TC Resolution 21-11 Supporting President Biden's Pause on New Oil and Gas Leasing on Federal Public LandsAvon COLORADO RESOLUTION 21-11 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT BIDEN'S PAUSE ON NEW OIL AND GAS LEASING ON FEDERAL PUBLIC LANDS WHEREAS, our vast network of federal public lands offers abundant natural beauty, a wealth of natural resources, a vital economic engine for local communities, and a sought after unique quality of life for residents of communities adjacent to them; and WHEREAS, it's critical that our public lands and waters are managed responsibly and sustainably so they can remain open and accessible to present and future generations; and WHEREAS, we support the legal requirement that our federal lands be managed under the `multiple use' standard to best meet the present and future needs of the American people; and believe that the federal land management policies should be developed with input from local communities and public land users, and incorporate the best available science; and WHEREAS, federal public land policy should ensure that the companies extracting natural resources provide a fair return to federal and state taxpayers while also protecting wildlife and providing the opportunity for the development of sustainable economic non -extractive activity such as outdoor recreation; and WHEREAS, our state is experiencing the devastating impacts of a warming climate including severe heat and drought, which are making wildfires more frequent and extreme; an increase in emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas emitted on our public lands; extremes in precipitation; and dust on snow, which causes snowfall to evaporate prematurely; and WHEREAS, one -quarter of the country's greenhouse gas emissions come from fossil fuel activity on public lands; and WHEREAS, in 2018 pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels caused 8.7 million or one in five deaths ley; and WHEREAS, as elected leaders, it is our responsibility to take and support prudent and pragmatic steps to reverse climate change and mitigate its devastating impacts by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases and other forms of pollution that contribute to climate change, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Avon Town Council, that we applaud the Biden administration's executive order that temporarily pauses new oil and gas leasing on federal public lands and encourage the administration to: a. Modernize the federal oil and gas leasing program to ensure the oil and gas companies that hold leases and extract natural resources provide a fair return to federal and state taxpayers; and Res 21-11 Support of President Biden's Pause on New Oil & Gas Leasing on Federal Lands Page 1 of 2 b. Develop a plan to phase out the production of fossil fuels, which are a major contributor to climate change, in a way that also supports the workers, communities, and states that currently have fossil fuel dependent economies. ADOPTED this 11th day of May 2021. AVON OWN COUN IL By: Attest: Sarah Smrt Aymes,Ma o Brenda Torres, Town Res 21-11 Support of President Biden's Pause on New Oil & Gas Leasing on Federal Lands Page 2 of 2 SOW N OFF 0,