L1 B1 WR Building DesignTown of Avon Final Design Staff ortRep August 19,1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction August 15, 1997 Multi -family residential Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision PUD -10 Units 2000 Wildridge Road The applicants are proposing a 10 unit multi -family development. The units include two tri- plexes with a four- plex in the center of the property. The lot is almost two acres, with relatively gentle slopes ranging from approximately 10 to 18 percent. The units feature a unique mountain contemporary design featuring a blend of cubes with a more traditional design. The application describes that an older Colorado vernacular style is the design focus for both the massing and detaining of the buildings. The buildings utilize wood siding, asphalt shingles and vinyl -clad windows finished in natural colors. Design Review Considerations According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6. 10, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project: 1. Conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the Town. • Allowed use: Conforms with the allowed residential use. • Density: conforms to this lot's 10 dwelling unit designation. • Lot Coverage: The proposed 17% building coverage conforms to the 50% maximum. • Setbacks: Project conforms to all required setbacks. • Easements: Address signs need to be moved from Town's Right-of-way. No proposed encroachments and proposed grading in the 10' Slope Maintenance and Snow Storage Easement are acceptable. • Building Height: The tallest height of 34 feet 10 inches as outlined on Sheet Al elevation conforms to the 35 foot maximum height limit. A second improvement location certificate at time of framing will be required. • Grading: All proposed grades conform with the maximum of 2:1 slope guideline and the proposed driveway grades conform to Town standards. • Parking: Two spaces are required for each unit plus 3 guest spaces. 20 garage spaces (2 per unit) plus an additional 20 spaces in front of the garages are proposed. Staff Town of Avon Community Development \\sysop\server\p&z\1997\081997\1 blwr.doc (970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 2 August 19; 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting recommends that three "freestanding" guest spaces be designated to accommodate the guest parking when two additional guest spaces for a unit are not adequate. • Snow Storage: Submitted plans show snow storage in Town's road maintenance, snow storage, and slope maintenance easement. Approximately 1,000 additional square feet of snow storage areas need to be designated. Part of this requirement should be satisfied by Building A. • Landscaping: Staff suggests shrubs be indicated between the two end units on Building B and Building A to enhance the driveway areas. Otherwise, landscape plan appears suitable. Plans will need to be submitted for the fence on the eastern side of the property and approved separately by the DRB. 2. The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located. This site is one of the most visible in the subdivision. The board and batten siding, asphalt shingles, and horizontal tongue and groove siding are materials that have been used throughout the neighborhood. The type of wood of the tongue and groove siding should be specified. In staff's opinion, the buildings need to be re -designed to eliminate the flat roofed garages and provide more trim and architectural features on the buildings. 3. The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties. The architectural concept presents a unique blend of mountain style architecture with cubes balancing the front and back of the buildings. The garages are the front cube component, which protrude from the front of the buildings and face Wildridge Road. There are no other building forms in the subdivision with such a predominant garage element. In staffs opinion the garage element is boxy in appearance and dominates the front view of the buildings in a manner not compatible with the neighborhood. The building design features three garages in a row for Buildings A and C and four in a row for Building B. The north elevation on Building A and C, and north and west elevation on Building B, present a very basic, repetitious design which Design Guidelines discourage. In staff s opinion the building elevations that face Wildridge Road, including the front of the garages, the elevation of the buildings facing the garages, and the sides of the garages need to be re -designed to achieve compatibility with the adjacent neighborhood. 4. The compatibility of the proposed improvements with site topography. The design requires a moderate amount of grading to accommodate Buildings A and B. 5. The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways. The garages will likely dominate the view of the units from the road. The form of the garages will not be attractive as viewed from the road. This is particularly the case with the Building B design. 6. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired. The architecture is dissimilar from other buildings in the vicinity. In staff s opinion, dominating the front streetscape area with a plain cube design will impair aesthetic values of this prime location at the entrance to the subdivision. 7. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. The site plan is not in conformance with the Design Guidelines as outlined in the above review criteria. Town of Avon Community Development \\sysop\server\p&z\1997\081997\1 blwr.doc (970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 3 August 19, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Options 1. Approve with conditions. 2. Table to address concerns. 3. Deny based on findings the application does not conform to the review criteria. Staff Recommendation Based on the information presented to staff at the time of our review, we do not believe the proposed design is in conformance with the adopted review criteria. (We did not have perspectives of the buildings from the street view or a model, which would be helpful in further evaluating the design). Specifically it does not conform to Criterion #3, compatibility with the neighborhood, Criterion #5, view from adjacent rights of way, and Criterion 96, dissimilarity in design so as to impair aesthetic values. Staff recommends denial. Recommended Motion I recommend denial of the Final Design for 10 unit multi -family project on Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on plans dated received August 14, 1997 with the following findings: 1. The application does not meet Criterion #3. The garage element dominates the front of the building, and creates a plain, boxy appearance that is not compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. 2. The application does not meet Criterion #5, the garage design does not present a compatible view from the adjacent right-of-way due to its' repetitious, flat, boxy design. 3. The application does not meet Criterion #6, based on the predominant garage element is dissimilar from other designs in the neighborhood and will impair aesthetic values. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 949-4280 (extension 131), or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Karen Griffith, CP Town Planner Town of Avon Community Development \\sysop\server\p&z\1997\081997\1 blwr.doc (970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749 Recommended Motion Approve Final Design for 10 unit multi -family project on Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on plans dated received August 24, 1997 with the following conditions: 1. Snow storage areas be designated outside Town's easement meeting Town requirements. 2. Final driveway location to be approved by staff --7(D LOA Three parking spaces shall be located within a common area for overflow guest parking. 4. Signs shall be moved outside 10 foot sign setback. W Back up area, of all parking spaces shall meet Town Standards.. staff. Add plant materials to planting areas between Unit B1 and B2 and Between Al and A2. 7. Specify type of wood for horizontal siding and wood trim. CU". CuLuJ J Lot 1, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Final Design Review, page 4 August 19, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Planning & Zoning Commission Action ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Denied CC Approved with conditions (noted below) ❑ Tabled ❑ Withdrawn by applicant Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer to code or guidelines by number): L �' l (�jq� Date b �� Karow, r Att Date / / Sue Railton, Secretary Town of Avon Community Development \\sysop\server\p&z\1997\081997\1 blwr.doc (970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749