PZC Packet 030601Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Site Tour March 6, 2001 12:00 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Site Tour - None Reminder: Please view the Lot C Mock Up Posted on March 2, 2001 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center • City Market, main lobby Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Work Session March 6, 2001 5:30 PM Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road I. Agenda Discussion of regular meeting agenda items. Posted on March 2, 2001 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center • City Market, main lobby Town of Avon Planning & Zoning Commission Regular Meeting March 6, 2001 Council Chambers Town of Avon Municipal Building 400 Benchmark Road Agenda I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Additions and Amendments to the Agenda IV. Conflicts of Interest V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of the February 20, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes [Tab 1] VI. Final Design A. Lot 2, Block 4, Wildridge [Tab 2] Project Type: Duplex Applicant: Tab Associates Owners: Bonidy/Rito Address: 5792 Wildridge Road East Posted on March 2, 2001 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center • City Market, main lobby VII. Extension of Final Design Approval 1. Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge [Tab 3] Type Project: Duplex Applicant/Owner: Burkhard Address: 4250 Wildridge Road West VIII. Other Business A. Staff Approvals: None B. Sign Permits: 1. Lot 22, Block 2, Chapel Square - B110 "Collectorati" C. Sign Code Amendment; Temporary Signs [Tab 4] IX. Adjourn Posted on March 2, 2001 at the following public places within the Town of Avon: • Avon Municipal Building, main lobby • Avon Recreation Center, main lobby • Avon / Beaver Creek Transportation Center • City Market, main lobby Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commissioners From: Eric Johnson, Planning Technician Date March 1, 2001 Re: Sign Code Amendment, Temporary Signs Summary: Recently, there have been opinions expressed regarding the Town's policy towards temporary signs (banners) being too strict. The current guideline for a temporary sign permit is one week, for one event, once a month. The fee for a temporary sign permit is $97.50. Many businesses are unwilling to pay the fee for only one week of additional signage. The following is the section of the Sign Code governing temporary signs. 15.28.080 M. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs are permitted, provided that: 1. One temporary sign, with a maximum area of thirty-five square feet, is allowed to remain in place for not more than one week for any one event. 2. Temporary signs may be displayed for only one event in any thirty -day period. 3. The sign administrator may issue a permit for a temporary sign meeting these criteria without Planning and Zoning Commission review. 4. Temporary signs not meeting these criteria may be approved by Planning and Zoning only upon a determination by the Planning and Zoning Commission that a variance should be granted pursuant to Section 15.28.090. Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Sign Code be amended to clarify the temporary signs section with regard to the following items: duration, frequency, and include temporary signs during the installation and approval process for permanent signs. If the Commission finds the following changes acceptable, Staff will present it to the Town Council so that it may be adopted into the Ordinance. Staff would like to amend the Sign Code as it pertains to temporary signs with the following sections. 15.28.080 M. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs are permitted, provided that: 1. A business may display one temporary sign per calendar year with a maximum area of thirty-five square feet. The temporary sign is allowed to remain in place for not more than thirty days. Sign Code Amendment, Temporary Signs memo March 1, 2001, Page 2 2. During the permitting and installation process for a business's permanent identification sign, a business may display one temporary sign with a maximum area equal to the business's permanent identification sign's allowable square footage. The temporary sign is allowed to remain in place for not more than thirty days. 3. The sign administrator may issue a permit for a temporary sign meeting these criteria without Planning and Zoning Commission review. 4. Temporary signs not meeting these criteria may be approved by Planning and Zoning only upon a determination by the Planning and Zoning Commission that a variance should be granted pursuant to Section 15.28.090. Town of Avon Final ort Design Staff Rep March 6, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date March 5, 2001 Project type Single Family Residence / Extension of Final Design Approval Legal description Lot 12, Block 4, Wildridge Zoning Single Family Address 5712 Wildridge Road East Introduction The applicant, Alice Leeds, is requesting an extension of this previously approved single-family design. The design guidelines allow an applicant to submit for a one-year extension of design approval, pending Planning and Zoning Commission approval. The current design will lapse on April 6, 2001. The project is a large single-family residence (3,774 square feet). Exterior materials consist primarily of beige stucco, stone base, dark green wood trim, and antique slate asphalt shingles. The original application was recommended for conditional approval by Staff, and subsequently approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. On April 6, 1999 the Planning and Zoning Commission approved the design submitted to staff with two conditions. The applicant is seeking a one-year extension of that approval at this time. Design Review Considerations According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 4.10, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. • Allowed use: Conforms to the allowed residential use. • Density: Single Family. • Lot Coverage: Conforms to lot coverage requirements. The building site is approximately 5.4% of the lot. • Setbacks: The design conforms to the setbacks. • Easements: There are no encroachments in the Drainage and Utility Easement. • Building Height: The height restriction for the lot is 35 feet and the proposed height is in compliance with the height restrictions. The applicant will be required to verify elevations at foundation and framing stages by a licensed surveyor. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57 Block 4, WR Final Design Review February 6, 2001, P&Z meeting Page 2 • Grading: Grading plans are acceptable. • Parking: The applicant is providing sufficient parking on site. • Snow Storage: Submitted plans comply with the Town requirements for snow storage. • Landscaping: The landscaping plan is acceptable. 2. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. The project is in conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. 3. The type and quality of materials of which the structure is to be constructed. The architectural style, massing and materials were acceptable as previously noted in the April 6, 1999 conditional approval. 4. The design of site grading and drainage to minimize impacts to adjacent sites, rights-of- way and easements. The grading plan is acceptable. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The overall architectural design and materials was acceptable and consistent with Town standards as previously noted in the April 6, 1999 conditional approval. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. The design of the project is was acceptable as previously noted in the April 6, 1999 conditional approval. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends a one-year extension of the Final Design approval for Lot 12, Block 4. All original conditions will remain as previously approved on April 6, 1999 as follows: 1. That a chimney cap or other means of screening the flue be provided with the building permit submittal. 2. That the missing materials and color information be provided with the building permit submittal. And furthermore, that the 12 -foot retaining wall immediately above the garage is approved based upon the findings that the wall is necessary due to the grading difficulties cased by the site's steepness and the wall's limited visibility from adjacent properties and the public roadway. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57 Block 4, WR Final Design Review February 6, 2001, P&Z meeting Page 3 If you have any questions regarding this project, please don't hesitate to call me at 748-4002 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Tambi Katieb, AICP Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Page 1 of 1 Tambi Katieb From: Alice Leeds [alice@vailmeetings.com] Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 10:19 AM To: tkatieb@avon.org Subject: Extension Thanks, Tambi, for your assistance with my request for a one year extension for a set of plans for a single family home at 5712 Wildridge Road East, Lot 12, Block 4. When the lot was purchased, these approved plans came with the lot and I was told the expiration date was Wednesday, 3/7/01. Please let me know if I can provide additional information. Regards, Alice Alice Leeds Convention Concepts, Inc. 970-845-8765 Fax: 970-845-8761 3/5/2001 Town of Avon Final ort Design Staff Rep March 6, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date Project type Legal description Zoning Address Introduction March 2, 2001 Duplex Residence Lot 2, Block 4, Wildridge Duplex 5792 Wildridge Road East The applicant is proposing a duplex residence located at 5792 Wildridge Road East. The project is a pueblo revival style home defined by its use of flat roofing with parapet walls, earth tone stucco use, rounded edges and projecting wooden beams (vigas). Deep blue colors are designed on doors and window sashes along with limited use of the same color tone on a low-pitched metal roof for the east half of the duplex. This duplex is approximately 7,855 total square feet in size: the west unit containing 3,968 square feet and the east unit 3,887 square feet. Lot coverage by the duplex is approximately eleven percent. Design Review Considerations According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 4.10, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. • Allowed use: Conforms to the allowed residential use. • Density: Duplex • Lot Coverage: Conforms to lot coverage requirements. • Setbacks: The home is maximizing the buildable portion of the lot coming quite close to rear and side setbacks. • Easements: There are no encroachments in the Drainage and Utility Easement. • Building Height: The height restriction for the lot is 35 feet and the proposed height is in compliance with the height restrictions. The applicant will be required to verify elevations at foundation and framing stages by a licensed surveyor. • Grading: Grading is proposed onto the adjacent property. Either the grading must be revised or a letter of authorization from the adjacent property owner submitted. • Parking: The applicant is providing sufficient parking on site. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57 Block 4, WR Final Design Review February 6, 2001, P&Z meeting Page 2 • Snow Storage: Submitted plans comply with the Town requirements for snow storage. • Landscaping: The landscaping plan is acceptable. 2. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. The project is in conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. 3. The type and quality of materials of which the structure is to be constructed. The architectural style, massing and materials work well with the site without creating a 'mirror image' duplex. 4. The design of site grading and drainage to minimize impacts to adjacent sites, rights-of- way and easements. Grading is proposed onto the adjacent property. Either the grading must be revised or a letter of authorization from the adjacent property owner submitted. The applicant is proposing a driveway entrance 24 feet wide; however, it is recommended that this width be reduced to 20 feet to more closely conform with common widths for single access drives. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. The project is compatible with the site. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The overall architectural design and materials work well within the neighborhood and are consistent with Town standards. However, the column detail on the south elevation, and particularly the east unit, must be clarified. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. The design of the project is consistent with previously approved residences within this area and conforms to the quality of materials and colors used on many of the already constructed residences. The blue metal roof is a small and secondary element that fits well with the architectural style of the overall project. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. This project is in conformance with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends Final Design approval for Lot 2, Block 4, Wildridge Subdivision with the conditions listed below to be submitted at the time of the building permit application. 1. The site plan must be revised to address the following items by building permit submittal: A. The west address sign (boulder) must be relocated out of the right-of-way. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57 Block 4, WR Final Design Review February 6, 2001, P&Z meeting Page 3 B. Column detail on the south elevation must be clarified. This includes both architectural style, finish color and material. C. The trees must be removed from the drainage easement at the entrance. D. The driveway width must be reduced from 24 feet to 20 feet. E. Drainage plans for the west side of the lot shall be revised to show no finished grading off of the property above the 8,574 elevation. F. Either a letter of approval for the off-site grading from the adjacent property owner on Lot 1. or a revised site plan showing all grading contained within the property boundary, must be submitted with the building permit application. If you have any questions regarding this project, please don't hesitate to call me at 748-4002 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Tambi Katieb, AICP Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Town of Avon Final ort Design staff Rep March 6, 2001 Planning & Zoning Commission meeting Report date March 2, 2001 Project type Duplex Residence / Extension of Final Design Approval Legal description Lot 21, Block 3, Wildridge Zoning Duplex Address 4250 Wildridge Road West Introduction The applicant, Erich Burkhard, is requesting an extension of this previously approved duplex. The design guidelines allow an applicant to submit for a one-year extension of design approval, pending Planning and Zoning Commission approval. The current design approval will lapse on April 20, 2001. The original application was recommended for conditional approval by Staff, tabled and denied by Planning and Zoning. The application was appealed to Town Council which remanded it back to Planning and Zoning. At all meetings, however, the discussion focused on the `incompatibility' of the design with the area, the large massing of the roofs, and the `randomness of the project' which appeared to create two separate single family units rather than a unified duplex. On April 20, 1999 the Planning and Zoning Commission approved a modified design with several conditions. The applicant is seeking a one-year extension of that approval at this time. Design Review Considerations According to the Commission's Procedures, Rules & Regulations, Section 4. 10, the Commission shall consider the following items in reviewing the design of this project: 1. The conformance with setbacks, massing, access, land use and other provisions of the Zoning Code. 9 Allowed use: Conforms to the allowed residential use. 0 Density: Duplex • Lot Coverage: Conforms to lot coverage requirements. • Setbacks: The duplex design conforms to the setbacks. • Easements: There are no encroachments in the Drainage and Utility Easement. • Building Height: The height restriction for the lot is 35 feet and the proposed height is in compliance with the height restrictions. The applicant will be required to verify elevations at foundation and framing stages by a licensed surveyor. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57 Block 4, WR Final Design Review February 6, 2001, P&Z meeting Page 2 • Grading: Grading plans are acceptable. • Parking: The applicant is providing sufficient parking on site. • Snow Storage: Submitted plans comply with the Town requirements for snow storage. • Landscaping: The landscaping plan is acceptable. 2. The conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. The project is in conformance with other applicable rules and regulations of the Town of Avon. 3. The type and quality of materials of which the structure is to be constructed. The architectural style, massing and materials were acceptable as previously noted in the April 20, 1999 conditional approval. 4. The design of site grading and drainage to minimize impacts to adjacent sites, rights-of- way and easements. The grading plan is acceptable. 5. The compatibility of proposed improvements with site topography, to minimize site disturbance, orient with slope, step building with slope, and minimize benching or other significant alteration of existing topography. 6. The appearance of proposed improvements as viewed from adjacent and neighboring properties and public ways, with respect to architectural style, massing, height, orientation to street, quality of materials, and colors. The overall architectural design and materials was acceptable and consistent with Town standards as previously noted in the April 20, 1999 conditional approval. 7. The objective that no improvement be so similar or dissimilar to others in the vicinity that monetary or aesthetic values will be impaired. The design of the project is was acceptable as previously noted in the April 20, 1999 conditional approval. 8. The general conformance of the proposed improvements with the adopted Goals, Policies and Programs for the Town of Avon. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends a one-year extension of the Final Design approval for Lot 21, Block 3. All original conditions will remain as previously approved on April 4, 1999 as follows: 1. Additional landscaping be added to the north and east of Unit 2 requiring Staff approval. 2. A base material of stone, stucco, or colored and textured concrete be added to the west elevation of Unit 1. All of the exposed concrete be textured and colored as the applicant submitted. 3. The large gable on the south elevation of Unit 1 is to provide a minimum overhang of 18 inches. 4. The large cut area above the driveway be revised to reduce the area of disturbance. Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 Lot 57 Block 4, WR Final Design Review February 6, 2001, P&Z meeting Page 3 5. The previously deleted Bow Tie elements that the applicant agreed to eliminate on the previous application stand as being omitted. If you have any questions regarding this project, please don't hesitate to call me at 748-4002 or stop by the Community Development Department. Respectfully submitted, Town of Avon Community Development (970) 748-4030 Fax (970) 949-5749 February 20, 2001 Zoning and Design Review Board Town of Avon P.O. Box 975 Avon, Colorado 81620 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board: ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD, RA ARCHITECT AND PLANNER 2110 GOODWIN LANE NORTH WALES, PA. 19454 215-542-8597 re:Wildridge, Lot 21, Block 3, Request - Extension of Approval I respectfully request your consideration and extension of your previous approval of design plans for the above referenced Lot. Your approval was granted at the Board meeting of April 20, 1999. Your consideration of this request is appreciated, and I hope you will be able reaffirm your approval at your next meeting. Thank you for your time and attention to this request, I am, RECEIVE -7'n f E B 2 6 2001 Community Devslup Beni N O CD Cl)Bonidy/Rito Duplex linji o ID� Lot 2 Block 4 Wildddge R z¢ �� �• a —a a � Avon, CO qe N i mill Bonidy/Rito Duplex8 -� Lot 2 Block 4 a 9 MHWildnd $ a Avon, CO add$ — n' ' f f I� _ 4�u• .......... ... 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Z IA ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD ARCHITECT & PLANNER 2110 GOODWIN LANE NORTH WALES, PA. 19454 p c mm m 0 0 V) DRAWING "TITLE DC7 ' > MOP05W -�� m= m Z m o 511 pI.AN 0 PROJECT Of 21. MOCK 3 IMl,nfzinG�, AVON, G0. 0 U s z oJ)o O zm� ;' r = 00M c O z Ln' o{�. o 0 . Z IA ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD ARCHITECT & PLANNER 2110 GOODWIN LANE NORTH WALES, PA. 19454 N MM 221 0 DRAWING TITLE PROJECT ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD > > > Xf 21 P�OCK 5 1 •ARCHITECT & PLANNER I z m �6 r rri P�AN FOR 2110 GOODWIN LANE z UNIf # I Wkl[96�, AVON, CO. NORTH WALES, PA. 19454 0 �z (n DRAWING TITLE PROJECT m m > L. V�� 2 Or 2i 6�Oc .. ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD 'o ARCHITECT & PLANNER F n 2110 GOODWIN LANE NORTH WALES. PA. 19454 z UNh' # I WII, 90196, AVON, CO, 0 9 Mal O O 75 szo z N Mi 0 0 cf) DRAWING TITLE PROJECT ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD D D y - D ���� 3 1.01' 2161,OCK 3 ARCHITECT & PLANNER r z ,— - m FOR PLAN .,, ,; ;.. . , ,.; ,. „_ : r:... : . :. �p �1 tt tt UNIf # I & # 2 I 2110 GOODWIN LANE NORTH WALES, PA. 19454 ��n�InG�, A1fON, CO, 0 E nl.or 0 0 DRAWING TITLE PROJECT Ln ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD rl D D DLC L LOO 21 MOCK 3 FLOOp PLAN ARCHITECT & PLANNER 2110 GOODWIN LANE UNIT Z NORTH WALES, PA. 19454 o WI 81122, AVON, CO. 0 0 (n DRAWING TITLE PROJECTrn 1.01' 21 C�I.00K 3 ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD ��V�� 5 mARCHITECT & PLANNER r m FVOR PLAN ` 2110 GOODWIN LANE b UNI' # 2 w11 M1126�, AVON, CO. NORTH WALES; PA. 19454 Z O rd, ro CA 0 r D DRAWING nnE + PROJECT ERICH RICHARD BURKHARDrn DZ > m 5 & 50M LOf 21 CLOCK 3 ARCHITECT & PLANNER G-) 2110 GOODWIN LANE v NORTH WALES, PA 19454 o WILnOM, AVON, CO, a; -1 lJ I C 0 o � DRAWING TITLE D D z D NOM & �A5rr o m CD m � � �l,�VA110N5 z 0 6�i1 PROJECT ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD, LOr 21 (LOCK 3 ARCHITECT & PLANNER 2110 GOODWIN LANE NORTH WALES, PA, 19454 WIWRII26�, AVON, CO. 11�lII1 \� � : Ii!�iI�I� •1 I C 0 o � DRAWING TITLE D D z D NOM & �A5rr o m CD m � � �l,�VA110N5 z 0 6�i1 PROJECT ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD, LOr 21 (LOCK 3 ARCHITECT & PLANNER 2110 GOODWIN LANE NORTH WALES, PA, 19454 WIWRII26�, AVON, CO. d DRAWING TITLE PROJECT v U' ERICH RICHARD BURKHARD > -1 2 > OPWLE VIEWS LOf21 POCK ARCHITECT & PLANNER r z � 2170 GOODWIN LANE NORTH WALES, PA. 19454 o WILI?026�, AVON, CO,