PZC Minutes 052180RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF DESIGN REIVEW BOARD MEETING rAY 21, 1980, 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of .Avon was held on May 21, 1980 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Bench- mark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Vice -Chairman Bill Pierce. All Board Members were present with the exception of Tom Landauer. The Vice -Chairman deferred the reading of the minutes until later in the meeting in order for all members to have a chance to read them. New Board Members Ken Hardwick and Cheryl Dingwell were introduced. Their appointments were finalized at the Avon Town Council meeting on May 13, 1980. They replace Hugh Price and Cynthia Jordan. Item #5, Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Vacation of Lot Lines, Lots 47-54, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-4-4. (Continued) At the request of Avon Center, there will be a preliminary hearing on this issue tonight. Bill McCoy represented Avon Center. The present eight lots would be changed into three parcels, depending on acquisition and phasing. Parcel and phase one would be on the east end, parcel and phase two in the middle and parcel and phase three on the west end. Avon Center is asking for vacation of lot lines and easements in all three phases. If for some reason the project must be terminated ,at the end of phase one or phase two, the setback requirements would be met. The Board would like to see, or have Dick Evans check, a footprint of the building within the new property lines. After discussion, this proposal was continued to June 4, 1980 as published. (Item #r5), Avon Center at Beaver Creek, Modifications, Lots 47-54, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 79-11-5. Bill McCoy and Ken Shapiro presented the modifications as discussed at the work session on May 12, 1980 and the Board meeting on May 7, 1980. The Board had asked for more covered connections between the shopping areas, some atten- tion given to the access through the parking garage be- tween the commercial areas and approval of the modifications would not void the previous approval of the project. Avon Center added walks and accesses into the main area, de- lineated accesses onto the mall. Bill Pierce asked for input from the audience regarding this proposal and there was none. Doors along these walks into the stores will be service entrances and fire exits. There will be camera surveil- lance in the parking area. Lighting and perhaps graphic -1- designs and display windows might be used to enhance the walks along the parking garage. If possible, the Board would like to see the original plan constructed. If the parking requirements are reduced at some future date, some of the parking area can be reconverted into commercial area. There being no objections, the modifications were granted final approval. Item #3, Sun Eagle, Inc., Lot 111, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, File No. 80-5-2. Larry Goad represented Sun Eagle. When the Avon Town Council approved the transfer of one unit for a total of seven units on this lot, they requested that two buildings be constructed one building with three units and one building with four units. Materials - pine, fir or spruce siding boards with a clear, penetrating seal. The trim will be a light tan, Olympia 705, 707-710 or equivalent. Shake shingle roof. Railings will be wood open, 2 X 2. Garage doors will match the trim, and be of wood, 2--car garages. Each unit will have two bedrooms and a third multi -purpose room on the same level. Each unit has a sunken patio and concrete and railroad tie riffraff to shore up the hillside in the back. Drainage - comes down the hillside; along the building and off into the natural grade of the road. There is a culvert, 18 inches, to drain across underneath the driveway. It was noted by the Board that a build-up of snow could occur up to the patio door. There is a passive solar system with electrical heat back-up. Landscaping - Dick Evans quoted from the Design Review Board Procedures, Rules and Regulations, Ordinance No. 78-9, Section 5.21 that sod is to be used, not natural grass. Mike Blair stated that this project's landscaping plan follows the guidelines of the Wildridge Protective Covenants. It was suggested that an ordinance be written to the effect that the landscaping guidelines of the Wild - ridge Protective Covenants are to be used in that subdi- vision rather than the guidelines stated in Ordinance No. 78-9. There was no objection to the idea that a natural vegetation should be reestablished on the site. It was decided since the Wildridge Protective Covenants were accepted by the Avon Town Council that they should be the guidelines followed by the Board for projects in Wildridge. The Board stated that the landscaping plan is not as devel- oped as it could be. Ken Hardwick made the motion to grant conceptual approval with the exception of the landscaping. Larry Kumpost seconded the motion and added that approval would be con- tingent on siding samples and color samples. Ken withdrew his motion. Larry Goad requested final approval for this project. The Board stated that revised landscaping plans would be necessary before final approval can be granted. Dick Evans stated that building samples and revised land- scaping plans must be submitted before a building permit can be issued,. Lighting - lamp -type on poles. The Board stated that the revised landscaping plan should include the single aspen, drainage regarding the concen- tration of flow into a retaining swale and whether the proposed Mountain Juniper can be transplanted. There being no objections final approval was granted subject to the revised landscaping plan. Larry Goad will be back before the Board by June 18, 1980 with his revised plan. -2- Item #2, Peregrine Properties, Lots 62-64, Block 2, Bench- mark Subdivision, File No. 79-12-4. David Towbin represented Peregrine Properties. There are spaces for 311 cars underneath the structure, 58 surface parking spaces. Loading is also hidden. There will be a spillway of water in the inner mall. Landscaping is de- signed to blend into the public mall and includes planters. There are 103 units and 103 secured parking spaces, the additional cars are in an unsecured area. There are one, two and three bedroom units, the three bedroom units are on the top floor. David would like to put glass on the north side of the elevator and stairways if the mechanics work out. Bill Pierce asked for input from the audience regarding this proposal and there was none. Bill Pierce commended David for the progress in this project and the landscaping plan. The colors in this project and Avon Center will match. Both projects will have metal roofs. There will be a blown, heavy textured finish, a concrete plaster with a sealed, mat finish. The substrait will be steel. The stucco will be one inch thick. The Board is concerned that the finish is uniform. All the metal work around the windows and doors will be anodized bronze. This project will start in August and will not be phased. Snow removal and storage need to be studied. Larry Kumpost made the motion to grant final approval with the following conditions: 1) Peregrine Properties will meet the Town's filtration and discharge standards for drainage when set by the Town of Avon; 2) subject to accept- able design and financial interface of Peregrine Properties' landscape plan with the proposed exterior mall plan when finally designed and an agreement in principal to partici- pate on some 'pro rata' basis in the additional cost of this proposed town mall area; 3) subject to Town of Avon's granting vacation of lot lines and easements interior on this site; 4) subject to final agreement at a future date on the color of the ballast used on the flat roofs; 5) subject to future approval of the Design Review Board of the interior public ways; 6) final approval of landscaping and lighting plan; 7) final approval on color and texture of roofs. Alice Alpi seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Item #4, Stevens Development Company, Lot 39, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, File No. 80-5-3. Gary Stevens represented Stevens Development Company. This project is a duplex, single story with a loft. Doyle's Masonry, Inc. will be the general contractor. The lower portion of the exterior will be river rock stone, the upper part will be wood. It will have a shake roof. Each side of the duplex will be approximately 1,500 square feet and will be identical with a single car garage for each unit between. There are four exterior spaces for parking. The siding is rough sawn plywood with ver- tical batts in it. The color will be #726 Olympic trans- parent stain, light brown, and dark trim. Landscaping - the grass will be natural. Aspen, juniper bushes and sagebrush will be used. The doors and windows will be stained dark like the trim. The decks and railings will be made of redwood. The windows will be pella clad, wood windows with metal clad and are flush with the building. The final grade slopes away from the building. The drive will be built up so there will be no run-off from the road. -3- The Board: more trees are needed for ;screening, there may be problems with the easements, landscaping is sparse, the siding needs upgrading - bring in a sample. Approval granted subject to wood siding - spruce or better, modify the site plan (change dimensions), bring in a revised landscaping plan adding 25 aspen trees by the June 18, 1980 meeting. There being no objections Larry Kumpost made the motion to approve the minutes as read. Cheryl Dingwell seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Other business - The positions of Chairman and Vice - Chairman were voted on. Bill Pierce was elected Chariman of the Design Review Board and Mike Blair was elected Vice -Chairman. It was decided that the Board will go ,as a group at 7:00 P.M. on the night of the June 4, 1980 meeting to view the Troxel Warehouse building. The Board will make a concernted effort to start its meetings on time from now on. The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Larry Kumpost, Ken Hardwick seconded it and the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted by Jerre Sortland Recording Secretary Design Review Board -4-