TC Resolution 19-15 Approving an AD HOC Finance CommitteeAvon C O L O R A D O RESOLUTION NO. 19-15 APPROVING AN AD HOC FINANCE COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the Town of Avon, Colorado (the "Town") is a home rule municipality and political subdivision of the State of Colorado (the "State") organized and existing under a home rule charter (the "Charter") pursuant to Article XX of the Constitution of the State; and WHEREAS, Section 11.2 of the Town's Home Rule Charter authorizes the Town Council to create advisory boards and does not prohibit Town Council members from serving on non- permanent advisory boards as ex -officio members; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that an Ad Hoc Finance Committee will provide valuable important review, research and advisory functions with regard to the Town's financial structure and local economy; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the establishment of an Ad Hoc Finance Committee will promote citizen understanding and involvement in the Town's financial structure, serve to grow trust with the Town's government, assure transparency, and will thereby promote the health, safety and general welfare of the Avon community. NOW THEREFORE, the Town Council, hereby RESOLVES to create the Ad Hoc Finance Committee, as follows: Section 1. Establishment, Purpose and Duties. There is hereby established the Ad Hoc Finance Committee ("Finance Committee") of the Town. The purposes and duties of Finance Committee are as follows: (a) To review, research and study the Town's tax and fee structure and sources of revenue, including but not limited to: (i) comparisons to both incorporated and unincorporated peer communities, (ii) potential volatility associated with various revenue sources, and (iii) determining the percentage of revenues attributable to residents, second home owners, visitors and businesses; (b) To review, research and study the Town's economy as it relates to the Town's finances; (c) To prepare reports as appropriate to assist the Town Council and the general public to better understand the Town's finances; (d) To make recommendations to the Town Council consist with this Resolution; and, (e) To perform such other tasks related to the Town's finances as the Town Council may request. Section 2. Membership. Finance Committee shall be composed of five (5) to nine (9) appointed by the Town Council and who shall shall be eligible to cast votes as voting members on the Finance Committee ("Voting Members") and two (2) ex -officio non-voting members of Council ("Ex -Officio Non -Voting Members") appointed by Town Council. Page 1 of 3 Section 3. Qualification of Voting Members. Residents of the Town, property owners in the Town, and owners and employees of a business located in the Town are eligible to be appointed as Voting Members. Appointments shall be made jointly by the Mayor and Mayor - Pro Tem after posting notice of a vacancy for at least twelve (12) days. Section 4. Qualification of Ex -Officio Non -Voting Members. Council members shall be eligible for appointment to the two (2) Ex -Officio Non -Voting Members. Appointments shall be made by Town Council. The term of office for Ex -Officio Non -Voting Members shall coincide with each appointed Town Council member's term or the expiration of the Finance Committee, whichever is shorter. Ex -Officio Non -Voting Members shall have the equal right to participate at Finance Committee meetings and equal right to receive all Finance Committee materials and notices of Finance Committee meetings, but shall not have any right to vote on recommendations, advisory matters, or other actions of Finance Committee. Section 5. Quorum. Three (3) Voting Members of Finance Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but in the absence of a quorum, a lesser number may adjourn any meeting to a later time or date. In the absence of all Voting Members, any staff member may adjourn any meeting to a later time or date. Section 6. Term. The term of office for a Voting Member shall be temporary and indefinite for the duration of the Finance Committee. A Voting Member of Finance Committee who ceases to possess the qualifications for office that the Voting Member possessed at the time of appointment may be permitted by the Town Council to serve until the end of the appointed term, provided that the Finance Committee member continues to reside in Eagle County. Any member of Finance Committee may be removed by Town Council pursuant to Section 8 - Removal from Office, below. Section 7. Vacancies. A vacancy on Finance Committee shall occur whenever a member of Finance Committee is removed by the Council, dies, becomes incapacitated and unable to perform the required duties for a period of ninety (90) days, resigns, ceases to meet the qualifications of Finance Committee and is not permitted by Council to serve until the end of the existing term or is convicted of a felony. In the event a vacancy of a Voting Member occurs, the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem shall jointly appoint a successor to fill the vacancy who shall serve the remainder of the term of the former member after posting notice of such vacancy to solicit interest from qualified persons. Council shall appoint Council members to fill any vacancy in an Ex -Officio Non -Voting seat. Section 8. Removal from Office. Any member of Finance Committee may be removed for just cause at the pleasure of the Town Council by a majority vote of the entire Town Council in office at the time the vote is taken. Just cause shall include misconduct, conduct unbecoming of a Town official, violation of the Town Code of Ethics, inefficiency or more than two (2) unexcused absences within a twelve-month period. Prior to removal, Town Council shall conduct a hearing and shall provide written notice to the Finance Committee member stating the grounds for removal at least three (3) days prior to the hearing. Section 9. Officers. Finance Committee shall select its own Chairperson and Vice - Chairperson. The Chair or, in the absence of the Chair, the Vice -Chair, shall be the presiding officer of its meeting. In the absence of both the Chair and the Vice -Chair from a meeting, the Voting Members present shall appoint a Voting Member to serve as Acting Chair at the meeting. Page 2 of 3 Section 10, Compensation. All members of Finance Committee shall serve with compensation and benefits, if any, as may be established by the Town Council and shall be reimbursed for all authorized personal expenses incurred while performing duties as a Finance Committee member. Section 11. Staff. The Town Manager shall designate Town staff to serve as the staff of Finance Committee and shall provide for the service of a recording secretary who shall act in the capacity of secretary for Finance Committee. Section 12. Rules and Regulations. Finance Committee shall operate in accordance with its own rules of procedure; provided, however, that Finance Committee shall submit its proposed rules or any amendment to the rules to the Town Council, which by motion shall approve the rules or amendment and direct their adoption by Finance Committee or disapprove the proposal with directions for revision and resubmission. The rules shall incorporate and comply with the Colorado Open Meetings Law, Colorado Open Records Act, and the Colorado Municipal Records Retention Schedule as such are adopted and implemented by the Town. The rules shall be filed with the Town Clerk and maintained in the records of the Town and shall be subject to public inspection. Finance Committee may provide for certain variances, exceptions and exemptions from the requirements of its rules and regulations. Section 13. Meetings. Finance Committee shall meet in accordance with the rules of procedure governing Finance Committee and otherwise upon the call of the Chairperson or, in the absence of the Chair, by the Vice -Chairperson. All meetings shall be held at the offices of the Town, unless otherwise specified, with adequate notice given to all interested parties. Section 14. Appropriation Authority. Finance Committee shall not have authority to appropriate or spend Town funds. Finance Committee may provide recommendations to the Town Manager and/or Town Council with regard to the annual budget for financial studies. Section 15. Council Amendments. Town Council reserves the right to amend, increase, reduce or change any or all of the powers, duties and procedures of Finance Committee. Section 16. Expiration. The Finance Committee is a temporary, non -permanent advisory board and shall automatically expire on January 31, 2022 unless terminated earlier by Council resolution or unless the expiration date is extended by Council by resolution. ADOPTED July 9, 2019 by the AVON TOWN COUNCIL �o� OFA By: �n Attest:-�1�%�����/✓a0iY1�/S �1 Sarah Smith Hymes, ' ayor Brenda Torres, Town Cler Page 3 of 3