L4-7 Riverfront PUD Amendment PUD17002PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECORD OF DECISION DATE OF DECISION: FINDINGS APPROVED: TYPE OF APPLICATION: PROPERTY LOCATION: FILE NUMBER: APPLICANT: October 17, 2017 November 7, 2017 Minor PUD Amendment Lot 4-7 Riverfront Subdivision #PUD17002 Tim Telling with East West Resorts Avon This decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code §7.16.060: DECISION: Approved with a withdrawal of the parking reduction including the following findings: FINDINGS: 1. The Application meets the eligibility requirements for a Minor PUD Amendment by not increasing density, increasing the amount of nonresidential land use, or significantly altering any approved building scale and mass of the development; 2. The PUD Amendment does not change the character of the development and maintains the intent and integrity of the Riverfront PUD; and 3. The Application is in conformance with §7.16.060(e)(4), Review Criteria, AMC, and compared to the underlying zoning, the Minor PUD Amendment is not likely to result in significant adverse impacts upon the natural environment. CONDITIONS: 1. Easement(s) for a trail connection from the Eagle Valley Regional Trail to Riverfront Lane will be provided concurrent with the first Development Plan proposal for Lot 4; and 2. Two (2) units in the Condominium Building, each a minimum of 800 sq. ft., will be permanently deed restricted to employees working full time in Eagle County for an Eagle County employer by form approved by Town of Avon. Deed restrictions must be executed prior to temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) of the Condominiurn Building. THESE FIN S OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY: DATE; L 1 Z-- PZC Chairp-erson PZC Record of Decision: #PUD17002 Page 1 of 1