Town Owned Properties CPA17002PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECCOMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL DATE OF DECISION: February 20, 2018 TYPE OF APPLICATION: Comprehensive Plan Amendment PROPERTY LOCATION: Various throughout, Avon FILE NUMBER: #CPA17002 APPLICANT: Town of Avon These recommendations are made ("Development Code") §7.16.030(d): A ,ovon in accordance with the Avon Development Code DECISION: Recommendation to approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment titled: Town ofAvon Properties Development Strategies, with the following findings: The code text amendments were reviewed and found to be in in compliance in accordance with the review criteria outlined in Section 7.16.030(c) of the Avon Municipal Code, including: 1. The proposed land uses are all compatible with the surrounding areas; 2. Transportation services and infrastructure can serve the proposed future land uses; 3. Public services and facilities have adequate current capacity to serve the proposed future land uses; 4. The proposed land use in the plan amendment will result in a better location and form of development for the Town; 5. Strict adherence to the current plan would result in a situation that contrasts to the current Comprehensive Plan; 6. The Application complies with the purposes of the Development code; and 7. The Application will promote the health, safety and welfare of the Avon Community and will be consistent with the general goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. THESE FI DI GS FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: DATE: C Ch er PZC Recommendations: #CPA17002 Page 1 of 1