PZC Minutes 041483RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS MINUTES OF THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING APRIL 14, 1983, 7:30 P. M. The regular meeting of the Design Review Board of Avon was called to order on April 14, 1983, at 7:30 P. M., in the Town Council Chambers of. the Town of Avon Municipal Complex, Avon, Colorado, by Chairman Bill Pierce. Members present: Jerry Davis, Mike Blair, Bill Pierce, Tommy Landauer, .Jim Meehan. Staff present: Dick Kvach/Planning Director, Renee' Flader/Recording Secretary. Item No. 19 Reading and Approval of DRB Minutes of March 10, 1983 Meeting Changes: Item No. 2, 2nd paragraph: Bill Pierce stated the poles are not quite the same; they remain similar. Jerry Davis moved that the minutes be approved with the suggested changes. Motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and was passed unanimously. Item No. 2, Advertising Sign, Bus Stop, Avon Center, Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark Subdi- vision Dick Kvach introduced this request as being submitted jointly by the Upper Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce and Travel Horizons proposing to put a sign within the bus shelter by Avon Center, which will contain tourist information that is pertinent to the people who come into Town from outside of the area. This sign will stick out approximately 6" from the wall above the bench and its size is approximately 3' X 8'. Two conditions with approval he gave this: (1) they provide up to an 11" X 17" space, free of charge, to the Town where the Town could display notice of events that are sponsored or endorsed by the Town that are of interest to the residents or tourists in the Town, and (2) that approval of this would remain in effect until such time a Tourist Information Center is developed elsewhere in the Town, at which time the sign should be removed from the bus shelter with- in 30 days after the opening of the Tourist Information Center. Darrell Schurle of the Upper Eagle Valley Chamber of Commerce, explained the purpose is to promote business in this area and demonstrate that a Tourist Information Center would be used and would benefit this area. He explained the structure. 'Telephone Service (Direct Reservation Service) in which the customer can push a button, pick up the receiver and have direct service with the lodge, airways, or whatever is programmed would also be provided. Travel Horizon's Carl Hansen stated that (condition 1) would be no problem except that they would have to have it singlefaced, which would allow only one side (of two) readable at night. Jerry Davis stated when the DRB normally approves signs they know what the actual format of those signs are and he would like to see more specific details of the sign. Dick Kvach noted that this request was presented to the Town Council 2 meetings ago and they referred it to DRB to get reactions. The Council will have to give permission to put this sign up. After lengthy discussion Jerry Davis motioned to table this request until more drawings of the actual sign proposed were submitted and detail of the construction of the sign, and a general idea of the colors and materials were also submitted. Motion was seconded by Tommy Landauer and passed unanimously. The DRB did recommend approval of the use of the bus shelter for such a sign. Item No. 3, Landscape Plan for Nottingham Park Tennis Courts, Tract G, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision Dick Kvach introduced this item as the proposed landscape plan for the area around the tennis courts. Dan Sunday explained that this was a standard landscape plan for tennis courts. Bill Pierce asked if they had thought of screening the fencing and Dan advised Bill that the fence screen had been ordered and was of dark green in color. Jerry Davis asked if there is sufficient landscaping budget to cover the losses or is there contingency for replacing those trees that do not make it. Dan advised Jerry inadequate irrigation systems was part of the reason alot of plants in this area Lail. Dan stated however, that if the Town has the money and trees should need replacing, they would defi- nitely replace them. Bill Pierce stated he would like to see the trees closer tu the tennis court walls. Bill commented further to say that a landscape plan is not just placing trees on open ground; it should define something and it should create some space because each, the way the trees are put in the ground, creates space between the trees and between other obstacles of the land- scape. Dan Sunday advised Bill the Town would take these things into consideration. (Bill Pierce stated that the record show Jim Meehan is present for this item.) Mike Blair stated he would like to see some assurance that the trees be replaced quite rapidly should any fail. Jerry Davis asked Dan if he was going to seed or sod the hills and Dan stated he would seed Jerry Davis moved to accept the landscape plan as submitted with one stipulation that with- in a reasonable period of time, trees, shrubs, etc., be replaced if they die. Motion was seconded by Mike Blair and passed unanimously. Item No. 4, City Market Garden Center, Planters of Vail, Lots 67, 68, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision Dick Kvach introduced this as a yearly project coming for annual approval. This is a site plan review for the addition of the Garden Center on the south end of the City Market build- ing. It is the same as in the past with the exception of enlargement by 15' from what it has been in the past. They will use the same type of materials, the same design. City Market will have more than enough parking to meet the minimum requirements. Approval of this is recommended and also that the applicant will not have to come back each year as long as he used the identical display and if he should deviate from these plans in any way he would have to come back for approval. Bill Pierce asked Marty Jones of the Planters of Vail if he was aware of the comments the staff had put on this and if he had any objections. Marty answered he was aware and had no objections. Bill Pierce stated he would like to make it for 5 years maximum limit. Dick Kvach recommended that $400.00 of the $535.60 fee paid be reimbursed. He explained the reason this fee was so high was they had to base it on the square footage of commercial space that was being added. All were in recommendation that fee be reasonably adjusted. After lengthy discussion, motion was made by Jim Meehan to approve the :structure with condi- tions specified by Dick Kvach for the period as stated in the terms of their lease with City Market and it be approved for 5 years based on Dick Kvach's review of that plan each year. Motion was seconded by Jerry Davis and passed unanimously. Item No. 5 omitted this meeting. Item No. 6, Buck Creek Density Transfer, 50 Condo Units, Lot 5 to North 1,000 ft. of Lot 52B/Item No. 7, Swift Gulch to Buck Creek Density Transfer, 200 hotel Units to Lot 5. (Mike Blair abstained from discussion and action due to a possible conflict of interest.) Dick Kvach explained these 2 properties are SPA Zoning and any change, than what was ori- ginally approved, on these properties has to be done by Ordinance as Zoning Amendments and not Special Review Use. He explained the 2 proposals: A transfer of 50 condominium units that presently exist on lot 5. They wish to take these 50 units off of this property, move them up to the northeasterly half of lot 52B. The other request being considered is the area of lot 5, 52A and the southwesterly half of lot 52B. They want to propose a hotel in the future and are transferring 200 of the original 360 units they currently have on Swift Gulch over into the vacinity of lot 5 and the southerly half end of lot 52B and lot 52A. Art Abplanalp requested DRB consider these two items jointly for the purpose of making a decision. He further stated it is the applicant's desire to the DRB to take advantage of the provisions which would authorize the shortening of the notice period (15 days) and per- mit the DRB to consider the Swift Gulch Zoning Amendment at the next DRB meeting. Larry Goad, on behalf of the applicant, briefly explained the background on why they are presently where they were a year ago vs. four years ago: After feasibility studies were made it was determined that lot 5 area, closer to the interstate exit, was a better hotel site. The 50 units that were there should be developed in the valley and between the ath- letic club center which is an amenity to both sites as well as an amendment. Bill Pierce asked where the 50 condo units are going. Dick Kvach answered generally the northerly 1,000' of lot 52B. Bill asked if that is including the northernmost corner, or the southernmost northern corner. Dick Kvach answered that it started measuring from the road right-of-way where Buck Creek intersects the platted property line and it is approximately 1200' - allowing plus or minus 200' either way. After lengthy discussion, Jerry Davis motioned that a waiver be granted :for the time re- quirement for public notice, which will make it 13 days instead of 15 days for the zone district amendments decreasing the densities of the Swift Gulch area. Motion was second- ed by Jim Meehan and passed unanimously. Item No. 8, Cheney Duplex Revision, Lot 26, Block 1, Wildridge (Bill Pierce stated he did not have any involvement with these changes, but he did have invlovement with the original landscape plan. For this reason Chairmanship of the Board was turned over to Mike Blair.) Dick Kvach introduced this item as being submitted by Jack Hunn involving several changes to the original plan. Jack Hunn reviewed the changes proposed: (1) Increase the roof ridge height by approximately 2' and shift toward the southwest to accomodate a loft level. (2) Expand the garage area from 19'4"X19'4" to 22'0"X24'0". (3) Expand the southside garage from 19'4"X19'4" to 18'8"X22'8". (4) Delete all fenestrations on the northwest elevation. (5) Increase and relocate fenestration on the northeast, southeast, and southwest eleva- tions. (6) Add horizontal 2X12 band at the interface of the stucco and vertical siding continuous around the perimeter of each side of project. (7) Add 1X8 vertical corner trim associated with the areas of wood siding on each side of project. (8) Footprint increase by 277 square feet to 2,823 square feet, or 17Z of lot area, and (9) Developed area has been increased by 340 square feet to 3,781 square feet or 23% of lot area. Mike Blair asked Jack if the landscaping plan had changed any. Jack answered it had not. Tommy Landauer motioned that approval of the revisions as stated was recommended and noted that all colors and materials used originally be used in this request. Motion was seconded by Jerry Davis and was passed unanimously. Other Business: Off Street Parking Ordinance Revisions to Zoninc Ordinance Dick Kvach stated when the Lock -Off Ordinance went through, one of the portions was modifi- ed to the residential parking regulations. He further stated when this went through Council, in the first reading, one of the things Council decided was they would like to see removal of the Off Street Parking portion from the Lock -Off Ordinance and a complete re- draft of all of the parking regulations. Dick a:;ked that each member receive their packet and review it over the next 2 weeks for discussion at the next DRB meeting. Planning & Zoning Commission Dick Kvach advised that the second reading of the Ordinance establishing a P & Z Commission did pass at the Council meeting Tuesday, April 12, 1983, and effective May 1, 1983, the DRB will formally become a P & Z Commission. Jerry Davis stated he understood the Town Council had deferred choosing a member to serve on the P & Z for a futher period of time. Dick Kvach confirmed this and added that Council also requested that DRB hold interviews on the perspective members. Deadline acceptance for applicants was extended to April 28, 1983, and if receipt of more on that day DRB mem- bers may wish to defer interviews until the following meeting. Jerry Davis stated that the deadline should be established as April 28, 1983. With no further business to discuss, Jerry Davis moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Mike Blair and was passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P. M. Respectfully Submitted, Renee' rlader Recording Secretary Design Review Board