PZC Minutes 022097G Memorandum Date: Febraary 20, 1997 To: Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Re: Synopsis of the February 18, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission ",as called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 5:52 p.m., February 18, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Jack Hunn Chris Evans Anne Fehlner Andrew Karow Sue Railton Michael Schneidc Beth Stanley Agenda Call to Order Roll Call All members were present. Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner George Harrison, Planner Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Steve Hodges, Community Servic- Officer Additions and Amendments to the Agenda none Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Fehlner said she had a conflict of interest with item A on the Public Hearing. Commissioner Schneider said he had a conflict of interest with item C on the Consent Agenda Commissioner Evans said he had a conflict of interest with item C on the Concept Design Review and item A on the Public Hearing. j Ap&z\m i n Utes\1997\021897sy. d oc Concept reviews A. Lot 36, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner/Applicant- Thomas Campbell, Southwest Builder:,; LLC Address: 5016 East Wildridge Road B. Lot 82, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivisio Project Type: Residential Townnouse i=cu,-piex Property Owner/Applicant: Ward Morrison, MVM Deve.opers, inc Consultant: Ron Diehl, Diehl Designs Aduress: 2492 Draw Spu C. Lot 6, Bloch 4, Wildridge Su division Project Type: Residential! Duplex Property Owner: Dennis Brown Applicant: Michele Evans, Mendel -Allison Ir'-nstructicn, Inc. Address: 5766 East 'Wildridge Road D. Tract Y, Filing No. 3, Mountain Star PUD Project Type: Warehouse Development Property Owner: Riverview Park Associates, Inc. Applicant: Les Shapiro Consultant: Victor Mark Donaldson; Victor Mark Donaldson Architects, P. C' address: Unassigned, Metcalf Roao No formal action -was taken on The Concept Design Rev.ew Consent Agenda A. Approval of the February,, 4'.1997 Planning &, Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Lot 36, Block 1, (benchmark at Beaver Creels Subdivision -Avon Storage Center Project Type: Freestanding Business Identification Sign Property Owner: Doyle Warehouse, Avon Storage Ceryter Applicant: Kirk Van Hee C . �. Address: 0090 Metcalf Road C. Lot 64, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Materials Modification on Single-family Residence Property Owner/Applicant: Glorie Schneider Address: 5110 Longsun Lane Motion Commissioner Karow moved to approve of the Consent Agenda, with the following changes: item A be tabled until the next Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, item B be removed for further discussion, and item C be approved as submitted with the condition that the belly band continues around the entire building except for the round tower. Commissioner Stanley seconded the .notion The motion passed unanimously with Commissioner Schneider abstaining. Final Design Review None scheduled Public Hearing A. Lot 1, Eaglewood Subdivision - Brookside PIED Project Type: PUD Amendment for Residential Condo and Townhouse Development Property Owner: Frank Navarro, Riverview Park Associates, Inc. Applicant: William Armstead, Resort Concepts, LLC Consultant: Tab Bonidy, Vail Architecture Group Address: 37333 Hwy. 6/24 Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to approve the Bro3kside PUD Amendment with -he following conditions: 1. Access and parking be re -designed to provide a minimum of 20 foot back u area and a minimum driveway of a 16 foot width 2. The trail be changed to meet Town Standards and conform to .'-m subdivision plans. 3. Final Grading and Engineering Design including the piping of the irrigation aitch and commitments for phasing of improvements be approved by staff. 4. The PUD approval be conditioned upon a revised final plat being submitted and approved by the Town. 5. The PUD Guide be revised to reflect the 63 foot building height requested for building B s ridgeline, as specified on plan sheet A2.6, gridline 12 and the PUD Guide and summary table be updated to reflect the revised PUD. Commissione_ Karow seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimousl_, with Commissioner Fehlner and Commissioner Evans abstaining. Further Discussion for the Consent Atlenda B. Lot 35, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision -Avon Storage Center Proiect Type: Freestanding Business identification Sign Property Owner: Doyle Warehouse, Avon Storage Center Applicant: Kirk Van Hee Address: 0090 Metcalf Road Motion Commissioner Karow moved to table item B from the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business George Harrison <eminded Chairperson Dunn and Commissioner Railton, that tie registration for the conference in San Diego were due soon. Commissioner Karow asked what the availability was for the Rocky Mountalril and Use conference. Ms. Griffith stated that the conference was scheduled f- March 13th. and 14th. She mentioned that this conference was very informative. Steve Hodges stated that the builders would build a chase around the refrigeration lines at the Centennial building. Chairperson Hunn asked Mr. Hodges to research Lot 18/19, Block 1, Benchma>k at Beaver Creek, stating that the metal roof did not have a drip line, causing the mud to discolor the stucco. Commissioner Karow mentioned that the mud control from Lot 18/19, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek was becoming an issue. Mr. Hodges said he would lot into this. Commissioner Schneider asked Mr Hodges to talk with the builder regarding the trailer storage in Wildridge. Mr. Hodges stated that he has asked the builder to e ;ve it and ;vill check in to this further. Commissioner Schneider asked what the guidelines were for recreational vehicle storage at the Finley residence. Commissioner Evans asked about the status of Swift Gulch and mentioned that _ie was concerned about the size of the project vs. the lot size. Commissioner Railton mentioned the Town of Avon should review all project within the town. il G Adjourn Commissioner Stanley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. it was seconded i;y Commissioner Schneider and the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. R pec Ily witted, V Linda Donnel on Recording Secretary