22.04.26 Wildfire Preparedness Month Resolution4/26/22, 1:05 PM BoardDocs® Plus https://go.boarddocs.com/co/eagleco/Board.nsf/Private?open&login#1/2 Agenda Item Details Public Content Administrative Content Executive Content Meeting Jan 01, 2050 - *****Signature Workflow***** Category A. BoCC Signature Subject Wildfire Preparedness Month Joint Resolution Access Public Type Action (Consent) Preferred Date Apr 26, 2022 Absolute Date May 03, 2022 Fiscal Impact No Recommended Action Approve Goals Goal 3. Eagle County Protects the Natural Environment Strategic Plan Prepared By: Katie Jenkins Department: Wildfire Mitigation Executive Summary: Eagle County and the Towns of Gypsum, Minturn, Eagle, Redcliff, Avon and Vail, have determined that they share the common goals of wildfire risk reduction, wildfire preparedness and public education; and that collaboration in these areas will lead to unified and fire-adapted communities throughout Eagle County and surrounding areas. Wildfire Preparedness Month is focused on encouraging residents to learn about wildfire safety and take steps to reduce wildfire risk in and around their homes. Reviewing Attorney: Beth Oliver BoCC signature?: yes Wildfire Preparedness Month Resolution.pdf (70 KB) DocuSign Envelope ID: DA36F3AB-37E6-4215-B957-6856513C5453 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Commissioner ___________________________________ moved adoption of the following Resolution: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 2022 - _________ A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO AND THE TOWNS OF GYPSUM, MINTURN, EAGLE, REDCLIFF, AVON AND VAIL, PROCLAIMING MAY 2022 AS WILDFIRE PREPAREDNESS MONTH WHEREAS , t wenty of Colorado’s largest wildfires have occurred within the last twenty years. Four out of the five largest fires in state history have occurred within the last three years, including the most destructive fire in state history just 5 months ago ; and WHEREAS , warmer temperatures, drought, and continued development in the wildland-urban interface have made wildfire mitigation a top priority for Eagle County and surrounding jurisdictions; and WHEREAS , Eagle County (the “County”) and the Towns of Gypsum, Minturn, Eagle, Redcliff, Avon and Vail (the “Towns”) have determined that they share the common goals of wildfire risk reduction, wildfire preparedness and public education; and that collaboration in these areas will lead to unified and fire-adapted communities throughout Eagle County and surrounding areas; and WHEREAS , Wildfire Preparedness Month is focused on encouraging residents to learn about wildfire safety and take steps to reduce wildfire risk in and around their homes ; and WHEREAS , the undersigned desire to join in support of Wildfire Preparedness Month and to designate May 2022 as Wildfire Preparedness Month in Eagle County and in the participating Towns. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO (the “BOARD”) AND THE TOWN OF GYPSUM, MINTURN, EAGLE, REDCLIFF, AVON AND VAIL, by and through their governing bodies: THAT , May 2022 is hereby designated as Wildfire Preparedness Month in Eagle County and in the Towns of Gypsum, Minturn, Eagle, Redcliff, Avon and Vail, Colorado. THAT , the Board and the Towns hereby find, determine and declare that this Resolution is necessary for the safety, welfare, and resilience of the residents of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado and the Towns of Gypsum, Minturn, Eagle, Redcliff, Avon and Vail, Colorado. MOVED, READ AND ADOPTED by the undersigned on the dates set forth hereunder. DocuSign Envelope ID: DA36F3AB-37E6-4215-B957-6856513C5453 COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and Through Its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: ____________________________ By: ______________________________ Clerk to the Board of Jeanne McQueeney County Commissioners Chair ______________________________ Kathy Chandler-Henry Commissioner ____________________________ Matt Scherr Commissioner Commissioner ____________________ seconded adoption of the foregoing resolution. The roll having been called, the vote was as follows: Commissioner McQueeney ______________ Commissioner Chandler-Henry ______________ Commissioner Scherr ______________ This resolution passed by __________________ vote of the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Eagle, State of Colorado ATTEST: TOWN OF GYPSUM, COLORADO ________________________ By: ___________________________________ Becky Close, Town Clerk Steve Carver, Mayor DocuSign Envelope ID: DA36F3AB-37E6-4215-B957-6856513C5453 ATTEST: TOWN OF MINTURN, COLORADO ________________________ By: ___________________________________ Jay Brunvand, Town Clerk Earle Bidez, Mayor ATTEST: TOWN OF EAGLE, COLORADO ________________________ By: ___________________________________ Jenny Rakow, Town Clerk Scott Turnipseed, Mayor ATTEST: TOWN OF REDCLIFF, COLORADO ________________________ By: ___________________________________ Melissa Mathews, Town Clerk Duke Gerber, Mayor ATTEST: TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO ________________________ By: ___________________________________ Brenda Torres, Town Clerk Sarah Smith Hymes, Mayor ATTEST: TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO ________________________ By: ___________________________________ Tammy Nagel, Town Clerk Kim Langmaid, Mayor DocuSign Envelope ID: DA36F3AB-37E6-4215-B957-6856513C5453