PZC Packet 0219191 Agenda posted on Friday, February 15, 2019 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions. Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, February 19, 2019 100 Mikaela Way – Avon Municipal Building If you require special accommodation, please contact us in advance and we will assist you. You may call David McWilliams at 970- 748-4023 or email cmcwilliams@avon.org for special requests. I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Roll Call III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Major Design Plans and Alternative Equivalent Compliance –2177 Saddle Ridge Loop - PUBLIC HEARINGS A. North Home File: MJR19002 and AEC19001 Applicant: Jeff Manley, Martin Manley Architects Property: Lot 22A, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Owner: 2177 Saddle ridge Loop LLC, Brandt Marott Summary: Application for a new single-family home. An AEC is required for the roof pitch. B. South Home File: MJR19003 and AEC19002 Applicant: Jeff Manley, Martin Manley Architects Property: Lot 22B, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Owner: 2177 Saddle ridge Loop LLC, Brandt Marott Summary: Application for a new single-family home. An AEC is required for the roof pitch. VI. Code Text Amendments – CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING File: CTA19001 Applicant: Town of Avon Summary: Code amendments are proposed for the following items: Alternative Design (formerly Alternative Equivalent Compliance); Inclusionary Zoning; Development Bonus; Short-term Rentals; Roof Design; and Wildfire Mitigation. VII. Consent Agenda A – February 5, 2018 Meeting Minutes B – MJR18001 – Major Design and Development Plan Record of Decision VIII. Adjourn PZC Record of Decision: #MJR19001 Page 1 of 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL DATE OF DECISION: February 5, 2019 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Major Development Plan PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot 4 Riverfront Subdivision FILE NUMBER: MJR19001 APPLICANT: Jim Telling This Record of Decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code (“Development Code”) §7.16.080(c): DECISION: Recommendation that Town Council approve the development plan with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code and the PUD Design Standards; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 5. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. Temporary irrigation systems must be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees; 2. A satisfactory irrigation plan that achieves silver or better LEED standards, and demonstrates square footage coverage and hydrozones shall be presented to staff and approved prior to a building permit; 3. A stormwater quality plan will be approved by staff before issuing a building permit; 4. No trees beyond those indicated on the landscape plan will be removed without the approval of the Town, and special efforts will be made to preserve existing vegetation; 5. A lighting spec sheet is required for confirmation of AMC requirements; and 6. Staff shall verify existing easements and lot lines on a site plan before a building permit will be issued. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson 1 PZC Minutes – February 5, 2019 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 5, 2019 I. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 5:02 pm. II. Roll Call – All commissioners were present except for commissioner Hardy. Commissioner Barnes acted as the chairperson. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda – There were no additions or amendments to the agenda. IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Major Design Review –2613 Bear Trap - CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR18011 Applicant: Jeff Manley, Martin Manley Architects Property: Lot 27, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Owner: Dana Del Gizzi Summary: Jeff Manley presented a phased addition to the home. Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to approve the item with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The application is complete; 2. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The extra demand for public services is met by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. All disturbed areas will be reseeded with the originally approved native mix grass or sod; 2. Temporary irrigation systems must be above-ground and shall be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees; 3. The units shall be in good standing with the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District before any TCO or CO will be issued for the additions; and 4. The deck shall be revised to bring it into conformance with applicable setbacks. Commissioner Glaner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. VI. Major Development Plan – 254 Riverfront Lane – PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR19001 Legal Description: Lot 4 Riverfront Subdivision Applicant: Jim Telling Owner: East-West Partners 2 PZC Minutes – February 5, 2019 Summary: Jim Telling, David Kaselak, and Pedro Campos presented an application to build two (2) duplexes on the property to the west of the approved Lodge building. Action: Commissioner Golembiewski motioned to approve the item with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code and the PUD Design Standards; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; and 5. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. Temporary irrigation systems must be removed upon sufficient vegetation establishment, which shall not exceed one (1) year for ground cover, two (2) years for shrubs or three (3) years for trees; 2. A satisfactory irrigation plan that achieves silver or better LEED standards, and demonstrates square footage coverage and hydrozones shall be presented to staff and approved prior to a building permit; 3. A stormwater quality plan will be approved by staff before issuing a building permit; 4. No trees beyond those indicated on the landscape plan will be removed without the approval of the Town, and special efforts will be made to preserve existing vegetation; 5. A lighting spec sheet is required for confirmation of AMC requirements; and 6. Staff shall verify existing easements and lot lines on a site plan before a building permit will be issued. Commissioner Howell seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. VII. Code Text Amendments – PUBLIC HEARING File: CTA19001 Applicant: Town of Avon Summary: Code amendments are proposed for the following items: Alternative Design (formerly Alternative Equivalent Compliance); Inclusionary Zoning; Development Bonus; Short-term Rentals; Roof Design; and Wildfire Mitigation. Public Comments: Jeff Manley and Ruth Bourne commented on the application. Action: Commissioner Howell motioned to continue the public hearing to February 19 pending edits to the amendments. Commissioner Nusbaum seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. VIII. Consent Agenda A – December 18, 2018 Meeting Minutes B – Lot 22 Block 1 Wildridge PUD Amendment C – January 15, 2019 Meeting Minutes Action: Commissioner Nusbaum motioned to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Glaner seconded the motion and it carried unanimously 6-0. IX. Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm. 3 PZC Minutes – February 5, 2019 Approved this 19th Day of February 2019 SIGNED: ___________________________________________ Chairperson February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge A 1 Staff Report – Major Development Plan & Alternative Equivalent Compliance February 19, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Case #MJR19002 and AEC19001 Project type Major Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 22A Block 1Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 2177 Saddle Ridge Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains two applications for consideration by the PZC: Major Development Plan with Design Review for a new proposed single-family house; and an Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) for the roof pitch under the required 4:12 pitch. Summary of Request Jeff Manley (the Applicant) with Martin Manley Architects proposes a new house for Lot 22A (the north unit). The building is 3 stories, 2,761 s.f. of livable space and includes an 831 s.f. garage. The lower level is ground level at the garage side and located below grade on the uphill side of the house. It has shed roofs at 3:12 pitch. The proposal is best described as mountain modern style. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the February 8 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Property Description Lot 22A is .286 acres located near the intersection of Saddle Ridge Loop and Beaver Creek Point. It is zoned PUD and accommodates a single family per the PUD standards, updated in early 2019. It borders duplex and single-family houses. Planning Analysis Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: Lot 22A has a building envelope, easements, and a limit of disturbance line that were modified during the PUD amendment process, shown on Attachment B, sheet A1.1. Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property 35 feet. The applicant February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge A 2 is proposing a maximum building height of 30’ – 5 13/16” if the AEC is approved, and discussed in the AEC section, below. Parking: The project requires three (3) parking spaces, which are provided between the garage and the spaces in front of the garage. Design Standards Analysis Landscaping & Irrigation: The property is proposed to be landscaped primarily with aspen, a spruce tree, three deciduous shrub species, native grasses, ground cover, and mulch areas (Attachment B, sheet A1.3). The Landscape Unit count provided is 150 with 144 required. The application takes advantage of the bonus for retained vegetation and for temporary irrigation. Permanent drip irrigation is proposed. Staff reviewed a satellite view of the parcel and noticed a possible slight overreach of the neighboring property’s landscaping and irrigation. The mitigation of this is suggested as a condition of approval. Staff is concerned that the spruce tree is planned too close to the house and may be deemed a fire hazard by the fire code. A condition to place the tree further away from the house is included in the recommended motion, below. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The primary exterior building materials are wood siding (stained “silver city” and two shades of dark brown) and stone veneer (Attachment B, sheet A0.0). Colors were reviewed for conformance with Sec. 7.28.090(j)(4)(viii), Building Materials, and determined to comply with the design standards. All materials are of high quality and compliment Avon’s built landscape. Retaining Walls: There are two retaining walls on the south radiating from the garage to build into the hill and create positive drainage. All retaining walls are proposed as river rock materials and rock excavated during construction. They are between four (4’) and two (2’) feet tall. Roof Material and Pitch: The roof material and pitch were reviewed for compliance with Sec. 7.28.090- (d)(3) Roofs. The applicant is proposing exclusively 3:12 roof pitches. Pitches are required to be 4:12 or above, therefore an Alternative Equivalent Compliance review is necessary, found below. Exterior Lighting: The proposed lighting (Attachment C), is all recessed can lights below roofs or overhangs, is Dark Sky Compliant, and the locations and quantity are found to be compliant with lighting code. Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application complies with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (a) states, “Divide the Town into zones, restricting and requiring therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses; regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; establish building lines and locations February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge A 3 of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within such areas; establish standards to which buildings or structures shall conform; establish standards for use of areas adjoining such buildings or structures.” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Major Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed for compliance with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with the site and the surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below and in Staff Analysis. 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Northern Residential District (District 11 of the Comprehensive Plan), which states, “Due to the limited number of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings.” The District includes principles that encourage minimal alteration to the natural environment and steep slope development. This Application generally proposes a design that is consistent with the Goals and Policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Policy C.2.4 states, “Encourage landscaping and building locations that enhance neighborhood views and view corridors.” 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application is in conformance with the accompanying requirements of the PUD zoning and the Development Code. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The proposal was referred to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, and comments received were addressed by the applicant. All special services are well established in the subdivision. §7.16.090(f), Design Review 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The Application proposes a design that relates to the character of the surrounding community. February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge A 4 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: Besides the roof design, the design is either compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code or seeks an Alternative Equivalent Compliance. 3. The design reflects the long-range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and besides the concerns mentioned, staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. 7.16.120 - Alternative Equivalent Compliance Alternative equivalent compliance is a procedure that allows development to meet the intent of the design-related provisions through an alternative design. It is not a general waiver or weakening of regulations; rather, this application procedure permits a site-specific plan that is equal to or better than the strict application of a design standard specified in the Development Code. This procedure is not intended as a substitute for a variance or administrative modification or a vehicle for relief from standards in this Chapter. Alternative compliance shall apply only to the specific site for which it is requested and does not establish a precedent for assured approval of other requests. Review Criteria. The PZC shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: 1. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 2. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 4. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. AEC Request The roof design component requires an AEC for PZC consideration. The Application proposes a minimum roof pitch of 3:12, instead of the required 4:12 on the roof sections, in deviation of AMC sec. 7.28.090(d)(3)(i): All residential buildings shall have pitched roofs with a rise of not less than four (4) inches in twelve (12) inches of distance. Primary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and a twelve-to- twelve (12:12) maximum. Secondary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and metal roofs shall have a three-to-twelve (3:12) minimum. Flat roofs may be permitted as secondary roofs or if the flat roof is consistent with the architectural style of the building. Applicant Response The mountain modern design uses low snug roofs. This aids in neighboring houses being able to look over this home. The scale of the building is lower. The comparison house shown with 4:12 forms has a higher overall height (30’–5 13/16” vs 32’–5 13/16”) and empty interior space. The “pivot point” of the roof is at the wall and therefore following code would simply result in an unnecessarily taller structure. February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge A 5 Staff Analysis PZC is instructed to review the alternative for achieving the intent of the subject design standard, which is in part informed by the Purposes section of Avon Municipal Code. Section 7.04.030(l) states, “Promote architectural design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary checking to Avon's sub-alpine environment.” The design as presented appears to meet all of the guidelines. The intent of mandating a 4:12 pitch is to create an attractive angled shape of the roof, and a unified aesthetic throughout town. Snow loading is another concern that the Municipal Code seeks to avoid by prohibiting low-pitched roofs. The type of home proposed is best described as “mountain modern,” which generally favors a lower pitched roof, unique structure shape, and large windows and doors. The height reduction and layout seem to adhere to the Avon Comprehensive Plan, “Policy A.1.5: Promote development that maximizes sun exposure and protects views.” Overall, staff is confident that that the roof design AEC application achieves the intent of the Municipal Code to the same degree as the 4:12 regulation does. Staff feels that the 3:12 pitches do not hurt the overall aesthetic and the design favorably compliments the adjacent properties and surrounding community. The PZC should carefully assess the application for compliance with the review criteria, listed above. Staff has outlined a recommended motion for approval of the AEC request. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for Lot 22A Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision with the following findings: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review, and §7.16.120 Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The AEC achieves the intent of the roof design standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The AEC achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the roof design standards, including Policy A.1.5; 4. The AEC results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to compliance with the roof design standards; and 5. By limiting the height of the building, the AEC imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Avon Development Code. Motion to Approve the Application: “I move to approve Case #AEC19001, an application for Alternative Equivalent Compliance for Lot 22A Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact outlined by Staff.” Staff Recommendation for MJR19002 Major Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends approving the Major Development Plan application for Lot 22A Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision, with the following findings and conditions: Findings: February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge A 6 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Municipal Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. Any irrigated area located on the north side of the property shall be reseeded with native seed and removed from permanent irrigation; and 2. The spruce tree shall be installed so the crown does not come within ten (10) feet of the house. Motion to Approve the Application: “I move to approve Case #MJR19002, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for Lot 22A Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact outlined by Staff.” Exhibits A. Design Plans B. Lighting Plan C. AEC Alternative Design Date: 2-4-19 Meeting at TOA RE: Design review 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop, Lot 22A North house The lot 22 at 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop is being split into 2 single family lots that will result in the lot 22A, northern most lot, at a size of 12,877.7 s.f. or .286 acres. During the approved split of the lot the following restrictions were placed on the property. 1 The building footprint will be limited to 2000 s.f. 2 The total livable area of the home shall be limited to 2800 s.f. 3 A building envelope was established at 3300 s.f. in which the building, overhangs, roofs, and decks are to be kept within. On grade terraces, drives, and walks would be able to extend beyond the envelope, but not into any non-development area. 4 Non development area was designated to maintain a natural landscape and buffer to the neighbors. The home is proposed as a mountain modern design for the property owner’s family of 7. The home is a 5 bedroom, 4 bath residence with a 2 car garage. The design has the roof planes set to create interesting interior volumes and capture the commanding views. During the lot split meetings there was concern of the neighbors of diminishing their easterly views. While protecting their view is not a design restriction, we feel that it is a concern to address. The presented design addresses their concerns by working to limit the overall height of the building by roof form and reducing the roof pitch. We will be applying and seeking approval for an AEC for the ability to provide the home with all 3:12 roof pitches in lieu of the min roof slope of 4:12 called out in the development code. We feel that this lowered roof pitch enhances the design, reduces wasted interior volume, lower the height of the building at the street façade, and reduces the overall building height by 24”. The presented design, with the 3:12 pitched roofs, creates a maximum building height of 30’-5”, or 4’-7” below the developable right of 35’-0” maximum building height. We believe that we have created a handsome home that fits well within the language of the Wildridge neighborhood and fits the design goals of the owners. We are seeking approval at the next P and Z meeting on Feb. 19th, 2019 for the building design and the AEC. The exterior lighting for the home will be accomplished using recessed can lighting within the soffits or roofs, or cantilevered structures. This shall conform to the Town’s darksky restrictions. Lighting is to be located in the following location: (3) at the entry terrace, (2) at the cantilever over the garage doors, and (2) at the back covered terrace. Thank you, Jeffrey P Manley AIA Martin Manley Architects 970-328-1299 (direct) 970-688-0326 (cell) www.martinmanleyarchitects.com Attachment A ZONING INFORMATION-Lot 22A Lot 22A, Wildridge Subdivision 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop, Avon Colorado Zoning: Single Family Lot, Lot 22A Area = .286 acres = 12877.7 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 12877.7= 6,438.85 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12877.7= 3,219.425 s.f. Platted Building Envelope = 3300 s.f. (allowed by plat) Proposed Building Height= 30'-5" (<35'-0" allowed by right) Proposed Livable Area = 2761.5 s.f. (<2,800 s.f. allowed by plat) Proposed Garage Area =831.2 s.f. total =3,592.7 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =1,381.4 s.f. (allowed footprint of <2,000 s.f. by plat) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 1,381.4 s.f. + 1,915 s.f. (drive + terraces) =3,296.4s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. by footprint 1,381.4 s.f.) = 11,496.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 89.3%) (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,296.4 s.f.) = 9,581.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 74.4%) Platted no disturb area = 2,350 s.f. Parking Requirements: 3 spaces required Snow Storage: 20 % of 1,464 s.f. Drive = 292.8 s.f. of snow storage (330 s.f. provided) Exterior Lighting: Dark sky compliant, RECESSED CAN LIGHTING Roofing: 50-Year (TL) Asphalt shingle Elk-GAF , Prestique High Def, Charcoal Flashing, Metal panels, and Gutters: Paint lock aluminum Color: to match black Terraces and Entry patio saw cut concrete slab Drive:Asphalt drive Windows: Aluminum Clad windows and doors Color: iron ore Timbers, and fascia 1x6 and 2x8, Wood Fascia Trim Color: FLOOD 913 Ebony (200%) semi-transparent Typical Horizontal Siding: 1X8 ship lapped or T&G Wood Siding (with 1/4" reveal) Rough sawn texture Color: FLOOD 913 Ebony semi-transparent Typical Vertical Siding: 1X8 ship lapped Color: Silver City from Motanta Timber Products, Aquafir Stone Veneer: Winterhaven, profit Alpine Ledgestone (from Boral, cultured stone) drystack, Rectilinear stones, Horizontal/linear stack Same stone for wall caps 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject No.:DateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 11:27:19 AMA0.0COVER18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22A, Avon CO 816202177 Saddle Ridge Loop PLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET Single Family Residences at Wildridge Subdivision Lot 22A, Avon CO 81620 2-4-19 Project Team Information Owner: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LLC PO BOX 741 AVON, CO 81620-0741 Location: 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop Lot 22, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Parcel Number 1943-354-03-011 Architect:Martin Manley Architect Jeffrey P Manley AIA PO Box 1587 Eagle, CO 81631 970.328.5151 jeff@martinmanleyarchitects.com General Contractor: DW Dantas Construction LLC Dave Dantas PO Box 2322 Avon, CO 81620 970.376.6111 dave@dwdantas.com Parcel Number:1943-354-03-011 Location: 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop,Lot 22, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Class of Work: New Construction Type of Construction: Type V-B Type of Occupancy: R3 Levels: 2-story + basement Fire Sprinklers: No Monitored alarm system: Yes Heating: Forced air Furnace:Min. 92% efficiency, GAS 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) including Appendix F & G No.DescriptionDate12" = 1'-0" ZONING SUMMARY- LOT 22A 12" = 1'-0" COLOR BOARD Attachment A UP DN WD DW 549.3 SF Lower Level Area 832.1 SF Garage 1504 SF Main Level Area 708.1 SF Upper Level Area 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 11:27:20 AMA0.1AREA CALCULATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22A, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/8" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 1/8" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 1/8" = 1'-0"3 A3.0 UPPER LEVEL Area Schedule (Gross Building) Name Area Lower Level Area 549.3 SF Main Level Area 1504 SF Upper Level Area 708.1 SF Grand total: 3 2761.5 SF Area Schedule (Gross garage) Name Area Garage 832.1 SF Grand total: 1 832.1 SF Attachment A 6.8° WOOD FENCE CTV PEDESTAL TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SATTELITE DISH FLOWLINE OF 18" C.M.P. 8173.9 8187.6 8188.1 8185.2 8182.4 8183.0 8181.0 8180.8 8179.1 8178.9 8177.1 8177.3 8176.1 8175.7 8175.2 8175.9 8176.3 EDGE OF ASPHALT FLOWLINE OF DITCH EDGE OF ASPHALT EDGE OF GRAVEL FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437)UTI L I TY AND DRAI NAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTI ON No. 226437) U TILITY A N D DR A IN A G E EA SEM EN T(REC EPTIO N N o. 226437)SLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE AND SNO W STORAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437) N 49°37'22"E - 114.02'S89°54'56"E - 210.69'S30°46'55"E - 100.81' LOT 22 0.57 ACRES ADDRESS: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LOT 21B LOT 23 LOT 25B LOT 25A S A D D L E R I D GE L O O P ( 5 0 ' R I G H T -O F -W A Y ) LOT 24B LOT 22B 12039.0 S.F. LOT 22A 12877.7 S.F. 8180 819 0 8200 8 2 0 0 8190 8180 77'-9" 78 79 5% first20'at 4% 80 84 96 92 96 92 8% 8% 84'-6 3% 3% 90 82'-0 81 81'-6" 94 92 90 88 86 84 84'84' 8%first20'at4%88 86 82' 94 95 81'6'82'390 92 9 0 88 94 94 92 8 6 8 4' 90 86 84 82 78 78 78 92 proposed drainage easement 82'84' 81'-6"7'-6"10'-0" 2 5 '-0 "10'-0"10'-0"7'-6"10'-0"22'-73_ 8" 22'-51_2" 30'-33_4" 23'-63_ 4" 5'-0"5'-0" VIEWS BEAVER CREEKMOUNTAINGAME CREEK BOWLRED AND WHITEMOUNTAIN10 1 inch = 10 ft. ( IN FEET ) 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 4" 4" 4" 10" 4" 4" S C TV P (SEE DETAIL) VIEWPOINT T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 2'-0"8182' 8180' G U E S T P A R K I N G 95' 9 BET W EEN D RIVE W AY C U RB C UTS SURFACE DRAINAGE TO DITCH28' - 1"27' - 0" ROUGHLT 55 FEET BETWEEN BUILDINGS T.O. WALLB.O. WALL 4'-0" 8194' 8190' T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 2'-0"8184' 8182'VI EW LI NE DI STANCE AROUND CORNER I S 165 FEET (TO SOUTH ) GRADE IN THIS AREA IS LOWERED TO IMPROVE SIGHT LINE TO DRIVE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT HOME CORNER (20' FROM THIS PROPERTY LINE view path to Game Creek Bowl 3200 S.F. OF PROPOSED NON DEVELOPEMENT AREA (MAY HAVE LIMITED DISTURBING TO CONNECT TO UTILIES) 67' - 8"50' - 5"65' - 5 1/2" 65' - 5 1/2" 5 0 ' - 5 "2' - 9" Total Lot 22 Area: 24916.63 s.f. Area of no disturbance/natural: 3200 s.f. (undisturbed at back of lot and under south neighbor’s trees) Lot 22A Lot 22B Area:12877.7 s.f.Area:12038.5 s.f. Area of no disturb: 2350 s.f.Area of no disturb: 850 s.f. Area of no disturbance on lot= 10527.7 s.f.Area of no disturbance on lot= 11188.5 s.f. Area within envelope: 3300 s.f.Area within envelope: 3300 s.f. T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 4'-0"8190' 8186' T.O. WALLB.O. WALL 2'-6" 8188' 8185' 6 14' - 0"14' - 0 13/16" SNOW STORAGE AREA 330 S.F. SNOW STORAGE AREA 330 S.F. SILT FENCIN G ALO N G THE D O W NHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SOME REMOVAL OF SHRUBS WILL OCCUR OUTSIDE OF THE FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 5' - 4 3/16"18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT ZONING INFORMATION-Lot 22A Lot 22A, Wildridge Subdivision 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop, Avon Colorado Zoning: Single Family Lot, Lot 22A Area = .286 acres = 12877.7 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 12877.7= 6,438.85 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12877.7= 3,219.425 s.f. Platted Building Envelope = 3300 s.f. (allowed by plat) Proposed Building Height= 30'-5" (<35'-0" allowed by right) Proposed Livable Area = 2761.5 s.f. (<2,800 s.f. allowed by plat) Proposed Garage Area =831.2 s.f. total =3,592.7 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =1,381.4 s.f. (allowed footprint of <2,000 s.f. by plat) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 1,381.4 s.f. + 1,915 s.f. (drive + terraces) =3,296.4s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. by footprint 1,381.4 s.f.) = 11,496.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 89.3%) (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,296.4 s.f.) = 9,581.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 74.4%) Platted no disturb area = 2,350 s.f. Parking Requirements: 3 spaces required Snow Storage: 20 % of 1,464 s.f. Drive = 292.8 s.f. of snow storage (330 s.f. provided) Exterior Lighting: Dark sky compliant, RECESSED CAN LIGHTING ZONING INFORMATION-Lot 22B Lot 22B, Wildridge Subdivision 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop, Avon Colorado Zoning: Single Family Lot, Lot 22B Area = .276 acres = 12,038.5 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 12,038.5= 6,019.25 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12,038.5= 3,009.625 s.f. Platted Building Envelope = 3300 s.f. (allowed by plat) Proposed Building Height= 30'-3" (<35'-0" allowed by right) Proposed Livable Area = 2798.8 s.f. (<2,800 s.f. allowed by plat) Proposed Garage Area =1,006.9 s.f. total =3,805.7 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =1,645.4 s.f. (allowed footprint of <2,000 s.f. by plat) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 1,645.4 s.f. + 1,933 s.f. (drive + terraces) = 3,578.4 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12,038.5 s.f.)-(imperv. by footprint 1,645.4 s.f.) = 10,393.1 s.f. Landscape area ( 86.3%) (Lot area= 12,038.5 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,578.4 s.f.) = 8,460.1s.f. Landscape area ( 70.3%) Platted no disturb area = 850 s.f. Parking Requirements: 3 spaces required Snow Storage: 20 % of 1,593 s.f. Drive = 318.6 s.f. of snow storage (330 s.f. provided) Exterior Lighting: Dark sky compliant, RECESSED CAN LIGHTING 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 11:27:22 AMA1.1SITE PLAN18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22A, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 SITE PLAN 12" = 1'-0" ZONING SUMMARY- LOT 22A 12" = 1'-0" ZONING SUMMARY- LOT 22B Attachment A 6.8°WOOD FENCE CTV PEDESTAL TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SATTELITE DISH FLOWLINE OF 18" C.M.P. 8173.9 SEWER MANHOLE MH 520 RIM ELEVATION = 8184.8 INVERT (N) ELEVATION = 8179.0 INVERT (S) ELEVATION = 8178.8 FLOWLINE OF DITCH EDGE OF ASPHALT EDGE OF GRAVEL FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437)UTI LI TY AND DRAI NAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTI ON No. 226437) U TILITY A N D DR A IN A G E EA SEM EN T(REC EPTIO N N o. 226437)SLOPE MAINTENAN CE, DRAINAGE AND SNOW STORAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437) N 49°37'22"E - 114.02'S89°54'56"E - 210.69'S30°46'55"E - 100.81' LOT 22 0.57 ACRES ADDRESS: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LOT 21B LOT 23 LOT 25B LOT 25A LOT 24B LOT 22B 12039.0 S.F. LOT 22A 12877.7 S.F. 8180 819 0 8200 8 2 0 0 8190 8180 77'-9" 78 79 5% first20'at 4% 80 84 96 92 96 92 8% 8% 84'-6 3% 3% 90 82'-0 81 81'-6" 94 92 90 88 86 84 84'84' 8%first20'at4%88 86 82' 94 95 81'6'82'390 92 9 0 88 94 94 92 8 6 8 4' 90 86 84 82 78 78 78 92 proposed drainage easement 82'84' 81'-6" 10 1 inch = 10 ft. ( IN FEET ) 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 4" 4" 4" 10" 4" 4" S C TV P (SEE DETAIL) VIEWPOINT Landscape and Irrigation table AREA MATRIX: ZONING INFORMATION-Lot 22A Lot 22A Area = .286 acres = 12877.7 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 12877.7= 6,438.85 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12877.7= 3,219.425 s.f. Platted Building Envelope = 3300 s.f. (allowed by plat) Proposed Livable Area = 2761.5 s.f. (<2,800 s.f. allowed by plat) Proposed Garage Area =831.2 s.f. total =3,592.7 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =1,381.4 s.f. (allowed footprint of <2,000 s.f. by plat) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 1,381.4 s.f. + 1,915 s.f. (drive + terraces) =3,296.4s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. by footprint 1,381.4 s.f.) = 11,496.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 89.3%) (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,296.4 s.f.) = 9,581.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 74.4%) Platted no disturb area = 2,350 s.f. Proposed Temp Irrigation only in reveg. seeded areas. Temp irrigation to be removed after establiment of seeded areas. Landscape Units = 9,581.3 s.f. -2,350 s.f. of undisturbed area=7,231.3 / 50 s.f. per unit =144.6 units 25% Landscape Units to be provided be trees = 25% of 144.6 units =36.16 units by trees Landscape Material (trees)New Existing retained Units Deciduous 1.5" -2.5" caliper/clump = 4 units per tree X 7=28 4 units per tree X 0 =0 28 units Deciduous 2.5" -4" caliper/clump = 7 units per tree X 5=35 9 units per tree X 0 =0 35 units Evergreen 6'-8' high =6 units per tree X 1 =6 11 units per tree X 0=11 6 units Landscape Material (shrubs)New Existing retained Units Shrubs, 5 gallon = 1 unit per shrub X 20 =20 1.2 units per shrub X 0 =0 20 units Perennial Ground covers Units 1 unit per 400 s.f. 400 s.f. proposed / 400 s.f.=1 units 1 units Hardscape Material Units Awarded calculation Units Shredded Bark (mulch at planting beds around trees)1/500 s.f. 500 s.f. planting bed area/500 =1 1 Units subtotal 91 units Retained Existing Vegetation Mass Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 300+ square feet of native Vegetation 10% Proposed Undisturbed Native vegetation Area = 900 s.f.< 300 s.f. Bonus to be applied 10 % of 91 units = 9.1 9.1 units subtotal 100.1 units Drip Irrigation Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 80% or more of total landscaped area on temporary irrigation 50% 50 % of 100.1 units = 50.05 Bonus to be applied 50.05units Total Landscape Units Proposed (144.6 required)150.15 units NOTE: TREES WITHIN UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE NOT COUNTED IN UNIT TOTAL G U E S T P A R K I N G S U R F A C E D R A IN A G E T O D IT C H PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT HOME CORNER (20' FROM THIS PROPERTY LINE view path to Game Creek Bowl 3200 S.F. OF PROPOSED NON DEVELOPEMENT AREA (MAY HAVE LIMITED DISTURBING TO CONNECT TO UTILIES)14' - 0"14' - 0 13/16" GROUND COVER. CS QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA QA QA QA QA QA QASP SP SP SP SPLL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL C E C ECE C ECE MULCH MULCH SILT FENCIN G ALO N G THE D O W NHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SOME REMOVAL OF SHRUBS WILL OCCUR OUTSIDE OF THE FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 5' - 4 3/16"NOTE: LARGE EVERGREE TREES EXI ST ON NEI GHBORS PROPERTY I N THI S AREA,THE GOAL OF THE LARGE ASPEN AND 2 SMALLER ASPEN TREES I S TO BE TUCKED OUT OF NEI GHBOR VI EW PATHS. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVI EW HE PLACEMENT OF THESE 3 TREES. LINE OF ROOF OVERHANG LINE OF ROOF OVERHANGCS Q A 2 Q A Q A Q A QA SP SP SP SP SPL L L L L L L L C E C E C E C E C E L L L L L L L L L L L L C E C E Q A 2 Q A 2 Q A 2 Q A 2 QA QA QA GROUND COVER. 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT QA Deciduous Trees Count QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) 1.5" to 2.5" CAL. Size 7 12 Symbol Name Deciduous Shrubs LL DWARF KOREAN LILAC (SYRINGA MEYERI 'PALABIN') OR Fendler ceanothus, mountain-lilac #5 10 20 CE #5 5COTONEASTER DAMMERI CORAL BEAUTY (COTONEASTER DAMMERI) GC Perennial Ground covers 400 square feet of cover. CS Conifer Trees 6'-8' tall 1 1 Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens) Mulched Areas SHREDDED BARK MULCHED AREA -AROUND TREES AND SHRUBS NOT COVERED BY GROUND COVER Natural Grass Areas (reveg) SOD MIX OF GRASSES AND FESCUE SEED. ARKANSAS VALLEY SEED COMPANY, NATIVE LOW GROW MOUNTAIN MIX.SOD AREA TO BE 800 S.F., OTHER AREAS ARE TO SPRAYED WITH A FERTILIZER AND SEED MIX. MULCH NG Spray Irrigation in sod areas that will become mowed lawn, temp drip irrigation in areas to become more natural MULCH NATURAL GRASS AREA (SODDED)IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION, REMOVE IRRIGATION AT ESTABLISHMENT 2 SODDED AREA IS TO HAVE RAIN BIRD POP-UP SPRAY IRRIGATION 3 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,200 S.F. SNOW IN SUMMER, STONECROP, CREEPING PHLOX, NATIVE LOW -GROW GRASSES, ROCKY MTN. FESCUE 500 square feet of cover. Q ACS LLS P C E #5SP 5SPIREA, ANTHONY WATERER (Spiraea japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’) 5000 square feet of SPRAY SEED cover. and 800 of SOD 2.5" to 4" CAL.5 Q A 2QA2 QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) GROUND COVER Use of sod will be reviewed with budget as project progresses. Area will become spray seeded and temp irrigation if budget does not allow for sod.970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 11:27:26 AMA1.2LANDSCAPE PLAN 22A18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22A, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate12" = 1'-0" LANDSCAPE UNITS - LOT 22A 1" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN- LOT 22A 1/8" = 1'-0" LANDSCAPE LEGEND - LOT 22A Attachment A 2 5 ' - 0 ".34' - 6 3/16"VIEW TO RED AND WHITEVIEW TO GAME CREEK 8196' elev at cornerLetter of supportL e tte r o f s u p p o rtMAIN LEVEL 8207' elev EYE LEVEL 8212' elev MAIN LEVEL 8209' elev EYE LEVEL 8214' elev LARGE EVERGREEN TREES 25' TALL V I E W C O R R I D O R (S K Y T O V A L L E Y F L O O R ) P R O V I D E D W I T H L O T S P L I T T H A T W O U L D N O T E X I S T W I T H D U P L E X S U P P O R T A T 1 S T M T G 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:35:22 PMA1.1.6Unnamed18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 20'-0"1 A0.0 SITE PLAN GOOGLE EARTH view from neighbor study VIEWS BETWEEN OR AROUND THE HOMES ARE IMPROVED WITH THE 2 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES OVER THE DUPLEX THE MAIN RIDGES IN THE CURRENT DESIGN ARE PARALLEL TO THE VIEW. DUPLEX MASS CREATES A LONG RIDGE PERPENDICULAR THE HOMES ARE BROKEN UP AND ARE ABLE TO HAVE MORE BACK YARD. THIS INCREASES THE DISTANCE TO THE NEIGHBORS TO THE WEST Attachment A 6.8° WOOD FENCE CTV PEDESTAL TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SATTELITE DISH FLOWLINE OF 18" C.M.P. 8173.9 SEWER MANHOLE MH 520 RIM ELEVATION = 8184.8 INVERT (N) ELEVATION = 8179.0 INVERT (S) ELEVATION = 8178.8EDGE OF ASPHALT EDGE OF GRAVEL FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437)UTI L I TY AND DRAI NAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTI ON No. 226437) U TILITY A N D D RA IN A GE EA SEM EN T(REC EPTIO N N o. 226437)SLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE AND SNOW STORAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437) N 49°37'22"E - 114.02'S89°54'56"E - 210.69'S30°46'55"E - 100.81' LOT 22 0.57 ACRES ADDRESS: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LOT 21B LOT 23 OT 25B LOT 25A LOT 24B LOT 22B 12039.0 S.F. LOT 22A 12877.7 S.F. 8180 819 0 8200 8 2 0 0 8190 8180 77'-9" 78 79 5% first20'at 4% 80 84 96 92 96 92 8% 8% 84'-6 3% 3% 90 82'-0 81 81'-6" 94 92 90 88 86 84 84'84' 8%first20'at4%88 86 82' 94 95 81'6'82'390 92 9 0 88 94 94 92 8 6 8 4' 90 86 84 82 78 78 78 92 proposed drainage easement 82'84' 81'-6" 10 1 inch = 10 ft. ( IN FEET ) 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 4" 4" 4" 10" 4" 4" S C TV P (SEE DETAIL) VIEWPOINT G U E S T P A R K I N G S U R F A C E D R A IN A G E T O D IT C H PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT HOME CORNER (20' FROM THIS PROPERTY LINE view path to Game Creek Bowl 3200 S.F. OF PROPOSED NON DEVELOPEMENT AREA (MAY HAVE LIMITED DISTURBING TO CONNECT TO UTILIES) GROUND COVER. CS QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA QA QA QA QA QA QASP SP SP SP SPLL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL C E C ECE C ECE MULCH MULCH SILT FENCIN G ALO N G THE D O W NHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SOME REMOVAL OF SHRUBS WILL OCCUR OUTSIDE OF THE FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 5' - 4 3/16"NOTE: LARGE EVERGREE TREES EXI ST ON NEI GHBORS PROPERTY I N THI S AREA,THE GOAL OF THE LARGE ASPEN AND 2 SMALLER ASPEN TREES I S TO BE TUCKED OUT OF NEI GHBOR VI EW PATHS. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVI EW HE PLACEMENT OF THESE 3 TREES. LINE OF ROOF OVERHANG LINE OF ROOF OVERHANGCS Q A 2 Q A Q A Q A QA SP SP SP SP SPL L L L L L L L C E C E C E C E C E L L L L L L L L L L L L C E C E Q A 2 Q A 2 Q A 2 Q A 2 QA QA QA GROUND COVER. AC C O NTR OLLER back flow valve manual shut-off valve VALVE ASSE M BLY Sensor stake in ground to read soil moisture contentAC CONTROLLERback flow valvemanual shut-off valveVALVE ASSEMBLYSensor stake in ground to read soil moisture contentTHE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED BY THE LANDSCAPE SUBCONTRACTOR. The design shall: (A) Prevent runoff, low head drainage, overspray, or other similar conditions where irrigation water flows onto non- targeted areas, such as adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, hardscapes, roadways, or structures. Restrictions regarding overspray and runoff may be modified if the landscape area is adjacent to permeable surfacing and no runoff occurs or if the adjacent non-permeable surfaces are designed and constructed to drain entirely to landscaping. (B) Conform to the hydrozones of the landscape design plan. (C) Have matched precipitation rates within a hydrozone, unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer's recommendations. (D) Meet the required operating pressure of the emission devices using valve pressure regulators, sprinkler head pressure regulators, inline pressure regulators, booster pumps, or other devices. The pressure and flow measurements identified at the design stage will be verified prior to the installation of the system. (E) Meet the requirements set in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, ASABE/ICC 802-2014 "Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard authored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the International Code Council and verified by an independent third-party. (F) Achieve the highest possible sprinkler spacing distribution uniformity using the manufacturer's recommendations. All sprinkler head installed in the turfgrass areas shall have a distribution uniformity of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in ASABE/ICC 802-2014 standard. 22A IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION 3 ALL TEMPORARY IRRIGATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE GROUND AND PHYSICALLY REMOVED AFTER 2 GROWING SEASONS OR AFTER PLANT ESTABLISHMENT, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND MICRO SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,700 S.F. 22A, NORTH HOUSE Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12877.7= 3,219.425 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,296.4 s.f.) = 9,581.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 74.4%) Landscapre area 9,581.3 s.f. -2,350 s.f. of undisturbed area=7,231.3 s.f. of disturbed Total irrigated area 1,700 s.f. (17.7% of the total landscape area) Total Permanent Drip irrigation =500 s.f. (29% of irrigation total) *at trees provide 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week * shrubs provide 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week Total Permanent micro spray irrigation =400 s.f. (23.5% of irrigation total) *at planting beds and ground covers place mirco spray at 8'-0" spacing. 1/2 gallon per minute, 3 times a week Total Permanent pop-up spray irrigation =800 s.f. (47% of irrigation total) * at sodded mountain mix, water at volumes as recommented by the 'Water Wise residential guide for Western Colorado' 3 times a week Total irrigated landscape area = 7,231.3 s.f. Total permanent irrigation =1,700.0 s.f. Total Temporary irrigation =5,531.3 s.f.+non irrigated 2,350 s.f.=(82.4 % of total landscape area) Permanent drip irrigation at aspen trees and planting beds 500 s.f. Permanent micro spray irrigation ground cover planting beds 400 s.f. Use the following table as a guideline for how long to run your drip system (Note: watering times are based on using 1.0 GPH Emitters): Permanent pop up rain bird spray irrigation sodded turf 800 s.f. 22B IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION 3 ALL TEMPORARY IRRIGATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE GROUND AND PHYSICALLY REMOVED AFTER 2 GROWING SEASONS OR AFTER PLANT ESTABLISHMENT, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND MICRO SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 900 S.F. 22B, SOUTH HOUSE Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12038.5= 3,009.625 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12038.5s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,578.4 s.f.) = 8460.1s.f. Landscape area ( 74.4%) Landscapre area 8460.1s.f. -850 s.f. of undisturbed area=7,610.9 s.f. of disturbed Total irrigated area 900 s.f. (11.8% of the total landscape area) Total Permanent Drip irrigation =500 s.f. (29% of irrigation total) *at trees provide 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week * shrubs provide 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week Total Permanent micro spray irrigation =400 s.f. (23.5% of irrigation total) *at planting beds and ground covers place mirco spray at 8'-0" spacing. 1/2 gallon per minute, 3 times a week Water at volumes as recommented by the 'Water Wise residential guide for Western Colorado' 3 times a week Total irrigated landscape area = 7,610.9 s.f. Total permanent irrigation =900 s.f. Total Temporary irrigation =6,710.9 s.f.+non irrigated 850 s.f.=(89.4 % of total landscape area) Permanent drip irrigation at aspen trees and planting beds 500 s.f. Permanent micro spray irrigation ground cover planting beds 400 s.f.970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 11:27:28 AMA1.2.1IRRIGATION PLAN18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22A, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 IRRIGATION PLAN- LOT 22A 12" = 1'-0" IRRIGATION NOTES Attachment A 6.8° WOOD FENCE CTV PEDESTAL TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SATTELITE DISH FLOWLINE OF 18" C.M.P. 8173.9 8187.6 8188.1 8185.2 8182.4 8183.0 8181.0 8180.8 8179.1 8178.9 8177.1 8177.3 8176.1 8175.7 8175.2 8175.9 8176.3 EDGE OF ASPHALT FLOWLINE OF DITCH EDGE OF ASPHALT EDGE OF GRAVEL FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437)UTI L I TY AND DRAI NAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTI ON No. 226437) U TILITY A N D D RA IN A GE EA SEM EN T(R EC EPTIO N N o. 226437)SLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE AND SNO W STORAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437) N 49°37'22"E - 114.02'S89°54'56"E - 210.69'S30°46'55"E - 100.81' LOT 22 0.57 ACRES ADDRESS: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LOT 21B LOT 23 LOT 25B LOT 25A S A D D L E R I D GE L O O P ( 5 0 ' R I G H T -O F -W A Y ) LOT 24B LOT 22B 12039.0 S.F. LOT 22A 12877.7 S.F. 8180 819 0 8200 8 2 0 0 8190 8180 77'-9" VIEWS BEAVER CREEKMOUNTAINGAME CREEK BOWLRED AND WHITEMOUNTAIN10 1 inch = 10 ft. ( IN FEET ) 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 4" 4" 4" 10" 4" 4" S C TV P GAS METER GAS METERELEC/METER CLOSET ELEC/METER CLOSET E L E C E L E C ELEC ELECE L E C E L E C ELECSEWERGASSEWERGASSEWERGASSE W ER GAS SEWERGASSEWERGASSEWER GAS SEWER GAS C A B L E A N D T E L E C A B L E A N D T E L E C A B L E A N D T E L E C A B L E A N D T E L E CABLE AND TELECABLE AND TELE SOIL STOCKPILE SOIL STOCKPILE DUMPSTER DU M P STER MATERIAL STORAGE IN GARAGE AND IN DRIVEWAY MATERIAL STORAGE IN GARAGE AND IN DRIVEWAY C O NSTR U CTIO N PARKIN G O N R O AD C O NSTR U CTIO N PARKIN G O N R O AD JOB SIGN C O NSTR U CTIO N TOIL E T SILT FENCIN G ALO N G THE D O W NHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SOME REMOVAL OF SHRUBS WILL OCCUR OUTSIDE OF THE FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 5' - 4 3/16"3200 S.F. OF PROPOSED NON DEVELOPMENT AREA (MAY HAVE LIMITED DISTURBING TO CONNECT TO UTILITIES) G RADIN G AN D D RIVE AC CESS IM PR O VE M ENTS O UTSIDE PR O PERTY LINE ARE SUBJECT TO A RIG HT-OF-W AY PER MIT D U RIN G C O NSTR U CTIO N PR O VIDE A 6" DEEP x 12' WIDE x A LEN GTH OF 20' G RAVEL TRACKIN G PA D AT THE AC CESS P OINT TO THE SITE 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT W ATER W ATER 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 11:27:28 AMA1.4CONSTRUCTION MGMT18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22A, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 CONSTRUCTION MGMT NOTE: 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL APPLY AND COMPLETE THE CONNECTION APPLICATION ON THE ERW&SD WEBSITE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION COMENCES 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE THE WATER AND SEWER LINES WITH ERW&SD PRIOR TO EXCAVATION Attachment A UP WD DW B U ILDIN GSETB A C KUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTION No. 226437)N49°37'22"E - 114.02'L O T 2 1 B 8 1 8 0 8 1 9 084 928%3%8181'-6"929088868492proposed drainage easement82' 84'81'-6"7'-6" 10'-0" 22'-5 1_ 2 " 2 3 '-6 3_ 4 " 5'-0"5'-0" 4" 4"(SEE DETA IL)VIEW POINT13' - 6"9' - 6"25' - 0"13' - 4"10' - 3"12' - 9"26' - 8 1/2"cubbies under stair open railing STAIR AND LIGHT WELL 4' - 0"7' - 9 1/2"9' - 7 1/2"26' - 8 1/2"11' - 11" 8182' - 6" 6' - 4 1/2" 3' - 0 1/2"18' - 0"3' - 0 1/2"3' - 4"2' - 10"3' - 6"10' - 4 1/2"5' - 10"8182' - 0" KIDS BEDROOM 3 BATH MUDROOM MECHANICAL 2 CAR GARAGE 8182' - 6" 8182' - 3 1/4" LOW UNDER STAIR STORAGE METER CLOSET 4' - 9"45' - 5 1/2" 3' - 2"13' - 2 1/2"10' - 3 1/2"18' - 9 1/2"36' - 4"8' - 8 1/2"14' - 9"24' - 6"13' - 2 1/2"16' - 0"4' - 4"4' - 6"4' - 4"2' - 0 1/2" MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH MASTER CLOSET LIVING ROOM STAIR AND LIGHT WELL UP DN DEN/OFFICE DINING AT GRADE TERRACE8' - 1 1/2"12' - 3 1/2"12' - 9"4' - 6"5' - 4"3' - 1 1/2"15' - 2 1/2"6' - 3"6' - 0 1/2"14' - 6 1/2"10' - 9"11' - 8 1/2"7' - 8"4' - 8"MICROKITCHEN 7' - 3"5' - 6"2' - 3"3' - 0"2' - 3"2' - 3"3' - 0"coffe bar4' - 0 1/2"3' - 7"13' - 6"PANTRY6' - 6"5' - 7 1/2"3' - 6"3' - 2"42" REF36" RANGE7' - 9 1/2"2' - 1"3' - 0"3' - 0" 3' - 0" LAUNDRY PWDR 23' - 5 1/2" 15' - 2 1/2" 8192' - 7 3/4" 3' - 7"14' - 6 3/4"1' - 3" 7' - 6" 24' - 1 11/16"17' - 2 3/16"14' - 4"2' - 10 1/2"11' - 0 1/2"2' - 10 1/2"14' - 4" STAIR AND LIGHT WELL DN STUDY LOFT KIDS BEDROOM 1 KIDS BEDROOM 2 8' - 11"8' - 1 1/2"13' - 2 1/2"14' - 3 1/2"12' - 3 1/2"7' - 8"A3.1 A3.0 A3.12 A3.1 1 1 3 8216' - 9" EXISTING GRADE:8186'-9" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 30'-0" 3:12 3:12 3:12 3:123:12 3:12EXISTING GRADE:8188'-0" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 30'-5 " 8218' - 5" EXISTING GRADE:8188'-0" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 28'-9 3/4" 8216' - 9 3/4" 8211' - 10" EXISTING GRADE:8184'-6" NEW GRADE: 8182'-5" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 29'-5" 8209' - 0" EXISTING GRADE:8183'-6" NEW GRADE: 8182'-1" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 26'-11" EXISTING GRADE:8186'-2" NEW GRADE: 8181'-10" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 22'-7 1/2" 8204' - 5 1/2" EXISTING GRADE:8190'-6" NEW GRADE: 8191'-0" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 21'-11 5/8" 8212' - 3 5/8" EXISTING GRADE:8193'-0" NEW GRADE: 8192'-6 1/2" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 20'-1 1/8" 8212' - 7 5/8"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 11:27:30 AMA2.0FLOOR PLANS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22A, Avon CO 81620True North Project North No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL True North Project North 1/4" = 1'-0"3 A3.0 UPPER LEVEL True North Project North Area Schedule (Gross Building) Name Area Lower Level Area 549.3 SF Main Level Area 1504 SF Upper Level Area 708.1 SF Grand total: 3 2761.5 SF 1/8" = 1'-0"4 ROOF PLAN Attachment A A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8192' -7 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8202' -11" Plate Height 8211' -6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8182' -6"10' - 1 3/4"10' - 3 1/4"8' - 7"MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8200' -8 7/8" LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8203' -9 3/4"8' - 1 1/8"11' - 2"3' - 6"3' - 6"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 11:27:34 AMA3.0EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22A, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION 2 3D View 1 3 3D View 2 Attachment A A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8192' -7 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8202' -11" Plate Height 8211' -6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8182' -6" MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8200' -8 7/8" LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8203' -9 3/4" 1x8 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH DARK FINISH ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY 1x8 SHIP LAP VERTICAL SIDING WITH RECLAMED FINISH ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY 3:123:123 :1 2 3 :1 2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8192' -7 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8202' -11" Plate Height 8211' -6" Plate Height 8211' -6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8182' -6"10' - 1 3/4"8' - 7"10' - 3 1/4"LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8203' -9 3/4"3:123 :1 2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8192' -7 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8202' -11" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8182' -6" MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8200' -8 7/8"3:123:123:123:12 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 11:27:36 AMA3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22A, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"3 NORTH ELEVATION Attachment A (3) RECESSED CAN LIGHT AT ENTRY (2) RECESSED CAN LIGHT AT GARAGE (2) RECESSED CAN LIGHT AT ENTRY 970.328.5151 LIGHTS2177 Saddle Ridge Loop 2-4-19 Wildridge Subdivision Lot 22A, Avon CO 81620 NORTH HOUSE 3/32" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL RCP 3/32" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL RCP UP WD DW B U ILDIN GSETB A C KUTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTION No. 226437)N49°37'22"E - 114.02'L O T 2 1 B 8 1 8 0 8 1 9 084 928%3%8181'-6"929088868492proposed drainage easement82' 84'81'-6"7'-6" 10'-0" 22'-5 1_ 2 " 2 3 '-6 3_ 4 " 5'-0"5'-0" 4" 4"(SEE DETA IL)VIEW POINT13' - 6"9' - 6"25' - 0"13' - 4"10' - 3"12' - 9"26' - 8 1/2"cubbies under stair open railing STAIR AND LIGHT WELL 4' - 0"7' - 9 1/2"9' - 7 1/2"26' - 8 1/2"11' - 11" 8182' - 6" 6' - 4 1/2" 3' - 0 1/2"18' - 0"3' - 0 1/2"3' - 4"2' - 10"3' - 6"10' - 4 1/2"5' - 10"8182' - 0" KIDS BEDROOM 3 BATH MUDROOM MECHANICAL 2 CAR GARAGE 8182' - 6" 8182' - 3 1/4" LOW UNDER STAIR STORAGE METER CLOSET 4' - 9"45' - 5 1/2" 3' - 2"13' - 2 1/2"10' - 3 1/2"18' - 9 1/2"36' - 4"8' - 8 1/2"14' - 9"24' - 6"13' - 2 1/2"16' - 0"4' - 4"4' - 6"4' - 4"2' - 0 1/2" MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH MASTER CLOSET LIVING ROOM STAIR AND LIGHT WELL UP DN DEN/OFFICE DINING AT GRADE TERRACE8' - 1 1/2"12' - 3 1/2"12' - 9"4' - 6"5' - 4"3' - 1 1/2"15' - 2 1/2"6' - 3"6' - 0 1/2"14' - 6 1/2"10' - 9"11' - 8 1/2"7' - 8"4' - 8"MICROKITCHEN 7' - 3"5' - 6"2' - 3"3' - 0"2' - 3"2' - 3"3' - 0"coffe bar4' - 0 1/2"3' - 7"13' - 6"PANTRY6' - 6"5' - 7 1/2"3' - 6"3' - 2"42" REF36" RANGE7' - 9 1/2"2' - 1"3' - 0"3' - 0" 3' - 0" LAUNDRY PWDR 23' - 5 1/2" 15' - 2 1/2" 8192' - 7 3/4" 3' - 7"14' - 6 3/4"1' - 3" 7' - 6" 24' - 1 11/16"17' - 2 3/16"14' - 4"2' - 10 1/2"11' - 0 1/2"2' - 10 1/2"14' - 4" STAIR AND LIGHT WELL DN STUDY LOFT KIDS BEDROOM 1 KIDS BEDROOM 2 8' - 11"8' - 1 1/2"13' - 2 1/2"14' - 3 1/2"12' - 3 1/2"7' - 8"A3.1 A3.0 A3.12 A3.1 1 1 3 8218' - 1 5/16" EXISTING GRADE:8186'-9" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 31'-4 5/16" 4:12 4:12 4:12 4:124:12 4:12EXISTING GRADE:8188'-0" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 32'-5 13/16" 8220' - 5 13/16" EXISTING GRADE:8188'-0" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 30'-0 3/4" 8218' - 0 3/4" EXISTING GRADE:8184'-6" NEW GRADE: 8182'-5" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 31'-2" 8211' - 8 1/2" EXISTING GRADE:8183'-6" NEW GRADE: 8182'-1" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 29'-7 1/2" EXISTING GRADE:8186'-2" NEW GRADE: 8181'-10" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 22'-7 1/2" 8203' - 6" EXISTING GRADE:8190'-6" NEW GRADE: 8191'-0" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 21'-10" 8212' - 4" EXISTING GRADE:8193'-0" NEW GRADE: 8192'-6 1/2" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 19'-11 7/16" 8212' - 5 15/16" 8213' - 7"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/3/2019 3:07:47 PMA2.0FLOOR PLANS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22, Avon CO 81620True North Project North No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL True North Project North 1/4" = 1'-0"3 A3.0 UPPER LEVEL True North Project North Area Schedule (Gross Building) Name Area Lower Level Area 549.3 SF Main Level Area 1504 SF Upper Level Area 708.1 SF Grand total: 3 2761.5 SF 1/8" = 1'-0"4 ROOF PLAN A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8192' -7 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8202' -11" Plate Height 8211' -6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8182' -6"10' - 1 3/4"10' - 3 1/4"8' - 7"MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8200' -8 7/8" LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8203' -9 3/4"8' - 1 1/8"11' - 2"3' - 6"3' - 6"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/3/2019 3:07:51 PMA3.0EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION 2 3D View 1 3 3D View 2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8192' -7 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8202' -11" Plate Height 8211' -6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8182' -6" MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8200' -8 7/8" LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8203' -9 3/4" 1x8 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH DARK FINISH ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY 1x8 SHIP LAP VERTICAL SIDING WITH RECLAMED FINISH ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY 4:124:124 :1 2 4 :1 2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8192' -7 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8202' -11" Plate Height 8211' -6" Plate Height 8211' -6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8182' -6"10' - 1 3/4"8' - 7"10' - 3 1/4"LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8203' -9 3/4"4:124 :1 2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8192' -7 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8202' -11" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8182' -6" MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8200' -8 7/8"4:124:124:124:12 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/3/2019 3:07:53 PMA3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"3 NORTH ELEVATION February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge B 1 Staff Report – Major Development Plan & Alternative Equivalent Compliance February 19, 2018 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Case #MJR19003 and AEC19002 Project type Major Development Plan and Alternative Equivalent Compliance Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 22B Block 1Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 2177 Saddle Ridge Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains two applications for consideration by the PZC: Major Development Plan with Design Review for a new proposed single-family house; and an Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) for the roof pitch under the required 4:12 pitch. Summary of Request Jeff Manley (the Applicant) with Martin Manley Architects proposes a new house for Lot 22B (the south unit). The building is 3 stories, 2,799 s.f. of livable space and includes a 1,007 s.f. garage. The lowest level is ground level at the garage side and located below grade on the uphill side of the house. It has a mix of shed roofs, mainly at 3:12, and a ridged roof at 7:12. The proposal is best described as mountain modern style. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the February 8 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Property Description Lot 22B is .276 acres located near the intersection of Saddle Ridge Loop and Beaver Creek Point. It is zoned PUD and accommodates a single family per the PUD standards, updated in early 2019. It borders duplex and single-family houses. Planning Analysis Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: Lot 22A has a building envelope, easements, and a limit of disturbance line that were modified during the PUD amendment process, shown on Attachment B, sheet A1.1. February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge B 2 Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property 35 feet. The applicant is proposing a maximum building height of 30’-7” if the AEC is approved, and discussed in the AEC section, below. Parking: The project is required three (3) parking spaces, which are provided between the garage and the spaces in front of the garage. Design Standards Analysis Landscaping & Irrigation: The building is proposed to be landscaped primarily with aspen, a spruce tree, three deciduous shrub species, native grasses, ground cover, and mulch areas (sheet A1.3, attachment B). The Landscape Unit count provided is 153.5 with 152 required. The application takes advantage of the bonus for retained vegetation and for temporary irrigation. Permanent irrigation is proposed as drip irrigation. Staff is concerned that the spruce tree is planned too close to the house and may be deemed a fire hazard by the fire code. A condition of to place the tree further away from the house is included in the recommended motion, below. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The primary exterior building materials are wood siding (stained brown and dark brown) and stone veneer (Attachment B, sheet A0.0). Colors were reviewed for conformance with Sec. 7.28.090(j)(4)(viii), Building Materials, and determined to comply with the design standards. All materials are of high quality and compliment Avon’s built landscape. Retaining Walls: There are two retaining walls on the south radiating from the garage to build into the hill and create positive drainage. There is also a wall proposed to retain the driveway. All retaining walls are proposed as river rock materials and rock excavated during construction. They are between four (4’) and two (2’) feet tall. Roof Material and Pitch: The roof material and pitch were reviewed for compliance with Sec. 7.28.090(d)(3) Roofs. The applicant is proposing many 3:12 roof pitches. Pitches are required to be 4:12 or above, therefore an Alternative Equivalent Compliance review is necessary, found below. Roofline Modulation: AMC requires roofline modulation for buildings. Staff worked with the applicant to improve the long roofline that extends nearly end to end of the second floor, thereby creating more appearance of a broken-up form. Staff encourages PZC to assess the design for conformance of this piece. Exterior Lighting: The proposed lighting (Attachment C), is all recessed can lights below roofs or overhangs, is Dark Sky Compliant, and the locations and quantity are found to be compliant with lighting code. Site Design: Code requires that, “Buildings shall be oriented to optimize solar access,” and staff is concerned that this structure may not achieve this. Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge B 3 specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application complies with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. Purpose (a) states, “Divide the Town into zones, restricting and requiring therein the location, erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of buildings, structures and land for trade, industry, residence and other specified uses; regulate the intensity of the use of lot areas; regulate and determine the area of open spaces surrounding such buildings; establish building lines and locations of buildings designed for specified industrial, commercial, residential and other uses within such areas; establish standards to which buildings or structures shall conform; establish standards for use of areas adjoining such buildings or structures.” 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Major Design and Development Plan Application should be assessed for compliance with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with the site and the surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below and in Staff Analysis. The roof pitch deviation from the Development Code is included for Alternative Equivalence Compliance review, below. 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Northern Residential District (District 11 of the Comprehensive Plan), which states, “Due to the limited number of existing trees and shrubs and the open character of the property, special care should be taken to ensure that all structures are compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings.” During the PUD process, the applicant noted that a potential duplex design would involve a roof ridge line parallel to the street, thereby causing more visual disharmony than the split lots. A perpendicular line would create more permeability from the neighboring lots. Now, the tallest ridge is proposed to be parallel with the street. The District includes principles that encourage minimal alteration to the natural environment and steep slope development. This Application generally proposes a design that is consistent with the Goals and Policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan, however, Policy C.2.4 states, “Encourage landscaping and building locations that enhance neighborhood views and view corridors.” 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application is in conformance with the accompanying requirements of the PUD zoning and the Development Code. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: The analysis contained in this staff report addresses all applicable Development Code standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge B 4 not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The proposal was referred to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District for compliance with the property’s’ water allocation and received comments that are included in the development application. All special services are well established in the subdivision. §7.16.090(f), Design Review 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The Application proposes a design that may not relate to the character of the surrounding community, due to a long roof ridge. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: Besides the roof design, the design is either compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code or seeks an Alternative Equivalent Compliance. 3. The design reflects the long- range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and besides the concerns mentioned, staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. 7.16.120 - Alternative Equivalent Compliance Alternative equivalent compliance is a procedure that allows development to meet the intent of the design-related provisions through an alternative design. It is not a general waiver or weakening of regulations; rather, this application procedure permits a site-specific plan that is equal to or better than the strict application of a design standard specified in the Development Code. This procedure is not intended as a substitute for a variance or administrative modification or a vehicle for relief from standards in this Chapter. Alternative compliance shall apply only to the specific site for which it is requested and does not establish a precedent for assured approval of other requests. Review Criteria. The PZC shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: 1. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 2. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 4. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. AEC Request February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge B 5 The roof design component requires an AEC for PZC consideration. The Application proposes a minimum roof pitch of 3:12, instead of the required 4:12 on the roof sections, in deviation of AMC sec. 7.28.090(d)(3)(i): All residential buildings shall have pitched roofs with a rise of not less than four (4) inches in twelve (12) inches of distance. Primary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and a twelve-to- twelve (12:12) maximum. Secondary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and metal roofs shall have a three-to-twelve (3:12) minimum. Flat roofs may be permitted as secondary roofs or if the flat roof is consistent with the architectural style of the building. The summary of the request can be found in Attachment D. Applicant Response The mountain modern design uses low snug roofs. This aids in neighboring houses being able to look over this home. The scale of the building is lower. The comparison house shown with 4:12 forms has a higher overall height (30’ –7” vs 33’-3 1/8’) and empty interior space. The “pivot point” of the roof is at the wall and therefore following code would result in an unnecessarily taller structure. Staff Analysis PZC is instructed to review the alternative for achieving the intent of the subject design standard, which is in part informed by the Purposes section of Avon Municipal Code. Section 7.04.030(l) states, “Promote architectural design which is compatible, functional, practical and complimentary checking to Avon's sub-alpine environment.” The design as presented appears to meet all of the guidelines. The intent of mandating a 4:12 pitch is to create an attractive angled shape of the roof, and a unified aesthetic throughout town. Snow loading is another concern that the Municipal Code seeks to avoid by prohibiting low-pitched roofs. The type of home proposed is best described as “mountain modern,” which generally favors a lower pitched roof, unique structure shape, and large windows and doors. The height reduction and layout seem to adhere to the Avon Comprehensive Plan, “Policy A.1.5: Promote development that maximizes sun exposure and protects views.” The south elevation of the house does not appear to maximize sun exposure, which seems in contrast to the mountain modern aesthetic and the Comp Plan. Overall, staff is satisfied that the roof design achieves the intent of the Municipal Code. Staff feels that while it has some design concerns for the house as noted in the above sections, the 3:12 pitches do not hurt the overall aesthetic and the design favorably compliments the adjacent properties and surrounding community. The PZC should carefully assess the application for compliance with the review criteria, listed above. Staff has outlined a recommended motion for approval of the AEC request. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for Lot 22B Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision with the following findings: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review, and §7.16.120 Alternative Equivalent Compliance; 2. The AEC achieves the intent of the roof design standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; February 19, 2019 PZC Meeting – 2177 Saddle Ridge B 6 3. The AEC achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the roof design standards, including Policy A.1.5; 4. The AEC results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to compliance with the roof design standards; and 5. By limiting the height of the building, the AEC imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of the Avon Development Code. Recommended Motion: “I move to approve Case #AEC19002, an application for Alternative Equivalent Compliance for Lot 22B Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact and conditions as recommended by Staff.” Staff Recommendation for MJR19003 Major Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends approving the Major Development Plan application for Lot 22B Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision to a later date, with the following findings of fact and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code; 2. The application is complete; 3. The application provides sufficient information to allow the PZC to determine that the application complies with the relevant review criteria; 4. The application complies with the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 5. The demand for public services or infrastructure exceeding current capacity is mitigated by the application; and 6. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. Conditions: 1. The spruce tree shall be installed so the crown does not come within ten (10) feet of the house. Motion to Approve the Application: “I move to approve Case #MJR19003, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for Lot 22B Block 1 Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings of fact as recommended by Staff.” Exhibits A. Design & Development Plans B. Lighting Plan C. AEC Alternative Design Date: 2-4-19 Meeting at TOA RE: Design review 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop, Lot 22B South house The lot 22 at 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop is being split into 2 single family lots that will result in the lot 22B, southern most lot, at a size of 12,038.5 s.f. or .276 acres. During the approved split of the lot the following restrictions were placed on the property. 1 The building footprint will be limited to 2000 s.f. 2 The total livable area of the home shall be limited to 2800 s.f. 3 A building envelope was established at 3300 s.f. in which the building, overhangs, roofs, and decks are to be kept within. On grade terraces, drives, and walks would be able to extend beyond the envelope, but not into any non-development area. 4 Non development area was designated to maintain a natural landscape and buffer to the neighbors. The home is proposed as a mountain modern design. The home is a 5 bedroom, 4 bath residence with a 3 car garage and a large waterproof deck on the south end. The design has the roof planes set to create interesting interior volumes and capture the commanding views. The deck is set up to capture views to Game Creek Bowl. During the lot split meetings there was concern of the neighbors of diminishing their easterly views. While protecting their view is not a design restriction, we feel that it is a concern to address. The presented design addresses their concerns by working to limit the overall height of the building by roof form and reducing the roof pitch. The primary roof is at 7:12 pitch, which meets code. We will be applying and seeking approval for an AEC for the ability to provide the home with secondary roof forms at a 3:12 roof pitch (with asphalt shingles) in lieu of the min secondary roof slope of 4:12 called out in the development code. We feel that this lowered roof pitch enhances the design, reduces wasted interior volume, lowers the height of the building at the street façade, and reduces the overall building height. The presented design, with the 3:12 pitched roofs, creates a maximum building height of 30’-4 1/2”, or 4’-7 1/2” below the developable right of 35’-0” maximum building height. ( For reference: The 4:12 pitch creates a ridge at 33’-3” roof height; still below max, but unnecessarily taller) We believe that we have created a handsome home that fits well within the language of the Wildridge neighborhood and fits the design goals of the owners. We are seeking approval at the next P and Z meeting on Feb. 19th, 2019 for the building design and the AEC. The exterior lighting for the home will be accomplished using recessed can lighting within the soffits or roofs, or cantilevered structures. This shall conform to the Town’s darksky restrictions. Lighting is to be located in the following location: (3) at the entry terrace, (2) at the cantilever over the garage doors, and (4) at the side covered waterproof deck. Thank you, Jeffrey P Manley AIA Martin Manley Architects 970-328-1299 (direct) 970-688-0326 (cell) www.martinmanleyarchitects.com Attachment A ZONING INFORMATION-Lot 22B Lot 22B, Wildridge Subdivision 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop, Avon Colorado Zoning: Single Family Lot, Lot 22B Area = .276 acres = 12,038.5 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 12,038.5= 6,019.25 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12,038.5= 3,009.625 s.f. Platted Building Envelope = 3300 s.f. (allowed by plat) Proposed Building Height= 30'-7 1/8" (<35'-0" allowed by right) Proposed Livable Area = 2798.8 s.f. (<2,800 s.f. allowed by plat) Proposed Garage Area =1,006.9 s.f. total =3,805.7 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =1,645.4 s.f. (allowed footprint of <2,000 s.f. by plat) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 1,645.4 s.f. + 1,933 s.f. (drive + terraces) = 3,578.4 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12,038.5 s.f.)-(imperv. by footprint 1,645.4 s.f.) = 10,393.1 s.f. Landscape area ( 86.3%) (Lot area= 12,038.5 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,578.4 s.f.) = 8,460.1s.f. Landscape area ( 70.3%) Platted no disturb area = 850 s.f. Parking Requirements: 3 spaces required Snow Storage: 20 % of 1,593 s.f. Drive = 318.6 s.f. of snow storage (330 s.f. provided) Exterior Lighting: Dark sky compliant, RECESSED CAN LIGHTING Roofing: 50-Year (TL) Asphalt shingle Elk-GAF , Prestique High Def, Charcoal Flashing, and Gutters: Paint lock aluminum Color: to match black Waterproof garage roof terrace and Entry patio saw cut concrete slab Drive:Asphalt drive Windows: Aluminum Clad windows and doors Color: iron ore Timbers, and fascia 1x6 and 2x8, Wood Fascia Trim Color: FLOOD 913 Ebony (200%) semi-transparent Typical Horizontal wide Siding: 1X8 ship lapped or T&G Wood Siding Rough sawn texture Color: FLOOD 910 Mushroom semi-transparent Typical Horizontal thin Siding: 1X6 ship lapped Wood Siding Rough sawn texture Color: FLOOD 707 Tobacco (darken) semi-transparent Stone Veneer: greystone-Telluride stone co. drystack, Rectilinear stones, Horizontal/linear stack Same stone for wall caps 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject No.:DateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:12:54 PMA0.0COVER18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET update 2-11-192-04-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22B, Avon CO 816202177 Saddle Ridge Loop PLANNING AND ZONING SET update 2-11-19 Single Family Residences at Wildridge Subdivision Lot 22B, Avon CO 81620 2-04-19 No.DescriptionDateProject Team Information Owner: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LLC PO BOX 741 AVON, CO 81620-0741 Location: 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop Lot 22, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Parcel Number 1943-354-03-011 Architect:Martin Manley Architect Jeffrey P Manley AIA PO Box 1587 Eagle, CO 81631 970.328.5151 jeff@martinmanleyarchitects.com General Contractor: DW Dantas Construction LLC Dave Dantas PO Box 2322 Avon, CO 81620 970.376.6111 dave@dwdantas.com Parcel Number:1943-354-03-011 Location: 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop,Lot 22, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Class of Work: New Construction Type of Construction: Type V-B Type of Occupancy: R3 Levels: 2-story + basement Fire Sprinklers: No Monitored alarm system: Yes Heating: Forced air Furnace:Min. 92% efficiency, GAS 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) including Appendix F & G 12" = 1'-0" ZONING SUMMARY 12" = 1'-0" COLOR BOARD Attachment A UP DN DWWD638.5 SF Lower Level Area 1006.9 SF Garage 1504 SF Main Level Area 656.2 SF Upper Level Area 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:36:56 PMA0.1AREA CALCULATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET update 2-11-192-04-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22B, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/8" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 1/8" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 1/8" = 1'-0"3 A3.0 UPPER LEVEL Area Schedule (Gross Building) Name Area Lower Level Area 638.5 SF Main Level Area 1504 SF Upper Level Area 656.2 SF Grand total: 3 2798.8 SF Area Schedule (Gross garage) Name Area Garage 1006.9 SF Grand total: 1 1006.9 SF Attachment A 6.8° WOOD FENCE CTV PEDESTAL TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SATTELITE DISH FLOWLINE OF 18" C.M.P. 8173.9 8187.6 8188.1 8185.2 8182.4 8183.0 8181.0 8180.8 8179.1 8178.9 8177.1 8177.3 8176.1 8175.7 8175.2 8175.9 8176.3 EDGE OF ASPHALT FLOWLINE OF DITCH EDGE OF ASPHALT EDGE OF GRAVEL FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437)UTI L I TY AND DRAI NAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTI ON No. 226437) U TILITY A N D DR A IN A G E EA SEM EN T(REC EPTIO N N o. 226437)SLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE AND SNO W STORAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437) N 49°37'22"E - 114.02'S89°54'56"E - 210.69'S30°46'55"E - 100.81' LOT 22 0.57 ACRES ADDRESS: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LOT 21B LOT 23 LOT 25B LOT 25A S A D D L E R I D GE L O O P ( 5 0 ' R I G H T -O F -W A Y ) LOT 24B LOT 22B 12039.0 S.F. LOT 22A 12877.7 S.F. 8180 819 0 8200 8 2 0 0 8190 8180 77'-9" 78 79 5% first20'at 4% 80 84 96 92 96 92 8% 8% 84'-6 3% 3% 90 82'-0 81 81'-6" 94 92 90 88 86 84 84'84' 8%first20'at4%88 86 82' 94 95 81'6'82'390 92 9 0 88 94 94 92 8 6 8 4' 90 86 84 82 78 78 78 92 proposed drainage easement 82'84' 81'-6"7'-6"10'-0" 2 5 '-0 "10'-0"10'-0"7'-6"10'-0"22'-73_ 8" 22'-51_2" 30'-33_4" 23'-63_ 4" 5'-0"5'-0" VIEWS BEAVER CREEKMOUNTAINGAME CREEK BOWLRED AND WHITEMOUNTAIN10 1 inch = 10 ft. ( IN FEET ) 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 4" 4" 4" 10" 4" 4" S C TV P (SEE DETAIL) VIEWPOINT T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 2'-0"8182' 8180' G U E S T P A R K I N G 95' 9 BET W EEN D RIVE W AY C U RB C UTS SURFACE DRAINAGE TO DITCH28' - 1"27' - 0" ROUGHLT 55 FEET BETWEEN BUILDINGS T.O. WALLB.O. WALL 4'-0" 8194' 8190' T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 2'-0"8184' 8182'VI EW LI NE DI STANCE AROUND CORNER I S 165 FEET (TO SOUTH ) GRADE IN THIS AREA IS LOWERED TO IMPROVE SIGHT LINE TO DRIVE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT HOME CORNER (20' FROM THIS PROPERTY LINE view path to Game Creek Bowl 3200 S.F. OF PROPOSED NON DEVELOPEMENT AREA (MAY HAVE LIMITED DISTURBING TO CONNECT TO UTILIES) 67' - 8"50' - 5"65' - 5 1/2" 65' - 5 1/2" 5 0 ' - 5 "2' - 9" Total Lot 22 Area: 24916.63 s.f. Area of no disturbance/natural: 3200 s.f. (undisturbed at back of lot and under south neighbor’s trees) Lot 22A Lot 22B Area:12877.7 s.f.Area:12038.5 s.f. Area of no disturb: 2350 s.f.Area of no disturb: 850 s.f. Area of no disturbance on lot= 10527.7 s.f.Area of no disturbance on lot= 11188.5 s.f. Area within envelope: 3300 s.f.Area within envelope: 3300 s.f. T.O. WALL B.O. WALL 4'-0"8190' 8186' T.O. WALLB.O. WALL 2'-6" 8188' 8185' 6 14' - 0"14' - 0 13/16" SNOW STORAGE AREA 330 S.F. SNOW STORAGE AREA 330 S.F. SILT FENCIN G ALO N G THE D O W NHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SOME REMOVAL OF SHRUBS WILL OCCUR OUTSIDE OF THE FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 5' - 4 3/16"18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT ZONING INFORMATION-Lot 22A Lot 22A, Wildridge Subdivision 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop, Avon Colorado Zoning: Single Family Lot, Lot 22A Area = .286 acres = 12877.7 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 12877.7= 6,438.85 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12877.7= 3,219.425 s.f. Platted Building Envelope = 3300 s.f. (allowed by plat) Proposed Building Height= 30'-5" (<35'-0" allowed by right) Proposed Livable Area = 2761.5 s.f. (<2,800 s.f. allowed by plat) Proposed Garage Area =831.2 s.f. total =3,592.7 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =1,381.4 s.f. (allowed footprint of <2,000 s.f. by plat) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 1,381.4 s.f. + 1,915 s.f. (drive + terraces) =3,296.4s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. by footprint 1,381.4 s.f.) = 11,496.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 89.3%) (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,296.4 s.f.) = 9,581.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 74.4%) Platted no disturb area = 2,350 s.f. Parking Requirements: 3 spaces required Snow Storage: 20 % of 1,464 s.f. Drive = 292.8 s.f. of snow storage (330 s.f. provided) Exterior Lighting: Dark sky compliant, RECESSED CAN LIGHTING ZONING INFORMATION-Lot 22B Lot 22B, Wildridge Subdivision 2177 Saddle Ridge Loop, Avon Colorado Zoning: Single Family Lot, Lot 22B Area = .276 acres = 12,038.5 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 12,038.5= 6,019.25 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12,038.5= 3,009.625 s.f. Platted Building Envelope = 3300 s.f. (allowed by plat) Proposed Building Height= 30'-3" (<35'-0" allowed by right) Proposed Livable Area = 2798.8 s.f. (<2,800 s.f. allowed by plat) Proposed Garage Area =1,006.9 s.f. total =3,805.7 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =1,645.4 s.f. (allowed footprint of <2,000 s.f. by plat) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 1,645.4 s.f. + 1,933 s.f. (drive + terraces) = 3,578.4 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12,038.5 s.f.)-(imperv. by footprint 1,645.4 s.f.) = 10,393.1 s.f. Landscape area ( 86.3%) (Lot area= 12,038.5 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,578.4 s.f.) = 8,460.1s.f. Landscape area ( 70.3%) Platted no disturb area = 850 s.f. Parking Requirements: 3 spaces required Snow Storage: 20 % of 1,593 s.f. Drive = 318.6 s.f. of snow storage (330 s.f. provided) Exterior Lighting: Dark sky compliant, RECESSED CAN LIGHTING 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:35:20 PMA1.1SITE PLAN18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 SITE PLAN 12" = 1'-0" ZONING SUMMARY- LOT 22A 12" = 1'-0" ZONING SUMMARY- LOT 22B Attachment A 2 5 ' - 0 ".34' - 6 3/16"VIEW TO RED AND WHITEVIEW TO GAME CREEK 8196' elev at cornerLetter of supportL e tte r o f s u p p o rtMAIN LEVEL 8207' elev EYE LEVEL 8212' elev MAIN LEVEL 8209' elev EYE LEVEL 8214' elev LARGE EVERGREEN TREES 25' TALL V I E W C O R R I D O R (S K Y T O V A L L E Y F L O O R ) P R O V I D E D W I T H L O T S P L I T T H A T W O U L D N O T E X I S T W I T H D U P L E X S U P P O R T A T 1 S T M T G 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:35:22 PMA1.1.6Unnamed18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 20'-0"1 A0.0 SITE PLAN GOOGLE EARTH view from neighbor study VIEWS BETWEEN OR AROUND THE HOMES ARE IMPROVED WITH THE 2 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES OVER THE DUPLEX THE MAIN RIDGES IN THE CURRENT DESIGN ARE PARALLEL TO THE VIEW. DUPLEX MASS CREATES A LONG RIDGE PERPENDICULAR THE HOMES ARE BROKEN UP AND ARE ABLE TO HAVE MORE BACK YARD. THIS INCREASES THE DISTANCE TO THE NEIGHBORS TO THE WEST Attachment A 6.8° WOOD FENCE CTV PEDESTAL TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SATTELITE DISH FLOWLINE OF 18" C.M.P. 8173.9 SEWER MANHOLE MH 520 RIM ELEVATION = 8184.8 INVERT (N) ELEVATION = 8179.0 INVERT (S) ELEVATION = 8178.8EDGE OF ASPHALT EDGE OF GRAVEL FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437)UTI L I TY AND DRAI NAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTI ON No. 226437) U TILITY A N D D RA IN A GE EA SEM EN T(REC EPTIO N N o. 226437)SLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE AND SNOW STORAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437) N 49°37'22"E - 114.02'S89°54'56"E - 210.69'S30°46'55"E - 100.81' LOT 22 0.57 ACRES ADDRESS: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LOT 21B LOT 23 OT 25B LOT 25A LOT 24B LOT 22B 12039.0 S.F. LOT 22A 12877.7 S.F. 8180 819 0 8200 8 2 0 0 8190 8180 77'-9" 78 79 5% first20'at 4% 80 84 96 92 96 92 8% 8% 84'-6 3% 3% 90 82'-0 81 81'-6" 94 92 90 88 86 84 84'84' 8%first20'at4%88 86 82' 94 95 81'6'82'390 92 9 0 88 94 94 92 8 6 8 4' 90 86 84 82 78 78 78 92 proposed drainage easement 82'84' 81'-6" 10 1 inch = 10 ft. ( IN FEET ) 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 4" 4" 4" 10" 4" 4" S C TV P (SEE DETAIL) VIEWPOINT G U E S T P A R K I N G S U R F A C E D R A IN A G E T O D IT C H PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT HOME CORNER (20' FROM THIS PROPERTY LINE view path to Game Creek Bowl 3200 S.F. OF PROPOSED NON DEVELOPEMENT AREA (MAY HAVE LIMITED DISTURBING TO CONNECT TO UTILIES) GROUND COVER. CS QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA QA QA QA QA QA QASP SP SP SP SPLL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL C E C ECE C ECE MULCH MULCH SILT FENCIN G ALO N G THE D O W NHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SOME REMOVAL OF SHRUBS WILL OCCUR OUTSIDE OF THE FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 5' - 4 3/16"NOTE: LARGE EVERGREE TREES EXI ST ON NEI GHBORS PROPERTY I N THI S AREA,THE GOAL OF THE LARGE ASPEN AND 2 SMALLER ASPEN TREES I S TO BE TUCKED OUT OF NEI GHBOR VI EW PATHS. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVI EW HE PLACEMENT OF THESE 3 TREES. LINE OF ROOF OVERHANG LINE OF ROOF OVERHANGCS Q A 2 Q A Q A Q A QA SP SP SP SP SPL L L L L L L L C E C E C E C E C E L L L L L L L L L L L L C E C E Q A 2 Q A 2 Q A 2 Q A 2 QA QA QA GROUND COVER. AC C O NTR OLLER back flow valve manual shut-off valve VALVE ASSE M BLY Sensor stake in ground to read soil moisture contentAC CONTROLLERback flow valvemanual shut-off valveVALVE ASSEMBLYSensor stake in ground to read soil moisture contentTHE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED BY THE LANDSCAPE SUBCONTRACTOR. The design shall: (A) Prevent runoff, low head drainage, overspray, or other similar conditions where irrigation water flows onto non- targeted areas, such as adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, hardscapes, roadways, or structures. Restrictions regarding overspray and runoff may be modified if the landscape area is adjacent to permeable surfacing and no runoff occurs or if the adjacent non-permeable surfaces are designed and constructed to drain entirely to landscaping. (B) Conform to the hydrozones of the landscape design plan. (C) Have matched precipitation rates within a hydrozone, unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer's recommendations. (D) Meet the required operating pressure of the emission devices using valve pressure regulators, sprinkler head pressure regulators, inline pressure regulators, booster pumps, or other devices. The pressure and flow measurements identified at the design stage will be verified prior to the installation of the system. (E) Meet the requirements set in the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, ASABE/ICC 802-2014 "Landscape Irrigation Sprinkler and Emitter Standard authored by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and the International Code Council and verified by an independent third-party. (F) Achieve the highest possible sprinkler spacing distribution uniformity using the manufacturer's recommendations. All sprinkler head installed in the turfgrass areas shall have a distribution uniformity of 0.65 or higher using the protocol defined in ASABE/ICC 802-2014 standard. 22A IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION 3 ALL TEMPORARY IRRIGATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE GROUND AND PHYSICALLY REMOVED AFTER 2 GROWING SEASONS OR AFTER PLANT ESTABLISHMENT, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND MICRO SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,700 S.F. 22A, NORTH HOUSE Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12877.7= 3,219.425 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12877.7 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,296.4 s.f.) = 9,581.3 s.f. Landscape area ( 74.4%) Landscapre area 9,581.3 s.f. -2,350 s.f. of undisturbed area=7,231.3 s.f. of disturbed Total irrigated area 1,700 s.f. (17.7% of the total landscape area) Total Permanent Drip irrigation =500 s.f. (29% of irrigation total) *at trees provide 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week * shrubs provide 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week Total Permanent micro spray irrigation =400 s.f. (23.5% of irrigation total) *at planting beds and ground covers place mirco spray at 8'-0" spacing. 1/2 gallon per minute, 3 times a week Total Permanent pop-up spray irrigation =800 s.f. (47% of irrigation total) * at sodded mountain mix, water at volumes as recommented by the 'Water Wise residential guide for Western Colorado' 3 times a week Total irrigated landscape area = 7,231.3 s.f. Total permanent irrigation =1,700.0 s.f. Total Temporary irrigation =5,531.3 s.f.+non irrigated 2,350 s.f.=(82.4 % of total landscape area) Permanent drip irrigation at aspen trees and planting beds 500 s.f. Permanent micro spray irrigation ground cover planting beds 400 s.f. Use the following table as a guideline for how long to run your drip system (Note: watering times are based on using 1.0 GPH Emitters): Permanent pop up rain bird spray irrigation sodded turf 800 s.f. 22B IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION 3 ALL TEMPORARY IRRIGATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ABOVE GROUND AND PHYSICALLY REMOVED AFTER 2 GROWING SEASONS OR AFTER PLANT ESTABLISHMENT, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND MICRO SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 900 S.F. 22B, SOUTH HOUSE Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12038.5= 3,009.625 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12038.5s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,578.4 s.f.) = 8460.1s.f. Landscape area ( 74.4%) Landscapre area 8460.1s.f. -850 s.f. of undisturbed area=7,610.9 s.f. of disturbed Total irrigated area 900 s.f. (11.8% of the total landscape area) Total Permanent Drip irrigation =500 s.f. (29% of irrigation total) *at trees provide 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week * shrubs provide 1 gallon per hour, 3 times a week Total Permanent micro spray irrigation =400 s.f. (23.5% of irrigation total) *at planting beds and ground covers place mirco spray at 8'-0" spacing. 1/2 gallon per minute, 3 times a week Water at volumes as recommented by the 'Water Wise residential guide for Western Colorado' 3 times a week Total irrigated landscape area = 7,610.9 s.f. Total permanent irrigation =900 s.f. Total Temporary irrigation =6,710.9 s.f.+non irrigated 850 s.f.=(89.4 % of total landscape area) Permanent drip irrigation at aspen trees and planting beds 500 s.f. Permanent micro spray irrigation ground cover planting beds 400 s.f.970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:35:23 PMA1.2.1IRRIGATION PLAN18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 IRRIGATION PLAN- LOT 22A 12" = 1'-0" IRRIGATION NOTES Attachment A 6.8° WOOD FENCE CTV PEDESTAL TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SATTELITE DISH FLOWLINE OF 18" C.M.P. 8173.9 SEWER MANHOLE MH 520 RIM ELEVATION = 8184.8 INVERT (N) ELEVATION = 8179.0 INVERT (S) ELEVATION = 8178.8 FLOWLINE OF DITCH EDGE OF ASPHALT EDGE OF GRAVEL FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437)UTI LI TY AND DRAI NAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTI ON No. 226437) U TILITY A N D DR A IN A G E EA SEM EN T(REC EPTIO N N o. 226437)SLOPE MAINTENAN CE, DRAINAGE AND SNO W STORAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437) N 49°37'22"E - 114.02'S89°54'56"E - 210.69'S30°46'55"E - 100.81' LOT 22 0.57 ACRES ADDRESS: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LOT 21B LOT 23 LOT 25B LOT 25A LOT 24B LOT 22B 12039.0 S.F. LOT 22A 12877.7 S.F. 8180 819 0 8200 8 2 0 0 8190 8180 77'-9" 78 79 5% first20'at 4% 80 84 96 92 96 92 8% 8% 84'-6 3% 3% 90 82'-0 81 81'-6" 94 92 90 88 86 84 84'84' 8%first20'at4%88 86 82' 94 95 81'6'82'390 92 9 0 88 94 94 92 8 6 8 4' 90 86 84 82 78 78 78 92 proposed drainage easement 82'84' 81'-6" 10 1 inch = 10 ft. ( IN FEET ) 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 4" 4" 4" 10" 4" 4" S C TV P (SEE DETAIL) VIEWPOINT G U E S T P A R K I N G S U R F A C E D R A IN A G E T O D IT C H PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT HOME CORNER (20' FROM THIS PROPERTY LINE view path to Game Creek Bowl 3200 S.F. OF PROPOSED NON DEVELOPEMENT AREA (MAY HAVE LIMITED DISTURBING TO CONNECT TO UTILIES)14' - 0"14' - 0 13/16" GROUND COVER. CS QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA 2 QA QA QA QA QA QA QASP SP SP SP SPLL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL C E C ECE C ECE MULCH MULCH SILT FENCIN G ALO N G THE D O W NHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SOME REMOVAL OF SHRUBS WILL OCCUR OUTSIDE OF THE FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 5' - 4 3/16"NOTE: LARGE EVERGREE TREES EXI ST ON NEI GHBORS PROPERTY I N THI S AREA,THE GOAL OF THE LARGE ASPEN AND 2 SMALLER ASPEN TREES I S TO BE TUCKED OUT OF NEI GHBOR VI EW PATHS. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVI EW HE PLACEMENT OF THESE 3 TREES. LINE OF ROOF OVERHANG LINE OF ROOF OVERHANGCS Q A 2 Q A Q A Q A QA SP SP SP SP SPL L L L L L L L C E C E C E C E C E L L L L L L L L L L L L C E C E Q A 2 Q A 2 Q A 2 Q A 2 QA QA QA GROUND COVER. 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT QA Deciduous Trees Count QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) 1.5" to 2.5" CAL. Size 7 12 Symbol Name Deciduous Shrubs LL DWARF KOREAN LILAC (SYRINGA MEYERI 'PALABIN') OR Fendler ceanothus, mountain-lilac #5 10 22 CE #5 7COTONEASTER DAMMERI CORAL BEAUTY (COTONEASTER DAMMERI) GC Perennial Ground covers 400 square feet of cover. CS Conifer Trees 6'-8' tall 1 1 Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens) Mulched Areas SHREDDED BARK MULCHED AREA -AROUND TREES AND SHRUBS NOT COVERED BY GROUND COVER Natural Grass Areas (reveg) SEED MIX OF GRASSES AND FESCUE SEED. ARKANSAS VALLEY SEED COMPANY, NATIVE LOW GROW MOUNTAIN MIX.AREAS ARE TO SPRAYED WITH A FERTILIZER AND SEED MIX. MULCH NG Temp drip irrigation in areas to become more natural MULCH IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION, REMOVE IRRIGATION AT ESTABLISHMENT 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AND SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,500 S.F. SNOW IN SUMMER, STONECROP, CREEPING PHLOX, NATIVE LOW -GROW GRASSES, ROCKY MTN. FESCUE 500 square feet of cover. Q A CS LLS P C E #5SP 5SPIREA, ANTHONY WATERER (Spiraea japonica ‘Anthony Waterer’) 5000 square feet of SPRAY SEED cover. 2.5" to 4" CAL.5 Q A 2QA2 QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) GROUND COVER Landscape and Irrigation table AREA MATRIX: ZONING INFORMATION-Lot 22B Lot 22B Area = .276 acres = 12,038.5 s.f. Maximum Lot Coverage Allowed = 50% of Lot Area 12,038.5= 6,019.25 s.f. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area 12,038.5= 3,009.625 s.f. Platted Building Envelope = 3300 s.f. (allowed by plat) Proposed Livable Area = 2798.8 s.f. (<2,800 s.f. allowed by plat) Proposed Garage Area =1,006.9 s.f. total =3,805.7 s.f. Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =1,645.4 s.f. (allowed footprint of <2,000 s.f. by plat) Proposed Impervious area (Building ) 1,645.4 s.f. + 1,933 s.f. (drive + terraces) = 3,578.4 s.f. Proposed Landscape area (Lot area= 12,038.5 s.f.)-(imperv. by footprint 1,645.4 s.f.) = 10,393.1 s.f. Landscape area ( 86.3%) (Lot area= 12,038.5 s.f.)-(imperv. total 3,578.4 s.f.) = 8,460.1 s.f. Landscape area ( 70.3%) Platted no disturb area = 850 s.f. Proposed Temp Irrigation only in reveg. seeded areas. Temp irrigation to be removed after establiment of seeded areas. Landscape Units = 8,460.1 s.f. -850 s.f. of undisturbed area=7,610.1 / 50 s.f. per unit =152.2 units 25% Landscape Units to be provided be trees = 25% of 152.2 units =38.05 units by trees Landscape Material (trees)New Existing retained Units Deciduous 1.5" -2.5" caliper/clump = 4 units per tree X 7=28 4 units per tree X 0 =0 28 units Deciduous 2.5" -4" caliper/clump = 7 units per tree X 5=35 9 units per tree X 0 =0 35 units Evergreen 6'-8' high =6 units per tree X 1 =6 11 units per tree X 0=11 6 units Landscape Material (shrubs)New Existing retained Units Shrubs, 5 gallon = 1 unit per shrub X 20 =22 1.2 units per shrub X 0 =0 22 units Perennial Ground covers Units 1 unit per 400 s.f. 400 s.f. proposed / 400 s.f.=1 units 1 units Hardscape Material Units Awarded calculation Units Shredded Bark (mulch at planting beds around trees)1/500 s.f. 500 s.f. planting bed area/500 =1 1 Units subtotal 93 units Retained Existing Vegetation Mass Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 300+ square feet of native Vegetation 10% Proposed Undisturbed Native vegetation Area = 900 s.f.< 300 s.f. Bonus to be applied 10 % of 93 units = 9.3 9.3 units subtotal 102.3units Drip Irrigation Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 80% or more of total landscaped area on temporary irrigation 50% 50 % of 102.3 units = 51.15 Bonus to be applied 51.15units Total Landscape Units Proposed (152.2 required)153.45 units NOTE: TREES WITHIN UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE NOT COUNTED IN UNIT TOTAL 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:35:25 PMA1.3LANDSCAPE PLAN 22B18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 A0.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN- LOT 22B 1/8" = 1'-0" LANDSCAPE LEGEND - LOT 22B 12" = 1'-0" LANDSCAPE UNITS - LOT 22B Attachment A 6.8° WOOD FENCE CTV PEDESTAL TELEPHONE PEDESTAL ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER SATTELITE DISH FLOWLINE OF 18" C.M.P. 8173.9 8187.6 8188.1 8185.2 8182.4 8183.0 8181.0 8180.8 8179.1 8178.9 8177.1 8177.3 8176.1 8175.7 8175.2 8175.9 8176.3 EDGE OF ASPHALT FLOWLINE OF DITCH EDGE OF ASPHALT EDGE OF GRAVEL FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH RED PLASTIC CAP L.S. No. 5447 BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437)UTI L I TY AND DRAI NAGE EASEMENT(RECEPTI ON No. 226437) U TILITY A N D D RA IN A GE EA SEM EN T(R EC EPTIO N N o. 226437)SLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE AND SNO W STORAGE EASEMENT (RECEPTION No. 226437) N 49°37'22"E - 114.02'S89°54'56"E - 210.69'S30°46'55"E - 100.81' LOT 22 0.57 ACRES ADDRESS: 2177 SADDLE RIDGE LOOP LOT 21B LOT 23 LOT 25B LOT 25A S A D D L E R I D GE L O O P ( 5 0 ' R I G H T -O F -W A Y ) LOT 24B LOT 22B 12039.0 S.F. LOT 22A 12877.7 S.F. 8180 819 0 8200 8 2 0 0 8190 8180 77'-9" VIEWS BEAVER CREEKMOUNTAINGAME CREEK BOWLRED AND WHITEMOUNTAIN10 1 inch = 10 ft. ( IN FEET ) 5 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 10 20 4" 4" 4" 10" 4" 4" S C TV P GAS METER GAS METERELEC/METER CLOSET ELEC/METER CLOSET E L E C E L E C ELEC ELECE L E C E L E C ELECSEWERGASSEWERGASSEWERGASSE W ER GAS SEWERGASSEWERGASSEWER GAS SEWER GAS C A B L E A N D T E L E C A B L E A N D T E L E C A B L E A N D T E L E C A B L E A N D T E L E CABLE AND TELECABLE AND TELE SOIL STOCKPILE SOIL STOCKPILE DUMPSTER DU M P STER MATERIAL STORAGE IN GARAGE AND IN DRIVEWAY MATERIAL STORAGE IN GARAGE AND IN DRIVEWAY C O NSTR U CTIO N PARKIN G O N R O AD C O NSTR U CTIO N PARKIN G O N R O AD JOB SIGN C O NSTR U CTIO N TOIL E T SILT FENCIN G ALO N G THE D O W NHILL SIDE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SOME REMOVAL OF SHRUBS WILL OCCUR OUTSIDE OF THE FENCE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING. SILT FENCING ALONG THE DOWNHILL SIDE 5' - 4 3/16"3200 S.F. OF PROPOSED NON DEVELOPMENT AREA (MAY HAVE LIMITED DISTURBING TO CONNECT TO UTILITIES) G RADIN G AN D D RIVE AC CESS IM PR O VE M ENTS O UTSIDE PR O PERTY LINE ARE SUBJECT TO A RIG HT-OF-W AY PER MIT D U RIN G C O NSTR U CTIO N PR O VIDE A 6" DEEP x 12' WIDE x A LEN GTH OF 20' G RAVEL TRACKIN G PA D AT THE AC CESS P OINT TO THE SITE 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT 18" DIA x30' LONG CULVERT W ATER W ATER 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:35:25 PMA1.4CONSTRUCTION MGMT18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET UPDATE SET2-4-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1" = 10'-0"1 CONSTRUCTION MGMT NOTE: 1. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL APPLY AND COMPLETE THE CONNECTION APPLICATION ON THE ERW&SD WEBSITE BEFORE CONSTRUCTION COMENCES 2. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE THE WATER AND SEWER LINES WITH ERW&SD PRIOR TO EXCAVATION Attachment A UP DWWDD D R A IN A G E E A S E M E N T 7 9 5 % 9 6 3 % 9 0 84' 84'8 % 8 8 8 6 9 4 9 5 9 0 8 8 9 4 9 4 9 2 8 4 '9 0 22'-73_ 8" 30'-33_ 4" 10" 4" 13' - 6"9' - 6"25' - 0"36' - 4"26' - 8 1/2"cubbies under stair open railing STAIR AND LIGHT WELL 4' - 0"7' - 9 1/2"9' - 7 1/2"1' - 6"11' - 11" 8185' - 0" 6' - 4 1/2" 3' - 0 1/2"18' - 0"3' - 0 1/2" 1' - 1 1/2"11' - 2 1/2"5' - 6"2' - 8"24' - 0 1/2"11 1/2"12' - 0" 6' - 4 1/2"6' - 5"5' - 4 1/2"8' - 9"21' - 1"6' - 6"4' - 10"4' - 9 1/2"5' - 10 1/2"12' - 9"8184' - 6" METER CLOSET 22' - 0"2' - 8 1/2"4' - 4"17' - 8"4' - 9"45' - 5 1/2" 2' - 10 1/2"13' - 0"8' - 7 1/2"6' - 0"14' - 11 1/2"36' - 4"10' - 5"13' - 0 1/2"24' - 6"13' - 2 1/2"16' - 0"MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH MASTER CLOSET LIVING ROOM STAIR AND LIGHT WELL UP DN GUEST BEDROOM DINING 8' - 1 1/2"12' - 3 1/2"7' - 1"5' - 8"14' - 6 1/2"10' - 9"11' - 8 1/2"7' - 8"4' - 9 1/2"1' - 11"MICROKITCHEN4 1/2"3' - 6"8' - 10 1/2"2' - 9"2' - 0"3' - 0"coffe bar4' - 0 1/2"3' - 7"13' - 0"5' - 5 1/2"6' - 10" PANTRY6' - 8 1/2"6' - 6"36" REF 48" RANGE 3' - 2"2' - 0"1' - 0"4' - 0 1/2"1' - 0"3' - 0" LAUNDRY 23' - 5 1/2" 24' - 0 1/2" 4' - 10"4' - 10" GUEST BATH 3' - 6"4' - 1"2' - 9"2' - 7 1/2"3' - 11"10' - 3 1/2" WATERPROOF DECK TERRACE OVER GARAGE DUCT CHASE 3' - 7"3' - 1 1/2" 2' - 6"5' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"3' - 0" 1' - 8 1/2"10' - 0"1' - 0 1/2" 8195' - 1 3/4" 12' - 5 1/2"2' - 5"10' - 0"5' - 3 1/2"2' - 7"12' - 8 1/2" STAIR AND LIGHT WELL DN LOFT KIDS BEDROOM 1 KIDS BEDROOM 28' - 1 1/2"13' - 2 1/2"7' - 8"45' - 6" o p e n to b e lo w 36" tall wall or open railing14' - 8 1/2"10' - 7 1/2" 3:12 EXISTING GRADE:8185'-3" NEW GRADE: 8184'-4" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 27'-0" 8211' - 4" EXISTING GRADE:8187'-0" NEW GRADE: 8185'-0" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 30'-4 1/2" 8215' - 4 1/2" EXISTING GRADE:8188'-9" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 30'-7 1/8" 8219' - 0" EXISTING GRADE:8191'-11" RIDGE ELEV.: RIDGE HT: 27'-1 EXISTING GRADE:8192'-3" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 27'-9 8220' - 5 1/4" EXISTING GRADE:8194'-1" NEW GRADE: 8194'-8" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 26'-4 1/4" NEW GRADE:8194'-1" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 20'-10 3/8" 8205' - 2 1/16" NEW GRADE:8194'-5" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 10'-9 1/16 EXISTING CONTOUR 8186 EXISTING CONTOUR 8188 EXISTING CONTOUR 8184 E X I S T I N G C O N T O U R 8 1 8 6 BUILDING ENVELOPE 3:12 6:123:12 3:12 E X I S T I N G C O N T O U R 8 1 9 2 8220' - 5 1/4"8220' - 0"6:126:123:12 EXISTING GRADE:8191'-0" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 29'-5 1/4" 8219' - 4 1/8" 8214' - 11 3/8"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:12:55 PMA2.0FLOOR PLANS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET update 2-11-192-04-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22B, Avon CO 81620True North Project North No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL True North Project North1/4" = 1'-0"3 A3.0 UPPER LEVEL True North Project North Area Schedule (Gross Building) Name Area Lower Level Area 638.5 SF Main Level Area 1504 SF Upper Level Area 656.2 SF Grand total: 3 2798.8 SF 1/8" = 1'-0"4 ROOF PLAN Attachment A A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8195' -1 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8205' -5" Plate Height 8214' -6 1/8" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8185' -0"9' - 1 1/8"MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8203' -2 7/8" LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8207' -5 3/4"12' - 4"8' - 5"8188' - 0" 8185' - 6" EXISTING GRADE 8184' - 0" 8184' - 6" 8185' - 0"6:123:12 3 :1 2 2X12 BELLY BAND WITH FLASHING AT TOP 1x6 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH LIGHTER FINISH ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY 1x8 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH DARK FINISH ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY WIDE FLANGE STEEL COLUMN WITH ADDRESS WIDE FLANGE STEEL COLUMN AND TIMBER BEAM STONE VENEER ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY ASPHALT SHINGLES ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON PRE ENGINEERED TRUSSES ASPHALT SHINGLES ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON 14" LVL RAFTERS WITH R-48 BIBS INSULATION (2) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE IN FLOOR CANTILEVER OVER LARGE GARAGE DOOR (3) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE IN FLOOR STRUCTURE ABOVE ENTRY (4) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES IN ROOF STRUCTURE 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/11/2019 10:12:03 AMA3.0EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET update 2-11-192-04-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22B, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION 2 3D View 1 3 3D View 2 Attachment A A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8195' -1 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8205' -5" Plate Height 8214' -6 1/8" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8185' -0" MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8203' -2 7/8" LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8207' -5 3/4" 8190' - 6" 8193' - 0" EXISTING GRADE 8194' - 1" 2X12 BELLY BAND WITH FLASHING AT TOP 1x6 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH LIGHTER FINISH 1x8 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH DARK FINISH ASPHALT SHINGLES ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON PRE ENGINEERED TRUSSES. R-48 INSULATION AT BTM CHORD 6:123 :1 2 3:12 (4) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES IN ROOF STRUCTURE A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8195' -1 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8205' -5" Plate Height 8214' -6 1/8" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8185' -0"10' - 1 3/4"9' - 1 1/8"10' - 3 1/4"LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8207' -5 3/4"3:128194' - 0" 8188' - 0" EXISTING GRADE 8194' - 0" 8190' - 0" 8188' - 0" 8186' - 0" (4) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES IN ROOF STRUCTURE (2) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE IN FLOOR CANTILEVER OVER LARGE GARAGE DOOR (3) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE IN FLOOR STRUCTURE ABOVE ENTRY A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8195' -1 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8205' -5" Plate Height 8214' -6 1/8" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8185' -0" MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8203' -2 7/8"9' - 1 1/8"10' - 3 1/4"10' - 1 3/4"8' - 1 1/8"3:126 :1 2 6:12 3:12E X I S T I N G G R A D E 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/10/2019 7:13:02 PMA3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET update 2-11-192-04-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22B, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"3 NORTH ELEVATION Attachment A (3) RECESSED CAN LIGHT AT ENTRY (2) RECESSED CAN LIGHT AT GARAGE (4) RECESSED CAN LIGHT AT WATERPROOF DECK 970.328.0592 LIGHTS2177 Saddle Ridge Loop 2-04-19 Wildridge Subdivision Lot 22B, Avon CO 81620 3/32" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL RCP 3/32" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL RCP SOUTH HOUSE Attachment B UP DWWDD D R A IN A G E E A S E M E N T 7 9 5 % 9 6 3 % 9 0 84' 84'8 % 8 8 8 6 9 4 9 5 9 0 8 8 9 4 9 4 9 2 8 4 '9 0 22'-73_ 8" 30'-33_ 4" 10" 4" 13' - 6"9' - 6"25' - 0"36' - 4"26' - 8 1/2"cubbies under stair open railing STAIR AND LIGHT WELL 4' - 0"7' - 9 1/2"9' - 7 1/2"1' - 6"11' - 11" 8185' - 0" 6' - 4 1/2" 3' - 0 1/2"18' - 0"3' - 0 1/2" 1' - 1 1/2"11' - 2 1/2"5' - 6"2' - 8"24' - 0 1/2"11 1/2"12' - 0" 6' - 4 1/2"6' - 5"5' - 4 1/2"8' - 9"21' - 1"6' - 6"4' - 10"4' - 9 1/2"5' - 10 1/2"12' - 9"8184' - 6" METER CLOSET 22' - 0"2' - 8 1/2"4' - 4"17' - 8"4' - 9"45' - 5 1/2" 2' - 10 1/2"13' - 0"8' - 7 1/2"6' - 0"14' - 11 1/2"36' - 4"10' - 5"13' - 0 1/2"24' - 6"13' - 2 1/2"16' - 0"MASTER BEDROOM MASTER BATH MASTER CLOSET LIVING ROOM STAIR AND LIGHT WELL UP DN GUEST BEDROOM DINING 8' - 1 1/2"12' - 3 1/2"7' - 1"5' - 8"14' - 6 1/2"10' - 9"11' - 8 1/2"7' - 8"4' - 9 1/2"1' - 11"MICROKITCHEN4 1/2"3' - 6"8' - 10 1/2"2' - 9"2' - 0"3' - 0"coffe bar4' - 0 1/2"3' - 7"13' - 0"5' - 5 1/2"6' - 10" PANTRY6' - 8 1/2"6' - 6"36" REF 48" RANGE 3' - 2"2' - 0"1' - 0"4' - 0 1/2"1' - 0"3' - 0" LAUNDRY 23' - 5 1/2" 24' - 0 1/2" 4' - 10"4' - 10" GUEST BATH 3' - 6"4' - 1"2' - 9"2' - 7 1/2"3' - 11"10' - 3 1/2" WATERPROOF DECK TERRACE OVER GARAGE DUCT CHASE 3' - 7"3' - 1 1/2" 2' - 6"5' - 0"4' - 0"10' - 0"3' - 0" 1' - 8 1/2"10' - 0"1' - 0 1/2" 8195' - 1 3/4" 12' - 5 1/2"2' - 5"10' - 0"5' - 3 1/2"2' - 7"12' - 8 1/2" STAIR AND LIGHT WELL DN LOFT KIDS BEDROOM 1 KIDS BEDROOM 28' - 1 1/2"13' - 2 1/2"7' - 8"45' - 6" o p e n to b e lo w 36" tall wall or open railing14' - 8 1/2"10' - 7 1/2" 4:12 EXISTING GRADE:8185'-3" NEW GRADE: 8184'-4" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 29'-1 5/16" 8213' - 5 5/16" EXISTING GRADE:8187'-0" NEW GRADE: 8185'-0" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 33'-3 1/8" 8218' - 3 1/8" EXISTING GRADE:8188'-9" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 30'-6 3/8" 8219' - 11" EXISTING GRADE:8191'-11" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 28'-0"8219' - 11" EXISTING GRADE:8192'-3" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 27'-8 8219' - 8 5/16" EXISTING GRADE:8194'-1" NEW GRADE: 8194'-8" RIDGE ELEVATION: RIDGE HT: 25'-7 5/16" NEW GRADE:8194'-1" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 20'-9 1/4 8204' - 7 15/16" NEW GRADE:8194'-5" EAVE ELEVATION: EAVE HT: 10'-2 15/16 EXISTING CONTOUR 8186 EXISTING CONTOUR 8188 EXISTING CONTOUR 8184 E X I S T I N G C O N T O U R 8 1 8 6 BUILDING ENVELOPE 4:127:127:127:124:12 4:12 E X I S T I N G C O N T O U R 8 1 9 2 8219' - 3 3/8"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/3/2019 3:14:33 PMA2.0FLOOR PLANS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET2-04-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22B, Avon CO 81620True North Project North No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 1/4" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL True North Project North1/4" = 1'-0"3 A3.0 UPPER LEVEL True North Project North Area Schedule (Gross Building) Name Area Lower Level Area 638.5 SF Main Level Area 1504 SF Upper Level Area 656.2 SF Grand total: 3 2798.8 SF 1/8" = 1'-0"4 ROOF PLAN Attachment C A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8195' -1 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8205' -5" Plate Height 8214' -6 1/8" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8185' -0"9' - 1 1/8"MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8203' -2 7/8" LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8207' -5 3/4"12' - 4"8' - 0 3/4"8188' - 0" 8185' - 6" EXISTING GRADE 8184' - 0" 8184' - 6" 8185' - 0"7:127:124:12 4:12 4 :1 2 2X12 BELLY BAND WITH FLASHING AT TOP 1x6 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH LIGHTER FINISH ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY 1x8 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH DARK FINISH ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY WIDE FLANGE STEEL COLUMN WITH ADDRESS WIDE FLANGE STEEL COLUMN AND TIMBER BEAM STONE VENEER ON R-5 ZIP PANEL ON 2X6 WOOD STUDS WITH R-23 BIBS INSUALTION IN CAVITY ASPHALT SHINGLES ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON PRE ENGINEERED TRUSSES ASPHALT SHINGLES ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON 14" LVL RAFTERS WITH R-48 BIBS INSULATION (2) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE IN FLOOR CANTILEVER OVER LARGE GARAGE DOOR (3) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE IN FLOOR STRUCTURE ABOVE ENTRY (4) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES IN ROOF STRUCTURE 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/3/2019 3:14:37 PMA3.0EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET2-04-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22B, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 EAST ELEVATION 2 3D View 1 3 3D View 2 Attachment C A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8195' -1 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8205' -5" Plate Height 8214' -6 1/8" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8185' -0" MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8203' -2 7/8" LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8207' -5 3/4" 8190' - 6" 8193' - 0" EXISTING GRADE 8194' - 1" 2X12 BELLY BAND WITH FLASHING AT TOP 1x6 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH LIGHTER FINISH 1x8 SHIP LAP SIDING WITH DARK FINISH ASPHALT SHINGLES ON FULL COVERAGE WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING ON PRE ENGINEERED TRUSSES. R-48 INSULATION AT BTM CHORD7:124 :1 2 4:12 (4) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES IN ROOF STRUCTURE A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8195' -1 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8205' -5" Plate Height 8214' -6 1/8" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8185' -0"10' - 1 3/4"9' - 1 1/8"10' - 3 1/4"LIVING ROOM PLATE HEIGHT 8207' -5 3/4"4:127:127:1 2 8194' - 0" 8188' - 0" EXISTING GRADE 8194' - 0" 8190' - 0" 8188' - 0" 8186' - 0" (4) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURES IN ROOF STRUCTURE (2) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE IN FLOOR CANTILEVER OVER LARGE GARAGE DOOR (3) RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE IN FLOOR STRUCTURE ABOVE ENTRY A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8195' -1 3/4" A3.0 UPPER LEVEL 8205' -5" Plate Height 8214' -6 1/8" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8185' -0" MASTER BATH PLATE HT 8203' -2 7/8"9' - 1 1/8"10' - 3 1/4"10' - 1 3/4"8' - 1 1/8"4:127 :1 2 7:12 4:12E X I S T I N G G R A D E 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION2/3/2019 3:14:40 PMA3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS18512177 Saddle Ridge LoopPLANNING AND ZONING SET2-04-19Single Family Residences atWildridge SubdivisionLot 22B, Avon CO 81620No.DescriptionDate1/4" = 1'-0"1 WEST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"2 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0"3 NORTH ELEVATION Attachment C February 19, 2019 Code Text Amendment Public Hearing To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: David McWilliams, Town Planner Meeting Date: February 19, 2019 Topic: Code Text Amendment - Continued Public Hearing INTRODUCTION This memo serves as an update from the last public hearing of several Code Text Amendment proposals. Staff encourages a review of the February 5, 2019 memo that covers the amendments more in depth. SUMMARY OF UPDATES Alternative Design Parking was removed from the eligible code sections and language about community public benefit was removed, in favor of the already-proposed criteria (3) regarding no negative impact on health and safety. Employee Housing Mitigation Staff deleted the “households generated” section from Table 7.20-14 because as noted during the public hearing, it was double-counted as originally proposed. The arithmetic it now only included in Table 7.20-15 and relates to unit size for different accommodation types. Staff updated the Fee-in -lieu section to read as follows: “Fees-in-lieu as defined by Town Council resolution updated every two years, may be provided only for any fractional remainder of the requirement generated under this chapter totaling less than 1.0 employee, subject to the following requirements:” Staff feels that this better achieves the intent of the entire section than what was originally proposed. Along with eliminating the household generated error (discussed at the first public hearing), a new table on the next page spells out the expected mitigation amount of different already-existing projects and shows the maximum expected fee associated with on-site buildout. Below is an investigation of the fee per square foot, which is then used to calculate the fee for left over employee mitigation, based on the minimum square footage of the smallest unit. Calculation of Payment in Lieu 80% AMI 100% AMI Area Median Income for Family of 3 $ 62,640 $ 78,300 Maximum Initial Sales Price $ 213,150 $ 266,156 Affordable Price per square Foot $ 189.25 $ 1,126 Market Price per Square foot $ 350.60 $ 350.60 Administrative Fee 15% 15% Payment in Lieu per Square Foot $ 186.55 $ 131.43 February 19, 2019 Code Text Amendment Public Hearing USE Units Emp. Rate Jobs Jobs/ Emp. Total Emp. Mitigation Rate Emp. Mitigation Required 3br 2 br 1 br Stud. Left Over 80% AMI Fee 100% AMI Fee Lodge/Hotel 190 .8/Rm 144 1.2 120.0 10%12.00 Prop. Managem 0 .4/Rm 0 1.2 0.0 10%0.00 Commercial SF 11,000 2.8 30.8 1.2 25.7 10%2.57 14.57 4 0.57 42,009$ 29,756$ Wyndham USE Units Emp. Rate Jobs Jobs/ Emp. Total Emp. Mitigation Rate Emp. Mitigation Required 3br 2 br 1 br Stud. Left Over 80% AMI Fee 100% AMI Fee Lodge/Hotel 74 .8/Rm 59.2 1.2 49.3 10%4.93 Prop. Managem 0 .4/Rm 0 1.2 0.0 10%0.00 Commercial SF 1,956 2.8 5.4768 1.2 4.6 10%0.46 5.39 1 1 0.64 47,481$ 33,632$ USE Units Emp. Rate Jobs Jobs/ Emp. Total Emp. Mitigation Rate Emp. Mitigation Required 3br 2 br 1 br Stud. Left Over 80% AMI Fee 100% AMI Fee Lodge/Hotel 142 .8/Rm 113.6 1.2 94.7 10%9.47 Prop. Managem 4 .4/Rm 1.6 1.2 1.3 10%0.13 Commercial SF 536 2.8 1.5008 1.2 1.3 10%0.13 9.73 2 1 0.98 72,369$ 51,261$ Colorado World Resorts USE Units Emp. Rate Jobs Jobs/ Emp. Total Emp. Mitigation Rate Emp. Mitigation Required 3br 2 br 1 br Stud. Left Over 80% AMI Fee 100% AMI Fee Lodge/Hotel 0 .8/Rm 0 1.2 0.0 10%0.00 Prop. Managem 81 .4/Rm 32.4 1.2 27.0 10%2.70 Commercial SF 0 2.8 0 1.2 0.0 10%0.00 2.70 1 0.95 70,509$ 49,943$ Sheraton Mtn Vista Lot B Hotel February 19, 2019 Code Text Amendment Public Hearing Staff estimates the table on the right to be a fair representation of the current Inclusionary Zoning/ Commercial Linkage requirements of other jurisdictions. Staff does not garuntee these numbers but hopes that they provide a fair estimate of the overall appetite in different communities. Staff feels comfortable placing language in the ordinance that recognizes the Sheridan property’s unique situation of having already provided twenty (20) units throughout the original PUD, before a rezoning to Town Center took place. This is included in the findings and recommendation section below. Development Bonus No new changes are proposed. Short-term Rentals Staff corrected an oversight by including a definition of STR in the Definitions section. Originally the definition was only in the Overlay districts section. Roof Design At the last meeting, staff failed to mention changes to the code that already affect roof design in the Wildridge Subdivision. The codified language is below: The old reading: (2) Building Height on Steep Slopes. Determining building height on steep slopes has frequently resulted in three-story walls on the downhill side that create an overbearing presence on properties below. Therefore, the visual impact of building height and massing on lots with steep slopes shall be reduced by articulating the building facades and creating proportional stories in a multi-story building. Building height will be reduced for buildings or portions of buildings with flat roofs as follows: (A) Four-to-twelve (4:12) roof slopes or greater: thirty-five (35) feet. (B) Less than a four-to-twelve (4:12) roof slope: thirty (30) feet. The new reading: (2) Building Height on Steep Slopes. Determining building height on steep slopes has frequently resulted in three-story walls on the downhill side that create an overbearing presence on properties below. Therefore, the visual impact of building height and massing on lots with steep slopes shall be reduced by articulating the building facades and creating proportional stories in a multi-story building. (3) Building height will be reduced for buildings or portions of buildings with flat roofs as follows: (A) Four-to-twelve (4:12) roof slopes or greater: thirty-five (35) feet. (B) Less than a four-to-twelve (4:12) roof slope: thirty (30) feet. Jurisdiction Commercial Rate Residential Rate Eagle County 45% 45% Telluride 40% 60% Vail 20% 10% of GRFA San Jose, CA 20% 20% Basalt 20% 25% San Miguel County 15% 15% Snowmass 60% 60% Aspen/Pitkin 60% 60% Mt. Crested Butte ? 15% Crested Butte none none Frisco none none Silverthorne none none February 19, 2019 Code Text Amendment Public Hearing This change reinforces the height limitation as discussed and would serve as an additional hurdle to an Alternative Design application. Staff also investigated other jurisdictions in the area for their height restrictions. • Vail’s approach is, “For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty feet (30'). For a sloping roof, the height of buildings shall not exceed thirty three feet (33')” and generally limits roof height in any given district by 3 feet. • Cordillera Valley Club’s approach is, “A mix of one and two story building masses is required. Three story masses are discouraged, however, when approved, must be broken down in scale and have either a one story element or lower roof attached,” and, “Roof forms shall be limited to low-pitched gable, shed, or double-pitch roofs in the range of 4:12 to 8:12. 3:12 roofs may be allowed, as well as other roof forms, such as curved roofs or flat roofs, at the discretion of the DRB.” • The Wildridge design guidelines states, “On open/non-tree covered sites roof pitches shall approximate slope of the natural contour. The ridge of the roof shall run perpendicular to the slope. Roof pitches on tree covered lots are not as visible and therefore do not have to approximate the slope of the ground. A 3:12 roof slope is the minimum for shake roofs” (The guidelines only allow shake and sod roofs which must contact the ground). Homes should be designed to complement the site’s landscape. No matter the direction that the code amendment takes, proper building forms, massing, and overall aesthetic are ultimately in the eye of the beholder and staff relies on the PZC and Town Council to assist in cases that require discretion. Staff contends that the adopted (but not yet code) language of the Wildridge code section protects that special neighborhood in a special way, and a blanket three (3) foot drop, like that in Vail, is proposed for other residential projects. Other Changes For the fire mitigation sections, staff updated the language and the location according to recommendations from the Eagle County wildfire mitigation coordinator. Also included is a web link below that summarizes the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code. CODE TEXT AMENDMENT REVIEW CRITERIA The review procedures for this application are governed by the Development Code. According to the AMC §7.16.040(c), Review Criteria, the PZC and Town Council shall use the following review criteria as the basis for recommendations and decisions on applications to amend the text of the Development Code: (1) The text amendment promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the Avon community; (2) The text amendment promotes or implements the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; (3) The text amendment promotes or implements the purposes stated in the Development Code; or (4) The text amendment is necessary or desirable to respond to changed conditions, new planning concepts or other social or economic conditions. Staff Response: The amendments are timely in addressing some of the pressing needs of the Town and the greater Eagle County community. They promote the health, safety and welfare of the February 19, 2019 Code Text Amendment Public Hearing community and implement goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan (including the ACHP, Attachment A) and the Development Code, specifically (n), “Achieve a diverse range of attainable housing which meets the housing needs created by jobs in the Town, provides a range of housing types and price points to serve a complete range of life stages and promotes a balanced, diverse and stable full time residential community which is balanced with the visitor economy.” AVAILABLE ACTIONS 1. Continue the Public Hearing pending additional information. 2. Approve Findings of Fact and Record of Decision recommending that the Town Council approve the application. 3. Approve a modified Findings of Fact and Record of Decision recommending that the Town Council deny the application. RECOMMENDED MOTION “I move to recommend that the Avon Town Council approve Case #CTA19001, an application to amend and update the Avon Municipal Code, with the findings and fact and record of recommendation attached as Attachment C to Staff’s report.” ATTACHMENTS (A) Select PZC Material dated February 5, 2019 (B) Code Text Amendments in order (C) Findings of Fact and Recommendation for Town Council Approval LINKS Town of Avon Community Housing Plan https://www.avon.org/DocumentCenter/View/18728/Avon-Housing-Plan?bidId= CAST Vacation Home Rentals Report https://coskitowns.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/VHR-report-6-12-15-FINAL.pdf Summary of Inclusionary Zoning Practices in Colorado Communities – Chafee County http://www.chaffeehousing.org/EndUserFiles/57044.pdf International Wildland-urban Interface Code https://codes.iccsafe.org/content/IWUIC2018/effective-use-of-the-international-wildland- urban-interface-code To: Planning and Zoning Commission From: David McWilliams, Town Planner Meeting Date: February 5, 2019 Topic: Code Text Amendment Public Hearing INTRODUCTION Staff has combined several Code Text Amendment proposals for a public hearing. The PZC shall conduct a public hearing and use the below timeline and criteria on the last pages to recommend approval or denial of the Avon Municipal Code (AMC) amendment application to the Town Council. Staff has added some minor amendments that were not part of the recent work sessions, that are shown in the order they will be added. Process SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES Alternative Design Staff was directed, through the Strategic Plan, to tie the Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC) process (now re-named Alternative Design) to more tangible public benefits (Attachment D, page 1). Since the work sessions, staff was directed to scale back from a list of those public benefits to a system that grants the alternative under similar criteria as before. Separately, staff is proposing a change to roof pitch language because it has been the principle code section that has required AEC applications. Employee Housing Mitigation Staff was directed, through the Avon Community Housing Plan (ACHP, Attachment A), to determine an approach for inclusionary zoning and commercial linkage. Many communities in the valley and the state have these programs in an attempt to offset housing from the production of jobs that a new development generates. Included as Attachment B is a matrix created by the Eagle County Housing Authority of practices in neighboring communities. The proposed strategy does not explicitly meet the ACHP income range goal for Area Median Income (AMI) between 80% -120%, but the units provided are expected to be principally in the Town Core, and accessible to transit, groceries, and other associated amenities, making them desirable to a wide array of tenants. Changes since the PZC work sessions include updated criteria defining the affordability range to include the above referenced AMI level and specifying the “up or mid valley” as the required location for the provision of off-site housing. (Attachment C, page 6) Attachment A, 1 Below is a list of some of the properties that staff imagines may be subject to the inclusionary zoning requirements in the foreseeable future. It would not apply to properties with vested rights (like the Riverfront or Village at Avon). They are represented visually to the left. Staff analyzed the development scenarios for some recent projects to calculate the estimated mitigation regime needed. Note that staff interprets the Colorado World Resorts project to be under the “Property Management” Jobs Generated (.4 jobs per unit) category, as opposed to the other properties that are under “Lodge/ Hotel” (.8 jobs per unit). These employee units could be provided through any of the methods found in section 7.20(d). Building or complex name Address Acres Square Feet Benchmark Shopping Center 82 Beaver Creek Boulevard 2.13 92782.8 1st Bank 11 West Beaver Creek Boulevard 1.714 74661.84 Christy Sports 182 Avon Road 0.928 40423.68 Annex 142 Benchmark 1.496 65165.76 Nottingham Commercial Lots 121 - 111 Nottingham Road 1.067 46478.52 Avon Center Lot C 160 West Beaver Creek Boulevard 2.28 99316.8 160 West Beaver Creek Boulevard 0.583 25395.48 Nottingham Ranch 68-95 Post Boulevard 3.8 165528 Chapel Square parcels 92 Benchmark 2 87120 140 Benchmark 2.864 124755.8 230 Benchmark 1.08 47044.8 Avon Plaza 150 East Beaver Creek Boulevard 1.33 57934.8 North-71 91 Beaver Creek Place 0.57 24829.2 ANB Bank 71 Beaver Creek Place 0.76 33105.6 51 Beaver Creek Place 0.59 25700.4 Attachment A, 2 Sheraton Mtn Vista USE UNITS EMP. RATE JOBS JOBS/ EMP. EMPLOYEES HOUSEHOLD GEN. UNITS MITIGATION UNITS REQUIRED Lodge/Hotel 190 .8/Rm 144 1.2 120 1.8/per 66.7 10% 6.7 Prop. Mgmt. 0 .4/Rm 0 1.2 0 1.8/per 0.0 10% 0.0 Commercial (SF) 11,000 2.8 30.8 1.2 25.66 1.8/per 14.3 10% 1.4 8.1 Wyndham USE UNITS EMP. RATE JOBS JOBS/ EMP. EMPLOYEES HOUSEHOLD GEN. UNITS MITIGATION UNITS REQUIRED Lodge/Hotel 74 .8/Rm 59.2 1.2 49.33333 1.8/per 27.4 10% 2.7 Prop. Mgmt. 0 .4/Rm 0 1.2 0 1.8/per 0.0 10% 0.0 Commercial (SF) 1,956 2.8 5.4768 1.2 4.564 1.8/per 2.5 10% 0.3 3.0 Lot B Hotel USE UNITS EMP. RATE JOBS JOBS/ EMP. EMPLOYEES HOUSEHOLD GEN. UNITS MITIGATION UNITS REQUIRED Lodge/Hotel 142 .8/Rm 113.6 1.2 94.66667 1.8/per 52.6 10% 5.3 Prop. Mgmt. 4 .4/Rm 1.6 1.2 1.333333 1.8/per 0.7 10% 0.1 Commercial (SF) 536 2.8 1.5008 1.2 1.250667 1.8/per 0.7 10% 0.1 5.4 Colorado World Resorts USE UNITS EMP. RATE JOBS JOBS/ EMP. EMPLOYEES HOUSEHOLD GEN. UNITS MITIGATION UNITS REQUIRED Lodge/Hotel 0 .8/Rm 0 1.2 0 1.8/per 0.0 10% 0.0 Prop. Mgmt. 81 .4/Rm 32.4 1.2 27 1.8/per 15.0 10% 1.5 Commercial (SF) 0 2.8 0 1.2 0 1.8/per 0.0 10% 0.0 1.5 Attachment A, 3 Finally, the fees-in-lieu portion of the process (Attachment C, page 7) is proposed at a maximum of 50% of the project’s impact requirement. Staff feels that the provision of a housing fund to tackle its own projects might make sense at this time. As Town Owned Properties planning and execution is completed, this number could be lowered. The allowed maximum fees-in-lieu portion is much lower in other communities. Staff is still investigating the type and structure that the fee should take. A preliminary example (taken from the Eagle County Affordable Housing Guidelines: Administrative Procedures) is included below. Staff could update this to represent a different AMI or other factors as appropriate. Likewise, current draft language requires that Town Council adopt a resolution to determine the fee, but codified language could reference the most current AMI data available and include and forgo the resolution. Development Bonus The Development Bonus section was originally proposed in 2009 as part of the Development Code overhaul. Staff decided to include this section with edits as a possible appropriate method to gain additional employee housing or other public benefits when applicants need relief or additions from the AMC. This is a likely alternative to the PUD process (of negotiated zoning) that should still combine public benefits with appropriate design. Since the work session, staff has updated the language to include a housing density bonus applicable to R-H, where the dimensional standards include a density maximum of dwelling units per acre. An applicant would have the ability to negotiate an increase the units per acre of the project based on the provision of affordable units, defined as an AMI of 80% -140%. (Attachment C, page 10). This example came from Frisco, where the bonus is not part of a negotiated process, but by-right in certain zone districts near their core. Short-term Rentals Staff was directed to determine new short-term rental (STR) regulations to create a more formal application and compliance process for homeowners. While these documents are not very different from the ones presented a few weeks ago at the work session, staff encourages a deeper dive into these proposals than at the previous meeting. (Attachment D, page 11). Since the first work session, staff edited the complaint / violation process as well as the list of required items to present for licensing. Staff left health / safety standards within the code and removed others to be administered as staff policy. Attachment A, 4 Several local jurisdictions have tried to solve some of their perceived short-term rental issues through a complaint hotline. Staff initially contemplated including this in the proposed code and decided against it due to the limited number of properties it would be expected to serve. That is, compared to other jurisdictions, the number STR taking place outside of a managed property (Westin, Falcon Point, etc.) are low. A hotline would be an unnecessary expense and administrative burden that would not serve many people. While a STR agent is required in case of emergencies within a unit, (plumbing, smoke alarms etc.) reliance on the Police Department for other types of issues (noise) will still be the standard practice. Staff contemplates a violation protocol where the subject properties are cross referenced to monthly police call records to determine if any rentals are causing problems. While not proposed, staff has heard mention by some stakeholders that a specific tax on STR to provide affordable housing might be an appropriate approach to balance the needs of homeowners and the community’s needs for housing. Staff could produce this addition if deemed necessary. That is, in a case like the Colorado World Resorts project, the building is constructed for condos but the expectation is that many of the units will be rented short-term. By including a STR affordable housing tax, the externalities may be captured and mitigated by town-funded activities. Roof Design In recent years, the AMC has consistently been stretched with respects to roof pitch. Specifically, the “mountain modern” aesthetic (clean lines, unique shapes, large windows, and connections with outdoors), oftentimes clash with the requirements of the code. Staff feels a revision that achieves the intent of the original code while allowing for new design types may be in order. The proposal would allow 3:12 pitches as the primary roof pitch while limiting the height of the roof, therefore avoiding the potential of a tall, box shaped house. Other Changes Staff has prepared additional language to various Code sections, to better respond to best practices and changing situations. Specifically, wildfire mitigation is addressed in the Subdivision and Landscape sections. Chapter 8.36 changes to include sight distance triangles into the scope of removal/control are not subject to a PZC hearing but are included for review and recommendation. CODE TEXT AMENDMENT REVIEW CRITERIA The review procedures for this application are governed by the Development Code. According to the AMC §7.16.040(c), Review Criteria, the PZC and Town Council shall use the following review criteria as the basis for recommendations and decisions on applications to amend the text of the Development Code: (1) The text amendment promotes the health, safety and general welfare of the Avon community; (2) The text amendment promotes or implements the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; (3) The text amendment promotes or implements the purposes stated in the Development Code; or (4) The text amendment is necessary or desirable to respond to changed conditions, new planning concepts or other social or economic conditions. Staff Response: The amendments are timely in addressing some of the pressing needs of the Town and the greater Eagle County community. They promote the health, safety and welfare of the community and implement goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan (including the ACHP, Attachment A, 5 Attachment A) and the Development Code, specifically the (n), Achieve a diverse range of attainable housing which meets the housing needs created by jobs in the Town, provides a range of housing types and price points to serve a complete range of life stages and promotes a balanced, diverse and stable full time residential community which is balanced with the visitor economy.” AVAILABLE ACTIONS 1. Continue the Public Hearing pending additional information. 2. Approve Findings of Fact and Record of Decision recommending that the Town Council approve the application. 3. Approve a modified Findings of Fact and Record of Decision recommending that the Town Council deny the application. RECOMMENDED MOTION “I move to recommend that the Avon Town Council approve Case #CTA19001, an application to amend and update the Avon Municipal Code, with the findings and fact and record of recommendation attached as Attachment D to Staff’s report.” ATTACHMENTS (A) Sections from the Town of Avon Community Housing Plan (B) Eagle County Housing Tools Matrix (C) Code Text Amendments for review (D) Code Text Amendment Recommendation for Approval LINKS Town of Avon Community Housing Plan https://www.avon.org/DocumentCenter/View/18728/Avon-Housing-Plan?bidId= CAST Vacation Home Rentals Report https://coskitowns.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/VHR-report-6-12-15-FINAL.pdf Summary of Inclusionary Zoning Practices in Colorado Communities – Chafee County http://www.chaffeehousing.org/EndUserFiles/57044.pdf Attachment A, 6 The Comprehensive Plan: • Achieve a diverse range of housing densities, styles, and types, including rental and for sale, to serve all segments of the population. • Coordinate with neighboring communities to provide an attainable housing program that incorporates both rental and ownership opportunities, affordable for local working families. Goals and Objectives of this Housing Plan are as follows: • Focus on increasing deed restricted homeownership opportunities for households making equivalent of 140% or less of the Area Median Income - $430,000 for a household of three people in 2018. • Grow the inventory of homeownership and “missing middle” inventory, in place of additional rental housing stock, to create a more balanced portfolio with a long- term goal of 50% rental, 50% ownership. • When considering new rental housing, prioritize price point, quality and amenities attractive to “step up” renters and seniors looking to downsize, focusing on the 80- 120% AMI level. • Stabilize or increase the percentage of year-round residents; currently 55% of all dwelling units in Avon are occupied by year-round residents. • Stabilize or increase the percentage of Eagle County working residents Avon. • Seek to add at deed restricted units to the inventory in the short term. • Strengthen regional partnerships with other communities and entities (i.e. Habitat for Humanity, other municipalities, Eagle County) to make projects happen. • As sites redevelop, strive for “no net loss” of units in the 80-120% AMI range, and when possible, increase housing serving the local year-round population. • Re-evaluate goals and objectives on an annual basis, including the ongoing monitoring of new projects and housing stock in the mid-valley; appendices may be updated by Resolution. Strengths and Assets • An inventory of 670 price-controlled housing units, 63 of which are deed restricted for sale units that were a result of successful PUD negotiations; Policy • Update mitigation/linkage policies to be more proactive in addressing housing needs. Current policies are limited to very narrowly defined locations and development requests, and the current mitigation rate is low compared with peer communities. • Consider implementing an inclusionary housing policy. Inclusionary housing was considered in the 2010 code update, but was not adopted at that time. Inclusionary housing is a tool to create housing affordable to locals. It is recommended to look at inclusionary housing and mitigation/linkage at the same time, to better understand how the two tools complement each other, support Attachment A, 7 policy goals, and maintain a level playing field for commercial and residential development. Inclusionary Housing A percentage of residential units in new subdivisions/PUDs are workforce housing. Market homes support workforce units. Only effective if new subdivisions/PUDs are developed/ redeveloped. Carbondale, Eagle, Eagle County, San Miguel County Linkage/Mitigation Requiring new residential and/or commercial development to contribute to workforce housing relative to demand generated by the new construction. For residential, mitigation rate often increases with house size, and deed restricted units are typically exempt. Fees in lieu provides revenue stream that fluctuates with building activity. Documented relationship between fee and impact required. Telluride, Aspen, Mt. Crested Butte Attachment A, 8 Attachment A, 9 Attachment A, 10 Attachment B, 1 Attachment C, 1 7.08.010 - General definitions. Short Term Rental means the rental of property for a total continuous duration of less than thirty (30) days. 7.16.070 - Subdivisions. (e) Preliminary Plan Review Criteria. The reviewing authority will use the following review criteria as the basis for recommendations and decisions on applications for preliminary plan subdivision applications: (1) The proposed subdivision shall comply with all applicable use, density, development and design standards set forth in this Development Code that have not otherwise been modified or waived pursuant to this Chapter and that would affect or influence the layout of lots, blocks and streets. Applicants shall not create lots or patterns of lots in the subdivision that will make compliance with such development and design standards difficult or infeasible; (2) The subdivision application shall comply with the purposes of this Development Code; (3) The subdivision application shall be consistent with the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other community planning documents; (4) The land shall be physically suitable for the proposed development or subdivision; (5) The proposed subdivision shall be compatible with surrounding land uses; (6) There are adequate public facilities for potable water supply, sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, electrical supply, fire protection and roads and will be conveniently located in relation to schools, police, fire protection and emergency medical services; (7) The proposed utility and road extensions are consistent with the utility's service plan and are consistent with the Avon Comprehensive Plan and Comprehensive Transportation Master Plan; (8) The utility lines are sized to serve the ultimate population of the service area to avoid future land disruption to upgrade under-sized lines; (9) The subdivision is compatible with the character of existing land uses in the area and shall not adversely affect the future development of the surrounding area; (10) A proposed subdivision for an existing PUD shall be consistent with the relevant PUD Master Plan as reflected in the approval of that PUD; (11) Appropriate utilities, including water, sewer, electric, gas and telephone utilities, shall provide a "conditional capacity to serve" letter for the proposed subdivision; (12) That the general layout of lots, roads, driveways, utilities, drainage facilities and other services within the proposed subdivision shall be designed in a way that minimizes the amount of land disturbance, minimize inefficiencies in the development of services, maximizes the amount of open space in the development, preserves existing trees/vegetation and riparian areas, reduces wildfire fuel density and form, protects critical wildlife habitat and otherwise accomplishes the purposes of this Development Code; Attachment B, 2 Attachment C, 2 (13) Evidence that provision has been made for a public sewage disposal system or, if other methods of sewage disposal are proposed, adequate evidence that such system shall comply with state and local laws and regulations; (14) Evidence that all areas of the proposed subdivision that may involve soil or topographical conditions presenting hazards or requiring special precautions have been identified by the applicant and that the proposed use of these areas are compatible with such conditions or that adequate mitigation is proposed; (15) The subdivision application addresses the responsibility for maintaining all roads, open spaces and other public and common facilities in the subdivision and that the Town can afford any proposed responsibilities to be assumed by the Town; (16) If applicable, the declarations and owners' association are established in accordance with the law and are structured to provide adequate assurance that any site design standards required by this Development Code or conditions of approval for the proposed subdivision will be maintained or performed in a manner which is enforceable by the Town; and (17) As applicable, the proposed phasing for development of the subdivision is rational in terms of available infrastructure capacity and financing. Attachment B, 3 Attachment C, 3 Table 7.16-1: Development Review Procedures and Review Authority Procedure Director PZC TC Comprehensive Plan Amendment (§7.16.030) R H-R H-D Code Text Amendment (§7.16.040) R H-R H-D Rezoning (§7.16.050) R H-R H-D Planned Unit Development (§7.16.060) Administrative PUD D A Minor PUD Amendment R H-R H-D Lot Split PUD Amendment for Wildridge PUD R H-R H-D Major PUD Amendment R H-R H-D Preliminary PUD R H-R H-D Final PUD R H H-D Subdivision (§7.16.070) Administrative Subdivision D A Minor Subdivision D A Preliminary Plan R H-R H-D Final Plan R H-D Development Plan (§7.16.080) Minor D or R H-D A Major R H-D A Major in Town Core R H-R H-D Design Review (§7.16.090) D or R H-R or H- D H-D or A Attachment B, 4 Attachment C, 4 Special Review Use (§7.16.100) R H-D A Variance (§7.16.110) R H-D A Alternative Equivalent Compliance Design (§7.16.120) R R-D or R A or R- D Right-of-way Vacation (§7.16.130) R H-D Vested Property Right (§7.16.040) R H-R H-D Location, Character and Extent (§7.16.150) R H-D A Annexation (§7.36) R H-R H-D Appeal (§7.16.160) H-D 1041 Permit (§7.40) R H-R H-D Historic and/or Cultural Preservation Designated (§7.50) H-D Attachment B, 5 Attachment C, 5 7.16.120 - Alternative designequivalent compliance. Alternative designequivalent compliance is a procedure that encourages creative and original design where the site conditions or proposed use prevent strict compliance with allows development to meet the intent of the design-related provisions of this Chapterthrough an alternative design. It is not a general waiver or weakening of regulations; rather, this application procedure permits a site-specific plan that is equal to or better than the strict application of a design standard specified in this Development Code. This procedure is not intended as a substitute for a variance or administrative modification or a vehicle for relief from standards in this Chapter. Alternative designcompliance shall apply only to the specific site for which it is requested and does not establish a precedent for assured approval of other requests. (a) Applicability. A request for alternative designequivalent compliance shall be made concurrently with a site-specific application for a procedure identified in this Chapter. The alternative designequivalent compliance procedure shall be available only for the following sections of this Development Code: (1) Section 7.20.100, Employee Housing Mitigation; (2) Section 7.28.040, Mobility and Connectivity; (3) Section 7.28.050, Landscaping; (4) Section 7.28.060, Screening; (5) Section 7.28.070, Retaining Walls; (6) Section 7.28.080, Fences; (7) Section 7.28.090, Design Standards; and (8) Section 7.32.040, Paved Trail Design. (b) Review Alternative design Procedures. Applications for alternative designequivalent compliance shall be processed concurrently with the underlying development application for which alternative designequivalent compliance with the applicable design standards is desired and shall follow the procedures for such underlying development application. Applicants are generally required to define the alternative design element(s), show a concept plan or similar visual aid with the proposed deviation and a design that would be allowed by code, and respond to the review criteria, below. Applications for alternative equivalent compliance may be initiated by the owner of property for which alternative equivalent compliance is desired. (c) Review Authority. The review authority shall be the review authority as set forth for the underlying development application. The PZC shall review all alternative designequivalent compliance applications that have a concurrent minor development plan application. (d) Review Criteria. The review authority shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative designequivalent compliance: (1) The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; (2) The proposed alternative achieves the Goals, and Policies, and District Planning Principles of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; (3) The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and The proposed alternative design will not negatively impact public health and safety; and (4) The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. (e) Conditions. The reviewing authority may recommend or impose conditions on an approval for alternative designequivalent compliance provided that such conditions are related to ensuring the performance of the alternative designequivalent compliance to meet or exceed the subject standard. Attachment B, 6 Attachment C, 6 Such conditions may include performance guarantees, required timeframes or the ability to revoke an approval for alternative designequivalent compliance. (f) Effect of Approval. Alternative designequivalent compliance shall apply only to the specific site for which it is requested and shall not establish a precedent for approval of other requests. Attachment B, 7 Attachment C, 7 7.20.100 - Employee housing mitigation. (a) Applicability. The standards of this Section shall apply to new multi-family (3 or more units), commercial, accommodation units, and other non-residential development within the Town of Avon. Governmental and non-profit entities must also adhere to these standards. (b) Exemptions. (1) Redevelopment of Pre-Existing Use and Change in Use. Redevelopment or remodeling of an existing use or the change from one use to another is exempt from the requirements of this Section, provided such activity does not create additional employment generation as determined by Table 7.20-14, below. Only the uses and floor areas that existed prior to the redevelopment or remodeling shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section. Any new floor area or unit or any change in use which creates additional employee generation as determined by Table 7.20-14 shall be subject to the provisions of this Section. (2) Vested Property Rights are exempted from the provisions of this Section. (c) When applicable, employee housing mitigation shall be provided in accordance with these standards: To determine the number of employee housing units that must be provided, the following formulas shall be used: Table 7.20-14 Employee Housing Mitigation Formulas Factor Calculation Commercial Size of development Leasable square feet Jobs generated 2.8 per 1,000 sq. ft. Rate x sq. ft./1,000 Employees generated 1.2 jobs per employee Jobs generated/1.2 Households generated 1.8 employees per unit Employees generated/1.8 Units requiredEmployee Mitigation Required 10% mitigation Households Jobs generated x 10% Lodging and Property Management Size of development # of rooms or # of units Jobs generated Lodge/hotel - # of rooms x 0.8 0.8/ room; Prop. management - # of units x 0.4 0.4/ unit Employees generated 1.2 jobs per employee Jobs generated/ 1.2 Households generated 1.8 employees per unit Employees generated/ 1.8 Units requiredEmployee Mitigation Required 10% mitigation Households Jobs generated x 10% Attachment B, 8 Attachment C, 8 Residential Size of development # of Dwelling Units Jobs generated .33 per dwelling unit # of units x 0.33 Employees generated 1.2 jobs per employee Jobs generated/1.2 Employee Mitigation Required 10% mitigation Jobs generated x 10% Note: The required employee housing mitigation shall be rounded to the nearest whole number. (d) Methods of Housing Mitigation. General Requirements. All units shall be placed under a deed restriction, administered by the Valley Home Store, that limits occupancy or ownership of units to Eagle County residents or workers. For any of the following Housing Mitigation Methods, all proposed unit(s) shall comply with the minimum size requirements shown in table 7.20-15, and all applicable design requirements. TABLE 7.20-15 Minimum Size of Housing Units Type Minimum Size of Unit (SF) Number of Employees Housed Studio 500 1.25 1 bedroom 750 1.75 2 bedroom 800 2.25 3 or more bedroom 1,225 3.5 No Credit Given: If the gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the proposed unit(s) is in excess of the minimum required gross residential floor area (GRFA), the additional gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall not be eligible for use as any form of future credit or for the commercial linkage or inclusionary zoning employee housing mitigation. (1) Construction of unit(s) on the site on which the development is proposed. (2) Construction of deed restricted unit(s) within the Town of Avon, provided such land, site or structure has not been previously deed-restricted to employee or affordable housing by any party. (3) Construction of unit(s) outside the Town of Avon but within the Eagle Valley, provided such land, site or structure has not been previously deed-restricted to employee or affordable housing by any party. Prior to construction of such unit(s), consent of the relevant jurisdiction or homeowner’s association (if required) to placement of a deed restriction on the unit(s) must be obtained, in addition to any required land use approvals. Units outside of the Town of Avon must be within the 80% - 140% AMI range, as defined by the Avon Comprehensive Plan, within the Up or Mid Valley, as defined by the Eagle River Valley Housing Needs and Solutions plan. (4) Deed restricting existing free market unit(s) within the Town or the Eagle Valley. i. As a condition of approval when the deed restriction of existing free market unit(s) is proposed, Applicants must obtain the approval of The Town for the specific unit(s) to be deed restricted. Applicants must demonstrate to the satisfaction of The Town that (a) the long-term affordability of the proposed unit(s) is adequately protected, considering issues Attachment B, 9 Attachment C, 9 including but not limited to long term maintenance and homeowner’s assessments; and (b) the affected property does not prohibit the type of housing proposed. The Town may request additional inform ation about the proposed unit(s) as reasonable to make such a determination. Such approval may contain provisions to ensure that any unit(s) so restricted meets long term standards for maintenance and affordability. ii. Units outside of the Town of Avon must be within the 80% - 140% AMI range, as defined by the Avon Comprehensive Plan, within the Up or Mid Valley, as defined by the Eagle River Valley Housing Needs and Solutions plan. iii. Prior to deed restriction of such unit(s) when located outside the Town, consent of the relevant jurisdiction or homeowner’s association (if required) to placement of a deed restriction on the unit(s) must be obtained, in addition to any required land use approvals. (5) Fees-in-lieu as defined by Town Council resolution updated every two years, may be provided provide only for any fractional remainder of the requirement generated under this chapter totaling less than 1.0 employee, subject to the following requirements: i. Time of Payment and Use of Funds. Payment of the in-lieu fee shall be made to the Town prior to the issuance of any building permits for the free market portion of the development. ii. Interest Bearing Account. The Town shall transfer the funds to an interest-bearing account. iii. Authorized Uses of Fees. The funds, and any interest accrued, shall be used only for the purpose of planning for, subsidizing or developing affordable and employee housing. iv. Refund of Fees. (A) Seven Year Limit. Fees collected pursuant to this section may be returned to the then present owner or property for which a fee was paid, if the fees have not been spent within seven (7) years from the date fees were paid, unless the Town Council shall have earmarked the funds for expenditure on a specific project, in which case the Town Council may extend the time period by up to three (3) more years. (B) Written Request. To obtain the refund, the present owner must submit a written request to the Director within one (1) year following the end of the seventh (7th) year from the date payment was received. (C) Payments Determined. For the purpose of this section, payments collected shall be deemed spent on the basis that the first payment shall be the first payment out. (e) Housing mitigation plan required. The housing mitigation plan shall include the following: (1) Calculation and method. The calculation of, and method by which housing is to be provided, in compliance with Table 7.20-14 and Section 7.20.100(d). (2) Unit Descriptions. If deed restricted housing units are to be developed, a site plan and building floor plans (if applicable), illustrating the number of units proposed, their location, the number of bedrooms, gross floor area of each unit, and the rental/sale mix of the development. Attachment B, 10 Attachment C, 10 (3) Timing of review/amendments. The housing mitigation plan shall be submitted to and approved by the Director prior to, or concurrent with, application to the Town for the free market portion of the initial development plan. Review and approval of plans by the Town for construction of affordable housing shall be prior to, or concurrent with, the free market portion of the development plan. Any amendment to the housing mitigation plan shall require Director approval. (f) Certification of Action. The Director, or its designee, shall certify the approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the housing mitigation plan, or of an amendment thereto. Such approval, approval with conditions, or denial shall be based on compliance with the provisions of this Division, unless an exception is granted by variance. (g) Appeal. Upon final approval or denial of the housing mitigation plan by the Director an appeal to Town Council may be filed pursuant to Section 7.16.160 - Appeal. (2) Employee housing units shall be located on-site. The applicant may propose alternatives to on- site employee housing mitigation in accordance with the alternative equivalent compliance process set forth in Section 7.16.120. When considering proposals for off-site employee housing, preference shall be given to locations closer to the applicant's property, locations in the Town and locations which are served by mass transit. (3) Employee housing units shall be owned by the owner of the commercial space for which the employee housing units serve and shall be used exclusively by employees of such commercial space; or employee housing units shall be offered for sale subject to a deed restriction that restricts the appreciation of price and which restricts eligible buyers and renters in accordance with the form of price controlled housing deed restriction adopted by the Town. Applicants may voluntarily propose to meet the employee housing units with rent controlled units through the alternative equivalent compliance process. (4) Employee housing mitigation shall be satisfied by providing one (1) residential studio unit, one (1) bedroom in a residential unit or any combination thereof, for each required employee housing unit of mitigation. The minimum size for a studio unit shall be five hundred (500) square feet and the minimum size for a one-bedroom residential unit shall be seven hundred fifty (750) square feet. Attachment B, 11 Attachment C, 11 7.20.110 Development bonus. Definitions. For this section: Development bonus means an incentive-based tool that permits a project increased height, lot coverage (for the Town Center District), building height, reduced parking minimums, reduced building permit fees, increased residential density (in the Residential High Density RH district) reduced landscape area, or landscape unit requirements; in exchange for helping the community achieve the public policy goals as defined below. Development bonus type means the offer provided by the proposal for consideration by the review authority that corresponds to one of the listed in section (e), below. (a) Purpose. Development bonuses may be awarded for proposed development projects in the Town Center, Mixed-Use Commercial, Neighborhood Commercial, and Residential High-Density zone districts where the application meets Town goals and complies with minimum development standards and requirements. A development bonus may be allowed where the negative impacts of such allowance on the public or on adjacent property owners do not outweigh the benefits to the public. The public benefits identified in this section are related to promoting the viability and functionality of higher density and more intense site development. Development bonuses that provide housing are preferred. (b) Applicability. Development bonuses are only allowed for consideration where the applicant has demonstrated substantial (c) Procedures. An application for a development bonus shall be submitted concurrently with the principle application for development of the property and shall follow the review procedures, notice requirements, and hearing requirements of the underlying development application. A public hearing and recommendation by PZC, followed by a public hearing by Town Council is required before the Town Council takes action on any application for a development bonus. A development bonus shall only be effective and binding on the Town if stated in a development agreement which contains provisions stating that the development bonus is contingent upon the performance and completion by the applicant property owner of any public facilities, public improvements and/or conveyance of a property interest for public facilities or improvements offered for the development bonus. (d) Criteria. The following criteria for specific public benefits shall be considered when evaluating development bonuses: (1) General criteria. (i) Absolute maximum. The absolute cumulative maximum potential development bonus shall be a variation of 20% from the standard required in the development code, except for Section 7.22.110(e)(1)(i) and (ii). (ii) Cumulative development bonuses. Subject to the absolute maximum for development bonus stated in sub-section (i) above, multiple development bonuses may be awarded by the Town Council and may be applied cumulatively to a property. (iii) Additional water rights dedication. Additional water rights shall be dedicated for any development bonus which increases the water consumption for the property and such additional water rights dedication shall not be considered as a dedication of surplus water right as defined in Development Review Type 6, below. (iv) Council review and approval. Approval of a development bonus, if any, shall be determined by Town Council in the Town Council’s discretion after considering the Attachment B, 12 Attachment C, 12 Review Criteria. Approval of a development bonus shall be by ordinance and shall be documented in a development agreement. (2) Review Criteria. The PZC and Town Council shall consider the following criteria as the basis for a recommendation or decision for a development bonus proposal. (i) Exceed minimum standards of one or more of the development bonus types. A development bonus may only be considered and awarded where the development bonus type exceeds the minimum requirements established elsewhere in the Development Code. (ii) Promote Town goals and policies. The public benefits shall generally promote or implement the goals or policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan and purposes stated in this Development Code. (iii) Payment-in-lieu. For all development bonus types, where an on-site contribution or land dedication is not practical or appropriate, the Town Council may consider a cash contribution towards such facility or improvement by a payment-in-lieu of dedication. The amount of the payment-in-lieu shall be calculated by considering current and projected real estate values and construction costs. The amount of a payment-in-lieu should be the equivalent value of an on-site dedication considering the additional administrative, transaction, financing and timeframe costs associated with properly utilizing cash proceeds. (iv) Mitigation of impacts. The reviewing authority may require an analysis and may require mitigation of the additional impacts of a development bonus on all public facilities, infrastructure, and services which serve the property, including but not limited to public infrastructure, streets, additional water rights required to serve the development, fire protection, ambulance services, schools, parks, and recreation. In addition, where a development bonus may result in negative impacts to adjacent or nearby properties or impacts to the general public, the Town may require mitigation of such impacts as a condition to granting the development bonus. (v) Location and design. The location and design of any contribution towards public parking, transit, pedestrian enhancement, streetscape improvement, or civic facility shall be in conformance with the Town of Avon’s Comprehensive Plan and other applicable plans and regulations of the Town, shall be acceptable to the Town taking into consideration functionality, current and projected demand, and long term maintenance and operation costs, and shall include such legal documents as are deemed necessary and acceptable to the Town. (e) Development bonus types (1) Housing. A development bonus may be awarded that meets the following criteria: (i) A density bonus where: (A) A minimum of 50 percent of the total number of bonus units is provided within the 80% - 140% Area Median Income (AMI) range; (B) For each additional dwelling unit allowed, at least two housing units at within the 80% - 140% AMI range, as defined by the Avon Comprehensive Plan, are provided on property outside of the subject property, but within the Town or within one mile of any corporate limit of the Town; (C) Payment-in-lieu for providing affordable housing based upon existing real estate values, market conditions, market trends, the anticipated timeframe to utilize funds to secure and provide housing, transactional costs and administrative costs for the Attachment B, 13 Attachment C, 13 Town to secure and provide housing, and determined by the Town Council fees- in-lieu resolution updated every two years; or, (ii) A reduction of building fees may be allowed for the provision of housing units within the 80% - 140% AMI range. (iii) Other development bonuses may be made in all applicable zone districts through the provision of affordable housing or a payment-in-lieu. (2) LEED certification or similar certification demonstrating high building efficiency performance. A development bonus may be awarded for certification. (3) Public parking or transit contribution. A development bonus may be awarded for contributions towards public parking and/or transit. (4) Pedestrian enhancements. The following criteria shall be considered for development bonuses for pedestrian enhancements: (i) Off-site pedestrian enhancements shall be no further than 2,500 feet (as measured by the most direct existing or planned pedestrian routes) from the property boundary of the development. (ii) On-site pedestrian enhancements shall be open to the public and shall be owned and maintained by the property owner or an owners’ association. (5) Streetscape enhancements. A development bonus may be awarded for streetscape enhancements. Streetscape enhancements may include plazas, courtyards, fountains, public art, benches, tables, kiosks, pocket parks, play areas and other enhancements to public pedestrian areas. The following criteria shall be considered for development bonuses for streetscape enhancements: (i) Streetscape enhancement shall be no further away than 1,500 feet from the property boundary. (ii) On-site streetscape enhancements shall be open to the public and shall be owned and maintained by the property owner or an owners’ association. (iii) Civic facility. A development bonus may be awarded for the provision of land or improvements for civic facilities. Civic facilities may include a library, health clinic, municipal facilities, performing arts venues, or other facilities which are open to the public and promote the health, safety, welfare or culture of the Avon community. The civic facility shall be located on-site or, if off-site, shall be within a reasonable proximity of the property to benefit the property. (6) Water rights dedication. A development bonus may be awarded for the provision of surplus water rights which exceed the water rights dedication required to serve the property. Attachment B, 14 Attachment C, 14 7.20.090 - Overlay districts. (a) Short Term Rental Overlay - STRO. (1) Intention. The Short Term Rental Overlay (STRO) zone district is intended to allow short term rentals of properties, including but not limited to accommodation, apartments, bed and breakfast, condominium, hotel, lodge, motel and residential properties for periods fewer than thirty (30) days subject to the provisions of this Chapter. The STRO zone district shall be an overlay zone district which shall apply to allow short term rentals of properties. Properties in the STRO zone district shall otherwise be subject to all requirements of the underlying zone district. (2) Allowed Use. The following uses shall be permitted in the STRO District: (i) The uses permitted in the underlying zone district or planned unit development (PUD). (ii) Short term rental, except that short term rental use shall not be permitted for any residential unit which is deed restricted for affordable housing, long term residential use, primary residential use or full time residential use. (3) Short Term Rental. For the purpose of this Chapter, short term rental shall mean the rental of property for a total continuous duration of less than thirty (30) days. (43) Development Standards. The developments standards within this overlay zone district are regulated by the underlying zone district. (b4) Planned Unit Development. All PUD zone districts shall comply to the dimensional and development standards as well as the review processes and criteria outlined in Section 7.16.060, Planned Unit Developments. (5) Sales and Public Accommodations Tax Licenseing. Any property owner who leases or rents property in the STRO District shall obtain a sales tax license in accordance with Chapter 3.08 and a public accommodations tax short-term rental license in accordance with Chapter 3.28. The failure to obtain proper licensing a sales tax license or public accommodations tax license prior to using property for short term rental in the STRO shall be a violation and subject to penalties as described in Title 3. (6) This chapter shall not supersede or affect any private conditions, covenants or restrictions applicable to a short-term rental property. Attachment B, 15 Attachment C, 15 Chapter 7.24.050 – Use-specific regulations. (e) Short-Term rental. A short-term rental must comply with the following limitations and conditions: (1) No license shall be issued without an affidavit, signed by the owner or designee under penalty of perjury, certifying that the short-term rental property is in habitable condition and complies with the health and safety standards set forth in this chapter. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a complete application for a short-term rental license, if the Director finds that the application complies with this chapter, the Director shall issue a short-term rental license. The license shall be issued in the name of the owner or designee, and shall not be transferable. (2) Local Agent Required. Each owner shall appoint a natural person or property management firm located within a sixty (60) minute distance of the short-term rental property that is available at all times for the duration of rental occupation, to serve as the local agent for the short-term rental property. The owner shall notify the Finance Director or designee in writing of the appointment of a local agent within five (5) days of such appointment or modification of any such appointment. (3) If the proposed short-term rental property is located within a duplex, the application shall include a copy of a written notice provided to the last known address of the record owner of the adjoining residential dwelling unit. The written notice shall include a copy of the completed application, and shall be sent by first-class United States mail at least seven (7) days prior to the filing of the application. (4) Notice. Any notice required by this chapter to be given to an owner is sufficient if sent by first- class mail to the address provided by the owner on the most recent license or renewal application. Notice given to the local agent, by first-class mail to the address provided by the owner, shall also be sufficient to satisfy any required notice to the owner under this chapter. (5) Health and Safety Standards. Buildings, structures or rooms shall not be used for purposes other than those for which they were designed or intended. (i) Roofs, floors, walls, foundations, ceilings, stairs, handrails, guardrails, doors, porches, all other structural components, and all appurtenances thereto shall be capable of resisting any and all forces and loads to which they may be normally subjected, and shall be kept in sound condition and in good repair. (ii) Smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers shall be installed and operable, and all wood-burning fireplaces and stoves shall be cleaned on an annual basis. (iii) An operable toilet, sink, and either a bathtub or shower shall be located within the same building, and every room containing a toilet or bathtub/shower shall be completely enclosed by walls, doors, or windows that will afford sufficient privacy. (6) Infractions. (i) If an infraction is found to have occurred during the routine compliance operations of Town staff, a formal complaint shall be sent to the owner describing in detail the violation(s) of this chapter alleged to have occurred on the short-term rental property within three (3) business days. (ii) If there are three (3) or more infractions issued for the same short-term rental property within any consecutive twelve-month period, the Town Manager or designee may fine the licensee for that short-term rental property upon written notice to the owner. Fine for first infraction: $500; second $1,500; third or more $2,500. Attachment B, 16 Attachment C, 16 (7) Revocation. The Town Manager or designee shall revoke any short-term rental license that was issued in error or the recipient of multiple violations. Revocation duration shall be for one (1) year. The Town shall notify an owner, in writing, of any revocation and the reasons therefor. The owner may appeal any revocation by filing a written appeal with the Town Manager or designee within ten (10) days of the date of the revocation notice. In the written appeal, the owner shall describe the reason for the appeal, and may request a hearing before the Town Manager or designee. The hearing shall be informal, and may be conducted in person or by telephone, at the discretion of the Town Manager or designee. At the hearing, the owner shall have the opportunity to be heard on the revocation. Within ten (10) days of the hearing, the Town Manager or designee shall either uphold or reverse the revocation, in writing. The decision of the Town Manager or designee shall be final. (8) Violation and Penalty. (i) It is unlawful for any owner, local agent or occupant of a short-term rental property to violate any provision of this chapter or any other applicable provision of this Code. (ii) Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the penalties above and also those contained in Chapter 1.09 of this Municipal Code. Any remedies provided for in this Section shall be cumulative and not exclusive and shall be in addition to any other remedies provided by law. The imposition of any penalty under this Code shall not preclude the Town or affected property owner from instituting any appropriate action or proceeding to require compliance with the provisions of this Code. Attachment B, 17 Attachment C, 17 7.28.050 - Landscaping. (5) Planting Plan Required. All planting plans must note and delineate all planting and sod areas, and include hydrozones with similar microclimate, soil conditions, slope, and plant materials with similar water demand. Individual hydrozones that mix high and low water use plants shall not be permitted. Hydrozone areas shall be designated by number, letter, or other designation on the landscape design plan and irrigation design plan. The plan shall comply with the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code. (vi) Soil Amendment. (A) Topsoil of irrigated grasses (including turf), shrubs, perennials, and annuals shall be a sandy loam to a depth of at least six (6) inches containing at least five percent (5%) organic matter by volume. (B) Amended tree soil should have a minimum planting hole diameter of two (2) times as large as the root ball diameter. Both topsoil and subsoil layers shall be sandy loam. The topsoil shall be at least six (6) inches and have five percent (5%) organic matter by weight and subsoil shall have at least one to three percent (1 - 3%) organic matter by weight. (C) A minimum of four (4) cubic yards of organic matter soil amendment per one-thousand square feet of landscaped area shall be required as necessary to meet the five percent (5%) organic matter specification. (D) Shredded rubber, pine needles and shredded western red cedar are prohibited within five (5) feet of any structure and discouraged from being used within Zone 1 defensible space as mulch due to their higher level of combustibility. Attachment B, 18 Attachment C, 18 7.28.090 - Design standards. (4) Roofs: (i) Pitched roofs, particularly those located over building entrances, shall be oriented such that excessive snow and ice does not accumulate over or drop onto pedestrian walkways, parking areas or drives. Special protection, such as snow fences, shall be required for roofs so oriented. (ii) Overhangs are required on pitched roofs and shall extend at least one and one-half (1.5) feet from the point where the wall meets the roof as horizontally measured from the exterior wall of the structure. (iii) Roofing materials shall be suitable for local environmental conditions. Colors shall be natural or earth tones. (5) Weather Protection for Pedestrian Areas: (i) Building Design: (A) Buildings shall be designed so that entries, steps, balconies and pedestrian walkways or sidewalks are protected from precipitation shedding off roofs. (B) Sheltering roofs or building projections for protection from rain, wind, snow and ice shall be provided in areas of pedestrian activity around public/ institutional, commercial and mixed-use buildings, including sheltered entranceways at major entrances and pedestrian- oriented façades along public sidewalks or walkways. (C) Buildings shall avoid roof designs, canopy structures or other design features that would allow accumulated snow, ice or rain or to fall or slide onto sidewalks or walkways. Roofs shall be designed to protect doorways, exterior stairs, balconies, garage entrances, bicycle parking and pedestrian sidewalks and walkways from snow and ice. Where sloping rooflines incline toward such areas, protective features, such as arcades, loggias and dormers, shall be used to protect pedestrians from falling snow. Such devices need not be continuous if foundation planning beds are located to set the walkway away from the building facades. (D) Additional roof design requirements are located in Section 7.28.090, Design Standards. (ii) Sidewalk Design: (A) Pedestrian walkways shall be clearly defined through the use of consistent pavers and signage. (B) Pedestrian walkways shall be designed to minimize potential conflicts with snow management operations and ensure pedestrian safety by: (1) Limiting grade changes where possible; and (2) Using ramps instead of stairs where a change in grade is necessary. (d) Generally Applicable Residential Design Standards: (1) Applicability. The standards in this Section are applicable to the development of any residential development pursuant to Section 7.28.010, Purpose and Applicability. (2) Building Separation. The minimum separation between residential buildings, including accessory buildings, is fifteen (15) feet. Architectural projections, such as decks, bay windows and roof overhangs, may project into the separation area, but may not encroach into required setbacks. Attachment B, 19 Attachment C, 19 (3) Roofs: (i) All residential buildings shall have pitched roofs as follows: Minimum Pitch Maximum Pitch Main Building Form 3:12 [1] 12:12 Secondary Building Form 3:12 [2] N/A Metal 3:12 N/A with a rise of not less than four (4) inches in twelve (12) inches of distance. Primary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and a twelve-to-twelve (12:12) maximum. Secondary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and metal roofs shall have a three-to-twelve (3:12) minimum. [1] Main building form roof pitches under 4:12 are required to be three (3) feet lower than the zone district’s maximum height. Flat roofs are allowed if consistent with the architectural style of the building. [2] Flat roofs may be are permitted as secondary building form roofs or if it the flat roof is consistent with the architectural style of the building. (ii) All buildings shall incorporate roofline modulation. (iii) Large expanses of bright, reflective materials are not permitted; however, standing seam metal, copper or weathering steel (corten) may be acceptable. Attachment B, 20 Attachment C, 20 7.32.040 - Paved trail design. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to provide for the planning, layout, construction and maintenance of recreational trails to provide for a safe and efficient network of regional and local trails for the enjoyment of Avon's residents and visitors. (b) Applicability. The following standards shall apply to any trails or paths required by the Town through the development approval process. For standards not specifically listed here, the design, layout and construction details in the Avon Recreational Trails Master Plan, Avon Comprehensive Transportation Plan or Eagle Valley Regional Trails Plan shall apply. These standards are not inflexible and may be modified through the Alternate Equivalent Compliance process in Section 7.16.120, Alternative Equivalent Compliance, if different design or materials can be shown to provide better performance and or environmental sensitivity. Attachment C PZC Recommendations: #CTA19001 Page 1 of 2 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECCOMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL DATE OF DECISION: February 19, 2019 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Code Text Amendments PROPERTY LOCATION: Town of Avon FILE NUMBER: #CTA19001 APPLICANT: Town of Avon These recommendations are made in accordance with the Avon Development Code (“Development Code”) §7.16.040(c): DECISION: Recommendation to approve the Title 7: Development Code Text Amendments. FINDINGS: 1. The application is complete; 2. The application provides sufficient information to allow the reviewing authority to determine that the development application complies with the relevant review criteria; 3. The text amendments were reviewed with the criteria listed in Avon Municipal Code Section 7.16.040(c), Review Criteria, and are found to be in substantial compliance as outlined in the staff report for the February 5 and 19, 2019 public hearings; 4. The text amendments promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the Avon Community; 5. The text amendments promote and implement the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan; 6. The text amendments implement the Avon Community Housing Plan by providing inclusionary housing requirements for new development; 7. The text amendments promote and implement the purposes stated in the Development Code, including Section 7.04.030 (n), by achieving a diverse range of attainable housing types and price points to serve a diverse and stable full-time residential community; 8. The Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek property provided twenty (20) perpetually deed-restricted dwelling units on the at the initial stage of development, as required by the original PUD, before a rezoning to Town Center took place and should be recognized and offset in the ordinance; and 9. The text amendments are necessary and desirable to respond to changed conditions and new planning concepts. CONDITION: 1. The Ordinance presented to Council will acknowledge that the Lot C development has satisfactorily addressed community housing requirements with current development and up to the threshold established by the Ordinance for new development. Attachment C PZC Recommendations: #CTA19001 Page 2 of 2 THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson