PZC Packet 080420Notice Avon Notice of Regular Avon Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting August 4, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. MST WEBINAR MEETING ONLY Avon Town Hall operations are limited due to COVID-19 pandemic health orders to restrict gatherings. Physical attendance of the Avon Planning and Zoning meeting is not allowed. Please go to the Town of Avon website, www.Avon.org, and click on the Planning and Zoning Commission bar on the top of the home page to find information on registering to join the meeting. You can also find the agenda and meeting packet materials for the meeting under Government > Planning & Zoning Commission > Agendas, Packets & Materials. We apologize for the inconvenience _______________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS WERE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, AVON ELEMENTARY AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS AT 970-748-4023 OR EMAIL CMCWILLIAMS@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 2020 MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM VIRTUAL MEETING ONLY 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL (CHAIRPERSON HARDY) 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST OR EX-PARTE COMMUNICATION RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4. CAPACITY BUILDING SEMINAR. AVON DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS OVERVIEW. 5. CONSENT AGENDA 5.1. JULY 21 MEETING MINUTES 5.2. MJR20004 L63 B4 WR GARAGE 6. STAFF UPDATES 7. ADJOURN PZC Record of Decision: #MJR20004 Page 1 of 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF DECISION: July 21, 2020 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Lots 63 Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision FILE NUMBER: MJR20004 APPLICANT: Sara Gieb This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code (“Development Code”) §7.16.080(c): DECISION: Approval of the development plan, with the following findings and condition: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. CONDITION: 1. All light fixtures on the property shall be dark sky compliant. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Meeting 7.28 –DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS July 29, 2020 David McWilliams, Town Planner Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC GOAL:Familiarize PZC with Development standards used to assess development applications.Review typical constraints on properties and their ramifications.This will be an informational session where interruptions,questions,and conversation are encouraged. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC BACKGROUND: •Development Standard grew out of Design Guidelines found in the old Avon Municipal Code. •2011 code rewrite replaced lots of “should”language with “shall” •Various amendments have been made since then for clarity,ease of use,and administrative purposes. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Purpose and applicability. (a)Purpose.The purpose of the development standards in this Chapter is to establish the minimum requirements for design and development within the Town.The development and design standards in this Chapter shall apply to the physical layout and design of all development,unless exempted by this Development Code.These provisions address the physical relationship between development and adjacent properties,public streets,neighborhoods and the natural environment in order to implement the Comprehensive Plan vision for a more attractive,efficient and livable community. (b)Applicability.The general applicability of the provisions of this Chapter are more completely defined in this Section.All new development shall comply with the standards of this Chapter.Any modification to an existing development that is nonconforming to the regulations of this Chapter which results in an addition or removal of fifty percent (50%)or more of the development shall require the entire development to come into compliance. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC 7.28.020 -Parking and loading •Defines uses and requires parking minimums/maximums;15%reduction in mixed use projects •Bicycle parking on larger projects •Snow storage designation required 7.28.030 -Access drive requirements. Emergency vehicle turnarounds;discourages crossing 30%grades;discourages significant cuts or fills; limited entries;width;initial grade;maximum grade,drive court requirements;drive-through requirements. 7.28.040 -Mobility and connectivity. •Encourages ped and bike connectivity to and through properties •Vehicular circulation /internal connectivity •Mostly related to larger subdivisions /larger multi-use buildings Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC 7.28.050 -Landscaping. Purpose. The purpose of the landscaping standards is to ensure that landscaping in the Town: 1.Integrates building sites with natural topography and existing vegetation; 2.Minimizes disturbed areas; 3.Conserves limited water resources; 4.Reduces water use and off-site impacts which can affect the Eagle River; 5.Reduces the amount of reflected glare and heat absorbed in and around developments; 6.Breaks up large expanses of parking lots; and 7.Preserves residential neighborhoods by lessening the impacts of potentially incompatible uses. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Minimum Landscaped Area and Maximum Irrigated Area by Zoning District Zoning Districts Minimum Landscaped Area (% of Gross Lot Size) Maximum Irrigated Area (% of Landscaped Area) NC, MC, TC, IC 20 20% of area up to 5,000 square feet RSF, RL, RM, RH 25 20% of area up to 5,000 square feet P, PF, OLD 0 n/a Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Landscaping Units Landscaping shall be provided at a minimum of one (1) landscape unit per fifty (50) square feet of landscaped area, whether irrigated or not. At least twenty-five percent (25%) of all required landscape units shall be provided as trees. Significant landscaping features (trees, etc.) within utility easements will not earn landscaping units. The following table indicates the landscape units awarded for various preserved or planted landscape materials: Landscape Material Landscape Units Awarded Newly Installed Existing Retained Evergreen tree, > 10' high 8 14 Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Landscaping Standards All landscaping elements, including but not limited to planters, retaining walls and berms, must be specifically approved and shall conform to the following standards: 1.Preservation of Existing Vegetation. –awards LUs for preservation; 2:1 replacement requirement; alternatives subject to Director 2.Protective Fencing During Construction. 3.Allowed Plant Materials. –CSU Extension 4.Noxious Vegetation and Diseased Trees. –Regs in Chapter 8 5.Planting Plan Required. –Hydrozones 6.Irrigation Plan Required. –Hardware and sensors; soil amendment 7.Revegetation Required. –Reseed / restored 8.Guarantee of Installation. 9.Maintenance. –Replaced as necessary. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC 7.28.060 -Screening. Purpose. Certain site features are required to be screened from public view or adjacent properties, as indicated in this Section. All fences, walls and plant materials used to meet the screening requirements of this Section shall meet the related standards of this Chapter. 1)Refuse facilities 2)Antennas 3)Satellite dishes 4)Oil, gas tanks 5)Mechanical equipment 6)Loading and service areas 7)Outdoor storage 8)Shopping carts Alternate screening –kicks back to design review Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC 7.28.070 –Retaining Walls. Purpose. The general intent of the retaining wall standards are to reduce the necessity for excessive grading and encourage stepping of driveways and buildings with the natural grade. •Walls only utilized when necessary •4 feet and over shall be built in a series, with terracing •Retaining wall shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height unless approved by the PZC •Compatibility of materials •Engineering certificate for vehicular load or over 4 feet. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC 7.28.080 -Fences. Purpose. The purpose of these regulations is to maintain adequate visibility on private property and in public rights-of-way, to maintain the openness of properties to protect the light and air to abutting properties, to provide adequate screening by regulating the height, location and design and to promote the movement of wildlife through portions of Town. Wildridge (i)Fence material shall be wood and no more than four (4) feet in height; (ii)Fences shall be constructed using a split rail design with no more than two (2) horizontal rails; (iii)Fences shall not delineate property lines; (iv)Fences shall not enclose an area of two thousand (2,000) square feet or more; (v)Fences shall ensure that wildlife migration is not negatively affected with the proposed fence design; (viii)If a fence is intended to enclose an area containing more than fifty percent (50%) edible food crops, the design must be consistent with the following criteria: Size, height, visibility, etc. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC 7.28.080 -Fences. All other zone districts: •Compatibility. “A fence or wall may not consist of a solid, unbroken expanse length of more than fifty (50) feet.” •Materials: Stone walls or brick walls with a stone or cast stone cap, treated wood fences, decorative metal, cast iron fences, stucco walls and stone piers are encouraged. •Fences used in front yards shall be at least fifty percent (50%) open. •Prohibited Materials. Contemporary security fencing such as razor wire or barbed wire or electrically charged fences are prohibited. Chain-link fencing with or without slats shall not be used as a fencing material for screening purposes. •Various height limitations depending on location –front, side, rear, adjoining different zone district Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC 7.28.090 -Design standards. Purpose. The general intent of the design standards is to implement the Avon Comprehensive Plan vision of an attractive, efficient and livable community that features stable neighborhoods and promotes a mix of uses in well- designed community focal points. The specific purposes of this Section include: 1.To achieve the proper and efficient use of the land by promoting an appropriate balance between the built environment and the preservation and protection of open space and natural resources; 2.To protect public and private investment through preservation of open spaces, protection of natural resources including existing trees, providing buffers between incompatible uses and along roadways and encouraging the planting of new trees and vegetation as deemed appropriate; 3.To promote sound management of water quality and quantity through preservation of natural areas and by encouraging the use of native plant materials; 4.To provide appropriate standards to ensure a high quality appearance for residents and visitors of Avon and promote good design while also allowing flexibility, individuality, creativity and artistic expression; 5.To protect and enhance the unique mountain character and economic development of Avon by encouraging physical development that is of high quality and is compatible with the character, scale and function of its surrounding area; 6.To encourage developments that relate to adjoining public streets, open spaces, parks, trails and neighborhoods with building orientation and physical connections that contribute to the surrounding network of streets and walkways; 7.To ensure that the location and configuration of structures, including signs and signage, are visually compatible with their sites and with surrounding sites and structures and that the site design and structures conform to the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 8.To ensure that the architectural design of structures and their materials and colors are compatible with the Town's overall appearance, surrounding development, natural and existing landforms and the officially approved development plans, if any, for the areas in which the structures are proposed to be located. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC 7.28.090 -Design standards. •Applicability: Area-specific design standards, such as the East Town Center District Plan or West Town Center District Investment Plan, shall be applicable in addition to these regulations in the identified areas. In the case of conflict, the area-specific design standards shall govern. Generally Applicable Design Standards. Site Design i.Location of structures complement the existing topography and views. ii.Respond to the climate of Avon through orientation, massing, construction and their choice of passive environmental control strategies and active environmental control systems. iii.Buildings on sloping lots with a grade differential in excess of ten (10) feet shall be designed with foundations that step with the existing (natural) grades. iv.Construction activity shall be allowed in a site disturbance envelope as approved by the PZC and shall not encroach into the remaining portions of a lot. v.Oriented to optimize solar access. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC 7.28.090 -Design standards. Building Materials and Colors: High quality materials •Preferred materials reflect the Town's sub-alpine character such as native stone, wood siding, masonry or timbers. •The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider newly developed materials, and make a determination about appropriateness. Roofs •Oriented so snow and ice does not accumulate over or drop onto pedestrian walkways, parking areas or drives. Special protection, such as snow fences, shall be required for roofs so oriented. •Overhangs shall extend one and one-half feet Weather Protection for Pedestrian Areas Sidewalk Design Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Generally Applicable Residential Design Standards Roofs •residential buildings shall have pitched roofs with a rise of not less than four (4) inches in twelve (12) inches of distance. Primary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and a twelve-to-twelve (12:12) maximum. Secondary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and metal roofs shall have a three-to-twelve (3:12) minimum. Flat roofs may be permitted as secondary roofs or if the flat roof is consistent with the architectural style of the building. •All buildings shall incorporate roofline modulation. •Large expanses of bright, reflective materials are not permitted; however, standing seam metal, copper or weathering steel (corten) may be acceptable. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Generally Applicable Residential Design Standards Materials and Colors. A building's color and materials shall complement and blend with the predominant colors and values of the surrounding natural environment. •Architectural concepts should utilize a limited number of compatible materials. Exterior materials which complement the hillside setting should be used. Stone, stucco, wood siding, lap siding and exposed wood structural members are encouraged in natural colors or earth tone finishes. Four-Sided Design. All sides of a residential building shall display a similar level of quality and architectural detailing. Architectural features and treatments shall not be restricted to a single facade. Duplex, Townhome and Multi-Family Design. Creates a single unified structure and site plan. use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, massing, detail, roof forms and landscaping. While "mirror image" units are not supported, the design intent should be one that creates a unified structure with enough variety and architectural interest to distinguish a duplex, townhome or multi-family structure from a single- family home. Similar level of quality and architectural detailing. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Design Standards for the Wildridge Subdivision. Intent: To preserve and enhance the aesthetic qualities of the natural hillsides by designing projects which relate to the slope of the land and minimize the amount of project grading; and to promote development which is visually compatible with the natural topography of the surrounding area. •Building Height on Steep Slopes. Determining building height on steep slopes has frequently resulted in three-story walls on the downhill side that create an overbearing presence on properties below. Therefore, the visual impact of building height and massing on lots with steep slopes shall be reduced by articulating the building facades and creating proportional stories in a multi-story building. •Building height will be reduced for buildings or portions of buildings with flat roofs as follows:(A)Four-to-twelve (4:12) roof slopes or greater: thirty-five (35) feet. •Less than a four-to-twelve (4:12) roof slope: thirty (30) feet. •Building Design. Flat, monotonous facades shall be avoided; variety and interest along the street elevation; massive, tall elements, such as two-story entries, should be avoided. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Single-Family and Duplex Design Standards. Entrances and Porches. Entry features and front doors should be the dominant elements facing the street. Building Design. Duplex developments should relate to the characteristic frontage of the surrounding area by:(i)Providing variations in height and massing; Respecting the scale and height of adjacent homes; and Minimizing the impact of its larger scale by articulating the front facades to create depth and interest. The mass and scale could have been reduced by including greater variations in building height, façade articulation and offsetting the units. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Townhouse Design Standards. •Intent: Build townhouses with that relate buildings to the street and that achieve a harmonious balance between repetition and variety. •Townhouses fronting a street-individual ground-related entries accessible from the street. Enclosed rear yards back up to a street are prohibited. •Emphasize pedestrian entrances rather than garages, by enhancing entries with a trellis, small enclosed porch or other architectural features. •Design: facade of each townhouse designed so it is evident where the unit begins and ends. •The composition of a townhouse grouping requires repetition of architectural elements like entries, bays, cornices and parapets. At the same time, visual interest and streetscape diversity are promoted by variation. Repeating architectural elements and subtly varying wall offsets, material, parapet height and color add visual interest and streetscape diversity. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Multi-Family Design Standards. •Layout.Oriented parallel to the public street or to the neighborhood's internal streets. Organized around open spaces and gathering areas. •Composition of buildings and landscape features must complement each other. •Open space with solar exposure; internal walkways •Provide human scale, interest and variety. •Vertical and/or horizontal articulation, fenestration, building materials, architectural style and/or roof design. Multifamily building shall be organized around open spaces and gather spaces and provide walkways that connect building entrances. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Mixed-Use and Nonresidential Design Standards. Purpose. The mixed-use and nonresidential design standards are intended to protect and preserve the quality and character of the built environment in the Town. More specifically, the purposes of this Section are to: i.Encourage high quality development as a strategy for investing in the Town's future; ii.Emphasize the Town's unique community character while maintaining and enhancing the quality of life for the Town's citizens; iii.Enhance the Town's sense of place by shaping the appearance, aesthetic quality and spatial form of structures and developments; iv.Protect and enhance property values; v.Minimize negative impacts of development on the natural environment; vi.Provide property owners, developers, architects, builders, business owners and others with a clear and equitable set of parameters for developing land; vii.Encourage a pedestrian-friendly and bicyclist-friendly environment; viii.Ensure greater public safety, convenience and accessibility through the physical design and location of land use activities; and ix.Promote both the sustainability of the structure and the overall community. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Mixed-Use and Nonresidential Design Standards. •Building Orientation. –Reinforce street edge and create pedestrian scale spaces; fronts oriented to streets; ground floor at grade •Parking shall be located behind buildings, underground or at the interior of the lot. •Shall incorporate on-site indoor and outdoor common spaces •Design -should provide a sense of proportion and visual balance; Four-sided Design; compatible architecture between buildings; retail-ready in Town Core; Break in linear aspects; •Storefronts and Pedestrian Entrances: a pedestrian-friendly environment, with human-scale and natural building materials; extensive storefront windows for display and views into the business; and access directly from adjacent sidewalks The pedestrian character of this block is compromised by the large surface parking lot placed in front of the building. Avon Development Standards August 4, 2020 PZC Mixed-Use and Nonresidential Design Standards. •Building Orientation.Reinforce street edge and create pedestrian scale spaces; fronts oriented to streets; ground floor at grade •Parking shall be located behind buildings, underground or at the interior of the lot. •Shall incorporate on-site indoor and outdoor common spaces •Design. Should provide a sense of proportion and visual balance; Four-sided Design; compatible architecture between buildings; retail-ready in Town Core; Break in linear aspects; •Scale and Massing. Storefronts and Pedestrian Entrances: a pedestrian-friendly environment, with human-scale and natural building materials; extensive storefront windows for display and views into the business; and access directly from adjacent sidewalks; break up linear aspects; stepbacks in massing; •Roofs •Windows •Parking structures