PZC Packet 032117 1 Agenda posted on Friday, March third, 2017 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: -Avon Municipal Building, Avon Recreation Center, Avon Public Library, Town of Avon Website www.avon.org Please call 970-748-4023 for questions Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 21, 2017 One Lake Street If you require special accommodation please contact us in advance and we will assist you. You may call David McWilliams at 970-748-4023 or email cmcwilliams@avon.org with any special requests I. Call to Order – 5:00pm II. Roll Call III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Sign Program Amendment and Minor Development Application- 15 Hurd Lane File: SGN17001 and MNR17004 Legal Description: Lot 1/2, Nottingham Station Subdivision Applicant: Robin Oldershaw Summary: Proposed Sign Program Amendment and exterior modifications for Burger King. VI. Major Development Application- 5184 Long Sun Lane – PUBLIC HEARING File: MJR17001 Legal Description: Lot 56, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Applicant: Jeff Manley Summary: Proposal to construct a single family house on a vacant lot in Wildridge. VII. Approval of Meeting Minutes  March 7, 2017 Meeting Minutes VIII. Approval of Record of Decision  Case #MNR16035 Cell Array IX. Staff Updates X. Adjourn March 7, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Burger King, Lot 1-2 Nottingham Station Subdivision Page | 1 Staff Report – Sign Program Amendment and Minor Development Application March21, 2017 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Project Name: SGN17001 and MNR17004 Zoning: Neighborhood Commercial Address: 15 Hurd Lane Location: Prepared By: Lot 1, Nottingham Station David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains one application for consideration by the PZC: 1. SGN17001: Sign Program Amendment for new the Burger King redesign. This application seeks approval for a total of eleven (11) signs in various locations, and is concurrent with a Minor Development Plan application. 2. MNR17004: Minor Development Application to renovate the exterior façade and modify design elements. Summary of Request Robin Oldershaw (the Applicant) is proposing to replace the existing Burger King Sign Program with a new program to modernize the property and adhere to corporate branding efforts. The application, attached as Exhibit A and B, includes a total of eleven (11) signs. Six (6) signs are to remain or be updated at the current proportions, three (3) signs are to be removed, and five (5) signs are to be added to the site. The total square footage is proposed to rise from 144.46 SF (summed from the original permitted total on the Sign Program) to 168.33 SF (summed by adding all applicable signs on the property –note that J is not a sign). The Applicant has demonstrated that all replaced signs match the size of the existing signs. New signs include building logos, building lettering, and informational signs. Concurrent with the Sign Program application is a Minor Development Application. It proposes to remodel the exterior façade – replacing it with stucco and stone; remove the mansard on three sides - replacing with stucco and stone; replace the green mansard with a silver mansard on the north side; update the red parapet band with an illuminated one, and add a cedar-colored panel tower to the south and west elevations over the customer entrances. These applications can be assessed together. Current Sign Program The adopted Sign Program, attached as Exhibit C, demonstrates the currently allowed signs. Note that #3 and #8 are not applicable to the Burger King Site. The sign numbers on the adopted sign program correspond to the numbers on the Sign Design sheet. The drive through menu signs, not included in the original Sign Program’s total square footage, is not taken into account in this report. The original Program includes an applicable condition to this application: “Parking light and signage lights be turned off after hours when all employees leave the premises”. Review Criteria The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing proposed designs: March 7, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Burger King, Lot 1-2 Nottingham Station Subdivision Page | 2 1. The suitability of the improvement, including materials with which the sign is to be constructed and the site upon which it is to be located; 2. The nature of adjacent and neighboring improvements; 3. The quality of the materials to be utilized in any proposed improvement; 4. The visual impact of any proposed improvement, as viewed from any adjacent or neighboring property; 5. The objective that no improvement will be so similar or dissimilar to other signs in the vicinity that values, monetary or aesthetic, will be impaired; 6. Whether the type, height, size and/or quantity of signs generally complies with the sign code, and are appropriate for the project; 7. Whether the sign is primarily oriented to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, and whether the sign is appropriate for the determined orientation. Staff Response: The sign program meets the sign code requirements for high quality construction, and updates the total size to allow for 168.33 square feet of signage. The materials and sign design (exhibit A) meet the Sign Code size standards. T he design is appropriate when viewed based on neighborhood context and surrounding uses. The Sign Program is oriented to vehicular traffic which is appropriate given the auto-orientated nature of the Avon Road and Hurd Lane corner where the signs will be most visible. The sign materials are aluminum, and the signs are either internally lit or unlit. Avon Municipal Code discourages Sign Programs exceeding one (1) square foot of sign area per lineal foot of the portion of building front that is contiguous to the interior space occupied by the individual business. Due to the building’s location and the auto-oriented nature of the site and use, staff considers this a three front building, with 223 feet of lineal frontage. The 168.33 SF proposal meets this criteria. Minor Development Plan Development Standards Section 7.28.090 addresses development standards, and staff selected applicable standards for the PZC’s review. (c) Generally Applicable Design Standards (3) Building Materials and Colors: (i) The use of high quality, durable building materials is required. Exterior walls shall be finished with materials used in a manner sympathetic to the scale and architectural style of the building. (ii) Preferred materials reflect the Town's sub-alpine character such as native stone, wood siding, masonry or timbers. (iii) Indigenous natural or earth tones, such as brown, tan, grey, green, blue or red, in muted, flat colors with an LRV (Light Reflective Value) of sixty (60) or less are required. Staff Response: The proposed materials are an improvement on the existing ones, and include elements that adhere to Avon’s character than the existing ones. The addition of cedar paneling and stucco improves the esthetic. The mansard color has a LRV of 57. (4) Roofs: March 7, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Burger King, Lot 1-2 Nottingham Station Subdivision Page | 3 (i) Pitched roofs, particularly those located over building entrances, shall be oriented such that excessive snow and ice does not accumulate over or drop onto pedestrian walkways, parking areas or drives. Special protection, such as snow fences, shall be required for roofs so oriented. (5) Weather Protection for Pedestrian Areas: (B) Sheltering roofs or building projections for protection from rain, wind, snow and ice shall be provided in areas of pedestrian activity around public/ institutional, commercial and mixed- use buildings, including sheltered entranceways at major entrances and pedestrian-oriented façades along public sidewalks or walkways. Staff Response: The new aluminum canopies will be covered in locations that project over the entrances/walkways, and will provide adequate pedestrian protection in the most necessary areas. (j) Mixed-Use and Nonresidential Design Standards (4) Building Layout and Design: (i) Building design shall be appropriate to the site and a positive element in the architectural character of Avon. Without prescribing a specific architectural style or organization, buildings should provide a sense of proportion and visual balance. (ii) Four-sided Design. The rear and side elevations of new buildings that are visible from public spaces and adjacent buildings shall be designed with equal care and quality as the front or principal face. If a blank wall cannot be avoided, it shall be detailed, painted or landscaped in a manner that renders the wall attractive to pedestrians. Staff Response: The proposal is appropriate to the character of Avon and is a positive development. The design responds well to its use and location within the greater Avon context. While not a new design as stated in the AMC text, this proposal moves the structure towards more bonafide four sided design. (iii) Compatible Design (A) All buildings within a development, including freestanding and accessory buildings, shall be organized around an architectural theme in terms of the character, materials, texture, color and scale of buildings. Themed restaurants, retail chains and other franchise-style architecture shall adjust their standard architectural model to be compatible with a development's architectural character. Staff Response: While removal of the exterior mansard and inclusion of the tower elements constitutes a deviation from the design compatibility of the development as a whole, the proposed changes promote the contemporary design and attractive look of the Town. The design raises the standards of the development as a whole. The removal of the mansard roofs are an integral part of achieving the new look. The application also expands upon the existing stone veneer which maintains a strong tie-in with the existing development. The PZC should carefully consider whether the compatibility elements lost in this application outweigh the overall improvement proposed in the application. (vii) Storefronts and Pedestrian Entrances (A) The first floor of all new buildings shall provide: a pedestrian-friendly environment, with human-scale and natural building materials; extensive storefront windows for display and views into the business; and access directly from adjacent sidewalks. (F) In order to ensure that building entrances are welcoming to pedestrians, easily identifiable and accessible from streets and sidewalks, primary entries shall be clearly visible from the March 7, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Burger King, Lot 1-2 Nottingham Station Subdivision Page | 4 street and accentuated from the overall building facade by: (1) Differentiated roof, awning or portico; (2) Covered walkways or arcades; (3) Projecting or recessed entries from the surrounding building facade; (4) Detailed doors and doorways with transoms, sidelights, trim details and/or framing; (5) Windows within doorways equivalent in size to fifty percent (50%) of door surface area; and (6) Decorative nighttime lighting where appropriate. Staff Response: The application enhances the human-scale of the building and makes it more inviting to pedestrians. The entrances are more defined through roof forms and detailing near the door. The building entrances are visually articulated and easily identifiable from the street. Design Review Criteria According to AMC section 7.16.090, The PZC shall apply the following review criteria for the basis of recommendations and decisions on design review: (1) The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; (2) The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and (3) The design reflects the long range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Recommendation for Case #SGN17001 Staff recommends approving Case #SGN17001 as it meets the requirements of the Sign Code, with the following finding and condition: Finding 1. The Application was reviewed in conformance with Section 15.28, Sign Code, and found to be in conformance with the design review criteria outlined in Section 15.28.070, Avon Municipal Code. Condition 1. Parking light and signage lights be turned off after hours when all employees leave the premises. Recommended Motion: “I move to Approve Case #SGN17001, a Sign Program Amendment application with the finding and condition as recommended by staff.” Staff Recommendation for Case #MNR17004 Staff makes the following recommended findings and conditions on the Minor Development Plan: Findings 1. The proposed Minor Development Plan is compliant with the standards in 7.16.080, Development Plan, and 7.16.090, Design Review; 2. The application is generally compliant with the Design Standards listed in the municipal code; and 3. The loss in compatible elements from the adjacent building are do not constitute a total loss of the architectural theme, and represent a positive improvement for the Town. March 7, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Burger King, Lot 1-2 Nottingham Station Subdivision Page | 5 Condition 1. A Lighting Plan compliant with the Avon Municipal Code will be approved by staff prior to the issuing of any exterior modification permit. Recommended Motion: “I move to Approve Case #MNR17004, a Minor Development application with the finding and condition as recommended by staff.” Exhibits A. Sign Information (Proposed) B. Sign Design (Proposed) C. Sign Information (Existing) D. Site Design Elevations (Proposed and Existing) E. Proposed Color Board F. Parapet Design (Proposed) G. Images of Property and Surrounding Context 3223 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 220 (303) 443-5355 Boulder, Colorado 80303 rvparchitecture.com March 1, 2017 Sign Program Review – Burger King Nottingham Station, 15 Hurd Lane Below is a summary of all signs. These include both the existing to remain and the new proposed ones. The table included on the site plan shows a comparison of the current ones and the proposed ones. South Elevation (91 lineal feet of frontage) 57.07 SF TOTAL FOR SOUTH ELEVATION ‘Flame Grilling Since 1954’ Building Sign. Sign to be mounted on brushed aluminum canopy which is mounted on the building. 3” deep aluminum channel letters with white face and natural aluminum sides. No lighting. Total size is 29.98 s.f. Sign is designated ‘A’ on plans. ‘Taste Is King’ Building Sign. Sign to be mounted directly on building. ½” aluminum letters with brushed aluminum face and clear coat finish. No lighting. Total size is 7.47 s.f. Sign is designated ‘B’ on plans. ‘Burger King’ 60” Diameter Circular Building Sign. Sign to be mounted directly on building. 9” deep aluminum sign with clear face. Face to have yellow, blue, and red logo accents. Sign is internally lit with white LED’s. Total size is 19.62 s.f. Sign is designated ‘C’ on plans. West Elevation (41 lineal feet of frontage) 28.26 S.F. TOTAL FOR WEST ELEVATION ‘Burger King’ 72” Diameter Circular Building Sign. Sign to be mounted directly on building. 9” deep aluminum sign with clear face. Face to have yellow, blue, and red logo accents. Sign is internally lit with white LED’s. Total size is 28.26 s.f. Sign is designated ‘D’ on plans. North Elevation (91 lineal feet of frontage) 22.4 S.F. TOTAL FOR NORTH ELEVATION Existing ‘Burger King’ Building Sign. Sign is channel letters with white face and is mounted on the mansard roof. No lighting. Size is 22.4 s.f. Sign is designated ‘#7’ on plans. No signs on east elevation (41 lineal feet of frontage) Site Signs 1 existing 16 s.f. monument signs and 2 existing menu boards are to remain. 1 existing directional sign (one way/thank you) is to be refaced with no change in size. 1 new clearance sign is being installed. The sign face is 4 s.f. and mounted 9’-‘6” above ground on a 10” aluminum post. 1 new order confirmation unit cabinet and canopy are being installed around the existing order confirmation unit. The cabinet face is approximately 25 s.f. but contains no signage. Exhibit A: Sign Information BK Remodel 15 East Hurd LaneColoradoAvon, Exhibit B: Sign Design FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS2FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935-'-0"2'-0"13’-6”15’-7”10’-9-3/4”11’-2-3/4”10’-0”10’-0”1’-9-1/4”1’-9-1/4”1’-11”1’-4”3’-6”3’-7”1’-3”5’-7-3/4”5’-9-3/4”22’-0-1/2”SQ. FT. TOTAL: 7.472” X 8” X T.B.D.WOOD BLOCKINGBY: OTHERS2” X 8” X T.B.D.WOOD BLOCKINGBY: OTHERS2” X 8” X T.B.D.WOOD BLOCKINGBY: OTHERS2” X 8” X T.B.D.WOOD BLOCKINGBY: OTHERSSQ. FT. TOTAL: 28.26SQ. FT. TOTAL: 19.62SQ. FT. TOTAL: 29.982'-4 1/2"NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIEDBY: AND ORGENERAL CONTRACTOR, THAT THESE ARE CORRECTOWNERSBEFORE ANY FABRICATION TO BEGIN.JIHGFEDCBA“FLAME GRILLED SINCE 1954” CHNL LTRSLARGE FRONT ENTRY CANOPY - ILLUMCANOPY - ILLUMCANOPY - ILLUMCANOPY - ILLUMCLEARANCE BARORDER CONFIRMATION UNIT“TASTE IS KING” ALUN F.C.O. LTRS5’-0” DIA S/F LOGO SIGN6’-0” DIA S/F LOGO SIGN( 1 ) ONE REQUIRED( 1 ) ONE REQUIRED( 1 ) ONE REQUIRED( 1 ) ONE REQUIRED( 1 ) ONE REQUIRED( 2 ) TWO REQUIRED( 1 ) ONE REQUIRED( 1 ) ONE REQUIRED( 1 ) ONE REQUIRED( 1 ) ONE REQUIREDSIGN SCHEDULEABCDEFFGH FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS3FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIEDBY: AND ORGENERAL CONTRACTOR, THAT THESE ARE CORRECTOWNERSBEFORE ANY FABRICATION TO BEGIN. FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS4FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- REQUIREMENTSTotal: _______ AmpsALL BRANCH CIRCUITS SHALL BEDEDICATED TO SIGNS (INCLUDINGGROUND AND NEUTRAL) AND SHALL NOTBE SHARED WITH OTHER LOADS.1 of 120V, 20A Circuits Req’d.2.0BK4016LD-SFGSCALE: 1-1/2” to 1’-0”L.E.D. POWERSUPPLYBRUSHED ALUMINUMFINISH LETTERRETURN & BACKW/ BRUSHEDALUM. TRIM CAP.1st SURFACE SILVER 3M # 3630-121 VINYLON .125” WHITE ACRYLIC FACEWHITE L.E.D. MODULEILLUMINATIONINSIDE LTRS..090 ALUM PLATE BRACKETAMOUNT: (10) TENFOR MOUNTINGPAINTED BRUSHED ALUMSPRAYLAT # 171S “SEMI GLOSS”PLACEMENT AS REQUIREDIN THE FIELD4” X 5” RACEWAYHAND FABRICATEDPAINTED BRUSHEDALUM. FINISHSPRAYLAT #171S “ SEMI GLOSS”SIDE VIEWPRIMARY ELECTRIC LOCK-OUT DISCONNECTPER NEC AND U.L. 48 STANDARDS2-1/2”LETTERS BACK FROMEDGE OF CANOPY @ 2-1/2”7”4”12”SCALE: 1/2” to 1’-0”( 1 ) ONE SET REQUIREDELEVATION OF HOME OF THE WHOPPER (DIMENSIONAL LETTERS)L.E.D. ILLUMINATION SPECIFICATIONS TO FOLLOW.ON/OFFSWITCH @ ENDOF RACEWAY.NOTE: THESE BRACKETS ARE TO BE @ CENTERS OF THE2” X 4” ALUM TUBE STRUTS THAT ARE IN THE CANOPIESINTERIOR. TO USE REQUIRED AMOUNT.THEY ARE ONLY TO BE PLACED WHERE THERE IS A STRUT.10-1/2”2-1/2”2” X 4” REC TUBE ALUMN STRUTS@ INTERIOR OF CANOPY2” X 4” REC TUBE ALUMN STRUTS@ INTERIOR OF CANOPY, SO WHENADDING BRACKETS TO LINE UPOVER THESE STRUTS THEN TO ADD# 10 SHEET METAL SCREWS FORDIRECT FASTENING.063 ALUM SKIN TO COVEROVER THE TOP OF COMPLETEFRAME2” X 4” REC TUBE ALUMN STRUTS@ INTERIOR OF CANOPY2-1/2”10-1/2”EXAMPLE FOR ADDING LETTERS TO CANOPIESN.T.S.NOTE: ACTUAL LOCATION OF CENTERINGLETTERS ON CANOPY WILL BE DEPICTEDON THE ACTUAL SITE ELEVATION.THIS VIEW FOR HIEGHT UP FROMCANOPY, AND LENGTH AWAY FROMEDGE OF FACE OF CANOPY.1’-4 ¼”1’-4 13/16”4’-8 ¼”6’-11 5/16”4’-0 7/8”3’-9 11/16”21’-9 11/16”8 13/16”9 1/8” 9 5/8”LETTERS TO BE 3” DEEPFABRICATED ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION CHANNEL LETTERSWITH .125” WHITE ACRYLIC FACES: APPLIED 3M# 3630-121 SILVER VINYL @ 1st SURFACE.LETTER RETURNS TO BE PAINTED: SPRAYLAT # 171S BRUSHED ALUM. “SEMI GLOSS”WITH BRUSHED ALUM. 1” TRIM CAP RETAINERS.LETTERS TO BE MOUNTED TO A FABRICATED RACEWAY, THEN TO AN ANGLEPLATE BRACKET FOR MOUNTING TO CANOPY.POWER SUPPLIES TO BE IN RACEWAY.SQ. FT. TOTAL: 29.98A FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS5FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935-½”½” ALUM SPACERS1/4” TAPPEDSTUDS TO BACKOF LETTER1/4” BRUSHEDALUM PLATEW/ CLEARCOAT FINISHNOTE:MINIMUM (4) STUDSPER LETTER(TYPICAL INSTALLATION)SCALE: 1-1/2” = 1’-0”SIDE VIEWFRONT LETTER ELEVATION “TASTE IS KING”SCOPE OF WORK:.250 ALUM PLATE (BRUSHED) ROUTED OUT LETTERSTO BE DRILLED & TAPPED ON THE BACK FOR STUDMOUNT OFF THE WALL W/ 1/2” SPACERS.ALL TO BE CLEAR COATED.(FONT: BLOCK BERTHOLD CONDENSED)( 1 ) ONE REQUIREDSCALE: 1” = 1’-0”BK4022FC.TIKBK4022FC.TIK1'-0"7'-1"0'-1"0'-3 3/4"7’-5 3/4”NOTE: REGISTER MARK TO BE USED IN U.S.A.ALL OTHER COUNTRIES TO RECEIVE THE ( SM ) MARKSQ. FT. TOTAL: 7.47B FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS6FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935-’ SINGLE FACE WALL SIGN( 1 ) ONE REQUIREDBK1060CS.20FRONT ELEVATIONSCALE: 3/4”=1’-0”5’-0” CABINET4’-11-1/4”VISUAL OPENING3/8”3/8”5’-0” CABINET4’-11-1/4” VISUAL OPENINGBK SILVER2.5”PAINT (SILVER) - SPRAYLAT MARK-1(BRUSHED ALUMINUM #171S)SEMI GLOSSBLUE 3630-8703RED 3630-33YELLOW 3630-125WHITE 3635-30METAL PAINT FINISHES3-M VINYL COLORS @ 2nd SURFACEBURGER KING 20/20 COLOR KEYBK1060CS.20MEASURES 113 CD/SQ M(33 FOOT LAMBERTS)FROM 30 FT {FOR EACH SIGN}SQ. FT. TOTAL: 19.62C FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS7FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS8FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS9FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- ELEVATION6’ SINGLE FACE WALL SIGNSCALE: 3/4”=1’-0”6’-0” CABINET5’-11-1/4”VISUAL OPENING3/8”6’-0” CABINET5’-11-1/4” VISUAL OPENINGVINYL SEAM3”PAINT (SILVER) - SPRAYLAT MARK-1(BRUSHED ALUMINUM #171S)SEMI GLOSSBLUE 3630-8703RED 3630-33YELLOW 3630-125WHITE 3635-30METAL PAINT FINISHES3-M VINYL COLORS @ 2nd SURFACEBURGER KING 20/20 COLOR KEY( 1 ) ONE REQUIREDBK1072CS.20BK1072CS.20SQ. FT. TOTAL: 28.26D FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS10FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS11FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS17FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- UPON CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE, FEDERAL HEATHENGINEERING DEPT. WILL PROVIDE, FABRICATION DRAWINGSAND ENGINEERED SEAL DRAWINGS IF REQUIRED.“THIS DRAWING IS FOR PRESENTATION ONLY”COLOR REFERENCE:PAINTED BLACKPOLYURETHANE SATIN FINISHPAINTED: BRUSHED ALUMINUM3M# 180C- OPAQUE10 WHITE.RED VINYL-3M # 680CR72 RUBY REDor PAINT TO MATCH PMS 187-C RED SATIN FINISHTOP VIEW4” SQ.4” SQ.9”12”10”8’-0”6” X 4” ALUMSQUARE TUBE2 FONT:½"PRO BLOCK CONDENSEDAPPLIED 3M WHITEVINYL LETTERING2 FONT:½"BLOCK PRO CONDENSEDAPPLIED WHITEVINYL LETTERINGFLAT .063 ALUM FACE PANELS(NOT TO BE PAINTED)EACH SIDE OF POLE COVERPAINTED: TO MATCH PMS 187-CRED GLOSSREDPAINTED: 187-C RED GLOSS W/ WHITE3M # 180C-10 OPAQUE WHITE VINYLPAINTED: 187-C RED SATIN FINISH W/ WHITE3M # 180C-10 OPAQUE WHITE VINYLCORRUGATED FACE PANELSFRONT & BACK OF POLE COVER.ZINCALUME CORRUGATED PANELSW/KYNAR PRE FINISHED BLACK30 YR WARRANTY**** MUST ROTATE****“GRAVITY RETURN”MOUNTING BRACKET8’-0”10” X 10” POLE COVER6” SQUARE TUBE STEEL.250 WALL19.61 WT./FT.10”6”6”2-7/8”NOTE: FOUNDATION FOR THISCLEARANCE BAR TO BE ANCHORBOLT (T.B.D.)NOTE: FOUNDATIONFOR THIS CLEARANCEBAR TO BE ANCHORBOLT (T.B.D.)FRONT VIEW - TECHNICAL SUPPORTSCALE: 1/2” to 1’-0”FRONT VIEW - S-10.1A CLEARANCE BARSCALE: 1/2” to 1’-0”SIDE VIEW - S-10.1A CLEARANCE BARSCALE: 1/2” to 1’-0”9’-0” CLEARANCEOR LOWEST POINT@DRIVE-THRU AREA9’-0” CLEARANCEOR LOWEST POINT@DRIVE-THRU AREANOTE: FOUNDATION FOR THISCLEARANCE BAR TO BE ANCHORBOLT (T.B.D.)BK PART# BK9009.FM.20CLSHIP ONE (1) EXTRA COPY OF WHITE VINYL “THE EASIEST GAME OF LIMBO EVER.” W/ FOOTAGEIN CRATE, AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE ON OPPOSITE SIDE5’-10” COPY +-I( 1 ) ONE REQUIRED FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS18FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS19FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS20FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- 1 ) ONE REQUIREDPART # BK9010FM.OCUTXDFlat Panel Undersideroof materialJ FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS21FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- 9’-0” CLEARANCEFROM BOTTOM OF BUMP BARTO THE GRADEPART # BK9010FM.OCUTXD19”17”5’-6”5’-6”“PRO BLOCK CONDENSED”R FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS22FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- # BK9010FM.OCUTXD2’-0”4”R FHSCVISUAL COMMUNICATIONS23FIONA PAULKRISTAL SEDLAKJC ROBERGESTORE # 99100015 HURD LANEAVON, CO 8162023-41935-1023-41935- # BK9010FM.OCUTXD17”19”R Exhibit C: Sign Information (existing) BK Remodel15 East Hurd LaneColoradoAvon,Exhibit D: Site Design Elevations BK Remodel15 East Hurd LaneColoradoAvon, BK Remodel15 East Hurd LaneColoradoAvon, Exhibit F: Color Board 12” Lektron LED BoardLED Mounting Clips8 ftFront View - 8ft Housing(with End Caps Shown)Iso. View-Corrugation Cap End Cap93.50 in0.38 inTop View - Corrugated Metal Panel2.50 inPrefinishedBK Silver1TOLERANCE: .03FINISH: N/ANOTE: N/AWEIGHT: N/A190-3800BK 20/20 TOP MOUNTPARAPET BAND 2345678DCBAABCD87654321DO NOT SCALEDRAWING SCALE:NTSBSIZENAMEDATEENG APPR.CHECKEDDRAWN TH 1/14/12MATERIAL: N/ADIMENSIONS ARE IN INCHESSHEET1 OF 1COPYRIGHTThis Drawing is the exclusive property of LEKTRON, Inc. Distribution or exhibition of these plans to others is expressly forbidden. © LEKTRON, INC.DWG NO.2020-7-SPEC12.00Iso. View- Inside Corner& Inside Corner CapIso. View- Outside Corner& Outside Corner CapPrefinishedPrefinishedWhitePrefinishedPrefinishedBK Silver.032 AluminumPrefinishedKynar PMS 187.050 AluminumPrefinishedBK Silver 18.00 1.50 16 GAGalvinizedSteel5.38 18inWhitePrefinished TrimA Changes per Ricardos markups050813Exhibit F: Parapet Design Exhibit G: Images of property and surrounding context Image of Burger King from Avon Road. Image of Burger King from Hurd Lane. Image of Nottingham station from Hurd Lane. Exhibit G: Images of property and surrounding context Image from the southwest corner of the property. Night image from southwest corner. Night image from southwest corner. March 21, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 5184 Long Sun Lane Single Family Application - Lot 56 Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Staff Report Case #MJR17001 and #AEC17001 Major Development Plan & Design March 21, 2017 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Project type Major Design & Development Plan Public Hearing Required Legal Description Lot 56, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development (PUD) Address 5184 Long Sun Lane Prepared By David McWilliams, Town Planner Staff Report Overview This staff report contains two applications for consideration by the PZC: 1. Major Development Plan with Design Review for a proposed Single Family residence in Wildridge. 2. Alternative Equivalent Compliance for Landscaping Units and Roof Pitch. Summary of Request Jeffrey Manley (the Applicant) proposes to construct a single family on a currently vacant lot on Long Sun Lane. The Applicant has submitted a Major Design and Development application for the residence at Lot 56, Block 4 of the Wildridge Subdivision, 5184 Long Sun Lane (the Property). The lot is zoned PUD and is permitted to have a duplex. Livable Square Feet Garage (SF) Building Footprint (SF) Site Coverage (SF) Height (feet) 4181.3 1045.5 2539.8 7839.8 32’-7” 7.16.80 Development Plan The purpose of the Development Plan review process is to ensure compliance with the development and design standards and provisions of this Development Code. It is designed to encourage quality development reflective of the goals, policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. 7.16.90 Design Review The purpose of the design review process is to ensure compliance with the development and design standards of the Development Code prior to the issuance of a building permit or concurrent with other required permits and to encourage quality development reflective of the goals and objectives of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Public Notice Notice of the public hearing was published in the March 8 edition of the Vail Daily in accordance with Sec. 7.16.020(d) of the Avon Development Code. Mailed notice is not required for this application type. Staff also placed a small billboard in front of the property alerting the public to the development application. March 21, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 5184 Long Sun Lane Single Family Application - Lot 56 Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Property Description Lot 56 is 1.27 acres on the end of the Long Sun Lane cul-de-sac. The lot’s street frontage is small, and the slope is such that the best views and screening are achieved by the proposed placement of this house. Adjacent developed properties include duplexes and single family homes. Aerial View of 5184 Long Sun Lane and adjacent properties. Planning Analysis Allowed Use and Density: The Property is zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) and is located in the Wildridge Subdivision. Lot 56 was platted from the original Wildridge subdivision in 1979 and has development rights for a duplex. Lot Coverage, Setback and Easements: The applicant is proposing a total of 7,839.8 square feet of impervious coverage (2,539.8 square feet of house, 1,200 square feet of terraces, and 4,100 square feet of driveway), which complies with the maximum fifty percent (50%, or 27,660 square feet) allowed by zoning. The proposed addition is in compliance with the property setbacks and easements. Lot 56 Easements and Setbacks: Lot 56 has traditional Wildridge easements and setbacks. The application is compliant with the applicable requirements. Building Height: The maximum building height permitted for this property is thirty five feet (35’). The applicant is proposing a maximum building height of thirty-two feet seven inches (32’-7”), Easement Setback 10-foot front utility and drainage 25-foot front yard 7.5-foot side utility and drainage 10-foot side 10-foot rear slope and drainage 10-foot rear March 21, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 5184 Long Sun Lane Single Family Application - Lot 56 Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision according to the development plans. An Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) is required during construction to verify compliance at foundation and framing inspections. Parking: The parking requirement is three (3) parking spaces per unit for units over 2,500 square feet. The Applicant is proposing two (2) garage spaces and (1) driveway space. Outdoor Lighting: The Applicant is proposing to use dark sky compliant lighting fixtures (sheet A.0.0) exclusively for outdoor applications that will be compliant with Municipal Code. Snow Storage: The total driveway area for Lot 56 is 4,100 square feet, requiring a minimum of 820 square feet of snow storage. The Applicant is proposing 900 square feet of snow storage on the west side of the driveway. The snow storage area is practical and exceeds the minimum requirement of twenty percent (20%) of the driveway area. Design Standards Analysis Landscaping: The proposed landscape plan meets the minimum landscape area requirements and maximum irrigation area requirements. The total landscape units are not in compliance with code, and an AEC application seeks to modify the requirement, explained below. Aspen, shrubs, perennials, and native sage plantings are proposed surrounding the building, retaining walls, and entrance areas. Irrigation: The application proposes 2,000 square feet of irrigated area on the property, which meets the 20% maximum irrigated area of 4,857 square feet. Building Design, Building Materials and Colors: The primary exterior building materials and colors being proposed are included in a materials board. The materials and colors proposed (‘Exhibit A’) were reviewed for conformance with Sec. 7.28.090(d) Generally applicable Residential Design Standards and 7.28.090(e) Design Standards for the Wildridge Subdivision and determined to be compliant with all applicable design standards. The proposed stain color "Cape Cod Grey 911" will have an estimated Light Reflective Value (LRV) of around fifty (50), where a maximum of sixty (60) is allowed. All materials are of high quality and compliment Avon’s built landscape. The building design requires an AEC to approve the roof pitch, discussed later in this report. Retaining Walls: There is a series of retaining walls proposed on this site. To the west of the driveway, a long four (4) foot wall and a short two (2) foot wall allow the driveway to be level. To the east, two four (4) foot walls provide level ground to for the building. To the north, a four (4) foot wall is proposed below the deck. Engineering analysis is not warranted on walls this size. Roof Material and Pitch: The applicant is proposing two to twelve 2:12 roof pitches for all roofs, and is included in the AEC, below. PZC should consider the whether or not the roof has sufficient roofline modulation to meet code (AMC 7.28.090(d)(3)(i)), which states “all residential buildings shall have pitched roofs with a rise of not less than four (4) inches in twelve (12) inches of distance. Primary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and a twelve-to-twelve (12:12) maximum. Secondary roofs shall have a four-to-twelve (4:12) minimum and metal roofs shall have a three-to- twelve (3:12) minimum. Flat roofs may be permitted as secondary roofs or if the flat roof is consistent with the architectural style of the building.” Design Standards for the Wildridge Subdivision. March 21, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 5184 Long Sun Lane Single Family Application - Lot 56 Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision This section of the Avon Development Code is included for PZC review of the Wildridge- specific design standards to determine whether the application meets the intent and requirements of the code. Some design standards are requirements where the word "shall" is used and other design standards are guidelines where the word "should" is used. Intent: (i) To preserve and enhance the aesthetic qualities of the natural hillsides by designing projects which relate to the slope of the land and minimize the amount of project grading; and (ii) To promote development which is visually compatible with the natural topography of the surrounding area. 1. Building Height on Steep Slopes. Determining building height on steep slopes has frequently resulted in three-story walls on the downhill side that create an overbearing presence on properties below. Therefore, the visual impact of building height and massing on lots with steep slopes shall be reduced by articulating the building facades and creating proportional stories in a multi-story building. Building height will be reduced for buildings or portions of buildings with flat roofs as follows: A. Four-to-twelve (4: 12) roof slopes or greater: thirty-five (35) feet. B. Less than a four-to-twelve (4: 12) roof slope: thirty (30) feet. 2. Building Design: Buildings shall have street-facing architectural details and elements which provide a human scale to the facade. Flat, monotonous facades shall be avoided. A. The design of a structure shall create variety and interest along the street elevation. A significant alteration of the massing and composition (not just the exterior colors and materials) of each house or each townhouse or duplex unit must be accomplished. B. The use of architectural features that increase visual prominence should be avoided. Massive, tall elements, such as two-story entries, turrets and large chimneys, should be avoided. Such elements on the downhill face of the structure are of particular concern. Staff Response: Lot 56’s 2 story facade will not be particularly prominent from surrounding properties. The house is proposed to be tucked against the hill and not very visible from the street. The building’s street face is articulated. There are no unsightly or overly prominent architectural features on the downhill side of the house. The roof AEC is addressed below. Major Development Plan & Design Review - Review Criteria § 7.16.080(f), Development Plan 1. Evidence of substantial compliance with the purpose of the Development Code as specified in §7.04.030, Purposes; Staff Response: The Application is in general compliance with the applicable purposes outlined in the Development Code. 2. Evidence of substantial compliance with §7.16.090, Design Review; Staff Response: This Major Design and Development Plan Application is compliant with the Design Review criteria of the Development Code. Specific deviations from the Development Code are included for Alternative Equivalence Compliance review. The Design Review section seeks quality development and structures that are visually harmonious with their site and surrounding vicinity. Conformance with this code section is discussed below in response to the Design Review criteria. March 21, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 5184 Long Sun Lane Single Family Application - Lot 56 Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision 3. Consistency with the Avon Comprehensive Plan; Staff Response: The site is located in the Wildridge Residential District (District 24 of the Comprehensive Plan). This District includes principles that encourage structures be compatible with one another and in harmony with the natural surroundings. This Application proposes materials, colors, design and landscaping that are consistent with the Goals and Policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. 4. Consistency with any previously approved and not revoked subdivision plat, planned development, or any other precedent plan or land use approval for the property as applicable; Staff Response: The application is in conformance with the accompanying requirements of the PUD zoning. Lot 56 is designated as a 2 unit lot. 5. Compliance with all applicable development and design standards set forth in this Code, including but not limited to the provisions in Chapter 7.20, Zone Districts and Official Zoning Map, Chapter 7.24, Use Regulations, and Chapter 7.28, Development Standards; and Staff Response: In addition to the above-referenced provisions of the Development Code, the Property is subject to the Wildridge PUD standards. The analysis contained in this staff report addresses applicable Development Code and Wildridge PUD standards. 6. That the development can be adequately served by city services including but not limited to roads, water, wastewater, fire protection, and emergency medical services. Staff Response: The Applicant has demonstrated that the proposed development can be served by all Town and special district services. § 7.16.090(f), Design Review 1. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community; or, where redevelopment is anticipated, relates the development to the character of Avon as a whole; Staff Response: The proposed architecture, materials, color palette and landscape is similar in character to other homes in the neighborhood which feature wood and stucco siding, stone wainscot and earth tone colors. Additionally, the landscaping is proposed to consist of a mix of evergreen and shrub species native to the area which is common throughout the neighborhood. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in this Development Code; and Staff Response: The design is either compliant with the development and design standards contained in the Development Code, or seeks an Alternative Equivalent Compliance. 3. The design reflects the long range goals and design criteria from the Avon Comprehensive Plan and other applicable, adopted plan documents. Staff Response: Applicable adopted plans include the Avon Comprehensive Plan and Wildridge-specific provisions of the Development Code. The design has been evaluated for conformance with these plans and staff has determined the proposed design meets the requirements as proposed. March 21, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 5184 Long Sun Lane Single Family Application - Lot 56 Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision 7.16.120 - Alternative Equivalent Compliance Alternative equivalent compliance is a procedure that allows development to meet the intent of the design-related provisions through an alternative design. It is not a general waiver or weakening of regulations; rather, this application procedure permits a site-specific plan that is equal to or better than the strict application of a design standard specified in the Development Code. This procedure is not intended as a substitute for a variance or administrative modification or a vehicle for relief from standards in this Chapter. Alternative compliance shall apply only to the specific site for which it is requested and does not establish a precedent for assured approval of other requests. Applications for alternative equivalent compliance are processed concurrently with the underlying development application for which alternative equivalent compliance with the applicable design standards is desired and shall follow the procedures for such underlying development application. Review Criteria. The PZC shall use the following review criteria as the basis for a decision on an application for alternative equivalent compliance: 1. The proposed alternative achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 2. The proposed alternative achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed alternative results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 4. The proposed alternative imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. AEC Request Specific design components require AECs for PZC consideration: 1. The roof forms are at a 2:12 pitch. The Applicant states that this will reduce the height of the building and enhance the interior. The design also keeps the appearance of the home set into the natural plane by having the major living room/dinging/kitchen roof form mimicking the slope. The Applicant is seeking approval of the lower roof slope as an AEC. Staff Response: Due to the house location, the design achieves the intent of being visually compatible with the natural topography of the surrounding area. With the 2:12 roof, the building aptly compliments the surroundings and does not overpower the landscape. This alternative to the Code guidelines achieves the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, and result in benefits to the community that are equivalent to the standard. Adjacent properties are not impacted any greater than would occur with strict compliance to the Code. 2. The Applicant provided two landscape plans for review. The first shows strict compliance with the landscaping unit requirements of the property (546), and the second includes 416.9 units. The Applicant is hesitant to plant the number required because the lot is very large, 1.27 acres, and the current site is treeless. Even with placing the landscaping in groves and grouping off the neighbors, the Applicant states that the lot looked over-planted, especially when compared to the natural sage filled field the lot is today. Lowering the landscape units required from 546 to 416.9 will give a better setting for the house, make the development look more natural, and reduce the water needed for irrigation. March 21, 2017 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting 5184 Long Sun Lane Single Family Application - Lot 56 Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision Staff Response: The size of the lot and the location of the house in the center of the lot, presents challenges for design. The lot’s features create a feeling of over -landscaping when the development standards are strictly applied. The reduction in landscaping units and the corresponding landscape plan (Sheet A.1.2.2) achieve the intent of the landscaping code to the same degree as the standard. The Landscaping Plan achieves the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, and results in community benefits that are better than the standard. The alternative does not pose a greater impact to surrounding properties than the landscaping code. Staff Recommendation for AEC17001 Alternative Equivalent Compliance: Staff recommends approving the Alternative Equivalent Compliance application for Lot 56, Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision with the following findings: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review, and §7.16.120 Alternative Equivalent Compliance. 2. The proposed roof design and landscaping plan achieves the intent of the subject design or development standard to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 3. The proposed roof design and landscaping achieves the goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan to the same or better degree than the subject standard; 4. The proposed roof design and landscaping results in benefits to the community that are equivalent to or better than compliance with the subject standard; and 5. The proposed roof design and landscaping imposes no greater impacts on adjacent properties than would occur through compliance with the specific requirements of this Title. Recommended Motion: “I move to approve Case #AEC17001, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for Lot 56, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings recommended by staff.” Staff Recommendation for MJR17001 Major Design & Development Plan: Staff recommends approving the Major Development Plan application for Lot 56, Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision with the following findings and conditions: Findings: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, §7.16.090(f), Design Review. 2. The design meets the development and design standards established in the Avon Development Code. 3. The design relates the development to the character of the surrounding community. 4. The design reflects the long range goals and design criteria of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Recommended Motion: “I move to approve Case #MJR17001, an application for Major Design and Development Plan for Lot 56, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision together with the findings recommended by staff.” Exhibits A. Color and Material Board B. Plan Set (dated 3-6-17) C. AEC Request Date: 03-06-2017 EXTERIOR COLORS: Roofing: Standing Seam alum roofing. 13” spacing. Pac-Clad cool color (SRV 25) Color: Charcoal Flashing and Gutters: Paint lock aluminum Color: Charcoal Typical Vertical Siding: 1X8 Siding, Ship-lapped or T&G (rough sawn finish) Color: Porter semi-transparent, 905 Cinder Typical Horizontal Siding: (typical) 1X10 Siding, Ship-lapped (rough sawn finish) Color: Porter semi-transparent, Capecod Gray 911 Timber Columns, Fascia, and Belly Band: Rough sawn texture 2x6 and 2X10 Fascia Trim 2X12 Belly Band Color: Porter semi-transparent, 905 Cinder Windows: Alum Clad windows & doors Color: Black Drive: Asphalt drive Entry walks, steps, and terrace: Gray color, larger cut rectilinear shapes, Kandla gray Stone Veneer: Stone material are to match image Dry stack, rectilinear shapes. 3” Gray sandstone wall caps, bands, lintels Drip Thru Deck: NewTechWood: UltraShield Naturale Cortes 1 in. x 6 in. x 16 ft. Roman Antique Solid Composite Decking Board with concealed fasteners Charcoal Black Cinder 905 Capecod Gray 911 Exhibit A DN N 09°18'42" W - 128.20'N 11°39'59" E - 271.87'S 58 °13'16" E - 214.60'S 27°00'43" W - 362.00'∆=97°13'06" R=45.00' L=76.36' ChB=N50°42'09"W ChL=67.52' DECK OUTLINE OF DUPLEX INDICATES A DECIDUOUS TREE INDICATES AN EVERGREEN TREE EDGE OF PLOWED DRIVEWAY EDGE OF PLOWED ROADWAY ELECTRIC TRANS. WALL CATV PED. PHONE PED. BEL L Y A C H E R I D G E C O R D I L L E R A S P A GOLD DUST PEAKMT. JACKSONBEAVER CREEK12 3 4 5 RIDGE HEIGHT 8553.8' RIDGE HEIGHT 8549.6' RIDGE HEIGHT FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 1_ 2 " ALUMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 1_ 2 " ALUMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 5447 ELEVATION = 8491.50' (BASIS OF ELEVATIONS) FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 P.L.S. No. 5447 1.27 ACRES 5184 LONGSUN LANE LOT 57 LOT 56 LOT 88 LONGSUN LANE (50' R.O.W.) LOT 88LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1WESTERN SAGE DEVELOPMENTBUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK 10' SLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE AND SNOW STORAGE EASEMENT NON-DEVELOPABLE AREA UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT 1 0'-0 "7'-6" 7'-6"10'-0"10'-0" 10'-0"25'-0"94.33 98 96 94 95 93.5 9 60002 04 06 08 10 PH TV 8560' 8550' 8540' 8530' 8520' 8510' 8500' 8498' 8496' 8494' 8518' 8508' 8510' - 6" 8510' - 11 7/8" gas meter (NOT IN DRIP LINE)elec./phone/cablemeter closet8532' 8534' 8536' 8534' 8536' 8530' 8526' 8524' 8522' 8516' 8512'8510' 8520' 8506' 8504' 8502' 8514' ORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING ON PROPERTY LINE OF EAST AND WEST AND AS SHOWN ON NORTH. SILT FENCING TO BE AT THE FENCE LOCATIONS ON THE LOWER SIDE OF THE SITE OT WATER FLOW AREAS ORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING ZONING INFORMATION Lot Area = 1.27 acres = 55321.2 s.f. MAX LOT COVERAGE 50% = 27,660.6 S.F. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area = 13,830.3 s.f. Proposed undisturbed natural area = 23,196 S.F. Proposed Lot coverage by building = 2539.8 s.f. (.046%) Proposed Impervious area: Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =2539.8 s.f. Proposed driveway area = 4100 s.f. Proposed terraces (not covered by building above)= 1200 s.f. = 7839.8 s.f. total (.14%) Proposed Landscape area = 47,481.4 s.f. (86% >25 % min) (of that 23,196 S.F. is undisturbed natural area) Proposed Landscape area for calculating landscape units and irrigation (Lot area=55321.2 s.f.) -7839.8 s.f. (impervious area) -23,196 s.f. (undisturbed) = 24,285.2 s.f. Density = Single family on a lot zoned for a duplex residence Maximum Height = 35'. Proposed Max Ridge height = 32'-7" Parking Requirements: 3 spaces Drive area: 4100 s.f. Snow Storage: 20 % of 4100 s.f. Drive = 820 s.f. of required snow storage Proposed snow storage 900 s.f. Exterior Lighting: Dark sky compliant,970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:48 PMA0.0COVER17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION 1" = 20'-0"1 OVERALL SITE PLAN True North Project North 5184 LONGSUN LANE LOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION AVON COLORADO 81620 PLANNING AND ZONING SET 3-6-17 PROJECT INFORMATION Single Family Residence Owner: Mark Single 3501 W 17th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 Location: 5184 Longsun Lane Avon, Colorado 81620 Lot 56, Block 4 Wildridge Subdivision Parcel #:1943-352-04-012 Class of Work: New Type of Construction: Type V-N Type of Occupancy: R3 Levels: 1-story +basement Sprinkler: NO Architect:Martin Manley Architects Jeffrey P Manley AIA PO Box 1587 Eagle, CO 81631 970.328.5151 jeff@martinmanleyarchitects.com Contractor: Saltbox Construction Nick Salter PO Box 3211 105 EDWARDS VILLAGE BLVD UNIT C-210 EDWARDS, CO 81632-3211 Structural Engineer: Survevor:Gore Range Surveying Geotech:HPGeotech No.DescriptionDateDesigners Fountain LED 32611-BNB Burnished Dark Sky compliant exterior sconce. 9 fixtures (see building elevations for locations) Note: (2) recessed can lights at entry door alcove 1/4" = 1'-0" ZONING Sheet List Sheet Number Sheet Name A0.0 COVER A0.1 AREA CALC A1.1 SITE PLAN A1.2.1 LANDSCAPE PLAN A1.2.2 LANDSCAPE PLAN REDUCED A1.3 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT A2.0 LOWER LEVEL PLAN A2.1 MAIN LEVEL PLAN A2.2 ROOF PLAN A3.0 ELEVATIONS A3.1 ELEVATIONS Exhibit B: Plan Sets UP DN W D DW 1494.3 SF Lower Level Area 1045.5 SF Garage 2687 SF Main Level Area 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:50 PMA0.1AREA CALC17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION 1/8" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 1/8" = 1'-0"2 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL Area Schedule (Gross Building) Name Area Lower Level Area 1494.3 SF Main Level Area 2687 SF Grand total: 2 4181.3 SF No.DescriptionDate UPN 09°18'42" W - 128.20'N 11°39'59" E - 271.87'S 27°00'43" W - 362.00'∆=97°13'06"R=45.00'L=76.36'ChB=N50°42'09"WChL=67.52'DECKOUTLINE OFDUPLEXINDICATES ADECIDUOUS TREEINDICATES ANEVERGREEN TREEOF PLOWEDDRIVEWAYEDGE OF PLOWEDROADWAYELECTRIC TRANS.BELLYACHE RIDGECORDILLERA SPAGOLD DUST PEAKMT. JACKSONBEAVER C R E E K 12345RIDGE HEIGHT8553.8'RIDGE HEIGHT8549.6'FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITHA 11_2" ALUMINUM CAPP.L.S. No. 5447 No. 5 REBAR WITH" ALUMINUM CAPP.L.S. No. 5447VATION = 8491.50'S OF ELEVATIONS)1.27 ACRES5184 LONGSUN LANELOT 5LOT 56LONGSUN LANE(50' R.O.W.)BUILDING SETBACK10' SLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE ANDSNOW STORAGE EASEMENTUTILITY & DRAINAGEEASEMENT7'-6"7'-6"10'-0"10'-0"10'-0"25'-0"94.3398969593.59698000204060810T.O. WALLB.O. WALL4'8504'8500'T.O. WALLB.O. WALL2'8508'8506'8550'8540'8530'8520'8510'8500'8498'8496'8494'8518'8508'8523' - 8 1/16"8510' - 6"8510' - 11 7/8"gas meter(NOT IN DRIP LINE)elec./phone/cablemeter closet8532'8534'8536'8534'8536'8532'8530'8528'8526'8524'8522'8516'8514'8512'8510'8520'8506'8504'8502'8500'8498'T.O. WALLB.O. WALL4'8504'8500'8514'entry door8511' - 0"8511' - 6"8511' - 5 3/4"top of finishtop of slab8511'-2 3/4"8511' - 3"top of finishat step/platform8511' - 6"8511' - 6"fin. grade outside window8514'-0" T.O. WALLB.O. WALL4'8514'8518'T.O. WALLB.O. WALL4'8520'8524'8522'8524'8526'8528'8512'8518'8516'8514'8512'8510'8508'8506'8498'8496'8498'8496'5°at 4% slope 20' - 0"D R I V E A T 1 0 % S L O P E 6% TO 5% SLOPEAT CURVE35'-0" (3% SLOPE AT AUTO COURT)DECK8523' - 8 1/2"top of finishtop of finish8523'-8 1/2"8523' - 6"TOP OF SUBFLOOR8523' - 8 3/4"8523' - 6"TOP OF SUBFLOORtop of slab8523'-5 3/4"top of finishtop of finishLOWER LEVELMAIN LEVELLOWER LEVELMAIN LEVELTOP OF SUBFLOOR8523' - 6"8523' - 3"8523' - 6 1/8"8523' - 3"GARAGE DOOR18' - 0"GARAGE DOOR9' - 0"14' - 0"35' - 0 1/4"12' - 0"19' - 5 11/16"FIRE PITSTUB FOR GAS(FIRE PIT AND GRILLE)HOT TUB POWER DISCONNECTT.O. WALLB.O. WALL3'8498'8495'T.O. WALLB.O. WALL3'8500'8597'8504'8502'8500'REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT FOR WORK DONE BETWEEN PROPERTY LINE AND STREET14' - 0"4'-0".T.O. WALLB.O. WALL4'8522'8518'ORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCINGON PROPERTY LINE OF EAST AND WESTAND AS SHOWN ON NORTH. SILT FENCING TO BE AT THE FENCE LOCATIONS ON THE LOWER SIDE OF THE SITE OT WATER FLOW AREAS 900 S.F. SNOW STORAGEAREA OF DRIVE = 4100 S.F.20% SNOW STORAGE=820 S.F.2 of these trees are on lot 56ORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:51 PMA1.1SITE PLAN17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION 1" = 10'-0"1A0.0 SITE PLANTrueNorthProjectNorthNo.DescriptionDate UPN 09°18'42" W - 128.20'N 11°39'59" E - 271.87'S 27°00'43" W - 362.00'INDICATES ADECIDUOUS TREEINDICATES ANEVERGREEN TREEEDGE OF PLOWEDROADWAYELECTRIC TRANS.BELLYACHE RIDGECORDILLERA SPAGOLD DUST PEAKMT . JACKSONBEAVER C R E E K 12345RIDGE HEIGHT8553.8'5 REBAR WITHUMINUM CAP.S. No. 5447N = 8491.50' ELEVATIONS)1.27 ACRES5184 LONGSUN LANELOT 56LONGSUN LANE(50' R.O.W.)BUILDING SETBACKUTILITY & DRAINAGEEASEMENT7'-6"10'-0"10'-0"10'-0"25'-0"94.3398969593.596980002040608108540'8530'8520'8510'8508'8523' - 8 1/16"8510' - 11 7/8"gas meter(NOT IN DRIP LINE)elec./phone/cablemeter closet8532'8534'8536'8534'8536'8532'8530'8522'8516'8514'8512'8510'8506'8504'8502'8500'8498'8514'entry door8511' - 0"8511' - 6"8511' - 5 3/4"top of finishtop of slab8511'-2 3/4"8511' - 3"top of finishat step/platform8511' - 6"8511' - 6"fin. grade outside window8514'-0" 8522'8524'8526'8528'8512'8518'8516'8514'8512'8510'8508'8506'8498'8496'8498'8496'5°at 4% slope 20' - 0"D R I V E A T 1 0 % S L O P E DECK8523' - 8 1/2"top of finishtop of finish8523'-8 1/2"8523' - 6"TOP OF SUBFLOOR8523' - 8 3/4"8523' - 6"TOP OF SUBFLOORtop of slab8523'-5 3/4"top of finishtop of finishLOWER LEVELMAIN LEVELLOWER LEVELMAIN LEVELTOP OF SUBFLOOR8523' - 6"8523' - 3"8523' - 6 1/8"8523' - 3"GARAGE DOOR18' - 0"GARAGE DOOR9' - 0"FIRE PITSTUB FOR GAS(FIRE PIT AND GRILLE)8504'8502'8500'REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT FOR WORK DONE BETWEEN PROPERTY LINE AND STREET14' - 0"ORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCINGON PROPERTY LINE OF EAST AND WESTAND AS SHOWN ON NORTH. SILT FENCING TO BE AT THE FENCE LOCATIONS ON THE LOWER SIDE OF THE SITE OT WATER FLOW AREAS 2 of these aspen trees are on lot 56CSQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQACSCSCSCSCSCSCSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLCECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECEHOT TUBGROUND COVERNATURAL REVEGNATURAL REVEGNATURAL REVEGNATURAL REVEGThese 2 evergreen trees are existing on lot 56ORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCINGLandscape and Irrigation table Lot Area = 1.27 acres = 55321.2 s.f. MAX LOT COVERAGE 50% = 27,660.6 S.F. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area = 13,830.3 s.f. Proposed undisturbed natural area = 23,196 S.F. Proposed Lot coverage by building = 2539.8 s.f. (.046%) Proposed Impervious area: Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =2539.8 s.f. Proposed driveway area = 4100 s.f. Proposed terraces (not covered by building above)= 1200 s.f. = 7839.8 s.f. total (.14%) Proposed Landscape area = 47,481.4 s.f. (86% >25 % min) (of that 23,196 S.F. is undisturbed natural area) Proposed Landscape area for calculating landscape units and irrigation (Lot area=55321.2 s.f.) -7839.8 s.f. (impervious area) -23,196 s.f. (undisturbed) = 24,285.2 s.f. Max Irrigarion area = 20% of 24,285.2 s.f. = 4,857.04 s.f. Proposed Drip Irrigation area = 2000 s.f. Landscape Units = 24,285.2 s.f. / 50 s.f. per unit = 485.7 or 486 units 25% Landscape Units to be provided be trees = 25% of 486 units =121 units by trees Landscape Material (trees)New Existing retained Units Deciduous 2.5" -4 caliper/clump = 7 units per tree X 50 =350 9 units per tree X 2 =18 368 units Evergreen 8'-10' high =8 units per tree X 8 =64 11 units per tree X 2=22 86 units Landscape Material (shrubs)New Existing retained Units Shrubs, #5 = 1 unit per shrub X40 =40 1.2 units per shrub X 0 =0 40 units Perennial Ground covers Units 1 unit per 400 s.f. 1600 s.f. proposed / 400 s.f.=4 units 4 units Hardscape Material Units Awarded calculation Units Shredded Bark (mulch at planting beds)1/500 s.f. 1000 s.f. planting bed area/500 =2 2 Units subtotal 500 units Retained Existing Vegitation Mass Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 300+ square feet of native Vegetation 10% Proposed Undisturbed Native vegitation Area = 23,196 s.f.< 300 s.f. Bonus to be applied 10 % of 500 units =50 50 units Total Landscape Units Proposed (546 required)550 units QA Deciduous Trees Count QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) 2.5" to 4" CAL. Size 50 50 Symbol Name Deciduous Shrubs LL DWARF KOREAN LILAC (SYRINGA MEYERI 'PALABIN') 5" GAL.24 40 CE 5" GAL.16COTONEASTER DAMMERI CORAL BEAUTY (COTONEASTER DAMMERI) GC Perennial Ground covers 1600 square feet of cover. CS Conifer Trees 8'-10' tall 8 8 Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens) Mulched Areas SHREDDED BARK MULCHED AREA -AROUND TREES AND SHRUBS NOT COVERED BY GROUND COVER Natural Grass Areas (reveg) MIX OF GRASSES AND FESCUE SEED. ARKANSAS VALLEY SEED COMPANY, NATIVE LOW GROW MOUNTAIN MIX.A SPRAY MIX OF FERTILIZER AND SEED WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS OF THE SITE AND BE TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATED. MULCH NG Temporary Drip Irrigation as needed to establish GROUND COVER NATURAL GRASS AREA THAT COULD BE MOWED IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AT TREES OF 580 S.F. AND SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,600 S.F. SNOW IN SUMMER, STONECROP, CREEPING PHLOX, NATIVE LOW -GROW GRASSES, ROCKY MTN. FESCUE 1000 square feet of cover.970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:52 PMA1.2.1LANDSCAPE PLAN17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION 1" = 10'-0"1A0.3 LANDSCAPE PLANTrueNorthProjectNorth 1/4" = 1'-0" LANDSCAPE UNITS 1" = 10'-0" PLANT LEGEND No.DescriptionDate UPN 09°18'42" W - 128.20'N 11°39'59" E - 271.87S 27°00'43" W - 362.00'INDICATES ADECIDUOUS TREEINDICATES ANEVERGREEN TREEEDGE OF PLOWEDROADWAYELECTRIC TRANS.BELLYACHE RIDGECORDILLERA SPAGOLD DUST PEAKMT. JACKSONBEAVER C R E E K 12345RIDGE HEIGHT8553.8'No. 5 REBAR WITH" ALUMINUM CAPP.L.S. No. 5447TION = 8491.50' OF ELEVATIONS)1.27 ACRES5184 LONGSUN LANELOT 56LONGSUN LANE(50' R.O.W.)BUILDING SETBACKUTILITY & DRAINAGEEASEMENT7'-6"10'-0"10'-0"10'-0"25'-0"94.3398969593.596980002040608108540'8530'8520'8510'8508'8523' - 8 1/16"8510' - 11 7/8"gas meter(NOT IN DRIP LINE)elec./phone/cablemeter closet8532'8534'8536'8534'8536'8532'8530'8522'8516'8514'8512'8510'8506'8504'8502'8500'8498'8514'entry door8511' - 0"8511' - 6"8511' - 5 3/4"top of finishtop of slab8511'-2 3/4"8511' - 3"top of finishat step/platform8511' - 6"8511' - 6"fin. grade outside window8514'-0" 8522'8524'8526'8528'8512'8518'8516'8514'8512'8510'8508'8506'8498'8496'8498'8496'5°at 4% slope 20' - 0"D R I V E A T 1 0 % S L O P E DECK8523' - 8 1/2"top of finishtop of finish8523'-8 1/2"8523' - 6"TOP OF SUBFLOOR8523' - 8 3/4"8523' - 6"TOP OF SUBFLOORtop of slab8523'-5 3/4"top of finishtop of finishLOWER LEVELMAIN LEVELLOWER LEVELMAIN LEVELTOP OF SUBFLOOR8523' - 6"8523' - 3"8523' - 6 1/8"8523' - 3"GARAGE DOOR18' - 0"GARAGE DOOR9' - 0"FIRE PITSTUB FOR GAS(FIRE PIT AND GRILLE)8504'8502'8500'REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT FOR WORK DONE BETWEEN PROPERTY LINE AND STREET14' - 0"ORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCINGON PROPERTY LINE OF EAST AND WESTAND AS SHOWN ON NORTH. SILT FENCING TO BE AT THE FENCE LOCATIONS ON THE LOWER SIDE OF THE SITE OT WATER FLOW AREAS 2 of these aspen trees are on lot 56CSQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQAQACSCSCSCSCSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLCECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECEHOT TUBGROUND COVERNATURAL REVEGNATURAL REVEGNATURAL REVEGNATURAL REVEGThese 2 evergreen trees are existing on lot 56ORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCINGLandscape and Irrigation table Lot Area = 1.27 acres = 55321.2 s.f. MAX LOT COVERAGE 50% = 27,660.6 S.F. Minimum Landscape Area Allowed = 25% of Lot Area = 13,830.3 s.f. Proposed undisturbed natural area = 23,196 S.F. Proposed Lot coverage by building = 2539.8 s.f. (.046%) Proposed Impervious area: Proposed Lot coverage by building/footprint =2539.8 s.f. Proposed driveway area = 4100 s.f. Proposed terraces (not covered by building above)= 1200 s.f. = 7839.8 s.f. total (.14%) Proposed Landscape area = 47,481.4 s.f. (86% >25 % min) (of that 23,196 S.F. is undisturbed natural area) Proposed Landscape area for calculating landscape units and irrigation (Lot area=55321.2 s.f.) -7839.8 s.f. (impervious area) -23,196 s.f. (undisturbed) = 24,285.2 s.f. Max Irrigarion area = 20% of 24,285.2 s.f. = 4,857.04 s.f. Proposed Drip Irrigation area = 2000 s.f. Landscape Units = 24,285.2 s.f. / 50 s.f. per unit = 485.7 or 486 units 25% Landscape Units to be provided be trees = 25% of 486 units =121 units by trees Landscape Material (trees)New Existing retained Units Deciduous 2.5" -4 caliper/clump = 7 units per tree X 30 =245 9 units per tree X 2 =18 263 units Evergreen 8'-10' high =8 units per tree X 6 =48 11 units per tree X 2=22 70 units Landscape Material (shrubs)New Existing retained Units Shrubs, #5 = 1 unit per shrub X40 =40 1.2 units per shrub X 0 =0 40 units Perennial Ground covers Units 1 unit per 400 s.f. 1600 s.f. proposed / 400 s.f.=4 units 4 units Hardscape Material Units Awarded calculation Units Shredded Bark (mulch at planting beds)1/500 s.f. 1000 s.f. planting bed area/500 =2 2 Units subtotal 379 units Retained Existing Vegitation Mass Bonus Landscape Units Awarded 300+ square feet of native Vegetation 10% Proposed Undisturbed Native vegitation Area = 23,196 s.f.< 300 s.f. Bonus to be applied 10 % of 379 units =37.9 37.9 units Total Landscape Units Proposed (546 required)AEC TO REDUCE 416.9 units QA Deciduous Trees Count QUAKING ASPEN (POPULUS TREMULOIDES) 2.5" to 4" CAL. Size 50 50 Symbol Name Deciduous Shrubs LL DWARF KOREAN LILAC (SYRINGA MEYERI 'PALABIN') 5" GAL.24 40 CE 5" GAL.16COTONEASTER DAMMERI CORAL BEAUTY (COTONEASTER DAMMERI) GC Perennial Ground covers 1600 square feet of cover. CS Conifer Trees 8'-10' tall 8 8 Colorado Spruce (Picea pungens) Mulched Areas SHREDDED BARK MULCHED AREA -AROUND TREES AND SHRUBS NOT COVERED BY GROUND COVER Natural Grass Areas (reveg) MIX OF GRASSES AND FESCUE SEED. ARKANSAS VALLEY SEED COMPANY, NATIVE LOW GROW MOUNTAIN MIX.A SPRAY MIX OF FERTILIZER AND SEED WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS OF THE SITE AND BE TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATED. MULCH NG Temporary Drip Irrigation as needed to establish GROUND COVER NATURAL GRASS AREA THAT COULD BE MOWED IRRIGATION NOTE: 1 ALL RESEEDED AREAS ARE TO TEMPORARY DRIP IRRIGATION 2 THE GROUND COVER AND PLANTING BEDS ARE TO RECIEVE PERMANENT MICRO SPRAY AND DRIP IRRIGATION TOTAL OF PERMANENT DRIP AT TREES OF 580 S.F. AND SPRAY IRRIGATION AREA OF 1,600 S.F. SNOW IN SUMMER, STONECROP, CREEPING PHLOX, NATIVE LOW-GROW GRASSES, ROCKY MTN. FESCUE 1000 square feet of cover.970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:53 PMA1.2.2LANDSCAPE PLAN REDUCED17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISIONNo.DescriptionDate 1" = 10'-0"1A0.3 LANDSCAPE PLAN -AEC REDUCEDTrueNorthProjectNorth 1/4" = 1'-0" LANDSCAPE UNITS AEC reduced LANDSCAPE NUMBER 1" = 10'-0" PLANT LEGEND AEC TO REDUCE TO 30 AEC TO REDUCE TO 6 DN N 09°18'42" W - 128.20'N 11°39'59" E - 271.87'S 58 °13'16" E - 214.60'S 27°00'43" W - 362.00'∆=97°13'06" R=45.00' L=76.36' ChB=N50°42'09"W ChL=67.52' DECK OUTLINE OF DUPLEX INDICATES A DECIDUOUS TREE INDICATES AN EVERGREEN TREE EDGE OF PLOWED DRIVEWAY EDGE OF PLOWED ROADWAY ELECTRIC TRANS. WALL CATV PED. PHONE PED. RIDGE HEIGHT 8553.8' RIDGE HEIGHT 8549.6' RIDGE HEIGHT FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 1_ 2" ALUMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 5447 FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 1_ 2 " ALUMINUM CAP P.L.S. No. 5447 ELEVATION = 8491.50' (BASIS OF ELEVATIONS) FOUND No. 5 REBAR WITH A 1 P.L.S. No. 5447 1.27 ACRES 5184 LONGSUN LANE LOT 57 LOT 56 LOT 88 LONGSUN LANE (50' R.O.W.) LOT 88LOT 4 LOT 3 LOT 2 LOT 1WESTERN SAGE DEVELOPMENTBUILDING SETBACK BUILDING SETBACK 10' SLOPE MAINTENANCE, DRAINAGE AND SNOW STORAGE EASEMENT NON-DEVELOPABLE AREA UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT UTILITY & DRAINAGE EASEMENT 10 '-0"7'-6" 7'-6"10'-0"10'-0" 10'-0"25'-0"94.33 98 96 94 95 93.5 9 6 0 0 02 04 06 08 10 PH TV gas meter (NOT IN DRIP LINE)elec./phone/cablemeter closetORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING ON PROPERTY LINE OF EAST AND WEST AND AS SHOWN ON NORTH. SILT FENCING TO BE AT THE FENCE LOCATIONS ON THE LOWER SIDE OF THE SITE OT WATER FLOW AREAS REVOCABLE RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT FOR WORK DONE, GRADING, AND DRIVE BETWEEN PROPERTY LINE AND STREET s i l t f e n c esi lt fencesilt fenceDUMPSTER CONSTRUCTION PARKING IN CUL-DE-SAC AND IN DRIVE TOILET STOCK PILE OF SOIL IN THIS AREA MATERIAL STAGING TO OCCUR IN DRIVE AND WITHIN GARAGE JOB SIGN ORANGE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE FENCING ELECELECELEC ELEC970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:54 PMA1.3CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISIONNo.DescriptionDate 1" = 20'-0"1 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT True North Project North UP A3.0 A3.1 A3.12 A3.0 1 1 2 12' - 3 1/2"12' - 5 1/2"23' - 0"13' - 0"9' - 0"9' - 11 1/2"5' - 2"CUBBIES MUD ROOM RESIDENT COATS ROOM TRASH RECYCLE BINS9"10' - 0"25' - 0"HIGH WINDOWS (EYE LEVEL) 34' - 5"23' - 5"21' - 5"gas meter (NOT IN DRIP LINE)elec./phone/cablemeter closetstorage room location for mechanical equipment everyday quick- grab cubbies/hooksski and snowboard pegs/rack60" hanging(50-75 jackets)CUBBIES AND SHOE SHELVES3' - 6"5' - 8"10' - 7"4' - 5 1/2"10' - 4"5' - 6"1' - 1 1/2"1' - 1 1/2"9' - 8"14' - 4 1/2"14' - 6"11' - 2 1/2"7' - 0"2' - 7"10' - 2 1/2"15' - 0 1/2" 1' - 1 1/2" ENTRY FAMILY ROOM BEDROOM #3 BEDROOM #4 STAIR2' - 0"6' - 0"7' - 8 1/2"8' - 2"1' - 1 1/2"8511' - 6" 8517' - 7 1/2"13' - 0"8' - 0"13' - 0"8' - 3 3/4" 8511' - 0" 8510' - 6" GARGE (1031 S.F.)0.24:1245' - 0"9' - 11 1/2"31' - 0 1/2"5' - 0"10' - 7 7/8"2' - 7" STACK W/D 9' - 10"5' - 0"9' - 6"30' - 2"17' - 0"14' - 6" 86' - 0" art 2' - 1 1/2"2' - 1 1/2"7' - 6"9' - 10"1' - 1 1/2" 3' - 0"10' - 8" 9"2' - 3"13' - 5 1/16"2' - 0"18' - 4"2' - 0"12' - 6"25' - 2"3' - 6"3' - 2"8' - 4"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:54 PMA2.0LOWER LEVEL PLAN17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION 1/4" = 1'-0"1 A1.0 LOWER LEVEL True North Project North No.DescriptionDate UP DN W D DW A3.0 A3.1 A3.12 A3.0 1 1 2 14' - 6 1/2"4' - 0"6' - 0"10' - 6"16' - 0"14' - 6"45' - 0"17' - 0"6' - 7"10' - 10 1/2"7' - 6 1/2"art #1 art #2 art #3art #416' - 6"13' - 6"9' - 10"14' - 6"30' - 2"17' - 0"14' - 6"25' - 0"10' - 0"art #5 LINEN17' - 2" 15' - 1" CUBBIES CUBBIES BUILT-IN DRESSER 4' - 3 3/4"4' - 3 3/4"dresser or more hanging3' - 6"3' - 6"3' - 10 1/2"2' - 0"5' - 9"12' - 9 1/2"2' - 7"6' - 9"1' - 4"4' - 11"full length mirrorbelt cab medicine cab 9' - 6"20' - 6 1/2"6' - 5 1/2"tvart #6 art #7 31' - 0 1/2"under counter beverage ref.sheltered outdoor living area deck with views south and west broom closet cabinetcoffee barWORK ALCOVE home management center feature wall 36" range 42" ref10' - 2"6' - 4"6' - 1"9' - 6"micro w/ oven below22' - 5"6' - 10"12' - 6"11' - 7 1/2"3' - 0"14' - 0 1/2"4' - 0"3' - 8"3' - 8 1/2"9' - 8"KITCHEN DINING LIVING PANTRY POWDER BEDROOM #2 LAUNDRY MASTER SUITE BEDROOM #1 MARK'S CLOSET JEFF'S CLOSETLANDING STAIR BATH MT JACKSON(Bald Spot)BEAVER CREEKGOLD DUST PEAK27' - 8"5' - 1"5' - 1" 13' - 7" 18' - 6"19' - 5 1/2"8' - 4"valve 5' - 0"MT JACKSON(Bald Spot)BEAVER CREEKGOLD DUST PEAKWORK ALCOVEhome management centerB E LLY A C H E R I D G E B E LLY A C H E R I D G E 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:55 PMA2.1MAIN LEVEL PLAN17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION 1/4" = 1'-0"1 A2.0 MAIN LEVEL True North Project North No.DescriptionDate B E L L Y A C H E R I D G E 10 A3.0 A3.1 A3.12 A3.0 1 1 2 2:12 3:122:12 2:12 8544' - 2" 8539' - 5 3/8" 8538' - 7 1/4" 8533' - 8 1/4" 8533' - 8 1/4" 8535' - 9 1/4" 8533' - 6 1/4" 8533' - 6 1/4" 8535' - 11 1/4" 8533' - 9 3/16"1' - 6"11' - 6"25' - 10" 16' - 0"25' - 0"15' - 6"4' - 0"3' - 6" 2"2' - 6"2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"2' - 0"1' - 6"10' - 7"13' - 9"8540' - 4 1/2" 8540' - 4 1/2" nat grade :8516'-0" ridge: bldg ht =24'-4 1/2"8518' 8508'8530'8528'8526'8524'8522'8514'8512' 8510'8520' 8506'8522'8518'8516'8514'8512'8510'8516' 8520' 8512'8512'8520'8514'8516'8518'8520'8514'8522'8524'8524'8528'8528'8516'8530' 8544' - 2" 8543' - 10" nat grade: 8518'-1" revised grade: 8511'-3" eave: bldg ht =32'-7" 8511' - 3" entry slab nat grade: 8506'-0" revised grade: 8508'-1" eave: bldg ht =27'-8 1/4" 8540' - 7 1/4" 8523' - 6" 8523' - 3" 8523' - 5 1/2" 8523' - 3" 8510' - 11" 8510' - 6 1/8" 8510' - 11" nat grade: 8519'-3" revised grade: 8512'-0" ridge: bldg ht =26'-7 1/4" nat grade: 8518'-9" revised grade: 8512'-3" ridge: bldg ht =27'-2 3/8" nat grade: 8525'-0" revised grade: 8518'-6" eave: bldg ht =15'-0 1/4"8524'8526'highest ridge8512'8508' nat grade: 8507'-11" revised grade: 8510'-6" eave: bldg ht =27'-10 3/4" nat grade: 8529'-0" revised grade: 8523'-4" eave: bldg ht =10'-2 1/4" 8523' - 4" nat grade: 8526'-2" revised grade: 8523'-6" eave: bldg ht =10'-3 3/16" nat grade: 8516'-4" revised grade: 8523'-6" ridge: bldg ht =24'-0 1/2"ridge8523' - 8 1/2"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:56 PMA2.2ROOF PLAN17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION 1/4" = 1'-0"1 A4.0 ROOF PLAN No.DescriptionDate A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8523' - 6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8511' - 6" METAL CORNER TO MATCH WINDOW CLADDING STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING ON FULL COVERAGE HIGH TEMP WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING OR SIPS PANELS ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOWS HORIZONTAL 8" SHIP-LAPPED SIDING ON AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER ON PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON INSULATED 2X6 WALL VERTICAL 8" SHIP-LAPPED SIDING ON AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER ON PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON INSULATED 2X6 WALL 8544' - 2" 8543' - 10" WOOD ACCENT TRIM 3"X3" REFER TO ELEVATION FOR WINDOWS WITH TRIM. TYPICAL IS TO HAVE NO TRIM AT WINDOWS 3" STONE BAND AT HEAD AND SILL STANDING SEAM SIDING (MATCH COLOR OF ROOF) ON STAIR (SOUTH WALL FACE OF STAIR WALL IS FURRED OUT TO ANGLE OUTWARD) DEEP SET WINDOWS ALUMINUM AND GLASS GARAGE DOORS WITH TRANSLUCENT GLASS PANELS STONE VENEER ON DRAINAGE MEDIUM ON THERMAL AND AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER ON SHEATHING ON INSULATED WOOD STUDS 3" STONE CAP HORIZONTIAL STEEL GUARD (3'-0 1/2" TALL, <4" BETWEEN PICKETS) STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING ON FULL COVERAGE HIGH TEMP WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING OF SIPS PANEL ON GLU-LAM ROOF BEAMS/RAFTERS PORTIONS OF THE ROOF MAY BE EVAULATED TO BE STRUCTURED WITH PRE-ENGINEERED WOOD TRUSSES. eSPECIALLY WHERE THERE ARE ATTIC SPACES ADDRESS NUMBERS (5") 8509' - 0" 8519' - 0" E X I S T I N G G R A D E 8525' - 0" E X I S T I N G G R A D E 2 :1 2 2:12 3:12A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8523' - 6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8511' - 6"2:123:12 PAINT FOUNDATION WALL TO MATCH PRIMARY COLOR OF STONE WALL STONE CLAD BASES OF DECK COLUMNS GAS METER LOCATION (AREA IS FREE FROM SNOW SHED) ELECTRIC METER CLOSET WITH PHONE AND CABLE LIGHT FIXTURE (DARK SKY) STANDING SEAM SIDING (MATCH COLOR OF ROOF) ON STAIR FORM (SOUTH WALL FACE OF STAIR WALL IS FURRED OUT TO ANGLE OUTWARD) 8540' - 4 1/2" 8544' - 2" 8539' - 5 3/8" 8538' - 7 1/4" 8517' - 8"8517' - 8" 8523' - 8 1/2"970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:15:59 PMA3.0ELEVATIONS17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION 1/4" = 1'-0"1 South Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"2 West Elevation 3 3D View 1 4 3D View 2 No.DescriptionDate A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8523' - 6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8511' - 6" ROOF CRICKET AT WALL JOG 2 :1 2 2:12 2 :1 2 8544' - 2" 8540' - 5"10' - 6"8510' - 3" 8513' - 0" 8516' - 0" 8516' - 6" 8523' - 0" 8527' - 6" 8528' - 0" EXISTING GRADE STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING ON FULL COVERAGE HIGH TEMP WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING OF SIPS PANEL ON GLU- LAM ROOF BEAMS/RAFTERS 3' - 0 1/2"LIGHT FIXTURE A2.0 MAIN LEVEL 8523' - 6" A1.0 LOWER LEVEL 8511' - 6"12' - 0"8544' - 2" 8540' - 7 1/4"8540' - 4 1/2" 8539' - 5 3/8" 8538' - 7 1/4" 8520' - 6" 8523' - 3"8523' - 6" 8525' - 0" 8528' - 3" 8526' - 0" 8527' - 6" 8516' - 6" E X I S T I N G G R A D E E X I S T I N G G R A D E E X I S T I N G G R A D E METAL CORNER TO MATCH WINDOW CLADDING STANDING SEAM METAL ROOFING ON FULL COVERAGE HIGH TEMP WATERPROOF MEMBRANE ON ROOF SHEATHING 2:122:12ALUMINUM CLAD WOOD WINDOWS HORIZONTAL 8" SHIP-LAPPED SIDING ON AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER ON PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON INSULATED 2X6 WALL VERTICAL 8" SHIP-LAPPED SIDING ON AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER ON PLYWOOD SHEATHING ON INSULATED 2X6 WALL 8' - 4"LIGHT FIXTURE 970.328.5151 OFFICEPO Box 1587, Eagle, CO 81631www.martinmanleyarchitects.comProject numberDateREVISIONSNOT FOR CONSTRUCTION3/6/2017 3:16:02 PMA3.1ELEVATIONS17015184 LONGSUN LANEPLANNING AND ZONING SET03-02-17CUSTOM HOME FOR MARK SINGLE & JEFF GROTONLOT 56, BLOCK 4, WILDRIDGE SUBDIVISION 1/4" = 1'-0"1 North Elevation 1/4" = 1'-0"2 East Elevation No.DescriptionDate Date: 03-06-2017 RE: 5184 Longsun P and Z submittal for review Planning and Zoning board and Planning staff, I have submitted that attached single family residence for review at the next Planning and Zoning meeting. The project is located at 5184 Longsun Lane. This new residence sets upon a large lot and has impressive views to the south and west. We have designed the house in a Mountain Modern Style with very simple roof forms. The house large windows to take advantage of the views, deck and terraces that are sheltered from the wind and elements. The house is tucked into the natural slope of the lot to allow for great connection of interior and exterior space and living. In addition to a Major development review, we will be asking for (2) AEC elements. 1) The roof forms are clad with standing seam metal roofing and kept at 2:12 pitch to reduce the overall height of the building and to create large sloping ceilings at the interior without getting too much volume within the spaces. This will help keep the home looking like it is set into the natural plain by having the major living room/dinging/kitchen roof form mimicking the slope. We are asking for approval of the lower roof slope as an AEC. 2) I have included a second landscape plan to review. The lot is very large, at 1.27 acres, and we have placed the house on roughly the middle of the site to provide privacy and to get the best views. The current site is treeless. We have created a drive that mostly follows the natural contours of the property. Due to the location of the house the landscape counts/units required by town code are quite high. Even by placing the landscaping in groves and grouping off the neighbors, it looked to be over-planted. Especially when compared to the natural sage filled field the lot is today. We would like to the landscape units required from 546 to 416.9. this will give a better setting for the house, make the development look more natural, and reduce the water needed for irrigation. Thank you, Jeffrey P Manley AIA Martin Manley Architects 970-328-1299 (direct) Exhibit C: AEC Request 1 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Agenda Tuesday, March 07, 2017 I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:00pm II. Roll Call Commissioners Howell and Clancy were absent, all other Commissioners were present. III. Additions & Amendments to the Agenda None. IV. Conflicts of Interest No conflicts of interest were disclosed. V. Minor Design & Development – 100 West Beaver Creek Boulevard - PUBLIC HEARING TABLED FROM FEBURARY 21, 2017 File: MNR16035 Legal Description: Lot A, Avon Center Subdivision Applicant: Chris Stryker Summary: Public Hearing on a proposal for a cell phone antenna and screening on top of Avon Center. Action: Commissioner Hardy motioned to approve the application with the following Findings and Conditions: Findings: 1) The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, and §7.16.090(f), Design Review. 2) The proposal represents an acceptable installation location of the antennas with minimal visual impact. Condition: The installed arrays will be painted to match the color of the walls behind the antennas. Commissioner Golembiewski seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. VI. Work Session – Comprehensive Plan Amendment Summary: Review the Comprehensive Plan in its entirety. Staff presented a clean copy for general comments on vision of the document. Action: PZC gave their comments and generally approved the vision of the Comprehensive Plan. VII. Approval of Record of Recommendation  Code Text Amendment – CTA17001 VIII. Approval of Meeting Minutes  February 21, 2017 Meeting Minutes Action: The meeting minutes were unanimously approved. 2 IX. Staff Updates  Beaver Creek Boulevard  New Town Hall  Tract G Planning X. Adjourn Approved this 21st Day of March, 2017 SIGNED: _______________________ Jim Clancy, Chairperson PZC Findings of Fact and Record of Decision: MNR16036 Page 1 of 1 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION DATE: March 8, 2017 TYPE OF APPLICATIONS: Minor Development Plan FILE NUMBERS: #MNR16035 PROPERTY LOCATION: Lot A, Avon Center Subdivision ADDRESS: 100 West Beaver Creek Boulevard APPLICANT: Chris Stryker OWNER: Avon Center These findings of fact and record of decision is made in accordance with the Avon Development Code (“Development Code”) §7.16.020(f): DECISION: Approved with a 5-0 vote. FINDINGS: 1. The proposed application was reviewed pursuant to §7.16.080(f), Development Plan, and §7.16.090(f), Design Review. 2. The proposal represents an acceptable installation location of the antennas with minimal visual impact. CONDITIONS: 1. The installed arrays will be painted to match the color of the walls behind the antennas. THESE FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECORD OF DECISION ARE HEREBY APPROVED: BY:______________________________________ DATE: ___________________ PZC Chairperson