TC Minutes 02-11-2020AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2020 . v O n AVON TOWN HALL, 100 MIKAELA WAY, AVON, CO COLORADO 1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Mayor Smith Hymes called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m. A roll call was taken, and Council members present were Amy Phillips, Tamra Underwood, and Jennie Fancher. Councilors Jake Wolf, Chico Thuon, and Scott Prince were absent. Also present were Town Attorney Paul Wisor, Police Chief Greg Daly, Finance Director Scott Wright, Town Engineer Justin Hildreth, Planning Director Matt Pielsticker, Town Manager Eric Heil, Executive Assistant to the Town Manager Ineke de Jong, and General Government Intern Charise Bishop. TUTORIAL: INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW OF TYLER TECHNOLOGIES ERP SYSTEMS FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Start Time: 00:00:17 Part One Scott Wright, Finance Director and Eric Heaps, Tyler Technologies Account Executive, gave a presentation about the capabilities of their ERP software, the implementation, and how staff could interface with system. The Town is purchasing financial management and human resources software from Tyler Technologies. Mr. Heaps also presented an app that could be a tool for communication between the Town and citizens. Recess 4:47 p.m. — 5:02 p.m. Councilor Prince and Councilor Thuon arrived during recess. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Start Time: 00:46:25 Part One Mayor Smith Hymes added 5.10, which is a discussion about the special events dance schedule. Councilor Underwood pulled report 6.2 and added it as item 5.11. Councilor Underwood moved to approve the amended agenda. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. Councilor Wolf was absent. 3. DISCLOSURE OF ANY CONFLICTS OF INTEREST RELATED TO AGENDA ITEMS Start Time: 00:47:45 Part One No conflicts of interest were disclosed. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT- COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA Start Time: 00:47:55 Part One Mr. Michael Cacioppo stated that he did not understand the ordinance banning plastic bags when they are recyclable. He finds the ordinance inconvenient and wishes we would repeal it. He also stated that Styrofoam is recyclable, and that ordinance reduces freedom of choice and is harmful for business. Mr. Matt Abramowitz appreciated Council's efforts to make Avon such a great place to live. He likes that the Town is so walkable but was attending to request crosswalks on Highway 6 at the two bus stops. It is dangerous crossing the highway, as well as it is very difficult to get from the path to the bus stop and vice versa. Councilor Fancher expressed that the crosswalks on Highway 6 were an issue that Council is aware of and is actively pursuing a resolution for. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips asked for Mr. Abramowitz's support for the Highway 6 2021 Plan. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2020 Avon AVON TOWN HALL, 100 MIKAELA WAY, AVON, CO COLORADO Ms. Zoe Kalapos is a professional Halfpipe snowboarder that lives in. Avon and heard that the Town is sponsoring local athletes. Councilor Underwood would be interested in sponsoring her if she listed Avon as her hometown. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips agreed. Councilor Prince said he would like to sponsor Ms. Kalapos as well, providing she wear an Avon logo sticker on her helmet. Councilor Underwood stated the budget cycle begins late summer and that would be a better time to request sponsorship. Councilor Fancher mentioned it would be a good idea to advertise local athletes on the Town's website. Mr. Alex Bolla owns Infraheat Co, a company in Avon that specializes in infrared technology that can melt snow and ice. He read the minutes of the proposal from the January 28th Council Meeting about the 1-70 Underpass Improvements and said he could solve the problem of the icy sidewalk on both sides of the road for about half the cost. Town Manager Eric Heil has met with Mr. Bolla and Councilor Thuon. They discussed having a test application for the further understanding, as well as for measurement of electrical usage. Town Manager Eric Heil stated it was a little counter to the Town's policy of not heating outdoor spaces but is open to further analysis. 4.1. PRESENTATION: UPDATE ON TOBACCO TAX SPENDING AND YOUTH SUPPORT Start Time: 01:06:56 Part One Becky Larson, Epidemiologist and Deputy Director of Eagle County Public Health and Environment, presented and answered questions from Council about the "Break up with Nic(otine)" Initiative. This is a behavior change campaign with two parts: the first is an opportunity for youth to make a pledge to be nicotine free and the second is to give youth the opportunity to properly dispose of their nicotine/tobacco products. S. BUSINESS ITEMS 5.1. PRESENTATION: CENSUS 2020 UPDATE (CENSUS, BRIAN MEINHART) AND CENSUS 2020 RECRUITMENT UPDATE (CENSUS, PATRICIA OSTWALD) Start Time: 01:15:22 Part One Brian Meinhart, a partnership specialist for the US Census, presented and answered questions to Council about how the census will be conducted. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips was concerned about the census map for mail delivery. She informed Mr. Meinhart that Avon residents do not receive mail at their home address. Patricia Ostwald, a Recruiter for the US Census, presented and answered questions for Council about employment and recruiting efforts for the census. Currently, they are at 33% of their hiring goal for Avon. 5.2. APPROVAL OF TYLER TECHNOLOGIES SOFTWARE PURCHASE CONTRACT (FINANCE DIRECTOR SCOTT WRIGHT) Start Time: 01:55:16 Part One Finance Director Scott Wright continued the presentation. Councilor Underwood moved to approve the Tyler Technologies agreements in the amount of $174,901.00 as summarized in the packet. Councilor Prince seconded the motion and the motion passed with a vote of 5-0. Councilor Wolf was absent and Mayor Pro Tem Phillips had stepped out of the room. 5.3. PRESENTATION: WATER AND WASTEWATER CAPITAL PROJECTS AND ASSOCIATED RATE INCREASES (LINN BROOKS AND JAMES WILKINS OF ERWSD/UERWA) Start Time: 00:00:01 Part Two AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2020 . vo n AVON TOWN HALL, 100 MIKAELA WAY, AVON, CO COLORADO Linn Brooks, General Manager of the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, James Wilkins, Finance Director of the ERWSD, and Diane Johnson, Community and Public Relations Manager presented and answered questions for Council about the increased water rates for 2020. Councilor Fancher clarified that the costs would increase 8.2% per year and Ms. Brooks confirmed that was correct. She said the rate increases could not be avoided because of the large capital improvement costs to meet regulatory standards. 5.4. WORK SESSION ON WHITEWATER PARK (TOWN ENGINEER JUSTIN HILDRETH) Start Time: 00:28:42 Part Two Town Engineer Justin Hildreth updated and answered questions from Council about the Town's Whitewater Park. After maintenance in 2019 and high runoff, users became concerned about the height of the wave and the eddy forming on the side of the Bob Senior water feature. Staff requested that River Restoration modify and model a new design to address these concerns. The next step will be to involve the commercial rafting companies and give them an opportunity to comment and to then bring this item back on the February 25th agenda. 5.5. RESOLUTION 20-01, APPROVING FEES -IN -LIEU CALCULATION FOR THE FRACTIONAL REMAINDER OF EMPLOYEE MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS GENERATED FROM CHAPTER 7.20.100, EMPLOYEE HOUSING MITIGATION (TOWN PLANNER DAVID MCWILLIAMS) Start Time: 01:09:55 Part Two Town Planner David McWilliams presented and answered questions from Council members. After Council discussion, they agreed with staff's recommendation. Councilor Underwood proposed more concise language and added two more whereas clauses. Town Manager Eric Heil suggested with all the revisions suggested, staff return to Council with an updated Resolution on February 25tH 5.6. FIRST READING ORDINANCE 20-02, ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 1.15 OF TITLE 1 OF THE AVON MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING PERMANENT LOCATIONS FOR POSTING NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS (TOWN ATTORNEY PAUL WISOR) Start Time: 01:37:05 Part Two Town Attorney Paul Wisor presented Ordinance 20-02 to Council, which designates four places for public meeting notices, which will be permanent. Councilor Prince moved to approve Ordinance 20-02, Designating and Establishing Permanent Locations for Posting Notices of Public Meetings. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously with a vote of 6-0. Councilor Wolf was absent. 5.7. OPPORTUNITY ZONE PROSPECTUS (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Start Time: 01:39:55 Part Two Planning Director Matt Pielsticker presented and answered questions from Council members. Council had some comments, edits, and suggestions for the slides. Mayor Smith Hymes proposed hiring a graphic designer to fine tune the final product and staff agreed. Planning Director Matt Pielsticker said that was done for the Comprehensive Plan. John LaConte, from the Vail Daily, made a public comment about a quote from the Vail Daily featured in the AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2020 /AV O" AVON TOWN HALL, 100 MIKAELA WAY, AVON, CO C O L O R A D O prospectus. He says that references a report from LIV Sotheby's. Mr. LaConte suggested citing the original source material instead of the Vail Daily. 5.8. AUTHORIZATION TO PURSUE CODE AMENDMENTS RELATED TO ELECTRIC READINESS FOR PV SYSTEMS AND ELECTRIC CHARGING STATIONS (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Start Time: 02:13:15 Part Two Planning Director Matt Pielsticker was asking for Council's approval to move forward with code amendments for EV and Solar Ready building code for new construction. He explained the various code amendments and explained where the code amendments originated from. Council felt the code amendments had significant policy support and approved staff moving forward on this issue. 5.9. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM JANUARY 28, 2020 Start Time: 02:22:02 Part Two Councilor Prince requested one change, reword from 'he would like to look at funds for Homestake Peak' to 'he supported funds for the program'. Councilor Underwood moved to approve minutes of January 28th as amended. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. Councilor Wolf was absent. 5.10. DISCUSSION ABOUT SPECIAL EVENTS DANCE SCHEDULE Start Time: 02:23:09 Part Two Town Manager Eric Heil updated Council on Special Events. Colorado Classic wants to return to Avon this year but are willing to plan an every -other year basis long term. The Culture Arts & Special Events (CASE) Committee originally planned two dance events, but during last Council Meeting the direction was given for only one dance. Town Manager Heil wanted to finalize the direction. He also presented the events budget, which is short $53,646. Town Manager Heil suggested using money from the Holy Cross Community Fund. Councilor Thuon inquired about the funds used for the salary of the former Deputy Town Manager. Town Manager Heil said that was a position General Government was not planning to fill this year. After Council discussion, there was a majority agreement to draw from the Holy Cross fund, for this year only, and maybe draw a little bit from general government from the deputy town manager salary surplus. 5.11. FEBRUARY 4T" PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING ABSTRACT (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Start Time: 02:49:35 Part Two Councilor Underwood requests that the Planning and Zoning Commission summaries reflect the format of the Town Council Meeting Minutes going forward. 6. WRITTEN REPORTS 6.1. UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY JANUARY 23, 2020 MEETING SUMMARY (MAYOR SMITH HYMES) 6.3. TOWN MANAGER REPORT (TOWN MANAGER ERIC HEIL) 6.4. USFS ROAD 779 (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2020 Avon AVON TOWN HALL, 100 MIKAELA WAY, AVON, CO COLORADO 7. MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES Start Time: 02:51:00 Part Two Councilor Thuon asked if the door was ordered for the back of the stage. Town Manager Eric Heil confirmed it was ordered. Councilor Thuon also asked if the Town could use more of the heat, we are recovering from the Wastewater Treatment Plant. Town Manager Eric Heil explained that type of heat has limited uses but could be used if we expanded the pool at the Recreation Center. Councilor Fancher expressed interest in the infrared technology proposed by Mr. Bolla during Public Comment, especially for the water pooling on the stage. Councilor Prince asked for an update on the stage's concrete deck. Town Manager Eric Heil said that project has not gone out for bidding yet. He knows that Town Engineer Justin Hildreth and Cultural, Arts and Special Events Manager, Danita Dempsey have discussed a concept, but that project probably would not be started until the fall. Councilor Prince said he would not support moving the gate down on USFS Road 779, as mentioned in the report prepared by Planning Director Matt Pielsticker. Mayor Smith Hymes informed Council about testifying before the State Legislature for SB 20- 010. Unfortunately, even with overwhelming support, the bill failed to make it out of committee. There are two more bills on the docket that are similar to Avon's polystyrene ban, which she thinks Council should wait and see the outcome of those bills. Then Council can address how to proceed with the Town's ordinance banning polystyrene foam. Mayor Smith Hymes said that she needed name suggestions for stakeholders regarding the Town Manager's evaluation by February 12`h She also mentioned the Town's Finance Department has once again been awarded for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association. She said that Finance Director Scott Wright believes this to be the 30`h consecutive year to receive this award. 8. ADJOURN There being no further business before Council, Mayor Smith Hymes moved to adjourn the regular meeting. The time was 9:34 p.m. AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2020 /—XV O " AVON TOWN HALL, 100 MIKAELA WAY, AVON, CO COLORADO These minutes are only a summary of the proceedings of the meeting. They are not intended to be comprehensive or to include each statement, person speaking or to portray with complete accuracy. The most accurate records of the meeting are the audio of the meeting, which is housed in the Town Clerk's office, and the video of the meeting, which is available at www.highfivemedio.org. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Charise Bishop General o`vernment Intern n APPROVED: Sarah Smith Hymes Amy Phillips Jake Wolf Chico Thuon Jennie Fancher Scott Prince Tamra Underwood