PZC Minutes 070280RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING JULY 2, 1980, 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon was held on July 2, 1980 at 7:45 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Vice -Chairman Mike Blair. All Board Members were present with the exception of Bill Pierce. The Vice -Chairman, Mike Blair, deferred the reading of the minutes until later in the meeting. Mike declared that all unfinished business would be heard after the regularly scheduled meeting. Item #1, Wolff Warehouses, Eddie Daniel, Lot 23, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, Modification, File No. 80-2-2. Eddie Daniel represented Wolff Warehouses. Eddie would like to put in seven windows - three 4 X 5 foot windows in the south side and four on the north side. Bronze, double glazed, with an arch if the Board prefers, contrasting brick on the arch and the sill. There is no problem with the Code. The Board would like the arches added over the windows. Mike asked for comments from the audience and there were none. There being no objections, approval was granted for the windows proposed tonight, with arches and contrasting color. Item #2, Kruse Duplex, Go -Native, Modification, Lot 39, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 79-7-2. Doug Weinheimer represented Kruse Duplex. Half of the trees have been eliminated and 16 shrubs have been added. In the area between this building and the neighboring project trees were originally approved. Dick Evans maintains that trees will not do well in that area but shrubs would. The Board generally agrees with the plan presented tonight with the addition of three five foot spruce trees to be planted along the frontage of West Beaver Creek Blvd. and to add more interest and balance, a pair of aspen on the northwest corner with one spruce and two spruce on the other side. This revised plan, sodding and sprinkling system are to be submitted to the Building Department. There being no objections, the revised plan with additions was granted approval. Item #3, Avon Municipal Building, Brian Byrne and Mark Donaldson, Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-6-4. Mark Donaldson and Brian Byrne represented Avon Municipal Building. This project was approved by the Town Council. The Board would like an idea of what it looks like and the materials to be used. The building will be located between the fire station and Nottingham Lake on the south side of the park. Materials - two different kinds of redwood siding. On the horizontal 1 X 6 bevel tongue and groove, clear sealer stain; 1 X 6 tongue and groove for vertical; and synthetic stucco, a light warm gray. Cedar shingles, natural color; spanderal panel and window wall system, the slope glazing system -1- will be a matching dark bronze; sandstone (fieldstone) type ex- terior retaining walls and planter areas. Pella or equivalent type windows, metal clad, all ferous and non-ferous material will be painted to match the exterior. Synthetic stucco trade name is STO, hand troweled. All the ground which is disturbed during construc- tion will be resodded and replanted, patchwork the sprinkler system with the Town, reinstall the portions removed during construc- tion. There are three levels, the top level unfinished; an atrium in the reception area. A total of 13,000 square feet - the lower level is 4,400, middle level about 5,900 and top level about 2,900 square feet. The underground garage will be two single garages - one for park storage and the other for the police. The initial phase will have 32 parking spaces, adjacent to that will be recrea- tion area parking. Lighting - there will be minimal exterior light- ing to comply with the Colorado Energy Code, the planters will not have lights. The parking area will have three lighting fixtures, mercury, around the steps and entrance will be step, walk lighting below. No lighting for the tower. The railroad track noise will be screened by not having a great expanse of glass on that side, land- scaping and a six foot high stockade fence. The clock tower will be three sided, L-shaped. The flag pole will be 40 feet high. Trash removal and storage area are on the southwest corner. The estimated cost of the building is about $730,000, construction will start around August 1, 1930 and be completed eight months later. There being no objections, the Board granted approval to the Muni- cipal Building. Unfinished business: Troxel Warehouses - Dick Evans stated that Troxel Warehouses' owner was instructed by certified letter to present plans for their wood facia by June 30, 1980 and that has not been done. The Board instructed the Building Administrator to refer this matter to the Town Attorney and the Mayor. Pacific Heritage Corporation - response to letter. Larry Kumpost stepped down from the Board to discuss this matter. The soils report just received by Pacific Heritage from an engineer states that the ground is stable. Brown/Kelly-Brown were sent a copy of the letter to Pacific Heritage, they were not present during to- night's meeting. The Board decided that Pacific Heritage should be requested to submit a plan rectifying the problem and the plan should be considered at the meeting on July 16, 1980. Pacific Heritage and Brown/Kelly-Brown will be sent notice of the July 16, 1980 meeting. Krabacher letter - in reference to the change from diagonal to hori- zontal siding on the Alpenflora project. The change of siding does not violate the Building Code. The Board declared this issue should properly be between the owners and the architect. The secretary will respond to Mr. Krabacher's letter and will correspond with Mr. Allen suggesting that the change of siding be reviewed by a structural engineer to determine the stability of the project. Holy Cross - special use permit for materials yard. Mayor Alpi questioned whether this project is to be presented. This project is on the July 16, 1980 agenda. Minutes - Larry Kumpost requested the change in the June 4, 1980 minutes from "Phase I and Phase II were submitted to the Board with the use of seed..." to "Phase II was submitted to the Board with the use of seed..." The Board agreed to the change. Mike Blair suggested that the Board be more orderly in conducting the meetings. The suggestions were made to conduct the discussion of each project by the checklist, and points made and summarized as they are brought up. -2- Sign Code - everyone with the exception of Breckenridge responded. Mike would like to reply to Breckenridge with a letter remarking on their poor attitude, lack of consideration and cooperation in charg- ing another municipality for their ordinances. The committee will meet on July 9, 1980 at 6:00 P.M. in the Hole in the Wall to discuss the various sign codes. The minutes were discussed. The date "June 4, 1980" in the title should correctly read "June 18, 1980". "Rosentahl" should correctly read "Rosenthal". Tom Landauer made the motion to approve the min- utes as corrected, seconded by Larry Kumpost and approved unanimously. Dick Evans reported that Claycomb Engineering as Town Engineers, review each project working plan for drainage, egress, ingress, grades. The Town Engineer is in the Town Offices one morning each week. They are also doing a complete drainage study for the entire Town. There being no more business to be brought before the Board Vice - Chairman Mike Blair adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted by t 7 tcorecording re Sortland Secretary Design Review Board -3-