TC Agenda 06-23-2020_______________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, AVON ELEMENTARY AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES AT 970-748-4001 OR EMAIL BTORRES@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. AVON TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY, JUNE 23, 2020 MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM (ALL START TIMES LISTED IN RED ARE APPROXIMATE) !! SETUP AS A VIRTUAL MEETING VIA ZOOM DUE TO COVID-19 HOME FOR HOUNDS GRAND OPENING (MAIN STREET MALL) 4:00 PM AVON TOWN COUNCIL PUBLIC MEETING BEGINS AT 5:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL 5:00 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS 4. PUBLIC COMMENT – COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA Public comments are limited to three (3) minutes. The speaker may request an additional one (1) minute, which may be approved by a majority of Council. 5. BUSINESS ITEMS 5.1. Proclamation for Judy Popeck (Assistant Town Manager and Finance Director Scott Wright) (10 Minutes) 5:15 5.2. Update on Community Relief Grants (Tsu Wolin-Brown, Salvation Army and Communications Manager Elizabeth Wood) (25 Minutes) 5:25 5.3. Receipt of Audit Report (Finance Director Scott Wright) (25 Minutes) 5:50 5.4. Work Session: Wildridge Covenants (Town Attorney Paul Wisor) (45 Minutes) 6:15 5.5. Update on Holy Cross Electric Maintenance and West Avon Preserve Trails Restoration (Planning Director Matt Pielsticker) (45 Minutes) 7:00 5.6. Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement for CARES Act Distribution (Town Attorney Paul Wisor) (15 Minutes) 7:45 6. CONSENT AGENDA 6.1. Approval of Minutes for June 9, 2020 Council Meeting (Town Clerk Brenda Torres) 6.2. Approval of Wildridge Community Survey (Planning Director Matt Pielsticker) 6.3. Approval of Purchasing Recycling Can (Public Works Superintendent Drew Isaacson) 6.4. Approval of Locker Room Remodel (Recreation Director John Curutchet) 6.5. Notice of Award – H.A. Nottingham Park Pavilion Deck Waterproofing Repair Project (Town Engineer Justin Hildreth) THIS COUNCIL PACKET CONTAINS BOOKMARK LINKS WHICH ALLOWS YOU TO NAVIGATE TO SPECIFIC POINTS OF INTEREST / AGENDA ITEMS VERY EASILY, BY CLICKING ON THE BOOKMARK LINKS. EACH AGENDA ITEM HAS ITS OWN BOOKMARK LINK WHICH YOU CAN ACCESS IN THE MENU BAR ON THE LEFT -HAND SIDE OF THIS PDF. AS AN EXAMPLE, IF YOU CLICK ON THE BOOKMARK FOR AGENDA ITEM 5.1, IT WILL TAKE YOU STRAIGHT TO PAGE 3. _______________________________________________________________________________ MEETING AGENDAS AND PACKETS ARE FOUND AT: WWW.AVON.ORG AGENDAS ARE POSTED AT AVON TOWN HALL, AVON RECREATION CENTER, AVON ELEMENTARY AND AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION NEEDS, PLEASE, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, CALL TOWN CLERK BRENDA TORRES AT 970-748-4001 OR EMAIL BTORRES@AVON.ORG WITH ANY SPECIAL REQUESTS. 7. WRITTEN REPORTS 7.1. Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority May 28, 2020 Meeting Summary (Mayor Smith Hymes) 7.2. June 16th Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Abstract (Planning Director Matt Pielsticker ) 7.3. Monthly Financial Report (Senior Accountant Nelly Burns) 7.4. Avon Road/Hurd Lane Intersection Safety Report (Town Engineer Justin Hildreth) 7.5. 2020 Capital Improvement Project Update (Town Engineer Justin Hildreth) 7.6. Legislative Session Update (Intern Charise Bishop) 8. Mayor and Council Comments & Meeting Updates (15 Minutes) 8:00 9. Executive Session 9.1. For the purpose of receiving legal advice pursuant CRS §24-6-402(4)(b) and for the purpose of negotiations pursuant to CRS §24-6-402(4)(e) Buffalo Ridge Sale Agreement (Town Attorney Paul Wisor) 9.2. For the purpose of receiving legal advice pursuant CRS §24-6-402(4)(b) regarding existing commercial covenants and restrictions in East Avon (Town Attorney Paul Wisor) (30 Minutes) 8:15 10. Business Item Continued 10.1. Potential Approval of Buffalo Ridge Sale Agreement (Town Attorney Paul Wisor) (15 Minutes) 8:45 11. Adjourn 9:00 Public Comments: Council agendas shall include a general item labeled “Public Comment” near the beginning of all Council meetings. Members of the public who wish to provide comments to Council greater than three minutes are encouraged to schedule time in advance on the agenda and to provide written comments and other appropriate materials to the Council in advance of the Council meeting. The Mayor shall permit public comments for any action item or work session item and may permit public comment for any other agenda item, and may limit such public comment to three minutes per individual, which limitation may be waived or increased by a majority of the quorum present. Article VI. Public Comments, Avon Town Council Simplified Rules of Order, Adopted by Resolution No. 17-05. FUTURE COUNCIL MEETINGS Tuesday, July 14 – NO COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 28 Work Session: Refresh of Avon Brand Guidelines Resolution 20-XX Adopting Procurement Policy (Town Manager Eric Heil)