L32 B1 WR Duplex DesignTown of Avon Final Design Staff ortRep February 4, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date January 31, 1997 Project type Residential Duplex Legal description Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Sunrise Sunset Duplex Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) - 2 units Address 2180 Long Spur Introduction This project has received two prior concept reviews. The applicants are now applying for Final Design approval. This structure features two wings offset at approximately a ninety degree angle. Each unit is 2,948 square feet, has five bedrooms, four baths, a three car garage and multiple elevated exterior decks. Primary materials are stucco and hardboard siding. The site is located on the northern end of the Long Spur cul-de-sac. It is north facing with slopes ranging from 15 - 20%, with the slope in the immediate area of the driveway access point approaching 37%. Existing vegetation consists of sagebrush and other short plant species, with a grove of stunted aspen immediately to the north on adjacent lots. The predominant views are to the north through the Wildridge Subdivision and to the mountains above. Design Review Considerations According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 6. 10, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project: 1. Conformance with the Zoning Code and other applicable regulations of the Town. • Allowed use: Conforms with the allowed residential use. • Density: Duplex density conforms with this lot's two dwelling unit designation. • Lot Coverage: The proposed 22.8% of building coverage conforms with the 50% maximum. • Setbacks: The design meets setback requirements, though diligence will be required during construction to ensure the structure's eves do not encroachment into the rear and side yard setbacks. • Easements: No proposed encroachments. Proposed grading and retainage in the 10' Slope Maintenance and Snow Storage Easement is acceptable. Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1997\020497\32b1wr3.doc (970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Subuivision, Final Design Review, page 2 February 4, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting • Building Height: The largest scaled height of 28' conforms with the 35' maximum limit. It should be noted that height of the building may increase by 2' to address concerns with the driveway grades. • Grading: All proposed slope grades conform with the maximum of 2:1 slope guideline. The proposed driveway grades still do not conform with Town standards and staff is continuing to work with the applicants to solve these issues. • Parking: The three (3) garage and the three (3) surface parking spaces per unit exceed the required six (6) spaces for the entire project. • Snow Storage: Submitted plans show snow storage area equal to the minimum standard of 20% of the proposed impermeable surface area. • Landscaping: The type and size of planting materials all appear suitable. However, the placement of these plant materials should be re-examined to create a comprehensive and effective landscape plan. With the exception of the unresolved grading issues and the need to enhance the landscape plan, this project appears to generally conform with the Zoning Code and the Town's other applicable regulations. 2. The suitability of the improvement, including type and quality of materials of which it is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located. Please refer to the attached table of materials and colors. Do to the late submittal of this information, staff was unable to review the suitability of the proposed materials and colors. The applicants have stated they will present a materials and color sample board at the meeting. The proposed light fixtures feature "seedy" glass panels that should reduce off-site glare and light trespass. 3. The compatibility of the design to minimize site impacts to adjacent properties. The structure's overall limited height should not pose any unnecessary impacts upon the solar and view corridors of adjacent properties. 4. The compatibility of the proposed improvements with site topography. Staff continues to maintain its concern that this structure is being imposed upon its site rather than the structure responding to the site's topography. Contrary to the Town's Steep Slope Development Guidelines, the structure's two wings will traverse across the fall of the slope rather than running parallel with it. This design scheme results in three issues: • The difficulty in achieving a workable grading and retainage plan. Though staff believes a workable site plan for this project could be achieved, we feel a design that responded more directly to the site would facilitate an easier grading and retainage solution. • The potentially awkward appearance of the structure's two narrow wings extending out of the hillside as viewed from the roadway below. The applicants have produced modifications to mitigate this concern: a third step in each unit, lowering of the hardboard siding to balance the scale of the lower and upper levels relative to one another, and the lowering of the exterior decks to further help the scale of the northern ends of the two wings. However, staff still feels the narrowness of the two wings relative to their height would present elevations that appear awkward and out of scale when viewed from the roadway below. Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1997\020497\32b1wrMoc (970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Suburvision, Final Design Review, page 3 February 4, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting • Extensive coverage and disturbance of the site. The design decision to place the two wings perpendicular to the slope cause the project to impact more of the site than perhaps a design that better reflected the Steep Slope Development Guidelines. 5. The visual appearance of any proposed improvement as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways. Please see Design Review Consideration #4. 6. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic will be impaired. Due to the project's placement on the site and its potentially awkward appearance as viewed from below, this project may impair the aesthetic values of other properties in the vicinity. 7. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is not in conformance with the Town of Avon's Goals, Policies and Programs. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends denial of this proposed residential duplex. Recommended Motion Deny the Final Design approval for Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision as presented by the plans dated January 21, 1997, based upon the finding of its failure to satisfy Design Review Considerations #4, #5, #6 and #7. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 949-4280 (extension 139), or stop by the Community Development Department. Town of Avon Community Development j:\p&z\1997\020497\32blwr3.doc (970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge Subaivision, Final Design Review, page 4 February 4, 1997 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Planning & Zoning Commission Action ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved with conditions (noted below) Q Denied ❑ Tabled ❑ Withdrawn by applicant Conditions of approval, reasons for tabling or withdrawal of application, or basis for denial (refer to code or guidelines by number): The Commission denied your project based upon the finding of its failure to satisfy Design Review Consideration #4, #5, #6 and #7. Signed: Date Jack Hunn, Date ,?-4- —3 % Sue Railton, Secretary Town of Avon Community Development (970) 949-4280 Fax (970) 949-5749 j:\p&z\1997\020497\32b1 wr3.doc