PZC Minutes 090297Record of Proceedings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes September 2, 1997 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Andrew Karow at 5:47 p.m., September 2, 1997, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Mike Dantas Chris Evans Anne Fehlner Andrew Karow Sue Railton Michael Schneider Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Commissioner Stanley was absent. Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Karen Griffith announced the following changes: • Item A of Final Design Review was removed and added to the Consent Agenda as Item B. • Item B of Final Design Review was removed and added to the Consent Agenda as Item C. Item A of Other Business was removed and added to the Consent Agenda as Item D. The legal description was changed to Lot 42, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision. Commissioner Fehlner asked that she abstain from voting on Item A of the Consent Agenda. Conflicts of Interest Chairperson Karow declared a Conflict of Interest for Item B on the Concept Design Review. \\sysop\server\p&z\min utes\1997\090297.doc Consent Agenda A. Approval of the August 19, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Lot 11, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision — Wildwood Townhomes Project Type: Color Modification Property Owner: Wildwood Townhome Association Applicant: Dave Baton Address: 1011 W. Wildridge Road C. Lot 5, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision — Wildwood Townhomes Project Type: Color Modification Property Owner: Wildwood Townhome Association Applicant: Mike Leffler Address: 1050 W. Wildridge Road D. Lot 42, Block 2, Wildridge Project Type: Driveway Modification Applicant: Albert Reynolds, Jr. Address: 5774 Wildridge Road East Motion Commissioner Evans moved to approve of the Consent Agenda as modified by staff. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioner Fehlner abstaining from Item A and Commissioner Schneider absent. Concept Review A. Lot 34, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision— R R & B. Residence Project Type: Single Family Residence Property Owner: P. P. & B., Inc. Applicant: Michael A. Hazard, AIA Address: 5081 East Wildridge Road Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Staff was concerned with the project's apparent amount of site disturbance and suggested that the security gate be eliminated from the project. The security gate was located in the side yard setback, which would require a Variance. Michael Hazard, applicant, briefly summarized the following items: • The grades would be reinstated to off set the site disturbance from the driveway. • A model was presented to describe the building material and architectural design. Commission's review regarding suggestions and concerns followed as: • Concerns were mentioned regarding the security gates. 2 • Elimination of the gate's associated walls and add landscaping as a replacement. • Suggestions were made to move the driveway in order to relocate the gate away from the road. • Concerns regarding a possible variance request. No formal action was taken. B. Lots A, B and 55, Block 2, Avon Center Project Type: Parking Lot Modification Property Owner/Applicant: Avon Commercial Center, Ltd. Consultant: Bachrach VIP, Ltd. Address: 0100 W. Beaver Creek Blvd Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. This application was for a parking lot modification, which included a landscaping and grading changes. A full grading plan was needed prior to approval. Ken Shapiro, Property owner for the Avon Commercial Center, Ltd., said that he did not have any additional comments to make, they were addressed in the staff report. He said changes were to be made to the commercial areas only, not the residential area. Mr. Shapiro discussed the letter dated July 14, 1997 regarding the proposed parking plan for the Avon Center and Alpine Bank commercial spaces. Mr. Shapiro asked that the variance be approved for the proposed parking plan. Staff recommended that the variance not be approved at this time, but asked that a Special Use permit be approved instead for the parking area. Commission's review regarding suggestions and concerns were followed as: • Number of underground and above ground parking spaces during the summer and winter seasons. • Thinning or removing trees on the street side of the building and "enhancing" some additional trees on the west side of the building. • Connecting the Avon Center's parking lot with Weststar's Bank parking lot for easy access between the parking lots. • Proposed restaurant works well with the Master Design Guidelines. • Encouraging the applicant to work with staff regarding the parking space issues. • Pedestrian circulation for the project. • Review the proposed landscape plan. No formal action was taken. C. Lot 80, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision — The Enclave II Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner: Tanavon Corp. Applicant: Ray Nielsen Address: 5711 E. Wildridge Road 3 Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Ms. Griffith said this project shared a common driveway with Lot 81, shared by three units. Ray Nielsen made a brief presentation and discussed the following items: building setbacks, building heights and percentage of site coverage. Commission's suggestions and concerns followed as: • Extension of the driveway between Lot 80 and Lot 81. Excessive amount of asphalt would have to be used. • Wall heights conformed to the Design Review Guidelines. • Maximum building height was at 34.5 feet, which left no room for error. • Roofline attachments and definition of a Duplex, which could result in a mirror image. • Planting mature trees and shrubbery on the site. No formal action was taken. Final Design Review A. Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision — McKenney/Frehe Duplex Project Type: Residential Duplex Property Owner: Pat McKenney Applicant: Jim Bryan Address: 2643 Beartrap Road Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Jim Bryan, applicant said the staff's report has addressed all his issues. Staff said the Town Engineer has reviewed the grading plans and access cut for the driveway. Commissioner Dantas said he agreed with the 1 to 1 slope and condition #5 in the staff report. Commissioner Evans asked if there was a color board for review and said he agreed with the 1 to 1 slope as long as bedrock was used for support. Commissioner Fehlner discussed landscaping for the driveway access cuts and boulder walls. Motion Commissioner Fehlner moved to approve Final Design of the residence for Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the plans dated "Received" August 21, 1997, with the following conditions: 2 1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. 2. All meters will be placed upon the building. 3. Automatic irrigation system will be installed. 4. During construction, a 2" deep gravel base of 3/4"aggregate shall be applied to the first 20'of the driveway, and shall remain until the driveway is paved. 5. Staff will review mitigation of access cut. Commissioner Evans seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 6. Lot 54, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision — Smith Residence Project Type: Single Family Residence Property Owner: Dan Smith Applicant: Michael Sanner Address: 2660 Bear Trap Road Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Michael Sanner, applicant, said the staff report has addressed all his concerns. Commissioner Dantas asked about the address of the property. Mr. Sanner said the address was 2660 Bear Trap Road. Chairperson Karow asked if there was a color board. Staff asked that frosted glass be added as a condition to the motion. Motion Commissioner Evans moved to approve the Final Design of the residence for Lot 54, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the plans dated "Received" August 26, 1997, with the following conditions: 1. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. 2. All meters will be placed upon the building. 3. Automatic irrigation system will be installed. 4. During construction, a 2" deep gravel base of 3/4"aggregate shall be applied to the first 20'of the driveway, and shall remain until the driveway is paved. 5. Final site engineering requires staff approval. 6. Light fixtures incorporate frosted glass or approved by staff should it change. Commissioner Dantas seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 7. Lot 5, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision— Reynolds Project Project Type: Deposit Structural Soil from Lot 48, Block 2, Wildridge Property Owner/ Applicant: Buz Reynolds, Jr. Address: 5039 E. Wildridge Road 5 Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as described in the Memorandum dated August 29, 1997. Commissioner Schneider asked about the amount of dirt that would be moved. Greg Christman, Architect, briefly described the project. The following options were mentioned: 1. Constructing a bridge. 2. Series or retaining walls. 3. Filling material on site and restoration of the site. Commissioner Dantas said he agreed with the deposit of structural dirt and that some type restoration is done to eliminate the dust. Commissioner Schneider asked if a letter of credit or escrow would be need for this type of job. Steve Hodges discussed the requirements for issuance of a bond and escrow account. Commissioner Evans commented on the proposed landscaping and said he was concerned that the site would be altered. Commissioner Railton asked if a silt fence could be added to the site indicating the boundaries for the fill material. Commissioner Schneider asked if a berm could be installed instead of a silt fence to catch loose rocks/boulders. Buz Reynolds, Jr., Owner/Applicant, said "yes". Commissioner Railton suggested that the site be contained and that topsoil be added in order for plant life to grow. Commissioner Fehlner asked if the storage for the fill material would conform to the proposed driveway as indicated on the site plan and if a building permit would be issued for this project. Mr. Christman said "yes". Discussion and concerns followed whether this project would be approved as a "dirt deal" or as a Final Design for the proposed driveway. Commissioner Dantas clarified that this project was for "storage of dirt" not a "Final Design Review" for a driveway. Chairperson Karow clarified that this project should be approved as a "dirt deal" not as a "Final Design" for the driveway access. Commissioner Evans said this project did not meet criteria numbers 3 and 5 of the Design Review Guideline. Motion Commissioner Dantas moved to approve storage of fill material on Lot 5, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision as generally described on the site plan labeled as Exhibit "A", dated August 27, 1997. This approval does not include building or driveway design and is subject to the following conditions: n 1. Surety to revegetate the site. 2. Building Permit application to be submitted no later than June 1, 1998. 3. Hydroseed or other acceptable method of erosion control. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion passed with Commissioners Schneider and Evans opposing. Public Hearing and Final Design A. Lot 3, Block 2, Sunroad Subdivision — Firstbank of Avon Project Type: Modify existing parking lot Property Owner: Firstbank of Avon Applicant: Terry Halverson Address: 0111 W. Beaver Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Evans asked about the additional parking spaces and the Variance. Commissioner Schneider asked if notice was given regarding the Public Hearing Terry Halverson, applicant, discussed the following: • Increase the sidewalk width from four feet to six feet. • Concerns regarding the snow shed area by the eastern side of the building. • Change the entrance to the building to a heated entrance to eliminate ice build up. Commissioner Evans asked if the new curve would encroach into the new sidewalk area. Mr. Halverson said "no". Chairperson Karow asked about the Variance to "save" one parking space. Mr. Halverson said this variance would save two parking spaces. Staff reiterated that the applicant was trying to correct a dangerous situation by applying for this Variance. Commissioner Dantas suggested that the Commission move forward regarding this Variance. Chairperson Karow opened Public Hearing seeing no one he closed Public Hearing. No further comments were made. Motion 1. Commissioner Evans moved to approve Planning & Zoning Commission Resolution 97-10, granting a variance for Lot 3, Block 2, Sunroad Subdivision to allow an encroachment of one parking space into the front 1- foot parking setback, as depicted on plans sets dated August 19, 1997. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 7 Motion Commissioner Evans moved to approve the parking lot and landscaping modifications to the final design for Lot 3, block 2, Sunroad Subdivision as depicted on the plans dated "Received" August 19, 1997, with the following conditions: 1. Final Design is conditioned upon approval for variance for parking lot encroachment into 10 -foot setback. 2. Ground cover shall be specified for snow storage area and approved by staff. 3. Landscaping details shall be provided for landscape island. 4. Plans indicate proposed location of relocated light poles. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. Lot 82, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Variance Project Type: Increase driveway retaining wall Property Owner/ Applicant: Todd A. and Ward M. Morrison Address: 2492 Drawspur Creek Blvd. Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Ward Morrison, Applicant, said he did not have a presentation and was ready for Commission review. Mike Matzko said the notices for this variance were mailed in a timely matter. Commissioner Evans discussed the tiered retaining wall. Commissioner Schneider asked about the stone work for the tiered retaining wall. Commissioner Railton asked about irrigation system on the tiered retaining wall. Staff mentioned it was their understanding that a split rail fence would be added on top on the retaining wall for safety reasons. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve Planning & Zoning Commission Resolution 97-11, granting a variance for Lot 82, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, to place structural retaining walls in the side yard setback as depicted in the plans dated "Received" August 19, 1997, based upon findings A., B., C.1, C.2, & C.3. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Other Business A. APA State Conference/Four Corners Conference Announcement to choose a Commission Member to attend the state planning conference on October 2nd through the 41hh. At the last meeting, the Commission decided to give preference to a 8 member that has not attended the national conference. Chairperson Karow said he would like to check his schedule and would let Ms. Griffith know by the end of the week. B. Discussion on assigning times to agenda items Chairperson Karow said assigning allotted times to the agenda was not necessary. He said the meeting was very organized and moved in a timely matter. Adjourn Commissioner Evans made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Fehlner seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Donnellon Recording Secretary Mike Dantas Chris Evans Anne Fehlne Andrew Kari Sue Railton Michael Schneider UL�A.ce Beth Stanley 6