PZC Res. No. 03-04 (2)TOWN OF AVON PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 03-04 SERIES OF 2003 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE AVON TOWN CENTER IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND THE EAST AVON ACCESS AND CIRCULATION PLAN TO AFFIRM THE NEED TO ENABLE A VIBRANT AND UNIQUE COMMERCIAL REGION WITHIN EAST AVON, TOWN OF AVON, EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO HEREAS, the Town of Avon recognized the potential for new development and redevelopment of an area of town known as the "Town Center" and developed basic concepts to guide development of this area in a phased approach, adopting the Town Center Plan in ?001: and HEREAS, the Town of Avon recognizes that the East Avon Commercial area is ripe for redevelopment and there exists a unique and compelling opportunity to better define the character and relationship of this area to the benefit of both the property owners and community; and WHEREAS, the Town of Avon recognized the necessity to develop a multimodal plan for access and circulation within the East Avon commercial area and surrounding, including the connectivity to the Town Center Mall on the west side of Avon Road, adopting the East Avon Access and Circulation Plan in 1999; and WHEREAS, the Town is moving forward with the initial implementation of the Town Center Plan improvements, which includes the realignment of Benchmark Road and the acquisition of a regional transit center on Lot 61 and the conversion of the pedestrian mall to both pedestrian and local traffic, as well as the following goals: • Begin creating a unique and vibrant shopping, entertainment, commercial and residential experience for the community that is easily visible and accessible from Avon Road. • Connect all commercial areas and improve mobility within the Town, in particular between the Town Center and East Avon Commercial Area; Recognize the importance of pedestrian and vehicular movement across Avon Road; • Encourage these concepts to be implemented through to the Village (at Avon); • Explore, develop, and implement opportunities for shared parking between the East Avon commercial area and the Town Center area. WHEREAS, the Town recognizes the importance of agreeing upon a vision, and seizing opportunities to achieve our goals as opportunities present themselves through the redevelopment requests of private sector proposals. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning and Zoning Commission hereby recommends to the Town Council that both the Avon Town Center Implementation Plan and the East Avon Access and Circulation Plan be formally amended to recognize the necessity for improvements to include the area of East Avon to maintain, reinforce, and create the community character and philosophy as set forth herein. ADOPTED THIS 18th DAY OF MARCH, 2003 Signed: Date: Chris Evans, Chair At t: Date: Michael McClinton, Secretary