11-14-2017 Letter of Intent to Join The Climate Action Collaborative of the Eagle County CommunityLetter of Intent to Join The Climate Action Collaborative of the Eagle County Community The purpose of this Letter of Intent, signed by X7 0 ur c. _( on this SIS day of �0VQAm L „(, 2017, is to affirm the Town of Avon's commitment to join other Stakeholders of the Climate Action Plan ("Stakeholders') to develop the Climate Action Collaborative (CAC) through which Stakeholders can work together to implement and achieve Climate Action Plan initiatives. The Stakeholders recognize that the mountain communities throughout Eagle County are bound together by a common geography, shared infrastructure, and a regional economy that is highly dependent on a cold winter climate and a healthy natural environment. The Stakeholders observe that the impacts of climate change, which may include warmer and shorter winters, hotter and drier summers, drought, wildfire, extreme weather, and other impacts, threaten the natural environment, historic water cycles, economic and recreational resources, and public health and safety of our region. The Stakeholders have articulated a shared vision for the Eagle County community to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in alignment with the recommended targets set forth in the Climate Action Plan for the Eagle County Community, dated December 2016, (the "CAP") (i.e., 25% by 2025 and 80% by 2050 from the 2014 Eagle County baseline inventory), and to collaborate on creating a vibrant, low -carbon regional economy by transforming energy systems, buildings, transportation, waste management, and through coordinated education and outreach strategies. The stakeholders acknowledge that our mountain communities and organizations can do much individually, but can do far more together to shape and benefit from the low -carbon economy of the future. By joining the CAC, the Town of Avon commits to cooperate and participate with other Stakeholders in CAC initiatives, which will eventually be set forth in a memorandum of understanding or other agreement between the members of the CAC. Examples of such initiatives include: A) Leadership: Demonstration of leadership in the mountain region of Colorado by providing a model for how decisive, coordinated local climate action contributes to robust regional economic growth and inspires collective action on GHG emissions that helps protect the natural environment, year-round resilient economy, and overall community health and well-being. B) Coordinated Policies and Programs: Coordination of policy goals and program outcomes that are aligned and complementary to reduce GHG emissions throughout all of the communities in Eagle County. Stakeholders will collaborate on adopting consistent standards, benchmarks, strategies, projects, and overall goals related to community -wide climate action. C) Education and Outreach: Development of messaging and tools for climate action outreach to engage decision makers and the general public in GHG emission reductions activities. Stakeholders will share success stories, challenges, and other related information that supports and enhances GHG emission reduction efforts throughout the Eagle County community. D) Data: Provision of data and information to the CAC as necessary to assist in developing metrics and measurements to calculate GHG emissions and in order to share collective impacts and successes. E) Collaborative Participation and Representation: Work together to develop smart innovative ways to learn from one another and add value, efficiency and effectiveness to existing and future climate action initiatives which will minimize duplication of efforts, with the goal of reducing, not increasing, resource demands to achieve shared objectives. Each stakeholder will provide a designated representative to participate in quarterly collaborative meetings and additional working group meetings. Each representative will have one vote on decisions of the collaborative. Representatives will elect a chairperson and a co -chairperson to serve a mutually agreed term to help guide and support governance of the collaborative group. The collaborative group will work to outline the organizational components of the CAC and create a Memorandum of Understanding establishing the CAC and outlining the organizational components of the CAC. F) Support: Stakeholders, at their individual discretion, may agree to provide financial and/or in- kind contributions to CAC for the purposes such as: 1) overall collaborative strategy and management including partner services, communications, financial administration, and meetings; 2) technical energy efficiency and renewable energy services which directly benefit Stakeholders' buildings and other infrastructure; and 3) coordinated education and outreach strategies and public awareness campaigns to positively impact and engage constituents throughout the Eagle County community will be necessary to achieve Climate Action Plan goals. G) Member Services and Fiscal Agent: In order to gain financial efficiencies and leverage combined resources, the CAC may determine to contract a local non-profit or other entity to provide overall member services support, serve as fiscal administrative agent, and assess and evaluate the performance of the CAC. Contracting parties and funding for any such agreement shall be determined on a case by case basis by the CAC representatives based on available resources. Benefits and Deliverables — As part of the CAC, it is anticipated that Stakeholders will receive and/or have access to: A) Inclusion and recognition in on-going public relations and education and outreach campaigns in both digital and print media. Inclusion in relevant press releases, media events, and other community engagement opportunities to share positive stories about successful accomplishments that support the goals and recommendations in the Climate Action Plan for the Eagle County Community. B) Decision input to CAC governance including providing direction on proposed strategies, programs and policies. Each CAC Stakeholder will have a "seat at the table" to provide guidance, give feedback, set recommendations, and determine the most effective and efficient means to leverage programs and resources for maximum impact. Each CAC Stakeholder will have a vote on all decisions affecting strategy, policies, programs, and annual budgets. C) Technical assistance, training, and best practice information sharing opportunities will be available to each Stakeholder as may be developed and/or expanded through the CAC and partner entities and/or contractors. Technical assistance and training may include residential and commercial building energy saving audits, employee coaching, energy reduction behavior change strategies, and case studies and best practices to reduce GHG pollution and save energy costs. D) Access to financial incentives and grant funding will be provided to CAC Stakeholders as it may be available. Regional collaboration and cooperation of the Stakeholders makes a powerful case to prospective funding partners including philanthropic foundations, individual donors, and other entities that provide financial assistance toward proactive coordinated climate action implementation. The CAC may coordinate applications for grant funding to complement the CAC's annual financial and in-kind membership support, and Stakeholders will have input as to how shared financial resources and other benefits may be best utilized. E) Measurement and metrics data and analysis that may be collected from time to time, such as information on GHG emissions and CAP -related initiatives and trends, will be shared with CAC members as it becomes available. Non -Binding — This Letter of Intent represents the signatory's intent to collaborate for the purposes stated herein. All Stakeholders demonstrating a desire to join the CAC by signing a similar Letter of Intent shall thereafter have an opportunity to cooperate in the creation of a Memorandum of Understanding concerning the future collaborative efforts of the CAC. This Letter of Intent shall have no legal effect, impose no legally binding obligation enforceable in any court of law or other tribunal of any sort, and will not change, influence or create new legal relationships among the Stakeholders. By: Printed name: P, Vt tq �� u V1 G' , r Title: � \ w_�w— Organization: �C�� d Q