TC Minutes 04-27-2021 AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY APRIL 27, 2021 SETUP AS A VIRTUAL MEETING VIA ZOOM DUE TO COVID-19 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Video Start Time: 00:00:01 Part One The meeting was hosted in a virtual format, using Zoom.us. Mayor Smith Hymes called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. A roll call was taken, and Council members present by video/audio were Lindsay Hardy, Scott Prince, Tamra Underwood, RJ Andrade, Amy Phillips, and Chico Thuon. Also present were Town Manager Eric Heil, Town Attorney Paul Wisor, Chief of Police Greg Daily, Mobility Director Eva Wilson, HR Director Lance Richards, General Government Manager Ineke de Jong, and Town Clerk Brenda Torres. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Video Start Time: 00:00:29 Part One Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved to approve the agenda as presented. Councilor Hardy seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 7 to 0. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS Video Start Time: 00:01:06 Part One No conflicts of interest were disclosed. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Video Start Time: 00:01:21 Part One Mayor Smith Hymes explained to the public how to participate via video/audio, via telephone, or via email for public comments. No public comments were made. 5. BUSINESS ITEMS 5.3. PUBLIC HEARING: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 21-06 AMENDING CHAPTER 13.04 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO WATER USE RESTRICTIONS (TOWN ATTORNEY PAUL WISOR) Video Start Time: 00:02:22 Part One Not all the presenters had joined the meeting by the time agenda item 5.1 was up. Council decided to start with the discussion of agenda item 5.3. Town Attorney Paul Wisor explained that the Water Authority asked for more time to update their Response Plan. However, as this is a public hearing that was noticed for April 27, Council has to open the public hearing and then move to continue this to a future agenda. Mayor Smith Hymes asked for public comments and no public comments were made. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved to continue Second Reading of Ordinance 21-06 Amending Chapter 13.04 of the Avon Municipal Code Pertaining to Water Use Restrictions to the May 11th, 2021 meeting. Councilor Underwood seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY APRIL 27, 2021 SETUP AS A VIRTUAL MEETING VIA ZOOM DUE TO COVID-19 5.1. WORK SESSION: US6 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING (MOBILITY DIRECTOR EVA WILSON) Video Start Time: 00:09:16 Part One Mobility Director Eva Wilson joined the meeting and was joined by Eagle County attendees Kelly Collier, Tanya Allen, and Ben Gerdes, Eagle-Vail Metro District Manager Steven Barber, CDOT attendees Region 3 Traffic and Safety Manager Zane Znamenacek, Region 3 Traffic Operations Engineer Andi Staley, Resident Engineer Karen Berdoulay, and legislator Representative Dylan Roberts. Mobility Director Eva took Council through the PPT presentation included in the packet and she and the other attendees of the work session answered Council questions. Mayor Smith Hymes asked for public comments and she started by reading a public comment from former Avon Mayor Jennie Fancher expressing how she thinks that spending $2.5M on a roundabout is an excessive amount of money, when there are many other simpler and cheaper solutions. Matt Abramowitz, resident of the River Oaks Complex, commented that he is disappointed the Eagle County Commissioners are not present this evening. He is in favor of a roundabout to slow cars down and said he is also disappointed that this is the only solution, as it is expensive and will take time, and he cannot stress enough how important this safety issue is. Kelley Collier apologized that County Commissioners were not present, she clarified that she understood this was a presentation, not a stakeholder meeting to get feedback and discuss support. Representative Roberts expressed that he is supportive and can take this into legislative session in January. Steve Coyer commented that he does not use this stretch often, but he supports this to make it safer. 5.2. PRESENTATION: WATER SUPPLY MASTER PLANNING #2 (LINN BROOKS, GENERAL MANAGER AT THE ERWSD) Video Start Time: 0 1:28:43 Part One Linn Brooks, Diane Johnson and Steve Coyer joined the meeting. Linn Brooks, General Manager at the Eagle River Water and Sanitation Department, presented the second part of the Water Resources Masterplan presentation and answered Council questions. Diane Johnson and Steve Coyer mentioned that this is an educational effort on water usage for the community. Councilor Thuon got disconnected at 6:36 p.m. and rejoined the meeting at 6:42 p.m. Mayor Smith Hymes asked for public comments and no public comments were made. 5.4. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Video Start Time: 02:18:24 Part One Planning Director Matt Pielsticker joined the meeting and explained that all four commissioners reapplied. Mayor Smith Hymes proposed to not discuss the reducing of members tonight , and to focus on the appointments. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY APRIL 27, 2021 SETUP AS A VIRTUAL MEETING VIA ZOOM DUE TO COVID-19 Commissioners Jared Barnes and Steven Nusbaum joined the meeting and Councilors Underwood and Hardy thanked them for serving, giving back to the community , and reapplying. The other two Commissioners reapplying are Anthony Sekinger and Martin Golembiewski who could not attend the meeting this evening . Councilor Prince moved to approve the four applicants for continuing terms . Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 5.5. WORK SESSION: COMMUNITY SURVEY (COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER ELIZABETH WOOD) Video Start Time: 00:00:10 Part Two Communications Manager Elizabeth Wood joined the meeting and expressed that she is excited to launch the community survey next month. She mentioned that she received input/feedback from several members of Council and welcome d everyone to email her with more comments and suggestions , as it is a lengthy survey. Council made suggestions for additions/changes in different questions of the survey, including some regarding special events, police use of force and presence, and the railroad. Communications Manager Liz Wood thanked Council for all the great suggestions and expressed that she is looking forward to b ringing back a revised copy of the survey for the second Council work session in May. 5.6. PUBLIC HEARING: RESOLUTION 21-10, AMENDING THE 2021 TOWN OF AVON BUDGET (ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER AND FINANCE DIRECTOR SCOTT WRIGHT ) Video Start Time: 00:22:21 Part Two Assistant Town Manager and Finance Director Scott Wright joined the meeting and explained the amendments before Council this evening. Town Manager Eric Heil expressed that Council can choose to increase the reserves to 30%. Councilor Prince said it is amazing that the Town did not dip into the reserves during a global pandemic, and he would rather see the debt reduce, than over-reserving and having reserves that are never used. Mayor Smith Hymes asked for public comments and no public comments were made. Councilor Underwood asked to discuss Councilor Prince's suggestion to reduce debt at a future meeting. Councilor Underwood moved to approve the Resolution 21-10 Amending the 2021 Town of Avon Budget as presented in the packet . Councilor Hardy seconded th e motion. Councilor Prince asked if Councilor s Underwood and Hardy would be willing to ame nd the motion to exclude approval of the I -70 underpass aesthetic improvements from the motion and vote on that separately. Councilor Underwood did not want to amend her motion. The motion passed with a vote of 4 to 3. Councilors Prince, Thuon and Andrade voted no , as they do not support a budget amendment for the I-70 underpass aesthetic improvements. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY APRIL 27, 2021 SETUP AS A VIRTUAL MEETING VIA ZOOM DUE TO COVID-19 5.7. WORK SESSION: WEST BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD , ON-STREET PARKING (TOWN E NGINEER JUSTIN HILDRETH AND MOBILITY D IRECTOR EVA WILSON) Video Start Time: 00:46:56 Part Two Town Manager Eric Heil introduced the topic and explained that Council tasked staff to work on improving the safety by Memorial Day weekend, and to make sure to get input from residents that live in the neighborhood. He explained the Town hosted a neighborhood meeting last night and summarized comments were emailed to Council this morning. The main takeaway was trespassing concerns and concerns about more congestion/user numbers in the park. Different options were discussed. The first option was parallel gravel parking with less spots than currently allowed. The second option was to shrink the parking area to 300 feet. The third option was to eliminate on-street parking, encourage drop-off at lot 16 , and parking elsewhere. Councilor Thuon expressed that the Town should consider paid parking on the street , as well as free parking on Lake Street and at old T own Hall. Councilor Hardy expressed how the Town needs to disperse activities and consider moving the SUP activity to the other side of the lake, away from the beach. Councilor Andrade is all about safety and making it pedestrian friendly and supports no parking o n the road. Mayor Smith Hymes said she does not think spending money really improves the safety, the existing parking elsewhere is not utilized, and the Town can make lot 16 drop off only in the summer and hire a parking attendant for the summer months . Councilor Thuon said that maybe a valet service company in the valley can jump in. Mayor Smith Hymes asked for public comments and several public comments were made. Deb McBride thanked Council for listening and said it is lovely to see the park being utilized so much. She likes the idea of a parking attendant, taking branches of the bottom of trees, and creating more bathrooms. Ruth Stanley expressed she wants to keep stressing that this area is a residential neighborhood and said she feels like the comments last night were heard and really appreciates Council listening. Jake Wolf said he agrees with the majority of what was said, he suggested shutting down parking this summer and studying the situation. He mentioned how Michael Cacioppo is not in good health and asked for good vibes for him. Deb McBride made a second comment and thanked Councilors Hardy and Andrade for really listening and asked to please consider homeowners, not just the SUP vendor. She would like to see it more managed and less of a "free for all". Sarah Straub said she attended last night and would like to hold off on parallel parking. She said there are other priorities like infrastructure and order. She requested to pay more attention to the usage of the park and the lake. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY APRIL 27, 2021 SETUP AS A VIRTUAL MEETING VIA ZOOM DUE TO COVID-19 Mayor Pro Tem Phillips supports eliminating the parking but wants Council to be ready to take the heat from out-of-town guests. Councilor Underwood supports a small amount of parking on the north side, right where it accesses lot 16. Councilor Thuon supports no parking on the road. Councilor Prince is about alternative parking and advertising/educating people on walking times. He said the idea of offering public carts can still be explored, but he will go along with the rest of Council. Councilor Hardy is open to some parking but siding on no. Kathy Ryan commented and apologized for missing part of the discussion due to technical difficulties. She supports no parking on the street and moving the SUP rentals back to the log cabin. She also expressed concerns about bio-diversity. Kris Miller, a Homestead resident, made one final public comment and said she supports people parking farther and walking a little bit longer and said it is a non-issue. Staff will come back with a written report to discuss implementation before Memorial Day weekend. 6. MINUTES 6.1. APPROVAL OF APRIL 13, 2021 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES (TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES) Video Start Time: 01:52:30 Part Two Councilor Underwood moved to approve the minutes from the April 13, 2021 regular meeting as presented. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 7. WRITTEN REPORTS 7.1. April 20th Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Abstract (Planner David McWilliams) 7.2. April 15th CASE Committee Draft Meeting Minutes (General Government Intern Emily Myler) 7.3. Monthly Financial Report (Senior Accountant Joel McCracken) 7.4. Quarterly RETT Report (Senior Accountant Joel McCracken) 8. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES Video Start Time: 01:53:24 Part Two Councilor Thuon asked when Council will return to meeting in-person in Council Chambers. Town Manager Eric Heil explained that Eagle County is on track to rescind the Public Health Orders on May 27th so we would go back to meeting in-person starting in June. IT is working on technology to accommodate a blended remote/in-person meeting format. Councilor Thuon requested to start receiving a paper Council packet. Mayor Smith Hymes said Council can schedule a discussion on whether Councilors can participate remote and what that would look like, and to put this on a future agenda for discussion. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips requested a staff report from Town Attorney Paul Wisor and Town Manager Eric Heil with options on guidance for remote participation. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY APRIL 27, 2021 SETUP AS A VIRTUAL MEETING VIA ZOOM DUE TO COVID-19 9. ADJOURN There being no further business before Council, Mayor Smith Hymes moved to adjourn the regular meeting. The time was 9:26 p.m. These minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk' s office, and the video of the meeting, which is available at www.highfivemedia.org. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Brenda Torres, Town Clerk APPROVED: Sarah Smith Hymes ___________________________________ Amy Phillips Chico Thuon Scott Prince Tamra Underwood Lindsay Hardy RJ Andrade