03-17-2020 Special Events Amended Contract Los LobosPARADIGMf TALENT AGENCY PE'"Ok aANCE CONTRACT , 0 241852 ',� P 1 OF 3 fz w rst srm % AMU. . is &_64p-;LM�1 dam}"a4assg � xr rAce rotds:a-xw u use r40002119-13 Arts Center josh= K "Is p4 dip"Wxy nom THIS PERFORMANCE CONTRACT is dated-�bruary 20, 2020 by and between THE LOS LOBOS CORPORATION which shall fumish the services of Los Lobos (`ARTIST), and TOWN OF AVON (%PURCHASER) for the engagement listed below an the term:: and condlVons set forth In this Agreement. This Performance COntnxt between COMPANY and PURCHASER consists of this, principal agreement together with the Additional Terms and Conditions, ARTISTS RIDER (if any) and any other exhlbits and addenda which are attsdTed hereto and Incorporated herein by this reference (Collectively, this "Agreement'). For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which Is hereby acknOwkedged, PURCHASER and COMPANY hereby agree as (dio": 1. ENGASEIIINT/VENUE: A40N K FO MAiiVENUE: , It USA" WO-bftftr ADDRESS: ��IOM C4 91tit2.o SUPPORT: TBD Suppo1% Sub)M to Arwwr approval DATE OF SHOW: Friday, July 3, 2020 SET LENGIH:90 Minutest SKLOLS (the `Date of Engagement) NO. OF SHOWS: 1 DOORS: 5:00PM /OPENING: 6:00PM ARTIST TIME: 8:01115M CURFEW: 9:40PM - HARD w J ►ruoorm AGES: M AM ANNOUNCE: 04.03.2020 Fri 2. CDNPE MTMN: Upon RD Pftlpl of 1�1A�iK�R 4�fl� 14Gp 11130,000-00 guaranteed to ARTIST (the -Guarantee-). 5duv1U1 oink . Fiat Guarantee: Purchaser to providea::i.peSrie:r baddine and hotel aaommod 4atlaafor one (i) nlgiR) ,all approved by Artist. Q�.O�IIOi� is@bpi. ChterI"g budgeted atfi6ao.og. �N i�1f�AL Q�t0�i 1Q�p t�L V t4 k'� Ac 1 D,R FILWATF- SanO FWL None Mutual Agr"mant:snan Prwall I 3. PAVKWTMUNk PURCHASER shall pay; 15,000.00 to PARADIGM TALENT AGENCY, LLC no tater then Svitdq, P* 3,2= AN PaYmen" shall be payable by bank wYe to, F PARADIGM TALENT AGENCY, LLC ACCT: 1132647" ABA: 122016066 SWIFT CODE: CINAU861- The balance of the Guarantee shag be paid to and In the evening of the Ermaaem mt. IR N�e,�.n..�....r. r -. city National Bank Bawdy Hgle, CA *�lle�t Of ARTIST COMPANY by e0v DI nOt liter then the 6 • PRODYCF10N: PURCHASER to provide and pay for Sound and Ughts, approved by ARTIST. (tAU-%kU KTj OU,,6'Wl,1y LOK['m-) 5. OTWR PROVIwON(s)r i (Tick in / antro . Perfornerrce Contract 261862.pdf Pape 1 03 PARADIGM TALENT AGENCY PERF07iMANCE CONTRACT * 261862 ' PACE 2 OF $ n w swn i000 9S4M JE 0603 ; 312 640.*3 ae LML sjo j7sls sur I MyUCO :oias� Y CA uW Mompav • 30sh'p xrj* 6. ■ItllN6: FWMM 100% Nmdhne - Los Lobos to Clow Show / Openhg ACt TBD, Approved By Argst. ?.1 TICKET SCALINQ AND PRICI k DESCRIPTION QUANTITY COMP PRICE TOTAL ssreAm�°uo^ now - D.Do 0.00 CAP 23,000 TOTAIie 23iDDo 0 •0-oD GROSS POT6NTiAl 0 GM NET POTMnAL S. DEDUC ION& DEDI 9. TAXEM 10. 11. LICE TYPE Yr I 0.00 TAXES_ AMOUNT TYPF TOTAL - 00.00 fANn T NERCMANDI9Er 100% All Herchandise, Artist SW15. POMP WSWA and S rklP,S +CAX l l C nS t n9 r2q u i red . CONTACT DlTMUt ARTIST: I" Lobos W4 too tabor cuparappn LD� as aunm a GW �0 p -w,, CA 900D. Suh- i70 PROMOTER: Tows! OF A.%4011 -fTasrs•.rw.. P.0 !sox a'7s Axom I CA S I Lt2-0 P ASM -TOM of P.O.m vOq (Anlm pGMPSiY 9-10-144Q-4aoc- :vm="v.ao dd Q al Qsa� ac aV*A - OrD PRODUCTION COMPANY OR PERSON: Daaka Daalp W s�o.T�a•w6s mvs-yOsvtpr.9r9 MARKS IM CONTACT: Danita Damps" moa.sr06s d"vwy0-waaro RkALS: Dooms Damppy PerfMnenee Contract 261S62.pdf At9s Y of3 TOD at Advance PARADIGM TALENT AGENCY PIf MRMANCE CONTRACT # 261"2 PME 8 OF 3 n waaws sr, s�sne:oao t �c soao I {sem►sac->aoo t t�:2 ,w0-7LU wr I NVLJr .1iUWJ4-WA a cies WogMM Las Laboe Fr1, ? :1 -c, 2020 30MLeKok" #PO> Wmdlpens9ongesm 970.748-4003 ddessspsa4aven.orp OEPOSiT CONTACT: Danks Dampmny 970-748-4065 dilorse Gavon.4s9 12. ATTACHNENTS: The Additional Terms ✓!< Caiditions, Artist rider, and eny Company addenda attaMed hereto form a pert of this Agreement and we Incorporated herein by this negaence. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. IMPORTANT: ONE COMPLETE COPY of this contract and rider, stned by the PURCHASER, must be received by Paradigm Thknt Agency via email, fax, or mail, no later than Wednesday, June 3, 2020. PURCHASER Tarns MAvon P.O. am 975 Avory C0 916U /sdw Tu ID: 'COMPANY Th@ Los Lobos rs p - ", Lor Lobos r, r nweon do Gwmm a 6rsy .4510 E ftdk 0389 Nssy, Sssee 270 Lag Beath, G 90904 Fsdsnl Tax TDs 9547H224 SgssrNse: .. ✓�� Print Nems: Performance Contrad 261e62.pdf PAW 3 01`3 TBDatAdvanoe AS used herein, the term 'Comparhl' shall have the same meaning as the tern 'Artist �g PNS of this Agreement enlr as dammed im the 1. VENUE: 1.1 Under no circumstances may the Purohaserchange the Venue for the Date of Engagement without Agenre or Company's Prier written rmneermt, which may be withheld In Agent's or Company's $fie discretion, as applicable. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained hereln. a change of Venue fiyy the purchaser In the absence of such consent shall constitute a material breach of this,Agrsemert and Purchaser shall be (fable for the full amount of melon due hereunder regardless of the date on which such change takes place, 1.2 In addition to Venue, Purchaser hereby agrees to provide of necessary permits and Beenses required by all applicable hm for purposes of kWMIy conducting the Event, unless otherwise agreed to by Agent in writing prior to the Date of Engagement, it Is hereby acidwaledged and agreed that Artist shall perform In the pernary (si to the applicable data protection legislation. Purchaser a aar�� to Company fres of charge demographic data gathered In connection with ticket cabs for cies ng, without Ifrtu Bras s arm„ year$ of tkft is for 4t;i� AN . LINE-UP. BUJi D PROMOTION: mat MAW 4.1 (a) Purchaser shall obtain the approval of Agent by e-mail over all edverdeorrwnta and promoticnal material (Including flyer design) using the Artist's name. Hkeneas and/or logos prior to producing and/or dsemrrtnoting any such materials. (b) In respect of the Date of Engagement hereunder. Artist sM receive one hundred percent (10096) headline billing with respect to an artist perforry antes taking place at the Venue on all materials distributed by Purchaser to press and public. Artist shall be blued as set forth on the Artist Mar W dellwd in paragraph 15.6 heroin below) and in no other way without the prior written consent of Agent. (C) Purchaser must use ArtlWe NAMEAM46TA KENESSAMW template (iwrelnaffer, the •NIL Template's In ail Event adveMift (Inciuding, whhout Nmltatlon, poster, flyer. Internet. radio. Til, and print Edvo tlsing� The NIL Template shag be provided by Agent promptly following exeautforn of this Agreement. (d) Artist's artwork must be the predominant graphic element on ail advartisfng. (e) Purchaaw acknowbdges and agrees that the Artlet's name or Mawms may not be connected in any way with any form of sponsorship or endorsement of any kind. Indudkng but not dmhed to oommanobl and poN caL without the prior written consent of Company. Without lmft the foragoing, there shag be no sponsorship branding on the stage on which the Performance takes place without Agent's prim written approval, which may be withhold in Agent's ads discreticm 4.2 (a) Agent shag have the right to gra-approve the talent line-up for the Event. (b) Company reserves the right to choose the perfamning artist who will perform immediately prior to and/or Irnmsdbtely after Artist's set time. rt S p e° 4.9 (e) Purchaser shall use best efforts to adequately promote the Performance by manufacturing and sending announcements, displaying posters. placing advertisements and by utipdng ail other promotio" methods that are standard PROM In the Industry. The costs of promotion shall be bome solely by purdmar. (b) Any materials meds available to Purchaser by Agent or Company. Including, without Ilmitatlon, materials embodying Artist's name. Artist's image and/or logo, and any other InWbalual Property owned or controlled by Artist (heralnetter'NIL MMerW shall be used sdsly In connection with promotion of the Performance on the Date of Engagement and shag remain the property of Company or Angst, as appNoabb. Company ahati have approval over each use of the NIL Materials i>ereunder. in the event that Company dater' rAW In Company's sole discretion, that any use of tits NIL materials may adversely affect Company. Artist or Company's or Move knt leotual property rights, as applicable, upon recelpt of Company's written notice of the fo qP%O. Pumhuw will use best Marta to Immediately discontinue dissemination of the promotional materials Identified In said notion and shah promptly destroy the unused materials or return them to the requesting party at Purohaser's ads cost and experws. House & PRODUOM016 5.1 Not later than ten (10) weeks prior to the bate of Engagement. Purchaser shall submit to Com{mrny's ,q designated nrpresenftft% Oweinafbr referred to as "Com~a RqxgWftVVO, for approval, a written Production proposal pie "Production proposal' which contains fits proposed production budget (Trodudw Budget') for the Evert and sets forth with reasonable specificity all proposed production elements thorefore (Includhrg, without Ilmltatlon. Nghta, video. special 81110010, sound, and stegiro. Promoter hereby warrants and C4—, represents that the level of production of the Event and all elements thereof shag be commensurate with Artist's C) stature in the musical artist melrkst, and shah bs date for the alae of the Venue, as determined by Company's Reprasentalm Except as otherwise act forth herein or agreed In writing between the partba. In no event may Purchaser reduce line item expenditures below amounts set forth In the Pruduotlon Budget as [A approved in writing by Agent or Company's RepreasnUffi , Company shall have the right to Irwlet upon the Pegs 2 019 TIMatAdvance Purct eer lnitiels F� Company i"Rhft removal and/or addition of specdfic elements to the production (e.g., a laser), provided that such additional elements do not onuse production caste for the Evert to exceed one hundred ten percent (iWN) of the approved Production Budget For the avaiderm of doubt, unless otherwise expreaety agreed In writing f� betw m the parties hereto, Purchaser gall roeponslble for and all production costs Including, wtlhout Cly limitation, all oosts that exam thea Production Bua9etrn aaoordanr;e With the foregoing sentence. Tae, o �trE� VAEtT 6.2 In the event of a breach Of paragraph 5.1 heroin above. without limiting any other rights and remedies Company may have under this Agreement. Company shall Q) have the right to rehme to furnish Artist to perform on thus Data of Engagement and PQ shay be endMW to retain any payments previously made by Purchaser hereunder. TBD at Advet a C0MPSI AT1QNt 8.1 (a) Company heathy dlmats and authorizes Purchaser to male all payments due hereunder as directed In the Payment Temno of the fedrrg pies of this Agreement MOMTRACTIRRIM (b) Such payment as aforesaid shall be made as an socommodstlon to Company and nothing herein Contained shay constitute Agent as a beneficiary of or party to this Agroernent. Such payment to Agent shall constitute payment to Company for d purposes of this Agreement and Purchaser will have no Ilabllity to Agent by reason of any erroneous payment Prmctaser mmy make or failure to Comply with such aulhairatlon. Company hereby indemnifles and holds Purchaser harmless against any obits asserted against Purchaser by reason of any such payment made pursuant to the terms of this paragraph &1(b). -n n000tsivi -or aurdlin wh f Mob+ftsbading n1t- aawh :errrirraw then +�0tdIWOW!y IL Documented WOW Cut of Poft Exp M Be Pak! 7. TAXES AND VISA& 7.1 Purchaser shall pay for anyonda*tLxes (excluding any Income or Non-reeldert Withholding Tax that may be owed by Company), which may become due In connection with the Perfonmanoe. d . Purchase shall not offset any ovensee or texas of any type against the Guarantee hereunder. 7.2 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein. Company's federal nonieaident withholding tax amount hereunder may not exceed the required amount established by the applicable tax authority. Purchaser Q.�>M must make w1himiding payments to the U.S. internal Revenue Service and any other applicable state and/or local tax authority pndividually and collectively, the 'Tax Au lhorlty') in accordance with the terms of applicable law, but In no event later than thirty (30) days tram the Date of Engagement. Q1A �Ot. VVASI*4!WMROF ON MqW *& arnat-nt- in the M46M Q IM, Is in breach 9 u m'(L w)%4 `bk'o Papa of B Pum Initlats cwww tnRM and falls to remedy such broadlIVIlmn fivve (5) 1 such breach, Company shelf have night to Pundumr (Ihe 'Tamdnation Notice`} a any a Wrdtago% rights of w ickwhilty) shall be kn a business days of Purchaser's reoelpt of th Guarantee and Agent shag become th fth limiting the foregoing. Purchaser shat Ibnble to Company and/or Artist for Purch s failure to r 10atAdvance isk,wde days of receipt of Company's written notation of edlately terminate this Agreement by written notice to all rights granted to Purchaser hereunder (btchrding, without revoked. in the event of any such termination, within five (5) anon Notice, Purchaser shag pay to Agent the balance of the tg agent with respect to the Date of Engagement. Without * and all penalties assessed by the Tax Authority against Ai mely payment to the Tax Authority of amounts required to be withheld hereunder. dint AngfiCabl 7.9 Under no dreumstances nay Plroftaeer make Dash $a mente wider tlda Agreement. Purchaser hereby ackwwWgn That Agent will not cash deposits as payment hereunder and cash mad violation of the (foregoing promo will be forfetied to Ag and n earned too be bec'ompensaNOn to Company or applied to offset any payments due to Company hereunder. AVbM 6U.stKM L,tUMbf, k Sales -rax L1CF S&) a MfUicItANDltir� (1�QR.dS 8.1 Puroheser hereby gives permission to Company to ad merchandise and other AAlet-related products before, during and after the Performance. Purchaser shall not receive any commission or other remuneration with respect to such sate of mercdandbe or other Artlet-related products hereunder. 8.2 Notwithstanding anything to the oonbW ow talned herein, Purchaser shah ensure that, in the absence of Company's prior written to the contrary. no merchandise other than aaecrmablae and rim of amdfee sold by Company's representatives under 8.1 herein above shell be sold at the Vanua for the duration of the Event. Sum OV FEC. SHLE:17 9. EQUIPMENT AND NowfTAUiY: � � 2ti 6 °O ca{� rg t)u O t2cf) o{ouse 9.1 (a) Purchaser agrees to setup an appropriate performance area that Is free from Interruption. (b) Purchaser hereby agrees to provide, at Purchaser's coat and expanse. a alst.elaes sound and lighting system. to include the equipment and technical cation set forth on the Artist Fader. (c) Purchaser shall check all equipment for defects and to ensure proper tumationing on the Date of Engagement prior to the Performance. Purchaser will Indemnify Company. Agent and Artist koro any liability resulting from damage to equipment arlefng at any time before, during or after the Performance hereunder, except in respect of damage caused by any Intentional act or omission by Artist or Artist's gram misconduct. (d) At any time and without prior notice, Company shelf have the right to cancel or shorten the Performance hereunder ff. in Company's reasonable business judgment, Purchaser has felled to adhere to the requirements set forth herein In respect of the equipment or ti the equlprnant falls to function properly on inspectloru or during the Performance. 10. MWRDINO: Page 4 of 9 Purchase InNals ^Y Inkws 10 2 other Reoerdlrger 1r i %X(A P�0 j1-gvx On We (a« si f c3t.U�d ilx+CA) (a) Purehaheer wararrts that Purchaser shall not, nor shag Purchsaw. authorize others to photograph, video tape, nacord or otherwise reproduce Artiere likeness or Image In any manner, nor shall Punvheser record (Ir any medium) or broadcast (vie any moans. hmluding, without imgation. raft or interrwA or authorize others to mond or broadcast, any pardon the Perfomranoe without Company's prior written art, which may be withheld In Company's �dlnscnsdon, as applicable. t it becomes evident to Ardst or Company that any of the foregoing proh activities Is occurring during the Event, Arden may discontinue Artist's Pertormarwe immediately and neither Agent. Artist nor Company shad be obligated to return any monies previously paid by Purchaser under the Agreanrsrnt. (b) Purchaser warrants and represents that Purchaser wig use Purchaser's best efforts to prevent the recording, by any means or media, and dlssamhination of the Performance harsur>der except as otherwise expressly permitted herds. .a� ' d boar-A-�♦a-d-om'ant-m2 allnes Big ouv �yy, _- . III �,.ri NIV ! ..g �a uva '�#�IP.fl P�t�-�C`{ v,Sed �o� a�� Q�rod►u.c�ionila�oucx�iirt�. 11. CANCELLATION. 11.1 Company Cancellation of Perfomhernm (po Without preWlce to any righft claims or remedies Company may have under this Agreement at law or in equtiy, In the event that PUrdhaser breaches any terry of this Agreement and such breach is not aced In accordance with the terms of paragraph 14.1 herein below, Company stall have the right to Immediately ancd We Agreement. Such breaches Include, but are not limited to, the following: 0 Purchaser does not make timely payment to Agent any amount due as act forth on the Facing Page(s), Ute Receipt of of this Agreement herein above or otherwise materially breaches the terms of this Agrearr" inckading. huMV Exeutted Carg rpt without iimltWon, as contained In this peregraphe diad `Compensation" and 'PaynreM Terms,a raepectiv*, or the Facing Page(s), or fags to parlorm any material obilgation required of Purchaser hereunder, MuWal ftrm dhall PMVaN An On or before the Date of Engagement, Purchaser has failed, neglected or refused to perform any contract with any other performer for any earlier engagement and, flowing recelpt of Company's written demand therefor, Purchaser falls to promptly make full payment of the Guarantee due hereunder; or (Ili) Agent, in Its 4e 0seretlon, determines that Purchaser is unable to pay its debts as they become due In the ordinary course of bualness; or To be defarmished by cause. f � Mutism dMermlnaticmshall prey&" Venue and Artist put of pocket Purr inkkn Page 5 of 40111MM to Do considered CarnPeny Inuit i8D at Advance 10.1 Company's Recardhhg: Purchaser hereby acknowledges and agrees that Company and/or anyone engaged. authorized, employed or supervised by Company, may photograph. video tape, and/or otherwise record, reproduce and distribute such recordings of the Event Including the Performance hereunder ('Recordings'), In whole or In part, In any manner or media, and arty such Recordings from the Inception of rowmI hg thereof, and all copies manufactured therefrom, together with the Irages and/or perfomnanoea embodied thereon, shall be the sole property of CoffgmW or Company's designee, ss applicable ('Copyright !, hWsr"), throughout the world, fres from any e yea . claims whatsoever by Purchaser or any third parry (Includhrg, wMmd Imitation. Purchaser's WWktes, parbrers. Investors and the Venue owner) ('Third Pertyl, and Copyright Holler shag have this exclusive right to copyr1gM such Recordings In its name as the mole w al =I owner and author thereof and to eeours any and all 'X1 fA rerawals and sxteneions of such copyright. Neither Company, Artist nor Company's or Artist's designee shag have any obligation to obtain permission from or provide credit to Purchaser. except as otherwise required by naw.N&W 00 A711101-6— if! 10 190900 10 2 other Reoerdlrger 1r i %X(A P�0 j1-gvx On We (a« si f c3t.U�d ilx+CA) (a) Purehaheer wararrts that Purchaser shall not, nor shag Purchsaw. authorize others to photograph, video tape, nacord or otherwise reproduce Artiere likeness or Image In any manner, nor shall Punvheser record (Ir any medium) or broadcast (vie any moans. hmluding, without imgation. raft or interrwA or authorize others to mond or broadcast, any pardon the Perfomranoe without Company's prior written art, which may be withheld In Company's �dlnscnsdon, as applicable. t it becomes evident to Ardst or Company that any of the foregoing proh activities Is occurring during the Event, Arden may discontinue Artist's Pertormarwe immediately and neither Agent. Artist nor Company shad be obligated to return any monies previously paid by Purchaser under the Agreanrsrnt. (b) Purchaser warrants and represents that Purchaser wig use Purchaser's best efforts to prevent the recording, by any means or media, and dlssamhination of the Performance harsur>der except as otherwise expressly permitted herds. .a� ' d boar-A-�♦a-d-om'ant-m2 allnes Big ouv �yy, _- . III �,.ri NIV ! ..g �a uva '�#�IP.fl P�t�-�C`{ v,Sed �o� a�� Q�rod►u.c�ionila�oucx�iirt�. 11. CANCELLATION. 11.1 Company Cancellation of Perfomhernm (po Without preWlce to any righft claims or remedies Company may have under this Agreement at law or in equtiy, In the event that PUrdhaser breaches any terry of this Agreement and such breach is not aced In accordance with the terms of paragraph 14.1 herein below, Company stall have the right to Immediately ancd We Agreement. Such breaches Include, but are not limited to, the following: 0 Purchaser does not make timely payment to Agent any amount due as act forth on the Facing Page(s), Ute Receipt of of this Agreement herein above or otherwise materially breaches the terms of this Agrearr" inckading. huMV Exeutted Carg rpt without iimltWon, as contained In this peregraphe diad `Compensation" and 'PaynreM Terms,a raepectiv*, or the Facing Page(s), or fags to parlorm any material obilgation required of Purchaser hereunder, MuWal ftrm dhall PMVaN An On or before the Date of Engagement, Purchaser has failed, neglected or refused to perform any contract with any other performer for any earlier engagement and, flowing recelpt of Company's written demand therefor, Purchaser falls to promptly make full payment of the Guarantee due hereunder; or (Ili) Agent, in Its 4e 0seretlon, determines that Purchaser is unable to pay its debts as they become due In the ordinary course of bualness; or To be defarmished by cause. f � Mutism dMermlnaticmshall prey&" Venue and Artist put of pocket Purr inkkn Page 5 of 40111MM to Do considered CarnPeny Inuit UD at Advance (M A voluntary or Involuntary bankruptcy petition Is filed by or against PuroMser, Pwohaser goes Into compulsory liquidation. crakes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, Is in recelvership or makes any composition with creditors. (b) In the event of any oancellation by Company under 11.1(9) herein above, W Neither Agent, Company, nor Artist shall be obligated to refund any payments made by Purchaser hereunder prior to the date on which cancellation takes place, nor shall Agent, Company nor Artist have a ,S 5 $ 4 9 an obligation to mitigate with respect to amounts owed by Purchaser hereunder. jkw $ (ilfQ Company shall have no obllgatkm to furnish Artist to perform for Purchaser hereunder and Company may contract with one or more third parties for Artist to perform for such third parlypea) on the Date of Engagement and MA Met hall be 11abIs to Pa d ass ft any caft a. leases al any y iQ 'PF_9-�roR.MA%(,�_11aPurohsaerco-rro.lteuonwrerrormanoe: Muttall Ag mmu MA 0 If, for any reason prraluding, without limitation, a cancellation under paragraph 11.9 herein below), Purchaser S CA NC.Sc. LLI✓D P»\\ cancele the Performance following the date of execution hereof. Purchaser shall remain liable to Company for the full amount of the Cuarentes due hereunder. ,ov WNMF,t`lIAI- ���i� 11.3 c anceUsuon otdw Performance due to Form 1Majeure Event: 140T 1 G F, (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein. the Partomnance may be aanaelled by either O CU01ID- l°y party due to cause(q) beyond the reasonable control of the parties hereto that would render the Performance hereunder Impossible or make conditiorns for the Performance hazardous. Such causes shalt Include, but not be Nmiteed to: acts of food: weather, acts of war, riot tire: expioeion; aocidant; flood: sabotage or terrorist act: transportation fallure or delay; governmental or cast ordered laws, regulations, ' OMPAK� AIM ST requirements, onda a or actions: Injunctions or restraining orders: strIksW or injunction (provided that neither party shall be required to aetfhe a labor dispute against he own bast jrdgmen!), technical failures kG9- E, E. -FO beyond the reasonable control of the parties hereto, or other causes of a similar or ciftent nature beyond fm ON A Company. Agent reasonable Arfist Ad be held Nublsori any losses, costa or damages Whatsoever au fered by Purchaser due to Misys failure to perform as a result of a Force Mejean Event. �1,rCu.A�.ti✓y . \b4-EE.A SLi bk--C rC. WHIRMa to PRIM, COMMY WIND Do �tkOQ... -TD J CT O2, �,CZ l Z o 21 . Mtfiltal ernefit SWI Prf til 11 A Cancellation of fire Perfomsnce due to Inespacdtating hires$ or Aaddent to Ar ist: In the event of an Ir taring Ontese or accident to Artist or essential crew member or the death or terminal hfinees of a no. bar of Artist's family that prevents Arild from being ready, willing and able to perform a Date of Engagement hereunder, it Is understood and agreed test p) Artist shall not be required to perform the scheduled engagement(s), PQ neither Company, Agent nor Artist shad be ilabte for any costs or losses of any kind whatsoever suffered by Purchaser. „ .owl WIF 11.5 Company wanornte and represent that Company has accepted this engagement In good faith and will use Company's reasonable goal fadh endeavors to cause Artist to fulfill MIeNe obligations hereunder. Page 5 of a Purdwsa Initials oomp" Inrsb 12. SECuRRYAweIVISUR/MfCE (SUAXXO� QVX>Nr%dQ6 NTOWPI 0� AV.ort j Bol d hired ` 12.1 W Purchaser shall be responsible to provide a asfe environment for the Event Including regarding the staging. stage covering, bkKMcal grounding, supervision and direction of the Perla m ince, and adequate security, so that the Performance and all parsons and equipment are free from adverse weather and other unsafe conditions, situation and events (`Dangerous Conditional. Danyarous Conditions may Include but not be limited to recent acts of violence, data or political unrest; faulty or insufficient electrical power; Inadequate or unaate staging; Inadequate rash barder, rain penetration or any other his condhibn whlch, In the reasonable opinion of the Artist or Artist, may resu t in damage or Injury to Artist or Artist's equipment, or to anyone engaged or furnished by Artist, or to any other persons or equipment for whom or which Artist may be held responsible. Artist and Artist shall not have any HOMINY for any damage or injury caused by such Dangerous Conditions except to the extent such Is solely and directly caused by Artist's or ArWe negligence or willful misconduct. (b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herahn. Artist reserves the right to decline to furnish Artist perform M. In he sola dfacretlon, Artist dow conditions at the Venue to be Dangerous 0ondtlions.-inihe4vent M �Aua) Aylia+mment 00 PwaR (c) Purchaser will provide and pay for an adequate number of sober, able-bodied and clearly IderitMable professional security persons for the scale of the Event and in accordance with the terms of the Artist Rim Security must One= safety of Artist and Artist's equipment. personal property. Artist's crow and vehfdes for the duration of the Artist's stay at the Vanua (Including, without limitatlm, the parldng facilities and surrounding grounds). 12.2 (s) Purchaser sgreas to provide public and general HOMINY Inarrarae coverage Onclding eutomoble, liability and comprehensive) to protect against any dalm for personal Injury or property damage or otherwise brought by.or on behalf of any Third party. person. firm er omporatlon as a resultof or In connection with the Date of Engagement, Induding as a consequence of the Installation and/or operation of the equI ment provided by Artist. In addition, N Is agreed that Purchaser shall maintain In effect a polloy of worMwIs compensation Insurance covering all of its employees and other personnel who are Involved in the installation, operation and or maintenance of the equipment provided by Producer. The Purchaser further agrees to pmvlde full Insurance coverage for ell equipment provided by Artist or Artist's a"ft contractors and employees against fire„ theft, dot or any other type of act that would cause harm or damage to equipmern. Without smiting the foregoing, Purah ow shall also secure and maintain a commercially standard event cancellation Insurance policy for the Event which dose not exclude cancellation for a Force fulejaure Event or an indemrent weather cancellation, except for the fallowing exclusions: acts of war, fall= of mins of transportation; terrorist ac; govemunernal or court ordered laws, permitting, zoning, licensing or other clty/municlpal/atate/parish issues, or other oom marcle reasonable excluslons. Purchaser shall supply Aim with certfficetes of Insurance showing coverage OKLA %r- the Fthe above at least ten (10) days prior to the stow date. However. If said certificate Is not mosived by RT�QVt:SS£b Agent prior to the above date, then Company at Company's elecllo n may terminate this Agreement. if Company elects to furnish Artist to perform the Engagement and the certllloates of Insurance have not been received. Purchaser is still solely responsible for complete coverage as specified above. (b) Purchaser shall obtain and maintain, from the date hereof through completion of the Engagement, commercial general liability insurance coverage as requhed under sub paragraph 12.2(x) hereinabove and shall name Company, ARtet, and Agent as additional named insureds In an amount of not less than m Million Dollars 01,000,0014 per occurrence (but in no event In amounts less than the limits require by the venue) and workers compensation and ernployses. Habiity Insurance (Including atop gap liability where applicable) with minimum limits of One Million Dollars (01,000,000) par claim (but in no event In limb less than those required by law and/or less than the limb required by the venue and/or as act forth In the Artist rider, if any). (c) Purchaser hereby agrees to Indemnitor and hold Company, Artist, Agent and their contractors, amhtioyese. licensees. designme and agents (IndkIduaiy and collectively. the "Artist Indemnitees") harmless tram and against any ions, damage or expense Including reasonable aftarneys' fees Inourred or suffered by or threatened against the Artist indemnitess in connection with or as a result of any claim for personal Injury or property damage or otherwise brought by or on behalf of any third party, person, fimv, entity or corporation as a result of or In connection with the Engagement, which claim does not result Page 7 of s Purchaser Irrlsele �0 Company lnmws TBD atAdvarloe directly from the gross negligence or wLWul misconduct of Artist and/or Company's employees, contractors, licensees, designees or agenic. (d) Purchaser also hereby IndemnIffes the Artist Indembe a from and against any and ail lose, damage or expenee resulting Iran any damage or destruction to Artist's equipment or that of He employess, contractors and agents, Inside or outside the Venue, Including but not limited to damage or destruction occasioned by Force Mejeure events. (e) The Artist Indemnhass shall not be rseponalble for damage or Injury to any patrons, or the venue, or any ibdere or personal property therein, caused by fans or terry others rat engaged by Company or Artist Purdwer shall Indemnify and hold the Arden Indemrdtess hamdes9 from any third party calms concerning the foregoing (as provided above) and no ckdm, deduction or offset shall be mads by Purchaser In respect of same. I& PURCHASER'S WARRANTIES AND REPRESEIRTAT1ON8a 13.1 Purchaser hereby acknowledges that Agent Is only responsible for procuring bookings and may not be held liable for any breach of owdred by Company or Artist hereunder or under ary other agreement between Company or Artist and Purchaser. 13.2 Purchaser warrants that Purchaser shall not advertise the Perfa lance 0 Purchaser's welpt of Agent's written authorization to advertise the Performance. 13.3 Purchaser represents and warrants that Purchaser is the responsible party for matdng all payments hereunder and has sufficient funds. f moing and/or Insurance �#II Purdreser's obligations hereunder. grren 14. DEFAULT, NOTICE AND CURE runsdy abed bras& 14.1 Except as otherwise expressly art forth heroin, neither party to this Agreement shall be deemed to be In !reach of any of Its obligations hereunder unless the party not In trach serves spi We written nofice of such alleged breach upon the party In breach and the party to breach shell have felted to cure such breach,41MM, SW 1601 Drys ddreaeesat g' y m 410M party. MY V1 Inall Ougletwed.,- L"14 S FL Mini 011) 1610102 (with 9 cup. 0 MM 6MVAk"W1p%r1rtMR dak��Rlnql -a- twos a4s; hs-datlr W 0 4 r rno Arm = Agreement Shall Prevail �. 14.3 In the event of default by Purchaser hereunder, In addition to any other amounts due to Agent and Company hereunder. Purchaser shall be liable to Agent or -Company, as applicable, for anyn hlor Is and tees Incurred by Agent or Company "uding, without Ilrnitation, all attorney's fees, costs of debt collection or in respect of any legal action taken by Agent and/or Comparryj In connection with amounts dire hereunder. 14A Without smiting the foregoing, Interest at the highest rate permissible under the laws of the mate of CoWro-do 90114apais shall accrue on any amount due to Company h &%W which such payment Is due. Experrses to Be Pak! IL M1ICE11 saEOU& 15.1 This Agm. ant sets forth the entire understanding between the parties, ores or written, regarding the subject Whetter hereof, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous negoflatiom or understandings between the parties. No amendment, modification. or wahrer of those Terms will be vaild urdeua ad forth In a written Instrument signed by both parties hereto. Should any portion of thin Agreement be domed null and void under the law. the remainder shall remain In full force and effect. Page 8of9 Purchaser hwtlale. Company Inkleb TOD at Advance 1ti.2 Purchaser agrees to Indemnity Oompany, Artist and Agent for any lose, costs, damages or Ilebilitas @ncudinp, without limitation damages for any loss of good will and Injury to Artist's reputation) and Company's and/or Artist's actual attomsy's fees and costs In connection wfth any salt or arbitration or other proceeding, whether or not reduced to final judgment or award. arising from Purl agar's IN moo! of this Agraimaim 15.9 (8) This.cantract shall be governed by and construed under the leas and Judicial decisions of the State of 601 O(OA 0 . GdOmAll Claims and disputes arising out of the Irterpretation, performance or breach of this Agreement 910 be submitted exclusively to the JurlodtcHon of the courts of the State (stets C O 1 ovo,.dO provided however If Agent and/or ArM Is sued or joined In '6 any other court or forum In respect of any matter which may give rise to a claim by Agent or Artist S hereunder. Puralmser hereby consents to the jurisdiction of such court or forum over ary such dalm . which may be asserted by Company and/orArlid. .h 6Mlttt101 Agmernent 8hafJ Prevail 8 (b) The prevolling party in any legal action {alter all appeals have been taken or the tires for left such appeals has woked) brought by one party against the other and arising out of this Agreement shall be arrtitied, In addition to any other rights and remedies avallable to It at law or In equity to reimbursement o for iia costs and exparwes Qncluding court costs and reasonable fees for outslde attor, op and expert wltnesses) Inounred with�r sp to the bringing and rt�ining of any such adlon. The term •prevailing parW for the purposes paragraph shall Include a defendant who has by motion. judgment verdict or dismissal by the court, successfully defended against any dalm that has been asserted against it. W%V%1k\ 15.5 Additional ddare suppited by Company, Including, wttroart bri talion. Artist's technical and hospitality, ddere (Individually and collectively. the "Arts! Rider") are annexed hereto and made a part hereof. 18.0 Facsimile and scanned copies hereof shall be deemed to be originals. 15.7 Wherever In this Agreement approval or consent In required. communiastlone may be meds via small and approvals made via e-ma11 shell be deemed written approvals for purposes of this Agreement. 11t.ti This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shalt be deemed an original but aY of which together shall constitute the some Instrument. The counterparts of thls Agreement may be exAcuted and delivered by elecbonle or digital means and the rooetvfng party may rely on the recelpt of the electronically or digitally signed or delivered document as a binding and enforoeabis agreement. 18.9 Purchaser may not transfer or assign this Agreement or any rights. Interests or obligations without the prior written consent of Company. Any amdgmim nt In violation of this paragraph 15.9 shall be void. Doutinettted VMS Out of PWA bperm tea M Pott Page 19 of 9 PurdwWr Imitate IL 4 �r TBD at Advance Los Lobos Conte Rkler page 1 of 5 Lm Lobos Con Biber POCK ate of oQM 5 Thi miler le-adve�erelo pest of am aohhaat dated �%A2 laio pp end retI Q omnaw to. Purdmw rc Er, to meet On toNowbtg ragWromerth at tdsd* ertI I an' t. MUMS Ot aN heed ea abxWons ArM shal main IOWA h$Wr a MR* gl_aMK a M "*w bi *aid fh=h t9� Jl fc t5 . c �� c;j.. When not heep Arded ehel eMr�a� Mow" 100% epeolet pueot Nat bMt+p. fi a lada•=-r='^3'rrU end ��iic� ° .^�4i;-,.��t' bs 6N1sd ad: LOA LObw M CONTRACT & �. IUA1pE IYMA.IEltRE ArHaCs 10 Aantfsit the attertelnrreeot unit refamd to harofn hs atdt�eet to fila delertNor�-ar prevrrrllorr by sklowas, kwbRto pwtwm, swoanr', mama of ftw%v tAdm. Aot ed Ood, WA sirurae, lobo r dltl . WNWON&Waid or mw atony pubb moto*crow cum dffdlsr, or dle wft bwyond AAtefe oomrot, Proukled /trust le ready, uNine snd able to Petfood, Pumho w some io aorttpaaaae AM in soocrdmw v t Ute terms rrereaf repereUsa of Aot of Oo the. orodQeni, riot, :T� c., or au4► a �rq► Idnd of altaraa W v ttebtdoewr, whether ebrft or drse mA to the am* 0" would Pt�euard or bttlerkre wph �s P * of the OWN ha+eNWN. 4. OOMTtMDL OP PROMOTION; Arndt Owl haw omrtlrol owr the and ��?"a ,,; Palmlim a of the � uud! In =vwoUw % t the er�emsnt, Ireolutdh►P bed rat Nee del k meava ` and sonde of the perlollfrnsrw of do entmboetmew unttend aaahrns Aw.hereof, end the perm to be eatployrd by �, Adid Into peotftloras hereof on AMM part b be pmf_ waw R le epealR 0j unhadoWdnd aamt that a � k� ro��,Je of Aft dol M dherdlnp per+adnrtsl opw*gf sl 8ghtbrg end dotatd {,0� equlpenent dtalntp end sedt pertiumanoe aetd trerrlbt. ; Q'A.OV14£0Q�v Tb S1'h�r�r n%e�,Lti�f1T f:5 Oundt N►R.l.6 Stcu�Ra MW# peraor r0K edtdp Md � 1he Irate of Ut.h � v a* e� tltelr�}Mtal�depariur�e. w0dant nu nWr d V= tt eiself be proAft for fie v0ps and beftbas won't No= Ural no eseamarinad persona wW be on abo or bade t p at vjw tone, Pwtlo ik* dwft NeeAN Bear* etntf duM be undertlee eUreat wpenblon, dl�an, end o�rol Antlers Four htalaww. AMs lmrdr .d carr pems wNt be aid total access b wy pot of Uro value. Drily 0ym pseeae wN bo dbwad bedotage duff do dhowerooept brWwft, paremen+l . B. AAvWVAL OK 01HPGWORAt4d'6: Artlet rwavee Vo apprwwt rVd of any adw pa omr, to appear In eiorde"lorr wo 111 bin and go ftM todelem*w the l Vlh aM rd*m of Nash paflomunoo A.a40hd A4 Ptettheeer agdoes ptare w#I be no mow of Cmanant w, ra wefoamtnp apeeoltes, no LWodaadiora, era- no oerorrtordaa et trdere nbteiwt e>orept eas ArW may tithed. 7. 110" OF PCItIaORIIU►ti N OWN, AWNN Mdse ROMOWk No Pott 4f the Peds mwm d herwmdar may be brosdoset, 00WOr OML reeoe+dad ffird f,t errtrvdi•e In soft form far dery peirpoacr -for reprodW% arch performenoa eaNheut ArWfi prtor itw•Ntw Cmeeer�t.Pv vorhaear vM ftW enh ono@ W any' Persona OWCAep audio or uldao reoor%V ftvVse trWudbV not a* menta of Nle wlenw, tM ria proms and e ata There wM be no l,, � r+! ,: oamenaa edwmd. Thea vAl be nonrte�e arooam for vtraloprMpherF. Tbb o dq u tx R4Mt on V" N* " UATCLnce,) Nite.�t Vv,otog�u.pvu�-r ah sits a�tt�. AS of 412015 Los Lobos Cor*06t RWr page 2 of 5 fllnea�j 8. u�..�f ASSUMES {UUP l/eUM. BOO as ae01086 heron OUM I /FOOM ��fj f...�e8" fabllpy and � III �-d�'T�'^�f �`�i ^ N/Y�em. dwnsps feuded b or based uytan or predua M Of the stow Or atlowvx 111 MdtlOh Arad b t0 appear Itentrrtdar mutual Agrsetetsnt Shah F 9. 1 DVOnSI 0: AOM mint "We aA edusrUft . but no Yn Md to pdrlt, radio and 110110WISIM Prior Ib prion or brasuloeel. purdtseerw b feat a mack�rpad sx>py be At>IdW ItperwretA. Ard,t etgtet be adowsd a roeaWjgq arreount of tlrtre b alther sppr*vs or Mabe dlartpee. Pbese twig Paud Ootdn on at MONINVOY bttenudkrtal Artiste, Itta at tI 475aft Manterey PeakAtde Atels, ina, ham pmvked the approved retro to be used In adver kkVi and p umolift No osier pirate, plctun, g loft sten can be used unless epp oved in wdit in advanos by ArBet: io. RAOIO STATION OR P11oom copmmmr~�=L"~'�"' p 's; AN fess of :fr �ti�{ " Wheaw rpait offaanorrgoft serfam or ofthw sow for ATMs drove, mud be sa�osa� by arUsti's �. Aq pr�an for h6tdttdfng ani+ tis -h1 wM a nxilo TV, resew or peados mu �: ;� dsa=� VMh and approved by AdM prior to any aotdYrr rt of such do4ri, aoixeslerlt orpnaawie. Also, any oe-emote sidndOn hh wany promoW oMar t ms r as ahown will teat reed apprsua! of arlbl. by110" A li. BMOldMANO VjW M o road Marro et went be pi&Admd lwhlt a aoraplle aaeoowttlng at ` M hoer oAla ihia a+emintlnp dull Includes edlrgtortded awen"ftm the 11dmt prtlwt&tg eorrtpany, se well W e• oris, end phclaoopas of sA show +o�erleea161Rr1gs•-�Perri+Nsspehb trldtlout prior augior�lbn 5\�� from ArOft I;lapro e. ,ALL panr� to AM or nnwds lr+eee�unlaea �m Expenses 00 11 '11111 eped�e arrar�emanlr nr minds prlOt to to day of the pwfameartoe wllh the Artist`s aigertcy. The apeaft �v, Ones A and W* Af hr"ltdovvtb of the tscphyr where lite ANN Is to patters under thio spre+rNA be oielaty ptN►ied an Ina Leos oiahs A.F. of IL wr&ad to widen site eoreanmM to edsOWIL M otlBflTlj AND OMM Purdrastar SPOSS, b male a0111abls to Ardst, m no deaf fe, uP to 96 of pre beet � b the in#* ale do hAftft ouse 9 e ePoW In �xaes�d Artlet lThisAnamin area where �dwl� of O �p1st). E: tktder no I& PI RAMS TO FULF" OBLMAMM Each area of the taste Anal ooMi ION of ibis Cl 11b Is Of doe eeesees Mints agrSetnent{a�nd neoe farAtgd's f��p�pa�dan_fta�noe har+liatdau In rite aAnantP�nr���.�.yreNs�3 ����nyi�ab�p.�ro{a�lde ;. ?4! �� IWHw hiererTr a.{i11fN IONfa W me1W arty ��' � as h�tNe a11FV ■� .q. ream to perlaM lids Oardraol, si--..+:: retala my amou►fa ri+wei n pdd to ArM by Purchaser, and Ptnnheeer rh:n MMM jobb Add for de agreed prep herein sent &a. In add 0o n, If on or beta 1 00 ride of any achedukd concert, Puroluuer had lathed, nosed, or Mused to perlbnn erg► Onstad "MOW otlmr performer for a.; or N dee lhOWN gmWhW or credit of Purchi*W has bean pnpalraa or Is In ANN'S opinion Onsaraa#to0q, klile stall Tuve the il�ht to tend fhle ort OOMM by nohow to PranllasN fa that ails and ti each everll Artlet s#�e�1 rolsin arty anrount tlysrsitalforepeldmArMby Pardheser: CD% OT OAO 14. MODWMTION: It Is understood and egroed BW the owdrad nv y not modMed or alters . aooaept by are I IoM in vArd, sited ht armaimw with pre ISw of dee ISM ii 7W owtirwt nay+ not be fid, or changed. motdQed. or Obred eyed by on hrmbeanent In wtnbimg signed by the peruse, NWff0 In thus -- Shap raqu�ke Ole petbrnroutos of any pot sanitary fa des law or ribs ndes Brod rege bom of my when, WX or SUrrller body havbl l�ris d;cn over esrviaee of MIA at serer the pelf MnM herounder, Whenever ere b a oonfNd bdbween s� r pmtds[ote of this ootdraat mind any lata. or any Suds ride or roguMon of any Wali union, guK or shillar body, ouch : ate, nth or reputation shall provall and Oda wiftd ahudl bo or"lled bow etdent necessaryb ell n1note won aoaEct We Is the sob and ao WOM spa between the p ee with respect to the ertgagmnent. t� In this eohd deers be oonsaared to oonat<tute tft e � as a pwbwrs* or vmWm, grid ardat ghd not be aloe in whole or In part far arty of the pmerimlons hereW, ar of mwise. nn G c Q iAIA p`�� 1C7 DA kLS To be determined by cause. Mutual detenninationstall pmwr6. Venue and Artist out of pocket expenses to be con"red 16. 1010L�IWPtQATtOid: Los Lobos Contact Rider pale S of 5 b Ptrrchaam prase b bdmilr��jr and W.,,,., .h��illo,/r� Is AIfNCytil�ld�{h. la WVIOYSK On 1�l l dmk c W ti,-GYOAi WW spelnatanych! 1 wed# a*m9f-tbemerldawWawM),aapmlil m,donsoms, ,�1Yr Jtldglnsm sr,*V at of, or In aonrwon amb orya sk% doe mid or made by aw thkd pw If such arts r WW&wrd as AMM ar WAW ob oe of Me b. Pidahtrtrr afmp also ktedenlnAj►and Isola herrfdess AfAri wA hb o0flhatbrS ,t '- agetlbm t)om srl mpW wily and ali kw% dt�a amtr cladmedon oocunbw b 11 Seal r h Caribysai', =� ; t €�.:� or now kvwdte u andOWAMyog al the p1m at to &Vxpnm4 mdudit but not t n*W b, ditlWa, Jul" or dilolihiaSm otuasdG4 IsAllllscb ,Rwdaw ahs ad hddArtbl trapmm of artd tram ~ 011111M. 406 &WW 6W mPIPrQ tO om Pr haear egroes m proafds aarrtprefmrtlMe u blarrenoe Vrldtrrbp ttriAlalrt Att�dlorr, caurraAr b 17. 1NStm s mpteberd ON wd A IUD paaohs am a oolteaqusnoS ofAle htrtalimYon andmrapararorl o(hm rrmnt and mento pro d by lyft MAW b anpicyIft M*Bdora end %Wb). &mh lbft MI* mm* dW be to Ale a+vw im*&W by the venue, but 1n. ra ~ dW h m a hods of latae Alan One Ubw [roilw+r 01,WQ00dA0) aambkmd sliVs Bildt bo ft h ft and praWV dere Such kis Toes shat! be In ful b m and esrrd st an ernes Add or any of hW4 apmrts or kldtlp nibs d amcactors are ki Om of peft ma wL AdK mrldlfor its unpbyewy oonftemm AeGPM for Ata enyapa neemeow Irmorreagoresl ArtiW, km and faafmgers dW Ills s ldmd an AddlAOW IrlezW wWv suoh kataunoe end dft tA be Mlditated an Ow padkmat O %Ulwata of Mmbrarloa. Purdmw Sita epees b pmvfde a popq of Werkmane 0"0001111" on of eftrpwpa WAVON Party oonbealoro. Pratda m timber r. -p3, a In; PfaU st tike Irtminanmcovwsps for ad aptnvM and Irmtnrmer lts PON" by AM andfor ftemodpmmN oantle aperds ayhlflat Ilrstau ea of any vow mm of ad or avant oaumMg berm or damage b, a kms of, the keafinrrente and agttlpm�t m prvuklad. Cs of kmura*los rdatkp b Ow aawrps O ded above mhall be to nWW by Ptmcllamar b kit at tsars Winn (14) dvys pdw b the ArWm Mum b mq met or rwulmw mvah larsom ambomfee dM riot aB'sat Artfd's or Ptatdlamar'a harpLmdw. The Ptadllumr weararda tat h"too hes moplNe teal pd b"We pA to ikwum lea. This nkm be prodtrmed to the Ardat upon row. ta. Salem MOM kd i kw arid VULS +Om ll u g in�J' f q t" WtOWL* � . a. ArOW ltmw rale and bra aM*J IISM to Sett OWL*ma,'�ncbrd< t111dil - but rot Wed to. proprrmr, aft hah and berttww, to mnrraatton wM and at the place oravqmmit hwwAUW. Mild "I mh* T 0096 ofd proceeds from such eater b. Abeoltet * no mardw d so ( mkm tp 7 -shots, brodmit sto.), bee ft tom ArWfa nmme or Fess Shag be pttMlled or manubahm wMlrout Otltrass wmn parmMr ton of 2w Afdd or the AdVe augwrlasd R ". Any Rams mdd buff aha Art's rmme or Omrme aro sub)w to nopodtrrtlon of psrecantmpa for ayou b bs paldter ANst and/w sit aalrorl. a PuNtow tj pnoMde a*udo &pow for Adkft detlprlits to vend auah mawK and apfees dad AdWrfi desacs Shall, as M may mrp , c, have aootur marry raid sal Iaaamoz mnd arty mrd d arm 64aow to Ars NAM IL IN'!>ARVIl31 . AN bftmb rm for aha t>avtatl mollis motet heels pla apprto W d do MnieL (l* bookie prose or ttnradoaet k+tsnAews vrAl be pratltsd, za. PRBae OLIPPiM Raw bn and d pe g dfp ft eslaiod to this dote to the ArWS figulcy. V-po iN r vqt As+ 21. OONTRAor AND RIDER PIgiFJLL mm. Pummw er reprowntmm vm fwdeolwm mokhg powmm mast ba bl the had end e x i o l adr km load M utldl two holtrsitwom atlmx ends. In Ate cess d afgraonsd termL 1hs tante c f thls fader sW pmM over arty otter. All terms of ft tidal' aro speeft* aooeptmd by Pumtmer oftu they► em. %wrid by the AM JW at AMM LW LOBOS dell tmtie tra" over the produotMar, and of thmlr portion of the � "per . qui or P dwW a did In adwanos of Ale show dde ift Are Aftft raprwPON", - 11AttIAtm;wr! nee L%P rWrrraaawnl — xwn euwres a eraSetar way — ts+p �z-taloa tl LfNR )DM Kr%N -- Mwdwq Irlterrtettortal – (W 2) 840.7a00 i Los Lobos Conb d Rider page 4 of 6 Producer shall supply at 12,000 a* Cast to PU 1,>✓� f9A o u� Ardd the Front d House: 40xlbQ MW 4 bands EC, 4 FX busses (Yat ,OWdeslpn,Iktsa,OrwO. 4 nits gales, 8 oornpressor llrrR+ers (BSS, pOXj, 1 Yarrrafra rev 9 ar 7. Yanaha apx 9 or spot M. 1 RoW d SDE x000 d19W deW hm 1/3 octave Ebb, ad player, aasoMr WSW at R* poeltbn, err,ar a, a in ft with system. Mix posOm shd be at oerrtar from Ow slaps„ not under Any daloontes or othsrr 5*o r, strtuines, And usuafp+ not more fm So frt, ftm the 9r�-s, In large venues. Mbt poemm is suited to okr mbmea divanwon. ;.<i r: House PA system must be wbquMs to tourer 11091 of MM oapeft SO oapabb of ropmdtioing a We varlet► of acoiudc: Instruments at a nomW level and oleo a loud rock show (EAW, Meftkn, Turbosounnd). SPOWW post M Is WOO to our mbtere dfecnMlon. Monnw Brehm; 40x10 mixer (Midas, SdundaraftYsmshs� 4 band EQ, varlabie input altenuaft% sob, and muting. 9 mbk9es, 917nl Octave EQ, are wedge fbr a VInew, 2 Yamada sect 90 or spx 900,12 f2W wedgaa, 2 drurn t'Igs, A9 mbMS are hIqM or frump, no paaWn a+osamAre. Mbt posMon of'f a left with easy stags aaoose W mordtor oVkww and In sight of the artier. The fobMng are it an our rider and we in awsobft SoundhiK TAC, Peavey, Abn t1. Heath, H k Rare, DOD; Communtyr or home made AW 2x1 1/3 oaWs EQ with the Intobt, Mint trusses, usratage and downstage. 48 Instruments, bur washes, ebt dMMAW epsaiels, lbu r specials on upstage truss, tnpenly four ohsnrlet Wo open board, iwo spot lights, dear-oam or d r equivalent spat operators rators. Purolww ehafl pr rystem between W& Wo quafflted spot cper kxL teleses, no smoke msddnet of any M* wigs the Assist has the claps. TBDatAdwarroe M one 8,xM2' mens. 00 csrp=e,s ,d and sldrtOd with black duvatena ArM nquies a production Office All one and pWam* two A own Was. Roam must hm • desk with an tufts oto wish whas% bo worldnq elecbrlcal outlets. The phone e+rvice sham be est up w that o4trorg emit am only be melt ai a credit omd or oollect baths. Artist wS requke scows to a 'copy m=Mw from kod IN fa start of $how. Arftj may be oar7ft bodCdnop or ooiar soft goods to be Mata upstage ordrum nears. Purd ser shell provide: bur looters at snuck both for bA load In and a4, bur hankie fcr set-up and gar dawn, bwYo trends for stw CA and on nroner wish a car who VA need to be riMMe at lama In and be avaflawe unM load -out Is corrpieba A, quaftd elecMcbpn wo be rsgrdrod to Ue-h Sound and I;Ights dWbw, and be on call stall *roft PUMhsW stroll prow tr.'+ for Ardet's Ar'9st MWOWANG W* WAN pct paftg raqutr+or wdL SOLUM A eourrd*aok may be ne"red on the day of psifcrrrwwo. alter and ordy after ell sound and Whift nt Is biftov propeft 19101h uw*nneseeiudlllfcrdly, 4 "t telae Marc90 nftdes after that This must occur Prbr to ft openh g of the house. ffAtF All outdoor shoes mutt ha -W roofs/oMS" for the Met. For xachnical/Audi* Advance Questions Please Contact Rick Deputy 0 775-046-3059 / rdeputy0ollaol.com TODatAdvam LAS WOOS CONTMOr FEDER PAGE a OFF LOS CATWL-90 H ESV, REVISED 04/15 PUROFI MWILLPROVIDE7WDa AN.WELLIT,PANAW.LiOCKABLE DAl m ROOMS WHm miALL BE HEAVEN] OI1 Am OQNDl1'I m m IS APPROPRIATE. OMM • PUROIIASHR ML PROVIDE THE FOLLt7YMG OAT'ERM MSK K 1 CASSOPSOTTNilD WATE4r Qti t. WEAL Qtov %b EA 'IN I %e 19ABBORYWOOOMMDAXM 0OFFMANDTIZOLOMWIGE Kv4xv, Per Q&ee �c` SAlDY OM FOR 4 -S TUMMY, s ON 001 POTATOOHIPS (t tzo \rZ QlMft IA"M AM= NO 6=10 DINNER FOR it AT VOW OR ROT'AURANT (ItVWAN VSQITAWM PLFASE NO IfRIOCA.,AN FOOD ORL"MA MEA990CNSULTTOURMAIMM OVIM MIMU. 1R SAPPORO MIM 8 OW LI I1: 8E@R G LOOAL MKM BIER 8 STO" ARTOIS 8 MjJ.M HIGH LPE 1 BUME HEAIAT I MILE C MRDONNY 8 ROOTEIM 8 DIETOOKM 8 COMM 87- UPS 18ABSORTFD JUMM (ANY GRAND) 8 BOTTLES BPARKLMIG WATM 9C1AM ORANO#EAM 1 CARTON AFRIJUKE 9 RABE8 OP Gomm oxw (1'ONSTAm E OOFFM ANDMA SERYM(DROME AND RBMA AR) ONE POT OF HOT WATIM WFM ASSORTED TEAK CW PAOK40E MM OAKEG i 60TTLE KETTLE ONS VOOKA S oa SLIM SALA A Baa TTJRKEY ewEo. 8 az amONED !`FAM Baa PASTM A i IN VEMBLIOEB.1 PION# SOY CHS BL10S, on PROVAuxw, B as M APIMIO OHS PASTAMA 1 MEADOFROMAINE LETTUOF,TMA1OM 1 PMR OF MAYONAI.1 PW OF MUSTARD. to YOMIRT1FOMY PB0W BARS RP.S n Pr=ANUT BUTTBA MID SwAKEIS JB1Y 1 LOM OF WHEAT UREM, f LOW WHITE BREAD 1 LM M SM POTATO OHS TORTU A ORM 1 mu TRAY ( UaLlherwAcamy 1 JAR PACE Pn MFs OM S SHOMEMMGYDRIMa9(AMYRAVORS 10 ABSORTM FRUIT (APPLES BANMiAa, ORANGk"8. 1 TOA.m OVEN 1 CORceOREW 1 ROLL PAPER TOWELS 1 BOXSMIDWICH GAM IgMTIWIMY;B,F>2�ilC$SP001�I9, 94 I$oa PLASTTO OUPS P= BRAND OUPig 94 CLEAN DRY HAND TOW" (DApgWOOL00 1 BOTTLE JAMISON WJ4l MY PLEASE CONTACITASANDD MUMS- TOUR UGH 5024924811110 01IILLL 900-404M FAX AGMED AND ACCEPTED: DATE UATF L 0 To ONE T*o toy$ ONE ONE MR MOR E-_ cew FAM LOS LOBOS BACKLtN E REQUIREMENTS REVISED 04/16 •HOT ROD (NTLI$ 4XIC FOtDER BPfAN AWW ARO 4 BASS MEAD W/ =0 ISLE AIS 8160 uw cNmw TRr M pito KEYBOARD 7e XEY (aet to find Wy FVM Ql= U= 7W0 TIER W SKYE STAND (NO ULTIMAM OR CENM POs/, OR A FRANCE MMM M PAG s R FOR CURPkkT DRUM RIDER OWAGi BRAND OR dMER TRIPOD USE GUITAR STANDS GUITAR CABLE ABTAR BOAT MANDa TAVAM a62 -M-4350 M-453-4789 0 Drums: Ludwig Classio or Maple; or Gretsch USA Custom) 122*18" Bass Drum 1 12*8" Rack Tom �D "Og 1 130810 Rack Tom 1 15*18" Floor Torn 214*6.5" MdW Snares (Steel, Aluminum, Brass or Copper) 1Timbale (wMand) Hardware: (Yamaha or DW 9 Series) 1 Hl. Hat Stand 2 Snare Stands 4 Cymbal Boom Stands 1 Drum Throne (Round) 1 DW5000 Double Bass Drum Pedal 1 Cowbell Whardwere adapter fbr setup km bass drumAom holder Cymbals: Zildjlan 122" K Constantinople Medium Rlde 1 � 14" New Beat Hi Hats 1 19" A Custom Crash 1 17" A Custom, Crash 120" A Custom China; or Oriental Trash China 0 �a ofa lvJ a yo i8D et Advance ROOM ME SMOKING / KING KING SMOKING / KING KING KING KING KING KING KING LOS LOBOS ROOMING LIST I REVISED O4/t5 NAGE ROOM # STEVE BERLIN CESAR ROSAS LOUIE PEREZ DAVID HIDALGO CONRAD LOZANO ENRIQUE GONZALEZ RICHARD DEPUTY MYLES JACOB ARMANDO TAVARES* 5 da uie,S I N \GHQ ok '7 3 Zo *IS THE MASTER ACCOUNT ROOM ME SMOKING / KING KING SMOKING / KING KING KING KING KING KING KING W4 Request for Taxpayer ow. FOM a 1N IdentOcatlen Numberd DertlflcaUen ragw".nonot �iwgrswarwr ana- go to wwa.Y wWar n lar Num"Olem; Nome � an "vo msum send m tM gtB ftrre. elwwaaayour ta�m�.f+a.rR+wmwra;a...er.+.e.�r. TN! Las Lae[rS CORPOPATON iauerwnrn iawwdea""navenWIMMelana n f Glretic eferterMM bm IVtedeal to Wt M-1 0laMmaten wlMM Nnw M.reaea ee ale 1. tiMeaMyan Of7>I.a t3wrpYsrM(aeewsepy t*b i1 faw�Eeae cultak w B O eater Tmww O otapQerlar O sOorsasrlar ❑ Fabnrao OTtrrhwa sna.Worwaetw9e anq..�nee►°ursrra rw�a..1s O U-WMtiereaawr.&r.eheb.rI P -C- P, la►s oaava+larP-Pur— Wlk b weYCe camem AoieeMee.eeMeeM,eawwuMrasm.mamDrew stioM+n.aenan. oomcdrrr s.aroYenra.rArGnoauw ILt:YgMILOMtlwtlMeass—io- naroaU.Clagg.yrdtlfanthecowaw.erlheowwdtlMWCa .!Maur lLQ Y+all. aW drpWed 1 amort aura! hruabdod be rwrowa twwrt.t,..tryeawrrba LLQ Cl4 a�ee9+dedemruMawwsltarW drafceM.ppropnlN beK br aurae aid M. ower Obw - .' IwewuaeeMwreaMaw.rMYa i Mar,+vsrr wdset craft wiraetnaa.doe.. rMnnaWarawtfepMeap bee. TI ds. Yat Hamm, for r Foradar w11fYY, d 6 yaa amplepw Wa1mRGtlan rerMer � Y ya do no! have a i4lmbv/ ass Jtew loyal ■ r 1 r � 11J � � r � � TR% Iden. or Ibtor Y YM eaxurtt It M ala. YMn OrM aarna. sp the tubrrdlons Iva ene t. Alco aY Yr1af fYatla afd aarabe/sn nor bur Member To Oft Me RequesW W yulde6rst on whom rewitw b alar. 7 Z i f atoa f►IroRl.s of pa juy,1 twNy arae 1. The nre.bar dawn on va ban IS my Caveat twMer WmYApUort tnrfYar (or I am wOM for a number to be' leeaek and 3.1 wa N molt I b rAjwl babhnp b � an aanylt ham VLw I* reped IN er ' j r dMdON bnn t esd bh�t MWW Rwat I :tfelea {IReq Ihd I am b bedap Y l neull de fiYY�ae b rapoA M aoaal! a tlNdaewlt, a (e}tla YiY ha �MUtlad ma that l ant rte bW suWd b bedoep vMhbMdbV =0 S.1SMaU.S.CtBMasewU.B.P&M 1 bet"a" C The FATCA enbrod on Orli form pf suh tdAoW&V MW 1 am aaaapL tram FATCA it g a eoaseR CwMastlenbaetlodw&YoumMorasantYore4sbmitpubmbsenraBWbrbwtR0thatloraamarraalyrmuga*badtep ribeasm add hs" 6W fp Alport N sdlroft en0 AMOatda an yprtn tvMm Far n a edab trsnsadWA Yam 2 dm not W*. Fa mofWpe bttsnp wa hitYvds and we dors.�youn wpwWeyaaaen dTU e tohaftusbrPiettL rbW. gn MM "tL,,.°""aMI- pats, General instructions BOOM .etaelMee ae>b 10 MtwrMl Rwwals Cods 1od.ss etlMrrd.. fete& PoIWeOsMopsfr-M For Stelatawkdarfr MmsbeutdrnbpnMma =W b Form Yr -0 orad d Msertrotlena, weh ore araalod tllw they eesre PMOsd6 Ve to wwev riAyor/Fam Purpow of Form MMM" Croft damW4n9uaat * Oft isMOM0e0Meaur srbrmattoe Mum wlh 9a M must abbht yoW Camel UMMO sr WadYlutlon nunbw M") wMch maybe your aatlat seetrYr nrabet W4 atttlridusl tu"Yer worwileatba n d w 17n sdops" tmgwj - -. am, Iar nrsab a (11TYQ, at afnpleyer Wrnaft W number Oftd raporbbM m Y MIanMYar rahvn. 6raopispOd Mlayc%ereOw rration Win. hidrtde. butwe rM Ynrffed ls. lbs hdfowhp. +Form 1010.9Vr1M.rod."" W PO4 • Form ION-DIV(*Aftnds, r4W" Owe from sbda a mutud hm" + Form lo"Mc (vedoue type of moomss polm swards, or OMte proves" • Form 10868 (stork a aaAref htrtd tap arse otrbit onar wwwwons by bwwrl ) + ram In" 0eesads frena fat esbde banaotlsng +Farm 11A9 -IL (nMKhtvt Curd Md pard Pant " VerM.ad.e� •Form 7099 Otoete aart0a0.In11srpQ 1096E (ehderd loam bMsauq. 10967 pruofq + Farm 1099-C Owmdedd@bq +Form f099 -A peq<isAker a sbodaa+ad o1 werrWpgoarl� Uw Form W-9 only d you wa a UA pagan tlrrdedMO s rosWW alit to prarld. ywraoneat TIN. 17yoa do not roam Form UV -0 p dta rprYtrrdYr a TW, you mtphf br sra�eet b arJtr+p afdlrM1Oldrt?. 8aelMrd 4 beeitor rMNMfpn9. Nor.. CaL Na Aa01R Rove tlV�i Fti'-