TC Resolution 17-19 Approving Form of Trails Easement AgreementA .4 on COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 17-19 APPROVING FORM OF TRAILS EASEMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Avon Town Council has determined that the construction of trails on property adjacent to the Buffalo Ridge development will implement the Avon Trails Master Development Plan; WHEREAS, the construction project will require a permanent easement and Section 2.1 of the Avon Home Rule Charter provides that the Town Council may acquire real property interests and Colorado Revised Statutes section 31-15-101(1)(d) provides that municipalities may acquire and hold real property; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that approval of the attached form of Trails Easement Agreement will promote the health, safety, prosperity, convenience and general welfare of the Avon community by facilitating the construction of planned trails to benefit the public. NOW THEREFORE, the Avon Town Council, hereby RESOLVES to approve the form of the Trails Easement Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit A and further authorizes the Town Attorney and Town Manager to negotiate such terms, conditions and revisions to the form of the Trails Easement Agreement as may be appropriate, and authorizes the Mayor and Town Clerk to execute such Trails Easement Agreements with property owners as necessary to implement the construction of trails on property adjacent or near the Buffalo Ridge residential development. ADOPTED August 22, 2017 by the AVON TOWN COUNCIL r:, N 0 ,O By: Attest: nnie Fancher, Mayor Debbie Hoppe, To- n Cler c0-ORAD0 ;