PZC Minutes 012181RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING JANUARY 21, 1981 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board for the Town of Avon was held on January 21,1981 at 7:40 P.M. in the Town Council Chambers of the Town of Avon in the Benchmark Shopping Center, Avon, Colorado. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Pierce. All Board Members were present with the exception of Cheryl Dingwell. The reading of the minutes was deferred until later in the meeting. Item #1, Avon Road Professional Building, Offices, Lot 56, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-12-2. Buff Arnold represented Avon Road Professional Building. This presentation is for final approval. The items brought up at the preliminary meeting were the interface with the proposed mall, the treatment of the property along Avon Road within the highway right-of-way and the question of coordinating the drainage situation with the overall Town drainage plan, and preliminary sign review. Buff presented the preliminary signage with tentative sign locations, a building identification sign and business identigications. The number of signs has not been determined. Small traffic control signs will be added. At the last meeting, the siding was stated to be redwood and stucco. The siding will now be ceramic tile, 5 X 10 tiles, gale ceramic frost -proof, mahagony color, used on the lower areas of the building, as indicated on the elevation. The upper parts of the building will be precast spandril with a natural stone aggre- gate facing, as indicated by the lighter material on the drawing. Along the mall interfacing the planters and stair walls cast -in -place concrete with rusti- cation strips. The soffits will be clear redwood, natural stain. The windows are bronze aluminum and bronze aluminum storefront for the store areas, the glazing will be clear insulated glass. The retaining walls are con- crete, with rustication strips, could be a different material. Buff presented a drawing with the approximate relationship of this building with Avon Center at Beaver Creek. Avon Road Professional Building is four stories, approximately 55 feet high. The landscaping plan was also presented, they were interested in coordinating with the bus turn -around, to develop Tract F along Avon Road, most of it will be sodded and irrigated. The drainage ditch goes through the property. The ditch goes into a 21 inch culvert run through the whole project and eventually connects with the culvert in the public mall. The storm drainage is separated from the building. Mike stated that the drainage ditch would have to be worked out with Avon Metropolitan District since they control the water supply. Eagle County Trash would rather have the trash enclo- sure located at the end of the drive, they will move it to that place. Lighting - soffits and step lighting will be used. The color of the lighting will be submitted. The retaining walls on the mall will be built in concrete, the facing material will not be decided on until the mall is finalized. There was some discussion regarding the asthetic appeal of concrete. The Board men- tioned that there are no heights given for the trees on the landscaping plan. Buff stated that the landscaping budget is $20,000 and discussed the approximate heights of the trees - 20 feet on the northeast side, 8-10 feet on the lower northeast side, 10-15 feet spruce on the east, 15-20 feet on the close east side, and 8-10 feet on the southeast side. He also stated that a detailed landscaping plan will be submitted with the working drawings. -1- Bill asked for comments from the audience. Steve Erickson requested that no further final approvals be given to any project along the public mall until the mall committee is able to complete their design and the elevation sketches of the mall. The timing of the completed design depends upon the cooperation of the owners along the mall and the legality of the Town entering into a mall act. The Board asked that a letter be submitted from the mall committee stating the above. Mayor Alpi asked Buff where the front of the building is. The primary frontage is on Avon Road, the access is off Benchmark Road, there are three entrances to the building - from the mall, from Benchmark Road and the third through the rear of the building. There was considerable discussion concerning participation in the public mall agreement. The front setback was also discussed - the definition of the front setback and how it pertains to this building. The Zoning Ordinance states that the front setback is from the building to the street. The setback from Avon Road is 25 feet and from Benchmark Road is 10 feet and 10 feet from the rear property line which faces Avon Center at Beaver Creek. Buff stated that the driveway is over an easement. Hugh Price stated that as a member of the mall committee, he suggests no further approvals be granted until they have a more concrete idea of what the mall consists of. Bill indicated a need for a legal interpretation brought to the Board of the setback question along Benchmark Road. The Board can not approve the plan finally without a landscaping plan that does describe the size and number of each and every tree to be installed. Also needed will be trash pick-up, drainage require- ments by the Town Engineer, Fire Department review, lighting, landscaping speci- fications before a permit is issued. Truck loading - one has been provided. The Mayor invited Dave Cole to the next mall meeting which is scheduled at 2:00 P.M. on January 27, 1981. Bill stated that this is not a complete submission (to the Board) at this time so a motion for final approval can not be made. Lacking is the size of the trees, the interpretation of the setback from the Town Attorney. Buff asked if they could get final approval at the next meeting (February 4, 1981) if he brings in a complete landscape plan with the size of the trees. The Board asked that the setback clarification from the Town Council be presented by Buff in writing at the next meeting. Bill stated that they might be able to get Design Review Board approval whether this project participates in the Town mall, but they may not be able to get a building permit. Bill reiterated that the Board needs clarification from the Town Attorney on how far back the building must be from the mall and how far back from the street. Item #2, First Bank Building, Vail Associates, Inc., and First Bank Holding Co., Lot 21, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-1-2. AND Zoning Variance, File No. 81-1-3. Jay Peterson and Gary Swetish represented the First Bank Building (Eagle Valley Bowl). The existing building is a non -conforming use - there is a side setback encroachment, and impervious material coverage problem and with the addition they will need a variance for parking to allow a joint use parking with the owners of Lot 65. An agreement has been reached with the owners of Lot 65 in principal. Any approval would be conditioned on a final agreement with the owners of Lot 65. The side setback has already encroached, there will be no further encroachment. The impervious material coverage is about 3% over the maximum allowance, they propose a slightly higher coverage which the hope to alleviate by significant landscaping. They plan to landscape the area of the easement owned by the highway department. For as long as possible, they will keep 8 lanes open for bowling. The First Bank of Avon will make available the bowling equipment and will finance someone to open a bowling alley elsewhere. -2- The parking lot which is there now will still be there. The spaces can be re- duced in size and still meet Town regulations, 42 spaces will be on Lot 21, approximately 40 spaces on Lot 65 with a joint use of 82 spaces. 82-85% of Lot 21 will be impervious materials. The back setback is five feet, approximately 3,500 square feet will be added. The building will have the bank, a 90-seat restaurant and a 40-seat bar. The existing lounge and part of the bowling alley will be rental area. A portion of the roof will be metal. The front portion will be a green house, a skylight will be over part of the bank and part of the restaurant. The existing asphalt shingles on the roof will be covered with a metal roof, medium bronze. The added wooded siding portion will match what is there now, the exposed concrete will be continued in planters and along the lower part of the building. Lighting - on three sides will be four foot light bollards, eight inches in diam- eter, immediately around the building. For the parking lot they will add two lights on twelve foot high poles and two on the building, high pressure sodium. The trash area will be kept near the service area for the restaurant. THe Board asked about the number of additional parking spaces necessary - 43 are required, existing are 39. For the use under proposal, 69 spaces are required. The parking agreement with Lot 65 is being reworked, Jay asked that the Board's recommendation be subject to the Town Council's final approval of that agreement. The Board asked for some grouping of trees on the south side of the building, especially where the dumpster is. Jay mentioned that a sign will be submitted when the sign ordinance is passed. Larry asked if the joint -use agreement would satisfy the requirements for the new building and a future building on Lot 65. Because of the day and night time uses of this project, Jay thinks the parking as proposed will work. With the agreement, there will be 82 parking spaces rather than the 69. The Board would like some trees put in where the parking is. Jim Wells stated that Benchmark, as owner of Lot 65, has discussed a parking agreement. He does not feel favorable toward a variance of 26 spaces, the agreement is an easement whereby the parking lot is used on an interchangeable basis. Benchmark is more in favor of a few - six spaces - not 26 spaces. The agreement is for 50 years. The Board would like lighting on the ease side for security purposes. The variances asked for tonight are the side and rear setback, impervious mater- ial non -conformity and the parking variance with a joint use agreement to be approved by the Town Council, Town of Avon for 26 spaces. The Board expressed concern with a variance for 26 parking spaces. Bill stated that the Board can give approval for the concept of the architectural changes to the building. Jay would like final approval for their design, if they get the parking worked out then this building can be constructed. The Board will not give approval of their design without first having all the zoning criteria met. Jay asked for approval conditioned on the zoning variance being passed by the Town Council. The Board would like the landscaping changes mentioned and a resubmittal of the lighting. Bill stated that based on this project's agreement with the Town Council regarding the parking, Jay will receive final approval of design review at this time. That is completely contingent on their approval of the project's agreement. The sign will be submitted at a later date. Larry made the motion that the Board recommend approval of the two variances in- volving 1) the percentage of lot coverage of impervious material and 2) the loca- tion of the existing structure as existing violation; also recommend that on the current spaces recommend disapproval of the variance of 26 spaces subject to the Town Council's coming up with a solution between this project and the owner of Lot 65 in determining how many spaces are the actual variance being requested for within the Town Council meeting - a clear disapproval of the variance for 26 spaces. Alice seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. -3- Item #3, Savoy Square, Gamma Development Ventures, 71 Units and Commercial Space, Lots 73 and 74, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-1-4. Woody Stockwell, Brent Lords, Norm Clendenin and Tibor Reckert represented Savoy Square. This is a preliminary presentation. They are proposing 71 condominium units and 50,000 square feet of commercial space. The housing will surround a public access square, 50,000 square feet is the footprint of the building, total coverage will be 121,000 square feet, 25% will be landscaping. Access is off of Beaver Creek Boulevard with one curb cut. There will be some on -grade parking to go into the shopping center located on the first level. People renting space in the building will park in a below -grade parking level. 35% of the parking will be on -grade, 52 spaces; and 240 spaces below. Service area, loading dock, trash collection are as shown on the plans. Preliminary studies have been done on site drainage. Buck Creek is on the neigh- boring property almost dividing the two lots. They are proposing that drainage be collected in a retention pond to be a feature of the project, taking out sediments and pollution and acting as a reflecting pond - hopefully a small skating pond in the winter. There is an existing drainage pipe going under the highway, they propose a rerouting running west to east. Formal landscaping plans are not finalized yet, fencing will be proposed. In the courtyard there will be two stories of commercial, retail and office space. Height limits - do not exceed the 80 foot limit at any location. They would like comments, this is not a request for approval at this time. The units will have primarily three bedrooms. Loading spaces - ten are required by Ordinance, they feel that three are adequate with a receiving room. At this time they are contemplating one restaurant, with its own service. Ken asked if the parking is sufficient for that restaurant. This project will be requesting a parking variance, due to the mixed use of the building. A firm from Boulder called TDA, Inc. did a traffic study for this project. Their con- clusion suggests that 282 spaces should be adequate for the cars using the project at any given time. Bill asked for comments from the audience. Larry Goad asked for the source of the water in the retention pond, it is run-off from the project. The Town Engineer is studying the drainage for this project. Art Kleimer stated that Eagle County Trash is satisfied with the trash removal proposal. Jim Wells - Buck Creek needs to be kept clean, also asked how large a variance will be requested for parking. The variance to be requested will be 20-30% reduction. The Board asked who TDA, Inc. is and for clarification of this firm. The loading docks - this project may have more than one restaurant and therefore more loading space is needed, also may be difficult to get into the loading spaces. The Board: questioned the number of parking spaces in the variance in reference to the number of restaurants. As shown here, there is one parking space per condominium rather than the two spaces required by Ordinance. The concept of the building is acceptable, numbers of the parking spaces need to be clarified, lot drainage and Buck Creek should be commented on by the Town Engineer, restaurant space should be clarified (required is one parking space for every four seats), the parking is seen as a problem, three loading spaces does not seem adequate, the 80 foot height needs to be clarified, it will be within the 80 foot height limit. Bill stated that 346 parking spaces are required for this project, later corrected to 316 spaces. For final review, they will come in with clear numbers for the 80 foot height, parking spaces, how large the restaurant will be and the loading docks. Bill Stroop requested that the controls for the massiveness of this building not be overlooked - the height, number of parking spaces, loading spaces are all controlling factors for the massiveness. Steve Erickson suggested looking -4- to the precedence of Avon Center at Beaver Creek for mixed use. Bill Pierce is concerned about the abruptness of the sides of the building. Larry Goad asked if they are aware of the lot line and easement vacation which needs to be done and they are. They plian to start construction this summer. Item #4, William T. Stroop, 18 Units, Lot 70, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-1-5. Dan Stockard and Bill Stroop represented William T. Stroop. 18 units are proposed, of three general types. Access is from the eastern side. There are ten town- house units, two or three bedrooms. The lower buildings are duplexes. The parking is mostly in two car garages, with some surface parking, 36 are required, they provided 56. Trash removal - individual pick-up system, a central trash enclosure serving four units in the lower buildings. Site lighting - four general locations, 8-10 foot standard. There will be lower lighting for the sign, this is in the future. The grade on the drive is 7-8% at the maximum, Fire Department approval for ingress/egress will be needed before a building permit is issued, there is sodding, the south side is too steep for sod but will be revegetated. Siding - horizontal, cedar, lighter color, perhaps a different direction of the boards around the windows and possibly the color slightly darker. V-groove and one by material around the window, flush. Landscaping - Bill Pierce suggests groups of trees between the buildings and ever- greens along the south side, would like the color of the siding around the windows a little bolder. Bill asked for comments from the audience. Steve Erickson asked about the width of the driveway (20 feet), the easement for that driveway is as shown on the plat, the easement on their plans is different. Art Kleimer stated that he is satisfied with the trash removal system. Dick stated that they will need a grading and drainage study and approval by the Fire Department and Police Department for emergency ingress/egress. The roofing material is metal, the overhang required is 18 inches, they would like less than that, lights to identify the drive were suggested, each unit has a two -car garage, the balconies do not project out over the overhang, the sodding usually is to come out to the center of the irrigation ditch along the road - there can be exceptions. The siding is cedar, one by six, accent with a darker trim, a slight overhang which is the facia board, 2 inch gap, two inch overhang. The chimney stacks will be the same color as the roof, the windows will be the same color, too. Snow storage - may not be adequate. The landscaping needs additional trees on the south. This item was briefly tabled while the number, size and location of the additional trees were decided upon. Mike emphasized the need for some seeding and irrigation on the slope to the road, it will need maintaining. Item #5, High Country Plaza, M & N Associates, Preliminary Review, Hardware Store and Offices, Lot 3, Block 1, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 81-1-6. Allen Butler represented High Country Plaza. The building is approximately 21,000 square feet, the hardstore is 11,000 and the offices are 8,000-plus square feet. 57 parking spaces on the site, 52 are required, there is some below -grade parking. Setbacks are adequate, 25% open space, the building is 41-42 feet high, flat roof with a parapet. The 11,000-12,000 square feet of hardware store requires three loading docks, they have two loading docks and two customer loading docks. -5- The hardware store will always be there, they are working with Eagle County Trash for the location of the trash enclosure. Site drainage is being worked on. There will be nine offices, the signage is based on the new sign code - an identity sign on the south side, small sign on the north side for building and businesses, also entrance signs. Siding will be redwood with a slight stain, oil finish, glass and glazing will be a bronze tone, aluminum frame windows, dark bronze, the parapet will match the siding. The property will be sodded and irrigated, several trees, planters in front with shrubs, low plants. Windows for the store are 10 feet from the ground. Bill suggested trees in front, tall enough to see through to the store windows. No retaining wall on the west side of the property, there will be screening around the trash site. All lighting will be off of the building, cone shaped, no light standards. Lighting will be presented later. The grade of the ramp will hopefully be 10%. They want to condominium-ize the office spaces, the owners would buy parking spaces with the offices. Six of the spaces are double -loaded (tandem) parking, the Board is not in favor of that type of space. Without these spaces, there would be just 51 parking spaces. Dick was asked to calculate how many spaces are needed for this project. The Board is concerned that the driveway is too narrow for delivery trucks, the drive- way will be heated, 10-12% grade. The Board is amenable to two rather than three loading spaces. The Board has no problem with the building itself, the driveway and ramp present a problem. Quick Review of Item #4. There will be six extra cottonwoods and mountain ash and irrigation of the re- seeded area between the front of the building and beyond the property line in addition to the sod. There being no objections the Board granted approval. Item #6, Venture 20, Offices, Lot 20, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 80-12-4. Mike Blair stepped down to represent Venture 20. This project has been presented at the last two meetings. The coverage is approximately 36,000 square feet in- cluding parking. (Please refer to minutes of those meetings.) There are 63 parking spaces, 62 are required. There are two access points into the lot, there is no access driveway directly out onto a public road, one is from a private road, the other can be from Avon Road or a private road. One is an exit only. Two,, floors will be office space. Ron Liston, landscape architect, presented the landscaping. Metcalf Ditch is of major concern, there will be a good deal of attention paid to the north side for landscaping. Bill suggested Colorado blue spruce of 6-10 feet on the north side, he is in favor of the size of the flowering crabs. The ramp walls will be veneered with moss rock, there may be a problem with the meeting of the ramp with the surface parking area, however, the underground parking will be for employees only. The service road between Lot 20 and Tract Q is a permanent 15 feet easement each side of property line. Lighting - there is a light at the top of the ramp. Walk lighting was discussed. There will be sodding and irrigation along the highway right-of-way (Avon Road) as the highway department will allow. The setback on the north is a minimum of 10 feet. Bill stated that technically, according to the Zoning Ordinance, any side that has a street on it is required to meet the front setback. Venture 20 may have to ask for a variance to con- struct this building as planned. Larry stated that it should be determined from a legal standpoint. Bill: the Zoning Ordinance reads that the front property line is any property line adjoining a street. The Board recognizes that this is a difficult situation, a triangular lot adjoining two streets, they would like legal guidance. Mike asked, if everything else is in order, that it could be approved subject to the determination by the attorney. Bill stated that the Board would give final approval of the design contingent on approval of the setback question. Larry read from the Zoning Ordinance that the Board can determine the front, side and rear setback. For safety purposes, many zoning ordinances require front setbacks from any street on the property line. The Board is in favor of legal guidance before making a final decision. Bill stated that the Ordinance defini- tion must be followed, a variance can be applied for. The Board agrees with the concept of the building and the lack of visual inter- ference with the intersection but is concerned with the legality of the front setback. Venture 20 may have to file for a zoning variance to get the setbacks shown on their plans. The Board would like the opinion of the Town Attorney, they are agreeable to a telephone conversation followed by confirmation in writ ing. Bill requested that Venture 20 is to call John Dunn, John is to call Bill, followed by written confirmation. Bill stated that the Board will give this project final approval, Design Review Board review, with the contingency that the Town Attorney notifies the Chairman of the Design Review Board, follows that notification up with a letter resolving the question as to whether the Board can, how the Board can determine the front setback for the building on this particular project. Bill will expect a call from John telling him that it's okay the way (we've) got it and the Board will be free from trouble down the road and him following that up with a letter. Mike is to call John, John is to call Bill. Item #7, Fire Station, Landscaping, Tract G, Benchmark Subdivision, File No. 79-8-1. Bill Pierce stepped down to represent the Fire Station. Trees have been added; 42 cottonwoods, 2-22 inches; 14 blue spruce, 10-14 feet; 2 inch caliper green ash, ten; 10 box elder, 2 inch. Creepingjuniper will be under the trees, there are some shrubs also. There being no objections, the landscaping plan received approval from the Board. Item #8, Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1981, Regulations for Mobile Home Courts in the Town of Avon. The Board will have a meeting with the Town Attorney regarding this Ordinance on January 29, 1981. Comments - the Ordinance does not address hook-ups or ad- ditions to trailers; the National Electric Code mentioned is outdated; reinspection of the trailer park should be required; should require permits and inspections when a trailer is installed or remodeled; inspections of additions over 50 square feet, enclosed. The mobile homes and mobile home park should be subject to the same health, life and safety codes as in the Town Ordinances; the Ordinance should read "trailer courts" or "trailer parks" throughout. Mobile homes are subject to local ordinance once it has been tied down and has outside connections in most municipalities. The Board will meet with the Town Attorney on January 29, 1981 at 4:00 P.M. The recording secretary will send a letter to the Town Council requesting that no action be taken on this Ordinance until the Board meets with John Dunn. The minutes were read. Ken made the motion to approve the minutes, Tom seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. -7- Other business: Larry expressed concern that according to the plat map, there are easements of 72 feet along the side property lines and 10 feet along the rear line, and that vacating a setback is also vacating easements along the same lines. There was some discussion regarding this. Mike made the motion to adjourn, Larry seconded it, it was passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 1:35 A.M. Respectfully submitted by Cyerre Sortlacording Secretary Design Review Board