TC Resolution 18-14 Adopting the Town of Avon 2019 Strategic PlanTOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION 18-14 ADOPTING THE TOWN OF AVON 2019 STRATEGIC PLAN WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council participated in a Council Retreat on September 19, 2018, in order to discuss and identify the priorities, strategic work and future direction for the Town; and WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council has set forth its direction in the attached Town of Avon 2019 Strategic Plan; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has committed to quarterly progress reviews of the Town of Avon 2019 Strategic Plan, to evaluate success, and to consider any needed amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that the Avon Town Council adopts the attached Town ofAvon 2019 Strategic Plan, as a critical implementation tool to help guide the Town in achieving a successful and vibrant vision for the growth and development of Avon. ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Avon Town Council this 23rd day of October 2018. ' ,�pWN OFglo� i By: Attest: ennie Faucher, Mayor Debbie Hoppe, Town eY