006) was granted in 2021. Through this subdivision process the plat subdivided the original, large lot into two (2) single family homesites/building sites, each lot also containing a large area of “non-development” that preserves a significant portion of the lot as a natural area. SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Bobby Ladd, architect with RAL Architects ("Applicant"), is representing 3087 Wildridge Rd, LLC and 3091 Wildridge Rd, LLC, entities pursuing the development of the Properties. The application is for a Major Development Plan ("Application") to include two (2) single family units, one on each lot. Review by Planning and Zoning is required with a public hearing. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The subject properties are just two of the only several remaining vacant lots left in Wildridge. With significant topography on both lots, the single-family homes have designs that, “…step the house down the lots with vertical transitions between floors to keep the building height below the 35’ maximum.” At Wildridge Road, 3091 appears as a one-story home, with the other floors exposed in the western and southern views. 3087 has a small portion of elevated roof line at street level (see attached renderings). These houses will total 3-stories, stepped down the hillside. 970-748-4023 jskinner@avon.org Page 2 of 7 Both lots have neighboring residential properties to the west, and Lot 110B also has a residential neighbor to the south. The properties to the west are accessed from Old Trail Road and are down slope from the proposed residences. These homes are separated by a non-developable area restriction, established when the subdivision was approved. To the north of Lot 110A lies a property owned by the Town of Avon (open space area). To the east is Wildridge Road, where the properties are accessed. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION & COMMENTS: Notice of the public hearing was published in the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code (ADC). Mailed notice is not required for this application. PLANNING ANALYSIS Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements (See attached exhibit) All setbacks, easements, and height requirements are adhered to with the design plans. The setbacks were reestablished with the recent subdivision application, platted to function like a building envelope. Setbacks in are as follows: 3087 – 110B 3091 – 100A Front 25’ Front 25 Side S 30’ Side N 10’ • There is 39’structure separation platted (split approx. 18’ on each lot) – See exhibit • There is a large, non-developable area from the edge of the building setback line to the west property line that far exceeds 10’ minimum – See exhibit All building improvements are fully contained in the prescribed setbacks. A Utility and Drainage easement borders the exterior lot lines of the two lots. The Non-developable area shall be left physically undisturbed and the Utility and Drainage easement is incorporated into the design. Use: The Properties permit one (1) single-family home on each lot. Short Term Rentals (STR) are not permitted under current zoning in Wildridge. Inclusionary Zoning: The Application is not subject to Employee Housing mitigation standards outlined in Avon Development Code Section 7.20.100. Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is 35 feet, and the designs adhere to this limitation. The height must be verified during the building process with foundation and framing Improvement Location Certificates (ILC). Pursuant to the PUD for Wildridge, 7.28.090(e)(2): Building Height on Steep Slopes. Determining building height on steep slopes has frequently resulted in three-story walls on the downhill side that create an overbearing presence on properties below. Therefore, the visual impact of building height and massing on lots with steep slopes shall be reduced by articulating the building facades and creating proportional stories in a multi-story building. 970-748-4023 jskinner@avon.org Page 3 of 7 While the design does offer some articulation, the structure is significant. Staff asked the applicant to evaluate the visual impact of the 3-stories. One of staff’s suggestions was to modify grading to “eliminate” the lower level, etc. APPLICANT RESPONSE: Building up the grading on the bottom of the house is not generally feasible given the extent of the slope and I think the project would be better served with a limited disturbance. I have added additional landscaping across the back of the house to help soften where it engages the ground. Additionally, I have included some images of the 3d model better representing how the massing steps with the slope and how the upper floor is significantly set back from the rear of the residence minimizing the actual multi story look. SEE ATTACHED Staff agrees that in modifying the grading, additional retaining walls would be necessary, and supports the addition of additional landscaping. Any landscaping installed on this slope must be heat-tolerant as it is open and south facing. Additional low shrubs are also recommended to provide a more natural look to the grade at the foot of the lowest level. Staff also supports use of a variety of natural materials that help in breaking up the building thereby lessening the impact of the structure. Parking: The Development Code requires 2 spaces per unit. The project includes garage parking and surface spaces in front of the garage. The Code requirements have been met. 4-Sided Design: The side and rear elevations of all structures include equal care and quality as compared to the front of the buildings. Staff does not hold concerns with the development meeting 4-sided design requirements. Snow Storage: Snow storage areas are identified on the plans and meet the required area. Staff has slight concerns about dealing with snow coming off of the roadway above, and drainage will have to be engineered prior to the issuance of the building permit (see conditions). Additionally, Staff asked the applicant to remove the address marker adjacent to the ROW, as well as evergreen/coniferous trees that were placed near the driveway entrance to not interfere with snow plowing and to ensure snow does not cover the address (the address will now be placed on the residence, as is preferred). DESIGN STANDARDS ANALYSIS Landscaping: Updated landscape plans are included in the attached packet. The landscape plan meets the minimum requirements and utilizes native seed for all disturbed areas. Additionally, there is a limited area of permanently irrigated area. Specifically, all trees and shrubs will receive drip irrigation. No irrigation is proposed in the non-developable area. Fences: None. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The proposed materials include a combination of rock veneer siding, stucco, and wood siding/trim, with timber accents. Avon Development Code Section 7.28.090(c)(3), Building Materials, requires the use of “high quality, durable building materials”, and “preferred materials reflect the Town’s sub-alpine character such as native stone, wood siding, masonry or timbers.” All of these materials are considered with this design. The colors meet Light Reflective Value (LRV) standards and are all earth tone. Each residence will have similar components; however, the wood siding/trim and paint color will be different for each home. See next page for sample boards. 970-748-4023 jskinner@avon.org Page 4 of 7 970-748-4023 jskinner@avon.org Page 5 of 7 Roof Material and Pitch: The roof material and pitch were reviewed for compliance with Sec. 7.28.090(d) (3) Roofs. Shed roof forms are presented for each building. Pitches are varied to include 3:12 and 5:12. The plan proposes a combination of metal roofing and synthetic roofing materials. The roof shake product (Timberline High-Definition Shingles from GAF) is a composite material with a Class A fire rating that also contains UV blockers to prolong the life of the materials. These shingles area sealed to decrease wind-risk. Exterior Lighting: The exterior light fixture selected for the project is a down cast, modern fixture style and in compliance with the Outdoor Lighting Ordinance. It is a full cutoff fixture and fixture is Dark Sky compliant and engineered to minimize light glare upward into the night sky. Per the applicant, “We are also using recessed cans in many areas specifically on 3091 as an owner request.” Recessed lighting would be integrated into the structure. Per applicant, “…the lighting will be in the soffit. We are proposing a 3” can with a recessed baffle trim like the attached picture. That should help to minimize the bulb visibility from below. Those houses below are also a fair distance horizontally away from the back of our proposed houses creating a flatter view angle to those fixtures.” MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN - CRITERIA: § 7.16.080(g), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The application generally complies with the applicable purpose statements outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (l) states, “Promote architectural design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary checking to Avon's sub-alpine environment”. The architecture is compatible with other neighboring development with large amounts of stone, wood siding, and timber accents. 2. The design conforms with the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents; Staff Response: The site is located in the Northern Residential District (District 11 of the Comprehensive Plan), which states, “This residential area contains varying densities located on the south-facing slopes north of the main valley floor. The character for the developed landscape should reflect the area’s dry climate and typically steep terrain with low water-requiring plant materials and natural landscaping. Due to the limited number of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings.” While the planning principles listed for District 11 target subdivision enhancements, this district DOES encourage developments that, “prohibits significant alteration of the natural environment…and steep 970-748-4023 jskinner@avon.org Page 6 of 7 slope development. Staff believes in containing and/or limiting the size of the residences in building envelopes and in creating the non-developable area via the previous approvals, the lot has significantly reduced what could have been implemented with a duplex using general setbacks as it once allowed on these steep slopes. 3. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The Application reflects the previous PUD Amendment (PUD16003) and resubdivision application (SUB21006) that exchanged the single-duplex lot and reconfigured it into two, single-family lots. Although slightly modified from the concept plans, these homes are consistent with the intent of the previous approvals and adheres to the restrictions placed on the plat. Other limitations: 3087 – 110B Maximum Allowable Building Footprint - 2032 Sf Proposed Building Footprint - 2007 Sf Maximum Allowable Floor Area - 3607 Sf Proposed Floor Area - 3598 Sf 3091 – 100A Maximum Allowable Building Footprint - 2600 Sf Proposed Building Footprint - 2581 Sf Maximum Allowable Floor Area - 4460 Sf Proposed Floor Area - 4388 Sf 4. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; Staff Response: The application demonstrates compliance with Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and all applicable use standards from Chapter 7.24. No deviation from the Wildridge PUD are proposed with this application. 5. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services; and Staff Response: During this review, Public Works made several recommendations that the applicants incorporated into their design including removal of the proposed stone address marker and coniferous trees contiguous to the ROW. Additionally, runoff from the ROW will be incorporated into drainage plans. These properties will be fully served by all other providers. 6. The development design conforms with the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole. Staff Response: Community character refers to the distinct identify of a place; the collective impression a neighborhood or town makes on residents and visitors. The Properties are located at in a well-established single-family/duplex subdivision (Wildridge). The overall character of this development is consistent with other architectural statements by incorporating articulated building facades, terracing, use of natural materials, limiting landscaping, and by leaving a large area of natural terrain undisturbed. 970-748-4023 jskinner@avon.org Page 7 of 7 OPTIONS: PZC has the following options: • Approve as outlined below; • Approve with modified findings and conditions; • Continue application to future meeting pending additional details or studies; or • Deny application after formulating justifiable findings. RECOMMENDED MOTION: “I move to Approve Case #MJR22001, an application for Major Development Plan for 3087 and 3091 Wildridge Road, based on the findings and including conditions outlined in Staff’s report.” Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080, Development Plan, and the design meets the development standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. With conditions, the application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. ILCs are required to confirm building height. 2. Engineered designs for drainage must be submitted and approved by Staff prior to the issuance of a building permit for either property. 3. Engineered designs for all retaining walls exceeding 4-feet in height must be submitted and approved by Staff prior to the issuance of a building permit for either property. 4. Lights in the recessed lighting fixtures shall not create a glare or nuisance from neighboring property owners. Lower wattages or diffusers are required for these fixtures if glare is detectable. ATTACHMENTS: A. Schematic Design Plans Applicant Response/Updated Materials Response to email below: Wednesday, April 6, 2022 4:35:48 PM Given current workloads in the area, structural and civil engineers have been in short supply to move us forward. We are working with both of them on this but respectfully request that the PZC review our project with the additional information attached and comments in red below so that we can move towards finalizing the design while these other aspects are completed. Some of these engineering design aspects are also relevant to the PZC’s review of our proposed concepts and we would prefer to have some design approval or direction in place before finalizing our engineering. Please see comments below in red and additional information attached. I can also generate different views of the 3d model if needed and will have that available for PZC review at the meeting. Thanks!! Bobby Ladd On Mar 9, 2022, at 2:57 PM, Jena Skinner <jskinner@avon.org> wrote: I have been reviewing your plans with Matt, and we have a couple concerns regarding your plans for 3087 Wildridge. Per Code: A retaining wall shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height unless approved by the PZC and it is demonstrated that no alternative site layout is functional. You are showing a retaining wall of 9’ on the northside, at the end of the driveway. This wall needs to be approved by the PZC, if it hasn’t already. I believe the proposed solution is less invasive than a series of smaller walls and the design intent is to tie it in with the house so it appears as an extension of the building. I would like to have PZC review it as shown under this premise. Per Code: Walls over four (4) feet in height or any wall supporting a vehicle load or structure shall be structurally designed and certified by a Colorado licensed professional engineer. Please provide us with an engineering sheet showing details and designs of all retaining walls over 4’. Currently, I see five (5) walls exceeding 4’ in height attached to the home or supporting the site. I would request that this be a condition of the review if PZC approves the aesthetics of the design. I have included a site section on each foundation plan demonstrating dimensional arrangement of the retaining wall series for each house. Wildridge Specific standard, 7.28.090(e)(2): Building Height on Steep Slopes.Determining building height on steep slopes has frequently resulted in three-story walls on the downhill side that create an overbearing presence on properties below. Therefore, the visual impact of building height and massing on lots with steep slopes shall be reduced by articulating the building facades and creating proportional stories in a multi-story building. While your design does offer some articulation, the structure is significant. If there was a way to soften the visual impact of the 3-stories, we would recommend you have a second look. For instance, modify grading to “eliminate” the lower level, etc. Building up the grading on the bottom of the house is not generally feasible given the extent of the slope and I think the project would be better served with a limited disturbance. I have added additional landscaping across the back of the house to help soften where it engages the ground. Additionally, I have included some images of the 3d model better representing how the massing steps with the slope and how the upper floor is significantly set back from the rear of the residence minimizing the actual multi story look. How water/runoff from the road will be captured and directed away from the home. This drainage will have to be engineered. Additionally, it may be practically difficult to have both a snow storage area adjacent to the ROW that can accommodate your site’s needs and the snow that will inevitably enter the site from snow removal on the ROW. Please verify you have sufficient snow removal areas. Water/runoff from the road will be captured in a swale between the driveway and road surface and directed around the house. The predominant snow storage areas are at the end of the driveways. We have a civil engineer preparing a grading plan for these areas and would respectfully request that be a condition of the review. Please clarify the drainage/grading that prevents water from entering the garage; prevents pooling at end of driveway in front of the garage, and generally how water will travel away from the home. No drainage channels, grading, or drains themselves, are being shown that lead water away from the front of the structure. Please include water from the ROW in any calculations. The driveway slopes back from the garage entrance to the denoted driveway swale to create positive drainage away from the garage. The driveway is positively sloped to drain to the north on each project. Drainage from the ROW will be captured above the driveway and directed around the house. How are you mitigating the potential runoff from the edge of the driveway near the garage and 9-ft retaining wall from flowing onto your neighboring property? No swales or grading is proposed along the property line. Please show drainage around all sides of the structure. The civil design intent is to capture the driveway runoff in a drop inlet at the end of the end of the driveway and daylight that on the side of the house so we can control and direct the water away from neighboring properties. Once that design is completed, we will create a swale in conjunction with that design to move the water appropriately. After speaking with Public Works: The use of evergreen trees and/or landscaping located in the 10’ ROW easement that parallels your property line, at the mouth of your driveway entrance is not recommended. Over time, it will overgrow and impede visual site lines in both directions. Further, the Town may have to trim this landscaping, which may not produce an aesthetically pleasing result. The evergreen trees in question have been moved and relocated to other parts of the property. Please relocate your driveway address marker further inside of the property, towards the house. Addresses should really be located on the home itself or in addition to markers to ensure 911 emergency response can find the home all year round. Having a boulder marker located so close to the ROW may result in it being buried under snow, and /or it may become damaged with plowing- at your expense. We have eliminated the boulder address markers and will incorporate adequately sized numbers on the residences. Wildridge Road 3087 3091 30873091 30873091 30873091 OWNER ARCHITECT VICINITY MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY 3087 Wildridge Rd LLC Lot 110B, Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision Avon, Colorado Parcel 1943-353-01-079 3087 Wildridge Rd LLC PO Box 2882 Edwards, CO 81632 RAL Architects Inc PO Box 133 Edwards, CO 81631 970.376.4227 Attention: Bobby Ladd bobbyl@ralarch.com PROJECT DIRECTORY DRAWING LIST ARCHITECTURAL A0.0 General Information Sheet Survey A0.1 Architectural Site Plan A0.2 Landscape and Irrigation Plan A1.1 Lower Floor Plan A1.2 Main Floor Plan A1.3 Upper Floor Plan A1.4 Roof Plan A2.1 Exterior Building Elevations A2.2 Exterior Building Elevations CONTRACTOR STRUCTURAL ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE AND THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE AS ADOPTED AND MODIFIED BY EAGLE COUNTY LOCAL STATUTES. ALL OMISSIONS OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF THE WORKING DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY SUCH WORK SO INVOLVED. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK AND NOTE ANY DISCREPANCIES TO ARCHITECT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES, AND PROCEDURES ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ALL WORK AND MATERIALS INCLUDING THOSE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY SUBCONTRACTORS. THE ARCHITECT SHALL BE CONTACTED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION TO MAKE JOB SITE INSPECTIONS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS AND TO VERIFY THAT THE CONSTRUCTION IS PROCEEDING IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. INSTALL A COMPLETE PASSIVE RADON MITIGATION VENTILATION SYSTEM DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2012 IRC APPENDIX F. THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL RELATED SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND PERMITTING OF ALL MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS TO ACHIEVE THE DESIGN INTENT AS PORTRAYED ON THESE PLANS. BUILDING PROGRAM DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING FOOTPRINT - 2032 SF PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT - 2007 SF MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA - 3607 SF PROPOSED FLOOR AREA - 3598 SF LOWER FLOOR FINISHED AREA - 1382 SF MECHANICAL - 105 SF MAIN FLOOR FINISHED AREA - 1523 SF GARAGE AREA - 462 SF UPPER FLOOR FINISHED AREA - 693 SF ENERGY NOTES ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2018 RESIDENTIAL CODE, CHAPTER 11 ENERGY EFFICIENCY, PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD. CLIMATE ZONE - 6B COMPLIANCE IS DOCUMENTED IN THESE DRAWINGS AS FOLLOWS: FLOOR SLAB (DETAIL 7/A5.4) R-10 RIGID INSULATION, MINIMUM 4' DISTANCE ABOVE GRADE WALLS: WOOD FRAME (DETAIL 1/A5.3) CAVITY R-23 SPRAY FOAM, CONTINUOUS R-5 RIGID ABOVE GRADE FLOORS: WOOD FRAME (DETAIL 4/A5.3) CAVITY R-38 BATT ROOF/CEILING TRUSSES (DETAIL 1/A5.4) R-28 SPRAY FOAM + R-31 BATT ROOF/CEILING RAFTERS (DETAIL 2/A5.4) R-28 SPRAY FOAM + R-31 BLOWN-IN WINDOWS (SEE SHEET A5.1) U = 0.30 HEATING SYSTEM TO BE GAS FIRED BOILER AND IN-FLOOR RADIANT HEAT. PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH ZONE. EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH N1103.7. MECHANICAL SYSTEM AND DOMESTIC HOT WATER PIPING SHALL BE WRAPPED WITH R-3 INSULATION. EXTERIOR SNOW MELT SHALL COMPLY WITH N1103.9 LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL COMPLY WITH N1104. EXTERIOR LIGHTING LEGEND RECESSED CAN WALL MOUNTED SCONCE - TYPE 1 HINKLEY LIGHTING - 1326BK REFER TO FLOOR PLANS FOR LIGHTING LOCATIONS GENERAL NOTES RENDERING R S1 SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 6, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence A 0.0 NTS General Information Sheet 8181.82 8181.02 8180.07 8179.05 8174.21 GARAGE - 8174.5 LOWER FLOOR - 8158 MAIN FLOOR - 8170 ENTRY - 8175 UPPER FLOOR - 8184 8150.00 8173.76 TOP OF EAVE - 8182.23 4% TOW - 8169.0 BOW - 8165.0 TOW - 8176.0 BOW - 8172.0 TOW - 8170.0 BOW - 8166.0 TOW - 8182.0 BOW - 8178.0 8160 8170 8180 8150 8140 TOW - 8162.0 BOW - 8156.0 CONCRETEPAD FORHOT TUB BH1 BH7 ELECTRIC METER ELECTRIC METER TO TRANSFORMERON ADJACENT LOT GAS METER TOP OF SHED - 8198.46 RIDGE - 8195.14 TOP OF EAVE - 8192.33 TOP OF EAVE - 8190.71 TOP OF EAVE - 8191.39 TOP OF EAVE - 8178.39 TOP OF EAVE - 8180.11 BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF HT EXISTING GR FINISHED GR HEIGHT BH-1 8180.11 8145.75 8145.75 34.36' BH-2 8178.39 8143.75 8143.75 34.64' BH-3 8192.33 8157.5 NA 34.83' BH-4 8190.71 8155.75 NA 34.96' BH-5 8191.39 8158.5 NA 32.89' BH-6 8195.14 8162.0 8162.0 33.14' BH-7 8198.46 8166.0 8166.0 32.46' BH2 BH1 BH3 BH4 BH5 BH6 BH7 4% 8% 10%10% DN TOW - 8150.0 BOW - 8146.0 TOW - 8164.0 BOW - 8158.0 TOW - 8172.0 BOW - 8166.0 TOW - 8180.0 BOW - 8174.0 2% TOW - 8180.0 BOW - 8176.0 LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA SPRAY AREADRIP AREASOD AREA LAND SUMMARY 7,345sf 348sf 0sf348sf0sf 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 100% OF IRRIGATED AREA0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 5.2% OF LANDSCAPE AREA 25.8% OF LOT NATIVE VEGETATION 4,670sf 69.1% OF LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE UNITS REQ. 147 DISTURBED AREA OF LOT 10,928sf 42.2% OF LOT TOTAL LOT AREA 25,918sf BUILDING FOUNDATION 2,007sf HARDSCAPE 1,576sf IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 3,583sf 13.8% OF LOT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SILT FENCE TO W A T E R M A I N IN R I G H T O F W A Y WSO WATER LINE ADDRESS MONUMENT 79 . 4 1 ° ASPHALT DRIVEWAY TOW - 8173.5 BOW - 8164.0 T O S E W E R M A I N I N E A S E M E N T SEWER LINE CO SNOWSTORAGE SNOWSTORAGE SNOWSTORAGE SNOWSTORAGE Architectural Site Plan A0.1 1" = 10' PLACE UNTIL FINISH GRADE IS ACHIEVED. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. 2. A "GEOFAB" SILT FENCE IS TO BE ERECTED AT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE DOWNHILL OF APPROPRIATE BEAVER CREEK OFFICIALS, IF PROBLEMS OCCUR. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL IN CONFORMANCE WITH BEST CONSTRUCTION AND IN PATHS OF DRAINAGE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND KEPT IN 3. AT THE BASE OF TOPSOIL OR FILLSOIL STOCKPILED ON SITE , A "GEOFAB" SILT FENCE OR STRAW BALE SATURATION BERM SHALL BE ERECTED TO CONTROL SILT AND SEDIMENT. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PREVENTING THE RELEASE OF SEDIMENT- LADEN WATER (MUD) FROM THE SITE AND SHALL BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL CONTROL FACILITIES AT THE DIRECTION OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OR TYPICAL SILT FENCE DETAIL 2x2 WOOD SUPPORT STAKES AT 8'0" MAX SPACING FABRIC FENCE TOE ANCHOR TRENCH COMPACTED BACKFILL 1' - 6 " 1' - 6 " 6" 6" SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A -- 21-322 PROJECT NO.: Janurary 27, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence 8181.82 8181.02 8180.07 8179.05 8174.21 GARAGE - 8174.5 LOWER FLOOR - 8158 MAIN FLOOR - 8170 ENTRY - 8175 UPPER FLOOR - 8184 8150.00 8173.76 TOP OF EAVE - 8182.23 4% TOW - 8169.0 BOW - 8165.0 TOW - 8176.0 BOW - 8172.0 TOW - 8170.0 BOW - 8166.0 TOW - 8182.0 BOW - 8178.0 8160 8170 8180 8150 8140 TOW - 8162.0 BOW - 8156.0 CONCRETE PAD FOR HOT TUB BH1 BH7 ELECTRIC METER ELECTRIC METER TO TRANSFORMER ON ADJACENT LOT GAS METER TOP OF SHED - 8198.46 RIDGE - 8195.14 TOP OF EAVE - 8192.33 TOP OF EAVE - 8190.71 TOP OF EAVE - 8191.39 TOP OF EAVE - 8178.39 TOP OF EAVE - 8180.11 BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF HT EXISTING GR FINISHED GR HEIGHT BH-1 8180.11 8145.75 8145.75 34.36' BH-2 8178.39 8143.75 8143.75 34.64' BH-3 8192.33 8157.5 NA 34.83' BH-4 8190.71 8155.75 NA 34.96' BH-5 8191.39 8158.5 NA 32.89' BH-6 8195.14 8162.0 8162.0 33.14' BH-7 8198.46 8166.0 8166.0 32.46' BH2 BH1 BH3 BH4 BH5 BH6 BH7 4% 8% 10%10% DN TOW - 8150.0 BOW - 8146.0 TOW - 8164.0 BOW - 8158.0 TOW - 8172.0 BOW - 8166.0 TOW - 8180.0 BOW - 8174.0 2% TOW - 8180.0 BOW - 8176.0 LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA SPRAY AREA DRIP AREA SOD AREA LAND SUMMARY 7,345sf 348sf 0sf 348sf 0sf 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 100% OF IRRIGATED AREA 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 5.2% OF LANDSCAPE AREA 25.8% OF LOT NATIVE VEGETATION 4,670sf 69.1% OF LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE UNITS REQ. 147 DISTURBED AREA OF LOT 10,928sf 42.2% OF LOT TOTAL LOT AREA 25,918sf BUILDING FOUNDATION 2,007sf HARDSCAPE 1,576sf IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 3,583sf 13.8% OF LOT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SILT FENCE TO W A T E R M A I N IN R I G H T O F W A Y WSO WATER LINE 7 9 . 4 1 ° ASPHALT DRIVEWAY TOW - 8173.5 BOW - 8164.0 T O S E W E R M A I N I N E A S E M E N T SEWER LINE CO SNOW STORAGE SNOW STORAGE SNOW STORAGE SNOW STORAGE MSE RETAINING WALL 6' - 0 " 6' - 0 " 6' - 0 " 4'-0"4'-0" TYPICAL DRIVEWAY WILDRIDGE ROAD LINE OF EXISTING GRADE BACKFILL 4' - 0 " MA X Architectural Site Plan A0.1 1" = 10' PLACE UNTIL FINISH GRADE IS ACHIEVED. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. 2. A "GEOFAB" SILT FENCE IS TO BE ERECTED AT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE DOWNHILL OF APPROPRIATE BEAVER CREEK OFFICIALS, IF PROBLEMS OCCUR. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL IN CONFORMANCE WITH BEST CONSTRUCTION AND IN PATHS OF DRAINAGE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND KEPT IN 3.AT THE BASE OF TOPSOIL OR FILLSOIL STOCKPILED ON SITE , A "GEOFAB" SILT FENCE OR STRAW BALE SATURATION BERM SHALL BE ERECTED TO CONTROL SILT AND SEDIMENT. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PREVENTING THE RELEASE OF SEDIMENT- LADEN WATER (MUD) FROM THE SITE AND SHALL BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL CONTROL FACILITIES AT THE DIRECTION OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OR TYPICAL SILT FENCE DETAIL 2x2 WOOD SUPPORT STAKES AT 8'0" MAX SPACING FABRIC FENCE TOE ANCHOR TRENCH COMPACTED BACKFILL 1' - 6 " 1' - 6 " 6" 6" SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: March 21, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B PZC Revisions 03.21.22 SITE SECTION AT DRIVEWAY REVISED 4/6/22 15' WILDFIRE LANDSCAPE OFFSET ATS ATS (8) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (2) EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS TREE 8'+ HEIGHT SIZE 2.5" CALIPER REVEGETATED WITH NATIVE GRASSES ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON THE SITE NOT TO BE SODDED OR MULCHED ARE TO BE POPULUS TREMULOIDES COBBLE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED WITH AN AUTOMATIC RAIN SENSOR PICEA PUNGENS BOTANIC NAME PLANT LIST PP KEY PT TREES COLROADO BLUE SPRUCE COMMON NAME QUAKING ASPEN 6 # 10 SHRUB PLANT LEGEND AAS AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA NATIVE SERVICEBERRY SHRUBS 5 GALLON255 GALLONARTEMISIA TRIDENTATAATS TALL WESTERN SAGE 19 48 LANDSCAPE UNITS 70 16 19153 TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA SPRAY AREADRIP AREASOD AREA LAND SUMMARY 7,345sf 348sf 0sf348sf0sf 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 100% OF IRRIGATED AREA0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 5.2% OF LANDSCAPE AREA 25.8% OF LOT NATIVE VEGETATION 4,670sf 69.1% OF LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE UNITS REQ. 147 DISTURBED AREA OF LOT 10,928sf 42.2% OF LOT TOTAL LOT AREA 25,918sf BUILDING FOUNDATION 2,007sf HARDSCAPE 1,576sf NATIVE REVEGETATION IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 3,583sf 13.8% OF LOT 15' WILDFIRE LANDSCAPE OFFSET AAS (3) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (3) AAS (3) AAS (4) AAS ATS ATS ATS ATSATS (2)ATS (2) ATS (2) ATS (2) ATS (2) ATS (5) BACKFLOW PREVENTERIN MECHANICAL ROOM VALVE BOX VALVE BOX TEMP IRRIGATION Landscape and Irrigation Plan A0.2 1" = 10'SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A -- 21-322 PROJECT NO.: Janurary 27, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence 15' WILDFIRE LANDSCAPE OFFSET ATS ATS (8) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (2) EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS TREE 8'+ HEIGHT SIZE 2.5" CALIPER REVEGETATED WITH NATIVE GRASSES ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON THE SITE NOT TO BE SODDED OR MULCHED ARE TO BE POPULUS TREMULOIDES COBBLE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED WITH AN AUTOMATIC RAIN SENSOR PICEA PUNGENS BOTANIC NAME PLANT LIST PP KEY PT TREES COLROADO BLUE SPRUCE COMMON NAME QUAKING ASPEN 6 # 15 SHRUB PLANT LEGEND AAS AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA NATIVE SERVICEBERRY SHRUBS 5 GALLON25 5 GALLONARTEMISIA TRIDENTATAATS TALL WESTERN SAGE 19 48 LANDSCAPE UNITS 105 16 19 188 TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA SPRAY AREA DRIP AREA SOD AREA LAND SUMMARY 7,345sf 348sf 0sf 348sf 0sf 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 100% OF IRRIGATED AREA 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 5.2% OF LANDSCAPE AREA 25.8% OF LOT NATIVE VEGETATION 4,670sf 69.1% OF LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE UNITS REQ. 147 DISTURBED AREA OF LOT 10,928sf 42.2% OF LOT TOTAL LOT AREA 25,918sf BUILDING FOUNDATION 2,007sf HARDSCAPE 1,576sf NATIVE REVEGETATION IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 3,583sf 13.8% OF LOT 15' WILDFIRE LANDSCAPE OFFSET AAS (3) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (3) AAS (3) AAS (4) AAS ATS ATS ATS ATSATS (2) ATS (2) ATS (2) ATS (2) ATS (2) ATS (5) BACKFLOW PREVENTER IN MECHANICAL ROOM VALVE BOX VALVE BOX TEMP IRRIGATION Landscape and Irrigation Plan A0.2 1" = 10' SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: March 21, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B PZC Revisions 03.21.22 REVISED 4/6/22 Qu e e n Qu e e n Queen LOWER FLOOR AREA - 1418 SF MECHANICAL AREA - 141 SF 8159.0 2'-5"2'-1112"2'-6"6'-512"12'-012"7'-8"7'-8"12'-712"3'-212"4'-312" 2' - 1 12" 5' - 3 12" 7' - 5 " 9' - 1 12" 21 ' - 0 " 5' - 1 " 2' - 1 0 14" 2' - 3 34" 12 ' - 7 12" 7' - 8 " 5' - 2 " 20 ' - 3 12" 13 ' - 0 " 1' - 4 12" 22'-0"6'-012"20'-1"13'-812" 3' - 1 " 5' - 4 12" 0-01 0-03 0-04 0-06 0-08 0- 0 2 0- 0 5 0- 0 7 MECHANICAL LAUNDRY BEDROOM 2 BATH CLOSET BEDROOM 3BEDROOM 4 BATH DECK DECK FAMILY ROOM S1 S1 S1S1 SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 6, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence Lower Floor Plan A1.1 MAIN FLOOR AREA - 1523 SF GARAGE FLOOR AREA - 462 SF 8175.0 8170.0 8174.5 11'-0"11'-0"6'-012"2'-7"7'-512"10'-012"6'-712"7'-1" 22'-0"20'-1"13'-812" 10 ' - 8 34" 10 ' - 3 14" 4' - 3 12" 4' - 9 " 5' - 4 12" 2' - 1 12" 21 ' - 0 " 9' - 0 12" 7' - 6 " 6'-512"12'-012"7'-8"7'-8"12'-712" 5'-512"26'-2"20'-312" 3'-734"3'-1014" 7'-6" 6' - 6 " 6' - 6 " 7' - 8 " 12 ' - 7 12" 2' - 3 34" 2' - 1 0 14" 13 ' - 0 " 20 ' - 3 12" 5' - 2 " 1' - 4 12" 3' - 1 " 5' - 4 12" 8174.5 1- 0 1 1- 0 2 1- 0 3 1-04 1-05 1-07 1-09 1- 0 6 1- 0 8 1- 1 0 1-14 1-13 1-12 1-111-15 GARAGE MUD ROOM ENTRY POWDER COATS GREAT ROOM DINING KITCHEN STUDYBATH DECK DECK PANTRY CLOSET R S1 S1 S1 S1 R RR S1 SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 6, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence Main Floor Plan A1.2 King UPPER FLOOR AREA - 693 SF 8184.0 3'-6"7'-6"7'-6"3'-6"10'-012"10'-012" 13'-812" 6' - 8 14" 9' - 2 34" 2' - 0 12" 15 ' - 1 1 " 22'-0"6'-012"20'-1" 4' - 1 " 5' - 4 12" 14'-0"7'-612"3'-534"3'-534"9'-7"10'-012" 21'-612"6'-1112"19'-712" 6' - 6 " 6' - 6 " 1' - 4 12" 13 ' - 0 " 4' - 1 0 12" 2- 0 1 2- 0 5 2-10 2-09 2-08 2-07 2-06 2-02 2-03 2-04 MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH M CLOSET DECK SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 6, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence Upper Floor Plan A1.3 TOP OF SHED - 8198.46 RIDGE - 8195.14 TOP OF EAVE - 8192.33 TOP OF EAVE - 8190.71 TOP OF EAVE - 8191.39 TOP OF EAVE - 8178.39 TOP OF EAVE - 8180.11 CHIMNEY DECK DECK DECK DECK 2' - 0 " 2'-0" 2' - 0 " 2' - 0 " 2' - 0 " 2'-0" 2'-0" 2' - 0 " 2'-0" 2' - 0 " 2'-0" 2'-0" 2' - 0 " 2'-0" 3' - 0 " 2'-0" 1' - 0 " 1' - 0 " 1' - 0 " 4: 1 2 PROVIDE CONDUIT CONNECTION FOR FUTURE SOLAR INSTALLATION 4: 1 2 4: 1 2 4:12 SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 6, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence Roof Plan A1.4 A B C D E F G H J K ENTRY FLOOR ELEVATION - 8175.0 UPPER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8184.0 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION - 8174.5 MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8170.0 A C C D D E E F F G J J J J K C SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 6, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence Exterior Building Elevations A2.1Front (East) Elevation LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8158.0 UPPER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8184.0 MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8170.0 SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 6, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence Exterior Building Elevations A2.2Rear (West) Elevation LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8158.0 UPPER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8184.0 MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8170.0 TOP OF WALL 9' - 1 0 12" 8' - 1 7 8" 8' - 1 1 8" 6' - 5 5 8" 12 ' - 8 7 8" ENTRY FLOOR ELEVATION - 8175.0 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8158.0 UPPER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8184.0 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION - 8174.5 MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8170.0 TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL 6' - 5 58" 7' - 1 7 8" 8' - 1 78"10 ' - 7 78" 12 ' - 8 7 8" 8' - 0 " SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A PZC Submittal 02.06.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 6, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110B, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3087 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence Exterior Building Elevations A2.3Left Side (South) ElevationRight Side (North) Elevation OWNER ARCHITECT VICINITY MAP LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROPERTY 3091 Wildridge Rd LLC Lot 110A, Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision Avon, Colorado Parcel 1943-353-01-078 3091 Wildridge Rd LLC PO Box 7790 Avon, CO 81620 RAL Architects Inc PO Box 133 Edwards, CO 81631 970.376.4227 Attention: Bobby Ladd bobbyl@ralarch.com PROJECT DIRECTORY DRAWING LIST ARCHITECTURAL A0.0 General Information Sheet Survey A0.1 Architectural Site Plan A0.2 Landscape and Irrigation Plan A1.1 Lower Floor Plan A1.2 Main Floor Plan A1.3 Roof Plan A2.1 Exterior Building Elevations A2.2 Exterior Building Elevations CONTRACTOR STRUCTURAL ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE AND THE 2018 INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE AS ADOPTED AND MODIFIED BY EAGLE COUNTY LOCAL STATUTES. ALL OMISSIONS OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS OF THE WORKING DRAWINGS AND/OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY SUCH WORK SO INVOLVED. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS AT THE JOB SITE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORK AND NOTE ANY DISCREPANCIES TO ARCHITECT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES, AND PROCEDURES ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ALL WORK AND MATERIALS INCLUDING THOSE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED BY SUBCONTRACTORS. THE ARCHITECT SHALL BE CONTACTED DURING THE CONSTRUCTION TO MAKE JOB SITE INSPECTIONS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THE ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS AND TO VERIFY THAT THE CONSTRUCTION IS PROCEEDING IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. INSTALL A COMPLETE PASSIVE RADON MITIGATION VENTILATION SYSTEM DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2012 IRC APPENDIX F. THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL RELATED SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESIGN AND PERMITTING OF ALL MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, AND PLUMBING SYSTEMS TO ACHIEVE THE DESIGN INTENT AS PORTRAYED ON THESE PLANS. BUILDING PROGRAM DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING FOOTPRINT - 2600 SF PROPOSED BUILDING FOOTPRINT - 2581 SF MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA - 4460 SF PROPOSED FLOOR AREA - 4388 SF LOWER FLOOR FINISHED AREA - 2368 SF MECHANICAL - 46 SF MAIN FLOOR FINISHED AREA - 2020 SF GARAGE AREA - 561 SF ENERGY NOTESGENERAL NOTES RENDERING ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2018 RESIDENTIAL CODE, CHAPTER 11 ENERGY EFFICIENCY, PRESCRIPTIVE METHOD. CLIMATE ZONE - 6B COMPLIANCE IS DOCUMENTED IN THESE DRAWINGS AS FOLLOWS: FLOOR SLAB (DETAIL 7/A5.4) R-10 RIGID INSULATION, MINIMUM 4' DISTANCE ABOVE GRADE WALLS: WOOD FRAME (DETAIL 1/A5.3) CAVITY R-23 SPRAY FOAM, CONTINUOUS R-5 RIGID ABOVE GRADE FLOORS: WOOD FRAME (DETAIL 4/A5.3) CAVITY R-38 BATT ROOF/CEILING TRUSSES (DETAIL 1/A5.4) R-28 SPRAY FOAM + R-31 BATT ROOF/CEILING RAFTERS (DETAIL 2/A5.4) R-28 SPRAY FOAM + R-31 BLOWN-IN WINDOWS (SEE SHEET A5.1) U = 0.30 HEATING SYSTEM TO BE GAS FIRED BOILER AND IN-FLOOR RADIANT HEAT. PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTATS SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR EACH ZONE. EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SIZED IN ACCORDANCE WITH N1103.7. MECHANICAL SYSTEM AND DOMESTIC HOT WATER PIPING SHALL BE WRAPPED WITH R-3 INSULATION. EXTERIOR SNOW MELT SHALL COMPLY WITH N1103.9 LIGHTING FIXTURES SHALL COMPLY WITH N1104. EXTERIOR LIGHTING LEGEND RECESSED CAN WALL MOUNTED SCONCE - TYPE 1 HINKLEY LIGHTING - 1326BK REFER TO FLOOR PLANS FOR LIGHTING LOCATIONS R S1 SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 3, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 A 0.0 NTS General Information Sheet GARAGE - 8178.0 MAIN FLOOR - 8172.0 8183.40 8177.888182.44 8180.42 LOWER FLOOR - 8160.0 ENTRY - 8175.0 8177.37 RIDGE - 8193.25 TOP OF EAVE - 8184.96 TOP OF SHED - 8194.89 RIDGE - 8191.72 TOP OF EAVE - 8180.06 TOP OF EAVE - 8181.94 TOP OF EAVE - 8182.23 TOP OF SHED - 8193.02 79 . 3 2 ° 4% 8% 10%10% 2% TRENCH DRAIN DN ASPHALT DRIVEWAY SNOWSTORAGE TOW - 8169.0 BOW - 8165.0 TOW - 8175.0 BOW - 8171.0 TOW - 8169.0 BOW - 8165.0 TOW - 8181.0 BOW - 8177.0 TOW - 8148.0 BOW - 8152.0 TOW - 8176.0 BOW - 8172.0 TOW - 8170.0 BOW - 8166.0 TOW - 8182.0 BOW - 8178.0 TOW - 8182.0 BOW - 8178.0 8180 8170 8160 8150 8160 8170 8180 8150 8140 8140 TOW - 8177.0 BOW - 8167.0 TOW - 8162.0 BOW - 8156.0 CONCRETEPAD FORHOT TUB UP BH1 BH2 BH3 BH4 BH5 BH6 BH7 BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF HT EXISTING GR FINISHED GR HEIGHT BH-1 8182.23 8154.5 8154.5 27.73' BH-2 8181.94 8147.0 8147.0 34.94' BH-3 8180.06 8145.5 8145.5 34.56' BH-4 8184.96 8151.5 8151.5 33.46' BH-5 8193.25 8162.0 8162.0 31.25' BH-6 8194.89 8167.5 8167.5 27.39' BH-7 8193.02 8165.5 8165.5 27.52' ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TO TRANSFORMERON ADJACENT LOT WSO TO W A T E R M A I N IN R I G H T O F W A Y CO SEWER LINE WATER LINE T O S E W E R M A I N I N E A S E M E N T ADDRESS MONUMENT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SILT FENCE LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA SPRAY AREADRIP AREASOD AREA LAND SUMMARY 6,755sf 348sf 0sf348sf0sf 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 100% OF IRRIGATED AREA0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 5.2% OF LANDSCAPE AREA 25.8% OF LOT NATIVE VEGETATION 4,670sf 69.1% OF LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE UNITS REQ. 135 DISTURBED AREA OF LOT 10,973sf 41.9% OF LOT TOTAL LOT AREA 26,180sf BUILDING FOUNDATION 2,414sf HARDSCAPE 1,804sf IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 4,218sf 16.1% OF LOT SILT FENCE TOW - 8173.5 BOW - 8164.0 SNOWSTORAGE SNOWSTORAGE SNOWSTORAGE SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 3, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 Architectural Site Plan A0.1 1" = 10' PLACE UNTIL FINISH GRADE IS ACHIEVED. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. 2. A "GEOFAB" SILT FENCE IS TO BE ERECTED AT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE DOWNHILL OF APPROPRIATE BEAVER CREEK OFFICIALS, IF PROBLEMS OCCUR. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL IN CONFORMANCE WITH BEST CONSTRUCTION AND IN PATHS OF DRAINAGE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND KEPT IN 3. AT THE BASE OF TOPSOIL OR FILLSOIL STOCKPILED ON SITE , A "GEOFAB" SILT FENCE OR STRAW BALE SATURATION BERM SHALL BE ERECTED TO CONTROL SILT AND SEDIMENT. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PREVENTING THE RELEASE OF SEDIMENT- LADEN WATER (MUD) FROM THE SITE AND SHALL BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL CONTROL FACILITIES AT THE DIRECTION OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OR TYPICAL SILT FENCE DETAIL 2x2 WOOD SUPPORT STAKES AT 8'0" MAX SPACING FABRIC FENCE TOE ANCHOR TRENCH COMPACTED BACKFILL 1' - 6 " 1' - 6 " 6" 6" GARAGE - 8178.0 MAIN FLOOR - 8172.0 8183.40 8177.88 8182.44 8180.42 LOWER FLOOR - 8160.0 ENTRY - 8175.0 8177.37 RIDGE - 8193.25 TOP OF EAVE - 8184.96 TOP OF SHED - 8194.89 RIDGE - 8191.72 TOP OF EAVE - 8180.06 TOP OF EAVE - 8181.94 TOP OF EAVE - 8182.23 TOP OF SHED - 8193.02 7 9 . 3 2 ° 4% 8% 10%10% 2% TRENCH DRAIN DN ASPHALT DRIVEWAY SNOW STORAGE TOW - 8169.0 BOW - 8165.0 TOW - 8175.0 BOW - 8171.0 TOW - 8169.0 BOW - 8165.0 TOW - 8181.0 BOW - 8177.0 TOW - 8148.0 BOW - 8152.0 TOW - 8176.0 BOW - 8172.0 TOW - 8170.0 BOW - 8166.0 TOW - 8182.0 BOW - 8178.0 TOW - 8182.0 BOW - 8178.0 8180 8170 8160 8150 8160 8170 8180 8150 8140 8140 TOW - 8177.0 BOW - 8167.0 TOW - 8162.0 BOW - 8156.0 CONCRETE PAD FOR HOT TUB UP BH1 BH2 BH3 BH4 BH5 BH6 BH7 BUILDING HEIGHT ROOF HT EXISTING GR FINISHED GR HEIGHT BH-1 8182.23 8154.5 8154.5 27.73' BH-2 8181.94 8147.0 8147.0 34.94' BH-3 8180.06 8145.5 8145.5 34.56' BH-4 8184.96 8151.5 8151.5 33.46' BH-5 8193.25 8162.0 8162.0 31.25' BH-6 8194.89 8167.5 8167.5 27.39' BH-7 8193.02 8165.5 8165.5 27.52' ELECTRIC METER GAS METER TO TRANSFORMER ON ADJACENT LOT WSO TO W A T E R M A I N IN R I G H T O F W A Y CO SEWER LINE WATER LINE T O S E W E R M A I N I N E A S E M E N T LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE SILT FENCE LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA SPRAY AREA DRIP AREA SOD AREA LAND SUMMARY 6,755sf 348sf 0sf 348sf 0sf 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 100% OF IRRIGATED AREA 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 5.2% OF LANDSCAPE AREA 25.8% OF LOT NATIVE VEGETATION 4,670sf 69.1% OF LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE UNITS REQ. 135 DISTURBED AREA OF LOT 10,973sf 41.9% OF LOT TOTAL LOT AREA 26,180sf BUILDING FOUNDATION 2,414sf HARDSCAPE 1,804sf IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 4,218sf 16.1% OF LOT SILT FENCE TOW - 8173.5 BOW - 8164.0 SNOW STORAGE SNOW STORAGE SNOW STORAGE 4' - 0 " 4' - 0 " 4' - 0 " 4'-0"4'-0" DRIVEWAY WILDRIDGE ROAD BACKFILL BOULDERS (TYPICAL) SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: March 21,2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 D PZC Revisions 03.21.22 Architectural Site Plan A0.1 1" = 10' PLACE UNTIL FINISH GRADE IS ACHIEVED. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. 2. A "GEOFAB" SILT FENCE IS TO BE ERECTED AT LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE DOWNHILL OF APPROPRIATE BEAVER CREEK OFFICIALS, IF PROBLEMS OCCUR. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE EROSION CONTROL IN CONFORMANCE WITH BEST CONSTRUCTION AND IN PATHS OF DRAINAGE PRIOR TO EXCAVATION AND KEPT IN 3.AT THE BASE OF TOPSOIL OR FILLSOIL STOCKPILED ON SITE , A "GEOFAB" SILT FENCE OR STRAW BALE SATURATION BERM SHALL BE ERECTED TO CONTROL SILT AND SEDIMENT. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PREVENTING THE RELEASE OF SEDIMENT- LADEN WATER (MUD) FROM THE SITE AND SHALL BE REQUIRED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL CONTROL FACILITIES AT THE DIRECTION OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OR TYPICAL SILT FENCE DETAIL 2x2 WOOD SUPPORT STAKES AT 8'0" MAX SPACING FABRIC FENCE TOE ANCHOR TRENCH COMPACTED BACKFILL 1' - 6 " 1' - 6 " 6" 6" SITE SECTION AT DRIVEWAY RETAINING WALLS REVISED 4/6/22 EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS TREE 8'+ HEIGHT SIZE 2.5" CALIPER REVEGETATED WITH NATIVE GRASSES ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON THE SITE NOT TO BE SODDED OR MULCHED ARE TO BE POPULUS TREMULOIDES COBBLE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED WITH AN AUTOMATIC RAIN SENSOR PICEA PUNGENS BOTANIC NAME PLANT LIST PP KEY PT TREES COLROADO BLUE SPRUCE COMMON NAME QUAKING ASPEN 6 # 10 SHRUB PLANT LEGEND AAS AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA NATIVE SERVICEBERRY SHRUBS 5 GALLON255 GALLONARTEMISIA TRIDENTATAATS TALL WESTERN SAGE 19 48 LANDSCAPE UNITS 70 16 19153 TOTAL 15' WILDFIRE LANDSCAPE OFFSET 15' WILDFIRE LANDSCAPE OFFSET 15 ' W I L D F I R E L A N D S C A P E O F F S E T TEMP IRRIGATIONATSATS (2)ATS (2)ATS (2)ATS ATS (3)ATS (8) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (2) LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA SPRAY AREADRIP AREASOD AREA LAND SUMMARY 6,755sf 348sf 0sf348sf0sf 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 100% OF IRRIGATED AREA0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 5.2% OF LANDSCAPE AREA 25.8% OF LOT NATIVE VEGETATION 4,670sf 69.1% OF LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE UNITS REQ. 135 DISTURBED AREA OF LOT 10,973sf 41.9% OF LOT TOTAL LOT AREA 26,180sf BUILDING FOUNDATION 2,414sf HARDSCAPE 1,804sf VALVE BOX VALVE BOX NATIVE REVEGETATION IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 4,218sf 16.1% OF LOT BACKFLOW PREVENTERIN MECHANICAL ROOM IRRIGATION CLOCK ATS VALVE BOX SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 3, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 Landscape and Irrigation Plan A0.2 1" = 10' EVERGREEN TREE DECIDUOUS TREE 8'+ HEIGHT SIZE 2.5" CALIPER REVEGETATED WITH NATIVE GRASSES ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON THE SITE NOT TO BE SODDED OR MULCHED ARE TO BE POPULUS TREMULOIDES COBBLE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED WITH AN AUTOMATIC RAIN SENSOR PICEA PUNGENS BOTANIC NAME PLANT LIST PP KEY PT TREES COLROADO BLUE SPRUCE COMMON NAME QUAKING ASPEN 6 # 15 SHRUB PLANT LEGEND AAS AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA NATIVE SERVICEBERRY SHRUBS 5 GALLON25 5 GALLONARTEMISIA TRIDENTATAATS TALL WESTERN SAGE 19 48 LANDSCAPE UNITS 105 16 19 188 TOTAL 15' WILDFIRE LANDSCAPE OFFSET 15' WILDFIRE LANDSCAPE OFFSET 15 ' W I L D F I R E L A N D S C A P E O F F S E T TEMP IRRIGATION ATS ATS (2)ATS (2) ATS (2)ATS ATS (3)ATS (8) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (2) AAS (3) AAS (2) LANDSCAPE AREA TOTAL IRRIGATED AREA SPRAY AREA DRIP AREA SOD AREA LAND SUMMARY 6,755sf 348sf 0sf 348sf 0sf 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 100% OF IRRIGATED AREA 0% OF IRRIGATED AREA 5.2% OF LANDSCAPE AREA 25.8% OF LOT NATIVE VEGETATION 4,670sf 69.1% OF LANDSCAPE AREA LANDSCAPE UNITS REQ. 135 DISTURBED AREA OF LOT 10,973sf 41.9% OF LOT TOTAL LOT AREA 26,180sf BUILDING FOUNDATION 2,414sf HARDSCAPE 1,804sf VALVE BOX VALVE BOX NATIVE REVEGETATION IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE 4,218sf 16.1% OF LOT BACKFLOW PREVENTER IN MECHANICAL ROOM IRRIGATION CLOCK ATS VALVE BOX SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: March 21,2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 D PZC Revisions 03.21.22 Landscape and Irrigation Plan A0.2 1" = 10' REVISED 4/6/22 FAMILY ROOM BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM 5 BEDROOM 2 MECHANICAL LAUNDRY King DECK DECK Qu e e n Qu e e n BEDROOM 3 LINEN LOWER FLOOR AREA - 2368 SF MECHANICAL AREA - 46 SF Queen BAR YARD 24'-612"21'-712"8'-11"23'-412"17'-0" 15 ' - 4 12" 7' - 6 " 22 ' - 1 0 12" 7' - 3 " 8'-612"15'-612"4'-334"13'-11"20'-418"5'-85 8"4'-0"14'-7"8'-6" 24'-1"44'-312"27'-1" STORAGE 3' - 0 12" 7' - 9 " 2' - 6 12" 1' - 6 12" 13'-6" 7' - 2 14" 6' - 8 34" 2' - 5 12" 17 ' - 5 12" 19 ' - 1 1 " 13 ' - 1 1 " 8'-0" UP DN 8160.0 HOT TUB 0- 0 1 0-02 0-03 0-04 0-05 0-07 0-08 0- 0 9 0- 0 6 S1 S1 S1S1 SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 3, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 Lower Floor Plan A1.1 1/4" = 1'0" King DINING ROOM KITCHEN GREAT ROOM ENTRY MUD ROOM GARAGE MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH W/D PANTRY DECK MASTER CLOSET MAIN FLOOR AREA - 2020 SF GARAGE FLOOR AREA - 561 SF Dining Table 3'6" x 8'0" DECK 24'-612"21'-712"8'-11"23'-412"17'-0" 12'-314"12'-314"4'-012"11'-012"6'-612"4'-512"4'-512"2'-834"6'-634"7'-614"6'-634"8'-6"8'-6" 3' - 8 12" 4' - 0 12" 3' - 0 12" 7' - 8 12" 15 ' - 2 " 22 ' - 1 0 12" 11 ' - 9 " 2' - 6 12" 1' - 6 12" 7' - 8 12" 7' - 5 12" 6' - 2 34" 5' - 8 14" 21 ' - 1 1 " 11 ' - 1 1 " 7' - 6 " 5' - 9 " 6' - 0 " 8'-612"15'-612"11'-314"11'-314"3'-1078"3'-1078"3'-1078"4'-438"4'-0"14'-7"8'-6" 24'-1"22'-612"7'-934"5'-8"8'-314"27'-1" 1- 0 1 1- 0 3 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-07 1-09 1-10 2' - 6 " 2' - 0 " 1- 0 5 1- 0 8 1- 1 1 1-131-141-151-171-181-19 1-16 8175.0 8172.0 8178.0 DN DN DN 6' - 9 " 1- 1 2 R R RR RRR R R RR R R SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 3, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 Main Floor Plan A1.2 1/4" = 1'0" RIDGE - 8193.25 TOP OF EAVE - 8184.96 TOP OF SHED - 8194.89 RIDGE - 8191.72 RIDGE TOP OF EAVE - 8180.06 TOP OF EAVE - 8181.94 TOP OF EAVE - 8182.23 TOP OF SHED - 8193.02 DECK DECK 3'-0" 2' - 0 " 2' - 0 " 2'-0" 2'-0" 2' - 0 " 6'-4" 2' - 0 " 2' - 0 " 2'-0"2'-0" 2'-0" 2' - 0 " 2'-0" 2' - 0 " 2'-0" CHIMNEY 5: 1 2 5: 1 2 5: 1 2 5: 1 2 3:12 PROVIDE CONDUIT CONNECTION FOR FUTURE SOLAR INSTALLATION SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 3, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 Roof Plan A1.3 1/4" = 1'0" MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8172.0 ENTRY FLOOR ELEVATION - 8175.0 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION - 8178.0 TOP OF WALL 12 ' - 3 12" 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-17 1-18 1-19 1-16 MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8172.0 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8160.0 MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8175.0 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION - 8178.0 1-02 1-04 1-06 1-07 1-09 1-10 0-02 0-03 0-04 0-05 0-07 0-08 A ASPHALT SHINGLES B METAL ROOFING C 2 PIECE - 2X WOOD FASCIA D 8" HORIZONTAL WOOD SIDING E 1" METAL REVEAL TRIM F STUCCO G STONE VENEER H METAL RAILING J ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOW/DOOR K STEEL COLUMN/BEAM/BRACKET A A CC C C D D D D F F F F F F F F F HH H H H H F E E E E E J J JJJ JJ J JJJ J K K K K K K SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 3, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 Exterior Building Elevations A2.1 Rear (West) Elevation Front (East) Elevation 1/4" = 1'0" MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8172.0 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8160.0 ENTRY FLOOR ELEVATION - 8175.0 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION - 8178.0 TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL 8' - 0 " 6' - 1 0 34" TOP OF WALL 10 ' - 0 " 1-01 1-03 0-01 MAIN FLOOR ELEVATION - 8172.0 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATION - 8160.0 ENTRY FLOOR ELEVATION - 8175.0 GARAGE FLOOR ELEVATION - 8178.0 TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL TOP OF WALL 17 ' - 9 38" 18 ' - 1 1 " 8' - 0 " 9' - 1 0 12" 11 ' - 0 " 1-08 1-11 1-12 0-090-06 SHEET OF : I S S U E S L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T N O T E S DATEDESCRIPTIONNO. A Review 01.10.22 21-322 PROJECT NO.: February 3, 2022 DATE: ral DRAWN BY: SCALE: RAL Architects, Inc.2022C Ed w a r d s , C o l o r a d o 8 1 6 3 2 e m a i l ~ b o b b y l @ r a l a r c h . c o m P. O . B o x 1 8 0 5 Ph o n e ~ 9 7 0 . 3 7 6 . 4 2 2 7 Custom Lot 110A, Block 1, Wildridge S T R U C T U R A L - 3091 Wildridge Road Avon, CO Residence B Buyer Revisions 01.22.22 C PZC Submittal 02.03.22 Exterior Building Elevations A2.2Right Side (North) ElevationLeft Side (South) Elevation 1/4" = 1'0" Consent Agenda Item 1 AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 2022 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER AT 5:07PM. A ROLLCALL WAS TAKEN, AND ALL COMMISSIONERS WERE PRESENT EXCEPT FOR COMMISSIONER BARNES AND COMMISSIONER GOLEMBIEWSKI. ALSO PRESENT WERE PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER, SENIOR PLANNER JENA SKINNER, AND PLANNER 1+ MAX MORGAN. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA ACTION: THERE WERE NO CHANGES PROPOSED TO THE AGENDA. COMMISSIONER SEKINGER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PUBLISHED. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LANIOUS, AND ALL WERE IN FAVOR. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY WITH A 5-0 VOTE. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEM THERE WERE NO CONFLICTS OR EX PARTE COMMUNICATION. 4. 240 CHAPEL PLACE / VARIANCE AND SIGN PLAN – CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING – REQUEST FOR LARGER STOREFRONT SIGN THAT SIGN CODE PERMITS, AND DESIGN REVIEW OF TWO SIGNS TOTAL (SENIOR PLANNER JENA SKINNER AND TJ MALONE) PUBLIC COMMENTS: NONE. 1ST ACTION: COMMISSIONER SEKINGER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE SIGN VARIANCE APPLICATION (VR22001) WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: 1. WITH A LARGE STOREFRONT SIZE, THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THIS SITE ARE GENERALLY NOT APPLICABLE TO OTHER SITES IN THE VICINITY AND THEREFORE DO NOT CONSTITUTE A SPECIAL PRIVILEGE. 2. THE VARIANCE IS WARRANTED BECAUSE STRICT INTERPRETATION OF THE SIGN CODE MAXIMUM SQUARE FOOTAGE WOULD RESULT IN A PRACTICAL DIFFICULTY INCONSISTENT WITH THE OBJECTIVES OF THE SIGN CODE. 3. GIVEN THE SCALE OF THIS BUILDING FRONTAGE, IT IS REASONABLE TO ALLOW THIS OWNER THE SAME BENEFIT AND PRIVILEGES ENJOYED BY THE OWNERS OF OTHER PROPERTIES IN THE VICINITY IN HAVING SIGNS THAT ARE IN PROPORTION TO THE STOREFRONT OF THIS EXCEPTIONAL BUILDING. COMMISSIONER MACALLISTER SECONDED THE MOTION AND MOTION PASSED WITH A 3-2 VOTE; COMMISSIONERS LANG AND LANIOUS IN OPPOSITION. 2ND ACTION: COMMISSIONER MACALLISTER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE SIGN DESIGN APPLICATION (SGN22001) WITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: 1. THE PROPOSED APPLICATION WAS REVIEWED IN CONFORMANCE WITH CHAPTER 7.34 SIGN CODE AND AS IT IS FOUND TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS CHAPTER COMMISSIONER SEKINGER SECONDED THE MOTION AND MOTION PASSED WITH A 3-2 VOTE; COMMISSIONERS LANG AND LANIOUS IN OPPOSITION. 5. CONSENT AGENDA 5.1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MARCH 15, 2022 PZC MEETING ACTION: COMMISSIONER LANG MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SEKINGER AND THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY WITH A 5-0 VOTE. 2 6. STAFF UPDATES 6.1. SWIFT GULCH EMPLOYEE HOUSING 6.2. PZC TERMS 6.3. EAGLE COUNTY LAND INVENTORY PROJECT 6.4. MCGRADY ACRES 6.5. LA ZONA 7. STAFF APPROVALS 7.1. 5391 FERRET LANE, UNIT B ROOF (MNR22007) 7.2. 2150 LONG SPUR, UNIT B LANDSCAPING (MNR22003) 7.3. 5650 WILDRIDGE ROAD, DECK EXPANSION (MNR22006) 7.4. 4310 EAGLEBEND DRIVE, DOORS AND WINDOWS (MNR22005) 7.5. 48 E. BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD, NEW ARK BUILDING SIGNS (SGN21010) 8. ADJOURN THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 6:07PM. THESE MEETING MINUTES ARE ONLY A SUMMARY OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING. THEY ARE NOT INTENDED TO BE COMPREHENSIVE OR TO INCLUDE EACH STATEMENT, PERSON SPEAKING OR TO PORTRAY WITH COMPLETE ACCURACY. THE MOST ACCURATE RECORDS OF THE MEETING ARE THE AUDIO RECORDING OF THE MEETING, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE TOWN CLERK’S OFFICE BY SUBMITTING A PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUEST. APPROVED: X CHAIRPERSON PZC Record of Decision: VAR22001 and SGN22001 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: April 5, 2022 TYPE OF APPLICATIONS: Variance / Sign Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: 220 Beaver Creek Place (Chapel Square); Tract B1, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek FILE NUMBER: VAR22001 / SGN22001 APPLICANT: TJ Malone, Discount Signs- Representative of Charles E. Ewing, CEO, H& A Quality Appliance, Inc. DBA Appliance Factory This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.010(F)(1) DECISION ON VAR22001: Approved FINDINGS: 1. With a large storefront size, the circumstances of this site are generally not applicable to other sites in the vicinity and therefore do not constitute a special privilege. 2. The variance is warranted because strict interpretation of the sign code maximum square footage would result in a practical difficulty inconsistent with the objectives of the Sign Code. 3. Given the scale of this building frontage, it is reasonable to allow this owner the same benefit and privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the vicinity in having signs that are in proportion to the storefront of this exceptional building. DECISION ON SGN22001: Approved FINDING: 1. The design application was reviewed in conformance with Chapter 7.34 Sign Code and is found to be consistent with the requirements of this chapter. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson