PZC Minutes 032195RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 21, 1995 The regular meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Jack Hunn at 7:30PM, March 21, 1995 in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, Colorado. All members pivsent except for Bill Sargis. Members Present: Jack Hunn, Patti Dixon, Sue Railton, Henry Vest, Rhoda Schneiderman, Buz Reynolds Staff Present: Mike Matzko, Director of Community Development, Mary Holden, Town Planner Sheila Kremski, Recording Secretary CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Buz Reynolds stepped down from the IC Zone District Public Hearing agenda item due to a conflict of interest. CONSENT AGENDA The following item was scheduled on the Consent Agenda: 1. Approval of March 7, 1995, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes. Mary Holden described the Consent Agenda. Rhoda Schneiderman moved to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Henry Vest and the motion unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEARING IC Zone District. Mary Holden stated John Perkins, on behalf of Dr. Bryant, received approval of Special Review Uses for Lots 30 and 31, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek, on December 20, 1994. The approved Special Review Uses include kennels, veterinary hospital, retail pet IC Zone District. (Con. store, other retail space, office and two residential units (one for each lot). The applicant requests approval of four residential units, which is not allowed by the IC Zone District Regulations (Section 17.20.010). Much discussion has taken place concerning the process to allow for the additional residential units. At the last meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission directed the applicant to purse a Planned Unit Development process as a means of increasing the number of units. Staff recommends amending the Municipal code to allow an increase number of units (with 4 as a maximum) through the special review use process. By doing so, the Planning & Zoning Commission retains discretion over the approval of any residential units in the IC Zone District, but without invoking the additional level of review implied by the PUD process. Revising the definition would also lessen the incentive to use the PUD process to circumvent the district regulations. Staff recommends to adopt Resolution 95-9, which recommends approval of an amendment to the Industrial Zone District Regulations pertaining to the number of residential units per lot allowed by Special Review. No applicant presentation since the town is the applicant initiating the change. Public Hearing opened. No comment. Public Hearing closed. Chairperson Hunn asked if any other, than the obvious, lots in the town were zoned IC. Staff replied the lot next to the Bristol Pines, and some other undeveloped property on Metcalf Road. Hunn making the point that any undeveloped property with that zoning could consider this opportunity and any IC Zone property already developed could come back and propose to modify there project to take advantage of this opportunity. Sue Railton commented on a limit on the square footage to make the housing affordable. Rhoda Schneiderman requested what was the proposed change in the amendment from the original. Staff replied (number 6) maximum density, the verbage not to be subdivided has been deleted therefore increasing it to four units and allowing it to be sold. Chairperson Hunn feels it is giving an economic incentive encouraging people to mix residential with warehouses, laboratories, electrical substations, light manufacturing plants, wholesale outlets, showrooms, intense automobile traffic orientated making it not an ideal place for families to live and the concept of encouraging an employer to create one or more employee housing units that are an incentive to the employees to remain his employees to hire and keep good people. Hunn feels it could get out of control as it would apply to all of the IC Zone properties. With 48 feet allowed others could approach the town and add another floor with 4 residential units and if they could meet all the requirements it could turn into speculative real estate. IC Zone District. (Con 't) Rhoda Schneiderman feels there is a phobia of mixing residential and commercial in this town. Patti Dixon would be in support of the Resolution if it did not have a subdivision resale feature. Henry Vest agreed with the mixed residential and commercial and attempting to provide affordable housing for the area. Chairperson Hunn asked staff about the compatibility of the Town Comprehensive Plan with the Towns Plan. Staff referred to Resolution 95-6 pointing out the three findings set forth that addresses some of the goals and objectives in the Comprehensive Plan. John Perkins commented that in conjunction with the business it is the owners intent to proved housing for the employees and in the future the sale of the business to go in conjunction with the sale to recoup his investment. Chairperson Hunn suggested adding to the Resolution the language back not to be subdivided that it does not prevent this applicant from accomplishing his eventual goal of selling the business and the building that goes with it and the units that have some value as rental income. Rhoda Schneiderman moved to approve the IC Zone District Amendment, Public Hearing, amending Resolution 95-6 in its entirety with the following change to the first paragraph of the Resolution recommending Avon Town Council amend Chapter 17.20 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Avon to allow 4 residential units per lot in conjunction with the business operation, and not to be subdivided, as a special review use in the Industrial Commercial IC Zone District with the following findings 1,2 and 3 and the above findings amended to match the first paragraph Sue Railton seconded. All aye. Motion unanimously carried. Buz Reynolds abstained from the vote. FINAL DESIGN REVIEW Lot 14/15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Lighting Plan Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted a revised site and building lighting plan. It calls for five types of lights and at various parts of the site and building. All will be high pressure sodium except for the lights over the stairs on the ends of the buildings. The building lighting for this project was denied at the February 21, 1995 Commission meeting. The applicant has resubmitted a lighting plan for Commission review and approval. Lot 14/15, Block 1 Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Lighting Plan Con 't) Lloyd Sevouski was present on behalf of the applicant. As a result of the last meeting the applicant regrouped and tried to come up with the bare minimum on the lighting and tried to consider shielding all the light sources. Parking lot lighting would consist of 3 light poles of 150 watt high pressure sodium (2 will be canted and 1 will be level). On each end of the building the lights have been changed to canister down lights. Motion detectors have been discouraged by the applicants attorney due to its liability. Lights will probably be on a photo cell which will go on when it gets dark and off when it gets light out. The intent is 40 watts but it may have to be 60 watts. The front of the building will have lighting near the lower facia throwing the light out. Chairperson Hunn commented on the improvements of shielding the light source and lowering the intensity of the lighting. Rhoda Schneiderman suggested turning off much of the lighting except for lighting code requirements at 8pm due to the intensity of the lighting. Patti Dixon moved to approve Lot 14/15, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, as submitted with the first floor -east elevation 4 lights and first floor -west elevation 4 lights put on a timer and not illuminated from 8pm to 5:30am . Seconded by Sue Railton. Motion carries. Rhoda Schneiderman opposed. Lot 3, Block 5, Wildridge Subdivision, Modification. Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted an application for design modifications to the Big Sky Townhomes. The modifications are listed in the staff report. The modifications are compatible with the existing architectural style of the project. The application states all modifications will match the existing colors and materials. The decks over the garage are utilizing the flat roof of the garage. It will not be open to below, therefore, there will be no dripping or ice build up in front of the garage entrances. Staff recommends approval with the condition that all modifications match approved colors and materials. Applicant not present. Chairperson Hunn feels proposed changes appropriate. Henry Vest moved to approve Lot 3, Block 5, Wildridge with the condition that all modifications match approved colors and materials. Seconded by Sue Railton. Motion unanimously carries. 4 Lot 79, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Final Design Review of Sixplex Mary Holden stated the applicant has submitted plans for final design review of a six-plex. The six-plex will contain three levels and stand approximately 33 1/2" high. The materials are listed in the staff report. Staff recommends approval with the conditions listed in the staff report. Jeff Cohen was present on behalf of the applicant. Jeff addressed the concerns from the last meeting and chose cottonwood since he has had a better history with this tree. Irrigation has been held off until landscaping has been planned. Chairperson Hunn recommended irrigation from the start. Jeff explained the lighting will be 3 exterior lights on the front of the building, 2 are controlled by the same switch. One fixture by the sliding glass door. Rhoda requested more landscaping. She also disliked the similarity of the architecture. Chairperson Hunn feels that making the units more repetitive in style is more successful than making it to busy by changing the windows. Henry Vest moved to approve Lot 79, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, with the following conditions: 1. The flues, flashings and vents be painted to match the color scheme of the building. 2. Meters be placed on the building. 3. The landscape material be located out of the sight triangle. 4. The applicant/developer provide to the Town of Avon, Holy Cross permission for the placement of the trash enclosure in the 100' UTE easement prior to the issuance of a building permit. 5. Engineering concerns be addressed prior to the issuance of a building permit. 6. Irrigation systems be installed. 7. Siding material be brought back to Commission prior to the building permit issuance. 8. Landscape plan be brought back for Commission review. Seconded by Buz Reynolds. Motion passes. Rhoda Schneiderman nay. Lot 97, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Roof Approval Mary Holden stated the applicant is requesting approval of a green metal roof for his duplex. Final Design Review Approval was granted for the duplex with the condition that an alternative roof material be brought back to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their approval. The applicant resubmitted the metal roof, which was denied by the Commission a second time. An appeal was filed with the Avon Town Council and then withdrawn. The appeal was withdrawn so the applicant could place samples of the metal roof product on site for the Commissioners to inspect at various times of the day. Staff recommends to approve the metal roof as presented or deny with detailed findings. Applicant not present. Henry Vest commented that the applicant is building a quality product and feels the effect of the glare will not be a hindrance to other residences. Buz Reynolds feels the Commission must follow the criteria it has created and not deviate from these criteria. Chairperson Hunn agrees that the Commission must follow the criteria it has created and since the applicant does not meet the fourth criteria concerning the glare of the metal roof the Commission therefore should not approve the request. Patti Dixon motioned to deny Lot 97, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision, Roof Approval, citing that it fails to meet the fourth criteria that the site specific consideration regarded to topography and glare to other adjacent properties. Seconded by Buzz Reynolds and Rhoda Schneiderman. Motion passes. Henry Vest nay. Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Condition of Approval. Mary Holden stated this request by the applicant is a condition of approval. Mary presented the split -face block with the color samples to the Commission for review. Brian Vedder was present on behalf of the applicant. The color presented was a standard gray/green. Henry Vest moved to approve Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision, Condition of Approval as submitted. Buz Reynolds seconded. Motion unanimously passed. 0 OTHER BUSINESS 1) Mike was introduced as the new Avon Community Development Director. 2) Mary Holden announced her resignation and her last day will be April 14, 1995 taking a position with Vail Associates. 3) Lot 30, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision. Bruce Cantons letter to the Commission referring to the Tom Amrosia site. The letter addresses some of the concerns Bruce has with placement of the house and the entire site. Tommy Ambrosia volunteered to shift the house but he did not want to come back to DRB to do so. Tommy Ambrosia was present. Tommy commented that Bruce wanted him to move the house 10 feet closer to the road. Tommy would rather shift it only 5 feet. Tommy does not want to be too close to the road. Tommy explained that Bruce is 4 1/2 ` feet overlooking Tommy's ridgeline which is the highest point of the house. Staff suggested that if Tommy is willing to move his building 5 feet can staff approve the modification. The Commission agreed and suggested putting it on the Consent Agenda. 4) A training grant was applied for by Mary Holden for a Planning and Zoning Commission seminar with NWCOG and they will come to the us. Direction for a date setup for a Wednesday or a Thursday in May. 5) Mike opened his door to the Commission for any impute they would like to offer for improving the town procedures. 6)Valleywide garage door no parking signs are questioned if being used as a vacant parking lot? Staff will give to the attention of the Code Enforcement Officer. 7) Signs of neon around town are out of control. Staff will check into. 8) A neon beer sign in present at a residential unit in Wildridge. Staff suggested looking into the Wildridge covenance before using other avenues. 9) Parking is still an issue on Wildridge road west. Staff commented as a police issue. 10) Incomplete bus stop up by the Wildridge Acres site. Will it be finished? 11) Very bright spot lights in Wildridge, are they by code. Can the Code Enforcement Officer do a night check. 11) Much faster traffic in Wildridge. Staff commented this was a police matter. 12) Brian Vedder commented about the house that never seems to get. A deal is being worked out by the attorneys. 7 ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Sheila Kremski Recording Secretary Commission Annroval B. Sargis S. Railtoi R. Schne. A. Reync P. Dixon H J. TiAtP.