PZC Res. No. 04-46TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 04-46 Series of 2004 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDED FINAL PLAT FOR THE VILLAGE (AT AVON) FILING 1, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc., the Surveyor of Record and Traer Creek - RP LLC, Traer Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado Department of Transportation and the Town of Avon, the owners of the applicable portion of The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 have filed an Amended Final Plat for The Village (at Avon) Filing 1, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado to cure errors on the recorded final plat in accordance with Section 16.24.060 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, Section 16.24.060 of the Avon Municipal Code states, "the town council may summarily grant permission to alter a final plat, by the filing of an amended plat, to cure errors caused by mistakes which do not materially alter the substance of the plat as represented to the Council." and WHEREAS, the Amended Final Plat includes the field measured bearings and distances for the exterior boundary of The Village (at Avon) Filing 1; and WHEREAS, the addition of the field measured bearings and distances to the exterior boundary of The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 does not materially alter the substance of The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 Final Plat as approved by Council Resolution No. 01-33; and WHEREAS, the Amended Final Plat does not alter any terms or conditions of the original Final Plat approval; and WHEREAS, the Amended Final Plat, The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 is in conformance with Title 16, Subdivisions, in the Avon Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that the Town hereby finds and determines that the Amended Final Plat for The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 is in general conformance with the Final Plat as approved by Town of Avon Resolution No. 01-33 and the Town of Avon hereby approves the same subject to completion of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS DAY OF NOVEMBER 2004. ��`tH OF AS ,v • lTOWN COOUNC L, AVON, C LORADO e� Albert D. Reynolds, yor ATTEST: In . R v 1 TOWN OF AVON RESOLUTION NO. 04-46 Series of 2004 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDED FINAL PLAT FOR THE VILLAGE (AT AVON) FILING 1, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO WHEREAS, Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc., the Surveyor of Record and Traer Creek - RP LLC, Traer Creek Metropolitan District, Colorado Department of Transportation and the Town of Avon, the owners of the applicable portion of The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 have filed an Amended Final Plat for The Village (at Avon) Filing 1, Town of Avon, Eagle County, Colorado to cure errors on the recorded final plat in accordance with Section 16.24.060 of the Avon Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, Section 16.24.060 of the Avon Municipal Code states, "the town council may summarily grant permission to alter a final plat, by the filing of an amended plat, to cure errors caused by mistakes which do not materially alter the substance of the plat as represented to the Council." and WHEREAS, the Amended Final Plat includes the field measured bearings and distances for the exterior boundary of The Village (at Avon) Filing 1; and WHEREAS, the addition of the field measured bearings and distances to the exterior boundary of The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 does not materially alter the substance of The. Village (at Avon) Filing 1 Final Plat as approved by Council Resolution No. 01-33; and WHEREAS, the Amended Final Plat does not alter any terms or conditions of the original Final Plat approval; and WHEREAS, the Amended Final Plat, The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 is in conformance with Title 16, Subdivisions, in the Avon Municipal Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF AVON, COLORADO, that the Town hereby finds and determines that the Amended Final Plat for The Village (at Avon) Filing I is in general conformance with the Final Plat as approved by Town of Avon Resolution No. 01-33 and the Town of Avon hereby approves the same subject to completion of technical corrections as identified by Town Staff. ADOPTED THIS cid DAY OF NOVEMBER 2004. 'A OF q`'qP TOWN C UN AVON, C LORADO '•. CJ r3 �. e Albert D. Reynolds, *yor AT ST: ' •+a-�1 cn. i n a na0 A PARCEL OF LAND LAND USE SUMMARY THE VILLAGE IN SEC. 12, T 5 S. R Parcel Date of Survey: June I thru June 29, 2001 Area Future Improvements on Lot I may be converted to tine - Use LOT I 111. 18 ACRES Var I as to I nc l udle those def i ned I n P. U. D. Gu I de LOT 2 2) 3.90 ACRES Regional Commercial as defamed In P.U.D. Guide as parcels K and L LOT 3 13.52 ACRES Regional Commercial as defined In P.U.D. Guide as parcels K and L LOT 4 9.67 ACRES Regional Commercial as defined In P.U.D. Guide as parcels K and L LOT 5 4.01 ACRES Town of Avon Public Works Facility LOT 6 6.77 ACRES Parkland as defined in P. U. D. Guide (PI -P6 Parkland) TRACT A 10.02 ACRES Roads, Trails/Sidewalks, Utilities and Drainage TRACT D 1.20 ACRES Roads, Trails/Sidewalks, Utilities and Drainage TRACT C 2.66 ACRES Roads, Trolls/Sidewalks, Utilities and Drainage TRACT D 2.13 ACRES Park I and as defined in P. U. D. Guide (Pl-P6 Park l and) TRACT E 2,00 ACRES Park l and as def i ned in P. U. D. Gu I de (P 1-P6 Park t and) TRACT F 5. 66 ACRES Parkland as defined In P. U. D. Guide (P1 -P6 Parkland) TRACT G 4.18 ACRES Roads, Trails/Sidewalks, Utilities and Drainage TOTAL 176.90 ACRES NOTES, Address TINAL PLAT (at AVON) FILING 1 82 W, AND SEC. 7 AND 8, T TOWN OF AVON EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO 0300-1000 East Drover Creek Boulevard 0101 Fawcett Road 0171 Yoder Avenue or 0104 Fawcett Road 0295 Yoder Avenue 0375 Yoder Avenue 500 Yoder Avenue 0100 Yoder Avenue 0235 Yoder Avenue 0551 Post Road 1) Date of Survey: June I thru June 29, 2001 7) Future Improvements on Lot I may be converted to tine - sharing units. 8) Per Flood Insurance Rate Maps F. I. R. M. Panel 241 of 500, 2) Mon mentation as shown hereon Community -Panel Number 080051 (3241 C, Mop Revised, January 25, 1983 and F. 1. R. M. Pone 1 243 of 500, Conrwin a ty Pane l for 3) Basis of Bearings Is a line connecting the existing 5/8' Number 080051 0243 C, Map Revisedr January 25, 1983 rebar with aluminum cap (LS 9337) on the northerly line of Eagle County, Colorado unincorporated area, The Village (at the platted parcel, marking the point of beginning of the Avon) Filing 1 falls within Zone C (Areas of minimal parcel description, and an existing 2 1/2' diameter U.S, flooding). General Land Office brass cap an a 1' diameter iron pipe 9) Tenporory/Permanent Roads marking the North 1/4 corner of Section 7, T5S, RB1W, 6th a) East Deaver Creek Boulevard and Chapel Place may be P.M. being N10'17'20'W (see drawing for location). located in temporary access easements but must be maintained to a level consistent with Town of Avon 4) All land depicted on this Plat is subject to the terns, street maintenance parameters. conditions, covenants, restrictions and easements defined b) No building permit will be Issued or development and described in the following documents recorded prior to authorized on Lot 1, Filing I until permanent rights -of - or contemporaneously with this Plat: way are established and appropriate development and a) Easements with Covenants and Restrictions affecting subdivision improvennet agreements guaranteeing construction of the permanent road improvements for East Land b) Declaration of Muster Design Review Covenants for Beaver Creek Boulevard and Chapel Place are approved by the Village (at Avon). the Town of Avon. c) Declaration of Covenants for The Village (at Avon) 10) Utilities and Stormweter Facilities Commercial Areas a) Service for all utilities must be provided to nil parcels 5) Notwithstanding anything contained on this Plat to the created In conjunction with any re -subdivision of Lot 1. contrary, except as set forth in Note 6 below, no road, b) Adequate on-site and off' -site stormwater facilities improvement, property or easement of any kind or nature must be provided as determined to be necessary through located on this Plat is dedicated to the Town of Avon or any the Lot I re-subdivislon process, prior to the Issuance other governmental entity. of any building permit on Lot 1. 6) Access within The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 is over limited access roads to be built on Tracts and easements granted to Truer Creek Metropolitan District pursuant to a Conveyance of Roadways, Parkland and Easements recorded contemporaneously with this Plat. P.O. BOX 1230 EDWARDS, CO. $1632 (970)949-1406 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Donnie Corcoran, do hereby certify that I an a Registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this Plat is a true, correct and complete Plot of 'The Village (at Avon) Filing 1 as told out, platted dedicated and shown hereon, that such Plat was rade from an accurate survey of sold property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets of said subdivision as the some are staked upon the ground In compliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. All monuments are set as required by the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Avon. pPapmumggpn i. In Itness whereof I have set my hari��,,,a�t* '� day of -----, A. D. , 2002. • ? �Pk ee l'.% OF No. 16827 5 S, R 81 W, 6TH CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION AND OWNERSHIP Know all men by these presents that Truer Creek LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company, being sole owner in fee simple of all that real property described as follows, A parcel of tend located In the E 1/2 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 82 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, the W 1/2 and the SE 1/4 of Section 7, Township 5 South, Range, 61 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, and the SV 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, all In Eagle County, Colorado, said parcel lying southerly of the Interstate Highway No. 70 right-of-way line, northerly of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Rai lrood right-of-way lint and easterly of Final Plat - Amendment Na 4 Benchmark at Deaver Creek, according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder in Book 274 at Page 701, said parcel being more particularly described as follows, Beginning at a point an the southerly right-of-way line of said Interstate Highway No. 70 whence the North 1/4 corner of said Section 7 beers N10.17'20'W 3308.72 feet; thence the following twelve courses along said southerly right -of -ray line: (1) 570'22' 43'E 431.20 feet; (2) S68'23' 13'E 333.90 feeti (3) S51' 44' 13' E 352. 60 feet; (4) S24' 13' 13' E 96. 20 feeti (5) 545.43' 43' E 203.80 feet; (6) S37. 16' 13' E 327.70 feet; (7) S32' 40' 43' E 164.70 feet; ( 8) S50. 10' 13'E 210. 60 feet; (9) S38' 45' 13' E 521.50 feet; (10) S69' 45' 43' E 670. 90 feet; (11) S80' 21' 43' E 654.70 feet; (12) 335.72 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 1734.90 feet, a central angle of 11'05'14', and a chord that bears S72'06'02'E 335.19 feet to the easterly line of sold SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 8; thence S00'O1'00'W 65.80 feet along said easterliy line to the southerly line of sold Section 8; thence N89'32' 28'W 529.28 feet along said southerly tine to the northerly right-of-way line of said Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad; thenct the following twelve courses along sold northerly right-of-way line, (1) 132.91 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 2033.48 feet, a central angle of 03'44'42', and a chord that bears N70'30'09'W 132.69 feet; (2) N68' 37' 48' W 527. 88 feet; (3) 231.12 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a redius of 5779. 70 feet, a cen ire; e..y.e of 32' 17' ca', a.w a _ chord that bears N69' 46' 32' W 231. 09 feet; (4) S00' 14' 31' E 21. 20 feet; (5) 1142.50 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, hovIng a radius of 5759.70 feet, a central angle of 11'21'55', and a chord that bears N76'32'02'W 1140.63 feeti (6) N82'13'00'W 1136.53 feet; (7) 548.06 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 1880.00 feet' a central angle of 16'42'10', and a chord that bears M73' 51' 55' W 546.11 feet; (8) NOD' 12'23W 22. 04 feet; (9) 28.04 feet along the arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 1860.00 feet, a central angle of 00' 51' 50' , and a chord that bears N64.47.55'W 28.04 feet; ( 10) M64.22' 00' W 2363. 48 feet; (11) 993.44 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 34427.50 feet, a central angle of 01'39'12', and a chord that bears N65'11'36'W 993.41 feet; (12) N66'01'Ie W 1260.13 feet to the easterly line of said Final Plat - Amendment No. 4 Benchmark at Deaver Creek; thence N1B'56'36'E 996.58 feet along said easterly line to said southerly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway Na 70; thence the following nine courses along said southerly right-of-way line, (1) 554.28' 43' E 232.86 feet; (2) 733.10 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, having o radius of 5950. 00 feet, a central angle of 07.03' 34', and a chord that pears S66'50'43'E 732.64 feet; (3) S68' 12' 43' E 794.70 feeti (4) S70' 22' 43' E 800. 00 feet; (5) S80' 18' 13' E 406.10 feet; (6) S70' 22' 43' E 1200. 00 feet; (7) 551.07' 13'E 105. 90 feet, (8) S70' 22' 43' E 300.00 feet, (9) S88' 23' 13' E 210. 30 feet to the point of beg inn Ing, containing 176.90 acres, more or less. has by these presents told out, platted and subdivided the some into Lots, Blocks and Tracts as shown hereon and designate the some as 'The Village (at Avon) Filing 1' Town of Avon, County of Eagle, State of Colorado and do further stoic that this subdivision shall be subject to the Easements with Covenants and Restrictions Affecting Lard, filed and recorded for this Subdivision in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado as Document Number 7-95060-t. Executed this day of -PIM -------- A. DD. , 2002. OWNER, Truer Creek LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company P. I1 Dox 640 Vail, Colorado 81 B _ gnus ndho n Mures STATE OF COLORADO) )ss COUNTY OF EAGLE ) c,ut�"" The foregoing Dedication was acknowledged before me this Zl'%_ day of _.k%ZJr ........ A. D. , 2002 by Magnus LInndheoIm as Manager of Truer Creek LLC, a Colorado Lin,+ -a n ..tint:+., r.,...,.,.... My comm I ss I on exp I res _A. k3S Witness my hand and seal. SUBORDINATION BY MORTGAGEE, P.M. Catellus Commercial Group, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, being the holder of a promissory note secured by a Deed of Trust, Assignment of Lenses and Rents and Security Agreement, doted June 1, 2000, and recorded June 2, 2000 as Reception No. 731311, and as the Secured Party on a Financing Statement recorded June 8, 2000 as Reception Mo. 731677, and First Amendment to Deed of Trust. Asslp+ent of Leases and Rents and Security Agreement doted January 8, 2002, and recorded March 19, 2002 as Reception No. 789508, said Deed of Trust, Assignment of Leases and Rents and Security Agreement, Financing Statement and First Amendment to Deed of Trust, Assignment of Leases and Rents and Security Agreement being recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, hereby consent to the subdivision of the lands set forth on this final plat of 'The Village (at Avon) Filing 1' and subordinates the liens represented by the aforesaid Deed of Trust, Assignment of Leases and Rents and Security Agreement, Financing Statement and First Amendment to Deed of Trust, Assignment of Leases and Rents and Security Agreement, to the dedications and restrictions as shown on this final plat and relative covenants, conditions and restrictions. MORTGAGEE, Catellus Commercial Group, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company 201 Mission Street Son Fr Isco, CA�g�05�j� Pr I nt e_:Ra► lc.• 1 T I t l e, STATE OF COUNTY OF )ss The foregoing Subordination by Mortgagee was aLknowledgled before me jjhIs 7_40�C do Y of lUc _ ------ A. D. , 2002 by as as ? llama 1115 _Yt<i?11tEM] __ of Cotel. (us Commerc i a D Group, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. My commission expires Witness my hand and seal. TOWN CERTIFICATE This Plat, uses, densities, standards and definitions are appruved by the Town Cou �I of the Ttnof Avon, County of Eagle, State of Co I orado th I s_day of______- A. D., 2002 for fi1Ing with the Clerk andRecorder eCounty of Eagle and for conveyance to the Town of Avthe public dedications shown hereon subject to the provision that approval In no way obligates the Town of Avon for financing or constructing of Improvements on lands, streets, or easements dedicated except as specifically agreed to by the Town Council and further that said approval shall in no way obligate the Town of Avon for maintenance of streets until construction of improvements thereon shall hove been completed to the satisfaction of the Town Council. Approval of this plat by the Town Is a consent only and Is not to be construed as an approval of the technic* I correctness of this plat or any documentation relating thereto. WITNES SEAL OF THE TOWN OF AVON / \ TOW N COUNCIL AF TK TOWN OFeAVON S E A L i Mayor `` Attest.-, ttest Town.Cl k TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CERTIFICATE Mgwi� C.�ell - does hereby certify that Stewart Title of Vail has examined the title to all lands shown upon this plat and that title to such lands Is vested in Truer Creek LLC, a Colorado Limited Liability Company, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, taxes and assessments except as followst --------------------------------- -----------------------+5 CERTIFICATE OF TAXES PAID 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes and assessments due and payable as of (,�j_,Q L_____ upon all parcels of red estate described on this plot are paid In full. Doted Lthis � _23-0- day of r' (------ A. D., 200L _ 9�Ste_ Treasurer of Eagle County CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATEAvs-/OU This Plat was filed for record In he Office of the Clerk and Recorder at 1110 o'clock 1).-M, A. �__ __ A. D. t 2002 and Is duly recorded der Recep on Number Q e,540 rM5c)&t Mud Gv, i.�auA uAMn n c �� SHEET 1 OF 5 JOB NO. 1862.03