PZC Minutes 100180RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 1, 1980, 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon was held on October 1, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center_, Avon, Colo- rado. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce. All Board Members were present, Larry came in later. Item #1, U.S. Home Corporation, Christie Lodge, Lots 25-28, 35, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-4-1. This project was originally presented under the name of Wingspread and is now known as The Christie Lodge. Irving Phillips and Jim Bennett represented U.S. Home Corporation. They are here to discuss the vacation of lot lines, proof of ownership of 306 units, lighting, material in the dome and roof material. The dome - a light, tinted gray, skylight, plexiglass. It will not substantially change the natural light. The lighting - high pressure sodium, medium yellow, long life, high efficiency. The standards are bronze color, single or double standards, candle power unknown. The Board would like the recourse to request lower lighting power at a later date. Roof material - metal or shingles, U.S. Home would rather have the metal roofing,and heavy asphalt shingles on the canopies in the re- tail area, in appearance would look like Benchmark Shopping Center's roof. The canopies are very small in area, not large expanses of roofing. The weight of the shingle is 350. The color was discussed. Before the Board approves the shingles, they would like to see the elevations and positions of the canopies. Jim will bring drawings of the canopies to the Town Offices before the next meeting. The pitch is 4/12, Larry stated that the snow will slide off. 100 of the roof will be asphalt shingles. There will be hypolon roof (flat roof) for the rest of the roof that is not shingles or dome, a dark gray. The Board has no objection to the asphalt shingles, but would like to see the colored drawings before a decision is made. The finish on the top surface of the balconies will be outdoor carpeting, wood color, solid decks. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. The Board's comments summarized: the lighting is approved as sub- mitted with the understanding that it is to be low intensity, in- timate; the roofing material will be re -reviewed at the next meeting (October 15, 1980) and will have drawings at that time; the carpeting can be used on the decks; the skylight material will be light gray, plexiglass. There being no objections, approval was granted according to the above summary. Item #2, Holy Cross Electric Association, Landscaping, Lot 10, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-6-3. Terry Thomas of Land Design Partnership represented Holy Cross. Terry would like to draw attention to the landscaping, rather than see the landscaping as screening. Rock material for slope stabili- zation, large amount of plant material with a great diversity. -1- Trees - pinion juniper, three feet high. Seedlings - rabbit brush, mount mahogony, sage, choke cherries. Grasses - four different kinds. The entire area will be seeded, grass seed and wild flower mix. Terry showed where the various materials will be planted. The grounds and entrance will be graveled. The Board gave comments - all were favorable with the exception of Bill's opposition to the long expanse of fence without more signi- ficant three dimensional plant material. The landscaping plan as presented tonight was granted approval. The rockwork will be com- pleted this fall. The plant material will be put in next spring (1981). The fence will not be put up this fall, no additional material will be stored there until the fence is installed. (This has been named as a condition of the approval for a storage yard.) Mike suggested that wooden poles could add some interest to the site. Item #3, Empire Savings, Lot 70, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-9-2. Jeffrey Francis, architect represented Empire Savings. There are 19 parking spaces; 14 are required. There are four drive -up window stations, entrance will be for the drive -up windows or parking spaces, the exits will be one way. Snow storage was shown, and a curb around the parking area and driveways. The trash enclosure is also for the transformer, it will have a roof, the enclosure will have the same brick as the building, bronze painted metal gates, flat roof with anodized bronze. The landscaping - where there are berms there will be low juniper, spreading juniper to hold the banks. Bill stated that the drainage must be studied by the Town Engineer, Dick stated that as soon as the contour and retension pond plans are submitted it is studied. Empire has contacted Claycomb to make a drainage study of the site. The closest City Market entrance is 50 feet up the road. All landscaping materials, including an automatic sprinkler system will be submitted. The water and sewer hook-up plans will be completed when the surveyors are finished. The building is 5,000 square feet, there is flexibility in the plans to allow for growth. The overhang of the canopy will project into the 25 feet front setback, this allows for 19 parking spaces rather than 14. The encroachment is 43-2 to five feet. Bill asked if anyone objected to this situation - the shortened front setback. Materials - the brick is from Robinson Brick in Denver, the color is standard for several Empire Savings buildings. The soffit is alcan aluminum, not chrome, dark batten strips. The basic material on the vertical portion of the face is a conair shadow form system, anodized dark bronze with feature strips. The sign - individually lit letters mounted on the wall of the building and individually lit letters that are mounted on to the facia system. They have a neon tube inside, off-white plastic material on the face of the letter with a gold relief edge detail, size varies from 22 to 24 inches on the capitals to 13 or 14 inches on the lower case letters. Empire is not applying for a sign at this time, but where the signage would be - on the main entry elevation, not on the west side of the building. Bill mentioned that because of the sign code in the process of being drafted that review of the sign could be at a later date, approval tonight would be for the general concept. Ken asked that a sample be brought when the sign is submitted. Empire stated that they are not asking for sign approval at this time, just showing what has been done before - one foot wide brick wall, 2'8" - 3'4" high with a two foot square sign that sits on it that is eternally illuminated - a traffic directional sign. -2- The flat roof material and color - either a Carlyle rubber EPOM single membrane system with an 1� river rock aggregate or Trokel PBC single membrane with the larger aggregate. The color is a native stone color. There will be one roof top unit, a pressure condenser unit, about 30 inches square. The Board suggested that a darker color than the usual washed round aggregate may be better for a short building that other buildings will look down on. Dick stated that a gray granite round rock is available at Grand Junction. Drainage system for the roof - a ridge to an eternal roof drain and downspout. There will be a pedestrian walkway along the road. A culvert will be under each of the driveways. There was discussion concerning pedestrian traffic between City Market and Empire Savings and other businesses which will be in that area. That may be encouraged to relieve automobile traffic. Lighting - there are soffit lights on the exterior of the building, sodium lighting underneath the canopy, and a light over the rear entrance which will be on 24 hours per day as required by banking laws. The flag will have three lights which can shine on the flag 24 hours per day, the type of lighting was not known, 25 foot flag pole. Bill asked for any other comments and there weren't any. There being no objections, approval was granted with two conditions that there should be a resubmittal of the pedestrian walkway plan and that the final details of the exterior lighting be brought to the Board at their convenience in the near future. Asphalt walkways would be appropriate, three foot strip on each side of each drive. This approval is for the permanent structure. Jeffrey stated that the bank charter applied for can also be used for a temporary office. Empire would like to set up a modular building with a gable roof, in a location which would allow a park- ing area to be installed. The permanent building construction can be phased and still maintain operations at another end of the site. They would like to get the parking paved and put in as much of the curb and walk system and permanent parking lot to service the tmeporary and the permanent buildings. They would like to get this in before snow time this year. The date of removal of the tem- porary building would be 12 months from the date it is installed. The Board and Dick see this as a special use which must have a recommendation sent to the Town Council for approval. The perma- nent building will be started in the spring, 1981, and completed in 6-7 months. They would like to get as much of the site work and foundation work done this fall as possible. Bill suggested a re - review of the temporary structure by December 1, 1981. Jim Wells concurred that this is a Special Use of the site and must be reviewed by the Council. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. There being no objections, approval was granted for the installation of this temporary facility, or recommendation to the Town Council, for installation until December 1, 1981, or must be removed within two weeks after a temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. The temporary sign is a free standing sign that is electrically neon tube illuminated from behind, enclosed cabinet on a standard set from a time clock in the building, size is 4 X 5 or 6. Jeffrey would like the sign to be reviewed and approved at this time. Bill stated that 20 square feet for a temporary sign is acceptable. This sign is 24 square feet, the Board agreed to 24 square feet but would like to see the sign before it is installed. Empire Savings will bring it to be reviewed. Jim Wells stated that Empire Savings should call the Town Clerk for she October 14, 1980 meeting agenda for their temporary structure. -3- Item #4, B-uck Creek Association, Sign, Lot 16, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-9-4. Tom Landauer stepped down to represent Buck Creek Association. 3 X 5, identification sign, to be installed for a year and then come in for a review, will be between Lots 13 and 14, Block 2, on 2 6 X 6 posts, eye level off of the road, will not be on the road right-of-way, redwood trim. Cheryl questioned allowing a temporary sign for as long as one year. There being no objection, approval was granted for the sign for one year or until the units are sold. At that time it will be re - reviewed, they will be notified one month prior to the meeting. Item #5, Avon Metro Water District, Pump House Enclosure, Lot 39, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision, File No. 80-9-3. Bill Pierce stepped down to represent Avon Metro Water District. Vice -Chairman Mike Blair conducted this portion of the meeting. Lynn, Bill's assistant, presented the plans, for which they would like conceptual approval. There may be revisions, so they will be back later for final approval. Part of a three -tank water system for Wildridge, a quarter of a million gallon reservoir, near the top of Wildridge, the last of the pump enclosure buildings, the building will be approximately 650 square feet, insulated, no irrigation, lattice work over the entire facade and extended over the edge of the building, cedar shake roof, channel rustic cedar, behind the lattice -work would be thrush cedar plywood, the lattice is pulled out about 2 inches, the building is about 40 feet above the road. Landscaping - no trees, will be revegetated with natural material, the tank top not covered by the building will have dirt on it and native planting, skylights are functional, building is 13-15 feet high, there will be a concealed lightning road system. Lighting - will extend outside from the inside. Ken suggested mecury or quartz lighting on the outside manually operated from the inside. Bill will talk to the engineers about it. Lattice -work will be 1 X 2's spaced approximately six inches on center. Jim Wells from the audience suggested a chain or gate to prevent cars from driving onto the tank. Mike asked if there were any questions or comments and there weren't any. Mike asked about whether there would be a maintenance problem with the lattice -work. The white on the front was discussed. The cedar siding will weather out to look like the siding on the Bench- mark Shopping Center, with a clear stain. Bill stated that they will come back with some sort of a lighting fixture and some device to prevent people from driving onto the tank. There being no objections, the design, materials and colors as presented were granted approval with the condition that details of the outside lighitng for the front entryway and a gateway to the driveway will be brought before the Board. Other business: The Sign Code: Jim Wells stated that the Town Council will have the Town Attorney draft a sign code ordinance from the county or- dinance. Mike stated that the design of signs should be according to the Design Review Board, not an attorney. The Board sign code committee would like to meet with John Dunn before he starts the ordinance, to give him their views on the code, including lighting and a minimum setback. The minutes were discussed. "Cherly" will be changed to "Cheryl", "Council" corrected to "Council". Bill would like added to the Holy Cross section, last paragraph, that he is against the instal- lation of that continuation of the fence or the installation of the fence in general without some significant landscape features - larger and numerous trees. Mike would like to state that the specific Special Use Permit has screening landscaping for the Troxel Warehouse on the southern boundary of the property. Larry made the motion to approve the minutes with the above amendments, Ken seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. There being no other business to be brought before the Board, Cheryl made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Alice seconded the motion and Bill adjourned the meeting. Respectfully submitted by Jerre Sortland Recording Secretary Design Review Board -5-