TC Packet 09-24-2019 ORD 19-06 Public CommentPreston Neill From: Vali Watts <watts_vail@hotmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 3:48 PM To: Council Everyone Group; Sarah Smith Hymes; Chico Thuon; Scott Prince; Amy Phillips Subject: SECOND READING ORDINANCE 19-06 ADDING COMMUNITY HOUSING AS A USE BY RIGHT TO THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL EMPLOYMENT (IC) ZONE DISTRICT Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Dear Town Council, I am not able to be at the meeting this evening and wanted to weigh in on adding residential housing to light commercial at the end of Nottingham & Metcalf Roads. These two roads are true "choke points" in the Town of Avon. Any time there is construction, mud slides or fires at any point on these roads it creates havoc for all of us who live here. All of these events have happened repeatedly and have necessitated long detours over days and weeks. To add 250 residential units will create daily traffic problems both during and, especially, after construction. There are safer and more logical places to add housing, such as the Village at Avon. It has great public transportation access, easy access to shopping, school bus, etc. which the proposed area does NOT have, and is crucial for an area adding homes. Thank you for your time, Valerie Watts watts_vail@hotmail.com