11-16-2009 Resolution 33 Town of Red Cliff Service AgreementRESOLUTION 33, SERIES OF 2009 TOWN OF RED CLIFF, COLORADO A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF AVON AND THE TOWN OF RED CLIFF FOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE WHEREAS, the Article XIV of the Colorado Constitution, Section 29-1-203 C.R.S., empowers the Town of Red Cliff and the Town of Avon to enter into contracts to provide intergovernmental services and facilities, when so authorized by their respective governing bodies; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon ("TOA") provides vehicle maintenance and repair services and has sufficient experience, personnel and equipment to perform such vehicle repair operations and maintenance services; and WHEREAS, the Town of Red Cliff owns certain motor vehicles, snow removal equipment and other heavy equipment and machinery (collectively referred to as "vehicles"); and WHEREAS, the Town of Red Cliff does not currently have adequate personnel or equipment to perform such vehicle maintenance and repair; and WHEREAS, the Town of Red Cliff and TOA have agreed to combine their personnel, maintenance, supervision and equipment efforts to allow TOA to perform such vehicle maintenance at a rate of $105./hr; and WHEREAS, TOA executed the attached Service Agreement on November 16, 2009, which is incorporated herein as Exhibit "A" and sets forth the terms and conditions for the TOA to perform the vehicle maintenance and repair for the Town of Red Cliff at a rate $105/hr for routine and as needed basis; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF RED CLIFF, COLORADO: The Mayor is authorized to execute on behalf of the Town the attached Service Agreement with the Town of Avon for vehicle maintenance services for routine and as needed basis to ensure the safety of the Town vehicles. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, ADOPTED AND RESOLVED this 16th day of November, 2009. MAYOR 7-11 ATTEST: G TOWN CLERK