PZC Minutes 091780RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 1980, 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon was held on Septemberl7, 1980 at 7:40 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce. All Board Members were present Item #1, Holy Cross Electric Association, Materials Yard, Lot 10, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-6-3. Bill stated that there are two issues regarding this item: 1) the Special Use Permit for outside storage and 2) the installation of screening materials for the project. Howard Scarboro represented Holy Cross Electric Association. He again requested approval for natural landscaping and/or gravel or stone. Mayor Alpi added that Holy Cross convinced the Town Council that a sprinkler system is unfeasible since there is no building in which to house the equipment. As part of the compromise, Holy Cross would add an additional 334 feet of screening fencing for the power station. The existing fencing will be moved to the back of this lot. The natural landscaping will extend the full length of the lot frontage. Partition fencing will be used inside the yard, nothing stored higher than the screening fence, no poles or bucker trucks. Bill asked for comments from the audience and. there weren't any. The proposal is to install the previously discussed fence along the entire length of the Holy Cross property and the Ute power station and along the very south edge of the property The landscaping will be natrual or gravel or crushed rock and boulders. The Board granted approval for the general landscaping and the open storage with a vote of six to one. Holy Cross will present a detailed landscaping plan at the next meeting - October 1, 1980. Item #2, Benchmark Discount Liquors, Sign, :Got 72, Block 2, Bench- mark Subdivision, File No. 80-8-4. Louis Jordan represented Benchmark Discount Liquors. Louis presented the letter material and lighting. The large letters which will spell "Liquors" are 18 inches in height and the small letters which will spell "Beaver" are 12 inches high. The total area is 20 square feet. The lighting material will be painted the same color of the stucco. There will be three lights, one on each end and one in the middle. It was suggested that a cone fixture may give better lighting. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. There being no objections approval was granted with the recommenda- tion that a reflector -type fixture be considered. -1- Item #3, Troxel Warehouses, Lot 13, Block 1, Tenchmark Subdivision File No. 79-3-1. Steve Isom represented Metcalf Ventures and Troxel Warehouse. Steve presented a plan showing what has been planted around buildir.g J to date and a plan showing what will be planted. There are seven Russian. Olive trees along the eastern, northern end of the building and there are 16 berry bushes located between them and 20 dogwood bushes along the southern slope to the existing access road. Along the back of building K will be Lombardi poplars. The retaining wall will be a pervious material to allow drainage, when the backfilling is completed natural grasses will be planted. Two white,birch at the side and two at the back are planned. The re- taining wall may be stone or 4 X 4 or 6 X 6 creosoted wood, sloped back into the hill, horizontal with some vertical for stabilization. The Lombardi would be 6-7 feet high when planted, the white birch would be 4-5 feet. The retaining wall is included as part of the landscaping for building J. Steve would like to finish the land- scaping including the retaining wall in the next two or three weeks. Mike mentioned the Special Use Permit which has screening land- scaping as part of the conditions. Tom would like more screening, more trees closer together, and higher bushes. Bill asked for comments from the audience. The Mayor questioned the choice of poplars at this altitude. Bill suggested that the aspen in front of building J be replaced with another type of tree, perhaps white ash. Tom requested that clumps of three trees every 25-30 feet be installed along the south- ern border. Approval for the landscaping around building J was granted contin- gent on placing clumps of three trees every 25-30 feet along the southern border, and clanging the two aspen in front of the building to two mountain ash. The facia: Steve presented a plan for a wood facia. Larry sug- gested a metal facia rather than a wood facia. After discussion, the Board indicated a preference for a metal facia. Minutes from the meeting when the building was first approved state that a wood facia'lnay be required; the Board recommends a metal facia be used. Mayor Alp.i requested that this issue be resolved tonight. Metcalf Ventures is to proceed with the approved landscaping, re- taining wall and a facia for building J. The metal facia proposal may be given to the Building Administrator rather than brought to the next meeting. Bill reiterated that tonight's approval is for building J only, it does not include the astheti.cs of any other part of this project. Item #4, Pester Corporation, Expans-ion of Facilities, Lot 1, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-8-5. Don Galloway and Jack Scurlock represented Pester Corporation. Don stated that according to the Design Review Board Rules and Regulations, Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1978, impervious material on commercial property can cover 75%. Their plan has a ground coverage of about 580. Don reiterated their proposal presented on September 3, 1980. The new lighting will be the same as what is there now, the addition material will match the existing building. There will not be planters added to the islands, the plant mate- rial which is moved will be replanted in the remaining plant area. Taller trees will not be added. Pester Corporation will change the new roof line to slant the same way as the existing roof. -2- Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. Bill stated again his objection to 1.60 feet of pavement at the entrance. Ken would like a better, closer look and larger trees in the back area and to get the west side in better condition. After further discussion, approval was granted conditioned on the roof being modified as discussed and that modification approved by the Building Administrator and the Mayor. Six Board Members were in favor and one opposed. Item #5, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Regrading, Letter From Clay - comb, Parking, Lots 47-54, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 79-11-5. Avon Center - Construction Sign, File No. 80-9-1. Bill McCoy represented Avon Center. The letter from Claycomb and the regrading were discussed-. Bill presented the site plan which now shows an elevation of the building footprint to be one foot off the street level. There is also a temporary access to the garage shown and temporary parking. Bill asked for comments from the audience and there weren't any. There being no objections approval was granted for the regrading plan the the temporary parking. Construction Sign: The sign is four feet off the ground and eight feet high. It will be along the road at Avon Road and Beaver Creek Boulevard, parallel to the road. The construction trailer will be at the turn -around in the middle of the property, so it will not need to be moved for Phase II. The sign will stand until the end of the entire project, it may have to be relocated during later phases. Bill suggested that the sign be reviewed yearly. There will be a "site directory" near the construction trailer listing the construction companies involved for delivery purposes. The sign will have fluorescent lighting. Tom mentioned the sign presented by Vail Associates a few meeting ago which was cut down in size to 3 X 4 feet. It was decided that this is a different type of sign. Bill asked for comments from the audience and Dick mentioned proper application for the Design Review Board agenda, and it was taken care of. There being no objections approval was granted with the stipulation that the sign be reviewed yearly. A notice will be sent by the Town one month prior to the meeting date. The sign will be near the location of Phase III, by the turn -around. The minutes were read. Ken made the motion to approve the minutes with the deletion of "extend planters and resubmit" on page two, Cherly seconded it and it passed unanimously. Tom stepped down to present a sign for informal approval. He stated that proper application and fee will be brought in to the Town Offices tomorrow, September 18, 1980. It is a project identifi- cation and sales sign, 3 X 4 feet, on two 6 X 6 posts, six feet high. There will be a 1 X 3 inch redwood trim, 450 angle. Informal approval has been granted, the sign is to be put on the agenda for the next meeting for formal approval. Approval is contingent on a one year review and the formal hearing at the next meeting (October 1, 1980). -3- Old business: The Board discussed the possibility of attaining professional assistance from Terrell Knight for the sign code with Mayor Alpi. The Mayor suggested public input. Larry sug- gested that the sign code committee meet with the person hired to assist the committee, give him their ideas, he would then draw up the code and have it reviewed by the Town Attorney, it could be published and invite public comment then. The Mayor will talk to the Town Coincil regarding professional assistance. There being no further business, Mike made the motion to adjourn, Larry seconded it, it passed unanimously and the meeting was ad- joilrnpd by the Chairman at 9:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted by erre SorVanfZ;�W ecording Secretary Design Review Board -4-