PZC Packet 081694PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF iMPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD PROJECT TYPE: 54 Units ZONING: PUD AMENDMENT COMPLIES WITH ZONING? THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE AMENDMENT THE PUD ON LOT 1, RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISION. Jay Harkins, of Harkins & Asso., has submitted an application on behalf of Eaglebend Affordable Housing Enterprise, to amend the Riverside PUD. Currently, the Riverside PUD has expired thereby leaving Lot 1 of Riverside Subdivision with a PUD designation and no development standards. Attached to this Staff report is the proposed PUD amendment proposal for Lot 1 of Riverside Subdivisions, which details the proposed project. STAFF COMMENTS DESIGN CRITERIA: The Zoning Code has established design criteria for evaluating a PUD. The criteria is listed below and comments pertaining to each. 1. Conformity with the Avon Comprehensive Plan, goals, and objectives Staff has identified some goals and objectives listed in the Comprehensive Plan the Commission should consider. They are: Goal Al. Ensure that all land uses are located in appropriate locations with appropriate controls. Is this an appropriate location for high density residential? Is this use appropriate for this location? Goal A3. Upon full development of the community, all land uses should work together as a balanced system. Will this land use, in this location, promote a balanced system? Goal B2. Enhance the Town's role as a principal, year round residential and commercial center in the Vail Valley. Will this project help Avon's role as a year round residential center? PLANNING A" ZONING COMMISSION STAFF IMPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD Goal C 1. Provide for an appropriate mix of residential dwelling unit types for both permanent residents and tourists. Does this project provide for a mix of residential types? Goal C2. Affordable housing, both rental and owner occupied, should be made available through a combination of private and public efforts. Does the project meet the objective of this goal? Goal H2. Establish the Eagle River as greenbelt corridor through the Town. Is this being achieved by the dedication of the open space along the Eagle River? 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the Town, the sub- area design recommendations and design guidelines adopted by the Town. This project is in Sub -Area 10, the Riverfront District, and the standards indicated in the Comprehensive Plan are attached to this Staff report. The main recommendation this proposal is not in conformance with is to provide for public access to the river and construction of the pedestrian trail along the river. In addition, the Recreation Master Plan specifies this path in this location. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientations. Existing land uses found in the area are as follows: North: Proposed Boulder PUD, with 150 units approved; Eaglebend Apartments, with an existing 240 units South: River Oaks Condominiums; Folson Property PUD(there is no development plan approved) West: Undeveloped Lot 2, Riverside Subdivision; Red house at comer of Avon Rd. and HWY. 6/24(commercial) East: Tract A Open Space; River Forge Duplexes and apartment complex. The overall design, scale, bulk and building height of the buildings fit with the established character found north of the Eagle River. River Oaks Condominiums, southeast of the site, has a tall character, with facades broken up architecturally. The mass of these buildings are being reduced and broken by stepping the building down on the ends and providing a break in the middle and on the ends of the building. PLANNING A1" ZONING COMMISSION STAFF kEPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD 4. Uses, activity, and density which provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The proposed density is 21.6 units per acre, which is lower than the 32.5 units per acre at the existing Eaglebend apartments. Does the Commission feel this proposal meets the intent of the above criteria? S. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed The proposal states there will be a construction/erosion control fence placed along the 30' setback, however, the buildings are on the 30' setback, which indicates grading taking place in the 30' setback and this may not occur. Further, with the building wall on the setback, will footings and/or overhangs encroach into the setback? 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural feature, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The applicant is not providing public access to the river, nor are they providing a pedestrian path along the river, however, they will be dedicating the area within the 30' stream setback to the Town of Avon. Staff is not clear what trees and vegetation will be impacted. The applicant will have the site staked for the site visit on Tuesday and Commission should consider whether or not the proposed landscape plan mitigates the taking of existing trees. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation that is compatible with the Town Transportation Plan. The circulation for the site is limited by the one access point permitted by the State. 8. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural feature, recreation, views and function. Landscaping is called for in the 10' between the parking and HWY. 6/24, this area is also designated as snow storage. The Commission should focus on the 10' buffer and the landscape treatment, which can help soften the front facade of the building, which contain the garages. PLANNING A" ZONING COMMISSION STAFF MPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD The applicants will be dedicating the area within the 30' stream setback as open space to the Town, which will protect the natural feature along the river. 9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. Phasing is not proposed. The project will be built at one time. 10. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads parks, and police and fire protection. The developer must provide the Town of Avon letters from the respective agencies indicating the services can be provided to the project. As a note to the developer, this project is not located in the Avon Metropolitan District. 11. That the edsting streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. This project is accessed by HWY. 6/24 and the traffic study conducted and provided indicates the highway is suitable to carry the added traffic. SITE PLAN COMMENTS: Eagle River: The site plan has the buildings placed on the 30' setback from the mean annual high water mark. This indicates grading, site disturbance and the footings may be taking place in the setback, which is not allowed. Grading and site disturbance must be confined and kept out of the 30' setback. Building A and the parking on the west end of the site are proposed on a 35% slope. Fill will be brought in to even the slope, thereby creating a strong potential for encroachment into the 30' setback, which is not allowed. This is, also, a vegetated area, with the type of vegetation not known. The applicant will be staking the site for the visit on Tuesday. The developer must address riparian issues, which include wetlands delineation on the site plan, and checking for rapture nesting in the trees. The site plan does not reflect a pedestrian path which is specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation Master Plan. The developer must install the pedestrian path as specified in the two plans. PLANNING A" ZONING COMMISSION STAFF ld�,PORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD Building Location: The buildings will be located 25' apart from each other. Does this provide enough of a break in the building facades facing HWY. 6/24? The proposed building locations are pushing the edges of the site. Drainage: A drainage plan has not been provided for Staff review. The drainage will be closely considered due to the proximity to the Eagle River. Site Coveraize: The proposal is for 60% site coverage, which is not defined. Staff would like to know if 60% site coverage equates to 40% landscaped area, whether it is formal or natural. Gradina: There are areas on the site plan showing finished grades exceeding the allowed 2:1 slopes. Landscape Plan: The Commission should comment on the proposed landscape plan. The plant list indicates material that does not meet the Town of Avon minimum size requirements. The minimum size requirements are 2" caliper for deciduous trees, 6' high for coniferous trees and 5 gallon for shrubs. Another question to consider is does the landscape plan mitigate removal of existing trees and vegetation? Parking: The applicant is requesting a reduction in the parking required for guest spaces. The plan shows the required amount, however, a reduction in the 10 additional guest spaces is being requested. Staff is not supportive of this request since there may be more than 2 cars per unit in the complex. The snow storage for the parking area is indicated in the 30' setback from the mean annual high water mark. Snow storage may not be located in the setback due to direct discharge into the Eagle River. An alternative location for these areas must be found. Dumpster: The two proposed dumpster location are in a 10' landscape buffer zone, but not indicated on any site plans. The dumpsters need to be shown and not located in the 25' front yard setback. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendation is for Commission to give serious consideration to the attached proposed PUD information and answer the questions posed by Staff in the report. Should the Commission decide to approve the proposal at this hearing, attached Resolution 94-16 must be referenced and approved. If following the public hearing, the Commission does PLANNING Aft ZONING COMMISSION STAFF ICEPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD not concur with the findings, Resolution 94-16 should be amended accordingly prior to adoption. 1. Introduce Application 2. Applicant Presentation 3. Open Public Hearing 4. Close Public Hearing 5. Commission Review 6. Commission Action Respectfully Submitted, Mary Holden Town Planner RECOMMENDED ACTION PLANNING AND ZONING ACTION: Approved as submitted ( ) Approved with recommended conditions ( ) Approved with modified conditions (✓f Continued ( ) Denied ( ) Withdrawn ( ) Conceptual, No Action ( ) Date /ff,4 Sue Railton, Secretary Sae attached Page Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, Eaglebend II PUD Public Hearing The Commission approved Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 94-16, A Resolution Recommending to the Avon Town Council Approval of a PUD Development Plan and Development Standards Related to Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, citing the following findings and conditions: FINDIGS: 1. The PUD is consistent with the development patterns and locations set forth in the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. 2. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and o-jectives. related to the Town's role as a principal year round residential center in the Vail Valley. 3. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to an appropriate mix of residential dwelling units for permanent residents. 4. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and Objectives related to open space dedication along the Eagle River corridor. 5. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to sensitivity to the natural riparian environment along the Eagle River corridor. 6. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to the Riverfront District (Subarea 10) related to buildings capitalizing on the River, setback from the River to preserve its natural character, limit building heights to three or four stories, and, where possible, locate buildings and parking to preserve and promote the health of existing quality trees. CONDITIONS: 1. The PUD Guidelines and Standards described in the report (including allowed uses, density, site access and development standards) be incorporated into and binding upon the PUD zone district designation for the parcel. 2. No site disturbance (including grading or structures) be allowed within the 30' mean high water setback, with the exception of the northwest corner of Building A and a 12 foot radius on that corner, and the developer agrees to return area acceptable to Staff. 3. A protective and erosion control fence be installed along the 30' setback from the mean annyal high water prior to and during construction. Lot 1, Rivers Subdivision, Eaglebend III, f� Public Hearing, (_cont)_ CONDITIONS (cont) 4. A pedestrian trail/pathway, consistent with the Town's Recreation Plan be shown on the PUD Plan along the Eagle River. The developer shall construct this pathway prior to any temporary or permanat certificates of occupancy being issued. 5. A drainage.plan be submitted to Staff and approved by Staff prior to any application for a building permit. The drainage plan must address all engineering concerns. 6. The landscape plan be adequate to mitigate the removal of existing trees and vegetation on site. The landscape plan must be brought back before the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and approval. 7. The dumpster location be shown on the site plan and approved by Planning* and Zoning Commission. September 2, 1994 Mr. Jeff Spanel Wintergreen Homes LLC P0Box 9;8 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision Eaglebend III PUD Public Hearing Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, Eaglebend II 54 Unit Complex, Final Design Review Dear Ivir. Spanel Thank you for your presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission on August 16, 1994. Eaglebend III, PUD The Commission approved Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution. 94-16, A Resolution Recommending to the Avon Town Council Approval of a PUTD Development Plan and Development Standards Related to Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, citing the following findings and conditions: 1. The PUD is consistent with the development patterns and locations set forth in the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. 2. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to the Town's role as a principal year round residential center in the Vail Valley. 3. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to an appropriate mix of residential dwelling units for permanent residents. 4. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives September 2, 1994 111r. Jeff Spanei Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, Eaglebend III PUD Page 2 related to open space dedication along the Eagie River corridor. The PUD is consistent with the Comorehensive Plan Qoals and objectives related to sensitivity to the natural riparian environment along the Eagie River corridor. 6. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to the Riverfront District (Subarea 10) related to buildings capitalizing on the River, setback from the River to preserve its natural character, limit building heights to three or four stories, and, where possible, locate buildings and parking to preserve and promote the health of existing quality trees. CONDITIONS I. The PLD Guidelines and Standards described in the report ,'including allowed uses, density; site access and development standards) be incorporated into and binding upon the PUD zone district designation for the parcel. 2. No site disturbance (including grading or structures) be allowed within the 30' mean high water setback, with the exception of the northwest corner of Building A and a 12 foot radius on that corner, and the developer agrees to return area acceptable to staff. A protective and erosion control fence be installed along the 30' setback from the mean annual high water prior to and during construction. 4. A pedestrian trail/pathway, consistent with the Town's Recreation Plan be shown on the PUD Plan along the Eagle River. The developer shall construct this pathway prior to any temporary or permanent certificates of occupancy being issued. 5. A drainage plan be submitted to Staff and approved by Staff prior to any application for a building permit. the drainage plan must address all engineering concerns. 6. The landscape plan be adequate to mitigate the removal of existing trees and vegetation on site. The landscape plan must be brought back before the September 2, 1994 Mr. Jeff Spanel Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, Eaglebend III PLD Page 3 Planning and Zoning Commission for review and approval. 7. The dumpster location be shown on the site plan and approved by Planning and Zoning Commission. Eaglebend III, 54 ti nit Complex, Final Design Review The Commission granted final design review approval with the following conditions: 1. The flues, flashings and vents be painted to match the color scheme of the buildings. 2. The building lighting be approved by Staff prior to issuance of a building permit. 3. Revegetation include native bushes. 4. Meters be concealed. 5. Prior to any site disturbance, a construction/erosion control fence be placed on the 30' stream setback. 6. The developer install the pedestrian path along the Eagle River as specified in the Recreation Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan prior to any certificates of occupancy being issued. 7. No site disturbance of any kind may take place in the 30' stream setback, except as noted in Resolution 94-16. 8. The developer provide to the Town of Avon, Colorado Department of Transportation permission for the access off of Highway 6/24 prior to application for a building permit. 9. A drainage plan be submitted to Staff and approved by Staff prior to . application for a building permit. The drainage must address all September 2, 1994 Mr. Jeff Spanel Eagiebend I11, PUD and Final Design Review Page 4 engineering concerns. 10. The landscape plan must be brought back before the Planning and Zoning Commission for their review and approval, with the addition of a variety of species. 11. The dumpster location be shown on the site plan and approved by Planning and Zoning Commission. 12. The developer provide to the Town letters from the respective agencies indicating they are able to provide taus site with services, such as water, sewer, electric, gas and others. 13. Center building to be offset 10 feet to the north, to be approved by Staff. 14. Playground equipment to be provided, to be approved by Star 15. A strong recommendation that the applicant take a good look at providing a picnic area as part of the proposal. Please do not hesitate to contact this office, should you have any questions. Sincerely, C/ � Charlette Pascuzzi�� Recording Secretary Copy/File I APPLICATION FOR REZONING -he undersigned hereby recuests that a REZONING be granted in accordance with the teens f the Town of Avon Municipal Code. In tares: support of this application, the undersigned The Rezoning requested is: PUD Amendment to Lot 1 - Riverside Legal description of property: Lot 1, Riverside; Accor ding to the sinal Plat recorded September 1, 1989 in boor 512at page 802 County of Eagle Address of property is: No address Owner of described property: Golden Buff Enterprises dba. Kenneth 1. and Donald 1. Kriz Applicant for Rezoning: �A Zoning classification ofert ro p p y: Existing PUD - Accomodations Existing improvements on property consist of: not a pplicable - none Duration of proposed Rezoning: Permanent xx Temporary Years There is hereby attached a list of the names and addresses of all property owners within 300 feet of the property upon which the Rezoning is requested, and the required notices for mailing and posting. Additional convents: do hereby certify that the above statements are true and correct and the application signed as an acknowledgement of that fact. I am the owner of the above described lop-e1rty or authorized to act as agent for the owner. plicant 77 Isetcalf Road Suite' dressPhone ,Number Avon, Colorado 81620 303-94g-5072 :ed Same Owner Address and Phone Number Da ted kPPLICATION FOR REZONING PAGE 2 have examined this application and it has been accepted or rejected for the following easons: oning Official Dated ate Filed Fee Paid Date Posted earing Date Received by August 4, 1994 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN You are hereby notified pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.28.050 of the Avon Municipal Code, that a public hearing on the following matter will be held and considered at the meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon, on August 16, 1994 at 7:30 PPR, in the Avon Municipal Complex, 400 Bench Mark Road, Avon, Colorado, at which time and place you are hereby invited to be present and be heard. PROPERTY OWNER: Golden Buff Enterprises APPLICANT: Wintergreen Homes 77 Metcalf Road Avon Colorado 81620 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Lot 1, Riverside: According to the Final Plat recorded September 1, 1989, in Book 512 at Page q02, County of Eagle. ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 38568 Highway 6 & 24. REQUESTED CHANGE / PROPOSED USE: Amended P U D from Accommodations & Commercial to Multi -Family Apartments. DEADLINE: If you wish to be heard on this matter you may appear personally of by designated agent at the public meeting on August 16, 1994 or you may file a written statement with the Recording Secretary, Planning and Zoning Commission, Town of Avon P.O. Box 975, Avon, Colorado, 81620. In order to be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission, such written statement must be received in the Town Offices no later then 4:00 PM, Tuesday, August 16, 1994. OTHER: Applicant is represented by: H. Jay Harkins, Architect 2784 So. Wheeling Way Aurora, Coloardo 80014 303-755-4718 ATTEST: J Patty New art, Town Clerk ecording Secretary Planning and Zoning Commission POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF AVON - R/4/g4 COASTAL MART STATION ENTRANCE TO CITY MARKET ENTRANCE TO AVON POST OFFICE MAIN LOBBY, AVON MUNICIPAL COMPLEX LIST OF NOTIFIED OWNERS WITHIN 300': Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 Craig Folson c/o Folson Exploration Company 200 Crescent Court, 1310 Dallas, Texas 75201 Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Nottingham Associates c/o Maurice Nottinqham P.O. Box 953 Avon, Colorado 81620 Imogene Doll P.O. Box 5060 Avon, Colorado 81620 JULY 18, 1994 PUD AMENDMENT LOT 1 RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISION AVON, COLORADO. APPLICANT: EAGLEBEND AFFORDABLE HOUSING ENTERPRISE 303-949-5072 ARCHITECT: H. JAY HARKINS 1415 LARIMER STREET #206 DENVER, COLORADO 80202 303-755-4718 303-534-2200 Eaglebend III July 18, 1994 Page 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Overview: The proposed PUD amendment and project does require any variances or special permits. A total of 54 apartments are being proposed, with 30 enclosed garaqes and 94 on-site parkinq stalls being provided. The units will be housed in three buildings with each building containing 18 units. Each Building will have: Three bedroom - 8 units at 1063 SF each Two bedroom - 4 units at 827 SF each Two bedroom - 2 units at 790 SF each One bedroom - 4 units at 606 SF each Each building will also contain 10 enclosed garages for rental by residents of the project. The project is to be operated as a rental complex with the same controls and management conditions as the earlier completed Eaglebend projects. The 10 foot setback from Annual High Water Line is proposed to he dedicated to the Town of Avon as Open Space. There is to be an access to the Eagle River within the property. Site Layout: The site is located between Colorado State Highway 6 and the Eagle River approximately 1/2 mile east of the Beaver Creek and Colorado State Highway 6 intersection. The site has: to the north, the Eagle River with Multi -family directly across the river (Nottingham Station); to the east and west, Open Space dedicated to the Town of Avon; to the south, Colorado State Highway 6. Across the river to the north-east, there are two single-family homes and further to the east, the first two phases of Eaglebend Apartments. The site fairly narrow and at the far east and west ends the property falls steeply to the river. The center of the site is relatively flat and presents the best opportunity to build. The existing vegetation is made up of: riparian growth within the 30' River setback; "buck" brush along the west end and east end; and several individual mature fir and spruce trees along the river corridor. The project has designed to not remove or destroy any major trees or the riparian growth within the river corridor. Eaglebend III July 18, 1994 Page 4 PROPOSED PUD CONDITIONS T _i. T--- Does not apply Site Dimensions: Does not apply 0-+-1.-..1... Setbacks shall be consistent with Title 17 and as further noted: 1. The north property line (River corridor) setback will be 30' from the Annual High Water Line as shown on the attached site plan to the building structure with no penetration of balconies and/or roof eaves into the setback. 2. The south property line (Highway 6) setback shall be 25' to structures and 10' to parking stall edge. 3. Side setbacks shall be 7.5' from property lines (not applicable at that site). 4. Building to building setbacks to be a minimum of 15' from face of primary structures with an allowed encroachment of 2' for roof overhangs and balconies. Height: A maximum building height of 48'is proposed. Density: The residential density proposed is 54 units or approximately 63,000 square feet of gross enclosed living space. This represents approximately 21.6 units Per acre for Lot 1 (2.5 acres) or 6.60 units per acre if the Open Space Tract A (8.9 acres) is used in the calculation. Site Coverage: We propose that the maximum site coverage be .6. Eaglebend III July 19, 1994 Page 6 OTHER DESIGN STANDARDS Snow Storage_ (as shown on landscape plan) Storage shall be at the east and west ends of the parking areas and along the 10' setback between parking and Highway 6. Parking/Pavement = 33,013SF x .2 = 6,603 SF Trash: Two dumpsters will be provided and placed an enclosure within the 10' landscape zone. Scheduled pickup will used to allow parking. Lighting: All parking, drive and walkways will be lit per approved fixtures and will be considered an aesthetic element of the design. Retaining wall: Wall on Grading/Drainage plan will be river boulders (1:2 slope). Signage: Project signage will be per Town of Avon Code and as approved. Building Materials/Roofs: The buildings are to be constructed as Type V - 1 hour (fully sprinkled). Exterior materials will be durable and easily maintained. The siding will be a fibrous hard board siding material (wood texture and color) and the base of the structure a panel -board with stucco -like finishes. The roof will be composite shingles, similar to a "Timberline" product, with a deep shadow line and "mottled" earth tone colors. The general character of the project will be consistent with the texture and tones of the structures built in Beaver Creek and Avon area. Adequacy of Public Services: See attached letter from Inter -Mountain Engineering. Traffic Impacts: See attached letter from Inter -Mountain Engineering. Wetlands: See attached letter from Inter -Mountain Engineering. 00 ECL o Ac` W E CL E. Cd LL 0 a� r iC OvN C N �� T a� o 9 NCD � O CC0 U G c 3 C O 0 O 0 < Cl cCd o co Z 2OcncaU L �9 LO- co, Q 2NQccco t I z Q W COco j z�QH3 e fill II Q .Q R� all D All, 51 0 a� r iC OvN C N �� T a� o 9 NCD � O CC0 U G c 3 C O 0 O 0 < Cl cCd o co Z 2OcncaU L �9 LO- co, Q 2NQccco t HtRt. F P � 404 4 RpR t a— z Q J CL w Y X w Z? ' Q z�QH3 e fill II Q R� all All, 51 o g HtRt. F P � 404 4 RpR t a— z Q J CL w Y X w Z? ' Q z�QH3 II 51 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD PROJECT TYPE: 54 Units ZONING: PUD AMENDMENT COMPLIES WITH ZONING? THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE AMENDMENT THE PUD ON LOT 1, RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISION. Jay Harkins, of Harkins & Asso., has submitted an application on behalf of Eaglebend Affordable Housing Enterprise, to amend the Riverside PUD. Currently, the Riverside PUD has expired thereby leaving Lot 1 of Riverside Subdivision with a PUD designation and no development standards. Attached to this Staff report is the proposed PUD amendment proposal for Lot 1 of Riverside Subdivisions, which details the proposed project. STAFF COMMENTS DESIGN CRITERIA: The Zoning Code has established design criteria for evaluating a PUD. The criteria is listed below and comments pertaining to each. 1. Conformity with the Avon Comprehensive Plan, goals, and objectives Staff has identified some goals and objectives listed in the Comprehensive Plan the Commission should consider. They are: Goal Al. Ensure that all land uses are located in appropriate locations with appropriate controls. Is this an appropriate location for high density residential? Is this use appropriate for this location? Goal A3. Upon full development of the community, all land uses should work together as a balanced system. Will this land use, in this location, promote a balanced system? Goal B2. Enhance the Town's role as a principal, year round residential and commercial center in the Vail Valley. Will this project help Avon's role as a year round residential center? PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD 4. Uses, activity, and density which provide a compatible, efficient, and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The proposed density is 21.6 units per acre, which is lower than the 32.5 units per acre at the existing Eaglebend apartments. Does the Commission feel this proposal meets the intent of the above criteria? S. Identification and mitigation or avoidance of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property upon which the PUD is proposed The proposal states there will be a construction/erosion control fence placed along the 30' setback, however, the buildings are on the 30' setback, which indicates grading taking place in the 30' setback and this may not occur. Further, with the building wall on the setback, will footings and/or overhangs encroach into the setback? 6. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural feature, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. The applicant is not providing public access to the river, nor are they providing a pedestrian path along the river, however, they will be dedicating the area within the 30' stream setback to the Town of Avon. Staff is not clear what trees and vegetation will be impacted. The applicant will have the site staked for the site visit on Tuesday and Commission should consider whether or not the proposed landscape plan mitigates the taking of existing trees. 7. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation that is compatible with the Town Transportation Plan. The circulation for the site is limited by the one access point permitted by the State. & Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural feature, recreation, views and function. Landscaping is called for in the 10' between the parking and HWY. 6/24, this area is also designated as snow storage. The Commission should focus on the 10' buffer and the landscape treatment, which can help soften the front facade of the building, which contain the garages. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD BuildiniLocation: The buildings will be located 25' apart from each other. Does this provide enough of a break in the building facades facing HWY. 6/24? The proposed building locations are pushing the edges of the site. Drainage: A drainage plan has not been provided for Staff review. The drainage will be closely considered due to the proximity to the Eagle River. Site Coverage: The proposal is for 60% site coverage, which is not defined. Staff would like to know if 60% site coverage equates to 40% landscaped area, whether it is formal or natural. Grading: There are areas on the site plan showing finished grades exceeding the allowed 2:1 slopes. Landscape Plan: The Commission should comment on the proposed landscape plan. The plant list indicates material that does not meet the Town of Avon minimum size requirements. The minimum size requirements are 2" caliper for deciduous trees, 6' high for coniferous trees and 5 gallon for shrubs. Another question to consider is does the landscape plan mitigate removal of existing trees and vegetation? Parking: The applicant is requesting a reduction in the parking required for guest spaces. The plan shows the required amount, however, a reduction in the 10 additional guest spaces is being requested. Staff is not supportive of this request since there may be more than 2 cars per unit in the complex. The snow storage for the parking area is indicated in the 30' setback from the mean annual high water mark. Snow storage may not be located in the setback due to direct discharge into the Eagle River. An alternative location for these areas must be found. Dumpster: The two proposed dumpster location are in a 10' landscape buffer zone, but not indicated on any site plans. The dumpsters need to be shown and not located in the 25' front yard setback. STAFF RECOMIMENDATION Staff recommendation is for Commission to give serious consideration to the attached proposed PUD information and answer the questions posed by Staff in the report. Should the Commission decide to approve the proposal at this hearing, attached Resolution 94-16 must be referenced and approved. If following the public hearing, the Commission does Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, Eaglebend II PUD Public Hearing The Commission approved Planning and Zoning Commission Resolution 94-16, A Resolution Recommending to the Avon Town Council Approval of a PUD Development Plan and Development Standards Related to Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, citing the following findings and conditions: FINDIGS: 1. The PUD is consistent with the development patterns and locations set forth in the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. 2. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and o-jectives. related to the Town's role as a principal year round residential center in the Vail Valley. 3. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to an appropriate mix of residential dwelling units for permanent residents. 4. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and Objectives related to open space dedication along the Eagle River corridor. 5. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to sensitivity to the natural riparian environment along the Eagle River corridor. 6. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to the Riverfront District (Subarea 10) related to buildings capitalizing on the River, setback from the River to preserve its natural character, limit building heights to three or four stories, and, where possible, locate buildings and parking to preserve and promote the health of existing quality trees. CONDITIONS: 1. The PUD Guidelines and Standards described in the report (including allowed uses, density, site access and development standards) be incorporated into and binding upon the PUD zone district designation for the parcel. 2. No site disturbance (including grading or structures) be allowed within the 30' mean high water setback, with the exception of the northwest corner of Building A and a 12 foot radius on that corner, and the developer agrees to return area acceptable to Staff. 3. A protective and erosion control fence be installed along the 30" setback from the mean annyal high water prior to and during construction. September 2, 1994 NTr. Jeff Spanei Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, Ea`;Iebend III PLS Page 2 W related to open space dedication along the Eagie River corridor. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehens=ive Plan goals and objectives related to sensitivity to the natural riparian environment along the Eagie River corridor. 6. The PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to the Riverfront District (Subarea 10) related to buildings capitalizing on the River, setback from the River to preserve its natural character, limit building heights to three or four stories, and, where possible, locate buildings and parking to preserve and promote the health of existing quality trees. CONDITIONS 1. The PCD Guidelines and Standards described in the report (includi_*ig allowed uses, density, site access and development standards) be incorporated into arid binding upon the PUD zone district designation for the parcel. /2. No site disturbance (including grading or structures) be allowed witlu 30' mean high water setback, with the exception of the northwest corner of Building A and a 12 foot radius on that comer, and the developer agrees to return area acceptable to staff. .- 3. A protective -and erosion control fence be installed along the 30' setback from the mean annual high water prior to and during construction. 4. A pedestrian traiUpathway, consistent with the Town's Recreation Plan be shown on the PUD Plan along the Eagle River. The developer shall construct this pathway prior to any temporary or permanent certificates of occupancy being issued. A drainage plan be submitted to Staff and approved by Staff prior to any application for a building permit. the drainage plan must address all engineering concerns. 6. The landscape plan be adequate to mitigate the removal of existing trees and AUTHORIZATION WITH RESPECT TO APPLICATION FOR REVISED SITE PLAN This Authorization is made and given as of May 1, 1994, by Golden Buff Enterprises, Kenneth L. Kriz and Donald L. Kriz ("Sellers") to and for the benefit of Wintergreen Homes Limited Liability Company, a Colorado limited liability company ("Purchaser"). Recitals Sellers and Purchaser have entered into the Land Sale Contract dated as of April 20, 1994 (the "Contract") by which Sellers have agreed to sell and Purchaser has agreed to purchase, on the terms and conditions stated in the Contract, the real property located in the Town of Avon (the "Town"), Eagle County, Colorado, legally described as Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision (the "Property"). The Town previously approved an SPA site plan for the Property, but that approval has expired. During the Inspection Period (as defined in the Contract), Purchaser wishes to apply to the Town for approval of a revised SPA site plan for the Property. Sellers are willing to authorize Purchaser to make and pursue such application. Authorization For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, Sellers agree as follows: 1. Sellers hereby authorize Purchaser to make application to the Town for, and obtain from the Town approval of, a revised SPA site plan for the Project (as defined in the Contract) on the Property, acceptable to Purchaser in its sole discretion. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Purchaser is authorized to take all actions necessary or desirable, in its determination, properly to make and pursue such application and obtain such approval, including but not limited to meeting with the Town's planning and zoning board and communit1— development staff, appearing before the Town's Mayor and Council, and executing and delivering such documents and instruments as are required by any of them, in each case as if Purchaser were the owner of the Property. 2. This Authorization is coupled with an interest, and may be revoked by Sellers only upon or after termination of the Contract in accordance with its terms. 3. Sellers and Purchaser acknowledge that the Town may rely upon this Authorization in accepting, evaluating and granting the application of Purchaser for approval of a revised SPA site plan for the Property. 4. Purchaser may assign its rights under this Authorization to any Issuer (as that term is defined in the Contract) succeeding to the rights of Purchaser under the Contract. S. Nothing in this Authorization shall be construed to authorize Purchaser to incur any liability or obligation for or on behalf of, or otherwise binding upon, any of Sellers, other than the effect on the Property of a revised SPA site plan for the Property, or to require any of Sellers to incur any liability or expense. 6. This Authorization shall be construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Colorado. Sellers have executed and delivered this Authorization as of the date first written above. [F: \CLIENTS\02549.000\AUTHORIZ.2J Golden Buff Enterprises BY: Name: General Partner Kenn th L. Kriz Donald L. Kriz 2 n Inter -Mountain Engineering Ltd. MEMORANDUM Date: May 17, 1994 To: Jay Harkins From: Russell Thrasher Re: Eaglebend Phase III PUD Submittal Project No. 94076 Section 17.20.110.H.10 - Adequacy of Public Services: 1.) Sewer - An eighteen inch sewer main runs along the south side of Highway 6 & 24 in the vicinity of the project. It should be adequate for the flows generated by this project. 2.) Water - A twelve inch water main runs along the north side of Highway 6 & 24 in the vicinity of the project. Water lines can be looped through the apartments to provide adequate water pressure and fire flows. 3.) Schools - Based out experience at Eaglebend Apartments we anticipate the following: Preschool - 9 children School Age - 9 children with 6 relocating from within the school district 4.) Transportation system - The apartments would be on an existing bus route. 5.) Roads - The Town of Avon Transportation Plan as prepared by Felsburg Holt & Ullevig projected 70 units and 25,000 S.F. of commercial development on this site. With only 59 units proposed by the developer the existing roads and proposed improvements as per the transportation plan should be adequate. 6.) Parks - The site is located adjacent to Tract A which is open space and is within walking distance at Nottingham Park. 7.) Police - Based on our experience at Eaglebend, we project that the apartments will generate an additional 33 calls per year to the police department for thefts, domestic disputes and parking violations. Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street 9 Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 Jay Harkins - Memo Page No. 2 Date: May 17, 1994 8.) Fire Protection - We project an additional two calls per year for the fire department. Based upon our experience at Eaglebend. n Inter -Mountain Engineering Ltd. MEMORANDUM Date: May 17, 1994 To: Jay Harkins From: Russell Thrasher Re: Eaglebend III PUD Submittal Project No. 94076 Section 17.20.110.H.11 - Adequacy of existing streets and roads to carry the anticipated traffic: CRITERIA: The following references were used in preparing this memo: 1.) Town of Avon Transportation Plan prepared by Felsburg Holt & Ullevig, dated December 1991 and Peak Hour Turning Movements for March 1993. 2.) Highway Capacity Manual Special Report 209 prepared by the Transportation Research Board, dated 1985. 3.) Trip Generation 5th Edition prepared by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, dated 1991. APARTMENT TRAFFIC GENERATION: From Reference No. 3: 1.) 59 apartments will generate 388 trips per day. 2.) During the AM peak (7-9 AM) there will be 28 trips per hour with 6 entering and 22 exiting. 3.) During the PM peak (4-6 PM) there will be 34 trips per hour with 23 entering and 11 exiting. The greatest potential for conflict with existing traffic will be apartment generated traffic exiting onto Highway 6 & 24. Thus only the AM peak is considered in the attached analysis. Box No. 978 • Avon, Colorado 81620 • 949-5072 Denver 893-1531 1420 Vance Street • Lakewood, Colorado 80215 • Phone: 232-0158 Jay Harkins - Memo Page No. 2 Date.: May 17, 1994 IMPACT ON HIGHWAY 6 & 24 TRAFFIC: The following assumptions were made for the attached analysis: 1.) Eaglebend III traffic will be equally divided with regard to the direction it is exiting to or entering from Highway 6 & 24. 2.) Traffic on Highway 6 & 24 was derived from Reference No. 1, specifically the March 1993 traffic counts. Results of the analysis indicate the following: 1.) Left and right hand turns out of the apartments will experience average traffic delays. 2.) Left hand turns from Highway 6 & 24 into the apartments will experience short traffic delays. CONCLUSIONS: The development of 59 apartments on this site will not significantly effect traffic on Highway 6 & 24. Actual movements out of the apartments will be better than indicated. The analysis method used assumes that gaps in conflicting traffic flows are randomly distributed, by in actuality, the traffic signal at Avon Road and Highway 6 & 24 will effectively platoon Highway 6 & 24 traffic creating larger gaps for movements out of the apartments. U`'SIG`'ALIZED INTERSECTIONS l WORKSHEET FOR ANALYSIS OF T INTERSECTIONS LOCATION: 'cJ��" ` �9 E�sl L r c7/�L%� HOURLY VOLUMES Major Street: % ® N N = 0 VS S Grade — V, _ 7 V, 1 Z V7 V9 Date of Counts:�oI I(o ❑ STOP Time Period: RM — ❑ YIELD Average Running Speed: N = Minor Street: PHF: Grade --4% VOLUME ADJUSTMENTS Movement No. I 2 Volume (vph) T-887 Vol. (pcph), see Table 10-1 STEP 1: RT from Minor Street Conflicting Flow, Vc Critical Gap, Tc , and Potential Capacity, c Actual Capacity, crt, STEP 2: LT From Major Street NAME: ?M VOLUMES IN PCPH r V- V3 V7 V9 I I F 10-37 (— V9 1/2 V3 + Vz vph (V,) Tc sec (Table 10-2) cP9 = 270pcph (Fig. 10-3) c'9 = cP9 = Z —0 cph V4 Conflicting Flow, Vc V3 + V2 = 12- {% = S` — vph (Vc,) Critical Gap, Tc , and Potential Capacity, cP Tc = sec (Table 10-2) Cp4 = 3 �pcph (Fig. 10-3) Percent of cP Utilized and Impedance Factor (Fig. 10-5) (v,/Cp,) X 100 = S P4 = Actual Capacity, cm Cma = cP; _ �Opcph STEP 3: LT From Minor Street —) `,7 Conflicting Flow, Vc 1/2 V3 +V +V +V — 6,+ 667 O = ( 5 2 5 4 - + -- + vph (V,7)Critical Gap, Tc , and Potential Capacity, cP Tc = g sec (Table 10-2) cP7 =': O pcph (Fig. 10-3) Actual Capacity, crt, C,.i7 = cP7 X P4 = Sb X =Z SOpCph SHARED -LANE CAPACITY CSH = V7 + V9 if lane is shared (v7/Cm7) + (Vg/C,,) Movement No. v( c h) cR, (pcph) CSH ( h) 2 � � Z Sb c R zoo LOS C 9 ► 2_70 �6v0 G %J 80b UCA y L � � r Q -C 'IZ I Low -Rise Apartment (221) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Occupied Dwelling Units On a: Weekday Number of Studies: 22 Average Number of Occupied Dwelling Units: 264 Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exiting Trip Generation per Occupied Dwelling Unit Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 6.59 5.10-9.24 2.84 Data Plot and Equation I� 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 1,000 ... X 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 X = Number of Occupied Dwelling Units X Actual Data Points Fltted Curve ------ Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.821 Ln(X) + 2.898 R2 = 0.91 Trip Generation, January 1991 348 Institute of Transportation Engineers .................... X .............. ............... : ..... X, ......XX... ..... ............... ..... X. 1,000 ... X 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 X = Number of Occupied Dwelling Units X Actual Data Points Fltted Curve ------ Average Rate Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = 0.821 Ln(X) + 2.898 R2 = 0.91 Trip Generation, January 1991 348 Institute of Transportation Engineers Lot 1, Riverside Subdivision, Eaglebend III, PUD Public Hearing, (cont). CONDITIONS (cont) 4. A pedestrian trail/pathway, consistent with the Town's Recreation Plan be shown on the PUD Plan along the Eagle River. The developer shall construct this pathway prior to any temporary or permanat certificates of occupancy being issued. 5. A drainage.plan be submitted to Staff and approved by Staff prior to any application for a building permit. The drainage plan must address all engineering concerns. 6. The landscape plan be adequate to mitigate the removal of existing trees and vegetation on site. The landscape plan must be brought back before the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and approval. 7. The dumpster location be shown on the site plan and approved by Planning - and Zoning Commission. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD not concur with the findings, Resolution 94-16 should be amended accordingly prior to adoption. 1. Introduce Application 2. Applicant Presentation 3. Open Public Hearing 4. Close Public Hearing 5. Commission Review 6. Commission Action Respectfully Submitted, �Z Mary Holden Town Planner RECOMMENDED ACTION PLANNING AND ZONING ACTION: Approved as submitted ( ) Approved with recommended conditions ( ) Approved with modified conditions (✓f Continued ( ) Denied ( ) Withdrawn ( ) Conceptual, No Action ( ) Date �9�Sue Railton, Secretary See attached Page PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD The applicants will be dedicating the area within the 30' stream setback as open space to the Town, which will protect the natural feature along the river. 9. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the PUD. Phasing is not proposed. The project will be built at one time. 10. Adequacy of public services such as sewer, water, schools, transportation systems, roads parks, and police and fire protection. The developer must provide the Town of Avon letters from the respective agencies indicating the services can be provided to the project. As a note to the developer, this project is not located in the Avon Metropolitan District. 11. That the existing streets and roads are suitable and adequate to carry anticipated traffic within the proposed PUD and in the vicinity of the proposed PUD. This project is accessed by HWY. 6/24 and the traffic study conducted and provided indicates the highway is suitable to carry the added traffic. SITE PLAN COMMENTS: EaWe River: The site plan has the buildings placed on the 30' setback from the mean annual high water mark. This indicates grading, site disturbance and the footings may be taking place in the setback, which is not allowed. Grading and site disturbance must be confined and kept out of the 30' setback. Building A and the parking on the west end of the site are proposed on a 35% slope. Fill will be brought in to even the slope, thereby creating a strong potential for encroachment into the 30' setback, which is not allowed. This is, also, a vegetated area, with the type of vegetation not known. The applicant will be staking the site for the visit on Tuesday. The developer must address riparian issues, which include wetlands delineation on the site plan, and checking for rapture nesting in the trees. The site plan does not reflect a pedestrian path which is specified in the Comprehensive Plan and the Recreation Master Plan. The developer must install the pedestrian path as specified in the two plans. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT August 16, 1994 Lot 1, Riverside PUD 54 Unit Complex Amendment to PUD Goal C 1. Provide for an appropriate mix of residential dwelling unit types for both permanent residents and tourists. Does this project provide for a mix of residential types? Goal C2. Affordable housing, both rental and owner occupied, should be made available through a combination of private and public efforts. Does the project meet the objective of this goal? Goal H2. Establish the Eagle River as greenbelt corridor through the Town. Is this being achieved by the dedication of the open space along the Eagle River? 2. Conformity and compliance with the overall design theme of the Town, the sub- area design recommendations and design guidelines adopted by the Town. This project is in Sub -Area 10, the Riverfront District, and the standards indicated in the Comprehensive Plan are attached to this Staff report. The main recommendation this proposal is not in conformance with is to provide for public access to the river and construction of the pedestrian trail along the river. In addition, the Recreation Master Plan specifies this path in this location. 3. Design compatibility with the immediate environment, neighborhood, and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, character, and orientations. Existing land uses found in the area are as follows: North: Proposed Boulder PUD, with 150 units approved; Eaglebend Apartments, with an existing 240 units South: River Oaks Condominiums; Folson Property PUD(there is no development plan approved) West: Undeveloped Lot 2, Riverside Subdivision; Red house at corner of Avon Rd. and HWY. 6/24(commercial) East: Tract A Open Space; River Forge Duplexes and apartment complex. The overall design, scale, bulk and building height of the buildings fit with the established character found north of the Eagle River. River Oaks Condominiums, southeast of the site, has a tall character, with facades broken up architecturally. The mass of these buildings are being reduced and broken by stepping the building down on the ends and providing a break in the middle and on the ends of the building. Eaglebend III July 18, 1994 Page 7 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Plans: 2. Appendix Cover sheet Owner Architect Project Team Drawing Index Key Plan (Vicinity Plan) Project Statistics PUD STandards Survey/Legal description Aerial/existing Conditions Site Grading/Drainage Site Utilities Preliminary Landscape Plan Site Development Plan Basement and First Floor Plans Second and Third Floor Plans Building Elevations - 1/8" Building Elevations - 1/4" (2) Site Sections and Elevations Legal Description List of owners within 300' Written Consent of owners to Amend PUD Adequacy of Public Services Traffic study Wetlands identification Eaglebend III July 18, 1994 Page 5 Landscapinq: The landscaping is to be per the attached preliminary landscape plan and the standards proposed be the minimum. 1. There is to be a 10' landscape buffer between the parking and Highway 6 ROW. 2. The number of trees is to be no less then that shown on the attached Landscape plan. 3. The 30' setback area along the River be protected. during construction and any disturbed areas be reseeded with native grasses in this area as will as along the south, east and west edges of all site disturbed construction. 4. As described on the attached landscape plan the edges of the buildings are to be a "no" water zone and entries are to be sodded and irrigated. Open Space: The 30' setback from the Eagle River be dedicated open space the length of the project. A playground area is to be developed between buildings B and C. Parking: The parking requirements will be consistent with Title 17, Avon Zoning Code. Calculation shows there is a need for a total of 124 places of which we propose 30 (25%) be garages. 1. Three-bedroom units 24 x 2.5 = 60 Two-bedroom units 18 x 2.0 = 36 One -bedroom units 12 x 1.5 =_ 18 Sub total 54 units = 114 Visitors = 10 Totals 124 2. Garages are to be assigned spaces. 3. We would propose enhancement the screening of the Highway and buildings that there be consideration for the reduction of visitor parking to 4 cars or a total of 118 cars required. Phasing: The project is to be built at one time. Eaglebend III July 18, 1994 Page 3 We laid out the site incorporating the following: 1. The river is the "best" amenity to the site. 2. The maximum solar orientation is south. 3. Our desire to minimize disturbance to the river corridor. The buildings have been placed, east -west along the grade break between the River and mainly on the flatter area of the site. This will give the maximum number of units orientation to the river; provide good solar orientation for units not on the river7 and locate buildings away from Hiqhwav 6. The parkinq is placed between the structures and Highway 6 to mitigate (by distance) sound and movement disturbances to residents by Highway traffic and to create the minimum vehicular penetration into the site. A landscaped buffer of 10' has been placed between the parking stalls and Highway 6 to mitigate possible visual impacts on vehicles passing the site. Supplementary landscaping is proposed along the river, between buildings and at the ends of the buildings and parking lots to soften edges and provide screening. We would not propose any construction or development within the 30' setback along the river because we feel that the bank is steep and any disturbance in the area would destroy riparian growth and change the character of the river corridor. Site Access: The site is to be accessed from Highway 6 approximately in the center of the existing flat area of the site or about 175 feet east of the existing guardrail at the west end of the site. We have discussed with CDOT, the possibility of developing more then one entrance into the site and were told this was not feasible. This is due to available distance (length) of the property along Highway 6 and existing grade changes to the site. The entry proposed is to be a split driveway with one-way lanes into and out of the site. The entry driveways are to be asphalt and the curbed divider and outside edges of the driveways, landscaped. All driveway slopes and radii will be per CDOT and Town of Avon Code for vehicular and emergency access. The maximum distance from the entry drive to an end of the buildings will not be more then 290'. AR K INS I"-mlftf 3�; ,Y 4 HARKINS & ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECTS APPLICATION FOR PUD AMENDMENT FOR LOT 1 RIVERSIDE SUBDIVISION JULY 18,1994 Prepared by: Harkins Associates 2784 South 1,Theelinc7 *-lav Aurora, Colorado 80014 303-755-4715 For: Eaglebend Affordable Housing Enterprise s Jeff Spanel 77 Metcalf Road Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-5072 INTRODUCTION This is a "PUD Amendment" for a portion of the Riverside Subdivision in the Town of Avon. The portion of the Riverside Subdivision to be considered in this application is "Lot 1". It is the intent of the Anplicant to develop this project as a third phase to the existing Eaglebend Project located to the northeast and across the river. ZONING SUMMARY The Riverside Subdivision (approved on February 28th, 1889) included approximately 9.2711 acres designated as a Specially Planned. Area including Lot 1, Lot 2, and Tract A (an open snace dedication to the Town of Avon). Lot 1 is presently owned by the Kriz family and under contract to Jeff Spanel and Art Kleinstein. The applicant does not own or hold interest in Lot 2 or Tract A. Lot 1 is a 2.5 acres site within the Specially Planned Area designation with an approved use for an Accommodation density of 150 units, in addition to commercial space. Our proposal represents both a density and use down -zoning from the high density/traffic Accommodations zoning to Multi -Family zoning. The project will have 54 rental apartments and related support facilities (parking, garages, managers office, laundry and storage). The gross square footage of the proposed project is approximately 53,000 SF.