TC Minutes 08-10-2021AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 Avon SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Video Start Time: 00:00:01 Part One The meeting was hosted in a Hybrid format, in person at Avon Town Hall and using Zoom.us. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips called the Council regular meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. A roll call was taken, and Council members present in person were Scott Prince, Tamra Underwood, Chico Thuon, and RJ Andrade. Mayor Smith Hymes joined virtually via Zoom and Councilor Hardy was absent. Also present were Recreation Center Interim Director Michael Labagh, Chief of Police Greg Daly, Town Attorney Paul Wisor, Town Manager Eric Heil, and Town Clerk Brenda Torres. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Video Start Time: 00:00:40 Part One There were no changes made to the agenda. Mayor Smith Hymes joined via Zoom and thanked Mayor Pro Tern Phillips for running the meeting tonight. Councilor Underwood moved to approve the agenda as presented. Councilor Andrade seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS Video Start Time: 00:01:35 Part One Councilor Underwood said, that, although she believes she did not and does not have a conflict of interest at the July 13' meeting, a majority of Council who were allowed to vote voted to recuse her on the work session item regarding the recall election. Therefore, she will not be joining in on item 5.3 recall election work session/update and item 5.4 Resolution 21-18 regarding recall election IGA and dates for the recall election. Mayor Smith Hymes said that she is in the same position as Councilor Underwood, however, she requested Council to allow her to participate on item 5.3 if Council members find this appropriate. She recused from item 5.4. After Council discussion, including Councilor Underwood inquiring whether she was allowed to vote (the Town Attorney opined that she is not allowed to vote), four motions were made. Councilor Prince moved to recuse Councilor Underwood on a conflict of interest on item 5.3. Councilor Thuon seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 3 to 1. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips voted no. Councilor Underwood and Mayor Smith Hymes were recused. Councilor Hardy was absent. Councilor Prince moved to recuse Mayor Smith Hymes on a conflict of interest on item 5.3. Councilor Andrade seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 3 to 1. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips voted no. Councilor Underwood and Mayor Smith Hymes were recused. Councilor Hardy was absent. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Avon TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO Councilor Prince moved to recuse Councilor Underwood on a conflict of interest on item 5.4. Councilor Thuon seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 4 to 0. Councilor Underwood and Mayor Smith Hymes were recused. Councilor Hardy was absent. Councilor Prince moved to recuse Mayor Smith Hymes on a conflict of interest on item 5.4. Councilor Andrade seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips voted no. Councilor Underwood and Mayor Smith Hymes were recused. Councilor Hardy was absent. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Video Start Time: 00:09:30 Part One Mayor Pro Tern Phillips explained to the public that comments in person will be taken first, then those via Zoom. Comments made in -person: Paul Jenick, member of the Recall Committee, asked what he has done wrong. He mentioned that on December 2"d an Officer from the Eagle County Courts knocked on his door in an unfriendly way, saying the Avon Council is suing him for over $100K, when they were simply asking for a recall. Tamera Sturgill, a member of the Recall Committee, said she found out that she got sued from the newspaper. No one from the Town notified her. She said "rules cannot be changed in the middle of the game" and that her legal fees are 10 times higher than the amount mentioned in the newspaper. Todd Roehr, a member of the Recall Committee, commented on Town Attorney Paul Wisor statements. He said documents regarding the recall process will be posted in his business Mein Haus Bed & Breakfast website: www.meinhaususa.com/avonrecall for the public to review. Comments made via Zoom: Jack Gardner, a Wildridge resident, commented on Ordinance 21-07 Off -Highway Vehicles. He wants to emphasize to Council that many do not obey the speed limit and that it has had to be reported to the Police Department many times before. He requested to have more Police presence in the area. Peter Warren commented on the off -highway vehicles usage in Wildridge. He said he supports Mr. Gardner's comments previously provided regarding the speed limit not being obeyed. He suggested 1, to eliminate the speed limits; 2, to hire more officers for more patrolling; and 3, to reverse the Off - Highway Vehicles ordinance. Ruth Stanley commented on the mud slide that happened recently at West Beaver Creek Boulevard. She said it happened right in front of her house, and that every time it rains, they still get mud in their parking lot and requested Public Works Department to please take a look at that situation. She also requested to have speed signs back on West Beaver Creek Boulevard and to have more food vendors at the Avon Live! events. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Avon TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO S. BUSINESS ITEMS 5.1. PUBLIC HEARING: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 21-09 APPROVING CODE TEXT AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTER 7 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS) Video Start Time: 00:36:37 Part One Town Planner David McWilliams presented and mentioned that changes requested from Council on the fence standards have been incorporated in this presentation. Councilor Underwood said she continues to have a hard time passing an ordinance that violates an agreement among neighbors as she thinks it is not a good practice from the Town. Mayor Smith Hymes asked for the status of the two items she requested to be corrected in the pre - Council meeting; Town Planner David McWilliams confirmed that they have been clarified. She then asked Town Attorney Paul Wisor to briefly summarize and clarify the issue on the Wildridge covenants and the Town's obligation and what Council can do long-term in this respect. He explained that the Town is not in obligation to enforce third parties' agreements, however, the Town can explore the possibility to adopt an ordinance that notifies future owners that covenants are no longer enforced. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips called for public in -person comments and Tom Ruemmler commented on how the Homeowners Association Board's work regarding conflict of interests, and he said he hopes this Board helps endorse the legislation and he hopes it will get passed next year. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips clarified that there is no HOA in Wildridge, only covenants. No virtual comments were made. Councilor Underwood moved to approve Second Reading of Ordinance 21-09 Approving Code Text Amendments to Chapter 7 of the Avon Municipal Code, amending language on Section 16, amending Chapter 7.28.080(b) Fence Design Standards, Subsection 1 to the second sentence to read "Although discouraged in Wildridge and Wildwood,". Councilor Thuon seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of 6 to 0. Councilor Hardy was absent. 5.2. PUBLIC HEARING: SECOND READING ORDINANCE 21-05 CONCERNING THE MANAGEMENT OF PLASTIC PRODUCTS (TOWN ATTORNEY PAUL WISOR) Video Start Time: 01:03:10 Part One Town Attorney Paul Wisor presented. He explained that this ordinance amends Section 8.38.020 of the Avon Municipal Code to alter the definition of "Reusable Bag" to ensure reusable bags utilized in Avon are truly reused. Secondly, that Ordinance 21-05 prohibits the use of expanded polystyrene food containers and that this ban on expanded polystyrene takes effect on January 1, 2024. Councilor Underwood said she feels it is a little premature to adopt this ordinance with respect to Section 3 Expanded Polystyrene Food Containers. Mayor Smith Hymes said she supports this ordinance as there is nothing the Town can do for now, until 2024, but encouraged everyone involved to be vigilant to make it stricter when the time comes. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Avon TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO Mayor Pro Tern Phillips called for public in -person comments and Tom Ruemmler commented. He said we do not have enough knowledge yet on plastics and it is too early as there are no experts on the field to explain pros and cons. Councilor Prince moved to approve on Second Reading Ordinance 21-05 Amending Certain Portions of Section 8.38.020 of the Code, Enacting Chapter 8.50 — Prohibition on Use of Expanded Polystyrene Food Containers. Mayor Smith Hymes seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 5 to 1. Councilor Andrade voted no. Councilor Hardy was absent. 5.3. WORK SESSION: RECALL ELECTION UPDATE (TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES) Video Start Time: 01:14:57 Part One Mayor Smith Hymes turned her video and audio off, and Councilor Underwood left the room at 6:15 p.m. Town Clerk Brenda Torres presented an update on the recall election and explained election deadlines, anticipating that Council will approve November 2"d as the recall election date tonight. She said that the candidate nomination petition packets will be ready to be picked up at the Avon Town Hall on August 11th at 8:00 a.m., and they are due by August 27th at 5:00 p.m. She explained that if signatures are not sufficient, the candidates will have until September 3rd to cure and resubmit their petition. Town Attorney Paul Wisor clarified that the seat to replace the mayor is as a Council member who gets to elect a new Mayor and explained the ballot content. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips called for public in -person comments and Tom Ruemmler commented. He said the Clerk should have provided a blank petition form, but the Town said it was not our obligation and that the petition has been delayed by 8 months because he believes the Town is violating the Law and delayed it by suing community members. He mentioned that he is not going to re -run for Council as he does not want to work with people with these kinds of ethics and morals. 5.4. RESOLUTION 21-18 APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE NOVEMBER 2, 2021 COORDINATED ELECTION WITH THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER; ORDERING A RECALL ELECTION FOR NOVEMBER 2, 2021; AND SETTING FORTH THE APPLICABLE CANDIDATE DEADLINES FOR THE RECALL ELECTION (TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES) Video Start Time: 01:30:23 Part One Mayor Smith Hymes and Councilor Underwood were recused from this item. Town Clerk Brenda Torres introduced Resolution 21-18 and explained that the IGA to participate in the Eagle County coordinated election to be held on November 2nd has been reviewed and it is ready to be submitted to the County, if approved tonight. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES n% ire r% TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO Town Attorney Paul Wisor clarified that there is an exhibit that has the certificates of sufficiency for the recall and those were delivered to Council. Councilor Thuon moved to approve Resolution 21-18 Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement to Participate in the November 2, 2021 Coordinated Election with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder; Ordering a Recall Election for November 2, 2021; and Setting Forth the Applicable Candidate Deadlines for the Recall Election. Councilor Andrade seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Smith Hymes and Councilor Underwood were recused. Councilor Hardy was absent. Mayor Smith Hymes and Councilor Underwood rejoined the meeting after the vote roll call at 6:35 p.m. 5.5. RESOLUTION 21-17 PEG GRANT FUND REQUEST (ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER AND FINANCE DIRECTOR SCOTT WRIGHT) Video Start Time: 01:34:56 Part One Finance Director Scott Wright explained that this PEG fund will help with public education and governmental access and mentioned that this request is for $8,000. JK Perry, Executive Director of High Five Access Media, joined and explained how and on what programs this money would be spent. Councilor Underwood said she would prefer that the Town pays for this valuable service directly to High Five Access Media, especially with the great work they have been doing with the Hybrid meetings. She also suggested to JK Perry that he should amend his request for the full amount. Councilor Thuon moved to approve Resolution No. 21-17 Approve a Request for Grant of PEG Funds in the amount of $8,135.40. Councilor Prince seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 6 to 0. Councilor Hardy was absent. Council took a 10-minute break. 5.6. PRESENTATION: INCENTIVES FOR E-BIKE PURCHASES (MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER ELIZABETH WOOD) Video Start Time: 00:00:01 Part Two Marketing and Communications Manager Liz Wood presented. She mentioned how Holy Cross Energy has a very successful rebate program that offers a $200 rebate for e-bike purchases for people who are offsetting vehicle miles. She said it is their most popular rebate, and that in 2020 and thus far in 2021, HCE issued more than 520 rebates. She mentioned that the Edwards Metro District also offers a $200 e-bike purchase rebate for full-time residents. She said she was inspired by this to present this item to Council tonight to offer an incentive for Avon residents as well. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 Avon SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO Councilor Andrade suggested that, along with the incentive, to offer a quick 10-15-minute class or training on safety rules. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips said the e-bikes don't need to be new, and that she is not sure if limiting the purchase within Avon would really help. Councilor Thuon mentioned he has been investigating if prices in Town are competitive with other towns or online. Councilor Underwood agreed with the educational video and suggested to partner with merchants, and maybe offer an extra discount to families that qualify for reduced/free lunch at schools. Mayor Smith Hymes said that to make it easy for people to get one, the e-bikes could be used, and they do not need to be purchased in Avon. Councilor Prince suggested to review this as a budget item annually. He said he supports all these suggestions, but Council needs to work on the fine details and bring this to a later meeting. Town Manager Eric Heil will present more information in a future agenda. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips called for public comments and no in -person comments were made. Ruth Stanley joined via Zoom and commented. She said she owns an e-bike and she loves it. She asked if the purpose is to reduce carbon footprint and suggested to start the program right away. 5.7. WORK SESSION: USE TAX AND SHORT-TERM RENTAL TAX (ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER AND FINANCE DIRECTOR SCOTT WRIGHT AND TOWN MANAGER ERIC HEIL) Video Start Time: 00:22:05 Part Two Town Manager Eric Heil took Council through the presentation included in the packet. He mentioned that the Use Tax is for construction materials, and it will replace the current Sales Tax on construction materials. He explained how Use Tax is easy to administer because a formula is used that is applied at the time of building permit and is paid as one lump sum payment. He said that the formula takes the estimated value of the building, assumes that half of the cost is for materials and half is for labor, and applies the Use Tax rate to the portion that is for materials. He explained that the Finance Committee discussed a Short-term Rental Tax, that would be applicable to consideration received for a short-term rental, less than 30 days, for any property that is not assessed as a commercial property. Council consensus was to not move forward with the Use Tax for this election cycle but continue doing more research and to have more extensive discussions to have a more structured and clear proposal to put in a future ballot. Also, Council decided to move forward with the Short-term Rental Tax and requested staff to present a proposal including the ballot language at the August 24th meeting. 5.8. WORK SESSION: JULY 22, 2021, RAIN EVENT DAMAGE AND FUTURE MITIGATION ACTIONS TOWN ENGINEER JUSTIN HILDRETH AND PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR GARY PADILLA) Video Start Time: 01:00:41 Part Two Town Engineer Justin Hildreth gave a summary of the rain event that happened on July 22"d that caused the largest runoff and mud flows seen in decades as well as clogged storm drainage infrastructure and damaged several residential properties. He showed photographs of the damage done and talked about future mitigation strategies. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO Councilor Underwood asked about the timeframe for the future flood and debris mitigation projects, which Town Engineer Justin Hildreth said would probably be by next summer as more research and surveys need to be done. She requested to see milestone updates on these projects attached to the reports. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips called for in -person public comments and Anthony Sekinger, Avon resident, commented that his property was one of the ones affected by the mudslide and said that insurance did not cover any expense, and it has been all out-of-pocket. He showed a short video clip on how the high water was running onto their property and asked Council if they are pursuing any type of public relief funding. Jason Lance, Avon resident, commented. He said his and his neighbor's units are the ones that took most of the mud. He also shared a couple of photographs and mentioned that a similar event that happened around 2 years ago clogged the culvert, and he thinks that if the proper maintenance had been done, this could have prevented most of the damage. He requested Council prioritize maintenance on Nottingham Road. Neil Henzler, Avon resident, commented. He said that another type of debris is road cinders that are not cleaned up and then build-up. He said Public Works partially cleaned up but that the work has not been completed and requested that the Town prioritize maintenance along Wildwood Road. Council discussed possible relief. Town Manager Eric Heil said he is working on that with the Salvation Army. Councilor Underwood requested to open public comment again for people in the room to share their Go Fund Me information live. Jennifer Lance announced that she created a Go Fund Me under the name Jason & Jennifer Lance Mudslide Relief, and that her neighbor created hers under her name, Krysta Gardner. Natalie Rapson was there on behalf of Chris Lai, owner of Krysta Gardner's unit. She said that he created his own Go Fund Me under his name. 5.9.PRESENTATION: CONSIDERATION TO SUPPORT THE CC4CA POLICY STATEMENT UPDATES GENERAL GOVERNMENT INTERN EMILY MYLER) Video Start Time: 01:54:31 Part Two Town Manager Eric Heil explained that this is to support the Colorado Communities for Climate Action policy statement. He mentioned how this organization has grown enormously since the Town joined several years ago. Councilor Thuon moved to approve and support the updated CC4CA Policy Statement and directed staff to email CC4CA to indicate Avon's support of the new Policy Statement. Councilor Underwood seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 6 to 0. Councilor Hardy was absent. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES ��O TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 n SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO 5.10. NOTICE OF AWARD - REC CENTER POOL REPAIRS (TOWN ENGINEER JUSTIN HILDRETH) Video Start Time: 01:58:30 Part Two Town Engineer Justin Hildreth presented. He explained that the plaster should be replaced every 10- years and that it has been 12 years since it was last done. He mentioned how staff solicited bids from 4 qualified contractors, and said that the lowest bid was Maximum Comfort Pool & Spa in Eagle -Vail for $180,248. He mentioned that this project will shut down the pool and will take place in October, at the same time as the locker rooms remodel project. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips called for public comments and no public comments were made. Councilor Underwood clarified that awarding the lowest bidder is not the most important thing and requested to make it a practice to explain details such as if the bidder is based locally, prior successful relationship with that person or the company, and not just that it is the lowest bidder. Councilor Prince requested to also include information on the housing plan for the workers if they are not local. Councilor Underwood moved to authorize issuance of Notice of Award for the Recreation Center Pool Replastering Project contract to Maximum Comfort Pool and Spa from Eagle -Vail in the amount of $180,248 and to include the project in the next Capital Projects Fund budget amendment. Councilor Thuon seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 6 to 0. Councilor Hardy was absent. 5.11. NOTICE OF AWARD - METCALF ROAD CULVERT (TOWN ENGINEER JUSTIN HILDRETH) Video Start Time: 02:03:17 Part Two Town Engineer Justin Hildreth presented. He explained that this award is for the repair of the Metcalf Road Culvert, and mentioned that he found a company, American West Construction, that does in -situ repair, meaning no excavation on the road is needed. He said this company is based out of the Front Range area, and that the Town has not previously worked with them, but that they are recommended by CDOT. Councilor Thuon asked him to provide a bimonthly update with photos on the 1-70 underpass work. Councilor Underwood asked Town Attorney Paul Wisor about the change made to the liquidated damages policy. He explained that it is by a percentage charged per day now. Councilor Prince asked about the schedule and road closures. Town Engineer Justin Hildreth explained that the project will start in early October, and that there might be minor impact on the road when the pipe is delivered. He also confirmed that the lifetime of the pipe should be longer than 20 years. He mentioned that only part of it will be replaced, as the rest of the pipe is in good shape. Councilor Underwood moved to authorize issuance of Notice of Award for the Metcalf Road Culvert Repair Project contract to American West Construction in the amount of $215,860. Councilor Andrade seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 4 to 2. Councilor Thuon and Councilor Prince voted no. Councilor Hardy was absent. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Avon TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO She said that there is a new feasibility study on the Eagle River Fund that has duplication efforts across the country and the world to help set funds to enhance river health. She was part of the first study meeting, and she will update Council when there is more information after the second meeting in September. She closed her comment saying, regarding item 5.12, COVID-19 vaccination should be required. Councilor Thuon also mentioned the passing of Mr. Michael Cacioppo and requested 10 seconds of silence in his memory. He talked about the COVID-19 vaccinations and announced the new spin class business on Traer Creek Plaza, FitnessNT, owned by Christian Alvarez. Councilor Underwood said that just because there is an open microphone every other Tuesday where the public is invited to express their opinions for 3 minutes, that does not mean that the public can call the Town Attorney corrupt and criminal, call her a liar and immoral, and call the Town Clerk a criminal for doing herjob. She said that is not acceptable. She said that she works very hard every meeting for all people in the Town, including the people that call her liar, and expressed to the rest of members of Council that having them there without saying a word in defense of their professional staff, or Council, or herself while she gets recalled, is appalling. Councilor Thuon expressed how he felt similar when he felt attacked a couple of weeks ago. He and Councilor Underwood got involved in a back -and -forth discussion. He asked what the language to remove a Council member is. Town Attorney said there will be an item in an upcoming agenda to discuss Council Conduct. Mayor Smith Hymes said that this process that has been going on for a year, has been very difficult, and that they have accepted the decision of being excluded from every work session related to the recall, however, they are forced to sit there and listen to the people that have subjected them to this recall for the last year. She finds that unfair that they can get the microphone and say what they want, and she said they would have loved to have some support from other Council members in public. Mayor Pro Tern Phillips apologized for her failure to read into the record a July 28`h an email from Sarah Smith Hymes and Tamra Underwood to the Town Clerk, Town Attorney and Town Manager. This email was copied to the members of the Council. It addressed their choosing, for the best interest of Avon, not to submit protest of the recall certificate of sufficiency, for which they have material and substantive grounds to do so. She asked Town Attorney Paul Wisor to clarify that the Town did not sue these people for $100K, just filed a protest. He explained that the documents of the complaint that was filed with the Eagle County District Court contains a caption on the first page that says the amount in controversy is less than $100K, which is important for certain procedural reasons. She said she hopes Council will support Mayor Smith Hymes and Councilor Underwood in not being recalled. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Avo n TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO 12. REMODELING 351 BENCHMARK ROAD (OLD FIRE STATION) FOR TRANSIT DRIVER HOUSING (TOWN MANAGER ERIC HEIL) Video Start Time: 02:15:53 Part Two Town Manager Eric Heil presented an overview of a proposal to remodel the former Avon Fire Station at 351 Benchmark Road. He said it would consist of 14 individual rooms that Avon would only rent to Avon transit drivers directly to ECO Transit, Beaver Creek and Vail. Councilor Prince said that the Town should not be in the Landlord position and does not support this idea. He said the asset is there but that it will bring up more expenses. Councilor Andrade advised to be ready for everything this will bring up. Councilor Thuon said this is a very valiant effort from the Town. Mayor Smith Hymes expressed that the Town has to think of these 14 individuals that would have a very affordable place to live in and it would be irresponsible from Council, due to the housing crisis, to not approve this housing opportunity. Councilor Underwood said Council has the responsibility of using these assets, but that this is not how she pictured the Town Manager doing it. She suggested housing 13 people and one full-time manager on -site. Mayor Pro Tem said Council consensus is to move forward, and she mentioned that she will be at the ECO Transit meeting tomorrow and will make sure that the Board knows that the Town will make this effort and will move forward only if other parties agree. 6. MINUTES 6.1. APPROVAL OF JULY 13, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES (TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES) Video Start Time: 02:41:11 Part Two Mayor Smith Hymes corrected a typo. Councilor Thuon moved to approve the minutes from the July 131h regular meeting as amended. Mayor Smith Hymes seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 6 to 0. Councilor Hardy was absent. 7. WRITTEN REPORTS 7.1. Monthly Financials (Senior Accountant Joel McCracken) 7.2. Quarterly RETT Report (Accountant Kristin Martinez) 7.3. Mi Casa Avon Update (General Government Manager Ineke de Jong) 7.4. July 20th, 2021 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Abstract (Planner David McWilliams) 7.5. Draft July 201h Finance Committee Meeting Minutes (General Government Intern Emily Myler) 7.6. Water District and Authority Unification (Mayor Sarah Smith Hymes and Town Manager Eric Heil) 7.7. Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority July 22, 2021 Meeting Summary (Mayor Smith Hymes) 8. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES Video Start Time: 02:42:23 Part Two Mayor Smith Hymes mentioned the passing of Mr. Michael Cacioppo. She said he played an important role as he was a very active member in the community and provided very valid input in local government. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Avon TUESDAY AUGUST 10, 2021 SETUP AS A HYBRID MEETING; IN -PERSON AT AVON TOWN HALL OR VIRTUALLY THROUGH ZOOM COLORADO 9. ADJOURN There being no further business before Council, Mayor Pro Tern Phillips moved to adjourn the regular meeting. The time was 10:01 p.m. These minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk' s office, and the video of the meeting, which is available at www.highfivemedia.org. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Brenda Torres, Town C1 APPROVED: Z;4 Amy Phillips Sarah Smith Hy 's Chico Thuon Scott Prince Tamra Underwood RJ Andrade OF SEAL: