PZC Minutes 090396Memorandum Date: September 13, 1996 T o : Honorable Mayor and Town Council From: Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Re: September 3, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 8:10 p.m., September 3, 1996, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620, Colorado. Members Present Staff Present Jack Hunn Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Andrew Karow Karen Griffith, Town Planner Sue Railton George Harrison, Planner Buz Reynolds, Jr. Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Michael Schneider Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Beth Stanley Henry Vest Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Karen Griffith requested to add Lot 27, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision, minor addition for a garage expansion to the consent agenda. Conflicts of Interest None j Ap&z\minutes\1996\090396.doc Consent agenda Approval of the August 20, 1996, Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes Lot 27, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Minor Addition -Garage Expansion Applicants: Jeff Moellentine Owners: Jeff Moellentine and Chuck and Pearl Taylor Address: 2613 Beartrap Road Motion Commissioner Reynolds moved to approve of the Consent Agenda, with staff recommendations for Lot 27, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Final Design Review Lot 73, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision -- Klein Residence Project Type: Landscape Modification Owners/Applicants: Holly and Paul Klein Address: 2455 Saddleridge Loop George Harrision made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Holly Klein, owner and applicant made a brief presentation to the Commission and presented a letter dated August 30, 1996, regarding the landscape design. Commissioner Stanley stated that she noticed 2 (two) group of trees eliminated by the garage in the revised landscape plan. George Harrison described the garage as facing north, and that the small juniper bushes by the entry door would be eliminated. Chairperson Hunn asked if there was irrigation to the revised landscape plan. Mr. Harrison said "yes". Commissioner Vest stated that there were 34 trees and 23 shrubs on the landscape plan. Mr. Harrison stated that the revised landscape plans now indicates 13 trees and 15 shrubs. Commissioner Stanley commented that this was a 25% reduction on the new plans. N Commissioner Railton asked the applicant if they were going to landscape the west side of the house. Ms. Klein used the landscape plan to describe what was going to be done on that side of the house. (The tape was not audible during that conversation.) Chairperson Hunn asked Commissioner Railton to summarize the conversation to the panel. Commissioner Railton stated that the trees from the west side of the lot are going to be deleted as well as the trees on the east side of the driveway and hammerhead. Ms. Klein stated that trees would be added in the near future depending on the deer migration through this particular area. Commissioner Karow stated that this meets the Town of Avon's criteria. Commissioner Schneider asked about the size of the pine trees. Ms. Klein stated the pine trees will be a minimum of 6 (six) feet to 7 (seven) feet tall. Commissioner Reynolds asked about the quantity of trees added to the revised landscape plan. Ms. Klein stated that there would be 7 (seven) spruce trees, 6 (six) to 7 (seven) aspen trees, and some bushes. Chairperson Hunn stated that landscape modification was a reasonable request, and meets the Town of Avon's requirements. Motion Commissioner Vest moved to approve the modified landscape plan for Lot 73, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as submitted. Commissioner Railton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 29, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision -- Kamen Supply Project Type: Minor Addition Property Owner: Kamen Supply Applicant: Phil Weber Property Address: 0950 Nottingham Road Mike Matzko made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Steve Hodges presented a video to the Commission. Phil Weber, general contractor for Sno-Mountain Company, made a brief presentation to the Commission and presented a sample of the translucent siding that will be added below the cornice. Commissioner Reynolds asked if this was the proposed siding to be used for the new addition. Mr. Weber described the siding as a standard butler pro -panel. The translucent siding would allow natural light into the building. Mike Matzko stated that there would be wood siding around the building. Mr. Weber stated that the siding would be cedar. Commissioner Railton asked if there would be additional parking added to the site. Mr. Weber said "yes", that the south side of the building was about 90 feet and allocated for employee parking, and an additional 4 (four) to 5 (five) parking spaces wuld be provided inside the landscaped area. The parking lot will be asphalt. Chairperson Hunn stated that pro -panel was not a siding generally approved today, since the building has this type of siding already, it makes sense to apply more of it. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the glare from the siding and suggested to eliminate that feature and asked how important the natural light was to the warehouse. Mr. Weber explained that in a warehouse situation, there were a lot of corners, and that the translucent siding would create a softer glow. Commissioner Reynolds stated that the sheen for the siding would wear down in about 6 (six) to 8 (eight) months from the weather. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve the repair and enclosure to the Kaman Supply building as described on the plan set dated August 1996, for Lot 29, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision as submitted. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision -- Small Duplex Project Type: Single-family Residence Owner/Applicant: Edward Small, Sierra Construction Consultant: Jerry Rosencranz, Full Spectrum Inc. Property Address: 4214 West Wildridge Road George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report and presented the proposed lighting plan and cut sheets to the Commission. M Commissioner Railton asked if staff had color samples for the duplex. Mr. Harrison replied "no". Chairperson Hunn what type of light fixtures were proposed for the duplex. Mr. Harrison said he needed to ask the applicant, it was not clear what types of lights were going to be installed. Edward Small, Sierra Construction and owner/applicant, made a brief presentation to the Commission. Mr. Small commented on the material used for the siding, and colors for the shutters as outlined in the staff report. The light fixtures would be a medium size as previously used. Mr. Small referred to the proposed lighting plan that was presented to the Commission. Chairperson Hunn asked the applicant to describe the color, "salt white". Mr. Small said the color was a subdued gray white. Commissioner Railton recommended that the applicant bring the proposed colors back for approval. Commissioner Railton commented on the landscape plan, requesting additional trees be added to the south side of the building. Commissioner Karow was concerned about the slope of the driveway, and asked if the grade was 10%. Mr. Small stated that the slope of the driveway was less than 10%. Mr. Small explained that the contour lines show the grade starting as 4%, then 6%, to around 8% to the end of the driveway. (The tape was not audible through Mr. Small's conversation). Commissioner Schneider stated that the south side of the duplex was in need of additional landscaping. Mr. Small said he would hydro -seed the site disturbance. Commissioner Vest stated that this was a "good looking" house and recommended that number (one) on the motion be approved by staff and town engineer. Chairperson Hunn commented on the curve of the driveway and grade, stating, that due to the steep grade and curve of the driveway, the grade could not be more 8% for the switch back of the driveway. Commissioner Stanley commented on the following: recommending the colors be brought back for approval, agreeing with Commissioner Railton, that the east elevation needed additional trees and bushes, and the drip from the roof would not cause any ice buildups during the winter. Commissioner Reynolds recommended that the colors be brought back for approval. Chairperson Hunn asked about the dormer feature located in the "study" area, and if it was a high ceiling or floor. Mr. Small stated that this was a third story upper level. (Tape was not audible during Mr. Small's answer.) 5 Mr. Small's conversation was not audible at this time. Chairperson Hurn was concerned with the following items: the grade and switch backs to the driveway, agreed that the colors be brought back for approval, and additional landscaping added to the south side of the building. Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve Lot 19, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision as depicted on the plans dated "Received" August 6, 1996, with the following conditions: 1. The grading plan be approved by staff. 2. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. 3. All meters will be placed upon the building. 4. An automatic irrigation system will be installed. 5. The proposed colors be brought back for Planning and Zoning Commission approval. 6. Additional landscaping be added to the south side of building, and be brought back for Planning and Zoning approval. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Tract N, Block 3, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision: Avon Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Type: Location Modification of Above Ground Storage Tank Owners: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Applicant: Gusty Kanakis Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Gusty Kanakis, applicant, made a brief presentation and presented photographs to the Commission, showing the location of the storage tank. Commissioner Reynolds asked how many gallons the storage tank was. Mr. Kanakis answered 12000 gallons with a suction pump and double lined with concrete. Commissioner Stanley asked how far the storage tank as from Sunridge Condominiums. Mr. Kanakis said 62 feet. Commissioner Stanley then asked how far the storage tanks was from Eagle River. Mr. Kanakis replied 100 feet. Mr. Kanakis stated the lenght of the storage tank to be 34 feet long. Commissioner Stanley recommended additional trees be added to the landscape plan, to screen the storage tank. Commissioner Vest stated he agreed with the staff recommendations. 2 Commissioner Schneider asked staff if this was a temporary "above ground storage tank". Ms. Griffith said "yes", and that the Fire Marshall supports changing the rules, because of the tough environmental regulations, and the potential underground leakage from the tanks, above ground tanks would be easier to access and control. Commissioner Railton asked about the 6 (six) foot solid wood fence along the property line. Ms. Griffith stated that this was a recommendation and that the fence would be used as screen. Commissioner Railton asked about screening the storage tank. Mr. Kanakis said the storage tank would be painted to match the building. Commissioner Railton asked if a couple of trees could be planted by the tanks. Chairperson Hunn asked the applicant if he had considered a fence closer to the tank. Ms. Griffith stated that staff did not recommend a fence close to the tank in fear that it might interfere with the vehicles, and that if the applicant felt this would not interfere, staff has no objections to the fence. Commissioner Railton asked what color the building would be. Mr. Kanakis stated a greenish brown color with the barn as a rustic wood. Ms. Griffith stated that the barn was a very dark brown. Motion Commissioner Vest moved to approve Tract N, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision, above ground fuel tanks for a two year time period with the following conditions: 1. The applicant provide a landscape buffer of trees adjacent to the property line, and in the vicinity of the tanks. 2. An automatic irrigation system to be installed Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 56, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision Project Type: Color Modification Owner/Applicant: Daniel Bruno Address: 2680 Beartrap Road George Harrison made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Steve Hodges presented a video to the Commission showing the new color of the house. Daniel Bruno, owner and applicant, made a brief presentation to the Commission. Mr. Bruno stated that the original color of the building was a cinnamon wood, with the lower arch as a stucco cream. Mr. Bruno said the intention was to blend both colors. 7 Daniel Bruno presented a color board to the Commission. Commissioner Railton stated that the color was a bright green, and suggested a gray green to soften the tone a little. Commissioner Karow agreed with the camouflage of the arches, and mentioned concern over criterin number 5 in the staff report. Commissioner Schneider stated that the color was too "prominent" when driving up Beartrap Road. Commissioner Vest agreed with the applicant with the intent in changing the color of the building. Commissioner Vest suggested a 6 (six) months waiting period, before making a discussion for approve or deny of the modified color. Commissioner Stanley agreed with the applicant intent to the color change of the building, and agreed with Commissioner Vest suggestions. Commissioner Reynolds asked what type of paint was used. Mr. Bruno said it was regular exterior "Devo" paint. Commissioner Reynolds agreed with Commissioner Vest's suggestion. Chairperson Hunn stated that this was the wrong color for a stucco building, commenting that green was not considered a natural color for stucco. Chairperson Hunn said the original stucco color was a good solution that represented both summer and winter seasons. Commissioner Railton asked if additional landscaping would be added to the building. Mr. Bruno said it was feasible at this time to landscape or finish the downstairs basement. Motion Several motions failed. Commissioner Reynolds moved to table the color modification as described on the Minor Project application dated August 30, 1996, for Lot 56, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision until October 1, 1996. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed 4 (four) votes to 3 (three) votes. Avon School Tract and Grace White Tract: Chateau St. Claire Project Type: Annexation, Zoning, Sketch Plan/ Preliminary Plat and Final Design of Commercial and Retail Development Owners: Grace White, et. al., and H&R Contracting Applicants: Danny Brose and George Roberts Consultant: Ken Long Property Address: State Highway 6/24 Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Steve Isom, Isom & Associates, made a brief presentation and presented drawings, models and display boards to the Commission. Mr. Isom stated that he would work with the staff and the recommendations stated in the staff report. Mr. Isom stated that he was concerned with recommendations number, 1, 2, 4, 10, 13 and 14. A discussion followed with staff and Mr. Isom regarding the verbage of these recommendations. Commissioner Railton asked what would happen to the sidewalks once the round -a -bouts- are constructed. Ms. Griffith stated that the Town of Avon would have to reconnect the sidewalks. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the applicant would meet the parking requirements. Ms. Griffith said "yes" based on the square footage given during staff review. Chairperson Hunn asked for clarification regarding the last Public Hearing held June 18, 1996. Ms. Griffith said yes it was held on June 18, 1996, and a second hearing was not required per the Town Attorney. Commissioner Karow asked about the height of the retaining wall located on the backside of the property. Mr. Isom said the maximum height of the retaining wall located on the south east corner was 23 feet high and steps down to 6 feet. Steve Isom stated that a split rail fence was added to the top of the retaining wall to catch falling rocks and was recommended by the Geologist. Commissioner Schneider asked staff how item number 2 (two) in the recommendations was formulated. Ms. Griffith stated that item number 2 (two) will be part of the annexation agreement. Commissioner Vest stated interest in Norm Wood's letter, dated August 16, 1996, and asked staff to explain what the letter meant. Ms. Griffith stated that the letter explained the maximum height of the building. 9 Commissioner Vest asked Mr. Isom if he was in agreement with the recommendation presented in the meeting. Mr. Isom said "basically yes" and discussed items number 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 13, and 14. Commissioner Stanley asked what the purposed of the "principal allowed use" of the garage meant. Ms. Griffith said this was an accessory to the other uses, stating concern that parking spaces could be sold separately making this a private parking lot. Mr. Isom stated there would not be a public charge to park in lot, nor will there be a gated parking structure, there will however be a security guard at the entrance. Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the traffic study done at the site. Ms. Griffith stated that a copy of the study was included in the last Planning and Zoning Packet of June 18, 1996. Ms. Griffith stated that applicationwill need approval from the highway department prior to final design review. Commissioner Reynolds asked about the building height. Ms. Griffith used a site plan to explain the calculation of the building height of 74 feet Chairperson Hunn asked the applicant to describe the reduction of the building. Mr. Isom used the site plan to describe what was changed in the building. The building was moved back 10 feet on the lower level and 20 feet on the second and third levels, which makes the building narrower. Chairperson Hunn asked how surface run off was managed. Ms. Griffith stated that the town engineer has reviewed the drainage plan, but has not signed off at this time. Chairperson Hunn asked about the removal of existing trees prior to final design review. Ms. Isom stated that the trees would remain in the 30 foot set back. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the traffic volume in this area and suggested to construct a round -a -bout as a solution. Motion Commissioner Reynolds moved to approve Chateau St. Claire Zoning, Sketch Plan/Preliminary Plat and PUD plans dated August 29, 1996, subject to the following conditions: 1. A sidewalk system be constructed on site and extended west to the Avon Road Intersection. Construction plans for the sidewalk will be required with the submittal of the final plat. 2. The applicants to discuss a contribute of a proportional share toward the round a bouts to accommodate additional traffic that would be generated by the site. 3. All landscaping above 36 inches in a 30 foot site distance triangle be removed from the site entrance. 4. Four parking spaces be removed from across the underground parking entrance to provide an increased turning radius and minimize conflicts between cars entering the site and provide additional snow storage. 5. Four parking spaces be removed from the south end of the parking ramp. 10 6. Landscaping be provided at the end of the parking ramp. 7. Parking garages be deleted as a principal allowed use from the PUD. 8. The PUD be amended to indicate that retaining walls be allowed in the setback. 9. Parking calculations will be determined at the time of final design review. The actual leasable floor area needs to be provided with dimensions of the areas. 10. All staff and Town Engineer's comments be addressed before approval of the final design review application. 11. The garage floor plan be revised to indicate that all compact parking spaces will meet minimum dimensions. 12. Two more handicap parking spaces be provided to meet the accessibility requirements of the UBC. 13. An access easement across the parking lot with steps or other means of accessing Lot 2 needs to be provided to the town. 14. The ridgeline building height be limited to a maximum height 74 feet from existing grade and the tower be limited to a maximum height of 84 feet. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing None Scheduled Other Business Mike Matzko presented a letter to Commission from Beaver Bench Condominium Owners Association, dated August 26, 1996, regarding the proposed park access. Karen Griffith asked the Commission to consider changing the procedure for the consent agenda, items that are removed for further discussion. Chairperson Hunn asked Steve Hodges to research the sign advertising "log homes" at Mike Coral's residence. Mr. Hodges replied (tape was not audible). Mike Matzko stated the Mr. Simon was appealing for the next Town Council meeting and that a Public Notice was not necessary. Commissioner Reynolds commented that the decision made regarding Marvin Simons bed and breakfast was justified due to the impute from the public hearing. Chairperson Hunn mentioned the following issues to staff: • Dust control at the Town of Avon landfill. Mike Matzko stated that staff would follow up on this issue. 11 • The Fowler residence, building height. Mike Matzko replied that there would be an Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) from the Fowlers indicating the building height. • The modular home being constructed in Wildridge with concerns that one half of the home was occupied, the other one half not built, and if a TCO could be issued. Commissioner Reynolds was concerned of safety issues regarding this duplex, and that a TCO should not be issued. Commissioner Railton asked if a basement was constructed. Mr. Matzko stated that the foundation was poured. Steve Hodges stated that there was a basement on the site. Mike Matzko mentioned that cedar siding was added to the building. Chairperson Hunn commented on the discussion presented during the meeting regarding Daniel Brunos color modification. Adjourn Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Stanley and the meeting adjourned at 11:47 p.m. Res ctf411 submitted, 1 Li a Donne lon Recording Secretary J. Hunn A. Karow S. Railton A. Reynol M. Schnei B. Stanle} H. Vest 12