TC Minutes 09-25-2018TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 1. A CALL TO ORDER & ROLL CALL Mayor Fancher called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. A roll call was taken, and Council members present were Amy Phillips, Matt Gennett, Jake Wolf, Scott Prince and Sarah Smith Hymes. Megan Burch was absent. Also present were Acting Town Manager Scott Wright, Town Attorney Eric Heil, Police Chief Greg Daly, Planning Director Matt Pielsticker, Recreation Director John Curutchet, Public Works Director Gary Padilla, Deputy Town Manager Preston Neill and Town Clerk Debbie Hoppe. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Start time 07:47 Mayor Fancher requested moving item 5.1 (Review and Direction regarding 2019 Special Events Funding, as recommended by the Ad Hoc Special Events Committee) after item 4.1. to accommodate members of the Ad Hoc Special Events Committee. Councilor Phillips requested an update and discussion regarding the Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape Project. Council agreed to hold the discussion after item 4.6. Councilor Prince requested the addition of a discussion about joining Colorado Communities for Climate Action (CC4CA) and allocating a $5,000 membership fee in the 2019 proposed budget. Councilor Phillips moved to approve the agenda, as amended. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. Councilor Burch was absent. j. PUBLIC COMMENT: COMMENTS ARE WELCOME ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE FOLLOWING AGENDA Start time: 11:53 Regina O'Brien, Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, commented on National Voter Registration Day and encouraged residents to get signed up to vote at govotecolorado.com. Councilor Burch arrived at 5:25 p.m. 4. ACTION ITEMS Start time: 17:17 4.1. PUBLIC HEARING AND ACTION ON MAJOR DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPLICATION FOR RIVERFRONT LODGE ON LOT 4, RIVERFRONT SUBDIVISION (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) Pedro Campos, Zehren & Associates, presented the Major Development Plan Application. Mayor Fancher opened the public hearing and there were no comments. Councilor Prince recused himself from the discussion. Councilor Phillips moved to approve the Major Development Plan Application for Riverfront Lodge on Lot 4, Riverfront Subdivision, findings and conditions listed in staff's memo dated September 25, 2o18, with the added condition that the Eagle River Watershed Council be added as a referral agency. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of 6. Councilor Prince abstained from the vote. Page 1 U11 TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET Council moved to item 5.1. 5.1. REVIEW AND DIRECTION IN REGARD TO 2019 SPECIAL EVENTS FUNDING, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE AD HOC SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE (AHSEC CHAIR BOBBY BANK) Start time: 51:25 Council expressed that they would like to see bigger picture, return -on -investment information about these events. Council provided direction to staff and the Ad Hoc Special Events Committee to move forward with the recommendations, as submitted by the Ad Hoc Special Events Committee. 4.2. APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION 18-15, SUPPORTING THE GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON, ACTING AS FISCAL AGENT, ON BEHALF OF WALKING MOUNTAINS SCIENCE CENTER AND THE STATE BOARD OF THE GREAT OUTDOORS COLORADO TRUST FUND (DEPUTYTOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) Start time: 1:54:00 Councilor Wolf moved to approve Resolution 18-15 supporting the Grant Agreement between the Town of Avon, acting as Fiscal Agent, on behalf of Walking Mountains Science Center and the State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. 4.3. RESOLUTION 18-17, OPPOSING AMENDMENT 74 (TOWN ATTORNEY ERIC HEIL) Start time: 2:02:59 Mayor Fancher opened the discussion for comments. Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes moved to approve Resolution 18-17 Opposing Amendment 74. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. 4.4• RESOLUTION 18-16, SUPPORTING PROPOSITION 110 "LET'S GO, COLORADO," TO INCREASE FUNDING FOR STATEWIDEAND LOCAL TRANSPORTATION NEEDS MOBILITY DIRECTOR EVAWILSON) Start time: 2:03:40 Councilor Gennett moved approve Resolution 18-16 supporting Proposition 110 "Let's Go, Colorado" to increase funding for statewide and local transportation needs, with the addition of a WHEREAS statement to read as follows: "WHEREAS, the Town of Avon supports CDOT's evaluation of improvements to safety and operations on the west side of Vail Pass and at the Dowd Canyon interchange, in particular those elements that focus on protection and enhancement of water quality, aquatic life, wetlands, riparian area, and water resources, and which would be partially funded by Proposition 11o." Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. Page 2 AV � n TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2018 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 4.5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 COUNCIL MEETING (TOWN CLERK DEBBIE HOPPE) Start time: 2:08:31 Councilor Burch moved to approve the minutes from the September 11, 2018 Council meeting. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by Council members present. 4.6. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM SEPTEMBER 19, 2018 COUNCIL RETREAT (DEPUTY TOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) Start time: 2:08:50 Councilor Prince suggested a small edit to the minutes. Councilor Prince moved to approve the minutes from the September 19, 2018 Council Retreat, with the change he requested. Councilor Phillips seconded the motion and it passed with a vote of 5. Councilor Gennett and Councilor Wolf abstained from the vote due to their absence at the Council Retreat. ADDED ITEM — BEAVER CREEK BOULEVARD STREETSCAPE PROJECT UPDATE Justin Hildreth, Town Engineer, gave a brief update on the Beaver Creek Boulevard Streetscape. ADDED ITEM — REVIEW AND DIRECTION ON COLORADO COMMUNITIES FOR CLIMATE ACTION (CC4CA) MEMBERSHIP Council provided direction to add funding in the amount of $5,000 to the 2019 proposed budget for CC4CA membership. 5. WORK SESSION Start time: 2:19:16 5.2. REVIEW AND DIRECTION ON 2019 FUNDING REQUEST TO SUPPORT THE EAGLE -HOLY CROSS RANGER DISTRICT Council provided direction to add a contribution in the amount of $15,000 to the proposed 2019 budget for the Eagle -Holy Cross Ranger District. Council asked that the Eagle -Holy Cross Ranger District reach out to and seek contributions from communities like Beaver Creek, Eagle -Vail and Cordillera. 6. WRITTEN REPORTS 6.1. MONTHLY FINANCIALS REPORT (SENIOR ACCOUNTANT MARTHA ANDERSON) 6.2. ABSTRACT FROM SEPTEMBER 18, 2018 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING (PLANNING DIRECTOR MATT PIELSTICKER) 6.3. GIFT REPORTING - ZOPPE ITALIAN FAMILY CIRCUS TICKETS (DEPUTY TOWN MANAGER PRESTON NEILL) 7. MAYOR & COUNCIL COMMENTS & MEETING UPDATES Start time: 2:28:01 Mayor Pro Tem Smith Hymes mentioned that Holy Cross Energy recently announced that they are pursuing a goal to achieve 70% renewable by 2030. Eric Heil, Town Attorney, briefly went over the Colorado Fair Campaign Practices Act. Page 3 TOWN OFAVON1 COLORADO AVON REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FOR TUESDAYS SEPTEMBER 25,2o18 AVON TOWN HALL, ONE LAKE STREET 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Fancher moved to adjourn the regular meeting. The time was 7:36 p.m. APPROVED: Jennie Fancher Sarah Smith Hymes Jake Wolf Megan Burch Matt Gennett Scott Prince Amy Phillips L RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: a goo Debbie Hoppe, Town'Clcfrk Page 4