TC Resolution 21-12 Supporting Healthy Rivers and WatershedsAvon C O L O R A D O RESOLUTION 21-12 SUPPORTING HEALTHY RIVERS AND WATERSHEDS WHEREAS, a collective effort to reduce water use helps to keep more water flowing in our streams; and WHEREAS, the drinking water provided throughout Eagle County originates from local rivers and streams; and WHEREAS, the waters of the Eagle River, which reside entirely within Eagle County, are under increasing pressure from urbanization, climate change and transmountain diversions at the same time that the flow of the river is decreasing due to long term drought; and WHEREAS, local river recreation, such as, but not limited to, fishing, tubing, kayaking, rafting, paddle boarding and swimming, is dependent upon healthy rivers and streams; and WHEREAS, residents and visitors associate healthy rivers and streams with Eagle County's identity and value the aesthetics and beauty of such rivers and streams; and WHEREAS, the communities of Eagle County rely on healthy rivers and watersheds for economic health; and WHEREAS, downstream users, such as, but not limited to, urban and rural communities, industrial and agricultural production, wildlife and habitat is largely dependent upon the good practices of upstream water users, including those in Eagle County; and WHEREAS, outdoor water use has the greatest potential for loss, due to evaporation and other causes; and WHEREAS, regardless of whether users receive water from the town or through private water rights, overuse and misuse of water anywhere in the valley ultimately impacts the Eagle River; and WHEREAS, all local wildlife depends on the water in local rivers and streams for sustaining their habitat; and WHEREAS, local mountain resorts make snow utilizing water from local rivers and streams. Res 21-12 Supporting Healthy Rivers & Watersheds Page 1 of 2 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, we encourage all water users, whether residential, commercial, golf courses, school grounds, municipal or public spaces and parks, to use the least amount of water as possible at any given time, but in particular during drought; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, our community should scrutinize its outdoor water use, such as for lawn watering; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, our community is encouraged to learn more about irrigation, xeriscaping and more through local, regional, and state resources, such as Eagle River Watershed Council (erwc.org), Eagle County Extension (eaglecounty.us/csuextension), Colorado River Water Conservation District (coloradoriverdistrict.org), Colorado Water Conservation Board (cwcb.colorado.gov), Water Education Colorado (watereducationcolorado.org) and our own town's website (avon.org). PURPOSE: The purpose of this document is to protect and maintain water resources in the Eagle River watershed and surrounding areas and maximize the aesthetic, economic, recreational, environmental and human and wildlife benefits. ADOPTED this 25th day of May 2021. AVON TOWN COUNCIL By: % A � a-1 Sara Smith Hymes, May r Res 21-12 Supporting Healthy Rivers & Watersheds Page 2 of 2 Attest: Jrenda Torres, Town (