TC Resolution 19-18 Appointing Representatives to the Upper Eagle Regional Water AuthorityRESOLUTION NO. 19-18 APPOINTING REPRESENTATIVES TO THE UPPER EAGLE REGIONAL WATER AUTHORITY BE IT RESOLVED, by the Avon Town Council that its designated principal member of Upper Eagle Regional Water Authority be: Sarah Smith Hymes BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the designated alternate members to serve in the absence of the above -designated principal member shall be: 1St Alternate: Amy Phillips 2"d Alternate: Eric Heil BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that those persons shall serve as the Town of Avon's designees until further written notice from the Town of Avon. ADOPTED this August 13, 2019. ,�pwN OFgG Town of Avon • �2 :SEA' By: Attest: Sarah Smith Hymes, Vyor Brenda Torres, own Cler .Cris 4 •,••^..•'