PZC Packet 110502Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Site Tour November 5, 2002 12:00 PM Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road Meet in the Community Development Conference Room. SITE TOUR Posted on October 31, 2002 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main lobby . ()n tho Intornot nt httn•//XAAMA/ avnn nm Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Work Session November 5, 2002 5:30 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. AGENDA A. Discussion of regular meeting agenda items. Estimated Times for each agenda item are shown for informational purposes only, and subject to change without notice. Posted on October 31, 2002 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main lobby • (fin the IntPrnat At httn•//www avnn nrn � f> Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting November 5, 2002 6:00 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road AGENDA I. Call to Order (6:00pm) II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda Approval of the October 15, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes [Tab 1 ] VI. Sketch Plan (6:05pm-6:25pm) A. Lot B, Avon Center At Beaver Creek Subdivision 0130 Beaver Creek Blvd. Sketch Design Plan / PUD Applicant: Suites at Avon LLC [Tab 21 Posted on October 31, 2002 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main lobby • ()n tha IntarnP.t at httn•//www avnn nrn � C. VII. Other Business (6:25pm-6:35pm) A. Minor Projects 1. Lot 40, Block 3, Wildridge Subdivision 4540 Flat Point Revised stairwell entry Applicant: Mike Farr 2. Lot C, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision 0160 Beaver Creek Blvd. Revised detail for Phase 1 B Applicant: OZ Architects 3. Lots 38, 40, 41, Block 1, Benchmark At Beaver Creek Subdivision (Barrancas PUD) Staff update VIII. Adjourn (6:35pm) Posted on October 31, 2002 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Alpine Bank, main lobby • City Market, main lobby • (fin tha IntPrnPt at httn•//www avnn nrn c: Staff Report AVON �- SKETCH PLAN C O L O R A D O November 5, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date October 31, 2002 Project type Sketch Design Plan Legal description Lot B, Avon Center at Beaver Creels Subdivision Zoning PUD Address 0130 West Beaver Creek Boulevard Introduction The applicant, Suites at Avon LLC, is proposing a sketch design plan for the Lot B PUD. The project consists of 4 buildings (A, B, C and D) with building C being the focus of the project. Two buildings (A and B) are proposed alongside the pedestrian mall, and building D is an extension of the existing Avon Center. The building envelopes and the development standards both comply with the recent PUD approval (Ordinance 02-20). The buildings are contemporary in design, composed primarily of an EMS applied stucco with ornamental metal balconies and stone base. Roofing is proposed as a standing seam metal and the stucco features rustification joints primarily on the first two levels of each building. Buildings A and B feature canopies along the mall arcade, and Building C features a porte- cochere entryway. Design Review Considerations According to the Town of Avon Residential Commercial and Industrial Design Review Guidelines, Section 7, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Town of Avon Zoning Code. • Allowed use: The project complies with the development standards as approved at PUD. • Density: The project complies with the density maximums and minimums (Commercial) as approved in the PUD. • Lot Coverage: The proposed lot coverage is in compliance with the PUD approval. • Setbacks: The project complies with all setback requirements. • Easetnents: The project complies with all easements. • Building Height: The project complies with the height requirement. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot B, Avon Center At Beaver Creek Subdivision, Sketch Design Plan November 5, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 2 of 4 • Grading: Grading plans appear to be functional, however, several areas will require clarification at final design and are so noted as conditions on this approval. • Parking: Parking as proposed is consistent with the approved PUD development standards. • Snow Storage: The majority of snow storage will be trucked to an off-site location, per the PUD approval. • Landscaping: Landscaping will be provided at final design, however, preliminary plans appear functional. 2. The general conformance with Goals and Policies of the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan, and any sub -area plan which pertains. The project complies with all goals and policies of the Town, including the PUD approval. 3. Whether adequate development rights exist for the proposed improvements. The project complies with the approved development agreement and the PUD zoning development standards. 4. The sketch plan is in general compliance with all design requirements. • Site Development: o Site Design: The project complies with site design recommendations from the approved PUD as well as those found in the Town Center Plan. o Site Access: Site access is in compliance with the requirements. An access stairwell and associated enclosure is proposed near the entrance to the project and the detail of the enclosure should be specifically reviewed. o Parking and Loading: Parking and loading is in compliance with Town standards as well as the PUD. o Easements: The project complies with all easement requirements as proposed. o Site Grading: Site grading should not be an issue, however some drainage areas require further clarification at final design. o Drainage: Further clarification is requested regarding the drainage between Lot C and Lot B. o Snow Removal and Storage: Snow will be removed to an off-site location per the PUD approval. o Water, Sewer, and Trash Storage: Trash storage has been revised to be included in building A, however, further clarification on the storage entry is requested by final design. o Sidewalks: Sidewalk widths conforin to the PUD approval requirements. • Building Design: o Design Character: While the project matches in contemporary style to the adjacent Avon Center, several facades appear too linear and should require further clarification as to the extent of reveal treatment. Additionally, the window Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 rax (y(u) y4U-W4y Lot B, Avon Center At Beaver Creek Subdivision, Sketch Design Plan November 5, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 3 of 4 patterns could benefit from additional variety or division by the use of mullions on the elevations that do not feature balconies. o Building Height: Building Height complies with the PUD approval, however further detail is requested for the elevator enclosure on Building C. o Building Materials and Colors: There is little variety in materials proposed, with all buildings primarily composed of stucco. Though the building should relate architecturally to the existing Avon Center, there may be an opportunity to add to the materials utilized on several elevations. o Exterior Walls, Roofs, and Architectural Interest: Roof pitch on all buildings except Building B is proposed at 4:12. Staff believes both Buildings A and B should feature a 6:12 pitch. The roof elevations have been revised to incorporate an 18 -inch minimum overhang on all buildings. Further fenestration of several exterior walls may be appropriate. The incorporation of another material on several of the buildings is recommended. o Lighting: Further detail on the `globe' lighting proposed is required at final design. Landscaping: A preliminary landscaping plan has been submitted with this proposal, and will require further detail at final design regarding minimum planting numbers, landscape lighting, and irrigation. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the Sketch Design Plan for Lot B, Avon Center at Beaver Creek Subdivision, with the following conditions: 1. Access corridor and building locations between Buildings B and C need to match all civil site and civil grading plans. It appears that the building encroaches into the corridor on the civil grading plan. This must be clarified before the file is scheduled for final design. 2. Stairs adjacent to Building C do not match between civil and architectural plans. This must be clarified before the file is scheduled for final design. Additionally, railing details for the parking garage ramp should be clarified. 3. Drainage on Lot C needs to be addressed if Lot B develops prior to Lot C phase 113 or 1 C. A phasing plan may be necessary to address this issue at the time of building permit issuance. 4. All easements and setbacks must be indicated on the civil site plans (including grading and drainage plans), labeled and dimensioned. Additionally, the area of the garage `knock -out' wall must be indicated on all civil plans. 5. Grading on the mall (contour 7449) needs to be addressed and clarified. 6. The Lot C plans approved for the Office Building Permit (October 11, 2002) need to be indicated on the site plans. The proposed grading on Lot B needs to correspond to the proposed grading for Lot C. Additionally, the elevations for all manholes need to be called out on the civil plans. 7. Clarify the extent and physical detail of all reveals, railings, and lighting fixtures at final design. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot B, Avon Center At Beaver Creek Subdivision, Sketch Design Plan November 5, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Page 4 of 4 8. Except as otherwise modified by this permit approval, all material representations made by the applicant or applicant representative(s) in this application and in public hearing(s) shall be adhered to and considered binding conditions of approval. If you have any questions regarding this project or any planning matter, please call me at 748-4030, or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Tambt atieb,AICP Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 AVON C O L O R A D O October 21, 2002 Pat Nook PWN Architects and Planners 9250 E. Costilla Ave. Suite 400 Greenwood Village, CO 80112-3647 VIA FACSIMILE: 303.649.9870 RE: LOT B SKETCH DESIGN PLAN APPLICATION Pat: The following are Staffs review comments on the above referenced application for the Lot B sketch plan. We are anticipating scheduling this file for the November 5, 2002 Planning & Zoning Commission hearing. Planning Comments: 1. Provide detail of arched windows on all buildings. 2. Provide detail for new Porte-Cochere, including clearance. 3. Provide detail of proposed stair entrance to parking garages. Also, how will this feature be enclosed? Additionally, the landscaping plan does not match the stairwell detail. 4. Surveys are required to be no less than 3 years old for design review submittal. The survey submitted is outdated (11/25/97) and will not be accepted. 5. Provide detail and clarify the use of the circular elements along the decks. How do these fixtures relate to the rest of the project? Are these proposed as lights? 6. Clarify the fascia detail of all buildings. 7. The fenestration of the windows and balconies appears very linear. Is there any opportunity to break up this linear appearance? 8. Clarify the details of the elevator enclosure on all elevations for Building C. 9. Clarify the parapet wall on Level 1 of Building C, as viewed on the south elevation. 10. How are rooftop mechanical vents and equipment concealed? How are B -vents accommodated in this design? 11. The blank facade of Building C should be further articulated to be supportable by staff. 12. The stone base of Building C does not carry through all elevations of the project. Please,clarify the use and intent. 13. Provide clarification of window detail/canopy detail on the south elevation of Post Office Box 975 Building A, as well as the south and southwest elevation of Building B. 400 Benchmark Road 14. Clarify the two archways without railing on Building B. Avoi7, Colorado 81620 970-748-4000 970-949-9139 Fax 970-845-7708 TTY Lot B Sketch Plan Conunents October 21, 2002 Page 2 of 2 Engineering Comments: 1. Access corridor and building location between Buildings B and C need to match between all civil site and civil grading plans. It appears that the building encroaches into the corridor on the civil grading plan. Please clarify. 2. Stairs adjacent to Building C do not match between civil and architectural Plans. 3. All easements and setbacks must be indicated on civil site plans (including grading and drainage plans), labeled and dimensioned. 4. Grading on the mall (contour 7449) needs to be addressed and clarified. 5. The Lot C plans approved for the Office Building Permit (October 11, 2002) need to be indicated on the site plans. The proposed grading on Lot B needs to correspond to the proposed grading for Lot C. Any revisions or new material submissions for this application should be submitted no later than Friday October 25, 2002 for review at the November 5, 2002 hearing. Reduced sets must be submitted no later than October 29, 2002 for the same hearing date. Pat, if you have any questions regarding these comments please do not hesitate to contact me at 970.748.4002. Kind Regards, Tarnbi Katieb, AICP Community Development CC: Anne Martens, Engineering File S-DR2002-16 F (Design ReviewW von Center @ 80Lot B ACBC sketch plan 1002.doc 'WN Architects and Planners, Inc. 9250 E. Costilla Ave., Suite 440, Greenwood Village, Colorado 80112 (303) 649-9880 Fox (303) 649-9870 email: pwnarct@pwnarchitects.com September 3, 2002 Mr. Tambi Katieb Town of Avon Planning Community Development Post Office Box 974 400 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: Response to Staff Comments Lot B Sketch Plan Preliminary Submittal Dear Tambi: J 2002 Community Development We have revised the Sketch Plans per planning staff comments sent to us on October 12, 2002. The revisions are listed below: Planning comments 1. There are only arched windows on building 'B' in two locations. We have refined these on the attached drawings. The arches on building 'C' are openings at face of the balcony. 2. We have provided an additional drawing that describes the intent for the Porte Cochere. 3. We have provided additional drawings showing a section through the exterior stair to the parking garage. I is a covered area with open sides. The detail is similar to the porte cochere. 4. We have included a copy of the survey, which we meant to issue with previous set dated 08.13.02. 5. The circular elements at the third level decks of building 'C' are intended to be architectural globe lights. 6. We have revised the elevations to show an 18" overhang minimum. 7. We will need further clarification on the question about the "linear appearance' of the window fenestration. 8. We have included a drawing on sheet A3.04 showing the section through the Elevator Equipment Room. 9. The "parapet wall" of building 'C' is meant to be a metal guardrail at the pool deck. The drawings have been revised accordingly. 10. There are no roof top HVAC units in this project. The entire project will be heated and cooled by a central plant. The only flue will be the boiler flue, which will penetrate the roof at the elevator core and be behind a parapet. There are no fireplaces proposed in the units. 11. We have added windows to the stairs and changed some of the massing on the northwest elevation to make it more interesting. 12. We have revised the elevations to include a stone base throughout the project. This will tie together with attached stone covered planters in locations shown on landscape plan. 13. The canopies at the Mall side of buildings 'A' and 'B' are intended to be metal covered awnings with open sides and articulated supports. 14. The archways are simply recessed reveals with no balconies. Engineering comments will be answered under separate letter from Inter -mountain Engineers. Please note that we have eliminated the trash enclosure and have included a trash room in building W. This gives us more room for landscaping. We appreciate your assistance and are hopeful that your concerns have been addressed. We look forward to working with you in the final design process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ack Armitage G c 10/18/2002 17:15 FAX 3038619230 OZ ARCHITECTURE 4 002 0 Z A R C H I T E C T U R E I, October 18, 2002 Rut]► Berne Dirt cto - of Community Development ; Torn n o EAvon 400 Benchmark Road P.O Bc x 975 Avo 1, (:O 81620 Refi rence: Sheraton Mountain Vista 1-B —Office Building Dear Ruth - Enc ose 1 is rhe entry canopy fascia detail revised per our today's conversations. Please, advise if it complies witl• P8:Z commissioners' recommendations. We will include it in 100% CD, unless we hear otherwise iron 1 ya u_ Thank , /ou_ lip Al a ksa ldr Sheykhet, Pro ect Manager Enc lo& 4: SKP.-169 dated 10.18.02 SKA-167 dated 10.10.02 CC Greg Barrows (SVO) John Lambert (SVO) Steve Eikanger (GEJ) Andy Sandoval (GEJ) Chris Shunm (OZ) i 158C Lincoln Street, Suiee 1200 Dem nr, C oloratlo 80203 phor a 30.1.861, 704 laa .R61.92i0 P:15'1085.00 5MV Place 113\Corrc9 andence\Latter\ToA%Borne 10-18-02-OPFZCF.C;anu .doc n 1 11 v e n o n 11 1 n r 11 ■ c 11 110 AA 1 7 c n 11 V T V 10/18/2002 17:15 FAX 3038619230 // OZ ARCHITECTURE If PTD. METAL FLAM/CMM y PTD. RW AMD TUMuaOE 10' PTD. METAL FU1b1MNG mt nmims CAULK FULLY AOME M 50 W EPOH ON 5)V TRM GAM FAW GYP. SHEATHMNG PSD. METAL FLAWNG 1/Y PER f00T Y THMX T&D 0 M 2 X 4 MOOD TRFM 1D YATM GWLAMM 4 X 10 MOOD TM TO YATT}M GIUM n HEAW T1MEM (OR MMAM) UCOLUMN 14ii4 GWLAY TdMS CANOPY FASCIA SECTION C)4E:,NTRY • r -e sh 4-165—GFrICEDwC m mom Fv, 0 A nonMTrnrnnr PROJ. 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Isii"I �N WILTE O AVON LLC3RAMP PROFILE �r�r. . w rr..i4umLOT B, AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CREEK�rr �r r rp p p TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO r �. -,.'7—i r'�"",� _ _ wr.er __ T)MC'1'CALF FOAO P.0 90%Y1B AVON,(D / 7441 .9 3 1 1 1 1 1 I I l \ 7441.9 \ \ PN 70 ]444.7 . 7 \ \ 7447.6 \ \ YrA 1+41. �\ P EM 7 PN 31 k r 1 33A7 ` PN . 7W&98 I 7451. 1 \ \ \ 7M153.G \ PN \ PN M. 4W ]45G.tt \ Isii"I �N WILTE O AVON LLC3RAMP PROFILE �r�r. . w rr..i4umLOT B, AVON CENTER AT BEAVER CREEK�rr �r r rp p p TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO r �. -,.'7—i r'�"",� _ _ wr.er __ T)MC'1'CALF FOAO P.0 90%Y1B AVON,(D cm ` r S s 'm4ca �r� mm r m 0 Hm'm�' j ■ /zmm m t \ ,,pu � Q1 \ a y \ \ o \ m, om p �mm m \ \ \\\ //\ 0 0 C c 4 $` $ r �W �m SUITES at AVON m r o Cn D deg a �r 4 LOT B� =� Z Z m Avon, Colorado e G:\Lba1LBA-SP-garshls.dwg, A1.01., 10/2a/2002 11:59:50 ANI, dlash COPYRIGHT d) -WN ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS. LTD. 2002 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado 1 ^ ip g D CA m Q N m C_ °n yay nu♦, • r tPt7� mMML%V ` 1 0 m — fDn -1 C 0X CD =r W O x 9 0 0 .Il to C V A p w ' ® m A .� '� q 4� 3 =0116v G N �o N ro 7 (0 6 N CCD 1p COPYRIGHT d) -WN ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS. LTD. 2002 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado 1 GALWLBA-SP-C-plan1.dwg, A2.01., 10/28/200212:55:31 PM, dlash SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado I W _ y u o E m 0 ■ V► 0 T A c ¢®m <J b y O0 A W a o o s. F z g G m 0 W 'S f� m N N C• '0 p 0 N CD n SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado I G:\Lba1LBA-SP-C-p1an2.dwg, A2.02.,10/28/2002 12:56:44 PM, dlash :CPYRX HTL`YWNARCHITECTS ANC PLANNERS. LTO. 20x2 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado 1 N N mP g o D — N 1� T /-1 CD N 0 0 n< m CD o s. $ > 4 y Nq a O m O N <p m N 10 '3 m N CD na :CPYRX HTL`YWNARCHITECTS ANC PLANNERS. LTO. 20x2 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado 1 G:\Lba\LBA-SP-C-p1an3.dwg, A2.03., 10/20/2002 01:02:17 PM, dlash a S H T i H -I H T O <7 07 y SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado a cn N ;A D Gx N CIO c�w-, CD A T O C ® my A l/ A s C7 n CD CD s. F tl N 0 A '0 m CD C7 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado a G:\Lba\LBA-SP-C-p1an4-7.dwg, A2.04_, 10f2a12002 01:03:21 PM, dlash "n m o n m .,o ic..r ��.�so�.nrc�rc.uo a�su.�coc�m oma SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado N ;P D CP N w T m Itv yy m L O N W CD lCl Q _ n �- Q F O O � D? 3 z C) SDCDM m ° N W `D ° N � �o a N cD C>b .,o ic..r ��.�so�.nrc�rc.uo a�su.�coc�m oma SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado G:1LWLBA-SP-C-plan-penl.dwg, A2.05110/28/2002 01:04:14 PM, Wash tire, 7 m O n m3. T I I I I I I I I l i I I i t SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado Tcn N ;D �2 D CA m2 N w C D N m p ,y W r�F L L J 0 W CD N mm m n C)� mi M n F 'N N Q 0 210 9 p m ® m 5 y y 3 A N N 0 z o nQ 0 CD m s. g x 3 v m o g to N A CD rA 3 6 N CD i> SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado G:1Lba\LBA-SP-G-p1an-roof.dwg, A2.06..10128/2002 01:05:46 PM, Wash SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado L a�® ^ V/ C/) C/ yiy y[Q(]f zv mQ m C�.� �c�pp Q O N F 0 0 m o t; C� � - F%J�^ c n l J H � x 0 2 0N = 0 m (v b ® y t0 W "c j c m m d g g 0 0 Fj W A N C• 3 10 0 '0 N CD SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado L a�® G:\Lba\LBA-Bldg A Plans.dwg, A2.07., 10!20/2002 01:11:04 PM, dlash a 4 Ll SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado N ;9 O 29 QT ^ A'{ ' N D ` C) y=17 9 F Q 0_ O 9 = L N + y O c n on m s. z m 3 0 o m = m �o � m N ro 0 N m nL g 5 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado 3:1Lba\LBA-B1dg A Plans.dwg, A2.08., 10/28/2002 01:16:35 PM, dlash SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado a o r,, L o ��z N H_ _ M O 0 -n C �o C y 3I T V -D ° D A N W 3. O� C m C= o g 3 S oar ® n, CD Ci •^• 9 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado a 3ALba\LBA-B1dg B Plans.dwg, A2.09., 10/28/2D0201:1BA1 PM, dlash :OPYRIGHT FAWN ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS, LTD. 2002 65 W M SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado WQ bso z py m y F s m % L 0% D W ZD N 1n n n 0 T Si o y m N,W SX o y o A 2 W o sC> n ON s. $ m �d p — 0 0 m m o n 5 a N CD C-"> 5 :OPYRIGHT FAWN ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS, LTD. 2002 65 W M SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado 3:1Lba1LBA-SP-C-e1evshls.dwg, A3.01.,10/28/2002 01:19:58 PM, dlash o@ roY cl Y 1. 0 m � � m I I I I I I I 21 t littititt SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado V J O mQ a� d w D u S ro n u x 0 O N p D m ■ mD A W o n< CD ® C 7 o n 0 0 N ry CD g SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado 3:\Lba\LBA-SP-C-elevshls.dwg, A3.02., 10/28/2002 01:23:28 PM, Wash 00 > 0> C p D �� c n 'gym CA m b2 �e w w�� O � 9 9 q� 4v �- CD $� ale '4 u. X Nm ism Ny ,pr 'gym CA m b2 �e w w�� O 9 9 ? �- CD ua f �s L p -� Q E Mr W p u m l7 n D A 'to" T >y i n 'D a m� m W C= 0 8 a < 2)m C °p N N a �- o a N cD C7 z g 5 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado ;ALba\LBA-SP-C-elevshls.dwg, A3.03, 10/26/2002 01:25:56 PM, dlash �� J a0 C m m m v N a m 0 0 z 0Ir N � m i m A n .m ❑ n9 � N y 00 m 9 ,vD 5$ C t'li ; O � Z C/)❑ D m 0 (n m � O Q O O i kv L 0 N O 0Ir N � m i m A n .m ❑ n9 � N y 00 m 9 ,vD 5$ C t'li ; O � Z :OPYRIGHT Q -WN ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS, LTD. 2002 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado C/)❑ D m 0 (n O Q O i kv L 0 K:1CD p m D 3 N ACD 41 n < m m e m s. 4 Q CD G 0 N N $ o � N cCD C7 F g 5 :OPYRIGHT Q -WN ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS, LTD. 2002 SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado ;:U.baU.BA-SP-C-elevshts.dwg, A3.04,10/2812002 01:27:35 PM, dlash om �r am a 0 m M a m a m �OPVRIGHTG"NARCHIT CTSANOPLANNhKb.Llu. — SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado E P �OPVRIGHTG"NARCHIT CTSANOPLANNhKb.Llu. — SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado E 0 Q� �N c � t 'rla p '�� IYm �" �� �� •ir �OPVRIGHTG"NARCHIT CTSANOPLANNhKb.Llu. — SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado E 0 m c � t p m a 0 0 a W cc-? c-> o m p [n:2 O 3 10, p di =o CD c�D a g� G IG N 0 N =3.r 0 5 a N !D n p g 5 �OPVRIGHTG"NARCHIT CTSANOPLANNhKb.Llu. — SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado ;ALba\LBA-Bldg A Elevatlons.dwg, A3.05,10/2812002 01:3328 PM, dlash FI. :OPVRIGHT OwN ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS, LTD. 2002 a V m N m 0 O y N ;Y 2U r < �J a I O a a o A (�D m a O N�Z N w l c - 0 •' 7" 9 F a y O $■ mb A N W o i on 1410 m =m a �. a g ® < 7 ro N coo N ro e N CSD n p g 5 :OPVRIGHT OwN ARCHITECTS AND PLANNERS, LTD. 2002 a V m N m 0 O y N O O igo r < �J a I Lel av arc 4 � v z c� D Z O ILI � I 2 y N m 0 O y pp -I �O °iO O O igo SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado s 3ALba1BA-B1dg B Elevatlans.dwg, A3.00, 10/28/2002 01:35:15 PM, dlash ri �y y� ' �p 'o0 o8 'f pm Ai m r m A SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado C/) V / 1� "0- O m Gn C_ ° CL 77 a W Ca r -h 0 m r_ 0 O p j A m m b 3 a" m m= M /'r/ ► < N N `r 0 m NCD n p 5 m r m A SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado G:ILBAVLBA-SP-Siteseclshts.dwg, A4.01., 1012812002 01:38:31 PM, dtash -!I N m n 0 z M� �r r BEAVER CREEK BLVD. - - —A SIDEWALK PROPERTY LINE 9 z m� y D r1 0 V ;u 4C3 ZF O (m=i8 z _ _ PROPERTY LINE _ — n n n n ca P CO c-" C/30 0 0 0 0 "' o cn A y y O N Z a c c c im a � L J 0 Cl CD C7 0N ■ ;C/) 3 y A �. 0 0 0 0 m CD IJ W oc'c m CD= c C C C C 4 Q o 0 CD 0 m c D r1 0 V ;u 4C3 ZF O (m=i8 z _ _ PROPERTY LINE _ — mm o� 0 X x y a 1 I+ II I o I Il II I � IY 1 z II m I y I+ z II I m Z c=i I Fn IY m y �l Itl c=i 1 It IY I I+ IY y I' II 1 Ir II y If II Y I� II y I! II y I+ II k I! tl I+ I I� ISDN `" I m j II m I'L- ----------- 1 I 1 m ' m= 0 z� I 0 0Z 1 I I I � 1 i 1 y 1 I I 1 1 y I 1 1 1 z o 1 °$ 1 � 1 � 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 00 1 ¢v I cz 1 z 1 m §m N m n -a 0 z a SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado a ;z a ca P CO c-" C/30 "' o cn A y y O N Z a a � L J 0 CD- g CD C7 0N ■ ;C/) 3 y A �. m CD IJ W oc'c m CD= c 4 Q o 0 CD 0 m c g tllllllli m e N N R r— o N CD C-7 F g ,3 ■ Y mm o� 0 X x y a 1 I+ II I o I Il II I � IY 1 z II m I y I+ z II I m Z c=i I Fn IY m y �l Itl c=i 1 It IY I I+ IY y I' II 1 Ir II y If II Y I� II y I! II y I+ II k I! tl I+ I I� ISDN `" I m j II m I'L- ----------- 1 I 1 m ' m= 0 z� I 0 0Z 1 I I I � 1 i 1 y 1 I I 1 1 y I 1 1 1 z o 1 °$ 1 � 1 � 1 1 1 1 I I I 1 00 1 ¢v I cz 1 z 1 m §m N m n -a 0 z a SUITES at AVON CENTER LOT B, AVON @ BEAVER CREEK SUBDIVISION Avon, Colorado d