PZC Minutes 022195RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES February 21, 1995 The regular meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Jack Hunn at 7:30 PM, February 21, 1995 in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. All members present. Members Present: Jack Hunn, Patti Dixon, Sue Railton, Henry Vest, Rhoda Schneiderman, Bill Sargis, Buz Reynolds Staff Present: Norm Wood, Acting Director of Community Development, Mary Holden, Town Planner, Sheila Kremski, Recording Secretary CONSENT AGENDA The following item was scheduled on the Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of February 07, 1995, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Mary Holden described the Consent Agenda. Henry Vest moved to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Patti Dixon and the motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS Lot 3, Nottin,ham Station PUD Amendment_ Public Hearin Mary Holden stated at the January 17, and February 7, 1995 Commission meeting, action was tabled pending further information for review. Commission comments were related to massing, height, site lay out, path location, and density. Overall, the proposed changes to the original amendment application have enhanced the project and the river corridor. Three buildings have been reduced in length, larger openings between buildings on the river side are proposed, building A has been moved a bit farther away from the wetlands, and site disturbance has been identified and contained. Staff recommends adoption of Resolution 95-5, which approves the Amended PUD Development Plan P&Z Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 1995 Lot 3, Nottingham Station, PUD Amendment, Public Hearing. (Con.'t) Mark Donaldson was present on behalf of the applicant. Mark pointed changes in the buildings along the river noticing three different building designs in the project thereby giving more distance between the buildings. The length of buildings along the frontage of the river have been reduced but the applicant is not proposing to reduce the density with the opportunity to change some of the two level units into two one level units. Chairperson Hunn inquired on the percentage of length taken out of the buildings. The applicant responded with 25% reduction in length. Commission member Rhoda Schneiderman made clear that the design has nothing to do with the PUD making it up to the discretion of the Commission to interpret. The applicant explained the maximum height line when set parallel to the grade line the dormer in some cases gets clipped. The overall height could be raised up to three feet or allow dormers to encroach and keep the overall ridge height. The latter was the applicants preference. Chairperson Hunn opened the public hearing. No comments. Public hearing closed. The Commission complemented the reduction of three building by one bay. The preferred building height issue was suggested the Commission go with the lesser height and give a condition of encroachment for the dormer. Bill Sargis moved to approve Lot 3, Nottingham Station, PUD Amendment, Public Hearing, Resolution 95-5 with the following findings and conditions: FINDINGS: 1. The amended PUD is consistent with the development patterns and locations set forth in the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan. 2. The amended PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to the Town's role as a principal, year round residential center in the Vail Valley. 3. The amended PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to land use and proximity to the town core. 4. The amended PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to and appropriate mix of residential dwelling unit types for permanent residents. 5. The amended PUD is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives related to access to the Eagle River corridor and open space dedication along the Eagle River corridor. 2 P&Z Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 1995 Lot 3, Nottingham Station, PUD Amendment Public Hearing (Con.'t) 6. The amended PUD is consistent with the Transportation Plan goals and objectives related to providing a continuous two-lane connection along the Hurd Lane corridor. 7. The amended PUD is consistent with the Transportation Plan goals and objectives related to pedestrian and transit improvements. CONDITIONS: 1. The PUD Amendment No. 2 supersedes the PUD approved by Ordinance No. 94-12. Series 1994 2. Wetlands delineation line shall be verified by the US Army Corps of Engineers and verification and any adjustments shall be submitted to the Town of Avon Department of Community Development prior to any site disturbance or permit issuance. 3. A protective and erosion control fence shall be installed prior to, and maintained throughout construction activities, along the "no disturb line" as shown on the Nottingham Station PUD Amendment No. 2 Zoning Plan and no site disturbance shall be allowed beyond this line or within any wetland areas verified by the US Army Corps of Engineers. 4. Approval is contingent upon Avon Town Council approval and the subsequent recording of Final Subdivision Plat and accompanying Subdivision Improvements Agreement providing for the construction of public improvements noted on the Nottingham Station PUD Amendment No. 2 Development Plan and as required by Title 16 of the Avon Municipal Code. These improvements shall consist of but not be limited to; Hurd Lane, multi -use path, soft path, sidewalk, all utilities in accordance with utility company requirements, storm drainage system, irrigation ditch relocation and other items that may be identified in the subdivision process. 5. No permits for site disturbance or construction shall be issued until all of the above conditions are in compliance. 6. Phasing of the project shall be adequately addressed in the subdivision process or through the building permit process. 7. The ridge line in: a) Building A may not exceed 49 ft. but the dormer may encroach 1 ft. b) Building B may not exceed 47 ft. but the dormer may go to 49 ft. c) Building C may not exceed 48 ft. and the dormer may not exceed 48 ft. d) Building D may not exceed 47 ft. and the dormer may not exceed 47 ft. e) Building E may not exceed 46 ft. but the dormer may go to 48 ft. f) Building F may not exceed 48 ft. but the dormer may go to 49 ft. g) Building G may not exceed 50 ft. but the dormer may go to 53 ft. h) Building H may not exceed 48 ft. but the dormer may go to 50 ft. i) Building I may not exceed 49 ft. and the dormer may not exceed 49 ft. 3 P&Z Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 1995 Lot 3, Nottingham Station, PUD Amendment, Public Hearing. (Con.'t) Dormers in the roof will not effect the height calculations if the dorm area is less than 50% of the plane of the roof in which the dormer is located as long as the dormer ridge below the main roof ridge. 8. Technical corrections will be taken to staff for approval. Seconded by Patti Dixon. Motion carried. Bill Sargis, Sue Railton, Jack Hunn, Patti Dixon, and Henry Vest voted for the motion and Rhoda Schneiderman and Buz Reynolds voted against the motion. FINIAL DESIGN REVIEWS/MODIFICATION Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Sian Program Modifications. Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted an application amending the 51 Beaver Creek Place Sign Program to allow for a 26.5 square foot, painted, plywood sign. It only allows for a 20 square foot sign consisting of 6-18" cast aluminum letters on a white mesh background. Coloring is to match the tower colors. This application is to allow for a painted plywood sign. Staff recommends denial of sign modifications. Buz Reynolds moved to table Lot 69, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Sign Program Modifications to the March 7, 1995 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Seconded by Bill Sargis. Motion unanimously carries. Lot 12, Filing 1, Eaglebend, Wilkenson Addition. Mary Holden stated the applicant submitted plans for a 480 square foot addition to the east unit of the duplex. It will be constructed over the existing garage. At the December 20, 1994 Commission meeting, this addition was denied due to the blank west facing wall. This revised application shows the addition of windows and the lowering of the roof. Staff recommends approval. Brian Judge was present on behalf of the applicant, Mr. Wilkenson. Buz Reynolds moved to approve Lot 12, Filing 1, Eaglebend, Wilkenson Addition. Seconded by Bill Sargis. Motion unanimously carried. P&Z Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 1995 Lot 4, Wildridge Acres, Matarese Addition. Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted an application requesting approval of design modifications and an addition of one bedroom and one bath in dead space of the existing attic. The addition will occur in a portion of the existing attic space. It will not add to site coverage or affect existing setbacks. the proposed peaked window style on the west elevation is found on the south elevation. It is not a new architectural treatment for the structure. Staff recommends approval. Applicant resides in Vermont therefore he is not present. Rhoda Schneiderman moved to approve Lot 4, Wildridge Acres, Matarese Addition. Seconded by Bill Sargis. Motion unanimously carried. Lot 28, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Modification, Orcutt. Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted revisions to the design of his duplex currently under construction. The proposed elevations appear to be an improvement. Staff is not sure if the building materials have changed. Staff recommends approval with the condition listed in the staff report. The applicant John Orcutt was present. Mr. Orcutt apologized for not applying for the modifications earlier. He submitted seven changes (already done) 1) southside of house he change two double windows into sliders, 2) enlarged the deck, 3) skylights on roof changed two small dormers, 4) west end the garage was extended 8 feet, 5) north side entrance change to a covered entrance, 6) meet the roof line on the main house equal to the garage line, 7) moved entrance to basement to the west side. Sue Railton expressed concern over the amount of changes to the original approved plans without any Commission or staff approval. Chairperson Hunn noted the change in the pitch of the northside roof so now there are two different pitches. Which is disguise well on the garage elevation by creating a symmetrical gable. Also the entry on the eastside of the home the drawing shows a shallow six pitch roof and what is framed is as a twelve -twelve. Which call much attention to all the different roof pitches and out of parallel with the other pitches on the project. Chairperson Hunn requested it be built to match the drawing. Mr. Orcutt agreed to make that change. Rhoda Schneiderman moved to approve Lot 28, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Modifications, Orcutt with the following conditions: 5 P&Z Commission Meeting Minutes February 21, 1995 Lot 28, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Modifications, Orcutt. (Con.'t) CONDITIONS: 1. The east elevation the framed entryway be modified from what is existing to match the six -twelve pitch which is shown on the proposed elevations submitted in the packet. 2. The original approved building materials and colors remain the same. If they change, approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission must be obtained prior to the change. Seconded by Bill Sargis. Motion unanimously carried. Lot 14/15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, Site Modifications. Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted a revised site and building lighting plan. It calls for three types of lights on and at various part of the site and building. The revised lighting plan is scaled down from the original proposal. It calls for less lights at a lower watt. All will be high pressure sodium. Staff recommends approval with an additional approval that the southern most light pole must be relocated due to it interference with the power line, with staff approval. Lloyd Sadlowski was present on behalf of the applicant. He stated the elimination of 40% of lighting from the previous proposal and feels the amount of lighting presently proposed is probably the minimum allowed by code. The applicant proceed to explained the types of fixtures and the lighting it will illuminate. Commission was concerned with the amount of lighting proposed and the illumination effect on the area. Rhoda Schneiderman suggested the applicant bring back the bare minimum for both wattage and types and amounts of lights in the Town of Avon, to find a more appropriate fixture for the north and south ends lights. Rhoda Schneiderman moved to table Lot 14/15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, Building and Site Lighting to the March 7, 1995 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. Seconded by Henry Vest. Motion carries unanimously. Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Single Family Residence. Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted plans for Final Design Review approval of a single family residence. The single family residence will contain two levels and stand 32' in height. Staff recommends approval with the conditions listed in the staff report. Gol P&Z Commission Tweeting Minutes February 21, 1995 Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Single Family Residence. (Con.'t) Brian Vedder was present on behalf of the applicant. Brian did not welcome a recommendation on breaking up the boulder wall. He was interested in the erosion control fence and would like to confer with staff on process. Entry lantern was a mistake and he will fix it. Rhoda Schneiderman moved to approve Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Final Design Review of Single Family Residence with the following conditions: CONDITIONS: 1. The flues, flashings and vents be painted to match the color scheme of the building. 2. The building lighting be approved by staff prior to issuance of a building permit. J. The building overhangs may not encroach into the setbacks. 4. Revegetation include native bushes. 5. Meters be placed on the building. 6. The landscape material meet minimum Town of Avon size standards. 7. The building and over hangs must be located out of all required setbacks. 8. Engineering concerns be addressed prior to the issuance of a building permit. 9. The entry lantern must be located on Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge and not on the Town right-of-way. 10. A construction and erosion control fence be placed on site prior to any disturbance. 11. The culvert under the driveway must be a minimum of 18 inches in diameter. 12. The proposed 33' high boulder wall be broken and brought back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. 13. Color and location with sample of the split face. 14. Entry lantern approval by Planning and Zoning Commission when applicant has decided on how they will work with the meters. Seconded by Sue Railton. Motion unanimously carried. OTHER BUSINESS 1) Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge, Conceptual Design Review, Clinton/Barry Residence. Mary Holden stated the applicant requests a conceptual review of his project. Mary referred the Commission to staff memorandum. P&Z Commission Ivreeting Minutes February 21, 1995 Lot 32, Block 2, Wildridge, Conceptual Design Review, Clinton/Barry Residence.(Con.'t) The applicant was interest in some feedback from the Commission. Erosion control was of concern. The proposed drainage on the backside is in a pattern that does deflect the drainage away from the house. Moving the house further to the north will only move the house into the ground. Parking suggestions were encouraged from the Commission. The Commission was concerned with the parking arrangement and suggested developing a hammerhead feature at one of the two switchbacks with some retainage. More landscaping was suggested. The window on the chimney was considered odd. Concern with the scissors truss detail by following the roof plain rather than the ceiling plain. 2) Valleywide request for a sign. Mary Holden offered to check on it. 3) The Pressley duplex overhangs in question. Mary Holden offered to check on it. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Sheila Kremski Recording Secretary C'nmmiccinn Annrnval B. S S. R R. S A. R P. D H. J. I+ Date 8