PZC Minutes 110596Record of Proceedings Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes November 5, 1996 Regular Meeting_ The Regular Meeting of the Town of Avon Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairperson Jack Hunn at 7:47 p.m., November 5, 1996 in the Council Chambers, Avon Municipal Building, 400 Benchmark Road, Avon, CO 81620. Members Present Jack Hunn Andrew Karow Sue Railton Buz Reynolds, Jr. Michael Schneider Beth Stanley Henry Vest Agenda Call to Order Roll Call Staff Present Linda Donnellon, Recording Secretary Karen Griffith, Town Planner Mike Matzko, Community Development Director Additions and Amendments to the Agenda Karen Griffith requested to add Lot 107, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Jarvis/Brown Duplex - Color Modification to the Consent Agenda Karen Griffith asked to remove Lots 1/2 Nottingham Station Subdivision - Master Sign Program Modification from the Final Design. The applicant requested to reschedule for the November 19, 1996 meeting. Karen Griffith requested to add a request for site cleaning, debris removal and grading , for Chateau St. Claire Subdivision grading plan to Other Business. Conflicts of Interest Commissioner Reynolds stated a conflict of interest regarding Lot 32, Block 1, Wildridge - Modular Duplex. (tape was not audible) j : \p &z\minutes\1996\ 110596. d o c Chairperson Hunn requested to abstain from discussion regarding item 6B of the Public Hearing, Height Variance on Lot 31, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision. Consent agenda A. Approval of the October 15, 1996 Planning and Zoning Meeting Minutes B. Lot 85, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Sage Villas Project Type: Deck Modification Owner: Carey Builders Applicant: Susan Carey Address: 2436 Draw Spur C. Lot 107, Block 2, Wildridge Subdivision - Jarvis/Brown Duplex Project Type: Color Modification Owner: Telemark Development Applicant: Richard Brown Address: 3063 Wildridge Road Motion Commissioner Vest moved to approve the Consent Agenda with corrections to item A, changing the motion on page 7 of the October 15, 1996 P&Z minutes to Commissioner Railton, Stanley and Vest opposing, and staff recommendations for items B and C. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing Adoption of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and Transportation Plan (packet previously delivered) Mike Matzko presented to the Commission a memorandum from Jennifer Linden regarding the Transportation Plan, dated October 30, 1996. Further discussion followed with comments regarding the last Public Hearing. Chairperson Hunn asked if all the changes from the last review were incorporated. Mr. Matzko stated that there was one item added from the last discussion, based on a memorandum from Ben Herman. Chairperson Hunn asked that the Trail Heads be accurately mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Matzko referred to page 70 of the Comprehensive Plan. 2 Mr. Matzko stated that there had been a lot of feedback from the public and that the Town Council endorsed the Commission's comments. Commissioner Reynolds asked staff if any additional documents would be added to the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Matzko said yes, from the Transportation Plan and Capital Improvement Plans, i.e. roundabouts. John Dunn, Town Attorney, reminded the Commission that the Public Hearing had already occurred at the October 15, 1996 meeting. Ruth Gosiewski expressed her concerns regarding the variance for bed and breakfasts in Wildridge, and asked that this type of business not be allowed in this subdivision. Ms. Gosiewski asked that a new zoning regulations be considered that would not allow bed and breakfasts in Wildridge. Mr. Matzko said that with regards to Ms. Gosiewski's comment, that the zoning ordinance rather than the Comprehensive Plan, was the appropriate means to address her concerns. Chairperson Hunn asked how long it would take to update the zoning ordinance. Mr. Matzko said he would like staff to start within 30 days. Peter Jamar expressed his appreciation to Commission and staff for the changes made on the Comprehensive Plan. Chairperson Hunn opened the Comprehensive Plan for Commission review. Commissioner Stanley was disappointed that the sense of community, social development and youth development issues were not mentioned in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Matzko asked the Commission to look on page 24, policy B-4.1, and page 25, section D. Commissioner Stanley commented on the roundabouts. Mr. Matzko stated that the roundabouts were economically feasible. Commissioner Reynolds stated that his concerns were the same as Commissioner Stanley's. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about item 15 of the cover memo, if the name was Beaver Creek Point of Beaver Point. Mr. Matzko thought the name was Beaver Point. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about traffic congestion which may result from implementation on the goals on page 22, item A-3.34, Federal and State land be opened to the Public. Chairperson Hunn thought that this was a very broad statement. Mr. Matzko agreed. Chairperson was concerned about the verbiage for policy D 1.6 on page 26 regarding the word neighborhood. Chairperson Hunn commented on the exhibit map 4. 1, indicating the potential development areas. Chairperson Hunn commented about page 49, item 1, the paragraph statement was a commercial design theme instead of a residential theme. Chairperson Hunn opened the Transportation Plan for Commission review. Chairperson Hunn asked Norm Wood, Town Engineer, about the cover memo attached to the Transportation Plan. Mr. Wood read the memo to the Commission and made a brief presentation. Peter Jamar, represented the Stolport property and Nottingham Ranch. Mr. Jamar explained the word necessary used in the Transportation Plan was too aggressive and asked that it be changed to suggested. Mr. Jamar was concerned about page 2, second paragraph, and page 12, sixth, seventh, and eighth paragraphs. Mr. Wood stated that on page 12, paragraphs six, seven and eight of the memo, the verbiage was suggested by the Town Council and that this document was flexible. Mr. Jamar asked the Commission to table this discussion, due to the interpretations made by the Town Council regarding construction traffic, US highway 6, and the roundabouts. Commissioner Reynolds asked that page 12 of the memo be reviewed further. Mr. Wood stated the paragraph seven of page 12 should be deleted. Chairperson Hunn suggested presumed necessary instead of necessary. Mr. Wood said that would not be problem. Commissioner Stanley was concerned about the bike path along US Highway 6 & 24. Mr. Wood stated the Colorado Highway Department had plans regarding the bike plan along the shoulder of US Highway 6 & 24. Commissioner Vest asked about the diamond interchange and was concerned about the word flexibility. Mr. Jamar stated that it was his intent to propose 100% of the funding for the diamond interchange. Commissioner Schneider was comfortable with the proposed changes stated in tonight's meeting. Commissioner Karow agreed with comments made by Commissioners Schneider. 4 Commissioner Railton agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Schneider. Chairperson Hunn recommended the following two (2) changes: the Comprehensive Plan; figure 4.1 be revised and the over all land use plan be updated, and two (2) changes regarding the Transportation Plan; page 12, 3rd. paragraph be amended, the word "at the onset" be substituted with the words "in the early stages ", and the 2nd, paragraph be deleted in its entirety. Commissioner Stanley requested a paragraph be added regarding youth development. Mr. Matzko suggested the following idea for Commissioner Stanley's comment; insert the word Youth Activities to Community Center on page 25, section D, goal D 1. Mr. Matzko commented on the memo; page 22, policy A 3.9, and suggested the following would be added. Motion Commissioner Reynolds moved to adopt Resolution 96-10 with the recommended changes as per discussion with Planning and Zoning Commissioners. Commissioner Schneider seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 31, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Mach Duplex Project Type: Height Variance Owner/Applicant: Robert Mach Property Address: 2170 Long Spur Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report and reminded the Commission that letters were submitted prior to the meeting. Robert Mach, owner and applicant, presented a copy of the Wildridge Covenants to the Commission regarding Design Criteria, 13.1 Building Height. Mr. Mach asked the Commission to consider granting the variance. Co -Chairperson Reynolds opened the hearing for Commission review. Commissioner Railton stated that she was not in favor of granting the proposed height variance. Commissioner Karow stated that the zoning ordinance was there for a reason, and that he was not in favor of the proposed height variance. Commissioner Schneider agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Railton and Commissioner Karow. Commissioner Vest commented on the memo presented in the meeting. Mr. Mach explained that he used the Wildridge Covenants to base the design of his house on because it was less restrictive. Mr. Mach presented a site plan to the Commission and used it to explained the height of the duplex. Commissioner Vest expressed that this was a design change in the field and should have gone through the design review process. Commissioner Stanley stated the design review guidelines were very clear, and agreed with the comments made by Commissioner Vest. Co -Chairperson Reynolds asked staff if there were any previous documents regarding the height variance. Ms. Griffith said yes. Co -Chairperson, Reynolds, Ms. Griffith and Mr. Mach reviewed the site plan. Co -Chairperson Reynolds asked staff if they had reviewed the elevations on the site plan. Ms. Griffith said yes, that it was part of the information in file. Ms. Griffith stated for the record that the site plan reflected a 33 foot proposed height plan with a 35 foot maximum height plan and the applicant was aware of this requirement. Co -Chairperson Reynolds stated that with the comments made by the Commission, he could not set a precedent by approving this height variance. Mr. Mach stated that the Wildridge Covenants were misleading regarding the height restrictions and should be revised. Commissioner Railton stated that the height regulations are reviewed by the Town Building Department, not by the Covenants. Ms. Griffith reminded the Commission to open the Public Hearing before voting the motion. Co -Chairperson Reynolds opened Public Hearing. Seeing no one, he closed Public Hearing Co -Chairperson Reynolds asked Linda Donnellon, recording secretary, if she had received any documents regarding this Public Hearing. Ms. Donnellon said yes, three (letters) were received and copied to the Commission prior to the meeting, and that the originals were in file. Co -Chairperson Reynolds asked staff if the color modification was included in this Public Hearing. Ms. Griffith said yes. Mr. Mach stated that his stucco contractors recommended changing the stucco to vertical siding, and asked for Commission approval. Co -Chairperson Reynolds asked the applicant what type of siding it was. Ms. Mach said the siding was a 1x12, board and bat or reversed board and bat. Commissioner Railton asked the applicant if he had any documents showing these changes. Mr. Mach said yes, the front of the building will have siding to the gables and dormers and stucco on the remaining part of the building. Ms. Griffith stated that she had approved drawings on file. Ms. Griffith stated that she was unaware of the changes presented in the meeting. Commissioner Railton requested that the applicant provide an updated drawing to be approved by the Commission. Co -Chairperson Reynolds recommended that the proposed changes be presented on the next consent agenda. 3 Motion Commissioner Railton moved to approve Resolution 96-11 denying the requested design modifications and variance as presented on the plans dated "received" October 21, 1996 for Lot 31, Block 1, Wildridge Subdivision - Mach Duplex, based upon the following findings: 1. The strict, literal interpretation and enforcement of the 35 foot height regulation will not result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship. 2. There are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone district. 3. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation will not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 4. The granting of these variances will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. Commissioner Stanley seconded the motion. The motion passed with Chairperson Hunn abstaining. Final Desian Review Tract Q, Block 2, Benchmark Subdivision - Pazzo's Pizza Project Type: Master Sign Program Modification Owner: Thomas Clinton Consultant: Vail Sign Property Address: 82 E. Beaver Creek Boulevard Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Stanley asked staff if the applicants were aware that a brown background was suitable for the sign. Ms. Griffith stated that staff had issued a sign permit with the brown background, as per the master sign program, and that the applicant changed to a black background. Mark Caldwell, owner and manager, made a brief presentation and presented a banner, "Pazzo 's ", to the Commission. Mr. Caldwell stated that the color of the sign was successful in the past and would like to keep it that way. Mr. Caldwell commented on the Cassidy; s signs. Commissioner Railton asked the applicant if the sign presented at the meeting would be the same sign installed on the building. Mr. Caldwell said the sign would be the same shape and size with a canvas black background. Commissioner Railton asked where the location of the sign was to be. Mr. Caldwell stated the sign would be in the same location as the old Ricardino's sign. Commissioner Stanley asked the applicants if they had talked with the other tenants regarding their sign. Mr. Caldwell said "no", that Mike Philips, landlord, said it was okay to install the sign. 7 Chairperson Hunn asked if there would be two (2) signs installed. Ms. Griffith said "yes". Commissioner Reynolds summarized that all the signs on the building had a tan background except for the proposed Pazzo's sign. Commissioner Reynolds asked staff if it was possible to keep the signage the same for the eastside, and approve the proposed signage for the southside of the building. Ms. Griffith said this could be a possibility, but would have to further research this request further. Commissioner Stanley commented on matching the Pazzo 's signs with the other existing signs, and agreed with staff recommendations. Mr. Matzko commented on the location of the proposed sign, that both these signs will be noticed from Beaver Creek Boulevard. Commissioner Karow stated that uniformity was the key issue, and that he could not approve the proposed sign because it did not comply with the master sign program. Ms. Griffith stated that staff could meet with the applicant to prepare a new application for Commission review. Chairperson Hunn agreed with staff that both signs should be the same. Mr. Matzko added that the applicants had a sign permit based upon the tan background. Motion Commissioner Stanley moved to deny the proposed sign as presented as part of the application dated October 1, 1996, based upon its failure to comply with the Master Sign Program, particularly standard for all signage to be placed upon a tan background. Commissioner Reynolds seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Lot 46, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision Project Type: 30 unit Multi -family residential development Owners: 612 Corporation Applicant: Jack Reutzel Architect: Stuart Ohlson Property Address: 320 Benchmark Karen Griffith made a brief presentation as outlined in the staff report. Commissioner Reynolds asked staff about the roofing material. Mr. Matzko stated that the roofing material was of common usage and did not see a problem with this. Chairperson Hunn commented on the fire proof, synthetic shake materials that might be suitable for this building. Ms. Griffith agreed with the comments made by Chairperson Hunn and Commissioner Reynolds regarding the asphalt shingles and cedar shingles. Jack Reutzel represented the land owners and made a brief presentation to the Commission. Mr. Reutzel introduce the following people involved with the project; Stuart Olson, architect, Susan Brown, landscape architect and Martha Miller, consulting engineer. Mr. Ruetzel agreed with the staff report and staff recommendations for approval. Mr. Ruetzel said he was opened for suggestions regarding the shingles. Stuart Olson made a brief presentation and presented four (4) display boards to the Commission, outlining the proposed development. Mr. Olson briefly summarized the comments and recommendations made during the August, 1995 P& Z meeting. Further discussion followed with the comparison of the last proposed project to the new project presented at the meeting. Commissioner Stanley asked if there were 28 units, combined, in both buildings. Ms. Olson said there were 14 units per building, 28 units total. Commissioner Reynolds responded to the applicants statements, and agreed with the new changes made from the last P&Z meeting during August, 1995. However, Commissioner Reynolds was concerned about the roof line and water freezing in front of the garage entry on building 2. Commissioner Stanley agreed with the architectural and design of the buildings. The only concerns she had was the snow storage area and snow removal. Mr. Olson stated that the snow storage area was marked by and "X" on the site plan. There were five (5) locations represented on the plans. Ms. Griffith stated that the applicants did meet the requirements for snow storage. Commissioner Vest liked the project and made no further comments. Commissioner Schneider appreciated the applicants for using the Commissioners comments in redesigning their project and agreed with Chairperson Hunn's comments regarding the synthetic shakes instead of cedar as the roofing material. Commissioner Karow stated that the applicants have met all the criteria for approval upon following the staff recommendations. Commissioner Railton asked about the stucco on the building. Mr. Olson stated that this would be a pre -stressed concrete building as per the architectural drawings. The difference in the color for the bands would be 5 to 6 inches, and that the top 2 floors will be stucco with the bottom floor consisting of concrete panels. Commissioner Railton asked about the 30 foot tree planted in the snow storage area. Mr. Olson used the site plan to show the proper location of the snow storage area and location of the tree. He felt that this would not be a problem, that the tree would not be in the area. Further discussion followed the amount of parking proposed for the project. Mr. Olson stated that there would be 2.3 cars per unit, which would allow for adequate snow storage. Mr. Olson's opinion was that the tenants would park underground. 0 Commissioner Railton asked about the stone base for the building. Mr. Olson presented a pre- cast stone sample to the Commission and made a brief presentation. He said this type of material was not as expensive as natural stone. Chairperson Hunn asked if the parking spaces were dedicated to the duplexes only. Mr. Olson answered "yes". Chairperson Hunn asked if signs would be attached to the garage doors indicating the parking spaces. Mr. Olson stated that the tenants would probably request it. Chairperson Hunn was concerned that the snow storage area would conflict with the landscape plan. Ms. Brown stated that she could move a tree back to increase the snow storage area. Ms Brown said she was very flexible and would work with the Commission's comments and suggestions regarding the landscape plan. Chairperson Hunn asked the applicant what the grade to the garage ramp was. Mr. Olson stated that the percent of the ramp into the garage was very slight, only enough to get positive drainage away from the face of the door. Mr. Olson stated that the dimension of the overhang was 1/10th. of a foot, which would equal about 1/2 inches, and the facia would be about 10 inches or more. Mr. Olson stated that there would not be any exterior trash storage on the property. The management would be responsible to have the trash pick up. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the trash chutes and ventilation. Ms. Olson stated that the best solution for this would be a vent stack or vent through the stucco wall. Chairperson Hunn said this was a good solution. Chairperson Hunn was concerned about the pre -cast stone proposal for the building. Mr. Olson stated that this product was very durable and produced some very nice architectural finishes. The surface was not painted, eight (8) inches thick, sound and fire proof. Motion Commissioner Reynolds moved to approve the final design of the two new buildings and associated site improvements as described on plan sets stamped received on October 30, 1996 on Lot 46, Block 2, Benchmark at Beaver Creek Subdivision with the following conditions: 1. An additional ILC will be provided at time of framing and foundation to document the buildings are in conformance with the approved plan, including the building heights. 2. Lighting fixtures shall have seeded glass. Wattage of bulbs not to exceed 60 Watts. 3. A mutual access easement will be dedicated for the sidewalk on Lot 45 and 46. 4. All flues, flashing and galvanized metal will be painted to match surrounding materials. 5. All meters will be placed upon the building. 6. Automatic irrigation system will be installed. 7. Town Engineer's comments dated October 23, 1996 be addressed. 8. One (1) compact parking space shall be restored to be a full size 9' x 18' standard parking space. 9. Applicant to bring back samples of roofing material for P&Z approval. 10 Commissioner Vest seconded the motion. The motion carried 6 votes to 1 vote with Commissioner Schneider opposing. Other Business Mike Matzko said Chateau St. Claire had been approved and annexed. They were requesting to do the following; site grading, install a construction fence and an erosion control fence prior to the spring run off. Chairperson Hunn asked staff if any material would be removed from the site. Mr. Matzko said yes and used a site plan to explained the proposed changes to the Commission. Mr. Matzko said a letter of credit would be provided by the developer. Chairperson Hunn stated that should Commissioner Reynolds become a Council member, this would be his last meeting with Planning and Zoning. Chairperson Hunn thanked Commissioner Reynolds for his many years of service on the Planning and Zoning. Adjourn Commissioner Reynolds made a motion to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Stanley and the meeting adjourned at 11:31 p.m. Res ectfully submitted, c A. Reynol M. Schnei B. Stanley H. Vest — ,o 11