PZC Res. No. 2011-11 (2)TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 11-11 SERIES OF 2011 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE AVON RECREATIONAL TRAILS MASTER PLAN WHEREAS, the Town Council initiated an amendment to the text of the Aron Recreational Trails Master Plan ("Trails Plan") in accordance with Section 7.16.030, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Avon Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Avon held a public hearing on December 6, 2011 after posting notice of such hearing in accordance with the requirements of the Avon Municipal Code, and considered all comments provided before taking action to make a recommendation to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, it is the Planning and Zoning Commission's opinion that the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Town of Avon would be enhanced and promoted by the adoption of these amendments to the Trails Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the changes to the Trails Plan text and map comply with the criteria set forth in Section 7.16.030(c) of the Avon Development Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends that the Town Council of the Town of Avon approve the attached amendments ("Exhibit A to Resolution 11-11") to the Trails Plan, citing the following Findings of Fact: (1) The modifications to the Beaver Point Trial Plan and the addition of the connector trail through the Avon West Parcel, are appropriate and compatible with the surrounding community and provide an essential public benefit; (2) The public services, infrastructure and traffic demands are adequate to serve the Beaver Point Trail system and the connector trail; (3) The re -location of the parking lot, removal of the planned improvements, and addition of a paved path, will reduce the impacts of the parking lot on surrounding properties and will result in a better recreation opportunity for the community; (4) Strict adherence to the current plan would result in a situation neither intended nor in keeping with other key elements of the Beaver Point Trail plan; (5) The proposed plan amendment will promote the purposes stated in the Development Code; and, (6) The proposed plan amendment will promote the health, safety or welfare of the Avon Community and will be consistent with the general goals and policies of the Avon Comprehensive Plan. Conditions: 1. Parking area on Beaver Creek Point is not to exceed five (5) parking spaces. 2. Trailhead portal will be moved to the new parking lot when it is constructed. 3. Parking area on Beaver Creek Point will be generally across the street from Tract P (Town owner Open Space) and located to minimize impacts to the neighboring privately owned properties. ADOPTED THIS 6`h DAY OF DECEMBER, 2011 Signed: Attest: �VNV esV Chris Green, Chair Scott Prince, Secretary 2