PZC Minutes 060496Record of Proceedings Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes June 4, 1996 Regular Meeting The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:34 p.m., June 4, 1996, in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. All members were present. Members Present: Jack Hunn Andrew Karow Sue Railton Buz Reynolds, Jr. Beth Stanley Henry Vest Michael Schneider Staff Present: Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner George Harrison, Planner Mike Matzko, Director of Community Development Steve Hodges, Community Service Officer Larry Brooks, Director of Municipal Services Additions and Amendments to the Agenda George Harrison stated that item "C" on the Consent Agenda was withdrawn by the applicant. Items "A" and `B" from Other Business were moved before the Final Designs Review. Continuation of Concept Design Review B. Lot 33, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision: Disher Duplex Project Type: Final Design Owner: Jim Disher Applicant: Michael Silbert, Architect Address: 2649 Beartrap Road Meeting Minutes June 4, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 George Harrison made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report, with the comment that Staff has not reviewed the revised site plan. Steve Hodges presented a video tape of the property to the Commission. Michael Silbert, Architect, made a brief presentation, including photographs. The Commission commented on the 5% pitch of the driveway, and to add 3 clumps of aspen trees to the landscape plan. No formal action was taken. Conflicts of Interest None Consent Agenda A. Approval of the May 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes B. Memo for the May 21, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes C. Lot 31, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision: Mach Duplex Project Type: Final Design Modifications Owner/Applicant: Robert Mach Address: 2170 Long Spur D. Lots 1 & 2, Nottingham Station Subdivision: Burger King Project Type: Master Sign Program and Satisfaction of Conditions of Final Design Approval Owners/Applicants: Bill and Robin Oldershaw Address: 0015 Hurd Lane Karen Griffith stated that on item "B" a computer problem resulted in loss of the meeting minutes. The minutes from the May 21, 1996 Planning and Zoning Meeting were being retyped and would be presented at the June 18, 1996 meeting. Ms. Griffith asked Commission to pull item "D" for further discussion. Motion Commissioner Vest made a motion to approve item "A", the May 7, 1996 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes, with item "B" tabled, item "C" withdrawn by the applicant and item "D" moved to further discussion. Seconded by Commissioner Stanley and the motion carried unanimously. Meeting Minutes June 4, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 3 Other Business E. Swift Gulch Master Plan Project Type: Master Plan for government offices and transportation/service center Owner: Town of Avon Applicant: Larry Brooks, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Director of Municipal Services, made a brief presentation of the project with maps and charts. Mr. Brooks stated that he would be working with Staff once all the project information was received. No formal action was taken. F. Wildridge Park Tract D Master Plan and Lot 16, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Project Type: Park plans Owner: Town of Avon Applicant: Larry Brooks, Director of Municipal Services Larry Brooks, Director of Municipal Services, made a brief presentation of the project with maps and charts. Mr. Brooks stated there were 2 phases in the Master Plan for Wildridge Park Tract D. Phase I will consist of a children's playground, restrooms and small shelters with BBQ grills, Phase Il will consist of a bike path circling the park. Chairperson Hurn requested that Mr. Brooks return for Final Design review, even if this appears as a Consent Agenda item, this would be discussed in the Work Session, so that formal action would be taken. No formal action was taken at this time. Final Design Review G. Lot 56, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision: Neff/Rito Duplex Project Type: Residential Duplex Owners/Applicants: Michael Neff and Gary Rito Consultant: Tab Bonidy, Environmental Design Specialists Property Address: 4480 West Wildridge Road George Harrision made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report. Commissioner Stanley asked Staff if the landscape plans showed how may trees were on the property. Mr. Harrison stated 8 aspen trees and 2 evergreens. Meeting Minutes June 4, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 4 Tab Bonidy, Environmental Design Specialist, made a brief presentation on the Neff/Rito duplex. Mr. Bonidy stated on the site, the duplex was placed to avoid the vistas from blocking to the south. Commissioner Railton asked that the landscape be triple in size around the house and asked if there was a drip irrigation system. Mr. Bonidy stated that the applicants wanted to reseed with native plants only and that a drip irrigation systems was designed for the trees that were to be planted. Commissioner Karow supported Commissioner Railton's suggestion on the landscape plan. Commissioner Schneider asked about the concrete drive way. Mr. Bondy stated that concrete was more durable than asphalt. Commissioner Vest asked about the maximum' of the driveway and color of the duplex. Mr. Bonidy stated the width of the driveway ws 35 f et and the color of the duplex would be beige stucco, forest green clad windows, cedar one mposite shingle roof, and cedar facias with a clear finish. Commissioner Vest suggested additional landscaping be added to the site plan. Commissioner Stanley supported Commissioner Railton on the landscape plan and irrigation system. Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the roof lines on the north side elevation, that water would drip onto the decks. Commissioner Reynolds asked about the overhang in the setback. Mr. Harrison clarified this overhang was right on the setback line. Commissioner Reynolds also agreed that additional landscaping will need to be added to the north elevation. A 10 Chairperson Hunn asked if there was a 10% grade all the way to the garage door. Mr. Bonidy said that grade started at 4% from the road.on up to the garage door. Chairperson Hunn asked if both gas and electric meters could be-a""t�-the same closet. Mr. Bonidy stated that additional research would need to be done. � E*LCL-6410t- P rI vA ) L1 f'A Motion Commissioner Vest made a motion to approve Lot 56, Block 3, Wildridge with the following conditions: The landscape plan be brought back for Commission approval. 2. Exterior light fixtures not shown on the submitted plans be approved by Staff. Seconded by Commissioner Reynolds. The motion carried unanimously. Meeting Minutes June 4, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 5 H. Lot 107, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision Project: Type: Duplex Owners: Greg Jarvis & Richard Brown Architect: Stephen Richards Address: 3063 Wildridge Road Karen Griffith made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report. Steven Richards, Architect, presented a color sample and drawing board to the Commission and made a brief presentation of the project. Commissioner Vest requested that the underside of the decks be painted or stained to match the house. Commissioner Schneider asked what type of trees would be added to the back yard. Mr. Richards stated the applicants wanted to add some green ash and pines trees with a drip irrigation system. Commissioner Railton suggested a darker color trim on the north side of the duplex. Chairperson Hunn asked if the heavy timber braces were structural or decorative. Mr. Richards stated they were decorative. Mr. Richards stated the gas fire places were side wall vented. Chairperson Hunn recommended that both garage doors match the material of the main structure, and asked that the exterior lights illuminate downward. Motion Commissioner Railton made a motion to approve Final Design Lot 107, Block 1, Wildridge with the following conditions, to be satisfied at the time of building permit application: 1. The elevations be revised to show existing and proposed grades and list the scale to verify the structure falls within the maximum 35 foot height limitation. 2. The manufacturer, model number, and specific colors need to be provided on the elevations for all exterior building materials. The plan note that all flashings, flues, and underside of decks be stained or painted. 4. Six additional trees be added to the rear yard of the tot. 5. Garage doors to match the wood siding of the main structure. Meeting Minutes June 4, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 6 6. Trim around the trapezoid windows on the north unit be painted in the darker trim color. 7. Provide exterior lighting cut sheets for Staff. Seconded by Commissioner Vest. The motion carried unanimously. I. Lot 45, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision: Anointed Christian Fellowship Church Project Type: Landscape Plan Modification and Stair and Retaining Wall Material Modification Owner: Anointed Christian Fellowship Church Applicant: Tim Kehoe Property Address: 0480 Nottingham Road Karen Griffith made a brief presentation of the project as outlined in the Staff report and recommended the substitution of the Crabapple trees for the Green Ashes. Tim Kehoe spoke on behalf of the Anointed Christian Fellowship Church and made a brief presentation. Mr. Kehoe asked that the interior landscape islands be relocated, moved to the end of the parking lot and suggested that instead of the islands, installing clay pots. Ms. Griffith stated a variance would have to be done from the interior of the lot. C4>_l,;,IMIT p Chairperson Hunn asked what the hardship would be if a variance was appreTevl. Ms. Griffith stated that Staff would have a hard time recommending this, due to the regulation and zoning codes that require screening of the parking lot. Commissioner Reynolds asked where the snow storage was located on the property. Mr. Kehoe stated it would be located at the southwest end of the parking lot. Commissioner Railton asked about the landscape in front of the property. Mr. Kehoe stated that 5% would be landscape. Ms. Griffith stated that the landscaping below the retaining wall was not part of the property, but a road maintenance easement. Chairperson Hurn asked Mr. Kehoe if rebar could be added inside of the 18 inch drainage pipe to keep children out. Commissioner Vest made a motion to approve Lot 45, Block 1, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: Meeting Minutes June 4, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 7 The railroad tie wall be screened with a minimum of 6 foot tall evergreen tree. 2. The parking lot planters remain as currently approved, or applicant may relocate them within the parking lot, subject to Staff approval. Seconded by Commissioner Schneider and the motion carried unanimously. II. Public Hearing A. None Scheduled Further discussion Item "D" was removed from the Consent Agenda for further discussion. Motion Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to approve Lots 1 & 2, Nottingham Station Subdivision: Burger King with following conditions: If a majority of the Commission members determine the wattage of the signs is too bright, the applicant will need to present to Staff a 15% to 25% reduction in wattage of said lights. 2. Other sites with 400 watt lighting should be compared to Burger King's, and presented to Commission for consideration for approval of the lighting plan. Parking lot and sign lights be turned off after hours, when all employees leave the premises. 4. Landscape plan from the street to the top of the retaining wall should be modified to extend sod to the retaining wall, and submitted for Staff approval. 5. Staff recommendation number 2. The signage plan be amended to list a maximum size of the wall signs as 26 square feet, that cabinet signs not be allowed, that white letters be specified for the pan channel letters on the Shoppette, and that no wall signs be allowed on the north, east, and west sides of the Shoppette. Corporate logos are allowed within the square footage of the sign. 6. The maximum height of the sodium vapor light standards will be 20 feet. Seconded by Commissioner Vest and the motion carried 5 (five) to 2 (two) votes, with Chairperson Hunn and Commissioner Stanley opposing. Meeting Minutes June 4, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 8 Other Business Commissioner Vest mentioned the article in the Vail Daily regarding the crime rate in Eagle County. Commissioner Vest mentioned there were neighbors in Wildridge complaining about construction starting early in the morning on Sundays. Steve Hodges stated that hours of construction on Saturday were 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., and Sundays and national holidays were from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.. No restrictions exist during weekdays. Chairperson Hunn mentioned he was submitting a proposal to the mayor adopting some changes to the construction regulations. These features would consist of: hours of construction, dust, trash and dog control on the site, and loud music. Chairperson Hunn asked if the Shaw Electric sign been turned off. Mr. Matzko stated the applicant was adamant about the sign application being turned down. Chairperson Hunn stated that the original project was promoted as warehouse space, not a public office or retail setting. The approved sign program did not promote each individual tenant in the building. Adjournment Commissioner Stanley made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Schneider. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Linda Donnellon Recording Secretary Meeting Minutes June 4, 1996 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 9 A. S. A. M. B. H. -